Importing Data Into MapInfo, Prior To Creating A Thematic Map

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Importing data into MapInfo, prior to creating a thematic map

Earlier sections of this course manual have shown you how to open raster and vector map boundary files within MapInfo map windows. This section describes how to create a thematic map. As discussed, MapInfo initially arrives as an empty package all boundary files and data sets have to be imported into the GIS package and linked to each other. A thematic map may portray data that has been aggregated to a set geographical level, for example ward, PCT or Local Authority. For example, a thematic map using Index of Multiple deprivation quintile rankings is shown to the right. To build this map, IMD 2000 data has been imported into MapInfo from excel, and linked to geographical wards contained within a MapInfo boundary file. Building such a map is thus a two stage process the following section demonstrates how to first import aggregated data files into MapInfo, and then to build a thematic map picture.

Importing tables of information into MapInfo from Excel

Excel tables of aggregated or point data - for example, showing ward level SMRs or the point location of GP Practices - can be imported straight into MapInfo These excel spreadsheets need to include a field or column of data which contains a geographical code (eg a ward), which matches/links to the code used within a boundary map file. Point data files need to contain two columns of 6 figure x and y grid reference co-ordinate data. MapInfo recognises 6 digit x and y co-ordinate parts as referring to a 1 metre point location using the British National Grid. Note : Having created your excel spreadsheet, with all required columns of data, and rows of information filled in, save it as an excel version 4 worksheet (not 3D workbook). Earlier versions of MapInfo have problems understanding 3D worksheets. The following section describes how both data types are imported into MapInfo.

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Importing aggregated spreadsheet data into MapInfo

Within MapInfo, choose the main menu option File open table, go to the subdirectory containing your data, and choose the excel (or other spreadsheet etc choice) file type option. click on the individual file you want to import, and click OK. Choose the named range other option now presented, and manually change the A1 reference to A2. This assumes that the top row of your spreadsheet contains your table column header information. Finally, tick the box saying 'use row above selected range' Note : it is always best to have only one header row in your imported excel spreadsheet (otherwise you will have to adapt the import range accordingly. Your aggregated data file will now open as a new data window in MapInfo. It should look something like the following (ie very similar to the excel spreadsheet it came from):

In this example, the ward code which links excel data to a boundary file map is in the leftmost column. Other columns present description data, or data for thematic mapping. Alternatively, point data can be imported into MapInfo

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Importing individual point data into MapInfo

Again, within MapInfo, choose the main menu option File open table, go to the subdirectory containing your data, and choose the excel (or other spreadsheet etc choice) option click on the file you want to import, and click OK. Choose the other range option now presented, and manually change the A1 cell to A2. This assumes that the top row of your spreadsheet contains your table column header information. Finally, tick the box saying 'use row above selected range' Note : it is always best to have only one header row in your imported excel spreadsheet (otherwise you will have to adapt the import range accordingly). Your table now opens as a new browser window. Whilst the MapInfo browser data table looks similar to that of an aggregate data file, your point data file requires to be additionally linked to a co-ordinate system, namely the British National Grid. Use the main menu option table create points to link the x and y column coordinates of your imported file to MapInfo. Select the projection, British co-ordinate system, British national grid. Your table should now automatically appear in a new map window, or, can be added to any open map window, using the layer control menu. Using this example, your data file already has x and y co-ordinates provided. As long as your x and y co-ordinate columns each contain six digits - which informs MapInfo that a 1 metre co-ordinate grid reference has been chosen - your point maps should open automatically in MapInfo. Linking postcodes to co-ordinates in Access is detailed later.

Adapting data tables within MapInfo

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The tables that you have imported into, or created within MapInfo, can be adapted as required. To add new columns to a table, you need to modify the table structure. To do this use the main menu option table maintenance table structure. From the listing offered, choose the map layer you want to add data to. This brings up a further menu on the screen, which offers you several choices regarding how to change the table layout. The modify table structure menu, Enables you to add or delete/remove "fields" (or columns) of information, and to reorder them. From the field information section, you can tell MapInfo whether a column is a text field, an integer, how long it should be, give it a name, and so on. For example, within a finalised, modified or extended table structure you might wish to change ward codes or PCG/PCT names linking to each ward, once administrative boundaries have changed.

Viewing the contents of a table

By clicking on the new browser button on the main MapInfo menu, your spreadsheet like table appears on the screen, which details all the column and row information linked to the map layers you are working with. The contents of this map table may either be : viewed on the PC screen as a spreadsheet like table analysed within MapInfo presented on a map as a thematic or point theme analysed and downloaded to a spreadsheet for use in a separate software package.

Exporting files from MapInfo to Excel or Access

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Tables adapted or created within MapInfo can readily be used within other software packages. For example, as shown in the final course session, where a set of data is selected using buffers within MapInfo for example highlighting patients living within 2 miles of a GP practice this new table of information may be exported into excel or a database. Using the main menu structure, file save copy as, your table can be saved as a database .DBF file extension. This will open immediately within an excel spreadsheet, or in Access.

O. Creating a thematic map within MapInfo

A number of types of thematic map can be produced within MapInfo. Typically used health GIS thematic maps include range maps, individual area maps, pie charts and bar charts. Examples of each are shown within the appendices. The following diagrams show how to create a range map you can try the other options in your working examples sessions. A typical example of a range map is to look at variations in age standardised mortality ratios across say a Health Authority. Using such ratios, for example taken from the NHSE NW Small Area database tables, the average score across a geographical area is 100. The range map is used to highlight (or visualise) geographical variations in ratios around this average. For example, ranges could be pre set to highlight wards whose scores were under 75, 76-100, 101-125, above 125, etc. There are several stages to go through in creating a thematic range map. Firstly, within a new MapInfo session, as previously shown, first open the vector map file (a boundary map) and data file (data relating to map) you want to work with. In this case, file open table has been used to open a ward boundary file and an excel data table containing IMD2000 data values. The thematic map procedure will link the two files together and build a map on screen within MapInfo. Your PC MapInfo screen should show the chosen vector boundary layer within a new map window, such as shown on the right. Now commence the map-data linkage process. Within the main menu options click on map create thematic map

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The following screen will appear.

This screen presents you with the options of selecting a range map, or any of the other types listed. In this case, range has been chosen. A variety of colour options are now presented. You can experiment with a wide variety of thematic colour, shade and style options. It is best to stick to one standard grouping, and to chose a visually appealing colour scheme.

Click on next, to go to the second step of the process. From the table option, select the map boundary file you want to link data to. If you have a number of map files open, all will be presented within the pull down arrow box.

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Next, using the field option menu bar, you need to select the column of data you want to map, from the table this data is contained within (again, several tables may be open at once). To do this procedure, you need to undertake a thematic join. As shown in the right side example, scroll down to the join option.

This option automatically now brings up the following screen. Click on the join button next to get value from table. This command opens an additional menu box, which allows you to link the columns to be joined between the map and data tables. MapInfo may state that it cannot automatically calculate a table join. If so, click OK. Choose the identical column or field of data from each of your two tables where ward codes are identical. The relevant field or column of data has been selected from each table. Select the correct columns and click on OK. The thematic menu box now allows you to select the column you want to analyse and display thematically. In this example, a table column summarising IMD2000 scores has been selected. The ward code within the IMD2000 table links to ward codes on the chosen map.

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The final step of the thematic join enables you to customise how data is presented on your final map. Final data ranges, colour and shade styles and legends can all be adapted, as required. Each of the range, style and legend button menus offer further map refinements. They present option menu boxes as shown below. The range box has chosen the custom data option. This enables, for example, equal range groupings to be set. Colours can be varied by clicking on the colour option sub boxes. Legends can be changed as required.

Try experimenting with different options.

Click on OK for each separate sub menu option. MapInfo now takes you back to the final stage main menu bar, as follows. Finally, click OK to complete your thematic map options.

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Your completed thematic map will now appear on screen. This map can be saved as a workspace, resized, and laid out on a layout map page for printing as shown earlier in this course guide.

Remember, that in order to save your completed map, you need to do the following. From the main menu, click on file save workspace.

P. Labels and legends

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Labelling your map

Once your new thematic map layers have been built on screen within MapInfo, you can label your window maps with textual, and/or numeric information. Text labels will automatically appear on both the screen map and the final printed map. For example, whilst the above map shows coloured ward areas describing a particular theme, it does not give you any information about, for example, the ward names or codes, or the data values for each ward.

Click on either the map layer control menu option, or the layer control short cut mini icon button, to adapt your main map view.

Within the layer control menu box, first highlight the layer of information you want to present information for (in this example adding ward names), then tick the label box. Now click on the label button. Choose which column of information you want each label to be identified with from the label options box. For example, in this example, the ward name column has been selected. This adds a ward name to each area ward shown on your output map. The font style and position of a label can be altered using the options presented within the style box. For your map label to appear,

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do not forget to click the OK and your map boundaries

label button on your layer control menu. Now press will be labelled.

You can also use the label button to point to an area on your map on your screen, click on it, and bring up an individual area map label.

Information button
The information button can be used to view data that is linked to a map layer. Within layer control, click on the 'pointer box' for a given, highlighted, layer. Now click on the main menu information button, point your arrow over the area or point you want to find out about, and then click on a map feature. Its associated data will appear in a screen box.

Having created a theme range for your thematic map, you are able to view the legend for the map by clicking on the show/hide legend icon button.

You can also create an need to first load the legend which are not open as a default). Use the main menu bar

embedded legend within your map window (you may tool - note, MapInfo includes a number of useful tools

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Tools legend manager create embedded legend command

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