Pup Aro-Sar Form 1

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M E SA , M A N I L A C A M P U S

Referenc e N umber:

Scheduled Date of Credential Processing, Interview, and Enrollment:

ARO-SAR Form 1 Confirmation Slip

(For a 4-year / 5-year degree program) The University A dmission Committee PUP STA . MESA , MA NILA Campus Sir/Madam:

APR 16 2012 1:00PM-4:00PM

Selec ted N ST P :


DE GUZMAN, AARON FREDRIEL DE LEON who obtained a P U P C E T Sc ore of 131

I am and graduated in SY 2011-2012 from ROOSEVELT COLLEGE SA N MA TEO would like to c onfirm my interes t to be interviewed, admitted, and enrolled this Firs t Semes ter, SY 2012-2013 in the following preferred programs where I believe I qualify bas ed on the Spec ific C ollege C riteria: Firs t C hoic e: BA CHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ELECTRICA L ENGINEERING Sec ond C hoic e: BA CHELOR OF SCIENCE IN CIVIL ENGINEERING T hird C hoic e: BA CHELOR OF SCIENCE IN COMPUTER ENGINEERING I unders tand that my admis s ion in the U nivers ity s hall be bas ed on pas s ing the interview and s atis fying the U nivers ity or c ollege requirements on a FIRST-COME-FIRST-SERVED basis subject to the availability of slots on the scheduled dates of enrollment according to PUPCET Score/Percentile Rank. Res pec tfully yours , DE GUZMA N, A A RON FREDRIEL DE LEON P rinted N ame and Signature of A pplic ant Note: Read c arefully the fres hman admis s ion and enrollment proc edure Cut Here Republic of the P hilippines POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES ST A . M E SA , M A N I L A C A M P U S

Referenc e N umber:

Scheduled Date of Credential Processing, Interview, and Enrollment:

ARO-SAR Form 1 Confirmation Slip

(For a 4-year / 5-year degree program) The University A dmission Committee PUP STA . MESA , MA NILA Campus Sir/Madam:

APR 16 2012 1:00PM-4:00PM

Selec ted N ST P :


DE GUZMAN, AARON FREDRIEL DE LEON who obtained a P U P C E T Sc ore of 131

I am who graduated in SY 2011-2012 from ROOSEVELT COLLEGE SA N MA TEO would like to c onfirm my interes t to be interviewed, admitted, and enrolled this Firs t Semes ter, SY 2012-2013 in the following preferred programs where I believe I qualify bas ed on the Spec ific C ollege C riteria: Firs t C hoic e: BA CHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ELECTRICA L ENGINEERING Sec ond C hoic e: BA CHELOR OF SCIENCE IN CIVIL ENGINEERING T hird C hoic e: BA CHELOR OF SCIENCE IN COMPUTER ENGINEERING I unders tand that my admis s ion in the U nivers ity s hall be bas ed on pas s ing the interview and s atis fying the U nivers ity or c ollege requirements on a FIRST-COME-FIRST-SERVED basis subject to the availability of slots on the scheduled dates of enrollment according to PUPCET Score/Percentile Rank.

Res pec tfully yours , DE GUZMA N, A A RON FREDRIEL DE LEON P rinted N ame and Signature of A pplic ant Note: Read c arefully the fres hman admis s ion and enrollment proc edure --- Page 1 ---

Polytechnic University of the Philippines STA. MESA, MANILA Campus

DE GUZMAN, AARON FREDRIEL DE LEON Reference Number: 2012-0000-1247

Name of Applicant: PLEASE REPORT FOR INTERVIEW ON APR 16 2012 1:00PM-4:00PM AT THE PUP ADMISSIONS AND REGISTRATION OFFICE STA. MESA, MANILA AND BRING ONE (1) ORIGINAL COPY AND TWO (2) PHOTOCOPIES OF THE FOLLOWING ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS: 1. C onfirmation slip for admission (downloaded from the PUP Web site); 2. High School C ard (Form 138) with HSGWA of 82% or higher; 3. C ertification of good moral character duly signed by the principal or guidance counselor of the high school last attended, with school dry seal; 4. NSO-authenticated copy of birth certificate; 5. For a high school graduate in the previous school year/s, a certification with school dry seal from the high school principal and/or Registrar that the applicant has never been enrolled in any college or university and that the copy of Form 137A has not been sent to any other school/college/university; 6. For a PEPT qualifier, a duly authenticated or verified copy of the C ertificate of Rating and a C ertification issued by the DepEd (C MO No. 15, s. 2003), with an average rating of 82% or higher in the five PEPT subject areas; 7. For an ALS A & E Test qualifier, a certification of test result (with 100 or higher Standard Score and an essay-writing proficiency level of 2 or higher) and a C ertification of C ompletion for Secondary Level; and 8. For entrance scholars, Entrance Scholarship C ommittee Route and Approval Sheet (ESC RAS) duly signed by the members of the concerned committee and one (1) photocopy of the credentials submitted for scholarship grant. Other requirements: 9. Two (2) pieces of 2 x 2 colored photo with white background and nameplate 10. One (1) long, brown envelope (Please write your full name: last name, first name, and middle name at the flip of the envelope.) NOTE: The name indicated in the birth certificate must be the same name that appears in all admission documents. Otherwise, a notarized Affidavit of Discrepancy must be submitted together with the credentials. ONLY APPLICANTS WITH COMPLETE CREDENTIALS WILL BE ACCOMMODATED TO GO THROUGH THE ADMISSION PROCESS. NON APPEARANCE ON THE SCHEDULED DATE FOR YOUR INTERVIEW WOULD MEAN AUTOMATIC FORFEITURE OF YOUR SLOT. --- Page 2 ---


(To be accomplished by the Approving Officer. Please write legibly.)

DE GUZMAN, AARON FREDRIEL DE LEON Reference Number: 2012-0000-1247

Name of Applicant: This is to certify that the application for admission and enrollment of the bearer whose name appears above has been processed and approved:
Step 1: A dmissions Of f ice(A RO) West Wing Ground Flr: Remarks:

Processed by:


A dmis s ion Status ________________________ H S E nglis h ____ H S M ath ____ H S Sc ienc e _____ H SG WA ______ P U P C E T Sc ore ______

Signature over P rinted N ame: Step 2: College: (For the Interviewer) Do not f ill out this space if applicant is disqualif ied f rom admission based on the college/department criteria. Interviewed by/date: Processed by/date: Selec ted N ST P : CWTS E P T Res ult (pas s ed or failed):_______________________ Signature over P rinted N ame: P rogram: __________________ Sec tion: ______________ T otal as s es s ed fees : _______________________________ Step 3: Medical Clinic East Wing Ground Floor Examined by: Signature over P rinted N ame: Step 4: Cashier Of f ice South Wing Ground Floor P ayment rec eived by/date: Date: Remarks : Date: Remarks :

Signature over P rinted N ame Step 5: Printing of Registration Certif icate - A RO Issued by:

C L A I M Y O U R O FFI C I A L RE C E I P T Date: Remarks :

Signature over P rinted N ame Step 6. ID Processing Center ICT Center O nline applic ation for I D Signature over P rinted N ame

Student N o.________________________ Date: Remarks :

WELCOME TO THE PUP COMMUNITY! Your acceptance in the C ollege of your chosen degree program is valid and official if you have complied with all the admission requirements and have been acknowledged by the Admission and Registration Office (ARO). NOTE: To avoid cancellation of slot, pay your tuition and miscellaneous fees within the enrollment period. The first day of classes is on June 18, 2011, Monday. No student will be allowed to attend classes without the Registration Certificate.
--- Page 3 ---

Polytechnic University of the Philippines Of f ice of the Vice President f or Student Services A DMISSION A ND REGISTRA TION OFFICE Sta. Mesa, Manila GENERA L GUIDELINES FOR FRESHMA N A DMISSION School Year 2012 - 2013 A dmis s ion is on a FI RST - C O M E - FI RST - SE RV E D bas is ac c ording to the s c heduled dates for the proc es s ing of c redentials , availability of s lots , and c ollege admis s ion requirements or c riteria. I. WHO A RE QUA LIFIED FOR A DMISSION? T o be admitted, you mus t be: 1 . a P U P C E T pas s er bas ed on the c ut- off s c ore s et for the c urrent s c hool year and a high s c hool graduate with a G WA of 8 2 % or higher from any D epE d- rec ognized or - ac c redited s ec ondary s c hool; or 2 . a P U P C E T pas s er with an average rating of 8 2 % or higher in the five s ubjec t areas of the P hilippine E duc ational P lac ement T es t (P E P T ): M athematic s , C ommunic ation A rts (E nglis h), Sc ienc e, C ommunic ation A rts (Filipino), and A raling P anlipunan; or 3 . a P U P C E T pas s er who pas s ed the A lternative L earning Sys tem A c c reditation & E quivalenc y (A L S A & E ) T es t for Sec ondary L evel with 1 0 0 or higher Standard Sc ore (SS) and an es s ay- writing profic ienc y level of 2 or higher; or 4 . a qualified entranc e s c holar. II. WHA T A RE THE A DMISSION REQUIREMENTS TO BE SUBMITTED? A . Required Credentials: O ne (1 ) original c opy and two (2 ) photoc opies of the following: 1 . C onfirmation s lip for admis s ion (downloaded from the P U P Web s ite); 2 . H igh s c hool c ard (Form 1 3 8 ); 3 . C ertific ation of good moral c harac ter duly s igned by the princ ipal or guidanc e c ouns elor of the high s c hool las t attended, with s c hool dry s eal; 4 . N SO - authentic ated c opy of birth c ertific ate; 5 . M edic al c learanc e from the P U P M edic al C linic ; 6 . For a high s c hool graduate in the previous s c hool year/s , a c ertific ation with s c hool dry s eal from the high s c hool princ ipal and/or regis trar that the applic ant has never been enrolled in any c ollege or univers ity and that the c opy of Form 1 3 7 A has not been s ent to any other s c hool/c ollege/univers ity; 7 . For a P E P T qualifier, a duly authentic ated or verified c opy of the C ertific ate of Rating and a C ertific ation is s ued by the D epartment of E duc ation (C M O N o. 1 5 , s . 2 0 0 3 ); 8 . For an A L S A & E T es t qualifier, a c ertific ation of tes t res ult and a c ertific ation of c ompletion for s ec ondary level. B. Other Requirements: 1 . T wo (2 ) piec es of 2 x 2 c olored photo with white bac kground and nameplate. 2 . O ne (1 ) piec e long, brown envelope 3 . A pplic ants whos e 4 th year high s c hool E nglis h final grade is 8 0 or below and P E P T and A L S A & E T es t qualifiers are required to take the E nglis h P lac ement T es t (E P T ) at the C ollege of L anguages and L inguis tic s (C L L ) M ultimedia C enter at S- 4 1 0 . 4 . For entranc e s c holars , E ntranc e Sc holars hip C ommittee Route and A pproval Sheet (E SC RA S) duly s igned by the members of the c onc erned c ommittee and one (1 ) photoc opy of the c redentials s ubmitted for s c holars hip grant. N O T E : T he name indic ated in the birth c ertific ate mus t be the s ame name that appears in all admis s ion doc uments . O therwis e, a notarized A ffidavit of D is c repanc y mus t be s ubmitted together with the c redentials . Submis s ion of any fals ified or tampered doc uments and/or c onc ealment of information c ons titutes grounds for dis qualific ation.

Polytechnic University of the Philippines Of f ice of the Vice President f or Student Services A DMISSION A ND REGISTRA TION OFFICE Sta. Mesa, Manila FRESHMA N A DMISSION-A ND-ENROLLMENT PROCEDURE Sc hool Y ear 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 1 3 Step 1. SUBMISSION OF A LL THE CREDENTIA LS FOR A DMISSION Submit all the C RE D E N T I A L S FO R A D M I SSI O N to the A dmis s ion O ffic er, A dmis s ion and Regis tration O ffic e (A RO ), G round Floor, Wes t Wing, Sta. M es a, M anila, on the s pec ified date for the proc es s ing of your c redentials , interview, and enrollment as reflec ted in the SA R Form 1 . O nly applic ants with c omplete c redentials will be ac c ommodated to go through the admis s ion proc es s . Fres hman applic ants are advis ed to c ome for interview in their appropriate attire and proper grooming (with c ollar and s leeves ; no rubber s lippers , tokong, s horts ; no earrings for males ). N on appearanc e on the s c heduled date for your interview would mean automatic forfeiture of your s lot. A pplic ants whos e 4 th year high s c hool E nglis h final grade is 8 0 % or below and P E P T and A L S A & E T es t qualifiers are required to take the E nglis h P lac ement T es t (E P T ) at the C ollege of L anguages and L inguis tic s (C L L ) M ultimedia C enter at S- 4 1 0 . A fee of P 1 5 0 .0 0 for the C ertific ate of E P T Res ult will be c ollec ted upon payment of tuition and mis c ellaneous fees (Step 4 ). Step 2. COLLEGE INTERVIEW A ND REGISTRA TION P roc eed to the C ollege that offers the degree program of your firs t c hoic e for interview by the dean or the c hairpers on. I n c as e you do not qualify or s lots are no longer available, you c an go to the C ollege of your s ec ond or third c hoic e until you get the approval for ac c eptanc e in your des ired ac ademic program. College/Curricular Of f erings Minimum PUPCET Score Requirement Minimum High School General Weighted A verage Requirement Other Where to Requirements go (Minimum High School Final Rating Requirement in Selected Subjects)

1. College of A ccountancy (COA ) Bac helor of Sc ienc e in A c c ountanc y (BSA ) 110 88% E nglis h (8 5 % ), M ath (8 5 % ); P as s ed the interview COA L aboratory, 5 th Floor, South Wing

2. College of A rchitecture and Fine A rts (CA FA ) Bac helor of Sc ienc e in A rc hitec ture (BS A RC H ) Bac helor of Sc ienc e in I nterior D es ign (BSI D ) 110 85% E nglis h (8 3 % ), M ath (8 3 % ), P hys ic s (8 3 % ); P as s ed the interview and D rawing A ptitude T es t IC TC , N A L L RC (L ibrary) Building



3. College of Computer Management and Inf ormation Technology (CCMIT) Bac helor of Sc ienc e in C omputer Sc ienc e (BSC S) Bac helor of Sc ienc e in I nformation T ec hnology (BSI T ) 110 90% E nglis h (8 5 % ), M ath (8 5 % ), Sc ienc e (8 5 % ); P as s ed the interview C C MIT L aboratory, 5 th Floor, South Wing



4. College of Engineering (CE) Bac helor of Sc ienc e in C ivil E ngineering (BSC E ) Bac helor of Sc ienc e in C omputer E ngineering (BSC oE ) Bac helor of Sc ienc e in E lec tric al E ngineering (BSE E ) 110 86% M ath (8 6 % ), P hys ic s (8 6 % ), E nglis h (8 5 % ); P as s ed the interview IC TC , N A L L RC (L ibrary) Building





Bac helor of Sc ienc e in E lec tronic s and C ommunic ations E ngineering (BSE C E ) Bac helor of Sc ienc e in I ndus trial E ngineering (BSI E ) Bac helor of Sc ienc e in M ec hanic al E ngineering (BSM E ) 5. College of A rts (CA ) Bac helor in L ibrary and I nformation Sc ienc e (BL I S) Bac helor of A rts in H is tory (A BH ) Bac helor of A rts in P hilos ophy (A B P hilos ophy) Bac helor of A rts in T heater A rts (A BT A ) Bac helor of Sc ienc e in P s yc hology (BS P s yc hology)









P as s ed the interview

S5 0 1 , 5 th Floor, South Wing

99 99

82% 82%

99 105

82% 85% E nglis h (8 3 % ); M ath (8 3 % ); P as s ed the interview P as s ed the interview

Bac helor of Sc ienc e in Soc iology (BSS)



6. College of Business (CB) Bac helor in A dvertis ing and P ublic Relations (BA P R) 99 82% E nglis h (8 5 % ) and Filipino (8 5 % ); P as s ed the interview E nglis h (8 2 % ); P as s ed the interview S5 0 2 , 5 th Floor, South Wing

Bac helor in O ffic e A dminis tration (BO A ) Bac helor of Sc ienc e in Bus ines s A dminis tration M ajor in H uman Res ourc e D evelopment M anagement (BSBA - H RD M ) Bac helor of Sc ienc e in Bus ines s A dminis tration M ajor in M arketing M anagement (BSBA - M M ) Bac helor of Sc ienc e in E ntrepreneurial M anagement (BSE M ) 7. College of Communication (COC) Bac helor in Broadc as t C ommunic ation (BBRC )

99 99

82% 82%







E nglis h (8 5 % ), Filipino (8 5 % ); P as s ed the interview and tes ts on any other s kills E nglis h (8 5 % ), M ath (8 5 % ); P as s ed the interview and tes ts on any other s kills Soc ial Studies (8 5 % ), E nglis h

IC TC , N A L L RC (L ibrary) Building

Bac helor in C ommunic ation Res earc h (BC R)



Bac helor in J ournalis m (BJ )



(8 5 % ), Filipino (8 5 % ); P as s ed the interview and tes ts on any other s kills 8. College of Cooperatives (CC) Bac helor in C ooperatives (BC ) 99 82% P as s ed the interview S5 0 2 , 5 th Floor, South Wing

9. College of Economics, Finance, and Politics (CEFP) Bac helor in Banking and Financ e (BBF) Bac helor in P olitic al Sc ienc e (BP S) Bac helor in P ublic A dminis tration and G overnanc e (BP A G ) Bac helor of Sc ienc e in E c onomic s (BSE ) 99 99 99 82% 82% 82% P as s ed the interview S5 0 1 , 5 th Floor, South Wing


82% 82%

Bac helor of Sc ienc e in P olitic al E c onomy 9 9 (BSP E )

E nglis h (8 5 % ), M ath (8 5 % ); P as s ed the interview

10. College of Education (COED) Bac helor in Bus ines s T eac her E duc ation (BBT E ) Bac helor in E lementary E duc ation (BE E d) 99 82% E nglis h (8 2 % ); P as s ed the interview D eans O ffic e, 2 nd Floor, N orth Wing



Bac helor in Sec ondary E duc ation (BSE d) 9 9 11. College of Human Kinetics (CHK) Bac helor in P hys ic al E duc ation (BP E ) 99



E nglis h (8 1 % ); P as s ed the interview

D eans O ffic e, 2 nd Floor, G ymnas ium

12. College of Languages and Linguistics (CLL) Bac helor of A rts in E nglis h (A BE ) Bac helor of A rts in Filipino (A BF) 99 99 82% 82% E nglis h (8 2 % ), Filipino (8 2 % ); P as s ed the interview D eans O ffic e, 2 nd Floor, N orth Wing

13. College of Nutrition and Food Science (CNFS) Bac helor of Sc ienc e in Food T ec hnology (BSFT ) 105 85% E nglis h (8 2 % ), M ath (8 5 % ), Sc ienc e (8 5 % ); P as s ed the interview E nglis h (8 5 % ), Sc ienc e (8 5 % ), M ath (8 2 % ); P as s ed the interview IC TC , N A L L RC (L ibrary) Building

Bac helor of Sc ienc e in N utrition and D ietetic s (BSN D )



14. College of Science (CS) Bac helor in A pplied Statis tic s (BA S) 99 85% E nglis h D eans

Bac helor of Sc ienc e in A pplied M athematic s (BSA M ) Bac helor of Sc ienc e in Biology (BSBio) Bac helor of Sc ienc e in C hemis try (BSC H E M ) Bac helor of Sc ienc e in M athematic s (BSM ) Bac helor of Sc ienc e in P hys ic s (BSP )



99 105

85% 85%

(8 1 % ), M ath (8 5 % ), Sc ienc e (8 5 % ); P as s ed the interview

O ffic e, 2 nd Floor, N orth Wing





15. College of Tourism, Hospitality, and Transportation Management (CTHTM) Bac helor of Sc ienc e in H os pitality M anagement (BSH M ) Bac helor of Sc ienc e in T ouris m M anagement (BST M ) 99 82% E nglis h (8 1 % ); P as s ed the interview; P leas ing pers onality; P hys ic ally fit; Female at leas t 5 '2 " in height; M ale at leas t 5 '4 " in height E nglis h (8 1 % ); P as s ed the interview; P leas ing pers onality; P hys ic ally fit IC TC , N A L L RC (L ibrary) Building



Bac helor in T rans portation M anagement (BT M )



16. College of Technology (CT) Three-Year Ladderized Diploma Course D iploma in C omputer E ngineering M anagement T ec hnology (D C E M T ) H igh Sc hool G raduate H igh Sc hool G raduate H igh Sc hool G raduate H igh Sc hool G raduate H igh Sc hool G raduate H igh Sc hool G raduate P as s ed the interview CT Building, P ureza St., Sta. M es a, M anila

D iploma in E lec tric al E ngineering M anagement T ec hnology (D E E M T )

D iploma in E lec tronic s and C ommunic ations E ngineering M anagement T ec hnology (D E C E M T ) D iploma in I nformation and C ommunic ation M anagement T ec hnology (D I C M T )

D iploma in M ec hanic al E ngineering M anagement T ec hnology (D M E M T )

D iploma in O ffic e M anagement T ec hnology (D O M T ) Step 3. MEDICA L EXA MINA TION

P roc eed to the P U P M edic al C linic , G round Floor, E as t Wing, and pres ent your SA R Form 1 to s ec ure a medic al c learanc e. C hes t X- Ray res ult is a pre- requis ite for the is s uanc e of M edic al C learanc e. M obile X- Ray units are available at the P U P M edic al C linic in Sta. M es a C ampus from A pril 1 6 to M ay 8 , 2 0 1 2 M onday to Friday, exc ept holidays , from 8 :0 0 A M to 5 :0 0 PM. Step 4. PA YMENT OF TUITION A ND MISCELLA NEOUS FEES P ay the full or 5 0 % of your total as s es s ed fees (tuition and mis c ellaneous ) indic ated in the Route- and- A pproval Slip at the P U P C as hiers O ffic e, G round Floor, South Wing. N O T E : T o avoid c anc ellation of s lot, pay your tuition and mis c ellaneous fees within the enrollment period (A pril 1 6 to M ay 8 , 2 0 1 2 ). Step 5. ISSUA NCE OF REGISTRA TION CERTIFICA TE P res ent your O ffic ial Rec eipt of payment and your ac c omplis hed SA R Form 1 to the A dmis s ion and Regis tration O ffic e (A RO ), G round Floor, Wes t Wing to get the printed c opy of your Regis tration C ertific ate. N O T E : P res ent your Regis tration C ertific ate to your profes s ors /ins truc tors during the firs t day of c las s es . Step 6. ISSUA NCE OF STUDENT ID Sec ure a Student I D on the s c heduled date to be announc ed later.

The first day of classes is on June 18, 2012, Monday. Congratulations and welcome to the PUP Community!

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