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Chapter 3 : Z-Transform (Part 1)

Q. 1. Define z-transform of a discrete time signal. Ans. The Z-transform of a discrete time signal x(n) is defined as the power series where z is a complex variable. The Z-transform of a signal x(n) is denoted by whereas the relationship between x(n) and X(z) is indicated by The z-transform is a infinite power series, it exists only for those values of z for which this series converges. The region of convergence (ROC) of X(z) is the set of all s values ofz for which X(z) attains a finite value. Thus any time we cite a z-transform. We should also indicate its ROC. Q. 2. What is Region of convergence? Ans. The z-transform is an infinite power series, it exists only for those values of z

for which the series converges. The region of convergence (ROC) of X (z) is set of all values of z for which X (z) attains a finite value. The ROC of a finite duration signal is the entire z-plane, except possibly the point . These points are z-n excluded because (when n > 0) becomes unbounded for z = and zn (when n > 0) becomes unbounded for z = 0. Q. 3. List various properties of z-transform. Ans. The various properties of z-transform are given below.





Multiplication (by nm). [or differentiation in zdomain]

4. Scaling in z-domain: [Multiplication by an ]

5.Time Reversal: 6. Conjugation: 7. Convolution: 8. Initial value: 9. Final value:

10. Correlation of two sequence. 11. Parsevals theorem: where the contour of integration must be overlap of the regions of convergence of

Q. 5. What transform?






Ans. 1. z-transform is an important tool in the analysis of signals and linear time invarient systems. 2. It is used for the analysis of discrete time systems in frequency domain which in generally more efficient than time domain analysis. 3. It is used for filtering process. 4. Causality of discrete time LTL system. 5. Stability of discrete time LTI system. 6. Determination of poles and zeros of rational ztransform. Q. 6. State transform. Ans. If final value theorem of Z-

Acc. to the definition of Z-transform for causal sequence we have,

Consider the term x(n) x(n 1) using eq. (1), z-transform of this term can be expressed as.

Hence proved.

Q. 7. What are the conditions for the region of convergence of a non causal LTI system. Ans. The condition for non-causal of discrete time LTI system is that the impulse response of a causal discrete time LTI system js given as This means that h (n) is two sided. Also, transfer function H(z) is the z-transform of h (n). The ROC of H (z) of non-causal discrete time LTI system is the entire z-plane except

Q. 8. State and prove convolution property of z transform? Ans. The convolution property for Z-transforms is very important for systems analysis and design. In words : The transform of the convolution is the product of the transforms.

Where denotes convolution (in this case, discrete-time convolution). Proof. This is somewhat easier (and more general) to prove for noncausal sequences.

Q. 9. State the correlation property of two sequence in z-domain. Give its ROC. Ans. Correlation is a measure of the degree to which two signals are similar. The correlation of two signals is divided into two.

Cross correlation (b) Auto correlation

Q. 10. Determine the z-fransform of the signal Ans. By using Eulers identity the signal x (n) can be expressed as By simply linearity property.

After some simple algebraic manipulations we obtain the desired result namely.

Q. 11. Find out the Z-transform for the following discrete time sequence. Ans.

Q. 12. Find the z-transform and region of convergence for the following sequence. Apply initial value theorem and check the ztransform whether it is correct or not. Ans.

Thus calculated z transfer is corrects. Q. 13. Determine to z-transform of following signal and sketch the pole zero pattern: the


Q. 14. Find z transform of

Ans. We have standard z-transform pair.

Q. 15, What are the various methods to find out inverse z transform? Ans. (a) Cauchy Rihemens theorem (b) Long division method. (c) Partial function. Q. 16. Find the inverse z transform of

Ans. Given:

By using long division method.

Q. 17. Find a causal sequence whose z transform is given by

Ans. Given :

We have a series expansion formula.

Q. 18. Find all possible inverse z-transform of the following.

Ans. Given:

In partial fraction expansion form,

Q. 19. Determine the causal signal x (n) if its z-transforms X (z) is given by

Ans. Given: Converting x (z) into positive power of z.

In terms of partial fraction expansion we canwrite.

Q. 20. Find the impulse response of the causal system

where I a I < 1 and compute the frequency response. Ans. To find the impulse response sequence we write the homogeneous equation.

Therefore the impulse response is in the form

We solve for the constant-A, from the original solution, we prefer the initial condition

To find the frequency response, Using geometric series summation.

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