Astrological Combination of Job

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SPECIFIC COMBINATIONS 1) Government Employment: Sun and Moon in the 10th house, Saturn and Sun (any where service with pitfalls). Sun with Jupiter gives position in judiciary which includes profession of an Advocate. With Mercury, Venus and Jupiter (Retrograde), (12th house) the native had a high position in Government employment, the Sun in 11th house, because of Mars and Ketu (8th house), the native had to lead a miserable life with constant disputes in service and also quarrels with his superiors. 2) Professions involve lot of traveling- Marking- Saturn with Moon, Artistic bent of mind, Smuggling, cheating tendency, Business/ profession relating to earth and water (mud, bricks, water etc.) 3) Earning with obstacles: Saturn and Mars combination. The native earns by telling a lie if the combination is in 11th house. However, much earning is indicated including acquisition of land building if this combination is aspected by Venus/ Jupiter.

Retrograde Mars in Lagan and Retrograde Saturn in 4th house. Mars with Saturn and Rahu-Factory/ Industry with break in career. Saturn, Ketu and Mars displacement in career by legal disputes.

4) Professions relating to trade, writing law, authorship etc:- Saturn and Mercury, Juipter involvement would give the needed intelligence and ability. Venus and Jupiter gives professional respect and copious money also money lending/ banking profession and connected professions. 5) Independent Career :- Saturn and Jupiter. The native even a beggar i.e. most fortunate combination. Independent career, self employment, head of the organization

Venus, Saturn with Mercury independent business after the age of 30 years or so.

6) Banking, money lending, finance companies.

Saturn and Venus luxurious profession. Banker, accountants, money lending business. Also for property dealers (real estate agents).

7) Subordination position

Saturn with Rahu. If Jupiter/Venus are involved, promotion after initial subordination. Also masking abilities and Joker including fraudulent/cheaters. Posing as what he is not i.e. posing as CBI officer etc come under this combination

8) Lawyers/ Advocates etc.

Mercury and Ketu but with Saturn and Ketu, native may not get the expected fruits of labor. Jupiter and the Moon- rather Jupiter alone and well placed is capable of making a lawyer. Jupiter with Mars specially in 2nd house makes the native criminal lawyer specially when the Sun is in the 10th house.

9) Inherited business or father's professions:

Saturn with the Sun and the Moon. With the involvement of Mars at gives worries in the professional work.


10) Frequent breaks in career why.

Saturn with the Sun and Mars- Governemnt service, Police, Army, Navy specially when the Sun and Mars are in 10th house and in a fiery sign Aries, Leo and Scorpio.

11) Luxurious career in art and trading.

Venus with the Moon and Saturn the native shall have both accounted and unaccounted wealth. With Jupiter's joining, the native becomes expert in a technical subject including a consultant in financial institutions. Venus with Mars and Saturn.

12) Bad Professions-slugging etc.

Moon hemmed by Rahu and Saturn. Saturn with Moon and Rahu- shady deals.

13) Renouncement from the worldly affairs, religious activities.

Saturn with Moon and Ketu. Saturn with Rahu and Mars. Jupiter influencing Saturn, Rahu and Ketu.

14) Property dealers, trading brokerage and real estate business.

Mars with Saturn and Mercury- Bad Mars may give rise to constant quarrels including among partners.

15) Merchant banker, surgeon, engineer etc.

Mars with Saturn and Jupiter For surgeons look at the position of Mars specially in 6th/ 10th houses in Aries/ Scorpio.

16) Specialist / analyst and for in depth study- Jupiter with Rahu and Saturn. 17) Artists: Favorable signs Gemini, Libra and Sagittarius. Venus and Mercury to be prominentalso Mars giving creative ability. Favorable aspect of the Moon is also needed.

Mars/Venus /Mercury for actors.

18) Architect- Saturn is most prominent (planning and structure) Mars and Mercury to be favorable. 19) Athletes- Mars with Jupiter specially of Virgo/ Sagittarius. 20) Astrologer- Mercury the mathematician has major role to play, look for combinations with other planets. Saturn, Jupiter, Sun, Moon and also Venus. 21) Chemists- Mars and Mercury with Saturn-Sixth house should be favorable/active. 22) Doctors- Mars and Jupiter- Mars gives both surgery and medicine. 23) Dancers- Venus, Moon and Mars. First and fifth house should be active and favorable. 24) Electrician and electrical engineer-Mars and Mercury- Mars gives the mechanical ability. Look at Mars in 10th house.

25) Politicians- VIPS- Ministers.

Exalted planets specially the Sun and Saturn. All planets should be well placed. Two/three planets must be in their signs or in their Mool-trikona positions. Birth should be with Gaj-Kesari Yoga (Moon and Jupiter), Budha- aditya Yoga (the Sun and Mercury).

26) Teacher- the Sun, the Moon and the Lagna normally fall in Gemini, Virgo or Sagittarius. The Lagna and ninth house are found to be active alone with the 5th house. Now a mention is made about more beneficial yogas connected with professions of the native. The native is considered to be fortunate when born with Vargothama position i.e. same sign in rasi and navamasha. Planets placed in angles (kendras) occupying their own signs or Moola trikona signs are called Karakas' with respect to each other. One of these planets in the 10th house merits special consideration. The existences of Pancha Mahapurusha Yogas are equally important for professional rise. The Panache Maha-pusha yogas are respectively Ruchaka, Bhadra, Hamsa, Malavya ans Sasa Yogas. They are caused respectively by Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn when these planets happen to occupy Kendras (angles) houses, identical with their own signs exaltation signs or Mooltrikona signs.

There are 12 Laganas (Ascendants) in the Astrology. ARIES

People with Aries rising tend to be energetic, pioneering, rash, argumentative, selfish, impulsive, quick-tempered, aggressive, assertive, headstrong, independent, alert, mechanically-inclined, physically active, self-promoting, self-centered in an unthinking way, and more thoughtless than mean. You have a general dislike for restraint of any kind, don't like to be told what to do, need to learn diplomacy and tact, need to look before leaping, need to better learn how to channel your energies for more constructive purposes and

results. Like the ram who symbolizes this sign, you tend to butt your head against your problems hoping that with enough force you can eventually knock down whatever stands before you, including people. You like the challenges of life and are very competitive and sometimes combative. You get bored easily with routine and one thing you may need to practice more of is persistence. You tend to jump from one thing to another, always looking for something new. Finish what you start before moving on. Spiritual lesson to learn: Patience. Mars rules Aries so Mars will be important in your chart.

People with Taurus rising tend to be strong, persistent, slow to change, determined, stable, quiet (until pushed too far - then there will be trouble), practical, stubborn, non-aggressive, patient, affectionate, loyal, hard-working, passive and unassuming in general, and fixed in their convictions with a general slow pace of mind. Taureans can be led or coaxed, but never pushed or driven. Resources and possessions, whether people or finances are very important to you. You want to build and make things grow, but you can't be hurried. You want to get your hands on things and see the practical results of your own hard work. You are good at taking what others have started then carrying on. Success comes to you by sheer persistence and will. Your love of sweet or rich food can incline you to put on weight. Try to be less rigid in all you do. Tame any jealousy and instinct to possessiveness. You hate and fear sickness and pain. Spiritual lesson to learn: Detachment. Venus rules Taurus so Venus will be important in your chart.

People with Gemini rising tend to be friendly, communicative, flexible, indecisive, unsure, liking to do two or more things at once, witty, clever, very active mentally, high-strung, temperamental, nervous or anxious, talkative, superficial, and always ready for something different. There may be two distinct sides to you as Gemini represents the Twins. You have a strong need to communicate what you already know and to learn more. You enjoy reading and traveling as they both give plenty of scope for picking up new knowledge. You need variety and can be the jack of all trades and the master of none. You tend to go wide - for breadth, not depth. You may appear confident, but you can lack self-confidence and inner sureness. You love to talk, both with your mouth as well as your hands. Spiritual lesson to

learn: Control (learn to control and not scatter energies and to prioritize). Mercury rules Gemini so Mercury will be important in your chart.

People with Cancer rising tend to be less vital than average, sympathetic, compassionate, passive, nurturing, receptive, protective, retentive, changeable, psychic, sentimental, tenacious, timid, quiet, sensitive, acquisitive (pack-rat), and moody. Just like the crab Cancer represents, you may have the habit of looking ahead and behind you at the same time, not fully wanting to face the future head-on and always worrying about the past and what might be sneaking up on you from behind, causing you great worry. You go through life in a curious sideways motion, never going simply directly forward. You are sensitive and you retreat into your shell when you feel threatened. Your feelings can be easily hurt, even when no slight was meant and you can take things much too personally. You enjoy travel, but you absolutely need to know that you have a home base waiting for you to come back to. Security is everything for you in life. Physical security comes with a comfortable base of operations and emotional security comes from all your possessions and attachments that have sentimental value to you. In fact, that's why you keep everything because of all the emotional value and significance. Once you have latched onto something or someone, you do not tend to let go easily. You respond to life through feeling, not thinking. Your moods go up and down just like the tides. Spiritual lesson to learn: Discernment (distinguish boundaries). The Moon rules Cancer so the Moon will be important in your chart.

People with Leo rising tend to be generous, proud, emotional, romantic, extroverted, vain, egotistical, courageous, sentimental, self-confident, showy, and want to shine and be successful in wherever they go and whatever they do. They like to "rule" and have homage paid to them for their "royal" nature. You like to take risks and can sometimes be foolhardy, but you definitely have a zest for living. The worst thing someone can do to you is to hurt your pride or be unappreciative of you. You wear your heart on your sleeve in matters of love and you need a partner you can be proud of - and you want them to be proud of you. You are faithful to and protective of those you love. You can be quick-tempered, but you tend to not stay angry for

long. You like to play the kingly role and have a sense of drama surrounding you. You are a ham. You like being the center of attention and will do things just to get that attention. You can be stubborn in a sunny sort of way. Your roar is worse than your bite. If your pride is hurt or your dignity is trampled on, then watch out, because you can forgive, but you don't forget. You enjoy sports and out-of-doors activity. Your vitality and spirit are strong except if your heart is broken in love. Your need for love and affection is very great and you need to feel appreciated. If frustrated, you lose your desire for living. Spiritual lesson to learn: Humility. The Sun rules Leo so the Sun will be important in your chart.

People with Virgo rising tend to be practical, analytical, discriminating, fastidious, careful, exacting, attentive to details, methodical, quiet, unassuming, shy, critical, thoughtful, and somewhat self-centered. You have an ingenious, active and alert mind. Gaining knowledge and putting it to good use are important to you. You strive for perfection and can be quite the person to live with or to be around because your standards for yourself and others are so high. At times others can never be "good" enough to meet those high standards. Finding fault with what's wrong with things is your forte. Sometimes, though, this can make relationships sour as you often turn your critical eye on the one you love and the things they do. Pessimism and being too self-critical are two faults you should try to improve upon. You may tend to worry too much, especially about the small stuff, the little details. Too much worry can lead to health problems. You need to learn to digest every experience and assimilate it without bitterness, regret, spite or resentment. You need to get rid of any negativity that stems from a feeling of inadequacy. You tend to look younger than you really are, no matter what your age. You are very restless and nervous, so you seldom have much weight on you. At times you can be very indecisive and unsure. Spiritual lesson to learn: Service. Mercury rules Virgo so Mercury will be important in your chart.

People with Libra rising tend to be charming, refined, attractive in some manner, gracious, appealing, indecisive, cooperative, sociable, creative, artistic, perhaps musically inclined, harmonious, and wanting to please and not make waves. You seek the approval and

support of others. You may "need" the company of others and hate to be by yourself. You are apt to try too hard to please others and compromise your own principles in order to be liked or to be popular. Yet you can also be very self-centered. You have a difficult time saying "no". You cannot stand disorder and disharmony and want everything to be balanced, poised, and harmonious. You like looking at all sides of an issue before making up your mind. You love to compare things and find analogies. You enjoy argument, yet you can be very diplomatic with a friendly exterior. Looks are important to you. You tend to attract whatever it is that you need without any real effort on your part. Spiritual lesson to learn: Decisiveness, especially in relationships. Venus rules Libra so Venus will be important in your chart.

People with Scorpio rising tend to be secretive, deep, withdrawn, mysterious, regenerate or degenerate, reserved, hard to understand, courageous, willful, persistent, stubborn in thought, creative, selfreliant, self-controlled (except perhaps with the passions), and silent. According to the spiritual astrologer Isabel Hickey, no unevolved soul is born with Scorpio rising. This is a powerhouse rising sign. It represents the battleground where the higher and lower selves must come to mortal combat. They must be aligned and the lower self eventually must die and give way to and obey the higher self, the God within. Physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels are all involved. You appear calm on the surface, but you can be extremely emotional inside. "Still waters run deep", as they say. You tend to be the silent type, always wanting to know others' motivations, but never disclosing your own. You love to play the detective or the ferret. You have to know everything, all the how's and why's. You have great determination and strength, enough to overcome any adversary, even yourself. You need to overcome resentment, possessiveness and jealousy. There may be a fascination, preoccupation, interest and/or ability with the occult, death, sex or healing. You can be a devil or an angel, the eagle or the stinging scorpion. Spiritual lesson to learn: Forgiveness. Mars and Pluto rule Scorpio so Mars and Pluto will be important in your chart.

People with Sagittarius rising tend to be idealistic, aspiring, enthusiastic, religious or agnostic, interested in far away places and

cultures or ideas, physically active, risk-taking, outgoing, breezy, extroverted, philosophical, perhaps dogmatic, prejudiced, superficial, looking for greener pastures, and on-the-go. Sagittarius, the Centaur, is half-human, half-animal and this is perhaps the way you are. You have great aspirations, yet may have a most unruly desire nature. You can shoot for the stars or wallow with the animals. There is love of animals, the outdoors, sports, gambling, adventure, and travel. You may lack concentration. You probably have many acquaintances, but few friends. You tend to have casual contacts rather than in-depth relationships. You have a great restlessness and a love to be on the move. You may always be looking for greener pastures, never stopping or slowing down to see where you really are and what's around you. You tend to be talkative and direct and to the point. You may be lacking in tact and diplomacy due to your frankness. Ideas are very important to you. You generally like working with the big picture and dislike all the little details. You may promise much and deliver less. You can rise to the heights or sink to the depths. Which will you choose? Spiritual lesson to learn: Restraint, of all that is given away (and stop procrastinating). Jupiter rules Sagittarius so Jupiter will be important in your chart.

People with Capricorn rising tend to be sensitive, timid, businesslike, ambitious, controlling, reserved, practical, down-to-earth, duty-conscious, responsible, critical, and cold. You may have had trouble communicating in early life. Perhaps you suffer from feelings of inadequacy. You overcome these feelings through sheer necessity, for you have determination in achieving your goals and purposes in life. You have great ambition and do not settle until you have reached the great heights that you have set for yourself. Money, position and power are important to you. The reserve that often appears as part of your makeup is sometimes taken as coldness. To you it seems that you are being responsible and simply doing your duty. You may have had trouble with your knees. Any trouble with the knees is the outer evidence of an inner inability to be flexible. Spiritual lesson to learn: Sociability (lighten up). Saturn rules Capricorn so Saturn will be important in your life.


People with Aquarius rising tend to be altruistic, friendly, yet detached, impersonal, humanitarian, sociable, intellectual, freedomloving, rebellious, independent, and unusual. You are here to learn altruism, brotherhood, and working for the common good, to forget yourself and your needs for the sake of your friends, who can also be strangers. You have new and different ways of looking at things. You can be very original and inventive, perhaps eccentric or bohemian. You are prone to uncertain and sudden impulses. You tend to be very intuitive, possessing a good mind. You have organizing ability and are capable and practical. You are intelligent, but sometimes cold and calculating where feelings are concerned. There is a certain detachment about you. You cannot stand possessiveness and jealousy and you require plenty of freedom. Depending on the relative strengths of Saturn and Uranus in your chart, caution, coldness and selfishness may be exhibited (Saturn stronger) or there will be more altruism, freedom and free-flowingness (Uranus stronger). If Uranus is stronger, then the things of the spirit will be stronger than materialistic worldliness. Spiritual lesson to learn: Warmth (less head and more heart). Saturn and Uranus both rule Aquarius so Saturn and Uranus will be important in your chart.

People with Pisces rising tend to be sensitive, compassionate, empathic, weak-willed, long-suffering, day-dreamy, procrastinating, plastic, impressionable, impractical, indecisive, psychic, sentimental, romantic, idealistic, affectionate, easy-going, lazy, not concerned with the practical day-to-day affairs of life, absentminded, and in search for the Holy Grail. At times you are too absent from focused awareness of the present. You may dream through life rather than live it. There may be involvement in music or dance or drugs. You may have a lonesomeness that nothing in the outer world can remedy. Being alone at times is an absolute necessity for you. The vibrations of this earth plane may be difficult at times for your sensitive body and spirit to withstand. You are very sensitive to the conditions of your surroundings and can be like a psychic sponge, absorbing all that is around you, for good or ill. You are very likeable, but you need to learn how to be more practical and down-toearth and how to concentrate your energies on the here and now. You must serve others in this life, but must learn not to be taken advantage of or fall for everyone's sob story. Spiritual lesson to learn: Perseverance. Jupiter and Neptune both rule Pisces so Jupiter and Neptune will be important in your chart.

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