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The Teslascope was a radio transmitter designed by Serbian scientist Nikola Tesl a with the intention of communicating with

extraterrestrial life on other planet s. It received publicity after Tesla's statement on the device was published by Time magazine in their July 20, 1931 issue celebrating Tesla's 75th birthday. (I nventor of Dreams; W. Bernard Carlson; Scientific American; March 2005, p. 85.) "[I have conceived] a means that will make it possible for man to transmit energ y in large amounts, thousands of horsepower, from one planet to another, absolut ely regardless of distance. I think that nothing can be more important than inte rplanetary communication. It will certainly come some day. and the certitude tha t there are other human beings in the universe, working, suffering, struggling, like ourselves, will produce a magic effect on mankind and will form the foundat ion of a universal brotherhood that will last as long as humanity itself." -- Ni kola Tesla ("Tesla at 75"; Time; July 20, 1931) In his book, The wall of light: Nikola Tesla and the Venusian space ship, the X12 Arthur H. Matthews wrote that Tesla had created the Teslascope in order to co mmunicate with extraterrestrials on the planet Mars. [1] Matthews reiterated thi s in an interview with Dr. Andrija Puharichthat, which was later published in th e Pyramid Guide: "[Arthur Matthews] came from England. Matthews' father was a laboratory assistan t to the noted physicist Lord Kelvin back in the 1890s. Tesla came over to Engla nd to meet Kelvin to convince him that alternating current was more efficient th an direct current. Kelvin at that time opposed the AC movement. In 1902, the Mat thews family left England and immigrated to Canada. When Matthew's was 16 his fa ther arranged for him to apprentice under Tesla. He eventually worked for him an d continued this alliance until Tesla's death in 1943. It is not generally known , but Tesla actually had two huge magnifying transmitters built in Canada, and M atthews operated one of them. Most people know about the Colorado Springs transm itters and the unfinished one on Long Island. I saw the two Canadian transmitter s. All the evidence is there. [The Teslascope is] the thing Tesla invented to co mmunicate with beings on other planets. There's a diagram of the Teslascope in M atthew's book [The Wall of Light]. In principle, it takes in cosmic ray signals. Eventually the signals are stepped down to audio. Speak into one end, and the s ignal goes out the other end as a cosmic ray emitter." [2] Hyperdimensional Oscillator The Hyperdimensional Oscillator is a device designed by Life Technology, which th ey claim is based on the Teslascope. Life Technology claims that their oscillator is "a transducer, capable of conver ting the high frequency of cosmic rays to an energy field which can interface wi th the human mind." - The Hyperdimensional Oscill ator Amazing New Invention Claimed To Induce Sensation Of Time Travel by Aurum Solis (Newswire press release; November 14, 2005) Additional References The wall of light: Nikola Tesla and the Venusian space ship, the X-12 by Arthur H. Matthews Communicating with Mars: The Experiments of Tesla & Hodowanec by Robert A. Nelso n (Rex Research) (by Nima Baghaei) Nikola Tesla and my thoughts has Tesla's energy transmitter and some other inter esting works and ideas.

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