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Welding for Nation Building Experience


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AM - IIW Degree - Course Curriculam & Syllabi for Associate Membership (AMIIW) Examination

The Indian Institute of Welding

(A Member Society of The International Institute of Welding) MAYUR APARTMENT, Flat No. 4 B/ N, 3A, Dr. U. N. Brahmachari Street, Kolkata - 700 017, INDIA Phone: 91 33 2281 3208 | Telefax: 91 33 2287 1350 E-mail: | Website:

(w.e.f. December 2007) REVISED CURRICULUM & SYLLABI PART A PREPARATORY COURSE AME-1: Elementary Mathematics AME-2: Physics AME-3: Chemistry AME-4: General English AME-5: Applied Mechanics AME-6: Industrial Sociology PART B INTERMEDIATE COURSE AME-7: Strength of Materials AME-8: Electrical Engineering and Electronics AME-9: Material Science AME-10: Production Engineering AME-11: Engineering Drawing AME-12: Engineering Mathematics AME-13: Welding Metallurgy-I AME-14: Heat & Mass Transfer AME-15: Welding & Allied Processes-I PART C FINAL EXAMINATION Part I: Welding Engineering Course AME-16: Engineering Economics AME-17: Computation Methods and Computer Programming AME-18: Weldment Design & Weld Procedure AME-19: Testing and Quality Assurance Part II: Welding Technology Course AME-20: Welding Metallurgy II AME-21: Welding Applications AME-22: Welding & Allied Processes II AME-23: Welding Equipment & Consumables AME-24: Advanced Welding Technology PART D ELECTIVE PROJECT & VIVA VOCE I. Elective Project on an approved topic II. Viva Voce: shall be comprehensive and include the Project Work. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Marks Marks 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

Marks 100 100 100 100 100 100 Marks

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Vector Algebra:

Vectors and scalars, vector addition, resolution of vectors, scalar components, unit vectors, vector representation in three dimensions, scalar and vector product of two vectors.

Cramers rule.

Determinants; properties, solution of a system of linear equations by

Complex numbers:

Complex Numbers, De Moivers theorem, exponential values of sines and cosines, hyperbolic functions.

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Differential Calculus:
of one variable.

Differentiation and integration of hyperbolic functions. Rolles

theorem, mean Value theorem, Taylors and Maclaurins series. Maxima and Minima of function

Integral Calculus:

Properties of Definite Integrals. Fundamental theorem of integral calculus. Arc length and surface areas of plane curves. Volume and Surface Area of Solids of revolution. Centre of gravity.

Recommended Text Books:

Differential Calculus, Dhami H.S., 1998, New Age International (P) Ltd. Integral Calculus, Dhami H.S., 2001, New Age International (P) Ltd. Textbook of Engineering Mathematics, Debashis Datta, 2002, New Age International (P) Ltd.

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Geometrical Optics:

Lens aberrations; longitudinal chromatic aberration, lateral chromatic aberration, two lenses in contact, two lenses separated by a distance; Monochromatic aberration; spherical aberration, coma, oblique astigmatism, curvature and field of distortion.


Relation between phase and path difference; coherent sources; Youngs Double slit, Fresnels Biprism, Lloyds single mirror; position of Bright and Dark fringes, fringe width. Displacement of fringes; Newtons rings.


Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction, single slit and double slit diffraction, diffraction grating; introduction to reflection and transmission, resolution and Raleigh criterion, resolving power of grating.


Concepts, Brewesters law, double refraction, optic axis; Nicol prism. Laurents and Bi-quartzs polarimeter.

Fibre Optics: Basic principle and application of optical fibres. Introduction to Lasers: Stimulated absorption, spontaneous emission

and stimulated emission. Characteristics of Laser light. Einsteins A and B coefficients. Population inversion Ruby laser, helium-neon laser, argon ion laser, CO2 laser, semi conductor lasers.


Simple harmonic motion, free and damped vibration, analogy with electric circuits, forced vibration, Resonance; amplitude resonance and velocity resonance and energy intake, absorption of sound; Sabines formula (statement only), acoustic properties of buildings, production and application of ultrasonics.

Magnetism & Electricity:

Biot-Savart law; magnetic fields due to a long straight conductor, a narrow circular coil, on the axis of a solenoid. Magnetic circuits, magnetomotive force, reluctance. Alternative current; r.m.s. value, mean value of an a.c. current. Applications of a.c. to (i) a pure resistance, (ii) a pure inductance, (iii) a capacitor, (iv) an L-R circuit. Impedence triangle and power triangle. Application of a.c. to (i) a C-R circuit and (ii) an L-C-R circuit in series.

Recommended Text Books:

Engineering Physics, by Srivastava S.K., and Yadav R.A., New Age International (P) Ltd., Fourth Edition, 2006. Physics for Engineers, by Srinivasan M.R., New Age International (P) Ltd., 1996.

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Chemical Bonds: Types of chemical bonds; ionic, covalent, coordination bonds. Theory
of bonding in metals; free electron theory, valence bond theory, molecular orbital theory. Hydrogen bonding; intermolecular and intramolecular hydrogen bonding. Solid state chemistry; laws of crystallography, laws of constancy of interfacial angle, law of rationality of indices, Weiss and Miller indices, law of symmetry; plane of symmetry, axis of symmetry, centre of symmetry. Crystal lattice and unit cell. Examples of cubic, tetragonal, orthorhombic, monoclinic, triclinic, hexagonal and rhombohedral crystals. Body centered and face centred lattices.

Polymer Chemistry: Natural

and synthetic polymers, Organic and inorganic polymers, thermoplastic and thermosetting polymers, plastics, elastones, fibres and liquid resins. Addition and condensation polymers. Structure of polymers.

Chemical Kinetics: Corrosion:

from corrosion.

Reaction rate and rate laws, rate constant, order of a chemical reaction; zero, first and second order reaction. Types of corrosion, theories of corrosion, factors affecting corrosion, protection

Water Treatment: Types and degrees of hardness, softening of water; lime soda process,
treatment of boiler feed water.

Fuel and Combustion: Calorific value, determination of calorific value, analysis of coal. Environmental protection: Types and sources of air pollutants, pollution control
techniques. Smog formation, acid rain, depletion of ozone layer.

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Recommended Text Books:

Fundamentals of Engineering Chemistry, Singh S.K., New Age International (P) Ltd., Third Edition, 2005.

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Grammar. Usage, essays on current topics, prcis, letter and technical presentation and technical report writing. Selected pieces of prose and poetry from English literature.




Composition ad resolution of forces, equilibrium, Lamis theorem; Coplanar Non-concurrent forces, moment, Varignons theorem, couple, resultant of force systems. Reactions at supports of beams. Analysis of pinjointed plane frames; method of joints, method of section.


Laws of friction; angle of friction, angle of repose and cone of friction, simple applications to wedges, ropes.

Centroid and Moment of Inertia: Dynamics: Kinetics:

Determination of centroids of simple figures,theorems of moments of inertia, determination of moments of inertia of simple shapes. Kinematics; Linear motion with uniform velocity and uniform acceleration. Projectiles; inclined projections on level ground, projections on inclined plane, Relative velocity. DAlemberts principle, Impulse momentum, simple applications to motion of connected bodies.

Circular motion of rigid bodies: acceleration, motion on level ground, banking of

roads and super elevation of rails, designed speed, skidding and overturning on banked roads.

Recommended Text Books:

Engineering Mechanics, Bhavikatti S.S., and Rajasjekarappa K.G., New Age International (P) Ltd. Engineering Mechanics, Irving H. Sharnes, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., 1998.

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Basic concepts of sociological perspective. Society, groups and sub groups, group formation and dynamics. Stratification, status and role. Functionalist conflict and elitist perspectives on social stratification. Culture; elements of culture, cultural systems and sub-systems. Social changes in modern India. Impact of science and technology on culture and civilization. The post industrial society. Urban sociology and industrial sociology. Sociological problems of economic development and social change. Development; the role of state and the role of the market. Technology Transfer; Technology Assessment. Sociological perspectives on environment. Labour in India: Wage regulation; contract labour, women workers, bonded labour, child labour. Workers adjustment and maladjustment. Incentives and disincentives. Industrial Relations: Workers participation in management. Grievance redressal. Industrial disputes, trade unionism in India, arbitration.

Recommended Text Books:

Industrial Sociology; Dr. Kumar Narains series, Lakshmi Narain Agrawal, Agra. Industrial Sociology; Dr. Vatsyayan Sirth & enlarged Edition; Kedarnath Nath Ram Nath, Meerut & Delhi.

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Stress-strain diagram, Hookes law, Poissons ratio, principal stresses, Mohr circle in two dimensions. Thermal stresses. Flexure formulae, bending moment and shear force diagram of cantilever, simply supported and overhanging beams with concentrated, uniformly distributed and uniformly varying loads. Deflection in simply supported and cantilever beams; double integration method. Thin cylinder under internal pressure.

Recommended Text Books:

Elements of Strength of Materials Timoshenko. Strength of Materials G. H. Rhyder. Strength of Materials Basavarajaiah B.S., and Mahadevappa P.

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Applied Electricity and magnetism:

Electrical charge; potential, flux density, magnetic field; Direct current emf, Current and Ohms law; resistivity; Kirchhoffs law. Wheatstone bridge, potentiometer; Elements of Network Analysis; delta-star transformation. Magnetomotive force, magnetic reluctance, Ampere turns; hysterisis; self and mutual inductance, eddy currents. Alternating current; instantaneous, average and r.m.s. values; Vector representation; simple circuit calculations; response of resistance, inductance and capacitance to D.C. and A.C. voltage sources. Series and parallel resonance of LRC Circuits. Power factor.

Electrical Machines:

Elements of construction, operation and characteristics of D.C. and A.C. Generators and motors; starters. Transformers, Introduction to variable speed drives.

Electrical Measuring Instruments: Ammeter, Voltmeter, Wattmeter, energy meter,


Electronics: Semi Conductors: P and N type, P-N diodes, P-N-P and N-P-N transistors.
Diodes and transistor circuits; single phase, half wave and full wave rectifier, bridge rectifiers and filtering circuits. Transistor biasing and stabilisation. Transistor as an amplifier. Common emitter amplifier, the emitter follower. Feedback amplifier; positive and negative feedback. The operational amplifier (TC). Use of operators of amplifier as Invertor. Adder, integrator, differentiator. Push-Pull inverter circuits.

Recommended Text Books:

Electrical Engineering and Electronics, Theraja B.L., 1998, S. Chand & Co. Ltd. Basic Electronic Principles, Millman and Halkias

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Atomic structure and types of bonding between atoms: Bohrs

atomic model electronic configuration of atoms, periodic classification of elements. Binding energy; ionic bonds, covalent bonds, material properties having these bonds. Electro negativity. Metallic bond materials properties having this bond. Intermolecular forces.

Concepts of crystal geometry:

space lattice cubic, tetragonal, orthorhombic, rhombohedral, hexagonal, monoclinic and triclinic. Unit cell parameters to specify each crystal system. Crystal directions and planes, Miller indices.

Binding in solids: covalent, ionic, metallic and molecular bonding. Crystal symmetry and
structure. Crystalline imperfections. Point imperfections and line imperfections or dislocations, edge and screw dislocations, slip planes. Surface imperfections. Structure in silica and silicates; polymorphism in metals and ceramics; Amorphous materials glass and polymer.

Alloys: binary phase diagrams of important alloy systems, dendrite structure, lever rule, solid
solutions, eutectic, peritectic, eutectoid and peritectoid reactions. Intermetallic compounds, sigma & other phases.

Mechanical deformation of materials: elastic and anealstic; plastic deformation

and creep, slip and twin, dislocation theory, critical resolved sheer stress, deformation in polycrystalline material. Bauschinges effect and elastic after effect. Work hardening; recovery, recrystalisation and grain growth, preferred orientation.

Fracture in metals and alloys: ductile and brittle fracture, Griffiths theory, fracture
toughness, ductile-brittle transition, fatigue fracture. Mechanical testing of metals.

Ceramic Materials: the structure of silica and silicates, polymorphism, fracture in glass,
electrical properties of ceramic phases, refractories.


classification, degree of polymerization. Formability; addition polymerization, copolymerization, condensation polymerization. Molecular structure; linear, branched, cross linked polymers. Thermoplastic and thermosettling polymers. Structure-property correlation, crystallinity, mechanical properties, applications.

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General characteristics, dispersion / particulate strengthened composites,

fibre reinforced composites, fabrication.

Recommended Text Books:

Material Science, S. L. Kakani and Amit Kakani, First Edition, New Age International (P) Ltd. Principles of Engineering Metallurgy, L. Krishna Reddy, 1996, New Age International (P) Ltd. Material Science and Engineering, 7th Edition, by William D. Callister Jr., John Willey & Sons Inc (2006). Material Science and Engineering a First Course, by V. Raghavan, 4th Edition, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New delhi (2004)

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Foundry Practice:

Types of pattern and core boxes; metal flow in a mould; gating & risering; Casting processes; green and dry sand, other sand casting processes, metal mould casting processes, precision casting processes. Melting furnaces. Casting defects, inspection and rectification.

Forging Practice: Cold Working:

working presses.

Plastic flow of metals; open die, machine and drop forging; forging machines, hammers & presses. Blanking and piercing; elements of die design. Deep drawing; Cold

Metal Cutting:

Geometry of single point tools, chip formation, cutting force, tool life. Cutting fluids, speed feed, depth of cut and power requirements. Various machining operations; turning, milling, shaping, planing, screw thread and gear cutting, grinding. Machine tools.

Metrology: Line & end standards, comparators, measurement of flatness and surface finish,
measurement of screw threads and gears; limits & fits, limit gauging, elements of design of limit gauges.

Process and Production Planning and Control: Production planning, Gantt

Chart, inventory control; inventory policies, economic batch quantities; Method and Work Study, time study, systems of rating, time standards. Introduction to linear programming; scheduling, PERT and CPM.

Recommended Text Books:

Production Technology, Jain, R. A Text Book of Production Engineering, Pandey P.C., Singh C.K., and Balbir Singh

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Introduction to IS Code of drawing. Conics and Curves used in engineering practice:

hyperbola, cycloid, involute and helix.

ellipse, parabola,

Orthogonal projection:

First and third angle projection of points, lines, planes and solid objects cube, prism, pyramid, cylinder, cone and sphere.

Isometric, oblique and perspective projection: Section and auxiliary views.

Introduction to development and intersection of surfaces.

Machine elements: Conventional

limits, fits and finish.

representation. Assembly and working drawings with

Welding Symbols: Standard welding symbols used on drawings. Recommended Text Books:
Engineering Drawing, Bhatt N.D., Panchal V.M., 1998, Charbotar Publishing House. Machine Drawing, Bhatt N.D., Panchal V.M., Charbotar Publishing House.

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Addition and multiplication of matrices. Adjoint and inverse matrix. Matrix method of solution of a system of linear equations.

Functions of several variables:

Limit and continuity, partial derivatives, total differential, Jacobean and problems of two variables. Tangent planes and normals. Maxima, minima and saddle points; Lagrange multipliers, problems related to three variables.

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Integral Calculus: Double and triple Integrals; simple applications. Differential Equations: Review of Ordinary Differential Equations.

Linear and

non-linear first order equations. Second and higher order equations with constant coefficients. Method of variation of parameters. Euler-Cauchy equation. Fourier series. Partial differential equations. Solution of one dimensional wave and diffusion equations. Two dimensional LaPlace equation.

Infinite Series:

Convergence and divergence; Comparison test, DAlemberts ratio test, Cauchys root test and integral test. Alternating series; tests for convergence and divergence.

Recommended Text Books:

Textbook of Engineering Mathematics, Debashis Datta, 2002, New Age International (P) Ltd.

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Solidification of pure metals; micro and macro structure, elastic / plastic deformation, recrystallisation, work hardening. Equilibrium diagrams of common binary alloy systems; non, fully and partially mixable components, their construction and use. Fe-C diagram; diffusion; equilibrium and non-equilibrium transformation in Fe-C system. C-curves, solidification, undercooling, ingot structure and coring. Phase transformation in steel; pearlitic, Bainitic, martensitic reactions and related properties; hardenablity. Heat treatment of steels; austenitising, annealing, normalising, spherodising, stress relieving; T-T-T & C-C-T diagrams. Effect of micro-alloying elements on structure and mechanical properties of steels. Structure of welds; fusion, thermal field, heat distribution, heat input, peak temperature, cooling rate, solidification of weld pool, fusion line, HAZ, single and multi pass welding.

Recommended Text Books:

Welding Handbook, American Welding Society, Part I: Fundamentals of Welding Metallurgy of Welding J. L. Lancaster, Woodhead Publishing Ltd. (Website: Metals and their Weldability, Welding Handbook, Part-4, American Welding Society

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Steady state conduction (without heat generation) through a single and composite walls, steady radial flow through hollow cyllinder, critical thickness of insulation. Cooling by fins and fin performance. Unsteady heat flow in a semi infinite solid, long cylinder and sphere, dimensionless numbers, Heisler charts. Heat transfer in forced and free convection. Overall heat transfer coefficient. Dimensional analysis and dimensionless numbers. Natural convection. Heat exchangers, parallel flow and counter flow heat exchangers, log mean temperature difference. Heat transfer by radiation; law, radiation properties of gases, heat exchange by radiation between black and gray surfaces. Intrduction to mass transfer. Ficks law.

Recommended Text Books:

Heat and Mass Transfer by Nag P.K., Tata McGraw Hill & Co., Second Edition, 2007. Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer by Kothandaraman C.P., New Age International (P) Ltd., Third Edition, 2006.

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Metal joining processes used in welded fabrication. Classification of welded processes Fusion and solid phase. Oxy-gas and related welding processes oxy-gas combustion, different fuel gases, equipment, safety and applications, Gas cutting and flame hardening processes equipment and accessories. Soldering methods, equipment, applications area and quality standards. Inert gas shielded non-consumable arc welding (TIG) process principles, equipment and accessories, application area, quality standards.

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Manual Metal Arc (MMA) welding process principles, equipment and accessories, electrode type, arc characteristics, the main arc areas, arc stability, voltage distribution across the arc, heat generation at the cathode and anode. Polarity and arc characteristics in A.C. and D.C. and its control. Temperature distribution in the arc and effects. Influence of the magnetic fields on the arc. Magnetic defection problems. Transfer of metal modes dip, globular, spray, pulsed. Gas Shielded Metal Arc Welding (MIG/MAG) and Flux cored welding processes principles, metal transfer characteristics; dip, globular spray; power source, wire feeder, welding gun and accessories, application area and quality standards.

Recommended Text Books:

Welding Engineering and Technology R. S. Parmar, M/s. Khanna Publishers, 2-B Nath Market, Nai Sarak, Delhi 110006 A Textbook of Welding Technology O. P. Khanna Welding Handbook, American Welding Society, Section-II: Gas Arc and Resistance. The Science and Practice of Welding, Vol-1: Welding Science and Technology. The Science and Practice of Welding, Vol-2: The Practice of Welding: A. C. Davies, Cambridge University Press (Website: Messler R.W., Principles of Welding, John Wiley & Sons, 1999

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Consumer behaviour and demand: Concept

and definition of demand; types of demand; demand schedule, demand curve and demand function; Laws of demand, elasticity of demand price elasticity, income elasticity, cross elasticity; demand forecasting, methods of demand forecasting.

Production functions:

product function, period in production; total, average and marginal product, types of production function; laws of increasing, constant and diminishing returns, economies of scale.

Cost analysis:

opportunity cost, past and future cost, avoidable and unavoidable cost, replacement cost, historical cost, incremental and sunk cost, controllable cost, production and short run cost, relationship between various costs.

Break even analysis: limitations, formulae for break even analysis. Markets: classification on the basis of competition, perfect competition,

monopoly, bilateral monopoly, forms of price discrimination, imperfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, duopoly; determination of equilibrium price, price control, price support and minimum price fixation, pricing strategy.

Sources of finance:

financial accounts and management of finance; cost of capital, working capital management, capital market and money market.

Recommended Text Books:

Managerial Economics and Financial Analysis, Siddiqui S. A., and Siddiqui A.S., 2005, new Age International (P) Ltd.

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Basic components of a Computer System: Primary

processing unit, input and output devices.

and secondary memory,

Representation of numbers: Representation of numbers to various bases and their

conversion; representation of signed and unsigned integers in binary form, representation of floating point numbers.

Languages: Assembly language,

systems like DOS, WINDOWS, UNIX.

high level language, compiler and assembler. Operating set, identifiers and keywords, data types and sizes,

The C Language: The C character

variable names, declaration, statements.

Arithmetic, relational and logical operators, increment and decrement operators, assignment operators and expressions, bitwise operators. Precedence and order of evaluation. Input and output. Conditionals and branching. Iteration. Functions, recursion. One dimensional arrays, introduction to pointers, Multi dimensional arrays. Structures, Unions and files.

Writing Simple Programmes: Writing


programmes to solve simple problems using

Recommended Text Books:

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Programming in C, Balaguruswamy. The C Programming Language, Kernighan B.W., and Ritchie D.M.

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AME-18: WELDMENT DESIGN AND WELD PROCEDURE Welding Design: Structural elements, cables, bars, beams, plates, slabs, shells, columns.
Stresses and strains, normal stress, shear stress, hot spot stress, notch stress; axial strain, shear strain. Stress strain relationship; elastic and plastic deformation; Youngs modulus, shear modulus, transversal contraction coefficient. Welded joint design, types of joints, classification of groove shapes; welding symbols on drawings, symbols for groove shapes. Standard representation of welded, brazed and soldered joints. Behaviour of welded structures under different types of loading static strength, elevated temperature strength, low temperature strength, creep resistance, impact behaviour. Design for torsional loading. Design of welded joints for column base, plate girders, cylindrical shells and pressure vessels, pipelines. Design for flanged connections. Joint design for minimising fatigue failures. Control of distortion and shrinkage, residual stresses in welding.

Welding Procedure:

Welding Procedure; definition, significance, Welding Procedure Specification, Welding Procedure Qualification. Welder qualification, Welding Operator qualification. Weldign procedures for manual, semi-automatic and automatic welding by MMAW, TIG, MIG, SAW processes for materials such as carbon steel, cast iron, low alloy steels, stainless steel, aluminium. Introduction to ASME Section IX. Procedures for cutting by gas and plasma. Procedure for pre-heating and post weld heat treatment of weldments.

Recommended Text Books:

Welding Technology and Design V. M. Radhakrishnan, Revised Second Ed., New Age International Publishers. A Guide to Designing Welds J. G. Hicks, Woodhead Publishing Ltd. (Website:

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Mechanical testing; hardness test techniques; static tension testing stress and strain, toughness, deviation from elasticity, strain hardening, fracture. Dislocation and Plasticity, dislocation and strength, yield point phenomenon. Modulii of elasticity, anelasticity, visco-elasticity. Bauschinger effect. Impact toughness measurement techniques. Cyclic stress low and high cyclic fatigue, fatigue limit. Creep stress stress rupture. Fracture toughness measurement techniques Non-destructive testing; NDT methods; visual, dye penetrant, magnetic particle, eddy current, acoustic emission, radiographic, ultrasonic testing. Weld defects; identification, origin, classification. Statistical Quality Control; X and R charts, p and c charts; sampling plans, single and double sampling, O.C. curves. Quality assurance and quality control in welded fabrication; quality manual, quality plan, personnel and equipment. Documentation to national, regional and international standards.

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Alloy systems of industrial importance and their properties; structural and high strength steels, Cr-Mo steels, stainless steel, heat resisting steels and alloys, cryogenic steels. Cast irons; types, microstructure and properties. Titanium and its alloys; magnesium and its alloys; Cermets and hard facing alloys; Copper base and aluminium base alloys; nickel and its alloys. Absorption of gases by weld; O2, N2, H2 and their effects on weld properties. Gas metal and Slag metal reaction in relation to welding. Cracking in welds; mechanism of cracking in welded joints and the HAZ, the effect of variables on the incidence of cracking; effect of elements, heat input, bead shape, hot cracking, reheat cracking, cracking during heat treatment and multi-pass welding, lamellar tearing, tests for susceptibility of cracking. Effect of preheating, C.E. values, post weld heat treatment. Residual Stress; definition, effects on the welded fabrication; measurement and control of residual stress.

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Distortion in welding; transverse, longitudinal and angular. Factors responsible for distortion. Distortion control. Corrosion and oxidation of weldments; electro-chemistry of corrosion, redox potential, pickling and passivation, aeration, cathodic and anodic protection. Types of corrosion; intercrystelline, transcrystalline, knife-line attack, pitting, crevice and stress-corrosion. Protective coating oxidation mechanisms. Weldability; testing methods; weldability of different engineering alloys; C-Mn steels, stainless steels, creep resistant steels, cast irons, Ni based, Cu based and Al based alloys. Joining dissimilar metals; use of Schaeffler / De Long diagram, formation of intermetallic compound, carbon migration. Protective layers and cladding; processes for cladding, joining clad steels; corrosion resistance and wear resistance layers, surface coated and galvanised steels.

Recommended Text Books:

Metallurgy of Welding, J. F. Lancaster, Woodhead Publishing Ltd. (Website:

Metals and their Weldability, Welding Handbook, Part-4, American Welding Society.

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Application of welding in (a) Building Structures, (b) Bridges, (c) Pressure Vessels (fired and unfired), (d) Pipelines including Cross Country, (e) Chemicals and Petro-Chemical Plants, (f) Surfacing and hardfacing in Mining and Steel Plants, (g) Transportation marine, surface, and aerospace, (h) power generation plants; thermal, hydel, nuclear. The following aspects are to be covered in each application areas: (a) governing Codes & Specification (if any), (b) Base Material, (c) Design Considerations & Details, (d) Welding Process, Equipments and Consumables, (e) Workmanship Standards to be attained, (f) Inspection requirements, (g) Computation of welding costs and factors involved eg. deposition rate, cost of labour, consumables, equipment, return on investment, cost of energy, welders duty cycle.

Repair Welding:

Problems of repair and maintenance welding both for in-manufacture and in-service situations. Welding repair procedure specification. Welding repair plan. Welding repair procedure qualification. NDT of weld repair. Operator qualification to be applied to repair welds.

Fitness for purpose:

Principles for fitness for purpose. Effect of imperfection size, morphology and position on structural integrity. Typical methods of conducting an engineering critical assessment of a welded structure.

Recommended Text Books:

Welding Technology and Design, Revised 2nd Ed., V. M. Radhakrishnan; New Age International Publishers (Website:

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Submerged Arc Welding (SAW) Process: principles, equipment and accessories, application area, common problems and quality standards. Resistance Welding Processes: Spot, seam, projection, butt and flash welding processes. Temperature distribution. Effect of welding parameters, deformation, surface films, equipment and accessories, application area and quality standards. Alumino-thermit welding process principles, heat source, filler metal, equipment, application area and quality standards. Cutting and other edge preparation processes; arc cutting, carbon and metal arc, oxy-arc cutting; plasma and laser cutting; principles, equipment and application using air and gas mixtures. Brazing: fundamentals, MIG/MAG pulsed brazing, braze welding; applications and special problems.

Recommended Text Books:

Welding Engineering and Technology R. S. Parmar, M/s. Khanna Publishers, 2-B Nath Market, Nai Sarak, Delhi 110006. A Textbook of Welding Technology O. P. Khanna Welding Handbook, American Welding Society, Section-II: Gas Arc and Resistance. The Science and Practice of Welding, Vol-1: Welding Science and Technology. The Science and Practice of Welding, Vol-2: The Practice of Welding: A. C. Davies, Cambridge University Press (Website:

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Messler R.W., Principles of Welding, John Wiley & Sons, 1999.

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Welding Equipment Welding power sources and auxiliary equipment system for various welding processes such as MMAW, TIG, MIG & MAG, SAW. Selection criteria for welding power source and auxiliary requipment. Welding Automation including positioners & manipulators and robots etc. Metal cutting equipment flame & plasma; profile-following systems- magnetic, optical, NC. Welding Consumables Welding Consumables for various welding processes, e.g. (a) Gas Welding & Brazing, (b) Manual Metal Arc Welding, (c) Inert gas, (d) Shielded Tungsten Arc Welding (MIG & MAG), (e) Submerged Arc Welding, (f) Surfacing, Cladding and Hardfacing Purposes. Assessment of quality of welding consumables, e.g. Wire Products Solid, Flux Cored, Metal Spraying Powder Products, Wire-flux Combinations, Wire-gas Combinations, Flux-Coated Products Solid & Tubular. Introduction to relevant national and international standards. Selection criteria for welding consumables for (a) Welding Dissimilar Metals Processwise & Applicationwise, (b) Surfacing & Hardfacing Processwise & Applicationwise, (c) Aluminium Alloys Processwise & Applicationwise, (d) Welding of Constructional Steels Processwise & Applicationwise.

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Surfacing and Spraying: Fundamentals of cladding techniques; flame spraying, arc spraying, plasma spraying; surface preparation, spraying materials; structure of spray layer and substrate. Advanced Welding Processes: plasma, electron beam, laser, electro-slag, friction, friction stir, magnetic pulse, ultrasonic, explosive, diffusion, stud, and cold pressure welding processes; principles, equipment and accessories, wire and shielding media, application areas and quality standards. Advances in welding consumables and techniques in welding low weldable metals and high alloyed weld metals; Inconel, titanium alloys, Cr-Ni-Mn steels. Welding of polymers; hot plate, butt fusion, hot gas welding, extrusion welding, induction welding, resistance welding, implant welding, high frequency, friction, electro-fusion, ultrasonic and vibration welding, adhesive bonding. Joining processes for ceramics and composites. Computer application in welding technology; CAD, N.C. Machines, Robotics.

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