Interpersonal Dynamics 1156600

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Week 2



Using Google (or other search engine) search on the term Free MBTI and take one of the light versions of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. Then search for Free Big Five and do the same for the Big Five model. Write a short paper providing your thoughts on the results of these two personality tests. Eg: Do the results reflect your own perception of yourself? It what ways do they defer

MBTI : MBTI Functions are based on mental (psychological) processes of taking in and evaluating information MBTI is suitable for self-discovery, identification of learning styles MBTI is made of stereotypes, Jungs typology digs deep into human psyche The MBTI is far more theoretical in nature, and more based on qualitative analysis. The MBTI categorizes individuals based on preference or type , but not the strength or degree of preference nor degree of aptitude it does not measure the amount of a personality trait In fact, the MBTI does not measure anything. MBTI is not capable of exploring or identifying individuality within the type code itself MBTI lies mostly within its statistical structure

BIG 5 MODEL : Big 5 is very simple to use and based entirely on on the surface behaviour. The 5 model is probably better, since it is more scientific, but I think 5 traits is too many to make them easy to identify Big5 is such an superficial system it works well with scientific systems that rely on statistics. The 5 factor model came out of heaps and heaps of data mining, it is effectively based on quantitative analysis. The BIG 5 MODEL can be used in both selection and development applications. The continuous trait-measurements, multi-dimensional properties, and predictive reporting


MY TEST RESULT IN MBTI SHOWS ENTJ ENTJ Extravert(33%) iNtuitive(50%) Thinking(1%) Judging(33%)

You have moderate preference of Extraversion over Introversion (33%) You have moderate preference of Intuition over Sensing (50%) You have marginal or no preference of Thinking over Feeling (1%) You have moderate preference of Judging over Perceiving (33%) Iam completely satisfied with this test because the questionare in the test it self represents my mental state in various situation how I reacts It provides a reference pint for the map of the way which I prefer to behave and think

BIG 5 TEST RESULTS My Big Five Personality Traits Percentile Score Extraversion 3.1 Openness 3.2 Neuroticism 3.7 Agreeableness 3.3 Conscientiousness 4.1 Trait Score

45 5 48 11 76 Percentil e


3. 1 Extraversion reflects how much you are oriented towards things outside yourself and derive satisfaction from interacting with other people. [more]


Conscientiousnes 4. 1 s Conscientiousness reflects how careful you are, both in respect to orginization and rules. [more] Neuroticism 3. 7 Neuroticism is the tendancy to experince negative emotions. [more] Agreeableness 3. 3 Agreeableness reflects how much you like and try please others. [more] Openness 3. 2 Openness reflects how much you seek out new experinces. [more]




i score a bit high on the scale of extroversion,compaing to mbit high on consciousness, very low on openness to experience, low on agreeableness and high on neuroticism. I had been expecting a same score on extroversion, but when I really considered it, I found that I personally get the most joy out of being with small groups of people but at the end I can say both test results are completyely different personally MBTI result is very close to my mind set where as Big 5 is far awy from reaility

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