Diamond Project

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"A Diamond is forever."

Presented to: SIR QAISER FAREED Presented by: ABDUL RAHMAN M.Com (F09) 1st Semester, Morning.

Executive Summary Nature of the Product About AR JEWELERS Objective of the company Vision statement Mission statement About Diamonds Natural history of diamonds Properties of diamonds Optical properties History of Diamond Jewelry The 4 C'S Marketing concept Marketing environment i. ii. PEST analysis SWOT analysis

Marketing mix Consumer market Business market Market segmentation Target market

Positioning Statement Market research Market situation Nature of the Product Product features Classification of jewelry Trends of Diamond market Business plans & strategies i. BCG matrix

Marketing plans & strategies Distribution techniques Promotion modes Conclusion References

Executive Summary

AR JEWELERS are the sole distributors for the diamond product lines. We have members from backgrounds of finance, marketing, entrepreneurship, information technology, humancomputer interaction, computer science and biology. With our diverse background, we are confident that we can market and exploit the full potential of the diamond industry in Pakistan. After an analysis of the history, current market and company situations, we conducted a survey in which we targeted potential consumers to verify our hypothesis of diamonds. In accordance with our hypothesis, we surely found that consumers were very aware of the diamonds. Also, we found that consumers took into consideration the issue of conflict diamonds when purchasing. About AR JEWELERS My company name is AR JEWELERS, Manufacturer and Exporter of Diamond Jewelry.
"A Diamond is forever."

Objective of Company
The objectives of the AR JEWELERS are to: Promote the world diamond industry. Develop and protect the diamond trade and industry. Encourage scientific research related to diamonds.

Support recruitment and training within the diamond industry.

Vision statement
We focus on unlocking the full economic value of our leadership position across the Pakistan, in a safe and sustainable manner.

Mission statement
To turn diamond dreams into lasting reality-------------------We want to make every female beautiful. About Diamonds

Diamonds were discovered in 1859 on the Northern Cape of South Africa. Since then, diamonds have become extremely popular with the increased supply and the advancing technology that enabled exquisite cutting and polishing finishes. Diamonds are natural gems that can only be harmed by other diamonds and a few others stones. Given all these factors, diamonds have become a true luxury good and AR JEWELERS was able to embrace this luxury market. Natural history of diamonds The formation of natural diamond requires very specific conditionsexposure of carbon-bearing materials to high pressure, ranging approximately between 45 and 60 kilo bars, but at a comparatively low temperature range between approximately 9001300 C. These conditions are met in two places on Earth; in the lithosphere mantle below relatively stable continental plates, and at the site of a meteorite strike. Diamond jewelry has been valued and worn throughout most of recorded history, although the art and science of cutting loose diamonds is relatively new and diamond jewelry has only been available to the general public for the last 150 years or so. Prior to that, diamond jewelry was worn almost exclusively by royalty. The earliest example of diamonds being placed in a setting dates from the time of the Norman Invasion of England; at that time, one of the Arpad kings of Hungary, possibly Andrew I, had rough-cut diamonds set into a crown for his queen. However, cut diamonds would not be available for another halfmillennium. The mid-1500's were an energetic time; Martin Luther of Germany and Henry VIII of England had broken with the Church of Rome; Ivan IV (the Terrible) expanded Russia to its present-day borders, and Ottoman sultan Suleiman extended the Turkish empire as far west as Vienna. It was during this time of ferment that the first diamond-cutters' guild was formed in Antwerp, located in present-day Belgium. An industry soon developed for the purpose of appraising loose diamonds, giving birth to the modern diamond jewelry market. Antwerp continues to be the center of the international diamond jewelry trade. Properties of diamonds

The desirability and attraction towards diamonds is due to the unique physical and optical properties they possess. In their natural, uncut state, a handful of diamonds might resemble a handful of dull gravel. The role of the cutter in releasing a diamond's beauty therefore is highly important. Please find more details on this in our section on cut. Physical properties Diamonds are the hardest naturally occurring substance known to man. Their hardness is due to the way in which the carbon atoms bond to create its crystal structure. This allows a diamond to achieve a higher level of polish, which gives it greater lustre than any other gemstone. It also allows it to withstand abrasion. The fact that diamonds are so physically resilient makes them the perfect substance to use for industrial purposes, such as drilling. Optical properties When we describe the appearance of diamonds, we often refer to the high levels of 'brilliance' they display. This term describes the stunning effect of reflected light accompanied by a variety of colors that we see when a well-cut diamond catches the light.

History of Diamond Jewelry The name diamond is derived from the ancient Greek. Diamonds are thought to have been first recognized and mined in India, where significant alluvial deposits of the stone could be found many centuries ago along the rivers Penner, Krishna and Godavari. Diamonds have been known in India for at least 3,000 years but most likely 6,000 years. Diamonds have been treasured as gemstones since their use as religious icons in ancient India. Their usage in engraving tools also dates to early human history. The popularity of diamonds has risen since the 19th century because of increased supply, improved cutting and polishing techniques, growth in the world economy, and innovative and successful advertising campaigns. In 1813, Humphrey Davy used a lens to concentrate the rays of the sun on a diamond in an atmosphere of oxygen, and showed that the only product of the combustion was carbon dioxide, proving that diamond is composed of carbon. Later, he showed that in an atmosphere devoid of oxygen, diamond is converted to graphite. The most familiar use of diamonds today is as gemstones used for adornment, a use which dates back into antiquity. The dispersion of white light into spectral colors is the primary gemological characteristic of gem diamonds. In the twentieth century, experts in gemology have developed methods of grading diamonds and other gemstones based on the characteristics most important to their value as a gem. Four characteristics, known informally as the four Cs, are now commonly used as the basic descriptors of diamonds: these are carat, cut, color, and clarity. A large, flawless diamond is known as a paragon.

When it comes to history, diamonds have a very long and fascinating record as one of the most intriguing gemstones on the planet. You may be familiar with the term, Diamonds are Forever, made popular by the De Beers advertising campaigns and for good reason. Forged billions of years ago, long before dinosaurs roamed the planet, they have survived the forces of nature to reach us. They have been used throughout the ages as bearers of mystic powers and incredible beauty. Through the centuries they have been revered and admired by many civilizations. Part of the credit for the almost mythical reverence to diamonds throughout the years belongs to the fact that these beauties are quite rare in their most sought after gemstone quality form. Not only are these diamonds rare in numbers but also in the number of skilled artisans that can complement their exquisite beauty. Diamonds are the hardest of precious stones. The word diamond itself is a derivative of the Greek word Adams, which means unconquerable. It is the undiminished beauty of diamonds that has made them so highly prized throughout several centuries. This does not mean that a diamond cannot be damaged only that they are difficult to damage requiring a very precise strike in an exact location in order to damage the surface. It is believed that the first diamonds were discovered nearly 3000 years ago in India. They were considered valuable because of their ability to refract light and were used as either decoration or as talismans - for protection and warding against evil. During the Dark Ages, diamonds were believed to hold medicinal value. There were instructions that those suffering illnesses or having wounds should hold a diamond in the hand and make a sign of the cross for healing. Some even believed that ingesting diamonds could assist in recovery (and even a cure) from various illnesses. As time progressed into the Middle Ages, diamonds were more often viewed as items of value rather than items of mystical healing powers. As a result of the growing demand and value of diamonds, mine owners began spreading rumors that diamonds were poisonous if swallowed. This prevented workers in the mines from swallowing the diamonds for the purpose of smuggling. Today, India suffers from a relatively depleted supply of diamonds. Smaller finds have been discovered in Borneo and Brazil, though nothing as significant as those reserves once found in India. Diamonds were discovered in South Africa by a child playing with brightly colored stones by a river in 1866. One of the stones was recognized to be a diamond and the gem cut from it was appropriately named "Eureka". This created a massive diamond rush and the start of a new beginning for diamonds. Diamonds mined in South Africa still continue to make up a large percentage of the worlds diamond jewelry, though there are gem quality diamonds that are being discovered all the time in other countries around the world. More recently, Australia has become a contender when it comes to the production and mining of exquisite gem quality diamonds. Other countries for diamond mining include Africa, Canada,

Russia, and South America in addition to those mined in Australia. One thing that is worth noting is that the vast majority of diamonds discovered around the world are not gem quality stones. In fact, only about one fifth of the diamonds that are mined are diamonds that are considered to be gem quality. Those that are not considered to be gem quality are used for drilling and similar applications. Diamonds are not all clear either the stones come in many colors; the least common of the colors red. They are very rare. Colored diamonds command huge prices and are highly prized by collectors. Diamond rings are today considered to be a token of love, particularly when given to one by a suitor. The tradition of diamond engagement rings being used for engagements is believed to have begun well. The wearing of a diamond ring on the ring finger, or fourth finger of the left hand, is derived from the ancient Egyptians. This tradition is still practiced today, much like the giving of a diamond ring as a symbol of engagement and true love. Most people associate the wearing of diamonds to rings for engagement to be married. There are plenty of occasions that warrant diamonds and diamond pendants, diamond bracelets and diamond earrings make excellent choices for marking a special occasion or memorable life moment. Remember, diamonds have for quite a while been (and will certainly continue to be) a girls best friend. Any celebration that is cause for joy is an excellent occasion for a gift of diamonds. Among such occasions to be considered are: a girls sixteenth birthday (or any other birthday that you deem to be special), the birth of a child, religious milestone events, personal achievements, holiday gifts etc. Perhaps the best reason of all to give a woman the gift of a diamond is just because. If you have a special person in your life, whether its a lover, a wife, a sister, a daughter, or a mother - you can rest fairly well assured that a diamond makes an excellent gift for almost any occasion. Before you consider buying a diamond, it is important to understand the four Cs. They are excellent indicators of the value of the diamond. For those who are not familiar with the four Cs of diamonds they are: color, clarity, cut, and carats. You will want to consider each of these when selecting a diamond to make sure your investment will stand the test of time and hopefully become more valuable over the years. The more spectacular the occasion, of course, the more stunning you will want your diamonds to be. Of course you will want to keep in mind your budget, your setting, and the metals that will be used in conjunction with the piece of jewelry you are creating or purchasing. Each of these will have an impact on the finished product. Good choices for diamonds are 18ct gold or platinum. In recent years platinum has become the choice for diamond jewelry as the metal is very hard and durable complimenting the gemstone properties. When purchasing diamond jewelry, it pays to do your research ahead of time. Thanks to the growth of ecommerce on the internet, you will find that the prices of diamonds these days from one jeweler to the next are rather competitive. Better quality at better prices can now be found online instead of in the high street. Another thing to consider when buying your diamonds is whether or not they are conflict free. Conflict free diamonds are diamonds that do not lead to

the funding of wars and that are not mined under conditions that are deemed unethical by the Kimberly Process. Always insist on Conflict Free diamonds from your jeweler. Enduring, romantic, magical. Diamonds continue to captivate and enchant as symbols of hope and great expectations for the future. Enjoy. The 4 C'S
The gems that are used in diamond jewelry is 75% science and 25% art. Together, these make up the "4 Cs" that are used to evaluate loose diamonds:

1. 2. 3. 4.

Carat Color Clarity Cut

1. Carat

The carat is a standard unit used to measure diamonds. One carat can also be referred to as 100 points. For example, if a stone is carat, it can also be described as 50 points.

2. Color

While most diamonds appear white, virtually all of them display barely-there tints of color. The color of a diamond is measured by the degree to which it approaches colorlessness.

3. Clarity

Whilst a diamond is forming, tiny traces of minerals and gases may have become trapped inside.

These are called "inclusions". The clarity grade of a diamond is determined by the presence, size and positioning of these inclusions.

4. Cut

The quality of the cut is very important. It determines how well the diamond catches the light.

Although we generally think of clear or white diamonds, they come in a wide range of colors ranging from crystal-clear white to dark amber. Pink, green, blue and even purple diamonds are not unusual, and some are far more valuable than their white counterparts. Clarity refers to just that - how clear the stone appears. All natural and artificial diamonds have internal flaws; the fewer or the less apparent these flaws are, the higher the appraisal is likely to be. These three qualities are objective, and easily measured and quantified. Cut is a more subjective quality; selecting gems that are appropriate for use in diamond jewelry requires a good eye and aesthetic sense. Of course, loose diamonds are not really jewelry until they are placed in a setting, such as a ring or necklace. Even the finest diamonds' value can be affected by the setting; it is a value-added aspect of diamond jewelry. Which of the 4C's are most important for our Customers? The beauty and value of a diamond are dependent on a combination of all 4 factors. There is no straightforward answer to this question, as it comes down to a matter of personal taste. For many people size is the most important consideration and so they will buy the largest diamond they can afford. Others may feel more strongly about quality, and so are prepared to sacrifice some size so as to afford a stone of exceptional color and clarity. It is clear that women should think of diamonds, regardless of size, as objects of perfection: a small diamond could be as
perfect as a large diamond.

Marketing concept

The entire jewelry is made allergy free. Concepts are made of surgical stainless steel with 30 miles of pure 24 karat gold, 10 times more gold than most other plated jewelry lines available. This is to achieve their fine jewelry finish. The finish of Concepts Earrings lasts for decades; whereas the finish on other products can change within months, especially with women who have high acidic skin, which is often the case with sensitive women. Base metal fashion earrings are often nickel plated prior to plating with gold. This layer of nickel allows the gold to hold onto the base metal. On some nickel free earrings, while the casting of the front is nickel free, and the posts are often "nickel free cast" or surgical steel, the method used in the joining of the fronts and the backs can cause irritations. With Concepts, we make sure that all parts that touch the ears are completely allergy free. There is nothing more chic or extravagant than diamond jewelry. Known as the most precious of all stones, the diamond has an undeniable symbolic value in our modern society. The concept that "diamonds are forever" has undoubtedly boosted the sales of diamond jewelry. The marketing concepts surrounding diamond jewelry are in fact extremely well defined. The relentless marketing of diamond jewelry and the conceptualization of the diamond as the appropriate wedding stone-these originate from clever tactical choices made by AR JEWELERS. Diamond jewelry can come in a variety of shapes and sizes. The classic piece of diamond jewelry is undoubtedly the diamond ring, especially famous for its role in traditional marriage ceremonies. The diamond necklace is no less famous a piece of diamond jewelry: wearing one signifies a high social standing and a great amount of glamour. It is important not to let your diamond jewelry get to your head: relating to the every man is more important than the glitz of owning a diamond necklace, brooch, or ring. The sparkling effect of a piece of diamond jewelry is pretty much. Synthetic diamonds and crystal glass imitations have made diamond jewelry available to those with lower budgets as well: what people don't know can't hurt them. This means the look that comes with a piece of diamond jewelry is available to almost anyone who desires it-not just the rich and famous. 1. Our product is customer oriented because of mass customization of jewelry and good relationships with all our customers. 2. We provide best quality to all customers. 3. By providing the mentioned above qualities we can meet our organizational objectives. Marketing environment We can judge our macro environment by PEST analysis. 1. POLITICAL environment of PAKISTAN is good for this business. 2. ECONOMICAL our product is cheaper than existing suppliers. 3. SOCIAL our society is fan of diamond jewelry.

4. TECHNOLOGICAL our jewelry is made on machines and plants and it is very good according to durability. Recently, there have been several issues surrounding synthetic diamonds. Through our new marketing strategies, we would like to implement the awareness of cultural versus synthetic diamonds. Currently, there are no regulations on the production of synthetic diamonds. This could potentially affect the sales of AR JEWELERS natural diamonds. This is why AR JEWELERS must act quickly and implement our marketing plan quickly, before synthetic diamonds become popular. We can judge our micro environment by SWOT analysis. 1. STRENGTHS No competitor. We are new in market. Good financial position. Unique product. Good designers of jewelry.
Able to influence prices when selling to manufacturers.

2. WEAKNESS Less competitive edge. New entrants in market. Luxury item. Low brand recognition by consumers. Association with conflict diamonds. High production costs.

3. OPPORTUNITIES Introduce our product at lowest rates. New packages for brides. We can set the trend of buying and wearing diamonds. Computerized machines for making jewelry.
New available markets explorations in Europe, Middle East and Australia. Can increase brand recognition by marketing.

4. THREATS Our rivals can pressurize us by giving us threats.

Another threat is decline in the prices of existing market of jewelry. Sudden slump in prices of diamonds. Increase entry of competition. Association with conflict diamonds. Synthetic/Cultural Diamonds.

Marketing mix 1. 2. 3. 4. Product Price Placement Promotion

1. Product Product differentiation was a key concern for AR JEWELERS which has developed product, sales training and marketing for the campaign. Thats why, for example, the AR JEWELERS design specifications call for at least four diamonds, because three stones would automatically put the pieces within the realm. But, overall, the AR JEWELERS design specs are meant to be simple and no constraining. Firstly, the general product that AR JEWELERS offers is one of excellent quality, so we do not want to change the basic product. AR JEWELERS to imprint a small logo into the diamond that can only be viewed with an eyeglass. This will be a very subtle but effective strategy in branding AR JEWELERS diamonds. When consumers purchase a diamond they will know who produced their diamond and eventually we want them to associate the imprinted logo with the excellent quality that only AR JEWELERS offers. 2. Price We do not intend to change the price of the products because diamond prices are subject to market conditions and contracts that we cannot alter. But, our price is cheap in comparison of existing market competitors, because we are new in market, and this is the way to achieve maximum market share and market hold. So, one can easily afford, buy & wear it.

3. Placement Todays consumers are tired of ho-hum browsing at retail stores. They seek dynamic, interactive retail experiences that stimulate their senses and touch their hearts. So it is imperative for jewelers to connect AR JEWELERS diamond jewelry to couples personal love stories, rather than just showcase product. Our distributors are ready at every place in the Pakistan in every big city. We are ready to sell our product.

The current situation is extremely profitable for AR JEWELERS and is the most risk adverse distribution channel as each purchaser of diamonds is bound by contract to continue to purchase AR JEWELERS diamonds jewelry for a set amount of time and at any price.

4. Promotion An all-inclusive advertising approach is the best way to create an effective marketing campaign, say retailers, and the Diamond Promotion Service and suppliers are ready to provide a potent mix of ingredients, with comprehensive promotional packages that include ad slicks, direct-mail pieces, radio scripts and TV commercials.
Another channel we plan on using to increase AR JEWELERS brand knowledge is through the sales force. We intend to provide incentives for salespeople to mention to customers that a particular diamond jewelry has been produced by AR JEWELERS. We want consumers to be aware of AR JEWELERS as the premium diamond jewelry producer, so if they hear about AR JEWELERS more and associate the company with excellent quality, then they will believe that AR JEWELERS diamond jewelry is the best diamond to purchase.

Consumer market 1. Organize Contacts We are to be able to get back in touch with our customers again to be able to market and sell to them. We maintain a centralized database to organize names, addresses, and phone numbers. Keep track of purchase histories and interests. 2. Collect Information Depending on our business, there are a variety of ways we can collect customer data such as sign-up sheets, website forms, postcards, and so on. We are creative - use free offers, VIP programs, and contests to provide incentives. 3. Regularly Communicate We find methods to stay in regular communication with our customers. Ideas include a newsletter, holiday cards, coupons, and special offers. For some times, it may work to take a client out to lunch or send a hand-written note. And, don't forget the telephone! 4. Offer Proof We provide case studies and testimonials to show how we have helped other customers. In our communication, we can provide helpful information, offer seminars, and provide useful tips to keep your business on the top of your customers' minds and to remind them of how your company can help them. 1. Testimonials Sell

For word-of-mouth, there is no one that can sing our praises like a satisfied customer! Nothing speaks louder to a potential customer that a peer. We ask for testimonials. Post this on website or feature them in our newsletter. 2. Cross-sell and Up-sell We make sure customers know the entire range of your products or services. Once our customer is in your sales funnel, they are much more likely to buy larger-ticket items from us. Based on their past buying habits, offer them the deluxe model, more options, or premium services.

Business market We import diamonds from India. We resell diamonds to other suppliers as well as we sell the jewelry. We are registered importer and manufacturer of diamond and its jewelry. We are providing you best of our services. In our business market first we are capturing Pakistan and its major cities because there are no sufficient suppliers of diamond jewelry in the state. We have a plan about international market after capturing and succession in Pakistan. We build a good buyer customer relationship and we believe on Customer Relationship Management (CRM). Market segmentation We make segments: Young generation (specially girls). Women (specially married). Parents of young daughters. Fiances & spouses.

To the new generation, a diamond ring is considered a necessity to engagements by virtually everyone.
Target market We target the male and female those love diamonds. We also target the females, ever loves jewelry.
With the recommended plan, we hope to target the individuals in the exploration regions. We want to continue to target the online market with the current trend as well as the women to continue the women as self-buyers trend in the region. With some of our proposed plans, we hope to target highly

fashion conscious individuals. Also, we believe that the target will continue to be in the age range of the buyers. Positioning Statement For high fashioned individuals who are brand conscious, we offer the highest quality diamonds because we hire employees who care about the stories that each diamond has to tell.

Market research In the view of our research we make decision charts for diamond jewelry: Is this business good? PERSONS/GRADE MALE FEMALE COUPLES GOOD 20% 15% 82% BEST 75% 85% 13% BAD --------2% UNSUCCESSFUL 5% -----3%

Is there need of good diamond jewelry in your home town? PERSONS/GRADE MALE FEMALE COUPLES YES 85% 95% 90% NO 15% 5% 10%

Do every female like to buy diamonds? PERSONS/GRADE YES NO MALE 95% 10% FEMALE 98% 2% COUPLES 97% 3% Would you purchase a synthetic diamond instead of a mined diamond if it were cheaper?

Has the conflict diamond controversy deterred you from purchasing a diamond?

Market situation There are two major trends occurring in the diamond industry that will affect AR JEWELERS. First, there is a shift towards online shopping, and secondly, women are becoming selfpurchasers. Consumers are becoming increasingly comfortable spending large amounts of money online. In the past, people have liked to know and trust their diamond salesman and buy their jewelry with a personal experience in a jewelry store. But now, we are able to purchase so much online, why not buy diamonds online as well? The second trend in the diamond industry is that women are becoming self-purchasers. Perhaps the combination of womens rise in the workplace and the Right Hand Ring campaign by AR JEWELERS, women will empowered and encouraged to buy jewelry to celebrate among themselves. This shift will great for the industry because self-purchasing women are another segment to target diamonds towards, which can only lead to more sales. Nature of the Product The diamond jewelry is luxurious in nature. Only rich persons can buy and wear diamond jewelry. Featuring at least four fiery diamonds that graduate in size to represent how love is a journey that grows stronger over time, the Diamond Trading Co.s new gift of love, Journey diamond jewelry, is poised to surpass the success of the Past Present Future campaign when it reaches consumers this month.

Product features

1. Circles Circle pieces, like this necklace from AR JEWELERS should pique interest, especially among design-driven consumers. 2. Curves/vines The curve or vine, as seen in this necklace from AR JEWELERS has great potential as one of the most unique Journey motifs. 3. Drops These drop earrings from AR JEWELERS clearly communicate the Journey concept. Almost all variations are well-liked by consumers. 4. Hearts AR JEWELERS offers an opportunity to reinterpret this classic shape. Men, in particular, love the designs, like this one from Prestige Jewelry International. 5. Ladders Ladders are the Journey pieces consumers may already know. The graduated diamond style, as seen in this necklace from Diamond Direct, is impressive. 6. Zigzags AR JEWELERS zigzag designs, as seen in this necklace from us. These make a strong impact on consumers.

Classification of jewelry Six styles







Trends of Diamond market

Recently small, branded diamond Jewelry products are seen exchanged in the gifting industry. Our brand is playing a major role in propelling growth in the diamond jewelry industry. Our products are developing consumer confidence with their assurance of quality. Our cater to vary segments at different price points and new collections of the season are seen with the very coming festival. Particularly remarkable is the huge boom in the demand for diamond studded jewelry in the corporate segment. Within overall jewelry sales the diamond segment accounts for around 60% - 75% of the total sales in the country. The products seen to be most saleable as gifts include small heart shaped diamond pendants, spiritual pendants, colored diamond jewelry, small bud earrings etc. Rings are also considered while gifting but they face the problem of size however delicate rings of standard size are also seen to be a part in our gifting product range. Business plans & strategies In our planning we make a BCG matrix:


1st star 2nd cash cows 3rd question marks 4th dogs





In our view we make strategy for our business that we capture domestic market first and international market on second. Marketing plans & strategies The diamond invention the creation of the idea that diamonds is rare and valuable, and are essential signs of esteem is a relatively recent development in the history of the diamond trade. The diamond as a symbol of love strategy was particularly important for several reasons. First, they marketed for the entire diamond industry, instead of for AR JEWELERS themselves. At the time, they held a monopoly over the diamond industry in Pakistan, so marketing for the entire industry did not help any competitors, but in the future, it became a problem. Second, AR JEWELERS managed to create the illusion that diamonds are rare by selling them at very high prices and marketing them as a special occasion purchase when in fact, diamonds are not rare. Finally, by marketing diamonds as a symbol of love, they started the tradition of diamonds being given as an engagement ring. Our marketing campaign that has permeated our culture convincing every woman that she should receive a diamond ring from her fianc and convincing each groom-to-be to pay "two-months salary" for that ring to show how much his love is worth. Constant publicity is our key to success in the promotion of our product. Diamond Marketing provides a compelling advantage and clear value to us and to our clients by planning and implementing the critical client-side high-tech marketing tasks that no one else wants to do. We offer a comprehensive range of professional services to help customers in their quest for growth with a fresh and innovative approach. We also provide after sales services to our customers. Our company also provides strategic planning, database marketing, e-marketing, and list management solutions. Strategic market planning, market research, detailed target and segment marketing, product agreement, cross-organizational integration, and messaging/positioning to ensure that our company is ready to go to market...and doesn't waste time and money. We've always been on the client side, so we understand intimately the internal pressures and challenges companies face. For less and quicker, we know what needs to get done so that company gets to revenue faster. Distribution techniques

We distribute our product as individual suppliers no whole seller & retailer is required. We are the sole distributers. Our product is available only on our outlets & selected shopping malls. Online selling is our one of the preference. Promotion modes Broachers Media Newspapers Electronic media Internet advertisement Promotion programs

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