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Jami Shlensky Phase 2 Writing Paragraphs Instructional Program Reflection

Points Received for Writing a Paragraph




Points CH Scored on Rubric

0 Baseline (2/7) 16-Apr 30-Apr

Results Despite the minimal amount of data points collected and displayed, the student showed improvement in her writing. The student, in the first probe, received over half of the possible points on the rubric. In the next collected writing sample her score decreased. In her last writing sample, after further, and more expedited instruction, her progress jumped. Although the data seems optimistic, many more writing samples are necessary to truly grasp her progress in writing paragraphs. Discussion Overall, it is hard to tell how effective the program truly was. However, I do believe, that as a result of instruction, CHs writing improved. Towards the end of the program, due to the students frequent absences, I expedited instruction in order to be able to collect

some positive data. This more intensive and more frequent instruction gave way to improvement due to the ease of retention for CH. The student, overall, is very cooperative. She was always, when at school, willing to work on her writing. We built a stable relationship which lead to her genuine interest in my instruction. The rapport between us definitely contributed to her willingness to work and as a result her improvement in writing. She also is quick to pick up information and can engage in all kinds of activities. CH, as a whole, was invested in learning how to improve her writing. When present, she would ask how she could improve or when we were going to work on it! However, she, due to medical issues, was often absent from school, which prevented my ability to carry out instruction and assessment consistently. Another environmental factor was the context for instruction. Often there was not time available during English to complete lessons and as a result, the program was pushed to the backburner. This limited CHs progress due to the lack of instructional time. In the future, if I were to implement this program again, I would shorten the session time and have them occur more frequently throughout the week. As a result, I would hope that I could instruct skills often during the week. I would also broaden the context for instruction so that I could work with the student at other times than the specified one, which I began to do at the end of instruction. Aside from that, I would leave components the same! The program, I believe, would have been successful had we had time for more instruction and assessment!

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