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Biotechnical Riverbank Restoration: A Sustainable Alternative to Traditional Engineering in the Tropics

Primary Presenter: Kwok Wing Leong Company: CHT-NATURAL SOLUTIONS Address: 16 Jalan PJU 1A/10 City: Petaling Jaya State: Selangor

Zip: 46050

Country: Malaysia

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Discover Biotechnical Engineering approaches applied to Riverbank Restoration solutions. Elucidate Sustainable Alternatives to Traditional Engineering. Share techniques used to overcome tropical rainstorm challenges. Sustainability, Soil migration, best management practices (BMP)techniques, erosion & sediment control, sustainable slope and river channel rehabilitation & vegetation, bioengineering, erosion control & permanent turf reinforcement mattress.

Academic : BSC in Civil Engineering (California State University Sacramento) Professional licenses : i) Professional Civil Engineer (PE 1981) in the State of California, USA. ii) Certified Professional Erosion & Sediment Control (CPESC 2001) specialist USA. iii) Certified Professional Storm Water Quality (CPSWQ 2003) specialist USA. Professional Associations/Affiliations : i) Member ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers since 1983. ii) Member IECA International Erosion Control Association since 1992. iii) Vice President IECA Malaysian Chapter 2003-5. Work Experiences : Worked for over 15 years in State of California Department of Transportation and Department of Parks and Recreation with experience in design, development & construction supervision, of highway, geotechnical foundation, water & sewerage systems, park systems & trails, storm water management, river channel & shoreline protection Since 1992, responsible for the marketing, design and construction in Asia of Alcoa-Prestos Geoweb Cellular Confinement System for slope protection, geotechnical soft soil heavy load design, green retaining walls, river embankments & shoreline protection systems. Since 2000, established joint venture in Malaysia to research & develop biotechnical solutions as alternative to traditional engineering with reusable natural resources of Malaysia. Biotechnical solutions include slope rehabilitation & river restoration techniques. Teaching : Lectured and taught BMPs for erosion & sediment control methods and storm management to Department of Environment senior officers at EiMAS (July 2004), Department of Drainage &

Irrigation senior officers & engineers for IECAM-JPS(Pahang) at Bukit Tinggi (August 2004) and IECAM-JPS(Federal) at Port Dickson (October 2004). Drainage & Irrigation Dept(JPS) program: JPS-ESCP program (Johore) at Johor Bahru (December 2004), JPS-ESCP program (Pinang) at Seberang Jaya (May 2005), JPS-ESCP program (Trengganu+Kelantan) at Cherating (June 2005), JPS-ESCP program (Sarawak) at Kuching (November 2005), JPS-ESCP program (Sabah) at Kota Kinabalu (December 2005), JPS-ESCP program (Federal Territory) at Labuan Island (April 2006) Paper on BMP Techniques in construction sites @ Singapore Public Utility Board(PUB) & Institute Engineers Singapore (IES) jointly organized Erosion & Sedimentation Control at Construction Sites (IES-PUB) on 8th April 2004 Paper on Site Solutions & Management of Erosion & Sediments @ Singapore (PUB) & Singapore Contractors Association (PUB-SCAL) on Earth Control Measures at Construction Sites on 1st Oct 2004 Institute Engineers Singapore (IES) organized: The Singapore Construction Industries Joint Committee (CIJC) & Singapore Public Utility Board(PUB) (CIJC-PUB) on Erosion & Sedimentation Control on 20th April 2005. Short course for Singapore (PUB) field inspectors on Feb. 2006. ABSTRACT : The combination of climatic and geological conditions account for much of the slope and riverbank erosions here in the tropics, Malaysia, which is located 4 off the equator. The problem is further exacerbated with rapid development integrated with construction practices resulting in steep embankments, striping of natural vegetation and heavy earth movements leading to soil laden rivers, downstream scouring and sedimentation at river estuaries. This paper presents bio-technical engineering techniques developed in Northern America and Europe to naturally heal eroded riverbanks, modified and reinforced to meet the local tropical challenges. Case history of several projects with before & after results shall be presented exemplifying green solutions on river channel rehabilitation as a viable and sustainable alternative to traditional hard core solutions.

Biotechnical Riverbank Restoration: A Sustainable Alternative to Traditional Engineering in the Tropics

1. INTRODUCTION downstream scouring, riverbank erosion and irrevocable damage to aquatic and wildlife. The pilot projects described exemplifies DIDs lead-by-example policy and reflexes a combination of several techniques adopted from the MASMA Manual and bio-engineering used in USA and Europe. The primary goal is to : a) b) c) d) e) Stabilize and repair riverbanks and establish vegetation Reduce both flow and runoff velocities Reduce downstream sedimentation Sediment trap and retain organics Increase water infiltration and filtration

Biotechnical engineering has been extremely successful over the past decade as a compliment and in certain situations, an alternative to traditional engineering. The design and applications has been described by many distinguish engineers and professors in papers at Civil Engineering and Erosion Control (IECA) Conferences and Seminars worldwide in recent years. The applications were initially focused on slopes with recent integration into river embankment repairs. This paper presents the authors observation on the several technical benefits of biotechnical techniques when applied to stabilize river embankments in the tropical rainforest environment. Three riverbank repair projects at different locations in Malaysia with different soil and climatic challenges shall be shared to exemplify the above described benefits. As integral part of these research projects, we shall highlight The Malaysian Drainage and Irrigation Department(DID)s very comprehensive drainage manual (MASMA) of 2001, which describes alternative design procedures that encourages the use of non-hard surfaces in the design, repair and stabilization of riverbanks. It is a major paradigm shift from the traditional rapid discharge concept where rainwater is quickly & efficiently transported via smooth concrete drains to river channels and discharged to ocean. The latter method has accounted for much

The secondary goal : a) b) 1.1 Increase natural aesthetics Improve water quality and fish habitat SITE LOCATION @ SUNGAI (RIVER) JENDERAM

The project site is located at the lower reaches of River Jenderam, flowing through rural countryside of Sepang municipality in the State of Selangor. Drainage basin includes watersheds of surrounding Jenderam vicinity and upper stream of bordering State of Negri Sembilan. Local animal life includes the local lizards, wild fowl, heron, king fisher, some migratory birds, fishes and domestic cows. Soil is typically sandy clay, very erosive, river cross-section is 2-benches trapezoidal.



The local DID has been given the task of de-silting River Jenderam periodically to maintain hydraulic flow capacity. Dredged tailings are placed on both sides of the

riverbank while a backhoe trims the embankment back to its 2-bench trapezoidal river cross section. No riverbank protection method was employed and within months of the rainy season, severe rills and gullies were experienced with sediments re-depositing back to the river bed.

i) ii) iii)

Lower berm slope @ higher flow velocity, High Strength ECM ecomix (coir : polymer fibre mix) used




Upper berm slope @ moderate velocity, regular ECM ecomix is applied. Riverbank Toe Scour Protection @ high scouring forces, RML was secured into toe-trench @ riverbed.

Design objective: Protect riverbank from runoff and flow erosion. The traditional solution would be reinforced concrete slabs or wire gabions and reno mattresses however DID broke from norm and approved a biotech solution.

Drawing: Perunding Azman, Rao & Ooi

The mattresses were made of re-use coconut coir and polymer fibre @ 70:30 sandwiched within PP nettings and reinforced high tensile strength geogrids for high velocity flows.
Design: Leong-Perunding Azman, Rao & Ooi



The riverbank is protected by a system of specially engineered High Strength Erosion Control Mattress (ECM), Turf Reinforced Mattress (TRM) and Roll Mattress Logs (RML) :

Site Preparation : Grade, fill-in eroded gullies and level with top-soil mixture ; Scour Protection : RML placed into riverbank toe trench and secure with J-rebars criss-cross tied-down with coated tie-wires.

The riverbanks were re-trimmed, whilst a second team followed behind and installed according to design. Installation : The mattress were laid parallel to river flow, the ends were hand-stitched together, secured with J-rebars @ 12mm x 500mm at 1m laterally and longitudinally and key-in at anchor trenches (200W x 300D)mm. TRM method of installation was chosen where top-soil mixture with microbs were installed onto the installed mattress before hydroseeding applied. Live staking of bamboo and scrub cuttings were installed at riverbank, anchored through the installed surfaces. 1.5 Bank Protection : High Strength Reinforce ecomix mattress was used at the lower bench whilst ecomix mattress was use at upper bench. CHALLENGES @ (RIVER) JENDERAM SUNGAI



Rain struck at the midst of construction with bank discharge. The water level stayed at the upper reaches of the lower bench for over 12 hours. Upon receding, minimal damages were observed. It appears that the mattress allows water to flow-out but retained the soil from eroding from the bare surface. The installed mattress acted as a one-way filtration mechanism. Some top-soil had to be replenished as it was washed away before grass seeds could germinate and establish rooting. Second challenge learnt here is the voracious appetite of local animal life. It appears that both the herds of local cows and wild fowl took a liking to the newly germinated grass !



The local District Engineer Ir. Nordin is very satisfied with the outcome and they have been closely monitoring the progress for over a year. According to Engineer Nordin, this riverbank section has withstood an ARI 50yrs storm event with no problems where concrete U channels less than 500m upstream has failed. Both the hydroseeded vegetation and live stakes has grown and flourishing well. The soft and green armour are performing well. 2.1 SITE LOCATION @ SUNGAI (RIVER) DCA (DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL AVIATION)

Fully restored and vegetated Sg.Jenderam, very natural, 1+ yrs.

Eroded riverbank w/settlement

Drawing by Perunding Azman, Rao & Ooi


The project site is located within the vicinity of Subang Town and airport. It drains across Department of Civil Aviation property connecting into major tributary Sungai(River) Damansara. Increase development adding to high impervious pavement of Subang Airport with no new water holding capacity has resulted in drainage flow rising 5m within 23 minutes of rain falling at Subang Town. Soil is typically fill material of silty-sandyclay. Riverbank is built probably from dredgings during construction of Subang Airport and drainage channel 40yrs ago.

Riverbank at DCA has been eroding and settling over the years with critical areas approaching their septic system. The whole DCA complex will have to shut down if the septic system fails. DID headquarters came to the rescue of DCA and took up the challenge of repairing the banks biotechnically.

The 3-D matrix is made from re-use coconut coir and polymer fibre @ 70:30 sandwiched within PP nettings and reinforced with high tensile strength grids(40kN/m @ each direction). 2.4 IMPLEMENTATION @ SUNGAI (RIVER) DCA

Design by Leong- Perunding Azman, Rao & Ooi



The riverbanks were trimmed one-side-at-atime. One team installed the high strength deep anchors at toe trench before securing the HS RMLs while another installed HS P-TRM and HS ecomix mattresses.

The traditional solution would typically include some piling, rubble pitching, concrete work, gabions and reno mattresses or a combination. The Green Riverbank Rehabilitation proposal includes a combination of specially engineered high strength P-TRMs and RMLs with high tensile strength deep tieback anchors(3.5m) for fast scouring conditions: i) Riverbank Toe Scour Protection @ high scouring forces, HS-RML was secured to riverbed with HS deep tieback anchors for uplift restraints. Lower bench slope @ higher flow velocity, special HS P-TRM was used. Upper bench slope @ moderate velocity, HS ECM is applied.

Site Preparation : Clear and grub, fill-in all gullies and level. Scour Protection : Riverbank toe trench, drive-in high strength deep anchors (3.5m), set and lock, seat HS-RML onto toe trench and secure with J-rebars criss-cross tied-down with coated tie-wires.



Design by Leong- Perunding Azman, Rao & Ooi

Driving 3.5m deep high strength tie-back anchors

Bank Protection

Secure HS P-TRM with J-rebars at the lower bench. Secure HS Ecomix mattress with J-rebars at upper bench.

Challenges: bank failure@ rain-storm 9-9-06


Water level rises 5m within 23mins rain-storm

Due to delays, project started at the beginning of the rainy season. Heavy rainstorm bombarded the excavated riverbanks before the system was fully installed on September 9th evening. The damages were severe and unprecedented. The side that had mattress protection (left bank) survived the turbulent flow well while the unprotected riverbank (right bank) suffers bank failures with much toe-scouring. The project had just escalated from hydraulic to hydraulic w/geotechnical problems combined. The action plan formulated to address the following situation :



The mattress were laid parallel to river flow, the ends were hand-stitched together, secured with J-rebars @ 12mm x 500mm at 1m laterally and longitudinally and key-in at anchor trenches (200W x 300D)mm. TRM method of installation was chosen where top-soil mixture with microbs were installed onto the installed mattress before grass turf was installed. Live staking of flowering scrub cuttings were planted at top bench. 2.5 CHALLENGES (RIVER) DCA @ SUNGAI

Installing re-directive vanes.

Buying time Technique

Whilst the left bank damage is being sorted out and designed, 2 biotech vanes (learnt from John McCullah, Salix Corp, USA) at 15m apart were built at the damaged bank toe with 3 High Strength Roll Mattress Logs strapped together and secured into the bank with deep J-rebars driven to riverbed and covered with stone-boulders. They were

placed facing up-stream at 30 to flow-line. The vanes were able to re-direct the flow scouring energy thalweg away from the damaged riverbank, hence buying time for stabilization work to be done in-between rain-storms. Left Bank Scoured Toe :



3 rows of wooden piles(3.5m) were drivento-bearing, Left Bank Slope :

The project is located in the fishing town of Dungun at the north-eastern state of Trengganu. Coastal state enjoys great sunsizzling beaches with servings of crystal blue waters however during the monsoon season, its rain and more rain. Good drainage system is critical in these areas in order that areas are not isolated by flood waters. 3.2 SITE CONDITION @ SUNGAI (RIVER) SURA

Shorter wooden stakes (1.5m) were driven perpendicular to the original slope gradient, gunny sacks were filled with dislodged soil and installed between pile heads and stake ends to build-up slope to original grade. HS P-TRM were then installed and vegetated. 2.6 RESULTS AND OBSERVATIONS @ SUNGAI (RIVER) DCA

River Sura is heavily concrete-canalized through the town. Certain sections have seen better years with concrete slabs cracking and banks settling. The debris from these bank failures causes flow restriction and major constriction during high flows undermine the integrity of pedestrian bridge abutments and possible flooding during the monsoon period.

The local District Engineer Ir.Azmi and team is happy with the biotech installation and closely observing the dynamic challenges that the riverbank is subjected to with every rain-storm event, as water rises in-a-flash. The local District Engineer Ir.Azmi and team is happy with the biotech installation and closely observing the dynamic challenges that the riverbank is subjected to with every rain-storm event, as water rises in-a-flash.
Fail concrete slabs & bank failure, public hazard & flow restriction



DID Urban Drainage division in coordination with the Trengganu DID office took this opportunity to repair and replace failed concrete slabs with a bio-engineered solution, exemplifying the principles described in the MASMA manual.
Riverbank naturally repaired, withstood several 2006-7 monsoon rain-storms

A bio-engineered section was proposed with high strength reinforce mattress and roll mattress logs for scour protection.

Photo-Leong Design by Leong-Perunding Azman, Rao & Ooi



The eroded bank was trim-back-to-grade. The surface was protected by a layer of high strength ecomix mattress secured into embankment with J-rebars at 1m laterally and longitudinally and vegetated with close turf cow grass. The bank toe is protected with a longitudinal roll of Roll Mattress Logs(RML) secured with 4 pairs of 1.3m Jrebars driven to bed and strapped with coated tie-wire criss-cross connecting the hooks.

The surface is infilled with top-soil and microbs before close turf cow grass layer is installed. 3.5 RESULTS AND OBSERVATIONS @ SUNGAI (RIVER) SURA This is the first time that a direct repair on a dilapidated concrete channel is replaced with a bioengineered soft solution in Malaysia. The system has been through one monsoon season and fared well.



Although traditional river embankment repair methods (semi & hard solutions) have benefits, their future applications are limited. The alternative solutions with their proven sustainability in Northern America, Europe and now Malaysia has given a good

opportunity for the engineering community a viable alternative and can play a major role in future river channel restorations. BRIEF SUMMARY

Acknowledgements and References : Manual Saliran Mesra Alam Malaysia Malaysia Dept. Drainage & Irrigation: Hj. Fuad, Dr. Nasir & Ir. Azman PAOR Salix Applied Earthware Erosion & Sediment Control Manual, CA, USA, by J. McCullah Dr. J. Fifield Designing for Effective Sediment & Erosion Control on Construction Sites Certified Professional in Erosion & Sediment Control Workbooks, CPESC USA by J. Scherer, C. Forrest, D. Lake, M. Harding, Dr D Walker, D. Ward D.H. Gray and A.J. Leiser Biotechnical Slope Protection and Erosion Control Wendi Goldsmith and Lothar Bestmann An Overview of Bioengineering for Shore Protection J.J. Armstrong and G.J. Wall Comparative Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Erosion Control Materials. P. Raymond and D.J. Putt Biotechnical Stabilization of A Landslide- A Case Study of Sheep Creek, British Columbia, Canada. J. Suarez-Diaz Erosion Control Basics in Tropical Areas G. Dallaire Cost-Effective Erosion Control with Blankets and Mats

Manufacturers : Polyfelt, Maccaferri, Risi Stone Systems, Presto Products Company, CHT-Natural Solutions, TEI Tighter Engineering, North American Green, Synthetic Industries a and.

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