Ms Important Questions For Final Exam

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Unit 1 and 2

1) Nature, importance and features of Management. 2) Authority and Responsibility 3) Line and staff managers. Conflict resolution 4) Challenges faced by any manager. 5) Various types of Organisational structure 6) Theory X and Theory Y 7) Matrix Organisation 8) Design an Organisation 9) Link between organisation and management 10) Organisational chart 11) Define management. State important characteristics of Management 12) What are various types of Organistion structures? Explain with merits and de-merits 13) What are various stages of evolution of management theory? 14) What is concept of Team structureand inverted pyramid? 15) Mayos Hawthorne experiments 16) Describe principles of Organisation? 17) Describe Leadership styles with examples. 18) What are various functions of Managements? 19) Differenciate between Cellular and Boundary-less organisation with merits and de-merits.

Unit 3
1) Problem on control chart. 2) Factors influencing Plant layout. 3) Objective of Plant layout. 4) Product layout- advantages and disadvantages. 5) Differentiate between Product layout and Process layout. 6) Name the various recording techniques used in Method study. Give meanings of various recording symbols. 7) Define Mass production. How does it differ from Job production. 8) Draw the p-chart for a problem.

Unit 4
1) Functions of Materials management. 2) EOQ and its formula derivation. 3) Role of purchase manager. 4) Channels of distribution. 5) Marketing intermediaries. 6) Describe the duties of a Store keeper. 7) Explain Lead time, Safety stock, Recorder point, Max and Min inventory, Average Inventory. 8) Define marketing. What is modern concept of marketing? 9) What are various types of Store registers?

Unit 5
1) Objectives and functions of Human Resources Management. 2) Job evaluation in industry and various methods. 3) Why HRM is a challenging function? 4) Purpose of training and how can it be imparted? 5) Define Job requirement, Job specification, Job description and Job enrichment 6) What environment change will be the most difficult for HR group to manage? 7) How should one identify training needs in an Organization? 8) What are the benefits and problems associated with promotion? 9) What is selection? How many methods are followed by a Personnel manager?

Unit 6
1) A problem on PERT to draw NW, cpm, probability of completion. 2) A problem on PERT to draw NW, cpm, duration of project. 3) With example, define slack, float, EST, EFT, LST, LFT. 4) Given the normal time and cost and crash time and cost, indirect cost for a network, calculate optimal project duration and optimal cost. 5) What is PERT? What are the applications of PERT.

1) Environmental scanning and its importance. 2) Difference between Vision & Mission and importance to organisation. 3) Factors in external and internal environment of a business organisation. 4) What are the different types of Enviroments that a firm faces? For a firm you are acquainted with, chart the relevant environment. 5) What are the criteria used to determine the Corperate Strengths a Weaknesses? 6) How can a company identify core and distinctive competencies?

1) Is re-engineering another fad or does it offers something of lasting value? 2) What is Just-in Time system? Is it suited for Indian industry? 3) Explain causes of failure of a MIS. 4) Write short notes on CMM, Balanced Score Card and JIT. 5) What are major ingredients of TQM?

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