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Richard V.

San Francisco, CA Mobile: (415) 609-9857

CAREER GOAL: Utilize my breadth and depth of experience in project management, professional services, strategic initiatives and new product introductions as a project manager or business development manager in a fast-paced, high growth and rewarding environment.


Founded the Telecommuting Advantage Group (TAG) with the goals of providing a positive return on investment (ROI) for our clients while providing increased life-flexibility to employees and reducing traffic congestion and emissions. o Researched and developed a suite of online, interactive assessment tools with a team of I.O. Ph.D.s that have been utilized by Northrop Grumman, the Cleveland Clinic and other Fortune 100 companies. o Developed a team of consultants and Industrial Organizational Ph.D.s who worked with national public and large private companies delivering, on average, a 280% ROI. o Led the implementation of over 100 alternative commute and distributed work programs. Over ninety-nine percent of these programs are still in place. o Developed strategic relationships with grey-area competitors and complementary companies to augment TAGs online suite of tools, marketing capabilities and service offerings. Developed staff training and managed project implementations in the software data security industry including standards, training and support. Led cross-functional Agile and Waterfall based implementation teams of locally installed and cloudbased multi-million dollar software systems in the healthcare, financial, telecommunications, utilities, high-tech and pharmaceutical industries with a focus on ongoing relationships and growth potentials. Managed internal, strategic initiatives concentrating on professional service process improvements, the certification of internal and partner personnel, standardizing technical requirements documentation and moving the transfer to support process into a business growth opportunity. Functional understanding HTML, Linux, Java, Perl, and the configuration of web-based and customized software systems. Thorough understanding of API and database applications. Led revision upgrades efforts for Fortune 100 companies in a cloud based environment. Expanded Hewlett-Packards inkjet post-production capabilities into Germany, France and Singapore, reducing product introduction time by 40% and reducing costs by 28%. Managed engineering teams responsible for a multi-billion dollar consumer electronics product line, a team of consultants and professionals as well as professional service teams. Led the development and implementation of HP Legacy and SAP systems in the supply-chain and order-fulfillment arenas. Ten years of field-study with a business anthropology professional, analyzing how personal propensities and technology impact decision making, collaboration and project complications.

Professional Services Project Manager - Xactly Corporation
I was brought in to implement Xactlys software and lead a new business initiative. This initiative was not pursued as a strategic initiative, leading to my departure from the company.

Directed cross-functional technical, sales and business teams implementing Xactlys cloud-based SAAS software for large clients, including Walgreens, British Gas, United Health Care and Siemens. Responsible for managing the project, budget, resources, expanded business opportunities, technical
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issues and the overall customer relationship. Coordinated API and database configurations with the IT and Engineering teams. Developed new processes and documentation for the Professional Services group including the Requirements Document, implementation processes and escalations. Executed a new Project Implementation Management plan for the Professional Services group. Managed up to eleven projects and project teams simultaneously.

Customer Success Lead - Enterprise Software Security - Fortify Software

Designed the Fortify SCA certification program and led a team of developers and customer service representatives to implement a three-tiered program targeted to both customers and third-party software security consulting firms. Developed a pricing model around the certification program for 3rd-party implementation and support partners and strategic Fortify clients. Led development of the Fortify Dashboard to provide tangible data of the benefits of Fortifys software, create expectations for resource requirements, and allow the prioritization of software vulnerabilities. The dashboard was evolved into a tool that allows clients to monitor their own programming effectiveness, reducing Fortifys support costs. Devised unique project plans and led staff training in order to reach goals in the most cost-effective manner (in house or partner) while retaining an extremely high level of customer satisfaction. Key customers included Wells-Fargo (wholesale), ABN-AMRO (Harris Bank), Nova Scotia and TD Bank. Recruited for strategic projects by senior management to help build out the Support and Services organizations. Ran the in-office Fortify operations group, consisting of 28 support personnel during the transition period after Hewlett-Packards purchase of Fortify. Responsible for hiring, developing new customer success processes and developing a new support ticket intake and prioritization process. Developed the budgeting and processes for the expansion to include new product introductions and strategic client relationships.

Founder / Chief Executive Officer - Telecommuting Advantage Group (TAG)

I founded TAG in July of 2000 based on a successful telework program I had initiated at Hewlett Packard, based on the lack of ROI and solid assessment tools associated with successful and sustainable telework programs. TAG was headquartered in San Francisco with satellite offices in Washington D.C., Seattle, and Atlanta. Grew TAGs revenue from two core business segments; public agencies and private companies with a national team of seven consultants and three Industrial Organizational Ph.D.s. Led the companys public program segment strategic efforts and was awarded 11 of 13 major public projects across the country over an eight year period. Implemented over 100 successful telework, compressed workweek, remote work, mobile work and distributed work programs. Developed and led both in-person and web-based seminars and workshops and have spoken professionally with peer groups and senior C-level executives. Created, edited and published multiple white papers and articles on the history of remote work, virtual work, telework implementation strategies and overcoming typical organizational barriers to telework. Evolved TAGs business model from an emphasis of boots on the ground to a virtual, on-line based company, including a suite of online assessment tools. Led the development of strategic relationships with companies, such as Citrix Online, Comcast, eWork and Live-Ops that led to the offering of complementary products and new marketing efforts. Led social media marketing strategy to promote TAGs online tools and services through Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter to build customer relations and new business. Designed and executed my departure from TAG in coordination with a team of consultants, IO Ph.D.s and IT professionals.
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Future Capability Team Manager HEWLETT-PACKARD, International Distribution and Logistics Org.
Charter member of the Future Capability Team whose objective was to identify the information systems, operational assets, and personnel skills needed to maintain #1 market share and profitability. Formulated a value add pricing structure within the inkjet and supplies segments that increased the companys net margins while allowing resellers to maximize their own infrastructures more effectively. Developed a Capability Leverage tool that identified how cross-functional projects can benefit multiple operational groups and prioritize projects and resource allocation. Conducted a market analysis of the San Francisco Bay Area for the HP Supplies Vending project, one of three markets selected out of twelve for a project pilot. Developed a consignment capability that allowed the development of alternate channels as well as the utilization of the companys financial leverage as a competitive advantage.

New Product Introduction Lead

Led a cross-functional team for inkjet printers and supplies that included Engineering, Marketing, Finance, IT, and Internet application groups responsible for an average of 16 new products per month. Enhanced the post-production customization line and increased reseller specific promotion abilities and increased printer sales to the top-five resellers (e.g. Best Buy, Office Depot) by 38%. Directed a distribution efficiency team that created savings of over $3 million annually for customers, including Wal-Mart, Best Buy, Office Depot and OfficeMax.

SAM Information Technologies and Business Process Lead

Designed and implemented the end manufacturing, distribution and logistics program for HewlettPackards inkjet printer division that supported the growth from 23,000 to over 700,000 inkjet peripherals internationally per month. Led the expansion of SAP into procurement, planning and distribution. Completed the project on schedule (14 months) and under budget ($15 million) with a team of three consultants and nine HP employees with four HP Legacy systems phased out during the project. As a result, the order to delivery cycle was reduced from 21 to 5 days. Managed the development budget responsible for the personal and professional development of team members. All seven team members were promoted within HP.

Industrial Engineering, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI. Graduated in the top 5% of my class. MBA, Santa Clara University. Emphasis in Marketing and Finance. Kellogg School of Management, Chicago, IL. Strategic partnership development and product pricing. PMP Certification studies completed but have not yet taken the test.


Drawbridge. Fourteen year volunteer and facilitator. Currently on the board of directors and responsible for fundraising efforts. Project Hired. Responsible for identifying organizations with suitable job-types and cultures associated with the hiring of people with disabilities.

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