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Health and Safety Unit

LIVERPOOL JOHN MOORES UNIVERSITY HEALTH AND SAFETY COMMITTEE Minutes of a meeting held at 1.30pm on Tuesday 18 th September, 2012 in the Roscoe Room, Egerton Court. Present: Chair UCU Health and Safety Representative Health and Safety Adviser Director Estate Management Health and Safety Coordinator, Commercial and International Ms Cathy Gleig Health and Safety Coordinator, Education, Community and Leisure Ms Moira Helbert UNISON Health and Safety Representative Ms Anne Hogarth Health and Safety Coordinator, Arts, Professional and Social Studies Mr Sean Holdsworth Health and Safety Adviser Mr John Gillin Senior Adviser, Safety and Health Services Mr Nigel Green Health and Safety Coordinator, Finance Mr Eric McEvoy Health and Safety Coordinator, Science; Technology and Environment Mr Ed Naylor Health and Safety Coordinator, Student Experience Ms Sharon Schofield Health and Safety Coordinator, Health and Applied Social Sciences Mr Ian Webster Health and Safety Coordinator, Estate Management Mrs Paula Quirk Secretary APOLOGIES That apologies were received from Alison M Wild, Emily Moncrief, Carol Swaisland, Glyn Hobbs, Andy Evans, Nigel Wilson, Ian Thorold, Joy Bate and Billy Roberts. Eric McEvoy sent his apologies for late attendance. That the Chair welcomed Ed Naylor, Health and Safety Coordinator, Student Experience and Colin Davies, Director, Estate Management to their first meeting. HS 16/12 NOTED: HS 17/12 MINUTES OF LAST MEETING That the minutes of the last meeting, held on Wednesday 9 th May 2012, were accepted as a true record. MATTERS ARISING NOT SHOWN ELSEWHERE ON THE AGENDA Smoking signage NOTED: That the survey identifying building entrance location where signage will be installed was completed by the Health and Safety Unit. Mr Peter Hinton Mr Alastair Balchin Ms Lorraine Buchan Mr Colin Davies Ms Dawn Fantin

In attendance: HS 15/12 NOTED:


The survey report will be forwarded to Estate Management for procurement and installation of the signage. ACTION: Ian Webster (Estate Management) Smoking shelters


That John Gillin has consulted with all Deans. No amendments to the report have been made as a result of the consultation with the Deans. The report will be presented to the Strategic Management Team (SMT). ACTION: John Gillin (Health and Safety Unit) Floor plans, Tithebarn Street


That Ian Webster confirmed that he had met with Sonia Masheder. The floor plans are being produced. Item closed. Approval of SCP14 Fieldwork, Visits, Expeditions and Adventurous Activities off University Premises


That all Health and Safety Coordinators contacted John Gillin in order to nominate staff members for a meeting with Dr Wilson, Consultant Occupational Physician. That in the meeting, which is being arranged by Paula Quirk, Dr Wilson will explain functional questionnaires, referrals and consent and establish single points of contact for these matters. Item closed. Approval of SCP7 Reporting and Investigation of Adverse Events


That an announcement was made on the LJMU News Update about the commencement of the new online adverse event reporting system. There was also a request to destroy securely all completed accident reports held locally, for reasons for data security. That John Gillin thanked those present who assisted with the user acceptance trial. Item closed. Statutory health surveillance


That John Gillin requested that Health and Safety Coordinators begin to prepare lists of staff who are at risk from any of the following workplace hazards: vibration, noise, asthmagens and latex (powdered gloves). That a further reminder will be given at the February meeting of the Health and Safety Committee in order that all names can be forwarded by John Gillin to the Occupational Health Unit in order that health surveillance can recommence in March 2013. Item closed.

Stress risk assessments NOTED: That an opportunity arose to incorporate the Health and Safety Executives stress management standards within the Universitys Staff Engagement Survey, due to take place in November 2012. The results from the survey (which will incorporate feedback from consultation groups of staff and their representatives) will inform the stress risk assessment process. That among the focus group meetings that have already taken place was one with the Trades Unions, John Gillin and Amanda Mannion, Human Resources, where the management standards were discussed. That Moira Helbert mentioned that Unison did not receive an invitation to the focus group. Secretarys note: it has been confirmed that invitation e-mails were, in fact, sent to the Unison Branch Secretary. After hours arrangements NOTED: That, from health and safety and space management perspectives, arrangements for building openings after 5pm are increasing in importance. Health and Safety Coordinators have had an opportunity to consider their arrangements; a consistent format for reporting them is required. That John Gillin and Colin Davies will develop a report template for completion by Health and Safety Coordinators. ACTION: John Gillin (Health and Safety Unit) and Colin Davies (Estate Management) AGREED: That Health and Safety Coordinators will send the completed report templates to John Gillin by the end of September 2012. ACTION: Health and Safety Coordinators (Faculties and Services) Risk assessment audits NOTED: That Sean Holdsworth reported that sample risk assessments were received from the remaining Faculties in June. Due to other urgent priorities, Sean has been unable to review all the assessments. That the review will be completed by the end of September 2012 and the findings produced in draft reports by the end of October 2012. ACTION: Sean Holdsworth (Health and Safety Unit) Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) audits NOTED: AGREED: That Lorraine Buchan met with the relevant Health and Safety Coordinators to initiate the audit process. That follow-up meetings will be arranged with Health and Safety Coordinators to review the completed COSHH audit forms and COSHH risk assessments by the end of October 2012. A report will follow. ACTION: Lorraine Buchan (Health and Safety Unit)



Emergency Plans NOTED: AGREED: That the return of some building Emergency Plans remain outstanding. That a final request will be made of the Fire Evacuation Coordinators, for their completion and submission, to be returned to Lorraine Buchan by no later than 1 st November 2012. ACTION: Lorraine Buchan (Health and Safety Unit) HS 18/12 APPROVAL OF CODES OF PRACTICE PREVIOUSLY CONSULTED UPON Approval of SCP39 Vibration at Work NOTED: That substantive changes to the Code, made subsequent to the issue of the consultation document, include: AGREED: Clarification of the role of the Health and Safety Unit in regard to workplace vibration measurements, which inform the risk assessment The Occupational Health Unit stores health records, as well as confidential medical records, to comply with the Data Protection Act

That the Committee approved SCP39 Vibration at Work. Item closed. Approval of SCP1 Fire Precautions


That, further to the issue of the consultation document, there were no substantive amendments. That Estate Management will display room capacities outside each of the teaching rooms. ACTION: Colin Davies (Estate Management)


That the Committee approved SCP1 Fire Precautions. Item closed. Approval of SCP2 Evacuation Procedures


That, further to the issue of the consultation documents, there were no substantive amendments. That the Committee approved SCP2 Evacuation Procedures, subject to a definition of working day being provided within section 2.1. Item closed. Approval of SCP34 Violence


That substantive changes to the Code, made subsequent to the issue of the consultation document, include: Reference to the constraints on what can be divulged about an individuals criminal record Physical attacks contrary to LJMU values

Removal of an example where a member of staff would be accompanied by a colleague if they have to meet a suspected aggressor at home or in a remote location

That in addition, the Vice-Chancellor requested that the risk assessment process be consistent with the new risk management procedures. To that end John Gillin has contacted Paul Evans, Strategy Management Director, to request a meeting. AGREED: That the Committee approved SCP34 Violence subject to: Reference to the Staff and Student Codes of Behaviour Reference to the Offences Against the Person Act 1868 Explanation about why a Director is the appropriate tier of management to ensure that an assessment of risk is carried out where it can be reasonably foreseen that a threat of violence is present

Item closed. Approval of SCP25 Lone Working NOTED: That substantive changes to the Code, made subsequent to the issue of the consultation document, include: The requirement for employers to check that lone workers have no medical conditions that may make them unsuitable for working alone was changed to a referral being made by Human Resources to the Occupational Health Unit


That the development of two separate Codes of Practice for students and staff working alone will be undertaken. ACTION: John Gillin (Health and Safety Unit) Approval of SCP8 Noise at Work


That substantive changes to the Code, made subsequent to the issue of the consultation document, include: The keeping of health records has been changed from being a School/Service responsibility to that of the Occupational Health Unit, thus reducing bureaucracy and risks to data security Management are not routinely informed of negative findings in health surveillance


That the Committee approved SCP8 Noise at Work. Item closed.

HS 19.12

DISCUSSION ITEMS Endorsement of the Health and Safety Induction Workbook


That the Health and Safety Induction Workbook was revised and uploaded onto the Health and Safety Website in July 2012. That subsequently, at John Gillins request, feedback has been received and incorporated into the Workbook. That the numbers of new staff contained in Health and Safety Coordinator

reports will be compared to the Health and Safety Induction Workbook return slips. Feedback will be provided to Health and Safety Coordinators for action, if required. AGREED: That the Health and Safety Committee endorsed the Health and Safety Induction Workbook. Item closed. HS20.12 INFORMATION ITEMS Report from Senior Adviser, Safety and Health Services NOTED: That a written report was received. Item closed. Reports from Health and Safety Coordinators Arts, Professional and Social Studies NOTED: That a written report was received. Item closed. Education, Community and Leisure NOTED: That a written report was received. Item closed. Health and Applied Social Sciences NOTED: That a written report was received. Item closed. Science, Technology and Environment NOTED: That a written report was received. Item closed. Finance NOTED: That a written report was received. Item closed. Estate Management NOTED: That a written report was received. Item closed. Planning and Information NOTED: That a written report was received.

Item closed. Academic Enhancement, Research and Regional Engagement NOTED: That a written report was received. Item closed. Student Experience NOTED: That a written report was received. Item closed. Administration and HR; Office of the Vice-Chancellor NOTED: That a written report was received. Item closed. Marketing, Commercial and International NOTED: That a written report was received. Item closed. HS 21/12 ANY OTHER BUSINESS Fire Crier, Byrom Street NOTED: AGREED: That Eric McEvoy expressed concerns about the age and effectiveness of the current Fire Crier system at Byrom Street. That further information will be provided to Ian Webster. ACTION: Eric McEvoy (Faculty of Science; Technology and Environment) Cathy Gleig (Education, Community and Leisure) NOTED: That Cathy Gleig is relinquishing her role as Health and Safety Coordinator; she will be succeeded by Track Dinning. The Chair thanked Cathy on behalf of the Committee for her longstanding dedication and enthusiasm. DATE OF NEXT MEETING That the next meeting will be held on Wednesday 6 th February, 2013 at 2pm in the Pilkington Boardroom, Egerton Court.

HS 22/12 NOTED:

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