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Eric Alfaro President CWA Local 9404 Al Rojas, SEIU 1st Vice President 2nd Vice President Local 39/Unite Here Gabriel Torres Treasurer Los Rios College Federation ofTeachers Local 2279/AFT Gail Ryall, IUOE Secretary

El Consejo Sindical para el Progreso de los Latino Americanos


April 30th, 2013

To: Juanita Nimfa Gamez Executive Director Mission Hope Day Program 7080 Donlon Way, Suite 209 Dublin, CA 94568

It is with great concern that we call on you to respect the rights of working people and immigrants at your workplace. In the United States, people are Francisco R. Garcia afforded the liberty to make choices without coercions or intimidation. It has come to our attention that the employees of Mission Hope Day Program, the organization where you serve as Executive Director, have decided to organize to form a union with SEIU Local 1021. Under United States law, workers at Mission Hope Day Program are legally protected when forming unions; the laws of this country are clear, we urge you to respect them. The Labor Council For Latin American Advancement (LCLAA) represents 2 million Latino trade unionists nationwide. Our organization works closely with community groups, politicians, and religious leaders to advance the social, economic, political, human and civil rights of all Latinos.

EXECUTIVE BOARD The Labor Council For Latin American Advancement is asking management at Dave Smith Mission Hope Day Program to remain neutral and allow workers the freedom to UAW 2350 decide if they would like to form a union.

Rodolfo Rodriguez M.E.Ch.A De Sac State Unin Cvica Primero de Mayo

We call on you, Juanita Nimfa Gamez, to respect the rights of your workers. As an agency that provides services to the disabled, Mission Hope Day Program is funded by taxpayer money. LCLAA has been informed that you, Juanita Gamez, are using taxpayer money to hire a union buster to silence your Paramo Hernandez workforce. This is unacceptable. We urge you to reconsider your approach as Executive Director. The Labor Council For Latin American Advancement will keep a P.O. Box 245913 vigilant eye as the workers at Mission Hope Day Program organize to form a Sacramento, CA union. We are calling on you to do what is right.

Fed. ID#: 41-2151778

The Sacramento Chapter of the Labor Council For Latin American Advancement will do what it can to support the workers of Mission Hope Day Program. Trust that our political and organizing strength will be behind the workers. LCLAA is committed to share this story with local and state leaders in Sacramento. Eric Alfaro Eric Alfaro, President Labor Council for Latin American Advancement AFL-CIO LCLAA Sacramento Chapter CWA Local 9404 (530) 908-4886

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