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Extracted Pigment from Coffea arabica L.

pericarp as a Potential Substitute in Staining Animal Tissues

An undergraduate research presented to the Department of Biological Sciences College of Science Philippine Normal University

In Partial fulfilment of the course BIOL13: Research in Biology

Submitted to Professor Genelita S. Garcia Faculty, Department of Biological Sciences College Of Science

Submitted by Erwin P. Peji IV-A BSBT

December 20, 2012

i ABSTRACT The use and production of natural stains from plants are very common nowadays due to the expensive commerciallysynthesized stains. The purpose of this study was to assess the potential of the ethanol extract of the pericarp of fresh Coffea arabica L. in staining animal tissues. This was performed by extracting pigment from the fresh pericarp of coffee beans through rotary evaporation using ethanol as the solvent. The resulting extract was used to stain cross sections of frogs stomach, liver, skeletal muscle, small intestine, and skin. Ten selected respondents observed and evaluated the physical appearance of the stained frog

tissues using a rating scale instrument. Results shown that in terms of the physical appearance of the stained tissues, stomach exhibited tissues that are stained in great

intensity and distinction in terms of clarity, non-granular in terms of uniformity, and parts mostly stained in terms of visibility. The data gathered were analysed using Oneway ANOVA. Analysis shown that there is no significant

difference in the physical appearance of the frog tissues stained with fresh coffee beans ethanol extract. For future researchers who will perform the same study, it is strongly

ii recommended to make use of other solvents for extraction in order to compare the quality of stain. Also, it is

advisable to use other specimens to be stained aside from animal tissues like bacteria, protists, fungi, and plant tissues.

Acknowledgement The researcher would like to express his deepest

gratitude to the following persons who have been of great help to make this paper possible. First, to the research adviser Professor Genelita S. Garcia who is always open for consultation and giving

suggestions for the improvement of this paper. Second, the researcher would like to thank the

coordinator of the Science Resource Center Mr. Ronnel U. Pantig for lending the laboratory apparatus used in the study and for helping in the manipulation of these

apparatus. Third, Arlyne to Professor and Josephine E. Tondo, John Professor who





served as the critics of this paper. Fourth, to the director of Microbiological Laboratory Inc., Mr. Edward Calica for being a consultant of the

procedures of this study. Fifth, to the researchers family who provides moral and financial support to make this study possible. Lastly, guidance. to God who serves as the source of all

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