Logic Model

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The Final Logic Model Resources: -20 tennis balls -20 rubber spots - None - Low Challenge Course

Element - Zoom Book Activities: - Group Juggle Outputs: - Observation on how the group is interacting amongst each other. - Sequena will be giving us feedback on how she feels her group is learning and performing during the program. - At the end of the program, we will hand out program evaluations where participants will give us feedback on what they learned and what experiences they have gained from the program. Demonstrate the ability to work together as a group. Outcomes: Impacts:

-Stepping Stones -Spotting Activities -TP Shuffle -Zoom

- Low Challenge Course Element

-Whale Watch

Identify which role he/she falls into within a group.

To help youth develop, learn and apply the civic skills of organizing, communicating, , and working with others in their community and country (What the, n.d.).

- Low Challenge Course Element

-Cable Traverse - Debriefing and closing activities in order to connect to future. -Trust Walk

- 40 Bandanas

Differentiate between the different roles in a group.

The First Logic Model Resources (Influential Factors) Ignition N/A Activity Output (Identify what you aim to produce) Outcomes (What you expect to achieve) Establishes the foundation in which group members will develop relationships. Goal-setting, behavioral contracting, and challenges of and by choice. Impacts (Anticipated impact in your community)
Comfortability within the group increases and remains elevated.

-Story of Allows the group to become Your Name more comfortable around each -Look, other. Look, Run -Group Juggle -Stepping Stones -Spotting Activities These activities provide the setting for the group members to be goal-focused.

Level I

-20 tennis balls -20 rubber spots

Group members will focus on the concept of choosing their own level of challenge whilst creating their own goals.

Level II -Low CC element -Zoom book Level III -Low CC elements

-TP Shuffle These activities increase levels -Zoom of physical and emotional risk which elevates the level of challenge. -Spiders Web -Cable Traverse -Trust Walk These activities give participants the opportunity to develop realistic strategies and applications. These activities provide the final or peak experience where participants apply their gained knowledge from previous activities.

Participants begin to identify individual and group topics/ roles. Participants deepen and define their goal-related competencies. Participants demonstrate individual and group effectiveness.

Participants keep in mind the challenges they faced individuality as well as in a group. Participants maintain goals and the concept of celebrating their own successes. Participants walk away with knowledge of leadership skills and the important concepts to implement throughout their lives.

Level IV

-40 bandanas

("Georgia College Department of Outdoor Education, Challenge Course Facilitator Handbook"(FH),2011 )

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