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Numerology | Birth Dates Compatibility

Numerology: Birth Dates Compatibility iWould you like to know the true characteristics of yourself or your partner? Are you compatible with your current love partner? Would you like to test your birth date compatibility with a potential date? Can you work well with your business partner or colleagues? Heres a fun and easy way of using numerology to see whether you would be compatible with them. The calculations are done to arrive at a single number (compatibility number) and the meaning of the compatibility number is taken into account. However, please take note that the results from the compatibility number serves as a guide. There is nothing more to be accurate than the detailed report. Consult our Master with the correct date, month, year, time and place of birth of both parties. Lets Get Started! 1) Write down the birth dates of the people whose compatibility you want to check with. 2) Next add up all of the numbers (you can use a calculator if it helps!) and keep going until you get to a single digit number from 1-9. If you are not sure there is an example below: Yourself: 24 February 1973 = 24-02-1973 = 2+4+2+1+9+7+3 = 28 = 10 = 1 Your partner: 8 November 1970 = 8-11-1970 = 8+1+1+1+9+7+0 = 27 = 9 Add the 2 totals: Your compatibility: 1+9 = 10 = 1 Final single digit Yourself: 1 Your partner: 9 Your compatibility: 1 3) Check the meaning of your own and partners individual final number and your compatibility final number respectively to the table given below Good Luck! Individual One The number 1 people are a good leader, bold, independent and creative. Ambitious and determine. One that lead in the process of change initiation. As the number One is represented by the Sun, they are an optimistic person, who are always ready to light up the darkness, bringing happiness and hope to others. On the other side, they can be arrogant, overbearing and aggressive at times. In order to improve your leadership skills and teamwork with others, carry a masters talisman, XYZ to enhance success. Two Two is represented by the Moon. Co-operative, harmony and balanced people.

Responsible, loving, patient and supportive. A good partner and willing team player. Enjoys beautiful things and rather to spend more for indulgence. On the flip side, they are shy and indecisive. Carry masters talisman, XYZ to improve your wealth and confidence. Three Mars represents the number three. Sociable, happy and amusing but also deceitful at times. Like to be on the winning side, resulting being argumentative and aggressive. This would have resulted in bad relationship with others and getting hurt and injuries. Carry masters talisman, XYZ to improve your personal luck and relationship with others, such as loved ones, friends, relatives and colleagues. Four Four is represented by Mercury. The number 4 is traditional, practical, respectable and sober. The number 4 people are pragmatic, faithful and disciplined. They are also organized and cautious. They are good communicators. However, some of them are too cunning or good liars. Others would have lost their trust in them. Carry masters amulet, XYZ to strengthen your financial luck. Five Freedom and enthusiasm are the trademarks of the number 5 people. They believe in free will and love to explore. Five is represented by Jupiter. They are clever, sensual and adventurous. They can be a good consultant. On the downside, they can be rash, impulsive and over confident. The number 5 people are risk takers. Carry masters amulet, XYZ to strengthen your wealth and business luck. Six The Venus people are family oriented, responsible, compassionate and loyal. They are extremely caring, sacrificing and loving. Beware of people who may take advantage of your kindness and loyalty. On the other hand, beware as they can also be over possessive. Carry masters talisman, XYZ and XYZ to enhance your wealth luck and relationship luck. Seven The number 7 people are brave, analytical, logical, smart, religious and secretive. On the flip side, they are prone to being over critical, cynical and detailed. As they distrust people, they are less sociable. Carry masters talisman, XYZ or amulet XYZ for personal protection and to enhance your wealth and relationship luck, especially in getting more helping hands. Eight The number 8 people are hardworking and able to stay focused. In order to reach their aims and targets, they do not mind going against the law or rules as long as they can achieve it. They enjoy night life. They can be materialistic, unscrupulous and lethargic. They can be good friends and bitter enemies at the same times. Carry masters amulet, XYZ for personal protection and to enhance your wealth luck. Nine The number 9 people are caring, benevolent and idealistic. They are also intuitive and mystical. They are known to take up humanitarian causes and have a highly developed intuition and spirituality. On the other side, they may be stingy, impulsive, stubborn and intolerant. Carry masters talisman, XYZ or amulet, XYZ for personal protection and to enhance your wealth, materiality and relationship luck. Compatibility One It is represented by the Sun. If both parties are able to tolerate, they may form a strong relationship or a good team. It is possible that this relationship is very male dominated as this number signified alpha and could bring with it aggression, domination and leadership. For business partners, one may need to tolerate the other business partner. Carry masters talisman, XYZ to improve your love life or talisman, XYZ for business relationship. For improving both love life and business luck, you may choose our special package XYZ.

Two Two is symbolized by the Moon. Relationships with this number are often very harmonious, full of devotion and emotional as it is ruled by the heart. Hence, beware of over emotional or sensitiveness that may at times causes misunderstanding or arguments. Be focused on the problems when making decisions instead of attacking each other. Carry masters talisman, XYZ to enhance your relationship or talisman, XYZ to enhance your business and wealth luck. For improving both romance life and wealth luck, you may choose our special package XYZ. Three Relationships with the number three are represented by Mars, which means that they are aggressive. This may create many arguments among partners. Both parties should calm down and tolerate with each other. Carry masters amulet, XYZ to strengthen your relationship and business luck or talisman, XYZ to improve your personal luck and relationship with others. For improving both relationship and finance luck, you may choose our special package XYZ. Four The Fours tend to be steady, stable and mostly represented by the Mercury, being practical, traditional and wise. They are a good communicator as well. Business partners will find themselves striving towards success and business expanding. Sometimes, they may be too cunning or a liar. They should be sincere to avoid loss of trusts. Carry masters talisman, XYZ to further strengthen your relationship or talisman, XYZ to enhance your business and wealth luck. To further strengthen both relationship and business luck, you may choose our special package XYZ. Five Fives are influenced by Jupiter are often understanding, willing to compromise and religious. They can work in teams and abide by the laws. Relationship with number five is systematic, making them good at managing a family and business. Carry masters talisman, XYZ to further enhance your relationship or amulet, XYZ to enhance your business and wealth luck. For enhancing both your relationship and business luck, you may choose our special package XYZ. Six Your relationships are represented by Venus. They have a romantic relationship. Both of you enjoy beauty, good food and good wine. They have old fashioned values being nurturing, providers and work very hard indeed to keep the peace. Watch out for jealousy that may create misunderstanding and arguments. Business partners should be careful in their actions and words to avoid misunderstanding and arguments. Carry masters talisman, XYZ to enhance your relationship or talisman, XYZ for finance luck. For enhancing both your relationship and business luck, you may choose our special package XYZ. Seven Those in this category of relationship are a thinker and like to keep to themselves. They will only confine their thinking and problems to one another rather than others. They are independent and love to travel together. As they distrust people, they may lose social contacts and lack of helpful people. Problems may arise in a business relationship as lack of trust between both partners. Carry masters talisman, XYZ or amulet, XYZ for personal protection and enhancement of your wealth and relationship luck. For a stronger enhancement for all, you may choose our special package XYZ. Eight In the world of love, couples may enjoy high position, lead by appearance and chasing after materiality. They enjoy night life as well. Both of you may be bitter enemies of the others. In business or investment, this may be a perfect relationship as both of you are a good problem solver and going after the same high aim, such as wealth and fame. Carry masters talisman, XYZ to improve your relationship or talisman, XYZ for business relationship or amulet, XYZ. For enhancing both your relationship and business luck, may choose our special package XYZ.

Nine Represented by Neptune, people in number nine relationships like freedom and spirituality. They are the source of strength and inspiration for each other. People in this type of relationship can be selfless and sometimes take on their lovers' problems. Business partners in this group should not push each other too hard to avoid eruption and eventually end up being stressed. Carry masters talisman, XYZ to enhance your relationship or talisman, XYZ for business relationship as well as amulet, XYZ. For enhancing both your relationship and business luck, you may choose our special package XYZ.

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