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at 2pm on Wednesday 6th February 2013, in the Pilkington Boardroom, Egerton Court. Present: Chair UCU Health and Safety Representative Health and Safety Coordinator, Commercial and International Mr John Gillin Manager, Safety and Health Services Mr Nigel Green Health and Safety Coordinator, Finance Ms Anne Hogarth Health and Safety Coordinator, Arts, Professional and Social Studies Mr Sean Holdsworth Health and Safety Adviser Mr Eric McEvoy Health and Safety Coordinator, Science; Technology and Environment Mr Ed Naylor Health and Safety Coordinator, Student Experience Mr Billy Roberts GMB Health and Safety Representative Mr Ian Thorold Buildings Manager, Liverpool Students Union Mr Ian Webster Health and Safety Coordinator, Estate Management Mrs Paula Quirk Secretary Ms Alison M Wild Mr Alastair Balchin Ms Dawn Fantin

In attendance: HS 01/13 NOTED:

APOLOGIES That apologies were received from Colin Davies, Peter Hinton, Moira Helbert, Joy Bate, Carol Swaisland, Sharon Schofield, Lorraine Buchan, Track Dinning and Andy Evans. MINUTES OF LAST MEETING That the minutes of the last meeting, held on Tuesday 18th September 2012, were accepted as a true record. MATTERS ARISING NOT SHOWN ELSEWHERE ON THE AGENDA Smoking signage

HS 02/13 NOTED: HS 03/13


That Estate Management have ordered additional signage for building entrances and will install them upon delivery. Item closed. Smoking shelters


That John Gillin presented a report to the Strategy Management Team (SMT). SMT agreed not to provide smoking shelters and for the impact additional signage has on smokers congregating around building entrances to be monitored for twelve months. SMT also agreed that Estate Management

would relocate the designated smoking area at the front of James Parsons Building, Byrom Street. AGREED: That there will be consultation with the Deans of Science and Technology and Environment about the relocation of the smoking area. ACTION: Ian Webster (Estate Management) Stress risk assessments NOTED: That it has been proposed to remove the confidential surveys from the stress risk assessment process, as an interim measure, in order to expedite progress of the undertaking of the assessments. That, if possible, the process would be completed by Graduation week 2013. AGREED: That members of the Stress Risk Assessment Steering Group will meet informally on 6th March 2013 to agree the means by which this can be best achieved. A full meeting of the Stress Risk Assessment Steering Group will then be convened to consider recommendations. ACTION: John Gillin (Health and Safety Unit), Alastair Balchin (UCU), Moira Helbert (Unison), Billy Roberts (GMB). After hours arrangements NOTED: That John Gillin and Colin Davies developed a report template for completion by Health and Safety Coordinators. Completed report templates for ten buildings were received by John Gillin. That SCP11 Out of Hours Working is the relevant Code of Practice. That, further to a review of the reports received, the following conclusions were drawn: Work is commonplace before 9am Work is commonplace after 5pm There are examples of 24/7 working e.g. Planning and Information (JMU Tower) There may be requirements for contractors to attend 24/7 There are peak periods of activity requiring extended working hours e.g. clearing, lead up to open days, enrolment, assessments, and financial year end There are activities at the weekend e.g. Planning and Information, Accommodation Office (during Clearing and Move-in), Open Days e.g. those held in ADA, Redmonds and Byrom Street Lone working is generally avoided Activities are inconsistently risk assessed There is no guarantee that First Aiders will be available out of hours There is no guarantee that Fire Wardens will be available and PEEPs arrangements can fail in LRCs

That, as an example, timetabling out of hours lectures on ground floors of buildings has proved successful.


That SCP11 Out of Hours Working will be reviewed and revised, as necessary, to ensure that it is sufficiently robust to incorporate the above risks and issues. ACTION: John Gillin (Health and Safety Unit) Risk assessment audits


That Sean Holdsworth has completed the risk assessment audits, but for other operational reasons has not yet completed all the draft reports. The remainder of the draft reports will be issued to Health and Safety Coordinators by close of business on 15th February 2013 prior to the issue of final reports, which will also be received by SMT members. ACTION: Sean Holdsworth (Health and Safety Unit) Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) audits


That, due to several areas not having completed audit forms, Buchan has been unable to conclude the audits.


That the audit has coincided with a particularly busy time for the Faculty. The outstanding completed audit forms from the Faculty of Science will be provided by the 30th April 2013. ACTION: Eric McEvoy, Faculty of Science That future audits will be planned, as far as possible, to take place outside of semesters. Item closed. Emergency Plans


That there has been good progress in the completion of Emergency Plans for LJMU buildings. A small number of Emergency Plans (four) remain outstanding. These have been in buildings where there have been no Fire Evacuation Coordinators or they have only been appointed recently. Lorraine Buchan is providing advice and assistance to complete the remaining Emergency Plans. That the outstanding Emergency Plans will be completed before the next meeting of the Health and Safety Committee. ACTION: Lorraine Buchan, Health and Safety Unit SCP1 Fire Precautions (teaching room capacities)



That Estate Management are in the process of consulting with Timetabling to gather data on room capacities. That room capacities are not currently displayed outside all teaching rooms.


That Estate Management will display the room capacities upon conclusion of their consultation with Timetabling. ACTION: Colin Davies (Estate Management) That the process to ensure that class sizes allocated to teaching rooms does not exceed the room capacities will be reviewed, where necessary. ACTION: John Gillin, Health and Safety Unit and Alastair Balchin, UCU. Fire Crier, Byrom Street


That the speakers have been restored on the Fire Crier system at Byrom Street and it is working effectively. Item closed.

HS 04.13



That the contents of the Code of Practice have been rearranged for greater clarity. Consultation has taken place with Estate Management. That new Permits to Work are likely to be developed and added to the Appendices in the future. That consultation has commenced with Estate Management on Access Permits.


That the Committee approved SCP19 Permits for Contractors. Item closed. Approval of SCP25 Lone Working


That the Code of Practice has been separated into staff and students sections. Additional text has been included in regard to the process for referring staff to the Occupational Health Unit via the use of a functional questionnaire. The new Appendix consists of the functional questionnaire, referral letter and consent form. That the Committee approved SCP25 Lone Working. Item closed. In respect of all active items (see Action Point Control Register) there will be a concerted effort to close off the items reported today as near to completion.


HS 05.13

DISCUSSION ITEMS Responsibility for provision of staff and budget to print off assignments if requested under SCP20 Display Screen Equipment


That confirmation may be required of SCP20 Display Screen Equipment, when this is consistent with the Code, to assure academic staff that their requests to print off assignments will be met. That Schools will be reminded that they are responsible for ensuring that resources are available for printing off assignments, where necessary. ACTION: Health and Safety Coordinators (Faculties)


HS 06.13

INFORMATION ITEMS Reportable accident: Outdoor Education


That there was an accident involving two students on 5th November 2012 during a climbing skills day for Level 5 students in Castle Naze, Chapel-en-leFrith. That, whilst standing close to the edge of the crag, a student pulled on his first placed anchor which unexpectedly and suddenly came out of the crack in the rock where it had been placed. He overbalanced and fell onto his belay partner 20ft below. One student received a back injury and the other facial injuries. That an immediate emergency response was delivered by the supervising Lecturer. Buxton Mountain Rescue and an RAF helicopter were involved in the subsequent rescue operation. Both students were hospitalised. That the accident was reported to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). In addition to the investigation undertaken by John Gillin, the Health and Safety Executive carried out their own enquiries. That there were positive findings in regard to the following aspects of John Gillins investigation:

Level of difficulty commensurate with experience Appropriate personal protective equipment Competent and appropriate supervision Sufficient information and instruction Adequate documented arrangements for the storage, inspection and maintenance of equipment Plans for effective emergency response Effective subsequent welfare arrangements for students and staff affected

That HSE confirmed that they will not take any action against the University. They found no weaknesses in the management of the activity and commended the Health and Safety Unit for the thoroughness of the investigation and resultant detailed report;


That confirmation that the above are equally effective, in other programmes, will be sought within the Faculties. ACTION: Health and Safety Coordinators (Faculties) Asbestos Management Plan update


That Estate Management secured contingency funding to act on the remaining removal/encapsulation recommendations. This work was completed on 6th November 2012. That further removals/encapsulation recommendations have since been identified by AEC following subsequent surveys of the Engineering Workshop (following water damage) and lift doors in Tithebarn Street. Estate Management will obtain costings for these. Further removals will be prompted by refurbishment programmes, in line with existing policy. That surveys to monitor ACMs left in position took place in December 2012 in the following buildings:

4-6 Rodney Street Aquinas Haigh Building John Foster Building 68 Hope Street Dean Walters Industrial Chemical Laboratory Tithebarn Street Barkhill and Mossley

That discussions will take place with AEC in order to plan re-inspections of Byrom Street and JMU Tower. That AEC were appointed to project manage and provide analytical services for all removals. This will ensure the Asbestos Register on the Asure system is updated by AEC. Training of the Asure building record compliance system was complemented with follow up training by the Health and Safety Unit on a one to one basis with Estate Management staff. That Sean Holdsworth contacted AEC in January 2013 to agree the content and structure of asbestos awareness training for Estate Management staff. That Estate Management will write to contractors requesting confirmation that their staff have received asbestos awareness training. That, as part of the re-inspections, AEC have started to label ACMs. A safe working procedure is being developed for maintenance on fire doors. That Ian Webster thanked the Health and Safety Unit, and in particular Sean Holdsworth, for the assistance provided in regard to asbestos management. Item closed.

Statutory health surveillance NOTED: That, at the previous meeting of the Health and Safety Committee, Health and Safety Coordinators were asked to begin preparing lists of workers at risk for the following workplace hazards: vibration, noise, asthmagens and latex (powdered gloves) for purposes of health surveillance. The lists should include full name and staff or student number as their unique identifiers (in compliance with the Data Protection Act). That brief guidance will be provided to Health and Safety Coordinators. ACTION: John Gillin, Health and Safety Unit That the lists will be provided to John Gillin, by the end of the February 2013, so that they can be passed to the Occupational Health Unit to commence health surveillance in March 2013. ACTION: Health and Safety Coordinators Functional health questionnaires (with reference to SCP14 Fieldwork, Visits, Expeditions and Adventurous Activities off University Premises) NOTED: That Dr Wilson met with Health and Safety Coordinators and other representatives from Faculties and Services in November 2012. In that meeting he explained the use of functional questionnaires, referrals and consent. That the Occupational Health Unit continues to receive enquiries about the use of the functional questionnaires from a small number of academics. For purposes of clarification, the process may be summarised as follows: a risk assessment should be undertaken for the fieldwork or similar activity if the risk assessment indicates that it is high risk, a functional questionnaire, included with the Code of Practice, is to be distributed to those taking part if a person indicates on the questionnaire that he/she has any problems with the ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities, or has any impairment or condition which causes sudden loss of consciousness, or any impairment or condition which causes sudden loss of balance, or any impairment with which additional help my be needed during fieldwork a referral to the Occupational Health Unit is required a referral letter and consent form are also included with the Code of Practice



That a flowchart will be included in SCP14 Fieldwork, Visits, Expeditions and Adventurous Activities off University Premises in order to simplify the process of risk assessment, functional declaration and Occupational Health referral. That coaching and support will continue to be provided to staff who require it. ACTION: Emily Moncrief (Occupational Health Unit)

Report from Manager, Safety and Health Services NOTED: That the Codes of Practice, approved at the previous meeting of the Health and Safety Committee, were uploaded onto the Health and Safety Unit website along with several other Codes of Practice with minor amendments. That MCP1 Organisation for the Implementation of the Health and Safety Policy was reviewed and revised and will be taken to SMT for approval. A further revision of MCP5 Incident Management was circulated to the Incident Management Team for consultation. That SMT agreed that portable appliance testing with the exception of specialist laboratory equipment will become the responsibility of Estate Management. That procedures were developed in response to the changes made by Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service in regard to their response to automatic fire alarm activations. Additional responsibilities that may be required to meet the changes are currently being evaluated by Human Resources. That problems were experienced with the online adverse event reporting system. At present accidents can be reported on a Word version of the report form until the problem is remedied or an alternative solution found. That investigations into accidents that occurred at the Tithebarn/Avril Robarts LRC entrance barriers and an investigation into the leak from chemical storage cabinet at Byrom Street were concluded. That the Consultant Occupational Physician, Dr Nigel Wilson, will be leaving LJMU on 31st March. Arrangements for interim and longer term provision are progressing well. Dr Wilsons significant contribution to the improvements in the service provided by the Occupational Health Unit is acknowledged, particularly in the area of clinical governance. Item closed. Reports from Health and Safety Coordinators Arts, Professional and Social Studies NOTED: That Ian Webster is aware that access to the assembly area requires improvement and this will be fed into the costings for works associated with the fire risk assessment for the building. Item closed. Education, Community and Leisure NOTED: That a written report was received. Item closed.

Health and Applied Social Sciences NOTED: That a written report was received. Item closed. Science, Technology and Environment NOTED: That staff in the James Parsons Building have been issued with keys to enable them to open more fully the windows to be used in the event of an incident similar to the chemical spillage incident which happened on the 27 th November 2012. Item closed. Finance NOTED: That the Kingsway House Fire Assembly point has been moved for reasons of pedestrian safety and improving communication with the evacuation team. Item closed. Estate Management NOTED: That a written report was received. Item closed. Planning and Information NOTED: That a written report was received. Item closed. Academic Enhancement, Research and Regional Engagement NOTED: That a written report was received. Item closed. Student Experience NOTED: That a written report was received. Item closed. University Secretary and Deputy Chief Executive; Office of the ViceChancellor NOTED: That a written report was received. Item closed.

Marketing, Commercial and International NOTED: That a written report was received. Item closed. HS 07/13 ANY OTHER BUSINESS Confirmation of Health and Safety Committee terms of reference NOTED: That the Committee agreed that its terms of reference and membership arrangements are fit for purpose and meet the requirements of health and safety consultation legislation. That MCP3 Health and Safety Committee will be reviewed, again, for approval at the September 2013 meeting of the Committee, to accommodate any changes of terminology or responsibility arising from the new minimal committee structure. DATE OF NEXT MEETING That the next meeting will be held on Wednesday 24th April 2013 at 2pm in the Pilkington Boardroom, Egerton Court.


HS 08/13 NOTED:


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