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Khazanah Global Scholarship Personal Statement Title: Why KhazanahNasional Scholarship is for you and how you can

contribute to the good governance practice and leadership development of Malaysia. By:NurHamnibintiSazali As the matter of fact, the one who holds the key to releasing this prestigious scholarship is privately yours to make. My main job here is to sell myself in the form of words hoping that any distinctive parts of me might impress your expectation. Of all the qualities that I have, let me begin with my first quality which is helpful. The motivational and inspiring books written by Carnegie and Napoleon Hill stated that if we wish to be successful, we have to help others to be successful. That is exactly what I have been doing for the past 2 years as I was chosen to be as the mentor to guide the weak students especially in History, Biology, Additional Mathematics and Chemistry. This strategy is a product of self-reflection about the old saying that claims that the best way to learn is to teach. That is exactly how a person improves himself or herself. Last but not least, helping others to meet the continuous expectation from the schools, ministry of education and society is a satisfaction that transcends words. The second quality that I posses is the ability to be consistent as long as academic performance is concerned. I believe that it is not difficult to get an A for a certain subject. However, it takes more than efforts to keep that A. It requires a person to remind himself or herself continuously not to be over excited or complacent on a small victory. Consistency also demands self-discipline and positive thinking. That person has to be able to turn his or her stubbornness into a solid determination because a person who is consistent is driven by clear goals which are supported by burning desire to aim higher. I have that quality in me because I always choose to be the change instead of forcing others to change. I choose to inspire rather than to instruct and to torture. I also believe that it is completely pointless to get excellent result if we fail to share our expertise with others. Truth to be told, who is not scared to face another phase of life, harder yet challenging for most students? Of course, I am not an exception. However, my previous consistency in my academic performance both in primary school and secondary school give me the strength and confidence to pursue greater achievement in the future. Being the top student for three years of my lower secondary level taught me to be humble, always helping others and to keep my effort going. In upper secondary level, I was the mentor for subjects; History, Biology, Additional Mathematics andChemistry. Sharing knowledge, discussing and helping others taught me about patience, tolerance and most importantly about teamwork. From the above experience stated, I believe I can do great in the next level of study thus will make you proud.

I believe that each of us is born to lead. Some may lead big organizations while some may lead small group of people. However, I do believe that before a person leads others, he or she must lead himself or herself first. That is the main reason why I joined the Islamic Student Council, PRS (Pembimbing Rakan Sebaya) and Student Council because I really want to improve my leadership skills. I know that one day that I will lead some departments and when I have a family in the future, I will use my leadership skills to inspire and lead my children. As the deputy head perfect, I learned how to deal with difficult students which help me to use my head and heart to the maximum to solve any issues. I also learned how to embrace criticism which helped me to understand that a leader has to deal with controllable and uncontrollable pressure all the time. That pressure really helped me to be patient, wise and mature. Furthermore, pressure also helps me to create the best decisions through continuous selfreflection and professional debate among the stakeholders.

During my school time, I involved in a few organizations that develop my leadership skills. Involved in Islamic Student Council and being the room leader when I was freshman had been a great chance to enhance my leadership skills. The importance of listening and the joy of helping others are the fruits of my weariness during my involvement in PRS (PembimbingRakanSebaya). Chosen as member of Student Council (MajlisPemimpinMurid) twice in my school, I have learnt to work efficiently in group. Being the right hand for the Head Prefect and handling a lot of events in my school somehow made me a stronger girl. Crisis and conflicts among us are common but how we managed to overcome those ordeals are the great things in being leaders. Considering pros and cons in making decision as well as time managing are best developed in me.Skills are never ending learning process and with the opportunity given, you will have a great woman leader in the future.

Out there, there are many others with great academic achievements and co-curriculum involvement but what you should know about me is that I have my burning desires in achieving my goals. As long as I have my goals, I will never give up. No one can tell the future, but history helps to create future. I have great history and I hope my future is greater. For me, receiving this scholarship means receiving a trust that I should completed with the best of me. This scholarship will benefit me a lot in many aspects, as well as mental, spiritual and self-development. Study in oversea especially in top universities in countries such as United States is the best chance in a life-time to grow as a person and learn a lot of things. I also believe that this is the best stage for me in developing my leadership and communication skills. The diversity of their citizenry and their culture are a lot to be learnt and benefited from. Planning to pursue my studies in Psychology, I will fully use the chance as I know it is a golden chance that nobody would let go.

The clearer the goal is, the clearer the path would be. Finishing Degree, I plan to do my Master and complete my PhD in my era of thirties. Then, planning to have my own firm or organization, I am looking forward to run an orphanage. A man who fails to plan is a man who plans to fail. Holding firmly to my goal, I will do whatever it takes to make dreams into reality. This is an advantage for people with dreams because they will never give up easily and that accounts me. Next is how can I contribute to the good governance and leadership development in the country. To contribute, I should know what government wants first. Quoted from the book Knowledge Culture And The Concept Of 1Malaysia-Building A Developed And Happy Nation by Wan Mohd Nor Wan Daud, Noble values (mutual respect, humility, moderation) and aspiration (high performance, precision, knowledge, integrity, perseverance, loyalty, wisdom and innovation) make up the rest of the branches, leaves and fruits of the 1Malaysia tree, while other values, such as love and affection, generosity and patience represent the rest of the fruits of the tree, as they also contribute to this concept; 1Malaysia. Changes start within oneself. First important step is to practice those noble values myself as psychologist later. Learning to understand people in psychology would help me in giving mutual respect to everybody and looking at society at bigger angle with mutuality. Realizing the importance of people roles in 1Malaysia concept, I believe psychologist should play the role to ensure the harmony of the country by providing counseling for example. Psychology has various branches including Health Psychology, Industrial Psychology, Family Psychology and Children Psychology. In each branch, psychologist helps to analyze people and it is ultimately aims to benefit society. Moreover, having a firm later, I am looking forward to inculcate and practice those qualities together with my colleagues and subordinates. These are a few simple ways I wish I could do to contribute to the good governance practice later. Meanwhile, in leadership development, my motto of leadership is leaders job is to bring the best out of their men. Speaking of running an orphanage later, I believe in those orphans there are diamonds that need encouragement and chance as well as good environment for them to shine brightly, despite their hapless destinies.My dream is to make them realize the existence of the diamonds in them and to offer them what they deserve. According to Bukhari al-Jauhari, the first condition for leadership is for the leader to have maturity-able to diffrentiate good and bad and the second is knowledgeable. Acquiring knowledge is a life time process and that is what leaders should do; to learn, despite their positions in any organisations. This is a substantial realisationfor the leaders and for me to be the learning leader.

Other than that, referring to John C. Maxwell idea of 360-degree leader- leaders should lead regardless their positions; a boss, of course, an employee or a friend. To make this concept of leaders a reality-practiced in Malaysia, both leaders and followers should cooperate; leaders to

listen and followers to voice out their opinions appropriately.Studying in psychology field later, I have faith that this will help me to bring changes to the leadership practice in Malaysia, starting with changing myself. In a nutshell, in my pursuit of greater achievement in the future, with the leadership skills and spiritual advantages, I hope this scholarship will help to unleash the potential in me and yet to give me chance to learn more. If I happened to have the chance, I will find as much experience, develop myself, grow as a stronger person and contribute to my religion, society and beloved country.

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