EDEL453 Spring2013 BreannaCAPE Unit 2 Strand DAY 1

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Title of Unit: People Title of Lesson: Family Submitted By: Breanna Cape

Submitted By: Breanna Cape
EDEL 453: Teaching Elementary School Social Science Nevada State College - Spring 2013 Instructor: Karen Powell

Nevada State College

EDEL 453 - Spring 2013

Karen Powell- Instructor

page 1

Title of Unit: People Title of Lesson: Family Submitted By: Breanna Cape

A. Summary of the Lesson Plan: This Social Studies lesson is designed to introduce the unit on people to 1st grade students. This lesson uses the 1st grade Houghton Mifflin School and Family Social Studies textbook pages 26-31. B. Target Population: Grade Level: 1st grade Skill Level: Students at all learning levels. Grouping: Whole group reading & discussion, independent for activity and assessment. C. Materials: Social Studies Journals Pencils/crayons Paper School and Family Textbook Vocabulary and Study Guide worksheet D. Objectives: o NV State Social Studies Standards o H3.1.2 Compare and contrast their daily lives with those of their parents or guardians. H3.1.2A Discuss the daily routines and occupations of parents or guardians.

Student-Friendly Standards H3.1.2 I can show how mine and my parents or guardians lives are alike and not alike. H3.1.2A I will tell the class about my parents or guardians.

E. Procedure: 1. First I will discuss the word family with the class and ask them what it means to them. o o o Explain- I will explain the definition of family in the book. Discuss- Why is family important? Introduce- I will introduce the unit on people and then discuss the vocabulary words for this lesson.

2. As a class we will read pages 26-29. o

Nevada State College

As we are reading I will stop to check for understanding.

EDEL 453 - Spring 2013 Karen Powell- Instructor page 2

Title of Unit: People Title of Lesson: Family Submitted By: Breanna Cape

I will also stop to ask questions about the text.

3. After reading, each student will write 1 sentence about his or her family. They will also draw, color and label a picture of their family. They can choose to answer one or more of these questions. o o o What do I do for my family? What have I learned from my family? What does your family like to do together?

4. After the students are done with their sentences and drawing each student will share their work with the class. 5. CLOSURE: I will then close with explaining to students that everyones family is special in their own way. I will also explain that our families help to teach us right and wrong. I will then hand out the Vocabulary and Study Guide worksheet for homework and explain it is due tomorrow. F. Assessment: What will you use to measure student understanding? I will use the Performance Task Rubric on page 29 4- Drawing is clearly a family, showing people of different sizes/ages. Members are identified by name. 3- Drawing shows identifiable people of different sizes/ages, it includes a title or some family names. 2- drawing shows identifiable people. 1- Drawing is incomplete and/or doesnt show an understanding of family. Explain how you will know students understand the concepts from the lesson. I will know whether students understood the concepts of the lesson by evaluating their drawing and sentences that are with the drawing. G. Reflection: 1. Which part of the lesson do you think will be the easiest for you to teach? I think the part of the lesson that will be the easiest to teach is the reading portion. 2. Which part will be most challenging for you to teach? I think the most challenging part will be having the students write the sentences that go with their drawings. 3. How will you follow up or extend this lesson?
Nevada State College EDEL 453 - Spring 2013 Karen Powell- Instructor page 3

Title of Unit: People Title of Lesson: Family Submitted By: Breanna Cape

I will extend this lesson by reading the story Jingle Dancer. After reading we will discuss what Jenna learned from her Grandma. Then we will discuss things that the students have learned from different members of his or her family. 4. What will you do for students who dont grasp the concepts? If students dont grasp the concepts I will be sure to discuss the concepts i n greater detail and possibly read another book in which a child learns something from a family member. 5. Which part of the lesson, if any, do you think might need to change? I think the only part that might need to be changed is the writing portion. I think I would have to know each students capabilities to determine how many sentences they can handle writing. For more advanced students I may require more and lower level students may be required to write less. 6. When you were writing this lesson plan, what was the most difficult part? The most difficult part of writing this lesson was determining what first graders would and wouldnt be able to do. Like the writing for example, it may be too difficult or too easy for the students.

Nevada State College

EDEL 453 - Spring 2013

Karen Powell- Instructor

page 4

Title of Unit: People Title of Lesson: Family Submitted By: Breanna Cape

Nevada State College

EDEL 453 - Spring 2013

Karen Powell- Instructor

page 5

Title of Unit: People Title of Lesson: Family Submitted By: Breanna Cape

Nevada State College

EDEL 453 - Spring 2013

Karen Powell- Instructor

page 6

Title of Unit: People Title of Lesson: Family Submitted By: Breanna Cape

Nevada State College

EDEL 453 - Spring 2013

Karen Powell- Instructor

page 7

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