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The soil sample was oven dried for 24 hours and the following tests were conducted.

Grain size Analysis Liquid limit Plastic limit Proctor Compaction Differential free swell Unconfined Compression test Direct shear test (is it really required ?)

Detailed procedure for all the above tests are discussed below.

GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS: This test is done to determine the particle size distribution of soil as per IS: 2720 (Part 4) 1985. The apparatus required to do this test are i) A set of fine IS Sieves of sizes 2mm, 600m, 425m, 212m and 75m ii) A set of coarse IS Sieves of sizes 20mm, 10mm and 4.75mm iii) Weighing balance, with an accuracy of 0.1% of the weight of sample iv) Oven v) Mechanical shaker vi) vii) Brushes viii) Trays Preparation of sample : i) Soil sample, as received from the field, was dried in an oven at a temperature not exceeding 60 oC.. The clods were then broken with wooden mallet. Care was taken not to break the individual soil particles.ii) Tree roots and pieces of bark if any were removed from the sample. iii) A representative soil sample of required quantity as given below was taken and dried in the oven at 105 to 120oC. Procedure to determine Particle Size Distribution of Soil : i) The dried sample was taken in a tray, soaked in water and mixed with either 2g of sodium

hexametaphosphate or 1g of sodium hydroxide and 1g of sodium carbonate per litre of water, which was added as a dispersive agent. The soaking of soil was continued for 10 to 12hrs. ii) The sample was washed through 4.75mm IS Sieve with water till substantially clean water came out. Retained sample on 4.75mm IS Sieve was oven-dried for 24hrs. This dried sample was sieved through 20mm and 10mm IS Sieves. iii) The portion passing through 4.75mm IS Sieve was oven-dried for 24hrs. This oven-dried material was riffled and about 200g taken. iv) This sample of about 200g was washed through 75m IS Sieve with half litre distilled water, till substantially clear water came out. v) The material retained on 75m IS Sieve was collected and dried in oven at a temperature of 105 to 120oC for 24hrs. The dried soil sample was sieved through 2mm, 600m, 425m and 212m IS Sieves. Soil retained on each sieve was weighed. vi) If the soil passing 75m was 10% or more, hydrometer method was used to analyse soil particle size.

Title ???? Hydrometer Analysis: i) Particles passed through 75m IS Sieve along with water were collected and put into a

1000ml jar for hydrometer analysis. More water, if required, was added to make the soil water suspension just 1000ml. The suspension in the jar was vigorously shaken horizontally by keeping the jar in-between the palms of the two hands. The jar was put on the table. ii) A graduated hydrometer was carefully inserted into the suspension with minimum disturbance. iii) At different time intervals, the density of the suspension at the centre of gravity of the hydrometer was noted by seeing the depth of sinking of the stem. The temperature of the suspension was noted for each recording of the hydrometer reading. iv) Hydrometer readings were taken at a time interval of 0.5 minute, 1.0 minute, 2.0 minutes, 4.0 minutes, 15.0 minutes, 45.0 minutes, 90.0 minutes, 3hrs, 6hrs, and 24hrs. v) By using the nomogram given in IS: 2720 (Part 4) 1985, the diameter of the particles for different hydrometer readings were found out.

Title ????

Reporting of Results: After completing the mechanical analysis and hydrometer analysis, the results were plotted on a semi-log graph with particle size as abscissa (log scale) and the percentage smaller than the specified diameter as ordinate. LIQUID LIMIT: This test was done to determine the liquid limit of soil as per IS: 2720 (Part 5) 1985. The liquid limit of fine-grained soil is the water content at which soil behaves practically like a liquid, but has small shear strength. Its flow closes the groove in just 25 blows in Casagrandes liquid limit device. The apparatus used are i) Casagrandes liquid limit device ii) Grooving tools of both standard and ASTM types iii) Oven iv) Evaporating dish v) Spatula vi) IS Sieve of size 425m vii) Weighing balance, with 0.01g accuracy viii) Wash bottle ix) Air-tight and non-corrodible container for determination of moisture content Preparation of Sample: i) The soil sample was air-dried and the clods were broken. The organic matter like tree roots, pieces of bark, etc. are to be removed. ii) About 100g of the specimen passing through 425m IS Sieve was mixed thoroughly with distilled water in the evaporating dish and left for 24hrs of soaking. Procedure to Determine the Liquid Limit of Soil : i) A portion of the paste was placed in the cup of the liquid limit device. ii) The mix was levelled so as to have a maximum depth of 1cm. iii) The grooving tool was drawn through the sample along the symmetrical axis of the cup, holding the tool perpendicular to the cup.

iv) Since it is a fine grained soil, the Casagrandes tool was used to cut a groove 2mm wide at the bottom, 11mm wide at the top and 8mm deep. Note:For sandy soil: The ASTM tool is used to cut a groove 2mm wide at the bottom, 13.6mm wide at the top and 10mm deep. vi) After the soil pat had been cut by a proper grooving tool, the handle was rotated at the rate of about 2 revolutions per second and the no. of blows counted, till the two parts of the soil sample came into contact for about 10mm length. vii) About 10g of soil was taken near the closed groove and its water content was determined. viii) The soil of the cup was transferred to the dish containing the soil paste and mixed thoroughly after adding a little more water. The test was repeated. ix) By altering the water content of the soil and repeating the above operations, at least 5 readings in the range of 15 to 35 blows were obtained. x) Liquid limit is determined by plotting a flow curve on a semi-log graph, with no. of blows as abscissa (log scale) and the water content as ordinate and drawing the best straight line through the plotted points.

Title ???

Reporting of Results: The water content corresponding to 25 blows, read from the flow curve was reported as the liquid limit. PLASTIC LIMIT: This test was done to determine the plastic limit of soil as per IS: 2720 (Part 5) 1985.The plastic limit of fine-grained soil is the water content of the soil below which it ceases to be plastic. It begins to crumble when rolled into threads of 3mm dia. The apparatus used were i) Porcelain evaporating dish about 120mm dia. ii) Spatula iii) Container to determine moisture content iv) Balance, with an accuracy of 0.01g v) Oven vi) Ground glass plate 20cm x 15cm vii) Rod 3mm dia. and about 10cm long Preparation of Sample: About 30g of air-dried soil was taken from a thoroughly mixed sample of the soil passing through 425m IS Sieve. The soil was mixed with distilled water in an evaporating dish and the soil mass was left for maturing. This period was up to 24hrs. Procedure to determine the Plastic Limit of Soil: i) About 8g of the soil was taken and rolled with fingers on a glass plate. The rate of rolling was between 80 to 90 strokes per minute to form a 3mm dia. ii) If the diameter of the threads were able to be reduced to less than 3mm, without any cracks appearing, it meant that the water content was more than its plastic limit. The soil was kneaded to reduce the water content and rolled into a thread again. iii) The process of alternate rolling and kneading were repeated until the thread crumbled. iv) The pieces of crumbled soil thread were collected and kept in the container used to determine the moisture content. v) The process was repeated at least twice more with fresh samples of plastic soil each time.

Title ???? Reporting of Results: The plastic limit was determined for at least three portions of the soil passing through 425m IS Sieve. The average water content to the nearest whole number was reported.PROCTOR COMPACTION TEST: This test was done to determine the maximum dry density and the optimum moisture content of soil using heavy compaction as per IS: 2720 (Part 8) 1983.The apparatus used were i) Cylindrical metal mould 100mm dia. with 1000cc volume conforming to IS: 10074 1982. ii) Balances one of 10 kg capacity, sensitive to 1g and the other of 200g capacity, sensitive to 0.01g iii) Oven thermostatically controlled with an interior of non-corroding material to maintain temperature between 105 and 110oC iv) Steel straightedge 30cm long v) IS Sieves of sizes 4.75mm, 19mm and 37.5mm Preparation of Sample: A representative portion of air-dried soil material, large enough to provide about 6kg of

material passing through a 19mm IS Sieve was taken. This portion was sieved through a 19mm IS Sieve and the coarse fraction rejected after its proportion of the total sample had been recorded. Aggregations of particles were broken down so that if the sample was sieved through a 4.75mm IS Sieve, only separated individual particles would be retained.

Procedure to determine the Maximum Dry Density and the Optimum Moisture Content of Soil i) A 5kg sample of air-dried soil passing through the 19mm IS Sieve was taken. The sample was mixed thoroughly with a suitable amount of water depending on the soil type (for sandy and gravelly soil 3 to 5% and for cohesive soil 12 to 16% below the plastic limit). The soil sample was then stored in a sealed container for a minimum period of 16hrs. ii) The mould of 1000cc capacity with base plate attached, was weighed to the nearest 1g (W1 ). The mould was placed on a solid base, such as a concrete floor and the moist soil was compacted into the mould, with the extension attached, in five layers of approximately equal mass, each layer being given 25 blows from the 4.9kg rammer dropped from a height of 450mm above the soil. The blows were distributed uniformly over the surface of each layer. The amount of soil used was sufficient to fill the mould, leaving not more than about 6mm to be struck off when the extension was removed. The extension was then removed and the compacted soil was levelled off carefully to the top of the mould by means of the straight edge. The mould and soil were then weighed to the nearest gram (W2). iii) The compacted soil specimen was removed from the mould and placed onto the mixing tray. The water content (w) of a representative sample of the specimen was determined. iv) The remaining soil specimen was broken up, rubbed through 19mm IS Sieve and then mixed with the remaining original sample. Suitable increments of water were added successively and mixed into the sample, and the above operations i.e. ii) to iv) were repeated for each increment of water added. The total number of determinations made were maintained to be at least five and the moisture contents were such that the optimum moisture content at which the maximum dry density occurs, lies within the range.

Title ????

Reporting of Results: The dry densities, obtained in a series of determinations were plotted against the corresponding moisture contents. A smooth curve was drawn through the resulting points and the position of the maximum on the curve was determined.

DETERMINATION OF DIFFERENTIAL FREE SWELL INDEX OF SOIL: The differential free swell index of soil was determined as per IS: 2720 (Part XL) 1977. Differential free swell, also termed as free swell index is the increase in volume of soil without any external constraint when subjected to submergence in water. The apparatus used were

i) IS Sieve of size 425m ii) Oven iii) Balance, with an accuracy of 0.01g iv) Graduated glass cylinder- 2 nos., each of 100ml capacity Procedure to determine Differential Free Swell Index of Soil: i) Two specimens of 10g each of pulverized soil passing through 425m IS Sieve were taken and oven-dried. ii) Each soil specimen was then poured into a graduated glass cylinder of 100ml capacity. iii) Distilled water was poured in one and kerosene oil in the other cylinder upto 100ml mark. iv) Entrapped air, if any was reoved by gently shaking or stirring with a glass rod. v) The suspension was allowed to attain the state of equilibrium (for not less than 24hours). vi) Final volume of soil in each of the cylinder was read out. Insert picture and title of DFSI test

REPORTING OF RESULTS Differential Free swell index = [Vd - Vk] / Vk x 100% where, Vd = volume of soil specimen read from the graduated cylinder containing distilled water. Vk = volume of soil specimen read from the graduated cylinder containing kerosene. UNCONFINED COMPRESSION TEST (IS: 2720 PART 10 - 1991): PURPOSE The purpose of this test is to determine the unconfined compressive strength of a cohesive soil sample.

The unconfined compression test is by far the most popular method of soil shear testing because it is one of the fastest and cheapest methods of measuring shear strength. The method is used primarily for saturated, cohesive soils recovered from thin-walled sampling tubes. The unconfined compression test is inappropriate for dry sands or crumbly clays because the materials would fall apart without any lateral confinement.

While performing unconfined compression test, the sample was extruded from the sampling tube. A cylindrical sample of soil was trimmed such that the ends were reasonably smooth and the length-to-diameter ratio was approximately two. The soil sample was placed in a loading frame on a metal plate; and by turning a crank, the level of the bottom plate was raised. The top of the soil sample was restrained by the top plate, which was attached to a calibrated proving ring. As the bottom plate was raised, an axial load was applied to the sample. The crank was rotated at a specified rate so that there was constant strain rate. The load was gradually increased to shear the sample, and readings were taken periodically of the force applied to the sample and the resulting deformation. The loading was continued until the soil developed a definite shearing plane or the deformations became excessive. The measured data were used to determine the strength of the soil specimen and the stress-strain characteristics. Finally, the sample was oven dried to determine its water content. The maximum load per unit area was calculated which is defined as the unconfined compressive strength, qu. In this test, since the p ore pressures were not measured, the effective stress remains unknown. Hence, the undrained shear strength measured in an unconfined test is generally expressed in terms of the total stress. APPARATUS The loading frame consists of two metal plates. The top plate is stationary and is attached to the load-measuring device. The bottom plate is raised and lowered by means of a crank on the front of the loading frame. After the soil sample has been placed between the plates, the bottom plate is gradually raised; the resistance provided by the stationary top plate applies an axial force to the sample. Although the loading frames in our laboratory are hand operated, electric motor-driven and hydraulic load frames are common. Loads are measured with a calibrated proving ring or an electronic load cell. Vertical deformations are measured with a dial gauge; the dial gauge is attached to the top plate and measures the relative movement between the top and bottom plates. We will be performing a strain-controlled test,

in which the load is applied at a constant rate of strain or deformation

Procedure 1. The first step in the procedure was to examine the loading frame. The crank was turned and how to read the load and deformation dial gages were learnt. The calibration constant was determined for the proving ring and the units of the deformation dial gauge. 2. The samples were sheared at a strain rate of 1% per minute. From the length of the soil sample, the deformation at 1% strain was determined. 3. The initial average height and diameter of the soil sample were measured using vernier callipers.

4. The weight of the soil sample was recorded and the total (moist) unit weight was determined. 5. Then the soil sample was placed in the loading frame, and the proving ring was seated; Also the dials were set to zero. 6. The load applied at specified strain values of 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1,2,3,4,5,6,8, 10, 12 14, 16, 18 and 20 per cent were recorded.

. With the measured initial height of sample (H0), the desired percent strain () and the initial dial reading (S0), the dial readings (S) were calculated using the following expression: S=S0+ (/100) H0 7. Readings of force (F) were taken from the proving ring dial gauge and the stress applied to the ends of the sample (01, or major principal stress) was computed as follows: =F/A where A is the cross-sectional area of the sample. Because the soil sample height decreases during shear and the volume of the sample remains constant, the cross sectional area must increase. For a saturated soil that undergoes no volume change

during shear (no flow of water into or out of the sample), the equivalent or average area (A) at any strain (e) was computed from the initial area (A0) as given by the following expression and the assumption is that the volume is conserved: A = A0 / (1- ) 8. The sample was sheared at a strain rate of 1% per minute. Typically, the sample fails in one of two ways. In stiffer clays, a distinct failure plane will be formed. For this type of failure, it is likely that the point of failure will be indicated by the measurement of a peak and then a decrease in load. If this was the case, four or five readings past the point of failure were also recorded. A "barreling" failure is more typical for softer clays. In this type of failure, a distinct failure plane doesn't form, rather the sample bulges in the middle. The unconfined compressive strength (qu) is the maximum value 1, which may or may not coincide with the maximum force measurement (depending on the area correction). It is also equal to the diameter of Mohr's circle. The undrained shear strength (Su) was taken as the maximum shear stress, Su= 0.5 qu Using the above formula the Shear strength of the clay sample was computed.

Good job !! Add the procedure for soil with nylon fibres how the percentages were varied, how it was blended (add photos of blending fibre with soil) Add some more figures / photos / pictures.

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