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Chapter 17 notes: Aeolian processes- work of wind in terrestrial environments, includes erosion, transport and deposition of Earth materials

Ability of wind to carry out geomorphological work is related to density of air, velocity of air and size and quantity of mineral particles being moved. Laminar sub layer- zone of little or now wind, thickness depends on roughness of surface. Laminar flow is replaced by turbulent flow in the lowest few meters of atmosphere. Threshold velocity- velocity required to entrain a particle of a given diameter, increases as square root of particle size Thus larger particles require more wind. Wind erosivity- the ability of wind to erode Terminal fall velocity- maximum rate at which a wind transported particle settles through the air Smallest and lightest particles are held in suspension Traction- how larger particles move(sand) Saltation- process by which sand particles follow curving paths determined by horizontal wind velocity and force of gravity, accounts for 75 to 80 percent of sediment transport by wind. Deflation- dust picked up by wind is removed form surface, it is fundamental process of Aeolian erosion. Induced deflation- occurs when short grass cover in a semi arid region is cultivated. Deflation hollow- typical landform produced by deflation is a this shallow depression. Desert payment- rock fragments are progressively concentrated on the surface eventually form this. Hammada- desert surface from which wind has removed most of the regolith, leaving only bedrock surfaces scattered with large rocks. Abrasion- particles moved by wind are effective at wearing away exposed rock surfaces(erosion) Ventifacts- rocks that have been shaped by abrasive action of wind. Dreikanters- stones with triangular appearance due to three curved facets. Sand dune- any mound of loose a sand modeled by wind, most commonly composed of quartz.

Bacchan dune- common type of sand dune that develops perpendicular to the wind. Traverse dunes- dunes take form of wavelike ridges separated by trough like furrows, like ocean waves creates are aligned at right angles to the direction of dominant wind. Parabolic dunes- characterized by a curving dune crest that is bowed outward in downwind direction, opposite curvature of barchans dunes. Hairpin dune- drawing the dune into a long, narrow form with parallel sides. Longitudinal dunes- develop where sand supply is more limited, form as long narrow ridges parallel to drieciton of prevailing wind. Star dunes- pyramidal sand mounds, with slip faces on three or more sides, which radiate from high central point. They grow in height rather than move laterally. Coastal foredunes- a narrow belt of dunes in the form of irregularly shaped hills and depressions typically develops on the landward side of sand beaches. Cover beach grass and other sever environments. Loess- deposits of wind transported silt that has settled out from dust storms. generally has a uniform yellowish color and is deposited as a homogenous mass with no apparent stratification. Fetch- distance of open water over which the wind acts. Shoreline- shifting line of contact between water and land. Coastline- shallow water zone in which waves perform their work, as well as beaches and cliffs shaped by waves and costal dunes. Marine scarp- steep bank. Pocket beach- wher softer rock will acumalte. 2 components of beach drift 1)Swash- powerful surge that moves materials toward land. 2)Backwash- how water returns to sea. Longshore drift- long shore current carries sand along seabed at an angle set up parallel to the shore. littoral drift- long shore drift and beach drift act together to move particles in same direction. Progradation- widening of beach. Retro gradation- occurs when sand is removed more rapidly than it is brought in , results in narrowing of the beach.

Gravitational component of suns tide generating force is about 46% of that of the moon. Geoid- refers to the shape of the earth that would assume if it were entirely covered with water and responding to the forces acting upon it. Lunar gravitational force- greatest at point on Earth directly beneath moon(sub solar point) Antipodal point- point farthest from moon, moons gravity weakest. Semidiurnal lunar tide, two high tides and two low tides each lunar tide. Period of 12.42horus. Spring tide- which have greatest range between high and low water.

Neap tides- tidal range between and high and low water is at lowest Diurnal tide- one high tide and one lwo tide. Mixed tide- two high tides and two low tides, but tidal ranges are not equial. Salt marsh- mud flats slowly build up to approximately the level of high tide. Submergence- type of coastline formed when two valleys submerge. Fjord coast- occurs where steep walle dgalcial trough have beensubmerged to produce long, narrow inlets of sea. Fault coast- formed when down faulted zone is flooded. Emergence- coast forms when underwater landforms are exposed by a drop in sea level or when earths crust is elevated. Lagoon- broad expanse of shallow water that is filled in places with tidal deposits. Delta- forms when sediment laden rivers enter the sea. Fringing reefs- built as platforms attached to shore Barrier reefs- lie offshore and are separated from mainland by a lagoon. Atolls- are more or less circular coral reefs enclosing a lagoon, but have no island inside, most built on foundation of volcanic rock.

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