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Design of Decentralized Biased Dual Mode Controller for Load Frequency Control of an Interconnected Power System with AC/DC

Tie Lines
Department of EEE PSNA College of Engineering and Technology Dindigul, Tamil nadu, India
Abstract An efficient load frequency controller is important to maintain power flow and frequency within acceptable limits. This paper proposes an application of Dual-mode controller which is simple in structure and easy to implement for load frequency control of an interconnected thermal power system with AC/ DC tie lines considering area control error based on the tie line power deviation and frequency deviation. Optimum proportional integral controllers using the Integral Square Error (ISE) criterion has been obtained for a step load disturbance. Results reveals that the controller based on Dual mode always guarantees zero steady state. Settling time for tie line power and frequency deviation is found to be faster than the conventional proportional integral controller. Keywords- frequency control; gain control; AC DC conversion

Department of EEE PSNA College of Engineering and Technology Dindigul, Tamil nadu, India relation of these to each other, so as to maintain the scheduled system frequency and/or established interchange with other areas within pre-determined limits. A number of control strategies have been employed in the design of LFC in order to achieve better dynamic performance. A supplementary control was added to the fly wheel governor of the synchronous machine which was found to be insufficient, by means of a signal directly proportional to the frequency deviation plus its integral. This scheme is referred as the classical approach. With modern state-space approach, optimal control strategy using linear optimal control theory which is referred as the Optimal approach can be adopted. Many investigators have succeeded in achieving zero steady state, area control error using classical approach. Most of these however have not been very successful in minimizing overshoot, transient frequency deviation, tie line power deviation and settling time. An optimal controller that provides a better dynamic response has been introduced based on variable structure system [2], [9] (VSS). This requires the determination of switching vector which has more complex structure than the linear optimum controller, which can be optimized using Dual Mode Controller[1] (DMC). Computation of switching vector requires all the state variables are to be known on-line. Some variables con not be measurable directly. So a Dual Mode Controller (DMC) concept is applied which requires ACE and integral ACE. To be a line DMC enables the system to adopt proportional controller gain then the absolute value of ACE exceeds or equals a pre specified value and when the absolute value of ACE is less than the pre specified value the system adopts integral controller gain. During the past decade, there has been a tremendous growth of the HVDC transmission systems [3], [4], [8] because of its economic, environment and performance advantages over the other alternatives. The advantage of the HVDC is the dc power flow on the lines is highly adjustable. Therefore power flow oscillations in an ac system due to



With the increase in electrical power demand, the capacity and complexity of the power system is also increasing. The power supplied to meet out the demand, in addition to uninterpolation, must also meet certain minimum requirements in regard to the quality like constant voltage, constant frequency and high reliability. This means that the power generation not only should meet the prevailing demand but also be economical and profitable to the utilities. Large scales power systems are normally composed of control areas or regions representing coherent groups of generators. The various areas are interconnected through tie-lines. The tie-lines are utilized for contractual energy exchange between areas and provide inter-area support in case of abnormal conditions. Mismatches in frequency and scheduled power interchanges between areas arise as area load changes and an abnormal condition like outages of generation occurs. These mismatches have to be corrected through supplementary control. Load frequency control [6], [7], [11] (LFC) of interconnected power system is defined as the regulation of power output of generators within a prescribed area, in response to change in system frequency, tie line loading, or the

978-1-4244-7398-4/10/$26.00 2010 IEEE


IPEC 2010

system disturbances can be effectively damped by controlling the dc power. It is conceivable therefore that in a vastly interconnected system there may be some DC tie lines or AC/DC parallel tie lines, which makes the system to have better damping effect than the other cases. The settling time and oscillations in an interconnected thermal power system with DC tie lines are less when compared to the interconnected thermal power system with AC tie lines. Therefore in this paper, the application of two area interconnected power system [10] with AC/DC tie lines is presented. II. DESIGN OF LFC INTERCONNECTED THERMAL POWER SYSTEM WITH AC/DC TIE LINES

that pure integral control is the dominated control in LFC problem. The dual mode control law can be applied for a two area interconnected power system as follows.
TABLE I SELECTION OF DUAL MODE CONTROL LAW FOR A TWO AREA INTERCONNECTED POWER SYSTEM Error(ACE) Large in both areas Large in area 1 Small in area 2 Control Flow u1= -Kp1[ACE1] for |ACE11 u2=- Kp2[ACE2] for |ACE22 u1= -Ki1[ACE1] for |ACE1| 1 u2=- Kp2[ACE2] for |ACE2| <2 u1=- Ki1[ACE1] for |ACE1| <1 u2=- Ki2[ACE2] for |ACE2| <2 u1= -Ki1[ACE1] for |ACE1| <1 u2=- Kp2[ACE2] for |ACE2| 2

A. Integral Square Error (ISE) Criterion The integral square error criterion is applied to optimize the controller settings performance index criterion.
J =

Small in both areas Small in area 1 Large in area 2


WX c dt


W = 1 0 0 2
J = (
0 2 2

= Ptie F

[Ptie] ) + ( [ F 1] )


where 1 and 2 are weighting factors for tie line power deviation and frequency error respectively. Based on the performance index criterion the optimum gain can be easily determined. B. Design of Dual Mode PI Controller An alternate formulation of the controller based on dual mode scheme which is significantly different than the one proposed in references. This scheme requires two variables ACE and integral of ACE on-line. When the absolute value of ACE exceeds a pre specified value than the proportional part of the controller becomes functional value otherwise integral part of the controller becomes functional. For a step input when the control law is employed with integral control then the system has no steady state error response. If the gain of the integrator is sufficiently high, overshoot will occur which is highly undesirable. Without the integral control, the gain of the closed loop is increased and the system response will improve, but will have a steady state value. So the designer compromises by providing the control a linear combination as, t (3)
u (t ) = K P e(t ) K i e(t )dt

The selection of 1 and 2 depends on, (i) Steady state error of the system with the proportional gain feedback and (ii) Nature of the response of ACE if found oscillatory then 1 and 2 should be selected with a small value to take care of the changes in load and effects due to the proportional gain. Application to a two area interconnected thermal power system with AC/DC tie lines are described in the following sections. C. Transfer Function model A small perturbation model of a equal area interconnected thermal power system with AC/DC tie lines which is shown in Figure.1 is considered for LFC. The transfer function model of the two area thermal power system with AC/DC tie lines and its nominal parameters are taken from the reference cited. It is assumed that LFC does not interact with the voltage control. D. Dynamic Model The continuous, linear, time invariant dynamic system is modified by the linear vector differential equations. (4) (5) Y = CX Where the system state vector can be written as X=[X1, X2]T and sub vector X1, and X2 are the thermal system state vector of area 1 and area 2 respectively. As the two areas are considered to be identical areas the state sub vectors can be written as, X 1 = X 2 = X i , i = 1,2
X = AX + BU + D
U = [Pc1

,Pc2 ]


e(t) = error signal. Kp, Ki = Proportional, integral gains respectively.

This compromise will not give a good response resulting

Where A,B,,X,U,D are System matrix, input distribution matrix, disturbance distribution matrix, state vector, control input vector, disturbance vector respectively.

D = [Pd 1, Pd 2]


1/R1 Pd1(s) Pc1(s) + -

1 1 + STg1


1 1 + STt1


K p1 +Pdc1(s) P (s) 1 + ST p1 ac1


K dc 1 + STdc
2T12 S
+ -

a12 Pc2(s) + -

a12 Pac2(s) + Pd2(s)

1 1 + STg 2

1 Xe2(s) 1 + STt 2

Pdc2(s) Pg2(s)

K p2 1 + ST p 2


Figure 1. Block Diagram of a two area interconnected thermal power system with AC/DC tie lines.

These real constant matrixes are obtained using the nominal parameter of the system. E. Design of LFC Controller Optimum gain setting for LFC controller for the two area interconnect thermal power system with AC/DC tie lines are obtained and they are given below. 1. Dual Mode Controller was found to be Kp = 0.5799 and Ki = 0.9999. 2. Conventional proportional integral controller was found to be Kp = 0.5799 and Ki = 0.23. F. Simulation and Results The controllers are implemented and the system responses are obtained for a step load change of 0.01 pu MW in area 1. The switching error limit is chosen for DMC is already discussed. The simulation studies and design are carried out using fourth order Runge Kutta Gill Technique. G. Observations and Discussions The simulation results are shown in Figure 2(a), 2(b) and 2(c). From the figures it is observed that the controller applied with DMC provides good transient and steady state responses. Based on the simulation results, a comparison study is made which is given in Table II.

The results obtained with the application of the DMC in the two area interconnected thermal power system with AC/DC tie lines are found to satisfy the control performance criteria developed by the North American Power System. Interconnection committee states that, 1. 2. 3. ACE must be equal to zero at least once in all ten seconds period. For the disturbance conditions, ACE must return to zero within ten minutes. Corrective measures must be forth coming within one minute following a disturbance.

Simulation results shows that with the DMC, the ACE approaches to zero quickly for 1% step load change in area 1. The transient responses obtained with the conventional P-I Controller and the controllers applied with DMC are compared and it is found that with the application of dual mode controller for lines meet the following requirements. 1. 2. 3. Frequency and tie line power deviation are zero at steady state. Stability of the system is maintained. Simple and effective and also easy to implement for the operation and control.


TABLE II COMPARISON OF SYSTEM PERFORMANCE WITH CONVENTIONAL AND DUAL MODE OPERATIONS System Studied Two area thermal power system with AC/DC tie lines Two area Thermal power system with AC/DC tie lines Area Disturbed Disturbance in Area 1 Control Scheme Conventional method F1 Hz -0.012 +0.001 F2 Hz -0.021 +0.00 Ptie,1 puMW -0.0085 +0.002 Settling Time, Sec >25 Sec

Figure 2. a) Frequency deviation in area 1 for 0.01 pu.MW step load change in area 1.

Disturbance in Area 1

Dual Mode Controll er

-0.0125 +0.002

-0.009 +0.0

-0.009 +0.0

11 Sec

Figure 2. b) Frequency deviation in area 2 for 0.01 pu.MW step load change in area 1.

H. Conclusion Due to economical and reliability reasons the neighboring power systems are interconnected to form a power pool. The net power flow on the tie lines, connecting a system to the internal system is frequently scheduled by on a priori contract basis. System disturbances caused by load fluctuations results in changes in tie-lines power and system frequency which give rise to a load frequency control problem. This paper deals an application of Dual Mode Controller for an interconnected two area thermal power systems. Simulation study reveals that the dual mode controller is improving both the transient and steady state responses and therefore is superior to the conventional controller. The application of Dual Mode Controller concept can be extended to more than two areas of interconnected power systems and also considering system non linearity such as Generation Rate Constraints and Governor Dead Band. III. APPENDIX Two area interconnected thermal systems with AC/DC tie lines System Parameters: R1 = R2 = 2.4Hz/pu.MW Tg1 = Tg2 = 0.08 Sec. Tt1 = Tt2 = 0.3 Sec. Kp1 = Kp2 = 120Hz/pu.MW Tp1 = Tp2 = 20 Sec. 1 = 2 = 0.425 pu.MW/Hz a12 = -1 2T12 = 0.545 pu.MW/Hz Kdc = 1.0 Tdc = 0.5 Sec.

Figure 2. c) Tie-line power deviation in area 1 for 0.01 pu.MW step load change in area 1.


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S.Selvakumaran was born in Dindigul, TamilNadu on December 21, 1977. He graduated from the PSNA College of Engineering and Technology, Madurai Kamaraj University.He post graduated from Annamalai University, Chidambaram, Tamilnadu in 2000. He is currently working towards the Ph.D. degree with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Anna University,Trichy. India. He is working as Assistant Professor at PSNA College of Engineering and Technology, Dindigul, Tamil nadu. His special fields of interest included Power System Control, Operation, Protection,Transmission and Distribution.

V. Rajasekaran was born in Madurai, Tamilnadu, India in 1971. He received his BE (Electrical and Electronics Engg) in 1994 and ME (Power Systems) in 1997 from Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, India. He received his Ph.D (Power Systems) in 2009 from Madurai Kamaraj University Madurai, India. He is a certified Energy auditor approved by Government of India. He has been with Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, PSNA College of Engineering, Dindigul, Tamilnadu, India since 1998. His fields of interest are Power System Planning and Analysis, Energy, Artificial Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic.


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