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-1Bill of Quantities: Rehabilitation of Drainage System of Ararat Valley (Package 2)

1. 1.1 1. 2.

PREAMBLE Introduction The Bill of Quantities includes this Preamble, the Summary and the Bill of Quantities. The quantities set out in the Bill of Quantities are the estimated quantities of the work for those parts of the Works to which the Bills of Quantities apply. The Quantities are not to be taken as the actual and correct quantities of the Works to be executed by the Contractor in fulfillment of his obligations under the Contract. The Permanent Works shall be measured notwithstanding any general or local custom except where otherwise specifically described or prescribed in the Contract. The rates and prices in the Bill of Quantities shall, except where otherwise provided in the Contract, cover all the Contractor's obligations under the Contract and all matters and things necessary for the proper execution and maintenance of the Works. The items provided in the Bill of Quantities shall be the only items against which payment shall be made, except that where additional items are required in respect of authorised additional works, payments may be made against such additional items. The Contractor shall be deemed to have included in his rates entered against the items in the Bill of Quantities for all activities necessary to complete the Contract Works, including any items of Work, which, in his opinion has been omitted from the Bill of Quantities. Except where otherwise detailed in the Bill of Quantities or specified, labor, including the supervision thereof, materials, Constructional Plant, Temporary Works, transport to and from the Site and in and about the Works, laboratory testing and other things of every kind required for the execution and maintenance of the Works shall not be measured and the cost thereof shall be deemed to be included in the rates and prices in the Bill of Quantities. The total quantity included in the final measurement of each item shall be measured to the nearest integer relative to that item, or to one decimal place if so indicated in the Bill of Quantities. The following abbreviations are used in the Bill of Quantities: m m no. hr kg Prov. Sum US$ min Square meter Cubic meter Number Hour Kilogram Provisional Sum US Dollar Minimum mm m km % dia ha lin HP Millimeter Meter Kilometer Per cent Diameter Hectare Linear Horse power

3. 4.






Where in the Bill of Quantities there is a Schedule or subsidiary bill setting out the quantities of component materials and work which comprise a unit of work measured under a single item in a Part of the Bill of Quantities, the said quantities shall be subject


-2Bill of Quantities: Rehabilitation of Drainage System of Ararat Valley (Package 2)

to measurement and valued at the rates and prices entered therein and the total thereof shall be the rate for the item in the Part. 10. For items which the unit of work is given as Sum and the quantity of work is given as Item, otherwise than the items brought forward from a subsidiary schedule as explained under paragraph 9 above, the proportions of payments in interim payments shall be made, according to ratios based on the percentage of work or components of work completed and/or, in installments defined by the period covered by the interim certificate to the total period for which such works/facilities are provided. Such ratios and installments shall be determined by the Engineer. In his determination, the Engineer is at liberty to consider a breakdown of lump-sum items provided by the Contractor pursuant to Clause 14.1 of the Conditions of the Contract. At any stage, during the duration of the Contract, the Engineer will be entitled to adjust such ratios and installments to correspond with any amendment to the duration of the works as related to completion of the Works. 11. Any item of work included in the Bill of Quantities for which no rate or price was specified shall be considered as included in other rates and prices in the Bill of Quantities and will not be paid for separately. 12. Definitive list of works is provided by the BoQ only and the quantities listed on the drawings and other tables are for information purposes only. 1.2 Provisional Quantities, Optional Works and Alternative Items

1.2.1 Provisional Quantities Items in the Bill of Quantities for which the quantities are stated to be provisional shall only be executed if they are the subject of a written instruction from the Engineer. The rates set out for such items shall be used for the valuation of works so ordered by the Engineer in writing whether the quantities shown are used wholly or in part. If the amount of work ordered by the Engineer to be executed under a Provisional Quantity item exceeds the quantity shown in the Bill of Quantities, the rate for that item set out in the Contract shall not necessarily be deemed applicable to the excess. 1.2.2 Schedule of Rates General The activities covered by the Schedule of Rates are general activities of a routine nature which are similar or the same as some of the activities which shall be paid for under other items in the Bill of Quantities. The Contractor shall be deemed to have drawn on his technical expertise in entering the Prices and shall have made all due allowances for conforming to relevant codes, standard practice and the Specifications.


-3Bill of Quantities: Rehabilitation of Drainage System of Ararat Valley (Package 2)

"For the purposes of Clause 12.3 (a) iv of the Conditions of Contract, all the rates entered in the Schedule of Rates are fixed rate items and shall not be altered or adjusted in any way during the Contract ". Method of Measurement The measurement of all items given in the Schedule of Rates and as described in the Preamble to the Bill of Quantities, shall follow the same method as stated in the Preamble to the Bill of Quantities. Anomalous Rates The rates entered in the Schedule of Rates will be scrutinised as follows: Where a rate is entered for an item in the Schedule of Rates and an equivalent item is provided under the Bill of Quantities, the rate in the Schedule of Rates may not exceed a ceiling value equal to the rate in the Bills of Quantities plus 5%. The rate in the Schedule of Rates may be any value below the ceiling value so defined. Where a rate is entered for an item in the Schedule of Rates and there is no equivalent item provided under the Bills of Quantities, the bidder may be requested to provide a breakdown of the constituent costs of any rate together with the constituent costs of rates for specified items within the priced Bill of Quantities and demonstrate that the rate in the Schedule of Rates is priced in a manner consistent with the rates provided in the Bill of Quantities. In the event that the bidder cannot demonstrate such consistency, at the Employers discretion the rate in the Schedule of Rates shall be adjusted.

1.2.2 Optional Works Items in the Bill of Quantities for which the quantities are stated to be optional shall only be executed if they are the subject of a written instruction from the Engineer. Optional items are all works related to Azat Culvert and all drain excavation works in collector systems N7 (Metsamor C5, C2) and N11 (Metsamor C1), which form 1% of excavation in collectors and 28% each, of excavation in secondary and tertiary drains. Clause 12.4 of the Conditions of Contract (price adjustment) will not apply if the works for Azat Culvert or any part of the optional drain excavation in Systems N7 and N11 will not be executed. 1.2.3 Alternative Items Alternative Items will not be considered in the evaluation of the bids. However, the Employer has the right to subsequently select the steel pipe alternative for pipe culverts or any other alternative item for implementation. 1.3 Dayworks


-4Bill of Quantities: Rehabilitation of Drainage System of Ararat Valley (Package 2)

Part W of the BoQ includes Provisional Sums for use when work is executed on a daywork basis. Work shall not be executed as daywork except by written order of the Engineer. 1.3.1 Labor Payment in respect of labour employed on a daywork basis shall be at the rate entered in Part W. Overtime rates shall be agreed by the Engineer and shall apply only if work during overtime is ordered by the Engineer or if the overtime occurred within the normal hours worked on the Site as approved by the Engineer. Overtime shall be paid for in the same proportion as is paid to the labor. No payment shall be made in respect of the Contractor's Site Supervisory and Administrative staff. Gangers or charge-hands working with their gangs shall not be counted as Site Supervisory or Administrative Staff. The rates shall include the costs in respect of insurance, travelling time, accommodation, management, supervision, profit and portable tools such as picks, shovels, barrows, trowels, ladders, hand-saws, buckets, trestles, hammers, chisels and all items of a like nature, which for the purpose of work executed on a daywork basis shall not be considered as Construction Equipment. 1.3.2 Construction Equipment Payment in respect of Construction Equipment employed in the execution of the work on a daywork basis, shall be at the rates entered in Bill 5. The time for which Construction Equipment is broken down or during which it is being serviced shall not be measured, nor shall that of any labor or other Constructional Equipment which is unable to work by reason of such breakdown or servicing. The rates for construction equipment working shall include for all operation and maintenance costs, fuel, oil, inclusive of drivers and attendants. Only the time employed will be paid for. The rates for idling shall exclude the cost for fuel and oil. 1.3.3 Plant and Materials Payment in respect of plant and materials used in the execution of work on a daywork basis shall be according to the rates of plant and materials entered in Bill 5, which shall include the cost of taking the plant and materials from the store or stockpile on the Site to the place where they are used. 1.4 General

No separate payment shall be made for complying with the provisions of the following Clauses of the Technical Specification: 1.1 to 1.30, except where explicitly provided in the Bill of Quantities. Payment for diversion and/or modification of existing utility and road crossings of whatsoever kind shall be made under the items as set out in the Bill of Quantities for temporary access roads and for temporary diversion works as appropriate.


-5Bill of Quantities: Rehabilitation of Drainage System of Ararat Valley (Package 2)

Where the unit of such work is defined as a Sum in the Bill of Quantities, the amount entered for that Sum shall be deemed to cover all components of work in order to complete the work. Components of such work, (e.g. removal of existing services, excavation, supply, laying and jointing of pipes, concrete, reinforcement, pile forming / driving, all temporary arrangements, etc) shall not be separately measured. No separate payment shall be made for provision of periodic reports, programs etc. No separate payment shall be made for the Contractor servicing any cranes and handling devices on completion of works that he has made use of during the works. While determining unit rates, the Contractor shall take into consideration any site specific construction complexities and include their cost into the respective unit rates. 1.5 Performance Security

For fulfilling his obligations under the Conditions of Contract Sub-clause 4.2, the Contractor shall be paid the lump sum amount tendered for the applicable item in the Bill of Quantities which amount shall be deemed to include all the Contractors cost incidental to providing the specified Performance Security. 1.6 Insurance

1.6.1 Insurance of Works, Plants, Materials, Equipment and other properties For fulfilling his obligations (under the Conditions of the Contract Sub-clause 18.2), the Contractor shall be paid the lump sum amount, included in the Bill of Quantities, and tendered for insurance of works, plants, materials, equipment and other properties . 1.6.2 Third Party Insurance For fulfilling his obligations the Contractor shall be paid the lump sum amount tendered for the applicable item in the Bill of Quantities which amount shall be deemed to include all the Contractors cost incidental to providing the specified insurance (under the conditions of the contract Sub-clause 18.3). 1.6.3 Life/Accident Insurance The Contractor shall be paid the lump sum amount, included in the Bill of Quantities, necessary for insurance of workmen against accidents. In case of accidents costs to provide the specified insurance will be borne by the Contractor (under the Conditions of the Contract Sub-clause 18.4). 1.7 The Site

No separate payment shall be made for complying with any of the requirements of the Technical Specification with regard to the Contractors activities and requirements for the Site except as explicitly set out in the Bill of Quantities and where such items are provided these shall be deemed to cover all matters, costs and expenses. The Contractor shall be deemed to have included in his rates for:


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Organization of construction works when deriving his rates. All the difficulties, additional works and materials associated with working in the climatic conditions of the Site. Repair and maintenance of roads which the Contractor uses to haul materials or otherwise has significant traffic from the Contractor. No separate payment will be made for observing the requirements of the competent authorities when working in zones of restricted access, regardless of when the boundaries of such zones are declared, or arranging working around the requirements of maintaining irrigation supplies and working in operational pumping stations and other facilities, except to the extent explicitly set our in the Bill of Quantities. 1.8 Contractor Temporary Facilities

Site establishment of the Contractor shall be paid as set out in the Bill of Quantities for his temporary facilities. The Contractor shall construct, maintain and subsequently remove such temporary facilities as his offices, stores, workhouse, motor pool, laboratory, workshops, factories, staff quarters and labor camps. All costs incurred by the Contractor in complying with the requirements (Section 1 clause 1.20 of the Technical Specifications), shall be deemed to be included in the respective prices for the Contractors facilities in the Bill of Quantities. 1.9 Temporary Access Roads

All costs including cost of land compensation therefore incurred by the Contractor in complying with the requirements of Section 1 Sub-clause 1.9.4 of the Technical Specifications, shall be deemed to be included in the respective prices in the Bill of Quantities. 1.10 Reports and Photographs

All documents, correspondence and reports for which no separate payment shall be made, will be submitted by the Contractor to the Engineer or the Employer in accordance with the provisions of the contract. 1.11 Drawings and Calculations

All costs related to the supply to the Engineer of the working drawings and calculations (in accordance with Section 1 clause 1.14 of the Technical Specifications) shall be borne by the Contractor and shall be deemed to be included in his rates. 1.12 Interference with Irrigation

All costs incurred by the Contractor in complying with the requirements of Section 1 clause 1.11.2 and Section 1 clause 1.12 of the Technical Specifications shall be deemed to be included in the lump sum price in the Bill of Quantities or otherwise included in the Contractors rates.


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Laboratory and Laboratory Equipment

All costs incurred by the Contractor in complying with the requirements of the Section 1 clause 1.25 of the Technical Specifications shall be deemed to be included in the lump sum price in the Bill of Quantities or otherwise included in the Contractors rates. 1.14 Demolitions and Protection of Works

All costs incurred by the Contractor in complying with the requirements of Section 1 clause 1.26 of the Technical Specifications shall be deemed to be included in the Contractors rates. 1.15 Payment of Lump Sums

1.15.1 Performance Security For payment according to clause 4.2 of the Conditions of Contract, the Contractor should submit to the Employer a performance bank guarantee for 10% of the Contract price, an invoice from the Bank and a formal letter. 1.15.2 Insurance For payment, according clause to of this Preamble, the Contractor should submit the Contract with Insurance Company, Insurance Policy, an invoice and a formal letter. 1.15.3 Temporary Works Eighty percent (80%) of total lump sum price of temporary works will be paid to the Contractor upon completion of these temporary facilities, and the remaining twenty percent (20%) of the total price will be paid after handing over to the Employer of these temporary facilities. 1.15.4 Access Roads Payment for temporary access roads (Section 1 clause 1.9.3 of the Technical Specifications) shall be made in percentage of total required work in accordance with the progress of these works carried out by the Contractor. 1.15.5 Photographs Payment for photographs (Section 1 clause 1.18.3 of the Technical Specifications) shall be made when all required photographs, as approved by the Engineer, are received from the Contractor. 1.15.6 Control of Water Payment for control of ground and surface water shall be deemed to be included in the Contractors rates if not stated as an extra item in the BoQ.


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Materials and Workmanship

No separate payment will be made for complying with the provisions of Section 1 clause 1.6 or any other requirement of the Technical Specifications with respect to obtaining the specified standards and class of workmanship or complying with Standards ordered by the Engineer shall be paid at the net cost for supply of standards plus the percentage in the space provided for the relevant item. 1.17 Earthworks

No separate payment shall be made for complying with the provisions of Section 2 of the Technical Specification except where explicitly provided, and no separate payment will be made for: Cutting and restoration of soil layer. Removal of boulders including loosening to required depth for the removal of surface boulders and any other unsuitable material if any backfilling and compacting is required. Excavation in all types of material in dry and wet condition including all lead and lift. Transporting the excavation materials, spreading, storage and stacking as directed as far as not specified as a separate item of the BoQ. Trimming bottom and slopes of excavation. Strengthening of the slopes excavations (in the case of necessity). All costs of labor, equipment, tools, sheeting, re-handling, bracing, drills, explosives and other incidentals used to complete the work, including hauling, any height of lift and under water excavation, shall be included in the unit rates. No payment will be made for excavation made for the convenience of the Contractor (for over-excavation or fill). For purposes of measurement and where earthworks in channel, etc. and earthworks in structure share a common boundary, such boundary shall be represented as a continuous series of vertical planes following the plan perimeter of the structure. Such perimeter shall be defined by the limits of concrete, masonry, blockwork, etc., pitching and reinforced concrete canal lining (but not earth) associated with the structure. The rates for earthworks shall be deemed to cover earthworks in any material except those otherwise described, e.g. unsound material or rocky or hard rock, and for which separate items are provided. The cost of dealing with unsound material in any part of the Works shall be borne by the Contractor if in the opinion of the Engineer the unsoundness is due to failure of the Contractor to comply with the Technical Specifications including keeping the excavation free of water. No separate payment shall be made, inter alia, for testing; surveying and making records of ground levels and topography within earthwork and structure reservation limits (other than included as a separate BoQ item); supporting excavations; making good slips and falls; excess excavations, for working space or any other reason; trimming surfaces of excavations and embankments; making allowances for settlement or heave; compaction (other than special compaction of fill); compaction trials; control of moisture content;


-9Bill of Quantities: Rehabilitation of Drainage System of Ararat Valley (Package 2)

preparation and restoration of borrow pits; earthworks to prevent accumulation of water in borrow pits; scarification; double handling; location and shaping and grading of disposal heaps and embankments (other than included as a separate BoQ item); and delays due to testing of in-situ materials and Permanent Works. For the purposes of measurement it shall be assumed that one cubic meter of material excavated forms one cubic meter of material transported and occupies one cubic meter of volume in embankment. The Contractor shall be deemed to have covered in his rates for the disposal of surplus or make up of shortfall resulting from bulking or shrinkage in the case of work measured under items which include for both excavation of material and construction of formations and embankment. For such items identified in the Bill of Quantities as involving both excavation and construction of formations and embankments, the quantity shall be measured once, complete, as herein described or as otherwise ordered by the Engineer. No account shall be taken of any tolerances allowed in the Technical Specifications when identifying for the purposes of measurement the dimensions shown on the Drawings or ordered by the Engineer. At the option of the Engineer, the Contractor shall leave depth indicators during excavation so as to indicate the original ground level as accurately as possible. The Contractor shall see that these remain intact until the final measurements are taken. No separate payment shall be made for costs of labor, equipment, tools, sheeting, rehandling, bracing, drilling, explosives or any other such cost. a) Earthworks in Channels, etc.

For the purposes of measurement, earthworks in channel, etc. shall be taken to include earthworks for drains, canals, reservoirs, flood bunds and roads. Excavation in channel shall be measured in cubic meters as the net volume of material below original ground surface or existing channel cross-section to the limits of excavation shown on the Drawings or ordered by the Engineer. In the case of embankment or formation constructed to the dimensions shown on the Drawings or ordered by the Engineer, the volume of material therein shall be measured in cubic meters as the net volume above original ground surface to the minimum applicable dimensions so shown or ordered. Excavation in approved borrow area for construction of embankments or formation shall be measured in cubic meters as the balance required to make up the volume of material in embankment or formation to the value calculated as above after taking into account incorporation of the volume of suitable material (if any) available from material excavated in canal, drain or reservoir, etc. Volumes of excavation in channel shall be measured as the difference of the product of the cross-sectional areas before and after excavation of a section of channel length. Where the design side slope line is above the existing bank profile, no backfilling is required and any incidental backfilling occurring during trimming excavation of the banks shall not be measured for payment.


- 10 Bill of Quantities: Rehabilitation of Drainage System of Ararat Valley (Package 2)

Volumes of excavation in embankment or formation shall be measured as the product of cross-sectional area and length. A cross-sectional area shall be calculated with reference to an original ground surface level taken on the centerline of the earthworks as shown on the Drawings or as ordered by the Engineer, such level being deemed to extend indefinitely on each side of, and at right angles to, the said centerline. Where two or more channels run side by side the point at which the original ground level appertaining to one channel changes to that appertaining to another shall be fixed by agreement, or in the absence of agreement, as ordered by the Engineer. Where in the opinion of the Engineer the above method will not give a representative value for the cross-section, whether through excessive slope of the surface of the ground or otherwise, further original ground surface levels shall be taken at fixed intervals from the centerline and at right angles to it, so that a more representative value for the cross-section may be obtained. The foregoing notwithstanding, where the original ground surface takes the form of channels and embankments , the profile along a line at right angles to the centerline of the designed channel shall be taken with all breakpoints in slope clearly located and their levels recorded, together with such other levels as the Engineer may require, including a level on the centerline. Cross-sections so determined shall be taken at 100 m intervals along the centerline of the earthworks as shown on the Drawings or as ordered by the Engineer and the crosssectional area shall be deemed to apply for 50 m along the centerline on each side of the point thereon at which the cross-section was taken. If in the Engineer's opinion crosssections taken at these intervals will not give volumes representative of the actual volumes of channel or embankment, cross-sections shall be taken at closer intervals. Where earth movement has been undertaken in accordance with mass haul diagrams the positions of balancing lines on these mass haul diagrams shall have been agreed with the Engineer prior to commencement of earth moving, and such balancing lines shall generally have been positioned so as to provide the least cost to the Employer having regard to the rates for the earthworks involved as given in the Bill of Quantities. In the event that prior agreement has not been reached on the position of a balancing line the Engineer shall be entitled to choose how it shall be placed; the work shall be deemed to have been carried out to that effect and the measurement determined accordingly. Notwithstanding the above, where mass haul diagrams are used, the measurement of the volumes of excavated material moved within limits of haul shall be effected by dividing each peak or trough on the diagrams by horizontal lines of length equivalent to the haul distance limits given in the Bill of Quantities, the vertical intercepts between such lines representing the quantities hauled between the said haul distance limits. Haul distances for excavation and disposal in spoil areas shall be included in the rate(s) up to 150m and measured as the straight line distances between the centers of gravity of excavation and deposition. (b) Earthworks in Structures and Pipelines

Excavation in open cut shall be measured where the sides of the finished excavation are shown on the Drawings as free-standing. For the purposes of measurement, excavation for pitching and reinforced concrete canal lining shall be treated as free-standing.


- 11 Bill of Quantities: Rehabilitation of Drainage System of Ararat Valley (Package 2)

Excavation for bridges and such structures in channels formed under the Contract shall be considered to be measured from original ground profile, or the completed channel excavation profile, whichever shall be the lower. Excavation in foundation shall be measured as the volume of the product of the horizontal area of the base of the Permanent Works to be constructed and the mean depth from the original undisturbed surface, or as the volume below the said surface displaced by the Permanent Works or to the limits of excavation shown on the Drawings, whichever is the greater and which is defined as the net excavation. Excavation for individual manholes in subsurface drainage systems and excavation for large culverts (siphons) shall be measured to the limits of excavation shown on the Drawings. Excavation for typical culverts shall be in accordance with the plan area of the works (the area of the pipe bedding, head walls and protected drain section). Excavation for pipelines shall be measured as the volume of the product of the horizontal area of the pipe bedding to be constructed and the mean depth from the original undisturbed ground surface, in case the unit of the Bill item is given in m. If the unit of the Bill item for excavation is given in lin. m of pipeline, measurement shall be by a unit rate per lin. m. The rate shall include disposal of any surplus material. Backfill shall be measured as the difference, if any, between the net excavation and the volume below the original undisturbed surface displaced by the Permanent Works. Fill generally shall be measured as the net volume of fill in the Permanent Works above the original undisturbed surface, and vertically above any part of the Permanent Works, or as ordered by the Engineer. Fill from approved borrow area shall be measured as the difference between the volume of fill generally required and the volume available from associated excavation. The rate for compacted fill obtained from borrow areas includes stripping of top soil, excavation of borrow areas, testing the soil for its suitability, loading, hauling according to the specified distance, unloading, placing, compacting and testing. Payment for the various types of fill/backfill, coarse fill, drainage layers and drainage pack will be made at the rates therefore in the Bill of Quantities. The rate shall include for selection and compaction of fill material. No additional payment shall be made irrespective of the source of material. No payment will be made for fill/backfill made by the Contractor for any purpose or reason, for over excavation or fill and for removal of material. Payment for drainage pipes will be included in the Bill of Quantities. The payment will include all labour, equipment, tools and other incidentals for providing the slits and stops. Except where described as included in the rates, any special compaction of backfill and fill where so ordered shall be measured by volume additional to the measurement as above. No additional payment will be made for scarification of the ground prior to placing and specially compacting fill.


- 12 Bill of Quantities: Rehabilitation of Drainage System of Ararat Valley (Package 2)

Haul distances up to 150 m shall be included in the rates for excavation and fill. Haul distances shall be measured as the straight line distances between the centres of gravity of excavation and deposition. Where cables or pipes occur within the limits of a structure, excavation in trench shall not be measured separately. In particular, pipes forming part of all canal culverts and siphons, rising main from the pump station and all drain culverts shall be deemed to occur within the limits of a structure. 1.18 Stripping

In case of separate Bill items for stripping, this will be measured for payment by the square meter and shall include a depth of 0.3 m below original ground surface. Quantities for payment will be computed by direct measurement of areas stripped, and will include only the locations directed by the Engineer. Payment will be made at the unit rates per square meter tendered therefor in the Bill of Quantities. 1.19 Clearing and Grubbing

Clearing and Grubbing shall be deemed included in the rates for excavation. 1.20 Site Investigations

Measurement and payment for site investigations (Section 2 clause 2.9 of the Technical Specifications) where ordered by the Engineer shall be made on day-work report basis. No separate payment shall be made for site investigations which are an integral part of the Contractors general activities under the Contract. 1.21 Clearance Works

Rates for removal of any type of existing structures and buildings (reinforced concrete, steelwork, etc), their contents or general waste materials (including municipal waste) shall be included in the Contractors rates and prices except where it is expressly measured by a lump sum amount, or by volume as provided for in the Bill of Quantities. The rate in the Bill of Quantities shall include all work necessary for the removal, transportation and safe disposal of materials in accordance with the Technical Specification. No additional payment will be made for any reason except where equipment is being removed to the Contractors store and the store, as measured in a straight line is more than 6 km from the point from which the material is being removed. In such a case an additional payment will be made based on the mass transported multiplied by the distance in excess of the 6 km (total straight-line distance less 6 km) to the areas designated by the Engineer, such as Employers store. 1.22 Concrete Work

Unless otherwise described in the Bill of Quantities, concrete work as specified in Section 3, Clauses 3.1 to 3.18 and 3.26 of the Technical Specifications shall be measured in terms of


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two categories of work, namely: concrete (including all shuttering) and reinforcement, as described below and set out in the Bill of Quantities. For certain items the rate for concrete also includes reinforcement. Fixings to and in concrete, if described in the Bill of Quantities, shall be measured separately under the headings to which the fixings relate. 1.22.1. Concrete Non-reinforced (plain) and reinforced concrete will each be measured for payment by cubic meter. Precast concrete and reinforced concrete shall be measured in cubic meters except where the former is measured by number of units. The unit rate for concrete works shall cover all costs that are necessary to obtain the concrete quality including, but not limited to the following items: delivery and storage of all materials preparation and submission of working drawings and calculations all batching, mixing and transport equipment, including all required personnel and foremen preparing, transporting and placing of concrete finishing of surfaces making and curing of test cubes, including laboratory tests; curing of concrete, including materials and equipment; drilling and cutting of concrete cores, including equipment and testing; transportation, keeping on the site, including loading and unloading. Concrete including blinding and canal lining shall be measured as the net volume of concrete to the dimensions specified or shown on the Drawings in the Permanent Works, but no deductions shall be made in respect of the volume occupied by reinforcement or in respect of small openings, recesses, chases and embedded fixtures having a crosssectional area less than 0.1 m2. Concrete in canal lining shall be measured by volume. No separate payment shall be made for forming the lining to the required profile and providing a steel-float finish or for thickening the lining to accommodate irregularities in the trimmed embankment or where required at joints. Concrete shall be measured according to the circumstances as stated in the Bills of Quantities. 1.22.2 Shuttering Shuttering shall not be measured and paid for separately under the Bill of Quantities. Concrete rates in the Bill of Quantities shall be deemed to include shuttering rates. No extra payment for cooling or soaking shuttering shall be made.


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1.22.3 Reinforcement Unless otherwise stated in the Bills of Quantities no separate payment shall be made for reinforcement. Where the item for concrete in the Bills of Quantities refers to a quantity or rate of reinforcement in the concrete, no separate measurement shall be made for reinforcement. In such cases the concrete rates in the Bill of Quantities shall be deemed to include for reinforcement at the minimum of the density stated. Where the Bills of Quantities provide for measurement of steel reinforcement bars, the weight shall be calculated on the basis of the relevant Technical Specification. The rates for steel reinforcement, whether explicit or implicit, shall include all expenditures incurred in providing, cutting, bending, placing and fixing the reinforcement in its final position in the structure. 1.22.4 Finishes Finishes shall not be subject to additional payment and shall be deemed to be included in the rates for concrete. 1.22.5 Miscellaneous No separate payment shall be made, inter alia, for supply and testing of concrete ingredients; storage of materials; determination of mix proportions; making and testing of trial mixes; testing of concrete; control and mixing of concrete; transporting, placing and compacting concrete; finishes; construction joints (whether shown on the Drawings or not except that where a waterstop is specified or ordered by the Engineer to be incorporated in construction joints it shall be measured by length for each type and size required); moulds for transporting and fixing pre-cast work; precautions for concreting in unfavourable weather; curing; ascertaining requirements for reinforcement, bending, cutting and fixing reinforcement or working space for erection and handling of shuttering. If the Engineer so directs, samples of cement, water and fine and coarse aggregates shall be delivered by the Contractor to the Engineer for independent testing; such testing shall be charged to the contractor (directly or via the Engineer) and in the event the Engineer instructs the testing is done outside Armenia, the Contractor will be reimbursed at cost of all shipment, testing, reporting and associated costs through the Bills of Quantities. 1.22.6 Removal of concrete structures Demolition works to concrete structures shall be measured net as volume. No separate payment shall be made for disposal of debris and waste in accordance with the Specification or for making good any damage arising to retained elements. 1.22.7 Precast Concrete Structures Precast concrete and reinforced concrete will be measured in cubic meters or in case of pipes and manhole rings per unit or length as stated in the Bill items.


- 15 Bill of Quantities: Rehabilitation of Drainage System of Ararat Valley (Package 2)

The unit rates for reinforced concrete elements must cover all costs, the following items inclusive: Submission of working drawings; Delivery and storage of all materials; All equipment, including devices for dosing, mixing and transportation, and operating personnel; Preparing, transporting and placing of the concrete; Finishing of surfaces; Making and curing of test cubes, including laboratory tests; Curing of concrete, including material and equipment; Transportation and storage of prefabricated elements at the site. The rates for precast reinforced concrete pipes and box units shall be deemed to include for supply and laying including all joints and connections, except where the Bills of Quantities specifically provide for otherwise. The Bills of Quantities include alternative items (A.3-3.1.1, A.3-3.1.2, A.3-3.1.3 and A.34.1.2, A.3-4.1.2, A.3-2.1.5, A.3-2.1.6, A.3-2.1.7), the cost of which will not be added to the sum and will not participate during bid evaluation. 1.23 Rubble Concrete

Placing of rubble concrete shall be measured by cubic meters. 1.24 Masonry

Stone masonry shall be measured in cubic meters complete and shall include for all preparation, materials and finishings, including all pointing 1.25 Painting

Unless otherwise provided for in the Bill of Quantities no separate measurement shall be made for complying with the requirements of Clause 4.8 of the Technical Specification, the cost of which shall be included in the rates and prices relative to the items concerned. Where items are provided in the Bill of Quantities for painting, it shall be measured as the surface area covered for the top coat only. 1.26 Roads

Measurement and payment is made based on the surfacing area in m2 and agreed with Engineer. No separate payment shall be made for selection of materials; preparation and restoration of borrow pits; placing a compaction; control of moisture content; bulking; shrinkage; site


- 16 Bill of Quantities: Rehabilitation of Drainage System of Ararat Valley (Package 2)

trials; testing; forming to tolerances; bedding and hauling of curbs; bedding and surrounds of drain and pipes. Gravel road and asphalt surfacing shall be measured by volume of material placed, including, inter alia, for excavating in quarry, grading as required, and hauling any distance. For purposes of measurement of the volume of the material, only graded gravel shall be measured and other layers of the road section, such as waterproofing, shall not be included in the measurement. The volume of material placed, and volume of material hauled shall be measured as the volume of material placed to form the road. The Contractor shall be deemed to have included in his rates for any losses which may occur prior to the material being placed to form the road surface. 1.27 Structural Investigations for Foundations

No separate payment will be made for complying with Section 1 Clause 1.13 of the Technical Specification for investigations of existing foundations for equipment. 1.28 Engineer's Requirements

Engineers Requirements shall be provided by the Contractor only when expressly ordered by the Engineer. The Engineer will take the prior approval of the Employer before ordering actions under Engineers Requirements. The Engineer's requirements shall be measured solely at cost together with the percentage addition indicated by the Contractor in his bid, with the percentage not to be more than 5 per cent. Payment for items, where a period, such as month, is involved, shall be only for the period in which the work / service / facility is available for the usage of the Engineer. Such time, when work / service / facility is not available, for any reason, such as broken down machinery, shall not be measured and the corresponding amount shall not be paid to the Contractor. Rates for servicing shall be applicable up to the end of the Defects Liability Period or such earlier period as may be ordered or approved by the Engineer and shall include for all the obligations specified.


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