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Reports Developer is a powerful enterprise reporting tool used to build reports that dynamically retrieve, format, and distribute information stored in the database. Reports Developer enables you to: Web publish high quality reports. Perform unlimited data formatting. Take advantage of application server based reporting. Meet us er needs with an integrated business intelligence solution. Reports Developer Tools Reports Developer provides a builder that enables you to easily construct sophisticated reports and a server that enables you to securely publish reports to your users. Report Builder Reports Server Report Builder: UseReport Builder to design professional, production-quality reports . You can create reports in a combination of styles and publish them in a variety of widely used formats, including HTML and PDF. Report Server: Use the Reports Server to securely publish production-quality reports. Using the Reports Server in conjunction with Oracle Web DB, you can control access to reports and administer your Reports Servers from a Web interface. You can also use the Reports Server to distribute reports through CGI-compatible Web servers. Supporting Reports Developer Tools Reports Developer includes additional tools to automate and manage application development tasks . Graphics Builder Project Builder Procedure Builder Schema Builder Query Builder Translation Builder

to build applications that enable end users to visualize data and interact graphically with a database

Graphic Builder: UseGraphics Builder to build applications that enable end users to visualize data and interact graphically with a database. Project Builder: UseGraphics Builder to build applications that enable end users to visualize data and interact graphically with a database.

Data model Data Definition objects in data model: Queries: A query contains a SQL SELECT statement that retrieves data from the database for your report. Non-linkable queries: A non-linkable query is a detail query that contains column objects that prevent the query from being linked to via a column-to-column link. If you attempt to create such a link, a message dialo g box displays, which prompts you to choose whether to create a group-to-group quer y (using the parent groups), or to cancel the operation. A non-linkable query displays in its title bar. Instead, you can create a group-to-group link between the two queries and add a WHERE clause to the child querys SELECT statement, using a bind variable to reference the parent column.

GROUPS: Groups are created to organize the columns in your report. When you create a query, Report Builder automatically creates a group that contains the columns selected by the query. You create additional groups to produce br eak levels in the report, either manually or by using the Report Wizard to create a group above or group left report.

DATABASE COLUMNS: A database column represents a column that is selected b y the query. For each column that you select in your qu ery, Report Builder automatically creates a column in the data model of your report.

FORMULA COLUMNS: A formula column performs a user-defined computation on another column(s) data, including placeholder columns. Formula columns should not be used to set values for parameters.

PLACEHOLDER COLUMNS: A placeholder is a column for which you set the datatyp e and value in PL/SQL that you define. You can set the value of a placeholder column in the following places: * The Before Report Trigger, if the placeholder is a report-level column * A report-level formula column, if the placeholder is a report-level column * A formula in the placeholder's group or a group below it (the value is set once for each record of the group) Sort columns: A sort column is used in an Express Report to sort Express dimension values. For each dimension selected in the Express query, Report Builder automatically inserts a corresponding sort column in the data model of your report. A sort column contains the Express index to the corresponding dimension value. SUMMARY COLUMNS: A summary column performs a computation on another column's data. Using the Report Wizard or Data Wizard, you can create the following summaries: sum, average, count, minimum, maximum, % total. You can also create a summary column manually in the Data Model view, and use the Property Palette to create the following additional summaries: first, last, standard deviation, variance.

LEXICAL REFERENCES: Lex ical references ar e placeholders for text that you embed in a SELECT statement. You can use lexical references to replace the clauses appearing after SELECT, FROM, WHERE, GROUP BY, ORDER BY, HAVING, CONNECT BY, and START WITH. You cannot make lexical references in a PL/SQL statement. You can, however, use a bind reference in PL/SQL to set the value of a parameter that is then referenced lexically in SQL. Look at the example below. You create a lexical reference by enterin g an ampersand (&) followed immediately by the column or parameter name. A default definition is not provided for lexical references. Therefore, you must do the following: Before you create your query, define a column or parameter in the data model for each lex ical refer ence in the query. For columns, you must enter Value if Null, and, for parameters, you must enter Initial Value. Report Builder uses these values to validate a query with a lexical reference. Eg: SELECT &P_ENAME NAME, &P_EMPNO ENO, &P_JOB ROLE FROM EMP P_ENAME, P_EMPNO, and P_JOB can be used to change the columns selected at runtime. For example, you could enter DEPTNO as the value for P_EMPNO on the Runtime Parameter Form. Note that in this case, you should use aliases for your columns. Otherwise, if you change the columns selected at runtime, the column names in the SELECT list will not match the Report Builder columns and the report will not run

DATA LINKS: Data links relate the results of multiple queries. A data link (or parent-child relationship) causes the child query to be executed once for each instance of its parent group. When you create a data link in the Data Model view o f your report, Report Builder constructs a clause (as specified in the link's Property Palette) that will be added to the child query's SELECT statement at runtime. You can view the SELECT statements for the individual parent and child queries in the Builder, but can not view the SELECT statement that includes the clause created b y the data link you define. Note: Oracle Reports does not support data links between queries that contain column objects. If you attempt to create such a link, a message dialog box displays, which enables you to choose whether to tell Repor ts to create a group-to-group query instead (using the parent groups), o r to can cel the operation. If you want to create a link between any type of column and a column object, you can manually type the SQL statement using the appropriate column alias(es).

LEXICAL REFERENCES: Lex ical references ar e placeholders for text that you embed in a SELECT statement. You can use lexical references to replace the clauses appearing after SELECT, FROM, WHERE, GROUP BY, ORDER BY, HAVING, CONNECT BY, and START WITH. You cannot make lexical references in a PL/SQL statement. You can, however, use a bind reference in PL/SQL to set the value of a parameter that is then referenced lexically in SQL. Look at the example below. You create a lexical reference by enterin g an ampersand (&) followed immediately by the column or parameter name. A default definition is not provided for lexical references. Therefore, you must do the following: Before you create your query, define a column or parameter in the data model for each lex ical refer ence in the query. For columns, you must enter Value if Null, and, for parameters, you must enter Initial Value. Report Builder uses these values to validate a query with a lexical reference. Eg: SELECT &P_ENAME NAME, &P_EMPNO ENO, &P_JOB ROLE FROM EMP

P_ENAME, P_EMPNO, and P_JOB can be used to change the columns selected at runtime. For example, you could enter DEPTNO as the value for P_EMPNO on the Runtime Parameter Form. Note that in this case, you should use aliases for your columns. Otherwise, if you change the columns selected at runtime, the column names in the SELECT list will not match the Report Builder columns and the report will not run

LAYOUT MODEL Layout Objects in reports: FRA MES: Frames are used to surround other objects and protect them from being overwritten or pushed by other objects. For example, a frame might b e used to surround all objects owned by a group, to surround column headings, or to surround summaries. When you default the layout for a report, Report Builder creates frames aro und report objects as n eeded; you can also create a frame manually in the Layout Model view.

Note: Frame n ame always starts with M_ . REPEATING FRAMES: Repeating frames surround all of the fields that ar e created for a groups columns. The repeating frame prints (is fired) once for each record of the group. When you default the layout for a report, Report Builder creates r epeating frames around fields as needed; you can also create a rep eating frame manually in the Layout Model view. For your understanding, consider there are more than 50 records in a table. Now when you have only the frame you can display only one record. For eg: Without repeating frame: Sno. Name Empid Dept 1 Dinesh 56971 GE With repeating frame:

Sno. Name Empid 1 Dinesh 56971 ..50 Vishnu 56973

Dept GE GE

REPEATING frame name always start with R_. Defining repeating frame inside main frame BOILERPLATE: Boilerplate is an y text or graphics that appear in a report every time it is run. Report Builder will create one boilerplate object for each label selected in the Report Wizard (it is named B_Column name). Also, one boilerplate object is sometimes created for each report summary. A boilerplate object is owned by the object surrounding it, unless otherwise noted.

FIELDS: (pic above) A field is the layout container for each column in the layout. A field is owned by the object surrounding it, typically a repeating frame, unless the field is a summary (in which case it is owned by a frame). Parameter Form field: Parameter Form fields are layout containers for parameters used on the Runtime Parameter Form.

ANCHORS: Anchors are used to determine the vertical and ho rizontal positioning of a child object relative to its parent. The end of the anchor with a symbol on it is attached to the parent object. Since the size of some layout objects may chan ge when the report runs (and data is actually fetched), you need anchors to define where you want objects to appear relative to one another. An anchor defines the relative position of an object to the object to which it is anchored. Positioning is based on the size of the objects after the data has been fetched rather than on th eir size in the editor. It should also be noted that the position of the object in the Layout editor effects the final po sition in the report output. Any physical offset in the layout is incorporated into the percentage position specified in the Anchor property sheet. Anchor restrictions: An object may be anchored to only one other object. Matrix objects, anchors, and the mar gin cannot be anchored to anythin g (i.e., they may not be the parent or child object for an anchor). A repeating frame th at is the vertical or horizontal repeating frame for a matrix cannot be an chored to another object, but other objects may b e anchored to it (i.e., it can be the parent but not the child object for an anchor). Nothing can be an chored to a hidden object (an object with Visible set to No). Moving an anchor also causes the two objects it anchors together to move. Objects cannot be ancho red together in such a way that they h ave a circulardependency. To copy an anchor, you must select the anchor and the two objects it anchorstogether. If you select the anchor by itself, nothing will be copied to the pastebuffer. If you select the anchor and one of the objects,

only the object is placed in

the clipboard. An anchor cannot be resized. An anchor must always be on top of the objects it anchors together (i.e., it must be one or more layers above the parent and child objects). Report Builder prevents you from moving the anchor to a layer below its parent and child objects. You cannot use Align, Align Objects, or Size Objects from the Arrange menu on anchors. Examples: Centering fields horizontally


Parameter Form The Report Editor's Parameter Form view enables you to create a Runtime Parameter Form for your report. You can select pre-d efined system parameters for your form using the Parameter Form Builder, or you can create your own. Painting region The painting region is the area in which you can create, modify, position, or delete objects while viewing their graphical representations on the screen. The painting region of the Parameter Fo rm view is comprised of physical pages(contains Boiler Plate, fields, graphics). You specify the size of each parameter form page and the number of pages using the Report property sheet (double-click the report's node in the Object Navigator). PROPERTY PALETTE The Property Palette has an outline-style interface that enables you to view, locate, and set object properties. The Property Palette features:

expandable and collapsible nodes In-place property editing Search features Multi-selection Complex property dialogs The ability to invoke multiple instances of the Property Palett

Live Previewer The Report Editor's Live Previewer view enables you to preview and inspect your report output page by page. Yo u can also work directly with the report output to customize and refine the appearance of your report.


Tabular Report (Manual Report) Query:

Classification: Internal

Steps 3:Go to Property pallet of group and then change the name as G_p. Steps 4: Create a main frame. Go to property p alette and chan ge vertical & horizonda elasticity as Expand. (Vishav; pic upper ki neeche , neeche ki uper karo)

Steps 5: Now create a repeating frame inside main frame. Also sets its vertical & horizontal elasticity as expand . Then set the source to G_p.

Step 6: Inside repeating frame create fields that is to be displayed in report. Right click each field and set the source f rom group attributes. Also set vertical & horizontal elasticity as expand.

Step 7: Now run the report. By pressing

NOTE : While manually creating a layout remember the order of creating its objects. 1. Frame 2. Repeating frame inside Frame 3. Fields / boilerplates One more thing, your main frame should not cross the 7 inches in the rules. This applies both horizontally & vertically.

Summary Column (Report Level) Reset At The Reset At property is the group at which the summary column value resets to zero (if Function is Count), null (if Function is not Count), or Value If Null (if the column has one). Reset At has a list of values containing valid reset groups. Reset At determines if the summary is a running summary or a periodic (e.g., group-level) summary. Values Page Is used for page-lev el summaries. The summary is reset between p ages Report Is used for summaries that apply to the entire rep ort, such as gr and totals. The summary is reset after the r eport (i.e., it is never reset). <names> Is a valid group name. The summary is reset after each record of the group. Applies to summary columns. The reset group of a summary column may be its group or any group above its group, including Report and Page. To ensure that page summaries behave in a predictable way, make sure each record fits on a single page, o r if that is not feasible, force each new record to print on a new page. Reset At - Restrictions Reset At is only editable for summary columns. Summary columns that are owned by a cross-product group cannot have a Reset At of Page. If a summary has a Reset At of Page, then the sizing of the field or boilerplate object that displays it must be fixed. If a column has a Reset At of Page, then an y fields that use it as a source must be contained in repeating frames that use the column's group as their source. A Reset At of Page will not work for reports that have multiple repeating frames associated with a group that is involved in the summary. One common case of this is a matrix report. As a result, matrix reports cannot have page-level summaries. For multiple summary columns that are in child groups that share the same parent group, a Reset At of Page may produce incorrect results. If your data model contains multiple child groups with a shared p arent ( e.g., master-detail-d etail), summary columns with a Reset At of Page may give unexpected results. STEPS Consider the tabular report above. Follow the steps 1to step 3in above example. Step 4: In data model click (SUM like sign) for creatin g summary column.

Step 5:Right click summary column CS_1 for property palette. Step 6:In property palette you can see the column type is summary and the default data type is Number. Now select the function as your choice such as sum, count, max, min etc. Step 7: Now go to Layout Model. There create a field F_3go to its property palette and assign source asCS_1as below.

Step 8 : run the Report

Summary Column (Group Level) Consider the manually created tabular report abov e. Follow the steps 1to step 3 as above example. Step 4: Before Creating a summary column inside a Group, Select that grou p and then create summary column..In data model click Summary Column Step 5: Right click the cs2 and go to property palette.

Now select the function as Count and Source as PRODUCT_NO.

Step 6: Now go to Layout model create a field F_4 inside Main frame an d go to its property palette and set its source as CS_

Step 7: Now run the report

Conditional Formatting Using theConditional Formattingand Format Exception dialog boxes, you can specify output formatting attributes (font and/or color) for a selected layout object based on conditions that exist. The conditions that you define are called format exceptions. You can display the Conditional Formatting dialog box from the Live Previewer view o r Layout Model view in any of the following ways: Double-click the object to display the Property Palette. Under the General Layout node, click the Conditional Formatting value field (labeled ). Display the pop-up menu (right-click in Windows) for the object. Click the object, then choose Format Conditional Formatting. After you specify conditions and formatting for the current layout object in the Format Exception dialog box, the entire definition is exported to a PL/SQL format trigger. If a format trigger already exists for the layout

object, the definition in the Format Exception dialog box overwrites the existing trigger code wh en you confirm the Report Builder prompt. You can edit the format trigger manually via the PL/SQL Editor; however, if you subsequently modify the definition using the Format Exception dialog box , Report Builder displays a prompt to overwrite the ex isting format trigger. Consider the above report for demo. Step 1 to step 6 is same as above. Step 7: Go to Layout Model right click any object in the report, click conditional Formatting.

Now set the condition and format as per your wish. Set condition for COST_PRICE field also. Then run the report

Formula Column (Report Level) Query: select product_no , qty_on_hand , cost_price fromproduct_master Now create the report manually using normal steps. Step 3: In Data Model Now click FORMULA COLUMN . Then click the report

Step 4: Now create Formula column by pressing this icon . Then right click CF_1, click property palette Click the PL/SQL Formula tab. Write the following code in the functio n. Code: return:CS_1 *0.125 ;

Then Press Compile button to check code is write or not. If sucessfully completed Close the window. Note: While reteriving the v alue from any layout object put in front of object name.

Step 5: Noe create a layout in layout model and run the report

Formula Column (Group Level) Query: select product_no , qty_on_hand , cost_price fromproduct_master Step 1: Create the report in usual manner. Step 2: Now go to data model for cr eating summary and formula column. Step 3: Now select the group and click Formula co lumn icon

Right click CF_1 and click property palette. Then click PLSQL Formula tab

then in Pl/SQL editor type Code: return (:qty_on_hand)*(:cost_price); Step 4: In the same way create a summar y column at report lev el

Step 5: Now create one more formula column at report level

Step 5: Now create one more formula column at report level. Code: return :CS_1 *0.125 ; Step 6: Move to Layout model to create layout for objects

Step 7: Now run the report.

Placeholder Column (Report Level)

QUERY : Select product_no , qty_on_hand , cost_price fromproduct_master Step 1: Create the report in usual manner. Step 2: Now create a group level formula column, report level summary ( CS_1), placeholder (CP_1 ), and formula column (CF_2)

Step 3: Now create layout for this report in layout model as below STEP 4. : RUN THE REPORT

Parameter Form (Bind Reference)

Query: select * from SALES_ORDER_DETAILS where product_no = :PRODUCT_NUM Step 1: Create the report in usual manner. As we have used bind reference in the query, automatically the User Parameter is created.

Step 2: Now go to the parameter form. Then create a field using this icon . Then right click the field and go to its property palette. Now select the source as PRODUCT_NUM . You can think why product_num. This is because it is the bind reference used in SQL SELECT Statement in QUERY.

Step 3: Now go to layout modelto create a layout for the report as below. Step 4: Run the report.


Break Report (Without Joins) Break report is created when you want the repeating values for the column to be printed only once. Thus the break report are efficient only wh en the select statement includes a column, called abreak columncontaining at least one value which repeats over multiple records. Query: select * from sales_order Step1: create the report in usual manner.

Step 2: Now click the ORDER_STATUS from the group G_S_ORDER_NO and drag it above the group as below.

Step 3: Now go to the layout model & create a layout for this report. AND RUN THE REPORT

Break Report (With Joins) Query: SELECT sales_order.s_order_no,sales_order.dely_date,sales_order_details.product_no,product_master.description, product_master.unit_measure, sales_order_details.qty_ordered, sales_order_details.qty_disp FROM sales_order, sales_order_details, product_master WHERE sales_order_details.s_order_no = sales_order.s_order_no AND sales_order_details.product_no = product_master.product_no AND sales_order_details.qty_ordered > sales_order_details.qty_disp Create the report in usual manner. Create a break group G_1 which has columns S_Order_no & Dely_date

Now Create A Layout As Shown Below And Run:

MASTER-Detail Report

A simpleMaster-detailreport contains two grou p Master group& detail group. For each master record fetched, relative d etail records are fetched. Therefor e its ver y similar to break repo rt. If you use defaulttabular layoutthe master-detail report will look like break report. Concept: Break & master-detailreport can result in similar outputs but they require different data model objects. Break reportusesone query andtwo or more groups. Master-detailrepo rt containstwo queries each of which has at least one group. Relationship between two objects is established by using data link(outer join ). Query with Primary keycolumn is calledParent query . Query with foreign keycolumn is calledChild Query . Layout: Master-detail report uses default master d etail layout in which master record s are displayedacross the page with the labels to the left of the group field. Detail records appear belowthe master record in standard tabular format. Master Detail Report Q_Master: SELECT s_order_no,s_order_date,dely_date,dely_type, "client name", dely_addr, salesman_master.salesman_name "salesman name" FROM sales_order, salesman_master, client_master WHERE sales_order.client_no = client_master.client_no AND sales_order.salesman_no = salesman_master.salesman_no Q_Detail: SELECT s_order_no, description,unit_measure,product_rate, qty_ordered FROM sales_order_details, product_master WHERE sales_order_details.PRODUCT_NO = product_master.PRODUCT_NO

Step 1: Create a report in usual manner. Write query into data model and name it as Q_master and Q_d etail. Then create a link between the query. Select the primary key column in G_master then click the following icon and drag the lik connect it to detail query then link is created. Set all summary column reset as to G_MASTER in property palette Step 2: Now go toTools report wizard.

STEP 3: Then run the report

Matrix Report A matrix report is a summary report that presents the desire data with headings across thetop and do wnleft side. The data in middle like spreadsheet. The totals are displayed across the bottom and right side. A matrix report is referred as Cross Tab report. A matrix report is cross tabulation of 4 set of data: 1. one set across the page. 2. one set of data do wn the page. 3. one set of data is cross product. 4. one set of data is filler.

Different types of matrix report. a. Simple matrix. b. Nested matrix. c. Multi query matrix with break. d. Matrix break.

Matrix Data Model 1. Number of queries: Matrix report requires 4 groups with any no. of queries. If you build report with one query you need at least 3 groups. If you build with multiple queries you need at least 1 group. 2.Group Structure: Matrix reports are built with 4 or more groups: a. Two or more dimension groups: Its a cross product group. The information in this group is sometimesreferred as Ma trix Labels . b. One or more Cross Product group: The cross product group contains all possible combination values of the dimension group. This group is represented as intersection of repeating frames of do wn & across dimension group. c. One cell or filler group: The cell group contains actual information that is represented in the cells of cross product. For each interception of dimension group th e cell values contain zero, one or multiple values. Summary Column: While creating the summary column you need to indicate the followin g: a. The frequency o f summary i.e. the dimension gro up to which it belongs. b. The order n which to compute i.e. top to bottom or left o right. Matrix Layout: Matrix layout model should consists of following layout objects: 1. At least 2 repeating frame one with print direction down& another with across. 2. A matrix object created for cross product group. 3. Boilerplates for each column & row of values as well as for summaries. Matrix/ Cross Product Object: A matrix object defines the intersection of two repeating frames. To cr eate a matrix object press the following .

Matrix Report (Using Wizard) Query: SELECT product_master.description, sum(sales_order_details.qty_ordered) "quantity", to_char(sales_order.s_order_date,'mm') mth, to_char(sales_order.s_order_date,'mon') mthfull FROM sales_order_details, sales_order, product_master WHERE (sales_order_details.s_order_no = sales_order.s_order_no) AND (sales_order_details.product_no = product_master.product_no) GROUP BY to_char(sales_order.s_order_date, 'mm'), product_master.description, to_char(sales_order.s_order_date,'mon') ORDER BY to_char(sales_order.s_order_date, 'mm')asc Step 1: Create a query in usual manner in data model.

Step 2: Now select the description inG_description and drag that column to upper left. Step 3: Similarly select mthfull from the groupG_description and drag that to upper right.

Now rename the group as follows: G_descriptionasG-quan tity G_1 as G_description Step 4: Now click the following icon [axb] to create a cross product group and name that as G_countquantity. Click the icon and select the groups G_description & G_mthfull.

Rename G_2 as G_ count_quantity.

Step 5: Now create a group level summary column countquantity.

Set the properties to following: Product order: G_description G_mthfull (Since this is a filler cell). Function : Count Source : quantity Reset At : G_mthfull (Since we are restricting the count o f quantity every month)

Set the properties to following: Product order: G_description Function : Sum Source : Countquantity Reset At : G_description (Since we need to sum singly item qty for all month)

Set the properties to following: Product order: G_mthfull Function : Sum Source : Countquantity Reset At : G_mthfull (Since we need to sum all item qty for all month)

Step 6: Now create a layout using report wizard

Matrix Report (Using Wizard) Query: SELECT product_master.description, sum(sales_order_details.qty_ordered) "quantity", to_char(sales_order.s_order_date,'mm') mth, to_char(sales_order.s_order_date,'mon') mthfull FROM sales_order_details, sales_order, product_master WHERE (sales_order_details.s_order_no = sales_order.s_order_no) AND (sales_order_details.product_no = product_master.product_no) GROUP BY to_char(sales_order.s_order_date, 'mm'), product_master.description, to_char(sales_order.s_order_date,'mon') ORDER BY to_char(sales_order.s_order_date, 'mm')asc Create the report as p er above example. STEPS 1 TO STEP 5 ARE SAME AS ABOVE. For differentiating I have changed the n ames of Groups as follows: Countquantityasfiller cell Sumcountquantityperdescription asqty_on_hand_all_months Sumcountquantitypermthfull asqty_per_months

Step 6: Draw a layout fo r the matrix report in layout model.

Property Palette: Field F_1: Field F_2:

Field F_3:

Field F_4:

Field F_5:

Field F_6:


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