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ENSC3003 Fluid Mechanics Assignment 3 Equations of Motion Dimensional Analysis Questions 4, 5, and 8 are to be submitted for Marking Assignment

t Due : 4:00 pm on Monday, April 15th, 2013; The assignment must be submitted to LMS in pdf form


Using the Navier-Stokes Equations (in Cartesian coordinates), derive the differential equation form of the basic equation of hydrostatics. You may attach a marked equation sheet showing the manner in which you simplified the Navier-Stokes Equations. Using the Navier-Stokes equations in Cylindrical coordinates, derive a general version of the Hagen-Poiseuille equation giving the Volume flow rate for laminar flow in a straight circular pipe that holds for a straight pipe aligned in the horizontal plane (ie at right angle to gravity). You may attach a marked equation sheet showing the manner in which you simplified the Navier-Stokes Equations. During the derivation of the Navier-Stokes Equation, it is initially shown that



Showing all working, demonstrate how the left hand side of the equation can be simplified to

Note This will hold regardless of whether the fluid is incompressible or compressible. So you may not assume the fluid is incompressible.


A high-viscosity oil is transported through a wide rectangular duct via pressure-driven flow, as illustrated below. The duct is aligned an angle above the horizontal, and is sufficiently broad that edge effects may be neglected in the x2 direction. The pressure at the upstream end of the duct (x1=0) is Po, and at the downstream end (x1=L) is PL. The flow may be regarded as laminar and isothermal, and the oil is a Newtonian liquid; the duct may be regarded as stationary. (a) Starting with the appropriate form of the Continuity Equation and Equations of Motion derive an equation for determining the x1 component of velocity at steady state. Be sure to identify all assumptions and boundary conditions. You may attach a marked equation sheet showing the manner in which you simplified the NavierStokes Equations. Derive an equation for the volume flow rate of oil through the duct at steady state under these conditions. Derive an expression for the shear stress T13 at the upper surface of the duct (x3 = B) at steady state.

(b) (c)


A centrifugal mixing device, as illustrated in the diagram below, is being developed to stir small quantities of blood for experimental procedures. The proposed device is confined within a cylinder 2 cm in diameter and 10 cm tall, and uses a stirrer 1 cm in diameter. The proposed operating speed for the stirrer is 20 rpm. Blood is very viscous, and significant surface vortex can develop. If this vortex becomes large enough to reach the stirrer, the delicate cells within the blood will be severely damaged by the extreme shear gradients arising. It is therefore proposed to build a large scale model using an alternative fluid in order to investigate the phenomenon. Due to material restrictions, it has been established that the model cylinder diameter (DCM) must be 10 cm. If the specific gravity of blood is 1.1, and the viscosity of blood at room temperature is 2.0 cP, determine (i) (ii) (iii) The other dimensions (height HM and stirrer diameter DSM) of the model The kinematic viscosity required of the model fluid (in m2/s) The speed (in rpm) of the stirrer in the model system




Vortexing" is a common problem in the design of tank outlets. As liquid is drawn into an outlet, a vortex will often form. If the tank level is low enough, or the flow rate high enough, the vortex may reach into the outlet pipe. This may result in air entrainment and/or NPSH problems, both of which may lead to inefficient operation of a downstream process. A group of engineers are interested in investigating this problem for water pumping systems. In particular, they would like to establish operating parameters (safe levels, safe flow rates, etc) for a tank of the design shown below. The real system uses water (=0.001 Pas, =1000 kg/m3), and gravity may be taken to be 9.81 m/s2 for both the real and model systems To accomplish this, they are considering building a model system in which the tank diameter is 1/10th the diameter of the real system. (a) Determine the dimensions of the model tank (tank diameter Dt, outlet diameter D0, tank height H and bellmouth radius R) if the model tank is to provide dynamically similar behaviour. It is sought to model the behaviour of the real system at a flow of 2200 litres per minute. For a model system yielding behaviour that is dynamically similar to that of the real tank, determine (i) The kinematic viscosity required in the model fluid (in m2/s) (ii) The volume flow rate in the model system (in litres/minute)
Dt = 20 m


H = 6.5 m

R = 300 mm

D0 = 600 mm


The drag force F exerted on an object in a flowing fluid is a function of; Far Field Flow Velocity Characteristic Length of Body Fluid Density Fluid Viscosity U L

Using the Buckingham Pi theorem, determine the important dimensionless groups that characterize this problem. 8 To model the performance of a centrifugal pump, it may be assumed that the pump power consumption ! is a function of: Volume flow rate through the pump The effective diameter of the Impeller The angular velocity of the impeller Fluid Density Fluid Viscosity Q D

Using the Buckingham Pi theorem, determine the dimensionless groups that can be used to develop equations to model the pump power consumption.

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