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WCDMA CS Call Summary Report

Reporting Date Data Collection Date Data Source Market Cluster Test Type Lead Engineer Created With
1/30/2013 12:31:04 PM~2/1/2013 8:18:32 PM Project: MTN, Composite: MS1


Cluster Test TEMS Discovery(2.1.5 Build: 4153)

Call Setup Statistics

Events or Event Categories Call Setup Success Call Setup EOF Call Setup Blocked Call Setup Failure Total Call Setup Count Call Setup Success Rate (%) Originating CS
85 1 0 32

Terminating CS
0 0 0 0

Other CS Calls
0 0 0 0

118 72.03% N/A

0 N/A

Call End Statistics

Events or Event Categories Call Release by UE (Normal Cause) Call Release by Network (Normal Cause) Call On-Call @ EOF CS Call Abnormal Release Call Dropped Total Ends of Call Count Dropped Call Rate (%) Originating CS
0 66 17 0 2

Terminating CS
0 0 0 0 0

Other CS
0 4 0 0 0

85 2.35% N/A

4 0.00%

Soft Handover Statistics

Metrics Consecutive Measurement Report Failure Success Success Rate (%, 100*S/S+F)) Addition N/A 17 941 98.23 N/A 15 886 98.34 Removal Replacement N/A 0 904 100

Event Duration Statistics

Metrics CS Call Setup Duration (ms) SHO: E1A-to-ASU Duration (ms) SHO: E1B-to-ASU Duration (ms) Mean 7544.81 929.5 428.9 Minimum 0 0 0 Maximum 115039 90632 2558

Key RF Metrics
KPI Mean Top CPICH RSCP (dBm) Mean Top CPICH Ec/Io (dB) 75%-ile Top CPICH RSCP (dBm) 75%-ile Top CPICH Ec/Io (dB) Value
-81.96 -10.49 -73.8 OK -8.5 OK



All CS Calls 85 1 0 32 118 72.03%

All CS 0 70 17 0 2 89 2.25%

Total 1340 32 2731 98.84

90%-ile 12420 889 665

CS Call Setup Summary

Events or Event Categories Call Setup Success Call Setup EOF Call Setup Blocked Call Setup Failure CS Call Re-establishment Success CS Call Re-establishment Failure Total Call Setups Originating CS Calls
85 1 0 32 0 0

Terminating CS Calls
0 0 0 0 0 0


CS Call End Summary

Events or Event Categories Call Release by UE (Normal Cause) Call Release by Network (Normal Cause) Call On-Call @ EOF CS Call Abnormal Release Call Dropped Total Call Ends Originating CS Calls
0 66 17 0 2

Terminating CS Calls
0 0 0 0 0


CS Call Start Pie Chart

Series Title

CS Setup Results Pie Chart

Series Title

CS Call Ending Pie Chart

Series Title

Soft Handover Pie Chart

Series Title

Other CS Calls
0 0 0 0 0 0

All CS Calls 85 1 0 32 0 0 118

Other CS Calls
0 4 0 0 0

All CS Calls 0 70 17 0 2 89

Series Title Range Value MO CS Call Setup Start 121

MO CS Call Setup Start

Series Title Range Value MO CS Call Setup Success 85 MO CS Call Setup Abort 2 MO CS Call Setup EOF 1 On CS Call at Start of File 4 MO CS Call Setup Failure 32

MO CS Call Setup Success MO CS Call Setup Abort MO CS Call Setup EOF On CS Call at Start of File MO CS Call Setup Failure

Series Title Range Value MO CS Call On-Call @17 EOF MO CS Call NW Release 66 (Normal Cause) MO CS Call Dropped 2 CS Call NW Release (Normal 4 Cause)

MO CS Call On-Call @ EOF MO CS Call NW Release (Normal Cause) MO CS Call Dropped CS Call NW Release (Normal Cause)

Series Title Range Value Radio Link Removal 886 Radio Link Removal Failure 15 Radio Link Replacement 904 Radio Link Addition 941 Radio Link Addition Failure 17

Radio Link Removal Radio Link Removal Failure Radio Link Replacement Radio Link Addition Radio Link Addition Failure

RF Coverage and Quality Summary

Metrics Top 1 CPICH RSCP Top 1 CPICH Ec/Io Rx Power (dBm) Tx Power (dBm) Sample Count
9517 9517 9511 9221

Linear Average
-70.15 -9.76 -61.34 10.12

-81.96 -10.49 -71.11 -5.85

-50.7 -2 -42 23

-111.6 -20.8 -94.8 -50


Top 1 CPICH Ec/Io

-67.8 -7.4 -58.7 14.2

-73.8 -8.5 -64.2 4.6

Rx Power (dBm)



Tx Power (dBm)

KPIs Mimimum Accetable Call Setup Success Rate (%) Maximum Accetable Dropped Call Rate (%) Minimum Acceptable RSCP @ 75%-tile (dBm) Minimum Acceptable Ec/Io @ 75%-tile (dB) Maximum Acceptable BLER @ 75%-tile

95 2 -85 -12 2

1 This template serve as a sample report template only. 2 It is possible to build a complicated report template according to your specific need. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact support team. 3 Legend of colors used in this sample template:

Title Name of Parameters or KPIs

For user-input

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