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Corel Draw-12 Welcome CorelDRAW is an intuitive graphics design application that gives designers a more enjoyable work experience. CorelDRAW is built and designed to meet the demands of todays working designer to create ads or collateral for print or for the Web. CorelDRAW includes new features and enhancements that will make your work easier. To start corel draw: StartAll programsCorel draw 12 To add or remove tool box: Right click on menu barClick on toolbox (or) WindowToolbarToolbox. To add or remove color palette: WindowColor paletteSelect any one color palette. To add or remove any Toolbar: WindowToolbarselect any one Toolbox. Left Click: Fill color. Right Click: Outline color. Short cot keys

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.

Ctrl+ATo select all the text or objects. Ctrl+C To create duplicate copy all the selected text or objects. Ctrl+V To paste all the copied text or objects. Ctrl+D To create duplicate copy all the selected text or objects. Ctrl+G To create group all the selected objects.{ A set of objects that behaves as one unit}. Ctrl+U To remove group all the selected objects{ Removing an object from a group }. Ctrl+RTo repeat Any selected object or picture. Ctrl+LTo combine any selected Object or picture. Ctrl+KTo break apart a combined object. Shift+PageUp To Front. Shift+PageDown To Back. Ctrl+PageUp Forward One. Ctrl+PageDown Back One. Ctrl+Q Convert to curve. Ctrl+Shift+Q Convert to outline object. Ctrl+Z Undo. Ctrl+Shift+Z Redo. F9 Full Screen Preview. F11 To open Fountain Fill dialog box.


F12 To open Outline pen dialog box. Description Lets you access the Shape, Knife, Eraser, Smudge brush, Roughen brush, Free transform, and Virtual segment delete tools Lets you access the Zoom and Hand tools Lets you access the Freehand, Bzier, Artistic media, Polyline, Pen, 3 point curve, Dimension, and Interactive connector tools Lets you access the Rectangle and 3 point rectangle tools Lets you access the Ellipse and 3 point ellipse tools Lets you access the Graph paper, Polygon, and Spiral tools Lets you access the Basic shapes, Arrow shapes, Flowchart shapes, Star shapes , and Callout shapes tools Lets you access the Interactive blend, Interactive contour, Interactive distortion, Interactive envelope, Interactive extrude, Interactive drop shadow , and Interactive transparency tools Lets you access the Eyedropper and Paintbucket tools Lets you access the Color docker, Outline pen and the Outline color dialog boxes, and a selection of outlines of various widths Lets you access the Color Dockers , Fill color, Fountain fill, Pattern fill, Texture fill, and PostScript fill dialog boxes Lets you access Interactive fill and Interactive mesh fill tools

The following table provides descriptions of the flyouts and tools in the CorelDRAW toolbox. Flyout Shape edit Zoom Curve Rectangle Ellipse Object Perfect Shapes Interactive tools Eyedropper Outline Fill Interactive fill Tools Description The Pick tool lets you select and size, skew, and rotate objects. The Shape tool lets you edit the shape of objects. The Knife tool lets you cut through objects. The Eraser tool lets you remove areas of your drawing. The Smudge brush tool lets you distort a vector object by dragging along its outline. The Roughen brush tool lets you distort the outline of a vector object by dragging along the outline. The Free transform tool lets you transform an object by using the Free rotation, Angle rotation, Scale, and Skew tools. The Virtual segment delete tool lets you delete portions of objects that are between intersections. The Zoom tool lets you change the magnification level in the drawing window. The Hand tool lets you control which part of the drawing is visible in the drawing window. The Pen tool lets you draw curves one segment at a time. The Polyline tool lets you draw lines and curves in preview mode. The Freehand tool lets you draw single line segments and curves. The Bzier tool lets you draw curves one segment at a time. The 3 point curve tool lets you draw a curve by defining the start, end, and center points. The Artistic media tool provides access to the Brush, Sprayer, Calligraphic, and Pressure tools. The Dimension tool lets you draw vertical, horizontal, slanted, or angular dimension lines. The Interactive connector tool lets you join two objects with a line. The Smart drawing tool converts the freehand strokes that you draw to basic shapes and smoothed curves. The Rectangle tool lets you draw rectangles and squares. The 3 point rectangle tool lets you draw a rectangle by dragging to create the rectangle baseline and clicking to define its height. The Ellipse tool lets you draw ellipses and circles. The 3 point ellipse tool lets you draw an ellipse by dragging to create the center line of the ellipse and clicking to define its height. The Polygon tool lets you draw symmetrical polygons and stars. The Spiral tool lets you draw symmetrical and logarithmic spirals. The Graph paper tool lets you draw a grid of lines similar to that on graph paper. The Basic shapes tool lets you choose from a full set of shapes, including hexagram, a smiley face, and a right-angle triangle.

The Arrow shapes tool lets you draw arrows of various shape, direction, and number of heads. The Flowchart shapes tool lets you draw flowchart symbols. The Star shapes tool lets you draw ribbon objects and explosion shapes. The Callout shapes tool lets you draw callouts and labels. The Text tool lets you type words directly on the screen as artistic or paragraph text. The Interactive blend tool lets you blend two objects. The Interactive contour tool lets you apply a contour to an object. The Interactive distortion tool lets you apply a Push or Pull distortion, a Zipper distortion, or a Twister distortion to an object. The Interactive envelope tool lets you distort an object by dragging the nodes of the envelope. The Interactive extrude tool lets you apply the illusion of depth to objects. The Interactive drop shadow tool lets you apply a drop shadow to an object. The Interactive transparency tool lets you apply transparencies to objects. The Eyedropper tool lets you select object properties, such as fill, line thickness, size, and effects, from an object on the drawing window. The Paintbucket tool lets you apply object properties, such as fill, line thickness, size and effects, to an object on the drawing window after selecting these properties using the Eyedropper tool. The Interactive fill tool lets you apply various fills. The Interactive mesh tool lets you apply a mesh grid to an object. The Fill tool lets you set the fill properties. Layout Menu: 1: Insert Page: TO insert new page at before or after current page. LayoutInsert page A box will be openSet number of pages ,set height and width of pages according to your requirement and click on ok. 2: Delete Page: To remove specified page. LayoutDelete page Set page number Click on ok. 3: Rename Page: To rename current page. LayoutRename Type any new name And click on ok. 4: Go To Page: To jump on one page to another page. LayoutGo To Page A box will be open Type number of page on which you want ton jump. And click on ok. 5: Switch page orientation: To change current orientation. Layout Switch page orientation. 6: Page Set up: To Set Orientation, type, height and width of paper. LayoutPage Set Up A box will be open Set page according to your requirement. 7: Page Background: To apply any background on the current pages. LayoutPage background LayoutA box will be open LayoutSelect any one color from solid color or to select any one image LayoutClick on browse button LayoutSelect any one Image and click on ok. Effect Menu: 1: Adjust: To create effect on selected image. You can apply the following color and tone effects. Effect Description

Contrast enhancement

Lets you adjust the tone, color, and contrast of a bitmap while preserving shadow and highlight detail. An interactive histogram lets you shift or compress brightness values to printable limits. The histogram can also be adjusted by sampling values from the bitmap.

Local equalization Sample/Target balance Tone curve Brightnesscontrast-intensity Color balance Gamma Hue-SaturationLightness Selective color

Lets you enhance contrast near edges to reveal detail in both light and dark regions. You can set the height and width around the region to accentuate contrast. Lets you adjust color values in a bitmap with sample colors taken from the image. You can choose sample colors from the dark, midtone, and light ranges of an image and apply target colors to each of the sample colors. Lets you perform color corrections precisely by controlling individual pixel values. By changing pixel brightness values, you can make changes to shadows, midtones, and highlights. Lets you adjust the brightness of all colors and the difference between light and dark areas. Lets you add cyan or red, magenta or green, and yellow or blue to selected tones in a bitmap. Lets you accentuate detail in low contrast areas without affecting shadows or highlights. Lets you adjust the color channels in a bitmap and change the position of colors in the spectrum. This effect allows you to change colors and their richness, as well as the percentage of white in an image. Lets you change color by changing the percentage of spectrum CMY process colors from the red, yellow, green, cyan, blue, and magenta color spectrums in a bitmap. For example, decreasing the percentage of magenta in the reds spectrum results in a color shift toward yellow. Lets you replace one bitmap color with another color. A color mask is created to define the color to be replaced. Depending on the range you set, you can replace one color or shift an entire bitmap from one color range to another. You can set the hue, saturation, and lightness for the new color. Lets you reduce the saturation of each color in a bitmap to zero, remove the hue component, and convert each color to its grayscale equivalent. This creates a grayscale image without changing the color mode. Lets you mix color channels to balance the colors of a bitmap. For example, if a bitmap has too much red, you can adjust the red channel in an RGB bitmap to improve image quality.

Replace colors

Desaturate Channel mixer

PowerClip effect : A way of arranging objects that lets you contain one object inside another

To create a PowerClip object Select an object.

1. Click Effects PowerClip Place inside container.

5 2. Click the object you want to use as the container.

If you want to create a nested PowerClip object, hold down the right mouse button, drag the PowerClip object inside a container, and click PowerClip inside. Rollover : An interactive object or group of objects that changes its appearance when you click or point to it. To create a rollover object Select an object.

1. Click Effects Rollover Create rollover.

To create a rollover, you add the following rollover states: Normal The default state of a button when no mouse activity is associated with the button Over The state of a button when the pointer passes over it Down he state of a clicked button Arrange Menu: 1: Transformation: To apply a transformation to an objects duplicate Select an object. Click Arrange Transformations, and click any of the commands. Choose the settings you want in the Transformation docker. Click Apply to duplicate. You can clear a transformation by selecting an object and clicking Arrange } Clear transformations. 2: Align And Distribute: To align text to an object Hold down Shift, select the text, and then select the object. Click Arrange Align and distribute Align and distribute. Choose one of the following from the For text source objects use list box: First line baseline aligns the text using the baseline of the first line of text Last line baseline aligns the text using the baseline of the last line of text Bounding box aligns the text using its bounding box Enable one of the following horizontal alignment check boxes: Left Right Center Enable one of the following vertical alignment check boxes: Top Bottom Center Click Apply. To distribute objects Select the objects. Click Arrange Align and distribute Align and distribute. Click the Distribute tab. Enable the check boxes that correspond to the distribution you want. In the Distribute to area, enable an option that corresponds to the distribution area. 3: Order: To change the order of an object Select an object.

1. Click ArrangeOrder, and click one of the following: 2. To front Moves the selected object to the front of all other objects To back Moves the selected object behind all other objects Forward one Moves the selected object forward one position Back one Moves the selected object behind one position 5

In front of Moves the selected object in front of a specific object Behind Moves the selected object behind a specific object
4: Group: When you group two or more objects, they are treated as a single unit. You can also add and remove objects to and from a group and delete objects that are members of a group Select two or more objects ArrangeGroup. 5/6: UnGroup/UnGroupAll: Select one or more groups. Click Arrange Ungroup. You can also ungroup objects by clicking the Ungroup button on the property bar. You can also ungroup all the nested groups in an object by clicking the Ungroup all button. 7: Combined object An object created by combining two or more objects and converting them into a single curve object. A combined object takes on the fill and outline attributes of the last selected object. To combine objects Select the objects.

1. 2.


Click Arrange Combine. 8: Break a part To break apart a combined object Select a combined object.


Click Arrange Break curve apart.

If you break apart a combined object that contains artistic text, the text breaks apart into lines first, then into words. Paragraph text breaks into separate paragraphs. 9: Lock ObjectTo lock all the selected object or picture. Select two or more objectArrangeLock all object. 10/11: Unlock/UnLockAll object To unlock all the lockedobject or picture Select two or more locked objectArrange Click on UnLock or UnLock all object. 12: Shaping 13: Convert to curveTo convert objects to curve objects Select the object. Click Arrange Convert to curves. You can convert artistic text to curves so that you can shape individual characters. You can also convert an object to a curve object by selecting the object and clicking the Convert to curves button on the property bar. 14: Convert to outlineTo convert an outline to an object Select an object. Click Arrange Convert outline to object. 15: Close PathsClosed path A path whose start point and end point are connected. To close multiple line segments Hold down Shift, and select each object using the Pick tool . Click Arrange Close path, and click one of the following: Closest nodes with straight lines Closest nodes with curvy lines Start to end with straight lines Start to end with curvy lines Bitmap Menu: Working with bitmaps You can convert a vector graphic to a bitmap. Also, you can import and crop bitmaps in the CorelDRAW application. You can also add color masks, watermarks, special effects, and change the color and tone of the images. To convert a vector graphic to a bitmap Select an object. Click Bitmaps Convert to bitmap.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Choose a color mode from the Color list box. Choose a resolution from the Resolution list box. Enable any of the following check boxes: Anti-aliasing Smooth the edges of the bitmap Transparent background makes the background of the bitmap transparent Apply ICC profile applies the International Color Consortium profiles to standardize colors across devices and color spaces Adding bitmaps You can import a bitmap into a drawing either directly or by linking it to an external file. When you link to an external file, edits to the original file are automatically updated in the imported file. To import a bitmap Click File Import. Choose the folder where the bitmap is stored. Select the file. If you want to link the image to the drawing, enable the Link bitmap externally check box. Click Import. Click where you want to place the bitmap. To resample a bitmap Select a bitmap. Click Bitmaps Resample. In the Resolution area, type values in any of the following boxes: Horizontal Vertical If you want to maintain the proportions of the bitmap, enable the Maintain aspect ratio check box. If you want to maintain the file size, enable the Maintain original size check box. To resize a bitmap Select a bitmap. Click Bitmaps Resample. Choose a unit of measure from the list box beside the Width and Height boxes. Type values in any of the following boxes: Width Height If you want to minimize the jagged appearance of curves, enable the Anti-alias check box. Applying special effects to bitmaps You can apply a wide range of special effects to bitmaps, such as three-dimensional and artistic effects. Adding plug-in filters to CorelDRAW provides additional features and effects that you can use to edit images. You can add plug-in filters and you can remove them when you no longer need them. Special effect type 3-D Art strokes Description Lets you create the illusion of three-dimensional depth. The 3-D effects include embossing, page curl, and perspective. Lets you apply hand-painted techniques. The art stroke media and styles include crayon, impressionist, pastels, watercolor, and pen and ink. Lets you blur an image to simulate gradual change, movement, or speckling. The blur effects include Gaussian blur, motion blur, and zoom.


1. 2. 3. 4.


Camera Color transform Contour Creative Distort

Lets you simulate the effect produced by diffusion filters of a diffusion lens. Lets you create photographic illusions by using color reduction and replacements. The color transform effects include half-tones, psychedelic, and solarizing. Lets you highlight and enhance the edges of an image. The contour effects include edge tracing and highlighting. Lets you apply a variety of textures and shapes to an image. The creative effects include fabric, glass block, crystal fragments, vortex, and stained glass. Lets you distort image surfaces. The distort effects include ripples, blocks, swirl, and tile.

Noise Sharpen Plug-ins

Lets you modify the graininess of an image. The noise effects include adding noise, applying dust and scratch, and diffusing to change an images granularity. Lets you create a sharpening effect to focus and enhance edges. The sharpen effects include accentuating edge detail and sharpening smooth areas. Lets you apply effects from a third-party filter to bitmaps in CorelDRAW. An installed plug-in appears at the bottom of the Bitmaps menu.

Edit Menu: 1.Undo: To reverse the previous task. Type textSelect textChange the format of the text To reverse the tastEditUndo or press short cut key ctrl+z. 2.RedoTo repeat the task. To repeat the tastEditredo or press short cut key ctrl+y. 3.Repeat: You can repeat an action on another object or group of objects by selecting the object or objects and clicking Edit Repeat. EditRepeat 4.Cut: To clear selected text.Or shift this text other side. Select text Which you want to cut EditCutTo shift this text other sidePlace the cursor at that location where you want to put the textEditPaste. 5.Copy: To create duplicate copy of selected text. Select textEditCopyTo Place this text other sidePlace the cursor other sideEditPaste. 6.Delete: To delete any selected text or object. Select text Which you want to deleteDelete 7.symbol: To insert a symbol instance Open the Symbol manager docker by clicking Window Dockers Symbol manager.(or)

1. EditSymbol ManagerThen atask box will be displayed at the right side of the window. 2. Draw any objectEditSymbolNew SymbolA box will be openType any name for SymbolClick on ok
button. To modify a symbol instance

1. 2.

Select a symbol instance. Make any changes. To revert a symbol instance to an object or objects Select a symbol instance. 1. Click Edit Symbol Revert to objects. 8.Duplicate: To duplicate an object Select an object.

1. Click Edit Duplicate.

9.Copy Properties From: To copy an objects fill, outline, or text properties to another object . 10.OverPrint Outline And OverPrint FillTo trap by overprinting selected objects Select an object. Do any of the following: Click Edit Overprint outline. Click Edit Overprint fill. 11.Select All:To select all the text,Object,Gridlines and nodes.. EditSelect all or press short cut key ctrl+a. 12.Find And Replace:

To find and replace text Click Edit } Find and replace } Replace text.

1. Type the text you want to find in the Find what box.
If you want to find the exact case of the text you specified, enable the Match case check box. Type the replacement text in the Replace with box.

2. Click one of the following buttons: 3. Find next finds the next occurrence of the text specified in the Find what box o Replace replaces the selected occurrence of the text specified in the Find what box. If no occurrence is selected, o
Replace finds the next occurrence. Replace all replaces every occurrence of the text specified in the Find what box 13.Insert Barcode:To insert barcode. EditInsert BarcodeA box will be open Type Code Click on next Button Again click on next button And the click on finish button. 14.Insert New Object:To insert any object or picture in your current file. EditInsert new objectA box will be open Select bitmap imageClick on Ok then a drawing box will be openDraw any picture in drawing box , fill color in it and click outside to finish it. Then the picture will be inserted in your current file. View Menu: Working with views As you work, CorelDRAW lets you display a drawing in any of the following modes: Simple wireframe displays an outline of the drawing by hiding fills, extrusions, contours, drop shadows, and intermediate blend shapes; also displays the bitmaps in monochrome. It lets you quickly preview basic elements in a drawing.

Wireframe displays simple wireframe in addition to intermediate blend shapes. Draft displays a drawing's fills and bitmaps using a low resolution. Eliminates some detail to allow you to focus on
the color balances in a drawing. Normal displays a drawing without PostScript fills or high-resolution bitmaps. Refreshes and opens slightly faster than enhanced view. Enhanced displays a drawing with PostScript fills, high-resolution bitmaps, and anti-aliased vector graphics.

The view you choose affects the amount of time it takes for a drawing to refresh or open. For example, a drawing displayed in Simple wireframe view takes less time to refresh or open than does a drawing displayed in Enhanced view. To choose a viewing mode Click View, and click one of the following modes: Simple wireframe Wireframe Draft Normal Enhanced Full Screen Preview: To show Full Screen Without any toolbar. ViewFull Screen Preview. To Close full screen Click Any where on the screen. Preview Selected Only: To Preview of only selected object or picture. ViewPreview selected only. Page Sorter View: To show all the pages on one page. ViewPage Sorter View. Ruler: A horizontal or vertical bar marked off in units that is used to determine the size and position of objects. By default, the rulers display on the left side and along the top of the application window, but they can be hidden or moved.

To hide or display the rulers Click View Rulers. To move a ruler Hold down Shift, and drag a ruler to a new position in the drawing window.

To customize ruler settings Click View Grid and ruler setup.

1. In the Document list of categories, click Rulers. 2. In the Units area, choose a unit of measure from the Horizontal list box.
If you want to use a different unit of measure for the vertical ruler, disable the Same units for horizontal and vertical rulers check box, and choose a unit of measure from the Vertical list box. In the Origin area, type values in the following boxes:

3. Horizontal o Vertical o Type a value in the Tick divisions box.

Grid: A series of evenly spaced horizontal and vertical dots that are used to help draw and arrange objects. To display or hide the grid Click View Grid. Guidelines: A horizontal, vertical, or slanted line that can be placed anywhere in the drawing window to aid in object placement. To display or hide the guidelines Click View Guidelines. Show:To Show and hide page border,Bleed,Printable Area, and Text frame etc. ViewShowSelect any one. Snap To Grid: To have objects snap to the grid Click View Snap to grid.

1. Move the objects using the Pick tool

Snap To Guidelines: To have objects snap to the guidelines Click View Snap to guidelines.

1. Drag the object to the guideline.

If you want to snap the center of an object to a guideline, select the object and move it over the guideline until its center of rotation snaps to the guideline. Related Topics Snap To Object: To force an object that is being drawn or moved to align automatically to a point on the grid, a guideline, or another object. Text Menu:

Adding and formatting text 1: The CorelDRAW application lets you use text to create documents or annotate drawings. To change character properties Select the text.

1. Click Text Format text. 2. Click the Character tab. 3. Specify the character attributes you want.
2: To edit text Select the text.

1. Click Text Edit text. 2. Make changes to the text in the Edit text dialog box.

3: Insert Character: To create a pattern using a special character Click Text Insert character.

1. Select any character and click on insert button.

4: To fit text to a Path : Select a text object using the Pick tool .

1. Click Text Fit text to path.

The pointer changes to a thick, black arrow. Click a path. 5: To fit text to a Frame : To fit text to a paragraph text frame Select a paragraph text frame.

1. Click Text Fit text to frame.

To change text case Select the text.

1. Click Text Change case. 2. Enable one of the following options: 3. Sentence case Capitalizes the initial letter of the first word in each sentence Lowercase Makes all text lowercase Uppercase Makes all text uppercase Title case Capitalizes the initial letter of each word Toggle case Reverses the case; all uppercase letters become lowercase and all lowercase letters become


5: Text statistics:
Checking statistics You can check text statistics to count text elements, including the number of lines, words, characters, and the names of the fonts and styles used. You can either display statistics for selected text objects or for the entire drawing. If no text is selected, all text elements in the drawing, including tab and space characters, are counted. To count text elements for an entire drawing Click a blank space in the drawing window. Click Text Text statistics. Show Non Printing Character: To specify which nonprinting characters display: Click Tools Options. In the list of categories, click Text. In the Non-printing character display list, enable the check boxes you want.



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