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Guidance for Marine Fuel Oil Management

2003 NYK Line

According to statistics in the annual report on energy production supply and demand issued by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, demand for and production of heavy fuel oil has decreased, in line with the increased demand for gasoline and kerosene. Along with the intensified trends with white oil, adoption and upgrade of refinery processing systems have been in progress. As a result of recent refinery trends, the quality of marine fuel oil principally based on residual oil has degraded. Consequently, NYK established its Companys Acceptance Standards for Fuel Oil in the mid 1980s, and has since requested concerned parties to call attention to the quality of fuel oils, with thorough examination of quality at the time of purchase. However, purchasing marine fuel oil that conforms to NYK Standards has since been extremely difficult. To respond flexibility to continually degrading marine fuel oil quality, NYK Standards were revised in 2002. In recent situations, with the number of resulting engine failures increasing, crew and all concerned parties need to be fully acquainted with the characteristics of fuel oil and equipped with the appropriate quality control know-how relative to problematic oils. Needless to say, the major objective of fuel management is to minimize engine failures and to maintain safe operation of the vessels. In the meantime, we are required to maintain a cost-conscious view and strive to contribute to the economical operation of the ship by reducing total fuel consumption, promoting the adoption of low cost fuel oil, and minimizing engine maintenance expense. Therefore, it is important to combine safe operation of the vessels with economical ship operation. This guidance explains the following items: Influences of properties of marine fuel oil on the main engine Preventive measures and responses to problems related to fuel oils Effective operation of the shipboard fuel oil pretreatment system Items to be checked at bunkering Bunker situations in various regions The purpose of this guidance is to summarize overall fuel oil management. We hope this guidance will be used by all concerned for the consequent safe operation of vessels.

List of content
INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................................2 CHAPTER 1 - STANDARDS FOR MARINE FUEL ...............................................................1 1. SPECIFICATION OF HEAVY OIL FOR BUNKERING (REFER TO TABLE 1-1, TABLE 1-2) ..............1

1. 1 ISO 8217 and CIMAC Fuel Oil Recommendations......................................................1 1. 2 NYK Standards............................................................................................................2 1. 3 Other Standards ..........................................................................................................3 1. 4 Comparison of Bunker Specifications ..........................................................................3
2. 3. SPECIFICATION AT ENGINE INLET ........................................................................................8 BUNKER SPECIFICATION AND SPECIFICATION AT ENGINE INLET ...........................................9

CHAPTER 2 RESPONDING TO FUEL OILS NOT CONFORMING TO SPECIFICATIONS ........................................................................................................................................ 10 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. DENSITY (NYK: 990 KG/M3 OR 1008 KG/M3) .....................................................................10 VISCOSITY .........................................................................................................................11 FLASH POINT (NYK: 62) ................................................................................................11 WATER (NYK: 0.5% V/V)....................................................................................................12
* Water Separation Test................................................................................................................ 13

MICRO CARBON RESIDUE (NYK: 15%M/M) ........................................................................14 SULFUR (NYK: 3.5% M/M).................................................................................................14 ASH (NYK: 0.05% M/M).....................................................................................................15 METALS.............................................................................................................................15

8. 1 V (Vanadium NYK: 100mg/kg ppm) ........................................................................15 8. 2 Na (Sodium NYK: 30mg/kg ppm) ............................................................................16 8. 3 AL + Si (Aluminum + Silicon NYK: 30mg/kg ppm).................................................16 8. 4. Ca, Zn, P (Calcium, Zinc, Phosphorus NYK: Ca : 10mg/kg ppm...............................17
Ca, Zn P in Crude Oil .............................................................................................................. 18

8. 5 Fe (Iron No value specified).....................................................................................18 8. 6 Ni (Nickel No value specified) .................................................................................18

9. 10. 11. 12. TSE, TSP (DRY SLUDGE, NYK: TSE 0.05%M/M)...............................................................19 ASPHALTENE (NYK: 8%M/M) .........................................................................................19 CCAI (CALCULATED CARBON AROMATICITY INDEX, NYK: 860 OR LESS FOR LOW SPEED 850 OR LESS FOR MEDIUM SPEED ENGINES) ...............................................................20 WASTE (NYK: ANY WASTE MUST NOT BE CONTAINED).....................................................21


12. 1 ULO (Used Lubricating Oil) ..................................................................................21 12. 2 Contamination from Acidic Substances ...................................................................22

*Corrosion Test............................................................................................................................. 23

12. 3 Contamination from Synthetic-resin .......................................................................23

*Characteristics of Synthetic Resin.............................................................................................. 24

12. 4 Organic Solvent........................................................................................................24 12. 5 Other Solid Substances............................................................................................24

CHAPTER 3 RESPONSES TO PROBLEMS RELATED TO BUNKER FUEL OILS ............ 27 1. FUEL OIL MANAGEMENT ...................................................................................................27

1. 1 Documentation Needed..............................................................................................27 1. 2 Results of Analysis .....................................................................................................27 1. 3 Retaining Damaged Components ..............................................................................28 1. 4 Sampling/Sample Storage..........................................................................................28 1. 5 Correct Documentation for Bunker Fuel Oil .............................................................29 1. 6 Bunkering and Witness for Sampling Procedures .....................................................29 1. 7 Ships Retained Sample .............................................................................................29 1. 8 Sampling When Having Machinery Problems...........................................................29
* Retained Sample and Sampling When having Trouble .............................................................. 30

1. 9 IMO Sampling Procedures (after MARPOL 73/78 Annex entry into force)...........30
2. SPECIFIC EXAMPLES OF BUNKER TROUBLE .......................................................................31

2. 1 Short Delivery............................................................................................................31
* Trickery in Measurement of Quantity........................................................................................ 31

2. 2 Abnormalities with Pretreatment System.................................................................32

2.2.1 Excessive Sludge ............................................................................................................... 32 (1) Blending with different fuel oils .......................................................................................... 33 * Methods of Spot Test.............................................................................................................. 33 (2) Thermal Instability/Storage Instability............................................................................... 35 (3) Flowing out of Sludge .......................................................................................................... 35 2.2.2 Ingress of Water................................................................................................................. 35 2.2.3 Fouling /Breakage of Heater.............................................................................................. 36 2.2.4 Vapor Lock......................................................................................................................... 36 2.2.5 Fuel Transfer Problems ..................................................................................................... 36

2. 3 Combustion Abnormalities.........................................................................................36
2.3.1 Excessive Wear on Cylinder Liners and Piston Rings........................................................ 36 2.3.2 High Temperature Corrosion and Low Temperature Corrosion......................................... 38 2.3.3 Dam-bell Fuel.................................................................................................................... 38

2. 4 Fouling /Surging of Turbocharger..............................................................................38

2.4.1 Surging Resulting from Sodium Content........................................................................... 38



1. 2. 3.

HANDLING OF FUEL OILS ..................................................................................................40

*The following cargo may sustain heat damage............................................................................ 41

FUEL OIL PRETREATMENT SYSTEM ....................................................................................41

2. 1 Fuel Oil Pretreatment System and Fuel Oil Properties ............................................41

FUEL OIL PRETREATMENT DEVICE ....................................................................................42

3. 1 Storage Tank, Settling Tank, Service Tank ...............................................................42 3. 2 Centrifugal Separator (Refer to Chapter 6)...............................................................42
* Changes in Oil Properties during Storage ................................................................................. 43

3. 3 Filter (Strainer)..........................................................................................................43
3.3.1 Clogging............................................................................................................................. 44 3.3.2 Fracture............................................................................................................................. 44 3.3.3 Automatic Back-Washing Filter......................................................................................... 44

3. 4 Heater ........................................................................................................................45 3. 5 Homogenizer ..............................................................................................................45

4. FUEL ADDITIVE .................................................................................................................48

4. 1 Type and Use of Fuel Additive ...................................................................................48

4.1.1 Emulsion Breaker (YUNIC 300)...................................................................................... 49 4.1.2 Sludge Dispersant (YUNIC 555D)................................................................................... 49 4.1.3 Ash Modifier (YUNIC 600S) ......................................................................................... 49 4.1.4 Biocides Additive (DESTOL-F, DESTOL-V) .................................................................... 50 4.1.5 Smoke Control Type Fuel Additive (ECONOFREE A) ....................................................... 50

4. 2 Dosing Method of Fuel Additive.................................................................................50

5. 6. HIGH VISCOSITY FUEL OIL (500CST) ...............................................................................51

5. 1 Precautions when using 500sSt fuel..........................................................................51

FUEL WITH LOW SULFUR CONTENT ...................................................................................53

6. 1 Precautions When Using Low Sulfur Fuel Oil...........................................................53 6. 2 Low Sulfur DO (LSDO)..............................................................................................54
CHAPTER 5 BUNKER SITUATION IN VARIOUS REGIONS........................................... 57 1. ASIA ..................................................................................................................................57

1. 1 Japan..........................................................................................................................57 1. 2 Taiwan........................................................................................................................57 1. 3 South Korea ...............................................................................................................57 1. 4 Hong Kong .................................................................................................................57 1. 5 Singapore ...................................................................................................................57
2. 3. EUROPE ............................................................................................................................58

2. 1 ARA region .................................................................................................................58

NORTH AMERICA ...............................................................................................................58


3. 1 New York....................................................................................................................58 3. 2 Jacksonville................................................................................................................58 3. 3 Savannah ...................................................................................................................59 3. 4 Houston / New Orleans ..............................................................................................59 3. 5 Los Angeles ................................................................................................................59 3. 6 San Francisco.............................................................................................................59 3. 7 Vancouver...................................................................................................................59
4. CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA .........................................................................................59

4. 1 Panama ......................................................................................................................59 4. 2 Brazil..........................................................................................................................60 4. 3 Argentina ...................................................................................................................60

5. MIDDLE EAST ....................................................................................................................60

CHAPTER 6 EXAMPLE AND EXPERIMENTAL EXAMPLE OF PRETREATMENT SYSTEM ........................................................................................................................................ 61 1. ACTUAL PERFORMANCE OF SHIPBOARD PRETREATMENT SYSTEMS .....................................61

1. 1 Survey Procedures .....................................................................................................61 1. 2 Results of Surveys......................................................................................................62

2. EXPERIMENTAL EXAMPLE ON SHORE .................................................................................63

2. 1 Purpose of Experimentation ......................................................................................63 2. 2 Experimental Apparatus............................................................................................64 2. 3 Test Fuel Oils .............................................................................................................64 2. 4 Experimental Results and Considerations ................................................................64
2.4.1 Separation efficiency of Al+Si by Centrifugal Separator.................................................... 64 2.4.2 Effect of Gravity Disc......................................................................................................... 65 2.4.3 Responses to Fuel with Al+Si 80ppm................................................................................. 65 2.4.4 Parallel Operation and Series Operation........................................................................... 66


FINE FILTER ......................................................................................................................68

Attachment : 1) MEPC resolution 2) Protest letter


Chapter 1 - Standards for Marine Fuel

For standards of marine fuel oil there are practically two different specifications; one is specification of heavy fuel oils for bunkering specifying properties of delivered fuel oil at bunkering; the other one is fuel oil specification at engine inlet. The specifications of heavy fuel oils for bunkering include ISO 8217 Standards, national standards specified by various countries, recommendations proposed by international organizations such as CIMAC and international society such as Class NK as well as standards originally established by users. These specifications have been prepared on the assumption that bunker fuel oil is to be used after the oil is treated through shipboard pre-treatment procedures. Meanwhile, fuel oil specification at engine inlet specifies properties of fuel oil capable of being supplied directly into the main engine for actual use. when used in their main engines. This specification is recommended by engine manufactures respectively on the basis of reliability and safety

1. Specification of Heavy Oil for Bunkering (Refer to Table 1-1, Table 1-2) 1. 1 ISO 8217 and CIMAC Fuel Oil Recommendations
Since the 1970s oil crisis, residual oil, which is the base fuel of marine fuel oil, was identified as being degraded in quality and there were an increasing number of cases of engine and machinery problems attributed to the poor quality of heavy fuel oil. In the meantime, BP and SHELL presented reports in which the estimated values of the properties of fuel oil in ten years time were provided. According to their reports, future marine fuel oil would have a kinematic viscosity of 700 cSt, and values of other properties such as micro carbon residue, asphaltene, and sulfur would also substantially increase. Since there was no identical international fuel oil standard in those days, a need for the establishment of international standards arose to cope with degraded fuel oils, and thus research studies were commenced on the standardization of marine fuel. Firstly, in 1979, BSI and CIMAC WG (Working Group) Future Fuel embarked upon a program with the objective of forming a standard to anticipate future situations with regard to fuel oil. In 1980 a working group, WG 6 (TC28/SC4WG6), was formed in the ISO 28 Technical Committee (Oil Product/Lubricating Oil) and started studies on standardization of marine fuel oil. Since that time the following development of international standards was carried out. 1) In 1982 BSI issued a BS-MA100 : 1982 the first national specification for marine fuel oil. 1

CIMAC WG Future Fuel announced their review on fuel oil properties in a technical journal. 2) In 1986 CIMAC WG Heavy Fuel (formed in 1983) issued CIMAC Recommendation No.8, a publication regarding specifications of marine fuel oils. [Recommendations regarding Requirements for Heavy Fuels for Diesel Engines] 3) In 1987 ISO (TC28/SC4WG6) issued specifications of marine fuel oils, ISO 8217 : 1987 based on BS-MA 100 : 1982. [Petroleum products Fuels (class F) Specifications of marine fuels] 4) In 1990 CIMAC WG Heavy Fuel issued CIMAC Recommendation No.11 as a revised edition of Recommendation No.8. [Recommendations regarding Fuel Requirements for Diesel Engines] BSI: British Standard Institute ISO: International Organization for Standardization CIMAC: International Council on Combustion Engines In both, CIMAC WG and ISO TC28/SC4/WG6 members from oil companies accounted for the majority of the committee from the beginning of the project. Naturally, the work in the committee was carried out placing more stress on their plans on how to produce oil products at the most efficient manner, which was a major concern of the oil industry. Therefore, both ISO 8217 and CIMAC fuel recommendations merely indicated the highest/lowest values of properties of future degraded fuel oil estimated in those days. These specifications have become impractical from the viewpoint of the users involved whose chief objective is the safe operation of the main engine. ISO TC28/SC4/WG6 and CIMAC WG Heavy Fuel have maintained a close relationship, and CIMAC WG Heavy Fuel plays an active part in the technical review regarding ISO 8217. Both specifications have accordingly been revised, and the last revision was made on ISO 8217 in 1996, CIMAC Recommendation in 1990 respectively. It was the third revised edition for both specifications. A new revision is being carried out and a fourth revised edition will be issued in the near future. Regulatory development is underway to modify specifications on water (1.0%v/v to 0.5%v/v), ash (0.20%m/m to 0.15%m/m), and sulfur (5.0%m/m to 4.5%m/m) and to add a prohibition of mixtures with ULO (used lubricating oil.) Nevertheless, those standards still vary greatly from the requirements of users.

1. 2

NYK Standards

NYK standards were established in the mid-1980s, at almost the same time when the ISO 8217 and CIMAC Fuel Recommendation were issued, for the purpose of specifying 2

standards by which safe operation of the main engine was ensured. This standard was formed on the basis of the correlation between the properties of fuel oil and abnormalities caused by fuel oil in use and in-house standards used by the Majors when their products were shipped in those days. These standards have been used for nearly twenty years since its adoption indicating a clear correlation between the number of problems with machinery and degraded fuel oils not conforming to the NYK standards. Many other shipping companies have also prepared similar standards based on NYK standards.

1. 3

Other Standards

In 1996 Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (Class NK) issued a report on the correlation between the properties of marine fuel oil and abnormalities and the reliability of engines. [Guidance for Measures to Cope with Degraded Marine Heavy Fuels] In the report guidance regarding the critical properties of fuel oil was proposed. This NK guidance is similar to user standards and it was proposed in the form of a unanimous agreement between the Japanese oil companies, the engine manufacturers, and the users. For other standards issued by other countries, there is an American standard, ASTM D2069, as well as a British standard, BS MA 100, as mentioned in the previous section. ASTM D2069 has almost the same contents of ISO 8217 and is based on the WTO/TBT Agreement. For specification of heavy oil in Japan there is a JIS K2205. In 1997 assessments were made on the basis of the WTO/TBT Agreement within JIS to modify JIS K2205 into a specification equivalent to ISO 8217. However, there were a number of negative opinions from users claiming that ISO 8217 was impractical, and consequently JIS abandoned their intention to unify the JIS specifications into ISO Standards. WTO: World Trade Organization TBT: Technical Barriers to Trade

1. 4

Comparison of Bunker Specifications

Table 1-1 and Table 1-2 show ISO 8217 Residual Fuel Specifications, CIMAC Fuel Oil Recommendations, and in-house specifications of users in addition to average values of properties of recent fuel oils. The user standards and NK guidance have been established considering the correlation between the properties of fuel oil and abnormalities caused by fuel oil. As the average values of properties of recent fuel oils have been close to user standards and NK guidance, there is concern that the number of abnormalities will increase in the 3

future. Meanwhile, ISO 8217 and CIMAC Fuel Oil Recommendations have been mainly created by fuel manufacturers and suppliers of fuel oil. Those standards still vary greatly from the user standards and actual conditions of fuel oil, and appear to be favorable for fuel manufacturers and suppliers. In particular there are large differences in values in Micro Carbon Residue, Ash, Sediment, Vanadium, Aluminum+Silicon, Calcium, Zinc, and Phosphorus. It is noted that abnormalities and failures in engine machinery may occur even when fuel oil meets with NYK standards because the correlation between the properties of fuel oil and problems caused by fuel oil is not entirely verified.

Table 1-1

Comparison between NYK Standards and Other International Standards HFO (Bunker Specification)
ISO 8217 :1996 RMG 35 991 35 @100 60 30 1.0 5.0 18 0.10 0.15 ISO 8217*1 RMG 380 991 380 60 30 0.5 4.5 18 0.10 0.15




NYK 990 or (1008)

Shipping company Guidance 990 991 Order 10%

Recent*2 Average 978.9 0.28 2.91 13.1 0.02 0.04

Density @15 Kinematic Viscosity @50 Flash point Pour point Water Sulfur

kg/m3 mm /s (cSt) % v/v % m/m



Min. Max. Max. Max. Max. Max. Max. Max. Max.

62 15 0.5 3.5 15 0.05 0.05 8 860

Low speed engine

62 15 0.5 3.5 15 0.05 0.05 6.5

61 0.5 3.5 15 0.05 0.05 8

Micro carbon % m/m residue Total sediment % m/m existent (TSE) Total sediment % m/m potential (TSP) Ash Asphaltene % m/m % m/m







Medium speed engine

Vanadium Sodium Aluminum + Silicon Used lubricating oil

To be free of Used lubricating oil

mg/kg (ppm) mg/kg (ppm) mg/kg (ppm) mg/kg (ppm) mg/kg (ppm) mg/kg (ppm)

Max. Max. Max.

100 30 30 Prohibit

100 30 30 Prohibit

150 30 30

300 80 Prohibit

300 80 Prohibit 30 *3 15 *3 15 *3

92 24 16 5.9 1.3

Calcium Zinc Phosphoro us

Max. Max. Max.

10*7 5*7 5*7

Remarks *1. *2. Estimated values of revision (Values may differ from those in the Table) Average values represent bunker fuel oils taken on NYK vessels from January 1998 to December 2001 (analyzed by DNVPS)


In ISO 8217 and CIMAC Fuel Oil Recommendations the following comments are added: A fuel shall be deemed to be free of ULO when the level of one or more of the elements Zn, P or Ca is at or below the following values. Zn mg/kg max 15 OR P mg/kg max 15 OR Ca mg/kg max 30 and the following comment be added recording the converse case, i.e. the conditions under which ULO is considered to be present. A fuel shall be considered to contain ULO only when simultaneously Zn > 15mg/kg AND Phosphorus > 15mg/kg AND Calcium > 30kg/kg.

*4 1mm2/s = 1 cSt *5. percent by volume percent by mass

*6. 1 mg/kg = 1 ppm (parts per million) = 1mg of substance is contained in 1kg of sample. *7. In NYK Standards mixture of used lubrication oil (ULO) is suspected when the level of one or more of the elements Zn, P, or Ca exceed the maximum limit.

Table 1-2

Comparison between NYK Standards and Other International Standards MDO (Bunker Specification)
ISO 8217:1996 DMB 900 11 @40 60
Winter 0 Summer 6

Properties Density @15 Kinematic Viscosity @50 Flash point Pour point Water Sulfur *2 Micro residue carbon

Dim. kg/m3 mm /s (cSt) % v/v % m/m % m/m % m/m


Limit Max.

NYK 900 7

ISO *1 8217 DMB 900 11 @40 60

Winter 0 Summer 6

ISO 8217:1996 DMC 920 14 @40 60

Winter 0 Summer 6

ISO *1 8217 DMB 920 14 @40 60

Winter 0 Summer 6

Min. Max. Max. Max. Max. Max. Max. Max. Max. Min. Max. Max.

60 0 0.1 1.5 0.2 0.05 0.01 0 Prohibit

0.3 2.0 0.30 0.07 0.01 35

0.3 2.0 0.30 0.10 0.01 35 Prohibit

0.3 2.0 2.50 0.10 0.05 100 25

0.3 2.0 2.50 0.10 0.05 100 25 Prohibit 30 15 15

Sediment(Extracti on method) *3

Total sediment % m/m existent (TSE) *4 Ash Asphaltene Cetane number Vanadium Aluminium + Silicon Used lubricating oil
To be free of Used lubricating oil

% m/m % m/m mg/kg (ppm) mg/kg (ppm) mg/kg (ppm) mg/kg (ppm) mg/kg (ppm)

Calcium Zinc Phosphorous

Max. Max. Max.

Remarks *1. *2. Estimated values of revision (Values may differ from those of the Table) A sulfur limit of 1.5% v/v will apply in SOx Emission Control Areas designated by MARPOL Annex 6. *3. Insoluble impurities on toluene excluding oily sludge

*4. Total sediment existent content including oily sludge

2. Specification at Engine Inlet

Marine fuel oil is supplied on the assumption that bunker fuel oil is used for the engine after the fuel oil is treated by shipboard pretreatment system. pretreatment procedures on board. TABLE 1-3 Specifications at Engine Inlets of Manufacturers (Recommended Values) and Bunker Specification
Engine inlet Properties Dim. Density @15 Kinematic Viscosity @50 Flash point Pour point Water Sulfur Micro carbon residue Total sediment existent (TSE) Total sediment potential (TSP) Ash Asphaltene CCAI Vanadium Sodium Aluminum + Silicon
Remark *1 : Estimated values of revision (Values may differ from those of the current ISO 8217 : 1996)


contamination may occur due to the improper handling of fuel oil in the process of

Bunkering UEC MHI < 991 13-18 > 60 < 0.2 < 3.5 < 12 < 0.05 Min.62 Max.15 Max.0.5 Max.3.5 Max.16 Max.0.05 NYK Max.990 ISO 8217*1 RMG 380 Max.991 Max.380 (50) Min.60 Max.30 Max.0.5 Max.4.5 Max.18

SULZER WARTSILA DU Max.990 13-17 Min.61 Max.0.2 Max.3.5 Max.15 Max.0.03

B&W MES < 991 10-15 Max.20 > 60 < 30 < 0.2 < 3.5 < 14 < 0.05

kg/m3 mm /s (cSt) % v/v % m/m % m/m % m/m


% m/m % m/m % m/m mg/kg (ppm) mg/kg (ppm) mg/kg (ppm)

Max.0.03 Max.8 Max.150 Max.30 Max.15

< 0.05 <8 < 850 < 150 < 30 <7

< 0.10 <8 < 850 < 300 < 30 <10

Max.0.05 Max.8 Max.860 Max.150 Max.30 Max.30

Max.0.10 Max.300 Max.80

Therefore, bunker specification is not considered as a fuel oil specification in assuring the reliability and safety of the engine. From the viewpoint of maintaining the reliability and safety of the machinery plant, the engine manufacturers have provided specifications at engine inlets as recommended fuel oil properties at engine inlets. Table 1-3 shows recommended properties of fuel oil at engine inlets for major engine builders of large 2-stroke cycle low speed diesel engines. Like NYK Standards, it should be noted that abnormalities may occur even when the oil meets the specification at engine inlet.

3. Bunker Specification and Specification at Engine Inlet

Table 1-3 shows the representative bunker specifications and specification at engine inlet. Of the items in Table 1-3 Water Content, Sediment, Aluminum + Silicon, and Sodium are the properties that can be upgraded through the shipboard processing system (Sodium content may not be removed when the contamination does not result from sea water.) these items within the specification at the engine inlet. It is necessary to optimize the fuel oil pretreatment procedures and maintain the values of However, Sulfur Content, Carbon Residue, Asphaltene, Ash (in some cases Ash can be removed) are properties that cannot be improved on, thus cannot dealt with by F.O. pretreatment system. For these properties, alternative measures are to be taken such as the application of additives and a valid agreement in transactions for bunkering assuring the required quality.

Chapter 2 Responding to Fuel Oils Not Conforming to Specifications

In this chapter, countermeasures for off-specification fuel oil are provided. Most of the countermeasures stated here are general methods and actions to be taken depending on the ships specifications and engine condition. Therefore it is necessary to handle the situations in close cooperation with the department concerned when discovering specification irregularities or experiencing abnormalities with the engine plant. Application of fuel oil additives is described in the usage guidelines provided by Nippon Yuka Kogyo Co., Ltd., whose products are widely used on the NYK fleet.

1. Density (NYK: 990 kg/m3 or 1008 kg/m3)

Density is the mass of a substance divided by its volume measured at 15. Fuel density is a fundamental item needed for quantity calculations and is required to accurately calculate the amount of fuel delivered. Since a centrifugal separator separates fuel oil and any item with a density greater than the fuel oil density (the solid matter and free water), making use of density differences, density management is vital. Centrifugal separators are classified into two types of separators - a purifier and a clarifier. A purifier separates untreated fuel oil into three layers (oil, water, and sludge), while a clarifier separates untreated fuel oil into two layers (oil + water, and sludge). Each type of separators has different acceptable density limits. operations and 1010 kg/m3 for clarifying operations respectively. As the density of the fuel oil increases it becomes difficult to maintain the correct interface position for optimum results in a separator and the interface fluctuates inwards or outwards extensively with small changes in oil temperature. Fuel oil with a density of 985 kg/m3 or more tends to cause abnormalities in processing in purifying operations, and fuel oil with a density of 1000 kg/m3 tends to cause abnormalities in processing in clarifying operations. If the fuel oil has a density greater than the specified value of specification, the following measures should be taken: 1) Select appropriate size of gravity discs depending on the density of the untreated oil. 2) Oil temperature is to be set at 98 and maintained as stable as possible. Do not let the fuel oil become more than 98 so as to prevent contained water from boiling. 3) Process solely in clarifying operations for fuel oil with a density of 990 kg/m3 or more. 4) For a vessel equipped with a separator merely set as a purifier, it is necessary to pay 10 The upper limit of density for marine fuel oil has been specified to be more than 991 kg/m3 for purifying

strict attention to the density of fuel oil.

2. Viscosity
Viscosity is a measure of the resistance of a fuel oil to flow and it has effects on fuel atomization, separation efficiency of a centrifugal separator, and transfer of fuel oil. In the bunker specification kinematic viscosity is normally expressed at 50 . Appropriate kinematic viscosity at engine inlet is usually 12 to 15 centistokes (cSt). As the kinematic viscosity of the fuel oil becomes higher at the fuel atomizer, problems may occur with atomization, causing combustion abnormalities and failures. However, off-specification fuel oil can be used when kinematic viscosity is to be reduced to 12 to 15 cSt at the engine inlet after the fuel oil is heated. In addition separation efficiency is reduced with the increase of kinematic viscosity. The following measures are to be taken when the kinematic viscosity does not meet the operational specification of the machinery: 1) Consideration should be given to reduction of the engine load when the proper fuel oil temperature cannot be obtained at the engine inlet. 2) Increase heating temperature at the F.O. settling tanks. 3) Carry out cleaning on the fuel oil heaters when insufficient heating continually occurs at engine inlet. 4) As kinematic viscosity increases, the separation efficiency of the centrifugal separator will decrease, so throttle the flow rate in accordance with the instruction book. The upper limit of heating fuel oil is specified at 98 or less to prevent water from boiling. Even for fuel oil which requires a higher temperature to obtain an appropriate viscosity, do not treat the oil at high temperatures (more than 98).

3. Flash Point (NYK: 62)

The flash point indicates the lowest temperature at which flammable vapors, formed above the fuel, will ignite. Danger of fire caused by leaking oil will increase as the flash point decreases. As flash point is indicative of fire and explosion risk, for storage and transport, it is an important property of the fuel oil for the prevention of fire. The minimum allowable flash point for fuel oil use in the engine room (Machinery Space of Category A) is specified by SOLAS and ISO, and the value is 60 or more). The flash point is defined by international legislation because it is directly related to the safety of vessels. The following measures should be implemented when fuel with a flash point below the minimum is received: 1) In principle, offload the received fuel oil. 11

2) Tank sampling should be analyzed again to verify the accuracy of analysis results. 3) Consideration should be given to debunkering or, in order to increase the flash point, blending with different oils. 4) For a fuel oil with a slightly low flash point, dilution by blending fuel oil with a higher flash point on a barge tanker is possible. For implementing this procedure, however, the flash point is greatly influenced by fuel oil with the lower flash point, so pay attention to the blending ratio. 5) When blending, request shore laboratories to analyze actual flash point of blended fuel oil. Table 2-1 shows estimated values of blending ratios as a guide, and actual measurement is necessary when implementing. 6) When blending, carry out a spot test or request shore laboratories to make a blending stability test at the actual blending ratio to confirm that there is no problem using the fuel oil (See Chapter 3. Responses to Problems Related to Bunker Fuel Oils 2.2.1 Excessive Sludge). Table 2-1 Flash point before blending and blending ratio when flash point is adjusted at 62 (estimated values) Lower Flash point Oil 40 Flash point Higher Flash point oil 100 110 120 100 Flash point Mixing ratio of Lower 31 35 36 27 Flash point oil




















Example: Flash point of 62 will be obtained with a blending ratio of 43% of fuel oil with a lower flash point, when the flash point of fuel oil with a lower flash point of 45 and the flash point of fuel oil with a higher flash point of 120 are blended. 7) Pay strict attention to handling of a naked flame because flammable vapors (hydrocarbon gas) may still exist in closed areas such as the headspace of fuel tanks even though fuels are stored at temperatures below their determined flash point.

4. Water (NYK: 0.5% v/v)

Water is generally introduced into fuels by negligent or intentional handling of suppliers, ingress of steam or drain water from heating coil leakage of the fuel tanks, ingress of seawater through cracks on the nearby ballast tanks, ingress of water from discharging with clean oil due to improper control of the fuel/water interface in the purifier(water 12

injection type). It is noted that the measures taken differ for seawater and for fresh water. When water content is great, handle fuel oil through a pretreatment system by application of an additive (emulsion breaker). 1) Verify whether the water contamination is a result of seawater or freshwater. (When the volume of water content is 1% v/v, sodium content will be at 100 ppm by weight) 2) Drain off water in the settling tank and the service tank, and throttle flow rates as little as possible. 3) Apply an additive (emulsion breaker) when water content is 0.5% or more. (1/1000 to 1/2000 YUNIC 300) A separation test, in which sample oil is mixed completely with an emulsion breaker, heated, and left for a certain period for the separation effect to be observed, is necessary before actually dosing the emulsion breaker into the tank, as no effect is produced on some fuel oils. 4) 5) 6) When water content exceeds 1.5% v/v, debunkering may have to be considered because an additive will not be very effective in the removal of water. When debunkering is not possible, drain off water in the settling tank and operate purifiers in parallel, throttling the flow rate as little as possible. When seawater contamination is found or suspected, water removal should not be performed by evaporation. Do not raise the heating temperature excessively in the settling tank and/or the service tank. Allow the fuel oil to settle and separate in the tank, extending the settling time to ensure sufficient separation of water, and draining off water. (Sodium chloride may remain in fuel oil and is likely to cause abnormalities (deposits adhesion) on turbochargers.) 7) In case of seawater contamination, apply an additive (ash modifier) (1/2000 600S). Water Separation Test 1) 2) Take 500 to 1000 ml of fuel oil in a container such as a beaker. Take a necessary amount of emulsion breaker (YUNIC 300) by means of an injector, put it into the container, and mix completely with the fuel oil. 3) 4) 5) (The amount of emulsion breaker is 0.5 ml to 500 ml of fuel oil at a dosing ratio of 1/1000.) Put approximately 40% of the mixture of fuel oil and emulsion breaker into a test tube, and add the same amount of water into the test tube. Shake the test tube and mix the fuel oil and water thoroughly, and leave it for 30 to 60 minutes in a warm place. Observation of results (Observe separation conditions of water and fuel oil). Good: Water and fuel oil are completely separated and a clear interface between 13 YUNIC

water and fuel oil is observed. Fare: Brownish/ blackish sludge production is observed and the interface is not clear Bad: The entire sample is nearly homogenized and no interface is observed. This test method can be applied for verification of water separation of fuel oil (in such case, no emulsion breaker is dosed).

5. Micro Carbon Residue (NYK: 15%m/m)

The carbon residue of a fuel is a measure of the carbonaceous material left after all the volatile components are vaporized in the absence of air. The quantity of residual carbon remaining after fuel oil evaporation and pyrolysis is expressed in terms of percent by weight. The number of combustion abnormalities tends to increase as carbon residue increases. Troubles in the past indicate that fuel oil with carbon residue contents of 15% m/m or more have been reported as making non-combustibility more likely, and with contents of 17% m/m or more, the number of abnormalities, such as abnormal wear of piston ring will increase, so close attention should be paid. 1) When exceeding 17% m/m or more, dose sludge dispersants. (1/8000 YUNIC 555D) 2) Increase the percentage of sludge dispersant (1/8000 to 1/4000 YUNIC 555D) up to the level of the carbon residue content of 18% m/m, checking engine operating conditions, to defect the abnormal increase of exhaust temperatures, for instance. 3) When exceeding 18% m/m or more, dose ash modifiers in addition to sludge dispersants, to facilitate the immediate improvement of combustibility. (1/2000 YUNIC 600S)

6. Sulfur (NYK: 3.5% m/m)

Sulfur is a normally occurring element in crude oil. The amount of sulfur in the fuel oil depends on the source of the crude oil and the refining process. When using sulfur-rich fuel oil, the following abnormalities tend to occur: *Low-temperature corrosion wear of cylinder liners and piston rings. *Adhesion of black lacquer on the inner surfaces of cylinder liners. *Low-temperature corrosion wear of exhaust gas passage of gas economizer. On the contrary when the fuel oil has low sulfur content, abnormalities are also liable to occur. The following measures are to be taken when using sulfur-rich fuel oil or sulfur-lean fuel oil: 1) Adjustment of cylinder oil feeding rate 14

Increase feeding rate of cylinder oil for both sulfur-rich fuel oil and sulfur-lean fuel oil. 2) Change in cooling water temperatures of cylinder liner at cylinder outlet Increase: For sulfur-rich fuel oil Decrease: For sulfur-lean fuel oil 3) Water discharge in scavenging air as drain and adjustment on scavenging air temperature 4) Change in TBN of cylinder oil in use Consideration should be given to usage of cylinder oil with low TBN (40 to 50) when using fuel oil with sulfur-lean fuel oil (sulfur content 1% or less) for more than one to two months. However, it is not necessary to change cylinder oil when usage period does not exceed more than one to two months.

7. Ash (NYK: 0.05% m/m)

The ash value is the percentage by weight of the combustion residue (non-combustible elements such as inorganic material) when fuel oil is heated at 800. Components of ash include metals naturally present in crude oil (oil-soluble such as vanadium, nickel), solid contaminating substances (sand, rust, and FCC catalyst fines from the refining processes), and metal contained in ULO (sodium, calcium, zinc, and so forth). A high ash value can frequently lead to heavy fouling and the forming of deposits on the combustion chamber and exhaust gas lines, and clogging of the strainer. 1) In principle, apply additives (sludge dispersants and ash modifiers) for fuel oil with ash content of 0.07% m/m or more. 2) Apply ash modifiers when an abnormal increase of exhaust temperature is observed or surging of turbocharger occurs. Furthermore, carry out frequent washing on the turbocharger. (1/2000 YUNIC 600S) 3) Throttle the flow rate at the centrifugal separator when the strainer tends to clog, and increase supply percentage of sludge dispersants. (to 1/2000 YUNIC 555D), verifying the effect. 4) Take other effective measures (described in 8.1 to 8.7) depending on what element is contained more in the fuel oil.

8. Metals 8. 1 V (Vanadium NYK: 100mg/kg ppm)

Vanadium exists as a metal element in crude oil and vanadium content is largely dependent on the origin of the crude oil. When vanadium content is high, abnormalities (high temperature corrosion on fire-exposed surfaces of piston crowns and blow-by of exhaust valves) are predicted. 15

1) Apply ash modifiers (1/2000 YUNIC 600S) when vanadium content exceeds 200 ppm or more. 2) Avoid operating engine with exhaust temperature exceeding 500 to prevent high temperature corrosion.

8. 2

Na (Sodium NYK: 30mg/kg ppm)

Sodium is generally introduced into fuel oil due to an ingress of seawater or remaining sodium hydroxide (NaOH) in the oil used to prevent corrosion in the refining apparatus. When using fuel oil with approximately 100 ppm of sodium content, the exhaust temperature is liable to increase 20 to 40 in a few days and surging tends to occur within several days. Since sodium deposits have strong adhesion, abnormalities may occur in a very short period of time depending on the amount of ash. (Refer to Chapter 3 Responses to Problems Related to Bunker Fuel Oils 3.1 Surging Due to Sodium) During combustion vanadium and sodium contained in fuel oil forms vanadium or sodium compounds with a low melting point due to oxidation. The melting point temperature drops to the lowest (330) when the vanadium-to-sodium ratio is approximately 3:1, and promotes high temperature corrosion. The following measures are to be taken when large sodium content is found: 1) Apply ash modifiers (1/2000 YUNIC 600S) when sodium content exceeds 50 ppm or more. 2) Avoid operating engine with exhaust temperature exceeding 500. 3) If sodium contamination is due to seawater. * Water removal should not be performed by evaporation. * Drain off water from tanks and throttle flow rates of separators. * Apply an additive (emulsion breaker) for fuel oil with water contamination exceeding 0.5% or more.

8. 3

AL + Si (Aluminum + Silicon

NYK: 30mg/kg ppm)

Aluminum-Silicon, also referred to as FCC catalyst fines, are small particles arising from the catalytic cracking process in the refinery or the mixture of sand. Under microscope observation of 50 to 100 magnifications FCC catalyst fines are usually globular in shape; while particles in the form of sand are irregular in shape. These catalyst fines are very abrasive and cause accelerated wear to lubricating surface and contact surface. Engine manufacturers recommend that the value of Al+Si in fuel oil at engine inlets be 7 to 15 16

ppm. For the fuel oil with high Al+Si content, respond with the pretreatment system. 1) 2) Throttle the flow rate as little as possible and set the purifiers in parallel operation. When Al+Si content exceeds 50 to 60 ppm, sufficient removal results may not be obtained in single-stage purification performed by one centrifugal separator. In such case set two or more separators in series, or store the treated fuel oil in tanks for a while and have it pass through the separator again before supplying to the engine. 3) FCC fines tend to accumulate at the bottom of tanks, so it is desirable that tank cleaning or tank dredging be carried out accordingly. (Refer to Chapter 3 Responses to Problems Related to Bunker Fuel Oils 2.3 Flow out of Sludge ) 4) Separation efficiency varies with type of equipment, operational and maintenance conditions of pretreatment system. It is desirable that actual separation efficiency be checked by comparing with a retained sample and a sample at engine inlet beforehand.

8. 4. Ca, Zn, P (Calcium, Zinc, Phosphorus NYK: Ca : 10mg/kg ppm Zn and P : 5mg ppm)
Calcium, Zinc, and Phosphorus are analyzed for possible mixtures with ULO (used lubricating oil). The presence of these elements indicates the possible presence of ULO. This is because most lubricating oil additives contain a high concentration of these elements. In particular, high contents of these elements indicate without doubt that ULO has been mixed in the fuel oil. Some supplies from Europe and the US are know as supplying marine fuel oil with a mixture of ULO. In ISO 8217 and CIMAC Recommendations judgment on mixture of ULO is specified as follows. A fuel is considered to be free of ULO when the level of one or more of the elements Ca, Zn, or P is at or below the following values: Ca30ppm OR Zn15ppm OR P15ppm

When using fuel oil with a high ULO content, deposit adhesion on the combustion and scavenging lines is accelerated. It has also been reported that the dispersing effects of the remaining additives in ULO make it difficult for the clarifier to separate the water content and sludge. 1) When the total values of Calcium, Zinc, and Phosphorus exceed 30ppm, apply an ash modifier, improving combustibility and avoiding abnormalities caused by deposit 17

adhesion. (1/2000 YUNIC 600S) 2) 3) 4) When exceeding 60ppm, debunkering is to be considered. When debunkering is not possible, additional additive (ash modifier) is to be supplied. Do not mix waste oil which is generated on board with fuel oil. If you have to do it, analyze both the fuel oil and the waste oil to determine an appropriate mixing rate. The mix oil is to be used in accordance with the obtained mixing rate. 5) 6) The maximum mixing rate of waste oil is 0.5%. (Determination is to be made only after analysis.) Apply ash modifier (YUNIC 600S) even when the wasted oil is burned in the boiler.

Ca, Zn P in Crude Oil Since Calcium, Zinc, and Phosphorus exist naturally in crude oil, ULO has not always been mixed even when these elements are found in the fuel oil. The amount of Calcium in the crude oil is usually 1 to 2.5ppm (10ppm in maximum), Zinc 0.5 to 1ppm, and Phosphorus 0.01 to 4ppm. The amount of these elements, however, largely varies with the source of the crude oil. These elements have been concentrated several times for marine fuel oil and the concentration also varies with the refining apparatus.

8. 5
tank. 1)

Fe (Iron

No value specified)

Iron, in the form of rust, is generally introduced into fuel lines from shore tanks and ships Iron can generally be removed from fuel oil by settling in tanks, filtration and centrifuging. When a large amount of iron is found in the fuel oil, respond with the pre-treatment system setting the separators in parallel operation while reducing the fuel flow rate. 2) In cases where dredged fuel oil is bunkered or the ships tank is dredged, close attention should be paid to the pretreatment system. The same attention is to be given to the other sedimentary sludge.

8. 6

Ni (Nickel

No value specified)
Nickel element is

Like vanadium, nickel occurs as a metal element in crude oil.

organically bound to asphaltene and dissolves in crude oil, and it cannot be separated by the pretreatment system employed onboard ship. The nickel content of bunker oil in the Middle East and Singapore usually ranges around 20ppm, while that in Europe, North America and South Africa usually ranges around 40ppm. 1) Even if the asphaltene content is not clearly determined, a large amount of nickel is 18

liable to result in strainer clogging, so apply sludge dispersant. (1/4000 555D)


TSE and TSP are the quantity of trapped particles (sludge) in fuel oil when the fuel oil is filtered through a filter paper (glass wool) with 1.6 of opening. The quantity of TSE and TSP is expressed in terms of percent by weight. TSE and TSP include impurities such as asphaltenic sludge, FCC fines etc. TSE indicates the actual amount of sludge content, while TSP indicates the potential production of sludge obtained from test results in which the sample fuel is heated to promote deterioration of oil (at 100 for 24 hours). The value of TSP includes the actual amount of sludge plus the amount of sludge which could possibly be generated. For residual fuel oil, only TSP is analyzed in DNV fuel testing. Meanwhile, only TSE is analyzed at Nippon Yuka Kogyo. When the value of TSP is high, a large production of sludge is predicted. This value does not always indicate actual sludge content, however. Example 1: TSE value LARGE + TSP value SMALL

A large amount of sludge is observed, however, a small increase of sludge is predicted even after fuel oil is heated. Example 2: TSE value SMALL + TSP value LARGE The present sludge production is small, however, due to the high value of TSP, a large production of sludge is predicted, depending on storage and heating conditions. Pay close attention in this case. When the values of TSE and TSP are high, the following measures are to be taken. 1) When exceeding 0.05%m/m, throttle the flow rate of the separator as little as possible. 2) When exceeding 0.05 %m/m, apply sludge dispersant (1/8000 YUNIC 555D). 3) Avoid mixing different kinds of fuel oils. Also avoid prolonged periods of storage in a fuel tank and try to consume all the fuel in a tank as quickly as possible.

10. Asphaltene (NYK: 8%m/m)

Asphaltene is complex hydrocarbon molecules with a high carbon-to-hydrogen ratio. A value is the percentage by weight of the insoluble compound in n-heptene (paraffin 19

solvent). Asphaltene is flame retardant with a longer burning period, and flames from asphaltene evaporate or burn off oil films of cylinder liners, destroying the protective oil film. Unburned carbon and soot tend to be generated as the result of poor combustibility. Fuel oils with an asphaltene content of 8% m/m or more tend to cause combustion failures. When exceeding 10% m/m, abnormalities such as breakage of piston rings and cracks on cylinder liners are likely to occur at a high percentage. A specific test for asphaltene is not included in the DNVPS fuel analysis. When asphaltene content is high, the following measures are to be taken: 1) When exceeding 8% m/m, apply sludge dispersant (1/8000 YUNIC 555D). 2) When exceeding 10% m/m, apply ash modifier in addition to the above measure (1/2000 YUNIC 600S).

11. CCAI (Calculated Carbon Aromaticity Index, NYK: 860 or less for low speed engines, 850 or less for medium speed engines)
CCAI, an indicator in ignition characteristics of fuel oils, was introduced by Shell Research in the early 1980s on the basis that a fuels aromaticity and carbon content have a significant influence on the ignition quality. CCAI is a calculated value (number) obtained from density and kinematic viscosity using the following equation. For Heavy Fuel Oils: CCAI=D-140.7loglog(V+0.85)-80.6

D: Density (kg/m3) V: Kinematic Viscosity (cSt @50) It is desirable that this equation be applied for fuel oils with a kinematic viscosity of 100 to 600 cSt. A higher CCAI fuel has lower ignition characteristics. It has been reported that

combustion failure has occurred even when using fuel oil with a CCAI in the 820s. Close attention is also be paid to fuel oil with a extremely low CCAI in number. In view of the problems associated with combustion failures: 1) The combustion characteristics of heavy substances such as MCR and asphaltene have a greater effect on combustibility than ignition characteristics. 2) Compared to the fuel oils produced in the 1980s when this equation was proposed, the characteristics of the residuum contained in marine fuel oil today are different because present fuel oils are produced through more advanced and complex refining 20

processes. CCAI does not always correspond with the actual numbers for combustion abnormalities. Thus, CCAI is simply used as guide for ignition quality.

12. Waste (NYK: Any waste must not be contained)

Various kinds of waste may have been contained in the bunker fuel oils. These materials are contaminated by accidental or intentional handling by suppliers and personnel involved in transferring bunker fuel oils. In ISO 8217 and CIMAC Recommendations, mixture with the following materials is prohibited: Inorganic acid Any added substance or chemical waste which jeopardises the safety of ships or adversely effects the performance of the machinery Any added substance or chemical waste which is harmful to personnel Any added substance or chemical waste which contributes overall to additional air pollution Used Lubricating Oil (ULO) Of these materials, only ULO is included in the DNV fuel testing items. When handling bunker fuel oil, pay attention to the smell and the color of the oil. If any abnormalities are found or sensed, it is desirable that the fuel oil suspected be analyzed to verify possible contamination of waste. When mixture of waste is verified in the fuel oil, the following measures are to be taken: 1) 2) In principle, debunker the fuel oil. When debunkering is not possible: Adjust pretreatment system Apply fuel additives Blend with normal fuel oil

Measures to be taken differ depending on the types and the amount of waste contained in the fuel oil and the effect on the engine. The following are the types of waste found in fuel oils in the past.

12. 1


(Used Lubricating Oil)

Chapter 2). Most ULO in fuel oil comes from waste oil of

A possible mixture of ULO is detected by measuring the values of Ca, Zn, P in the fuel oil (Refer to 8.4 Ca, Zn. P automotive lubricating oils, and mixtures of industrial lubricating oils and gear oils which 21

are sometimes bunkered. Since the dispersing effects of the contained additives in ULO make it difficult for the centrifugal separators to separate water content and sludge, throttle the flow rate of fuel oil. As an ordinary practice in the US, ULO used to be mixed with fuel oils. In 2002, however, a prohibition on mixtures with ULO was incorporated in a revision of ISO 8217 and CIMAC Fuel Oil Recommendations. We would like to pay attention to development in this area in the future.

12. 2

Contamination from Acidic Substances

The mixture of acidic substances causes corrosion in the tanks, the pipe lines and the fuel injection pump, and contributes to sticking of the plunger barrel and start failure of the main engine as a result of abnormal wear. The mixture of acidic substances cannot be verified by a general analysis, however, the measurement of the total acid number in fuel oil, in addition to the corrosion test serves to indicate the presence of these substances. When acid is relatively weak, abnormalities tend to occur on the piston rings and the cylinder liners. Meanwhile, when acid is relatively strong, abnormalities tend to occur on the fuel ignition pumps in a short period of time before abnormalities occur on the piston rings and the cylinder liners. In past cases, most of the acidic substances contained in the fuel oils were organic acids such as hydrofluoric acid leaking from the refining apparatus, and carboxylic acid which was contaminated intentionally. The total acid number of troubled fuel oils ranged from 0.3 to 13 mgKOH/g. Even in normal fuel oil, however, 0.3 mgKOH/g of total acid is occasionally detected. It is presumed that corrosion varies considerably with the type of substance and the presence of water. It should be noted that there are some compounds which may form acid substances after being heated. 1) 2) Debunker fuel oil with a total acid number of 3 mbKOH.g or more. Debunkering may have to be considered even if corrosive characteristics of the fuel oil are low because corrosion may be accelerated in the tanks and the pipe lines as a result of a prolonged period of storage. 3) When debunkering is not possible: Blend with normal fuel oil. Respond with the pretreatment system. 22


If corrosive characteristics are suspected, it is desirable that a corrosion test be implemented.

Corrosion Test Put a metal piece in an airtight glass container. (The metal piece should be given a polish finishing like a plunger for the fuel injection pump.) Pour fuel oil until half of the metal piece is immersed, and put a lid on the container. Leave it for more than one day, and take out the metal piece. Wipe off the fuel oil. Observe the immersion boundary on the metal surface under a 50 to 100-power microscope. When the fuel oil has corrosive characteristics, a cloud, resulting from corrosion, can be observed on the surface of metal. In case of severe corrosion, the cloud can be observed with the naked eye.

12. 3

Contamination from Synthetic-resin

In the past a few

This particular problem is caused by contamination from polypropylene (PP) or polyethylene (PE) particles, which are materials used for plastic. vessels experienced fine filter choking. Since the specific gravity of the particles is almost the same as the specific gravity of fuel oil, the particles will not be effectively removed by centrifugal separators. When the specific gravity of the particles is lighter than the specific gravity of fuel oil, polypropylene particles will rise to the surface, so separation using specific gravity difference is not possible. A standard fuel testing does not include this parameter, however, the presence and type of synthetic-resin can be detected using Microscopy and Infra-Red Spectroscopy. 1) In principle, require debunkering when the presence of synthetic-resin is detected. 2) When contaminated bunker has to be used, respond with frequent filter changes to remove as many particles as possible. 3) In many cases, however, the particles will most likely not be effectively removed from most types of self-cleaning or back-washing filters because synthetic-resin is soften in the heated fuel oil. So carry out frequent filter cleaning. particles adhere solidly, burn them with a gas torch. 4) Do not bypass the secondary and the tertiary filters. (Entry of synthetic-resin particles into the main engine causes abnormal wear and stick to the fuel injection pumps and the fuel valves. 23 When synthetic-resin

Characteristics of Synthetic Resin PE: Gravity 910 to 970 kg/m3 Temperature at which PE particles begin to soften: 80 to 125 Particle Size: 20 or more PP: Gravity 890 to 910 kg/m3 Temperature at which PE particles begin to soften: 160

12. 4

Organic Solvent

In the past there were cases in Singapore in which the bunker fuel oil was contaminated from Ester(used for materials for nylon and paint remover) and abnormal wear occurred on the fuel injection pumps. There were also other incidents reported in which BTX (benzene, toluene, and xylene) contaminated fuel oils. Contamination by such organic solvents cannot be detected by a standard fuel testing procedures, however, these materials may be identified using Infra-Red Spectroscopy or Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS). 1) Debunker the fuel oil when one or more of these organic solvents is/are contaminated. 2) When debunkering is not possible, blend with normal oil. 3) Wear protective clothing because BTX is harmful to humans. 4) When an abnormal smell is sensed in fuel oil, it is desirable that the fuel oil be analyzed to identify the contaminants.

12. 5

Other Solid Substances

In the past there were several incidents in which metal powder, iron compounds, sodium compounds other than salt, other inorganic compounds, and paint pieces were discovered in fuel oils. There were also unusual incidents in which cargo was contaminated as a result of mishandling of cargo work and breakage of the air vent for the fuel oil tank. When large amounts of solid substances contaminate the fuel oil, filter clogging tends to occur. The following measures are to be taken when abnormal contamination from solid substances is found: 1) Respond with pretreatment system, throttling flow rate in the centrifugal separator. 2) Debunkering may have to be considered depending on the type and amount of solid substances. 3) If debunkering is not possible, blend with normal fuel oil. 4) Analyze the contaminated solid substances in the fuel oil. 24


Table 2-2 Countermeasures for Off-Specification Fuel Oil

Consider Debunkering

Limit, needed countermeasure

Limit for use

Adjust Pre-treatment sysytem



Countermeasure Fuel additive

Temperature of

Cylinder oil

Sludge dispersion type Ash reforming type

Emulsion breaker



Density @15 Water Micro residue carbon

kg/m3 % v/v % m/m

1010 1.5 20

> 990 or > 1008 > 0.5 > 17 > 18 > 4.0

Increase Increase *3 Up Down *2


% m/m

4.5 < 1.0

Sediment Ash Asphaltene Vanadium Sodium Aluminum + Silicon

To be free of Used lubricating oil

% m/m % m/m % m/m mg/kg (ppm) mg/kg (ppm) mg/kg (ppm)

0.10 0.15 10 300 100 80 30

> 0.05 > 0.07 > 8.0 > 200 > 50 > 50 > 20 > 10 > 10 > 30

Calcium Zinc Phosphorous Calcium+Zinc +Phosphorous mg/kg (ppm)

15 15 60

*1. Limit for use and Limit, needed countermeasure vary with performance of pretreatment system, type of vessel, ships operational pattern, and performance data of fuel oils in the past. *2. When seawater is contaminated. *3. When large ash content is present.


Cooling water


Chapter 3 Responses to Problems Related to Bunker Fuel Oils

In the event of any disputes arising from the bunkering, the party which has arranged the bunkering (in most cases, the charterer, such as the Fuel Oil Team), needs to file a claim against the supplier as soon as possible. The ship operator must contact the charterer, as well as other departments concerned, when discovering any of the following bunkering irregularities: short delivery incorrect grade of fuel delivered specification irregularities abnormalities or failures in the machinery while using the delivered Fuels. In connection with off-specification bunkers and /or abnormalities with the engine plant, the charterer usually files a claim against the supplier. The fuel testing results of a retained sample analyzed by an independent shore base laboratory are sent in as evidence along with the claim. Most suppliers, however, keep their retained samples only for 30 days after delivery, so claims should be made within this period.


Fuel Oil Management

In the event of bunker disputes involving quantity, quality, and demurrage claims, a precise record of the incident is extremely important in order to resolve the problem advantageously. Contaminations rarely occur on vessels; most contaminations occur on the bunker barge as a result of poor handling or intentional mishandling of the bunker fuel. In view of this situation, it is crucial to identify whether the contamination has been caused by the supplier or by the vessel in its failure to properly manage the fuel oil. Onboard fuel oil management should be carried out paying attention to the following points.

1. 1

Documentation Needed

1) Detailed Bunker Delivery Receipt 2) Sounding / Ullage Records 3) Analysis Results (Suppliers Specification / Laboratory Analysis Results, such as DNVPS) DNVPS: the Det Norske Veritas Petroleum Services

1. 2

Results of Analysis

In principle, do not use the delivered fuel oil until the results of the analysis have been received. If you absolutely have to use the fuel oil, pay close attention, throttling the flow rate of the purifiers.


1. 3

Retaining Damaged Components

Should you use the delivered fuel oil before the results of the analysis have been received and should you experience any abnormalities with the fuel treatment system or other operational problems, the following items should be noted: 1) Date/Time when use of the delivered fuel oil began. Date/Time when indications of problematic bunker were recognized. Date/Time when abnormalities occurred. 2) Retain all damaged components (analyze them if necessary) 3) In case of filter clogging, photographic/video evidence is to be collected. This is to be done before cleaning or replacement of the filters. 4) Sludge/scale samples on the exhaust valves and the turbocharger should be taken. 5) Sludge/scale samples on the damaged components should be taken. (and analyzed if necessary)

1. 4

Sampling/Sample Storage

Bunker sampling is an important process which enables a ship owner to defend or make a bunker claim. If bunker sampling is not carried out properly, the samples taken may not be used as evidence. Therefore, bunker sampling should be conducted in the following manner: 1) In principle, the sample should be taken at the vessel bunker manifold (at the hose connection) by manual sampling equipment in which a valve for adjusting the quantity of oil droplets is manipulated manually, or by automatic sampling equipment (continuous drip samplers) throughout the whole period of the bunkering as continuous as possible. The sample oil should be taken into a clean container which is kept foreign materials from entering. If the fuel delivered is supplied by more than one barge or fuels with different specifications are supplied, samples should be taken of each fuel. 2) Hold the sample fuel in a container which is large enough for the amount of sample fuel oil taken during entire bunkering, and keep out external contamination. 3) When bunkering is completed, you should invite the barge master or his representative to witness the following procedures: Shake the container thoroughly to ensure a fully homogeneous sample, and fill three or more sample bottles (usually one liter bottles) for each fuel delivery. Close the bottles tightly and seal all the bottles securely to prevent any tampering. 4) Receivers representative (Chief Engineer) and suppliers representative should sign the sample bottles individually. 5) Give one sample of each product to the suppliers representative, while one sample is retained on board ship. 28

6) 7)

The third (or more) sample(s) is/are taken for analysis. It should be noted that there may be unscrupulous suppliers or surveyors conspiring together to cheat with regard to quality or quantity of the bunker fuel oil.

1. 5

Correct Documentation for Bunker Fuel Oil

Require a supplier to submit correct and complete documents for the bunkers to be supplied: 1) 2) 3) 4) Bunker Requisition Form Bunker Delivery Receipt Bunker Stock Movement Report Bunker Sounding Report

If the supplier refuses to submit any one of these documents, a Notice of Protest must be lodged with the barge master or the suppliers representative. In such case, do not use the bunker fuel oil until the results of the analysis have been obtained. Make sure that documentation and records of the refusal by the suppliers representative are entered into the ships log as contemporaneous evidence in case of a legal dispute.

1. 6
1) 2)

Bunkering and Witness for Sampling Procedures

throughout delivery to prevent any dishonest practices.

It is desirable that ships staff witness fuel sampling and maintain an effective watch All the sample bottles should be sealed in the presence of the ships representative.

1. 7

Ships Retained Sample

A retained sample should be a representative sample of the bunker delivered. Therefore, as described, the retained sample should be taken in the presence of the ships staff and supplier, and sealed and signed on the requisite sample bottle labels. In a previous issue of Marine Engineering Information (No. 452 / August 10, 1995), it is stated that sample fuel must be retained on board the ship at least until all the fuel oil bunkered is consumed. However, it is recommended that the retaining period of the sample be 90 days after all of the fuel oil has been consumed, as fuel analysis might be needed if engine trouble is seemingly caused by the property of the supplied fuel oil.

1. 8

Sampling When Having Machinery Problems

In this

Marine fuel oil is supplied on the assumption that bunker fuel oil is used for the engine after the fuel oil is properly treated by the shipboard pretreatment system. respect, some suppliers express doubt whether the vessel actually conducts correct fuel oil management when machinery damage related to the use of delivered bunker occurs. (We hope that you will use these guidelines to prevent such problems.) 29

Therefore, it is necessary to identify whether the ship or the supplier is responsible for the problem. Fuel sampling should be done in the following manner when damage occurs to machinery: 1) Sampling In principle, samples are to be taken at the inlet /outlet of the components which are experiencing trouble. a. At inlet and outlet of the centrifugal separator and the filter b. At engine inlet c. At the fuel tank in use d. At the service tank Check sampling points carefully when taking samples at inlet/outlet of the filter (The air vent valve is usually located on the outlet side). 2) When taking samples: Drain off thoroughly on the sampling line. When two or more samples are taken at the same point, hold the sample fuel in a large container, keep out external contamination, and mix or stir the sample thoroughly before pouring into the sample bottles. 3) Fuel oil used during machinery trouble does not exactly coincide with the cause of the problem. In particular, for abnormalities on the combustion line, fuel oil used in the past (before the fuel was switched over to the new bunker fuel oil) is often responsible for the problem. 4) It is recommendable that the retained sample be kept on board at least 90 days after the delivered fuel oil has been consumed. Retained Sample and Sampling When having Trouble The main purpose of taking a retained sample is to confirm that the received bunker conforms to the specifications set in the bunker contract. The amount of bunker fuel is sometimes as much as several thousand tons, while the amount of the retained sample is only one liter. Therefore, try to obtain a truly representative sample. The objective of taking a fuel oil sample when trouble occurs is to verify the exact cause of the problem. Try to take samples immediately after the incident at before/inlet and after/outlet of the damaged component.

1. 9 force)

IMO Sampling Procedures (after MARPOL 73/78 Annex entry into

Taking and retaining a sample to verify sulfur content will be mandatory when 30

Regulations for the Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships in MARPOL 73/78 Annex goes into force. In addition to the normal retained samples, another fuel sample for sulfur content measurement will be necessary. A sample should be taken in accordance with the procedures described below and stated in 1.4, and stored in a safe place on board. 1) 2) 3) 4) Take a sample at the hose connection through use of a continuous drip sampler. The amount of sample taken is to be 400ml or more, and 90%5% of the capacity of the sample bottle. The retaining period of the sample is to be at least 12 months. The bottle label should contain the following information: Sampling place/method Date of bunkering Barge or installation name Ship IMO number Signature of suppliers representative Signature of receivers representative (person responsible) Seal number/information Grade of fuel oil Note: This procedure, as well as the retaining method for the sample, was resolved at MEPC 47 (2002-3). Refer to attached MEPC resolution. MECP: The Marine Environment Protection Committee

2. Specific Examples of Bunker Trouble 2. 1 Short Delivery

There is a view that if the quantity of shortage exceeds 1% or more of the total amount of bunker fuel oil, such a situation is called short bunker (short delivery). One percent or less of bunker quantity is an acceptable variance because volume and density change with temperature fluctuations. The following procedures are to be taken when a short bunker occurs. 1) Lodge a Protest Letter (refer to attached 3.2.1) against the supplier and initiate necessary procedures for a claim. It should be noted that there may be unscrupulous suppliers or surveyors conspiring together to issue false certifications of the amounts and/or grade of bunker supplied to vessels. 2) Report the incident to a charterer, such as the NYK Fuel Team, and follow their instructions and arrangements regarding the next bunker schedule. Trickery in Measurement of Quantity

a. Intentional Mixture of Water


This is a method by which seawater and/or fresh water is intentionally mixed into bunker oil. This method cannot be detected by tank sounding, so detect such through continuous drip sampling or by taking samples for inspection.

b. Cappuccino Bunker
Cappuccino bunker, as the name indicates, is a trick in which the supplier intentionally blows in excessive air, resulting in a frothing in the fuel oil and alleged shortfalls in quantity which becomes manifest once the froth has settled. There was an incident reported in Singapore in which froth was generated during bunkering (the method was not identified). The delivered bunker, which included the froth, appeared to be approximately 5 to 15% larger than the true amount of bunker and it took several days until the froth finally disappeared. As countermeasures for this false method, pick out samples during bunkering for inspection (It can be judged by measuring density. Density becomes smaller than that of normal fuel oil because of frothing.) and observe the appearance of the fuel oil adhering to the sounding tape while sounding. Tiny bubbles can be observed in cappuccino bunker oil. When you compare measurement indicated by the remote tank level gauge to that of the sounding tapes, and measurement difference is larger than normal, pay close attention. It may also be possible to detect this phenomenon by comparing flow sound in the pipe with that of the normal fuel oil. However, even if cappuccino bunker is detected during bunkering operation, topping off operation may not be possible until the froth has finally settled.

2. 2

Abnormalities with Pretreatment System

During handling and treatment of fuel oil on board, the following abnormalities are liable to occur. Failure of centrifugal separator Clogging of filters Ingress of water Fouling of heaters 2.2.1 Excessive Sludge Sludge can be divided into two categories - sludge originating from asphaltene and wax which are composition of fuel oil, and sludge entering the fuel oil from outside (such as sand, catalytic fines, water, mould). Asphaltene sludge is generated due to the absence of blending stability (mixing of different fuels), thermal stability (heating), and storage stability (long term storage). Asphaltene originally exists in heavy fuel oil as a solid substance (hydrocarbon compound) 32

and disperses in the colloid in the malten (oil content), a major content of fuel oil, in a stable condition. Stability allows asphaltene to be dissolved. When stability Sludge deteriorates (when equilibrium is lost), asphaltene will deposit as sludge. dispersant (YUNIC 555D) enhances the stability dissolving asphaltene in fuel oil. (1) Blending with different fuel oils In general, fuel oil with a high content of asphaltene requires higher stability. When blending such fuel oil with different fuel oil with lower stability, the state of equilibrium in the colloidal state is broken, resulting in the formation of sludge. Avoid mixing different fuels in the fuel tank without confirming blending stability. However, on tankers or bulkers where there is a small number of fuel tanks on board due to space limitations, the mixing of different fuels is sometimes unavoidable. make every effort to avoid mixing different kinds of fuel. Once a fuel has been mixed with a different fuel oil, the charterer is not able to file a claim against a supplier or require a supplier to carry out de-bunkering. In this case the owner of the vessel has to bear all costs and expenses for de-bunkering. If different fuel oils have to be mixed in the tank, take the following points into consideration: 1) Increase or decrease blending ratio. (80% or more OR 20% or less) When fuel with low stability has to be used for blending, increase or decrease the blending ratio of fuel with low stability, thus inhibiting sludge formation. In the case where marine fuel oil (MFO) is mixed with marine diesel oil (MDO), decrease the blending ratio of MDO so that sludge formation can be inhibited. 2) 3) 4) Use the blended fuel oil as quickly as possible. Increase the dosing ratio of additive. (YUNIC 555D 1/4000 to 1/2000) Conduct a spot test. Blending stability of individual fuel oils can easily be checked on board by a spot test. When you are concerned about the possible incompatibility, check it with estimated blending ratio before blending. Methods of Spot Test In a spot test the amount of sludge can be anticipated by observing the color difference of the fuel oil as it spreads on filter paper. The fluid part of fuel oil radiates out from the center and spreads evenly on the filter paper forming an outer ring, while the solid part of fuel oil stays at its dropped position forming an inner ring without spreading. This will result in a color difference between the inner ring and the outer ring in accordance with the amount of sludge contained in the fuel oil. Put 50 to 100cc of fuel oil into a container such as a beaker and heat for one hour at 33 It is necessary to take alternative measures through means available on board a ship and

approximately 80. Place a filter paper on the hot plate which has been heated to 80. Stir the fuel oil thoroughly with a glass stick and drop one droplet on the filter paper. Leave it for approximately 30 to 60 minutes and observe the condition of the oil spot on the filter paper. The result is shown in the following six observation stages.

Incomplete inner ring

Complete inner ring

Uneven color thickness

Swell on inner ring

Figure 3-1 Judgment of Spot Test Results Stage 1 : The fuel spot has spread evenly forming a circle 4 to 5 cm in diameter (outer ring). Stage 2 : An incomplete ring of approximately 1 cm in diameter (inner ring) can be observed at the dropped position. Stage 3 : A complete ring of approximately 1 cm in diameter (inner ring) can be observed at the dropped position, but there is almost no color difference between the inside and the outside of the inner ring. Stage 4 : A complete ring of approximately 1 cm in diameter (inner ring) can be observed at the dropped position, and the inside of the inner ring is darker in color than the outside of the inner ring. However, there is still light and dark parts in color thickness inside of the inner ring. Stage 5 : A complete ring of approximately 1 cm in diameter (inner ring) can be observed at the dropped position, and the inside of the inner ring is entirely darker in color than the outside of the inner ring. Stage 6 : A complete ring of 1 cm in diameter (inner ring) can be observed 34

at the dropped position forming a swell, and the inside of the inner ring is much darker in color than the outside of the inner ring. Results Evaluation

Fuel oil can be used in a normal manner when the observation is as described in Stages 1 or 2. However, if the observation is as described in Stages 3 to 6, abnormalities such as failure of the centrifugal separator and clogging of the filters are anticipated. (2) Thermal Instability/Storage Instability As stability of fuel oil will deteriorate when the fuel oil is heated or oxidized, avoid excessive heating and long term storage. In general when the fuel oil with a large TSP is used, clogging of the heaters and filters are liable to occur. stability. 1) 2) Apply sludge dispersant (YUNIC 555D) and consume the fuel oil as quickly as possible Blend with normal fuel oil. A spot test is necessary to check the blending stability and possible incompatibility prior to blending. (3) Flowing out of Sludge When a vessel experiences excessive pitching and rolling, the sludge accumulated at the bottom of the service tank is stirred and flows out to the fuel treatment lines, causing frequent back-washing and clogging of the secondary and tertiary filters. It is noted that this phenomenon does not always relate to the properties of the fuel oil in use. To ensure cleanliness of the entire pretreatment system, the following measures to be taken: 1) 2) Carry out cleaning of the settling tank and the service tank accordingly. Carry out circulation cleaning during which the fuel oil flows from the bottom of the service tank and return to the service tank again via the centrifugal separator. This is an effective remedy to separate sludge from fuel oil. 2.2.2 Ingress of Water Water is generally introduced into fuels by ingress of fresh water from discharging due to improper operation/adjustment of the centrifugal separator, ingress of steam or drain water from heating coil fracture, and/or ingress of fresh water/seawater through cracks on the ballast tank and the piping. (Refer to Chapter 4 Handling of Degraded Fuels and Pretreatment Systems) The following measures are to be taken when sludge is generated due to deterioration of thermal stability /storage


2.2.3 Fouling /Breakage of Heater Abnormalities such as inadequate heating and ingress of water are liable to occur due to fouling of the heater and fracture of the heating coils. (Refer to Chapter 4 Handling of Degraded Fuels and Pretreatment Systems) 2.2.4 Vapor Lock Vapor lock occurs when the fuel gas stays in the fuel supply system and obstructs the normal flow of fuel oil. The cause of vapor lock is either evaporation of water or light content in the fuel. A vapor lock rarely occurs in the pressurized circulation system. However, if vapor lock does occur in this system, the operation of the de-gas valve on the return chamber should be checked. To determine whether the vapor lock is due to evaporation of light content or water, compare a sample from the fuel tank with a sample from the engine inlet and/or analyze the amount of water draining from the service tank. When vapor lock is attributed to water, the water content of the sample at the engine inlet is large, and when the cause of vapor lock is evaporation of light content, the kinetic viscosity and the density of the sample at the engine inlet will increase considerably. To handle with the above situation, the following measures are to be taken: 1) 2) 3) Lower the fuel heating temperature in which the upper limit of recommended fuel viscosity at the engine inlet can be maintained Increase the pressure of the oil fuel system Blend with normal fuel oil

2.2.5 Fuel Transfer Problems Fuels having a pour point higher than the ambient storage temperatures cause serious transferring problems. In particular, during winter or in cold areas, care should be taken when handling fuel with a high pour point. (Refer to Chapter 4 Handling of Degraded Fuels and Pretreatment Systems 1. Handling of Fuel Oils)

2. 3

Combustion Abnormalities

2.3.1 Excessive Wear on Cylinder Liners and Piston Rings When the formation of a lubricating oil film on the sliding surface of the cylinder liners is curbed or destroyed, various types of wear occur (such as abrasive wear, scuffing wear, 36

corrosive wear, and fretting wear). If no proper remedy is taken, the wear develops and frequently leads to excessive wear. The occurrence of excessive wear is affected by engine load, cylinder oil feed ratio/brand, engine type, maintenance condition, ships operational pattern (ship type, service route) in addition to the properties of the fuel oil. Therefore, when taking countermeasures for the excessive wear of the cylinder liners and the piston rings, these factors are to be considered in determination. The causes of excessive wear related to fuel oil include: Poor combustibility and ignitability Ingress of a large amount of FCC (Catalytic fines) and ash which accelerates the wear Low temperature corrosion wear due to sulfur content (As for low temperature corrosion wear due to sulfur content, refer to Chapter 2 6. Sulfur) It is presumed that with fuel having a deteriorated combustibility and ignitability (such as Dam-bell Fuel) combustion time is prolonged. As a result, flames excessively approach the cylinder liner walls, causing evaporation of the cylinder oil, resulting in destruction of the protective oil films. The abrasive substances, such as FCC (Catalytic fines), enter the sliding surfaces of the cylinder liners and the piston rings, and cause excessive wear. Low temperature corrosion wear tends to occur in low temperature components (such as in the vicinity of the scavenging air port) resulting from high sulfur content, water content, overcooling of the cylinder liners, and shortage of cylinder oil. A correct combustibility cannot be obtained on board, however, a rough estimation is possible by referring to the micro carbon residue content, the asphaltene content, the CCAI values, and the differential thermal analysis. The countermeasures for each item are described in Chapter 2, Responding to Fuel Oils Not Conforming to Specifications. The following measures are to be taken when excessive wear occurs on the cylinder liners and the piston rings: 1) Adjust cylinder oil ratio 2) Reduce engine load 3) Apply sludge dispersant (YUNIC 555D 1/8000) 37

4) Blend with normal oil 5) Carry out possible countermeasures for improving combustion 2.3.2 High Temperature Corrosion and Low Temperature Corrosion (Refer to Chapter 2 2.3.3 Dam-bell Fuel Diluted fuel oil, of which residual oil with extremely high viscosity is mixed with cut-back oil with extremely low viscosity, is called Dam-bell fuel. This fuel oil is occasionally supplied in North America areas. More than 70% of the vessels that have used this Dam-bell fuel have experienced combustion abnormalities such as excessive wear on the cylinder liners and the piston rings. Marine fuel oil is a mixture of light oil (distillate oil or marine gas oil) related to the initial phase of combustion and heavy oil (residual oil or base fuel) related to the main phase of combustion. To achieve smooth combustion from light oil to heavy oil, the function of the middle component, acting as intermediary, is important. However, since Dam-bell fuel oil contains only a small amount of intermediary component, the ignitability deteriorates and combustion time is prolonged in the fuel oil, resulting in combustion abnormalities. Dam-bell fuel cannot be detected by normal analysis, but detection is possible through differential thermal analysis. The same countermeasures are to be taken as described in 2.3.1 Excessive Wear on Cylinder Liners and Piston Rings 6. Sulfur)

2. 4

Fouling /Surging of Turbocharger

Problems originating from fuel properties are attributable to the high content of ash and micro carbon residue and poor combustibility, of which sodium content in ash is the major factor that causes abnormalities in the turbocharger. 2.4.1 Surging Resulting from Sodium Content Sodium content has strong adhesion and tends to adhere to the turbocharger nozzle ring and turbine blades where the fouling and deposit progress, generating surging. In cases in the past, the exhaust gas temperature increased 15 to 50 over several days and surging occurred when fuel oil exceeding 100pm of sodium content was used. The time (until surging finally take places) depends on the fouling status of the turbocharger. When fouling has already progressed considerably, surging can occur in a shorter period of 38

time. If the fuel oil is contaminated with seawater, the sodium content is high. (Limit value for use is approximately 100ppm/1.0% v/v of seawater) The following measures are to be taken: 1) Sodium content is water-soluble and can be washed away by water injection. Therefore, carry out water washing on the turbine side of the turbocharger. 2) Apply ash modifier (YUNIC 600S) Apply ash modifier 1/2000 when sodium content exceeds 50ppm. Increase dosing ratio of additive up to 1/1500 when remarkable temperature rise takes place or sodium content exceeds 100ppm. 3) When ingress of seawater is found: 4) Drain off water from the settling tank and discharge sodium content with water. Set the centrifugal separators in parallel operation and throttle the flow rate as little as possible. Sodium content can enter the fuel oil with a spray of seawater mixed in the intake air to the engine room.


Chapter 4

Handling of Fuel Oils and Pretreatment Systems

1. Handling of Fuel Oils

When handling fuel oils on board, the following items should be noted: 1) Obtain analysis results of shore-based laboratory and grasp the oil characteristics as accurately as possible. If no shore analysis is requested, check the fuel in use with an onboard simplified test kit and obtain the properties of the fuel oil, such as kinetic viscosity, density, water content, and FCC catalytic fines. 2) Avoid blending with different fuel oils because some fuel oils are liable to generate sludge when mixed. 3) Take a sample of the blended oil and carry out a spot test prior to blending if mixing of different fuel oils is inevitable. When sludge development is observed, apply additional sludge dispersant or change the blending ratio of the fuel oils, and consume the fuel oil as quickly as possible. 4) When receiving fuel oils with pour points greater than 20, pay attention to the sequence of the fuel tanks. Such fuel oils in tanks can be handled by heating, meanwhile, when the transfer pipes go through the empty tanks, where no heating is applied, the fuel oil might lose its fluidity in the pipes. As a precaution, start using the fuel stored in the farthest tank from the engine room and do not let the tanks which are located between the farthest tank and the engine room remain completely void. 5) Select the most appropriate gravity disc for the centrifugal separators, depending on the specific gravity of the fuel oil, and heat the fuel oil up to 95 to 98. Throttle the flow rate in accordance with the instruction manual and adopt frequent sludge discharge intervals. Effective separation efficiency can be obtained when the centrifugal separators are set in parallel operation and throttled at less than 40% of the rated volume flow rate. The upper limit for the preheating temperature is to be 98. When the reduction of the separation efficiency is anticipated (when the fuel oil with high viscosity is treated), reduce the fuel flow rate while setting the centrifugal separators in parallel or in series operation. 6) The heating temperature of the fuel oil heater is to be at the designated temperature, maintaining the appropriate viscosity. Fuel oil with poor heat stability is liable to generate sludge or deposit in the heater. For such fuel oil, carry out a spot test to verify possible sludge generation and increase 40

the dosing ratio of the sludge dispersant(YUNIC 555D). The following cargo may sustain heat damage. Alfalfa Pellets White Wheat Soy Beans White Maize Raw Sugar Fish Meat Oriental Tabacco

2. Fuel Oil Pretreatment System

Marine fuel oil is supplied on the assumption that bunker fuel oil is used for the engine after the fuel oil is properly treated by the shipboard pretreatment system. As previously described, marine fuel oils vary in quality. Various problems are expected when using fuel oil with unstable properties or degraded fuel oil. Therefore, proper pretreatment of fuel oil, along with various measures for the main engine, are extremely important for supplying optimum fuel oil to the main engine. In particular, give careful consideration to high viscosity and contained impurities. For high viscosity, adjust heating temperatures paying attention to heat stability. Meanwhile, for contained impurities, remove sludge, water and impurities as much as possible through pretreatment systems.

2. 1

Fuel Oil Pretreatment System and Fuel Oil Properties

Fuel oils can be divided into the following three categories: 1) Properties (Water, Dry Sludge, FCC Catalytic Fines, etc) that greatly affect the engine performance in a negative manner and can be dealt with by use of the pretreatment system. 2) Properties (Density, Kinematic Viscosity, Pour Point, Stability, etc) that do not greatly affect the engine performance but affect the performance to some degree of the pretreatment system. 3) Properties (Micro Carbon Residue, Sulfur, Vanadium, Asphaltene, etc) that greatly affect the engine performance in a negative manner but can not be dealt with by use of pretreatment devices.

The main purpose of the pretreatment system is to improve fuel oil quality by reducing the values of properties stated in (1). In other words, the purpose is to maintain the recommended properties of fuel oil at engine inlets (Table 1-3). As for the items stated in (2), adjust the pretreatment system depending on values of characteristics and avoid possible pretreatment system failures. 41

The properties stated in (3) cannot be dealt with through use of the pretreatment system. Take alternative measures for upgrading fuel oil quality (such as application of additives, operational adjustment of the engine, review of fuel oil analysis results).

3. Fuel Oil Pretreatment Device 3. 1 Storage Tank, Settling Tank, Service Tank
1) When the ships storage tank is dredged, a large amount of sediment possibly enters the fuel treatment line, so close attention should be paid to clogging of the strainers and the operational conditions of the centrifugal separators. 2) Sediment accumulated at the bottom of the tanks is occasionally stirred and flows out into the fuel treatment line, when the ship experiences excessive pitching and rolling, having an adverse effect on the engine and the filters. accordingly. 3) When the service tank is equipped for circulation cleaning, carry out circulation cleaning as often as possible. separators. In the circulation cleaning, fuel oil flows from the bottom of the service tank and returns to the service tank again via the centrifugal Carry out tank cleaning

3. 2

Centrifugal Separator (Refer to Chapter 6)

The centrifugal separator is the most important device for the fuel oil pretreatment system, and is effective for removing water, water mud, FCC (Catalytic fines), asphaltene sludge. Since separation efficiency improves by throttling the flow rate of the centrifugal separator, it is desirable for the centrifugal separator to operate in parallel at less than 40% of the rated volume flow rate. following points are to be noted: 1) 2) Select the most appropriate gravity disc, depending on the specific gravity of the fuel oil. Measure the density accordingly. The most common cause for water mixture trouble after receiving the fuel oil is ingress of water at the centrifugal separator. This is due to improper selection of gravity disc. The density does not always correspond with the value stated in the bunker specification while the fuel oil is being used. As fuel oil is considered to change its density during storage in the tank, it is necessary to check density accordingly. 42 When operating the centrifugal separators, the

3) 4) 5)

Keep the heating temperatures within the range of 95 to 98 and maintain as stable as possible. Adjust the flow rate in accordance with the characteristics of the fuel oil. Better separation efficiency can be obtained by throttling the flow rate. When Al+Si content exceeds more than 50 ppm, series operation of the centrifugal separators is to be considered. The separation efficiencies of Al+Si by the centrifugal separator are 60 to 65% when the volume flow rate through the separator is throttled to approximately 60% of the rated flow rate. While, the average amount of Al+Si content in the recent fuel oils is approximately 16mg/kg. Theoretically, Al+Si content in the average fuel oil can be reduced to the value stated in the recommended fuel oil properties at engine inlets (7 to 15mg/kg) at the above flow rate. For a fuel oil with a higher Al+Si content, reduce the flow rate to obtain better separation efficiency. There have been more transactions of bunker purchases on the basis of the requirements of the ISO 8217 standard. Therefore, it is necessary to deal with the upper limit of Al+Si content (80mg/kg) specified in the ISO 8217.


Adjust intervals of blowing in accordance with the characteristics of the fuel oil.

Changes in Oil Properties during Storage Most of the density values stated in the bunker specifications are calculated values on the basis of the blending ratio of base fuels. If incomplete blending fuel oil is supplied to a ship, fuel oils with different blending ratios may be stored in each tank. In such case heavy oil and light oil in the fuel oil may separate due to density differences. In this respect it may be appropriate to deem that the properties of the delivered fuel oil in the tanks change during storage even when the same bunker fuel oil is supplied.

3. 3

Filter (Strainer)

In the pretreatment system a filter/strainer is installed at the inlet of the centrifugal separator and the pump on the primary stage (on the fuel oil transfer side) for removing the sediment. Meanwhile, on the secondary stage (on the fuel oil supply and circulation side) the precision filter is provided at the inlet of the engine for securing the removal of hazardous particles. A filter is most effective for the removal of solid particles, compared with the other components in the pretreatment system. However, abnormalities such as clogging resulting from mixtures of large amounts of sludge, improper cleaning, and fractures of filter elements resulting from improper handling are liable to occur. The following points 43

should be noted: 3.3.1 Clogging Substances that cause clogging on the strainer and the filter are asphaltene sludge, wax with a high melting point, FCC (catalytic fines), mould, etc. When ingress of a large amount of sludge is anticipated, as stated in the following situations, shorten the cleaning intervals and carry out cleaning as frequently as possible. 1) When fuel oil with poor stability is used 2) When blended oil is used 3) When the tank is dredged (There is a possibility for a large amount of sediment to enter the fuel line.) 4) When a ship experiences excessive rolling and pitching (sediments accumulated at the bottom of the tank flow out to the fuel line). 5) When fuel oil is mixed with waste oil 6) When mould is generated in marine diesel oil 3.3.2 Fracture A fracture can occur due to improper handling when overhauling, fluctuation of oil pressure, and corrosion. The following points should be noted: 1) Pay close attention so as not to damage to the filter surface when handling. 2) Check the condition of the filter when overhauling, and repair or replace the damaged filter if necessary. 3.3.3 Automatic Back-Washing Filter For the filter installed on the secondary stage, an automatic back-washing function is the most important factor. The following points should be noted: 1) Clean the filter element. Carry out an effective cleaning using an ultrasonic cleaning device. 2) Reduce filtering load. Review the fuel analysis to check if the centrifugal separator operates effectively. 3) Check for fouling of the service tank. Carry out cleaning of the service tank, if necessary. 4) Check for fractures/holes when overhauling. Repair or replace the damaged filters. The filter surface is often damaged. Therefore, pay close attention when handling. If back-washing frequency decreases even when the same fuel oil is being used, 44

there may be a fracture on the filter.

3. 4


Various heaters are provided on the fuel line. A heater installed at the inlet of the main engine which will heat the fuel oil and give it the required injection viscosity. A heater for the centrifugal separator. A heater for each tank (the fuel tank, the settling tank, and the service tank) to reduce the fuels viscosity and facilitate the pumping operation. The following are problems which could possibly occur to the heater: Inadequate heating (fouling of heater) When a fuel oil with poor stability is used, sludge adheres to the heating surface of the heater and hinders thermal conduction. To make up for the loss, more steam (electricity) is used, and consequently, this accelerates further sludge adhesion. Fracture of Heater As a result of a fracture in a steam heater, ingress of water into the fuel oil and ingress of fuel oil into the steam drain line could possibly occur. The following points should be noted when handling the heater: 1) Maintain the proper heating temperature and avoid excessive heating. 2) Carry out cleaning accordingly.

3. 5

Outline of homogenizer Installation location and its effect Installation location: Upstream of the purifier and/or on the fuel circulation line before the main engine Effect when installed upstream of the purifier: Reduction of fuel consumption as a result of a decrease in fuel sludge output Reduction of associated labor and costs of disposal as a result of a decrease in fuel sludge output A decrease of fuel sludge output as a result of load reduction on the fuel oil filter Effect when installed on the fuel circulation line before the main engine: Reduction of fuel consumption as a result of improved combustion Prevention of abnormalities in the combustion chamber as a result of improved 45

combustion Decrease of fuel sludge output as a result of load reduction on the fuel oil filter Structure and Principle A homogenizer consists of a stator and a rotor which revolves at high speed. < The general idea of a homogenizer (refer to the illustration below) > STATOR Fuel Oil MOTOR ROTOR Fuel Oil

Generate ultrasonic pressure wave The inner surface of the stator and the outer surface of the rotor have square notches at regular intervals for cutting and milling asphaltenes. When the fuel oil passes through the inside of the homogenizer, the fuel oil is agitated by ultrasonic pressure waves which comminutes the particles in the fuel (hydrocarbon compound) and separates the nucleus of the sludge (FCC fines, dry sludge, sand, etc) from water and oil (asphaltene sludge) attached outside. Shearing of asphaltene particles Improvement of combustion, reduction of filtration load for fuel oil filter Separation of oil (asphaltene sludge) from sludge Decrease of fuel sludge output *Density differences between sludge and fuel oil will become larger when asphaltene sludge has been separated from the sludge in the fuel oil. *It is known that the comminuted fuel oil will coagulate in a short period of time again. To make the best use of the homogenizer, the installation location is arranged at such place where the treated fuel oil is used or consumed as quickly as possible.


< Illustration of separation of ashaltene sludge and sludge >

Fuel oil

Fuel oil

Fuel oil

Treated by homogenizer


Fuel oil Fuel oil

Ultrasonic pressure waves Other Exemption from the 1% minimum rule This guideline has been established in Germany to the effect that the quantity of sludge generation on ship during a certain period is supposed to exceed 1% of the ships fuel consumption during the same period. When the amount of sludge output does not exceed 1% of the fuel consumption, the vessel is suspected of having discharged sludge into the sea. Entry in the IOPP certificate is necessary when an additional homogenizer is installed on a ship. 2) Operation of homogenizer and cautions to be taken Homogenizer installed upstream of the purifier In principle, the homogenizer is to be operated all the time even when a ship is in port and during navigation. Bypass of fuel oil with high water content When high water content is verified as a result of FO analysis results on bunkering, bypass the homogenizer. Water content in the fuel oil treated by the homogenizer becomes difficult for the purifier to separate. When the homogenizer is stopped: Replace the fuel oil inside of the homogenizer with marine diesel oil Pressure at the inlet of the feed pump for the purifier Pay attention to the pressure at the inlet of the feed pump for the purifier (or the pressure at the outlet of the homogenizer) Do not exceed the allowable pressure of the feed pump for the purifier. (0.8kg/cm2 for 47

Mitsubishi Kakoki type) Homogenizer installed on the fuel circulation line before the main engine In principle, the homogenizer is to be operated all the time even when a ship is in port and during navigation. Prevention of air from entering Extract air (fill the fuel in the homogenizer) thoroughly before switching over the lines so as not to let air enter the circulation line. Prevention of FO (marine fuel oil) backward flow to the DO (marine diesel oil) line Switch over to the blind side when the DO line is not used. The circulation line is pressurized and a spectacle flange is provided to prevent the fuel oil from flowing backward to the DO service tank. When the homogenizer is stopped Replace the fuel oil inside of the homogenizer with marine diesel oil Other Handling of long piping for bypass line When long piping is adopted for the bypass line, a drain valve is usually provided on the line. Make sure that sludge is drained off from the drain line before the bypass line is used.

4. Fuel Additive
Fuel additives are to be used for the following purposes: Specific application standards are described below. Follow the companys instructions when using the additives. 1) Removal of water (emulsion breaker) 2) Alternative measures for certain properties which cannot be dealt with by the fuel oil treatment system (Sludge dispersant, Ash modifier, biocides) 3) Reduction of fuel oil consumption (Sludge dispersant) 4) Prevention of fouling on combustion air lines and exhaust gas lines and reduction of maintenance costs (Ash modifier, Sludge dispersant) 5) Reduction of tank scale and sludge adhering to the bottom and side of the tanks (Sludge dispersant) 6) Improvement of combustion efficiency and smoke control at starting/low engine load (Smoke control type)

4. 1

Type and Use of Fuel Additive

(Refer to Table 2-2 Countermeasures for Off-Specification Fuel Oil) The following are representative type and use of fuel oil additives for diesel engines: 48

4.1.1 Emulsion Breaker

(YUNIC 300)

An oil/water separator enhances the effectiveness of draining off water in the tank and the centrifugal separator to separate water from mixtures of water and oil. 1) Use when water content exceeds 0.5% or more (Standard dosing ratio 1/1000 to 1/2000) 4.1.2 Sludge Dispersant (YUNIC 555D) A sludge dispersant prevents asphaltene sludge formation. The treatment allows total sludge output to be reduced to induce improved combustion and lower overall fuel consumption. 1) Use sludge dispersant when the value of one or more of the properties of micro carbon residue, dry sludge, ash, or asphaltene is at or greater than the following values: Micro Carbon Residue Dry Sludge Ash Asphaltene (Standard dosing ratio 1/8000) 2) For special vessels such as a large container vessel, a VLCC, a PCC and for vessels which take low graded bunker fuels in some specific ports in the US and Rotterdam, use sludge dispersant all the time. 4.1.3 Ash Modifier (YUNIC 600S) 17% or more 0.05% or more 0.07% or more 10% or more

An ash modifier inhibits high-temperature corrosion increasing the melting point of the burnt products and modifies burnt ash for easy removal. It also induces improved combustion. Use the ash modifier when the fuel oil contains high ash content and/or waste oil. (Refer to Chapter 2 Responding to Fuel Oils not Conforming to Specifications 7 Ash and 8 Metals) 1) Use an ash modifier when the value of one or more of the properties of seawater, micro carbon residue, dry sludge, ash, asphaltene, vanadium, or sodium is at or greater than the following values: Seawater Micro Carbon Residue Dry Sludge Ash 0.5% or more 18% or more 0.05% or more 0.07% or more 49

Asphaltene Vanadium Sodium (Standard dosing ratio 1/2000)

10% or more 300ppm or more 50ppm or more

4.1.4 Biocides Additive (DESTOL-F, DESTOL-V) An anti-mould additive inhibits growth of microbes (such as mould and bacteria) in marine fuel oil. Mould and bacteria can grow even in the fuel tanks when the necessary conditions (temperature, water) for growing are prepared. Sludge formed by microbes develops into a lump at/in the bottom of the tank and piping, and is separated by the motion of a ship and travels with the fuel oil in the fuel supply line clogging the fuel purifier. When heavy clogging occurs in the filter, the main engine and the generator will stop, and a blackout will result. Should the microbes grow, a great deal of labor and time will be needed for removal. Anti-mould additive is used for marine diesel fuel oil, etc. stored at normal temperature. (Standard dosing ratio DESTOL-F 1/1000, DESTOL-V 1/5000) 4.1.5 Smoke Control Type Fuel Additive (ECONOFREE A) There have been some cases in which excessive exhaust gas density has been pointed out by port authorities upon entering a port. A smoke control type fuel additive helps reduce smoke density on occasions when the amount of air intake becomes short such as at engine starting and during low load operation. This additive has characteristics providing the same functions even when the engine operates within a normal load range. 1) A smoke control type fuel additive is usually used for marine diesel oil. (Standard dosing ratio 1/2000 status) Increase dosing ratio up to 1/500 depending on smoke

4. 2
1) 2)

Dosing Method of Fuel Additive

For additives used all the time, apply the required quantity of the additives into the empty storage tanks or the low-leveled storage tanks before bunkering. For the additives used during trouble, apply the required quantity of the additives into the settling tank, the service tank, and the fuel tank. When the additives are applied into the settling tank or the service tank, even concentration can be obtained in approximately one and half hours.

Apply additives evenly into the fuel oil paying attention to the following points.

3) 4)

Use the dosing pump for additives when the tanks is equipped with such pump. (YUNIC 600S) Care should be taken when additives are applied on other occasions (other than at 50

bunkering) because there is the possibility of an uneven mixture.

5. High Viscosity Fuel Oil


Marine Fuel oils having viscosity of 180 to 380 cSt are usually blended residual oil (base oil with high viscosity) with dilutant with low viscosity (commonly called Cut Back Oil) to achieve specific viscosity. There are some cases in which residual oil with extremely high viscosity or dilutant with extremely low viscosity has been used to reduce the amount of cut back oil in the blended oil. In such fuel oils, the medium component is very thin and this deteriorates their combustibility. Fuel oils with high viscosity are not necessarily defined as problematic fuel oils if the viscosity has not been forcibly adjusted (if a very small amount of cut back oil is used). Such fuel oils often have well-balanced combustibility. When comparing the 500 cSt fuel to the 380cSt fuel: Higher density More micro carbon residue content Al+Si (FCC Catalysis fines) content: same value as, or less than, that of the 380cSt fuel Better stability (because no or less cut-back oil contained)

5. 1

Precautions when using 500sSt fuel

plan in which the 500cSt fuel is not placed into the fuel oil tank where the 380cSt fuel still remains.

Do not blend with fuel oil with a viscosity of 380cSt. Make a bunker replenishment


The feed rate of the cylinder oil to the main engine and the dosing quantity of the fuel additive should not be changed while using the 500cSt fuel (The same feed rate and dosing quantity as these for the 380 cSt fuel).


Operation for the centrifugal separator A) When the fuel density is 991kg/cm3 or more and water content is very little, set three units of the centrifugal separators in parallel operation. The flow rate for treating fuel should be adjusted to an optimum minimum quantity based on the fuel consumption of the main engine and auxiliary engines. The heating temperature for treating fuel should be maintained at 98. B) When the fuel density is 991kg/cm3 or more and water content is large, drain out water thoroughly from the settling tank. To remove as much water as possible, set the first centrifugal separator in a purifier-run and the second centrifugal separator in a clarifier-run. For further treatment, if possible, set two purifiers and two clarifiers in parallel operation.


Strainer and Filter The strainer and the filter in the FO line should be cleaned periodically. 51


Main engine operation A) Load indicator Pay attention to the movement of the load indicator because the calorific value of the 500cSt fuel is different from that of 380cSt fuel. B) Fuel Quality Setting (FQA) When the fuel oil is switched over to 500cSt fuel, measure the P-max, and adjust the FQA, if necessary. C) Observe the running conditions of the main engine carefully when poor combustion is apparently taking place. D) Carry out periodic inspection on the combustion chamber-related components and the exhaust manifold. In particular, during low load operation, increase the scavenging air temperature and the cylinder cooling water temperature as high as possible, not exceeding the normal temperature range. D) Adjust the heating temperature to meet the specified viscosity recommended by the engine manufacturer. Heating Temperature 50 133 145 Viscosity 500cSt 17cSt 13cSt

6) Make sure that changing the fuels from HFO to DO (or from DO to HFO) are done properly when starting/stopping the auxiliary diesel generator. 7) Observe the running conditions of the auxiliary diesel generator carefully when poor combustion caused by low load operation is taking place.


Table4-1 Specifications of 500cSt fuel ISO8217 RMG35

Characteristic Unit 380St Spec.
Max. 991 Max. 380 Min. 60 Max. 30 Max. 1.0 Max. 5.0 Max. 18 Max. 0.10 Max. 0.20 Max. 300 Max. 80 Max. 0.3 Max. 5.0 Max. 19 Max. 0.1 Max. 0.15 Max. 600 Max. 70

SHELL 500cSt

SHELL *1 500cSt

EXXON 500cSt

EXXON 500cSt

ROTTERDAM ROTTERDAM SINGAPORE SINGAPORE Guarantee Average Guarantee Typical Spec. Spec. Spec. Max. 1010 Max. 500 Min. 75

Density @15 Kinematic Viscosity @50 Flash point Pour point Water Sulfur Carbon residue Total sediment, Potential Ash Vanadium Sodium AlSi Calcium Asphaltane CCAI Sec. Energy

kg/m3 St %v/v %m/m %m/m %m/m %m/m mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg %m/m MJ/kg

1008.3 463.7 70 0.13 3.3 17.3 0.02 0.03 82 9.5 25.8 2.27 867.2 39.86

Max. 998 Max. 500 Min. 60 Max. 30 Max. 0.5 Max. 4.5 Max. 19 Max. 0.10 Max. 0.1 Max. 300 Max. 30 Max. 70

983.8 481.6 76 6 0.05 3.21 17.4 0.02 0.02 117 <15



*1DNVPS 2002-2

6. Fuel with Low Sulfur Content 6. 1 Precautions When Using Low Sulfur Fuel Oil
When using fuel with extremely low sulfur content, scuffing of the piston rings and the cylinder liners is liable to occur. There were several incidents reported in North America and Europe in which the fuel injection pump was choked frequently when using low sulfur fuel oil (sulfur content is approximately 0.5%m/m) which had been treated by the desulfurization system. The exact causes of the abnormalities due to low sulfur fuel oil have not been identified, however, estimated causes are shown as follows: a. There is a possibility that combustibility of the fuel oil deteriorates with processing through the desulfurization system. b. It is often said that a certain amount of sulfur is necessary because the machined surface of the piston rings and liners would be polished and smoothed out better in a controlled corrosive environment. c. Sulfur compound is widely used as an extreme pressure additive for lubricating oil and has anti-seizure property. With reduction of sulfur content in the fuel, the 53

effect of this property will also reduce. (Extreme pressure characteristics of sulfur) d. When the neutralizing ability (base number) of cylinder oil is excessive, additives which have not reacted to neutralized sulfuric acid would form a comparatively hard burnt ash deposit. The ash adheres to the piston crowns, and causes abrasive wear to the cylinder liners, and at the same time, absorbs the oil film on the cylinder liners. This leads to an insufficient lubricating oil film which consequently results in the development of scuffing. When a high TBN cylinder oil is continuously used for low sulfur fuel oil, the amount of deposit adhering to the combustion chamber resulting from usage of additive will increase. If bunker fuel oil with a sulfur content of 1.0% or less has to be used for a prolonged period of time, usage of a low TBN cylinder oil (40 to 50) is to be considered. From the point of view of air pollution prevention, there will be more occasions in which low sulfur fuel oil is supplied in accordance with IMO MARPOL 73/78 Annex 6 and the regulations/restrictions specified by various countries, so care should be taken.

6. 2

Low Sulfur DO (LSDO)

Since July 1st 2000, EU Council Directive (1999/32/EC) has specified that when vessels operating in community sea areas use MDO or MGO, the sulfur content of this fuel should not exceed 0.2% by mass (hereinafter MDO or MGO with sulfur content of 0.2% or less is called either Low Sulfur Fuel oil, OR Low Sulfur Distillate Oil, OR LSDO). In the specifications of ISO 8217 Table 1-Requirements for marine distillate fuels the maximum sulfur content of DMX is specified at 1.0%. LSDO(MDO/MGO) with sulfur content of 0.2% or less has the similar specification of gas oil. that of MGO. Kinematic viscosity and the flash point of LSDO are extremely low compared to those of MDO, so close attention should be paid when handing. 1) Leakage from Fuel Line Pay attention to fuel leakage from the ground of the pumps on the fuel line. Pay attention to mixture of leaked oil from the fuel line and the cooling oil line for the fuel valve into the system oil which takes place in the area of the cylinder cover on the diesel generators MGO is very light in color and indistinguishable when leaking. MGO also easily catches fire, so be sure to wipe up leakage to prevent possible fires. 2) Since MGO with low viscosity/low sulfur content has poor self-lubrication properties, pay attention to sticking or wear on the sliding surface of the plungers and the barrels on the fuel injection pump. 3) Since MGO has strong cleaning properties, sludge deposits adhering to the fuel line 54

might be washed away, so pay attention to clogging of the strainer and the filter. 4) When switching over the fuels from HFO to LSDO, pay attention to the heating temperature of the fuel oil and adjust the heater so as not to lower fuel viscosity excessively. To avoid sticking of the fuel injection pump resulting from sudden changes of fuel temperatures, pay attention to temperature adjustment when switching over the fuels. 5) For a low speed diesel main engine using high alkali cylinder oil, reduce the cylinder oil feed rate within the range in which oil formation on the cylinder liners is not hindered, and prevent abnormalities caused by excess base. 6) Bunkering When taking LSDO and different fuel oils at the same time, receive LSDO first, and regular MDO next, and finally receive HFO. When the vessel is equipped with one DO storage tank and regular MDO and LSDO have to be mixed in the tank, or when a vessel receives LSDO for the first time (and a small amount of regular MDO is still remaining in the tank), try to consume the remaining DO in the tank to reduce the blending ratio with higher sulfur DO.


Table 4-2 Table 1 Marine Distillate Fuels




The following is the bunker situation in various regions.

1. Asia 1. 1 Japan
1) The qualities have been comparatively good. 2) The prices are generally more expensive than other regions. 3) The number of ports where bunkering is available is limited on the Japan Sea coast, because there are not many refinery plants and shore storage tanks. An extra barge charge is needed when a bunker port is located far from the supplier depot bases.

1. 2


1) The qualities have been comparatively good. 2) CPC (Chinese Petroleum CO.) is the only bunker supplier.

1. 3

South Korea

1) The qualities of supplied bunker have been comparatively good. 2) There have been some complaints about the service manners of the barge crew, etc.

1. 4

Hong Kong

1) All bunker is transferred from Singapore. 2) Only a few diesel oils meet with the quality requirements of the ISO8217 DMB standard. In such case, marine gas oil is supplied.

1. 5


1) The properties of fuel oil from the major suppliers are stable. Additionally, they are able to meet NYK standards, when necessary. 2) Only a few diesel oils meet the quality requirements of the ISO8217 DMB standard. In such case, marine gas oil is supplied. 3) The suppliers own three to five A class bunker barges (2000-3000MT) for container berths, and a large number of B class bunker barges (various capacities) used for limiting at the anchorage. Some suppliers own 5000-6000MT type barges. 4) The following special bunkering arrangements are available: Bunker only Night bunkering Emergency arrangement of bunkering De-bunkering 57

5) Because the SINGAPORE BUNKER PROCEDURE has been revised, Short bunkers have been decreasing, although there are still many Short bunkers, Arrival delay of barge, Trouble on quality, Corruption by inspector, etc., compared with other regions.

2. Europe
1) Fuel oil has been transferred from various areas, and the properties of it are varied by supplier. 2) Even if it is the same port, try to avoid mixing different fuel oil, because completely different fuel oil may be supplied when the supplier is not the same. 3) According to analysis results, there is an indication that some suppliers have mixed Used LO in their fuel oil. 4) Exercise caution with regard to catalyst fines (FCC catalyst fines) because refining equipment (such as the fluid catalytic cracking plants) is well developed.

2. 1

ARA region

1) Rotterdam, Antwerp together with Amsterdam are referred to as the ARA region, and it is the index region for the marine fuel oil market of Europe. 2) Rotterdam, along with Singapore and Los Angeles, are the three major bunkering ports in the world.

3. North America
1) Typical spec fuel oil is available in most areas. 2) The origin of fuel oil is mainly Venezuela and Ecuador. Vanadium. 3) In northern ports, such as New York, Seattle, etc., imported fuel oil from Canada and Alaska is also supplied. Vanadium content and Nickel content are low. 4) Fuel oil supply along the West Coast has low sulfur content (less than 2.0%m/m). 5) The content of sulfur is comparatively low, probably because De-sulfide Units are used. The fuel oil is high in

3. 1

New York

1) Because most of the fuel is supplied from Venezuela and Ecuador, Vanadium content is high (The number of suppliers who have their own refinery plants is small). 2) Night bunkering is available.

3. 2


1) Fuel oil supplied in Brunswick is transferred from here. 2) There is no refinery plant. 58

3. 3


1) Most of the fuels are imported from Venezuela. Vanadium content is high. 2) As a special bunker arrangement, bunkering at the Charleston anchorage is available.

3. 4

Houston / New Orleans

1) Most of the fuel oil is imported from Venezuela and Ecuador, and produced at small local refinery plants. 2) As a special bunker arrangement, Night bunkering is available.

3. 5

Los Angeles

1) The origin of fuel oil is mainly Alaska, Ecuador, and Venezuela, and produced at small local refinery plants. Suppliers do not own their refinery plants. 2) Each supplier arranges bunker barges with contracts with local barge companies. 3) Night bunkering is available. 4) Bunker only is available in Long Beach; however, it is not available in Los Angeles because there is no suitable anchorage in the area.

3. 6

San Francisco

1) Various extra charges are imposed, similar to those at the port of Los Angeles. 2) Bunkering offshore of Benicia is not available, however if the vessel is shifted to anchorage in San Francisco Bay, bunkering is available. 3) Fuel oil is produced in local refinery plants.

3. 7


1) Fuel oil is transferred from Alaska and Seattle (All suppliers do not own their refinery plants). 2) As a number of cruise ships rush to call at the ports in this area from spring through summer for bunkering, opportunities for bunkering are limited. 3) At Robert Bank, located in the wildlife sanctuary, bunkering is not permitted. 4) At Prince Rupert, only gas oil is available.

4. Central and South America

1) Vanadium content is high and Sodium content is comparatively high.

4. 1


1) TEXACO delivers the bunker by barge. CHEVRON and COASTAL deliver by barge or pipe lines. 2) The 280cSt fuel oil is produced by blending. 59

4. 2


1) All of the fuel oil is produced at local refinery plants. 2) A government-operated company is the only supplier.

4. 3


1) Basically, bunker is delivered by barge, however a lorry is used when the bunker quantity is small. 2) Offshore bunkering is available in Buenos Aires.

5. Middle East
1) ADNOC (Abu Dhabi National Oil Company Inc.), supplier, has good fuel oil. 2) The fuel oil supplied by other suppliers has characteristics in which the sulfur content is high, etc. With regard to bunker quantity, Short bunkers occur frequently with disputes between barges and vessels in many cases. To avoid these cases, NYK provides a surveyor to observe the bunker operation when the NYK Fuel team arranges the bunker supply.


Chapter 6 Example and Experimental Example of Pretreatment System

1. Actual Performance of Shipboard Pretreatment Systems
Surveys were made to grasp the actual performance of shipboard pretreatment systems on 15 NYK vessels. During the surveys values of properties of fuel oils were closely analyzed to ascertain how efficiently the current shipboard pretreatment systems respond to fuel oils.

1. 1

Survey Procedures

Sample oils were taken at seven points on the pretreatment system (from at bunker line to at main engine inlet) and the properties of fuel oils were analyzed. Fig. 6-1 provides a standard FO transfer system diagram and Table 6-1 shows the values of properties in the sample fuel oils taken at transfer pump out. The average volume of the flow rate through the separator was 56.8% of the rated flow rate (recommended flow rate of the manufacturer); the minimum flow rate was 24% of the rated flow rate; the maximum flow rate was 79% of the rated flow rate. temperatures of fuel oils through the separators were between 95 to 98. The

Fi l li n g

Vent Over-flow Vent. Unit

FO Tanks

Sett. Tank

Serv. Tank

Main Engine Engine IN

Trans. Pump


Supply Pump

Circu. Pump

2nd Filter

Trans. pp OUT

Centrifuge IN

Centrifuge OUT

Serv.Tk OUT

2nd Filter IN

2nd Filter OUT

Figure 6-1 FO Transfer System and Location of Samples Taken


Table 6-1 Main Properties of Fuel Oil Used on Vessels (Samples Taken at Transfer Pump Out) Density Viscosity Water Properties @15 @50
(kg/m3) (cSt)

(% m/m)





(% m/m)

Average Min. Max.

980.8 971.5 990.8

367 323 409

0.24 0.00 0.98

0.022 0.005 0.052

29 4 59

26 0 61

95 54 185

19 1 64

1. 2

Results of Surveys

Fig. 6-2 shows average changes of properties in the process of fuel oil treatment and Fig 6-3 shows the relationship between the flow rate of the centrifugal separator and the separation efficiency of Al+Si content.

Change of Characteristics

0 -20

-40 -60 -80 -100

Wt TSE Asp Al+Si Fe

Sam mp plliIn ng g PP It nst s oo in

Figure 6-2 Changes of Properties in the Process of Fuel Oil Treatment

1) The following properties can be improved through the pretreatment system: Water, Ash, TSE TSP, Sodium, Aluminium+Silcon, Iron, Calcium, Zinc, Phosphorus, Magnesium, etc. 2) The following properties cannot be dealt with by use of the pretreatment system: Density, Kinematic Viscosity, Flash Point, Micro Carbon Residue, Sulfur, Asphaltene, Vanadium, Nickel, etc. 62

3) The separation efficiency of Al+Si content through the pretreatment systems was 60 to 65%. 4) A slight increase in the value of properties was occasionally observed at service tank out on the circulation system. It is presumed that this was due to sludge flowing out from the settling tank and/or the influence of heating circulation on the FO supply and circulation system.


Separating Efficiency (%)

80 60 40 20 0 0 20 40 Fl ow 60 R a t e (%) 80 100

Flow Rate < 31% 39-45 % 51-62 % 66-69 % 73-79 %

Figure 6-3 Relationship between Flow Rate and Separation efficiency of Centrifugal Separator

2. Experimental Example on Shore 2. 1 Purpose of Experimentation

The following items, which were not included in the actual shipboard surveys, were examined. 1) Verification of separation efficiencies of Al+Si content by centrifugal separator The relationship between the flow rate and the separation efficiency was closely examined. 2) The effect of gravity disc size on separation efficiency The effect of different sizes of gravity disc on the separation efficiency of water content and Al+Si content was examined. 3) Countermeasures for the upper limit of Al+Si content (80ppm) specified in ISO 8217 On the basis of experimental results of the relationship between the flow rate and the separation efficiency, studies were made on feasible procedures for reducing AL+Si content of 80ppm to the recommended values at engine inlet (7 to 15ppm) specified by the engine manufacturers. 63

2. 2

Experimental Apparatus

The experimental apparatus has been designed and arranged to simulate the shipboard pretreatment system and the same pretreatment procedures can be carried out for fuel oil treatment. The outline of shore experimental apparatus is shown in Figure 6-7.

2. 3

Test Fuel Oils

Seven different fuel oils were prepared for the experiment. Water (fresh water, seawater) and sludge (fuel oil sludge, dust) were additionally applied to each fuel oil to make test fuel oils. The main properties of the test fuel oils are shown in Table 6-2. Table 6-2 Test Fuel Oil for Shore Experiment
Properties Min. Max. Density @15 (g/cm3) 0.9676 1.0116 Viscosity @50 (cSt) 99 507 Water (wt%) 0.02 3.66 MCR (wt%) 9.8 19.86 Asphaltane (wt%) 4.46 9.01 Na V Fe Al+Si (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) 18 28 24 267 14 28 15 66

2. 4

Experimental Results and Considerations

2.4.1 Separation efficiency of Al+Si by Centrifugal Separator The relationship between the flow rate and the separation efficiency is shown in Figure 6-4. The values on the horizontal axis indicate the flow rate (Values for the horizontal axis are compared with the maximum throughput recommended by manufacturers, considered to have a value of 100%).

Separating Efficiency (%)

90 80

70 60

50 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

F l o w R a t e (%)

Figure 6-4

Relationship between Flow Rate and Separation efficiency of Centrifugal Separator 64

The separation efficiency increased with reduction of the flow rate.

The separation

efficiency for each fuel oil varied, however, and approximately 80% of the separation efficiency was obtained with 50 to 60 % of the flow rate. From this result, 85% of the separation efficiency (max.) can be achieved if the centrifugal separator is operated in an optimum condition. 2.4.2 Effect of Gravity Disc Figure 6-5 shows the relationship between the separation efficiency of Al+Si / water content and the size of the gravity disc. Values for the vertical axis are compared with that of the centrifugal separator with a correct size of disc being used for a separation efficiency of 100%. The flow rate for the centrifugal separator during the experiment was 56% of the rated flow rate. Gravity disc size has a significant effect on the separating efficiency of water content. When using a disc two sizes smaller than the correct size, the separation efficiency of water content decreases considerably, so that almost no removal can be obtained, while the separation efficiency of Al+Si content decreases by only 20%.

Separating Efficiency (%) ( 100% at Correct Size )

80 60 40 20 0 52 53 54 55 56 57 Size of Gravity Disc (mm ) Al+Si Water Correct Size

Figure 6-5 Relationship between the separation efficiency of Al+Si / Water content and the size of the gravity disk of Centrifugal Separator 2.4.3 Responses to Fuel with Al+Si 80ppm Studies were made on feasible procedures for reducing Al+Si content of 80ppm specified in ISO 8217 for the recommended values at engine inlet (7 to 15ppm) specified by the engine manufacturers. (Refer to Table 6-3) If the maximum separation efficiency of the centrifugal separator is 85%, Al+Si content 65

after treatment by the centrifugal separator will be 12ppm (80ppm (1-0.85) = 12ppm), and sufficient removal results cannot be obtained with a single-stage treatment. In such case, set the centrifugal separator in series operation. The upper limit values of Al+Si content for the centrifugal separator are shown in Table 6-3. Within these values the recommended value of Al+Si content at engine inlet can be obtained with single-stage purification. Table 6-3 Recommended values at engine inlet (When separation efficiency is 85%) Wartsila MHI BW DU (UEC) MES 15 ppm 10 ppm 7 ppm (1 ) 100 ppm 67 ppm 47 ppm 80 ppm (1 ) 2.4.4 Parallel Operation and Series Operation

Separating Efficiency (%)

90 80 70 60 50 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

Single Series

F l o w R a t e (%)

Figure 6-6 Single operation and Series operation 1) Parallel Operation When the flow rate for parallel operation is set at the same rate as for single operation, the amount of treated fuel oil is double, while separation efficiency is the same as with single operation. Parallel operation is suitable for high viscosity fuel oils, as more fuel oil can be treated in the same period of time. 2) Series Operation When the flow rate for series operation is set at the same rate as for single operation, the 66

amount of treated fuel oil is the same, while separation efficiency is better than with single operation. The separation efficiency of the second centrifugal separator decreases compared with that of the first centrifugal separator. The flow rate should be adjusted to match the throughput for optimum separation efficiency. To reduce Al+Si content of 80ppm to that of 7ppm with a separation efficiency of 91% (upper limit value of the recommended properties of fuel oil at engine inlets), the fuel oil should be treated with the flow rate of approximately 65 to 70% or less in series operation. (Refer to Figure 6-6) 3) Examples of combination of centrifugal separators The following are examples of combinations of centrifugal separators: Single operation CENTRIFUGE


Combination of series operation and parallel operation CENTRIFUGE CENTRIFUGE CENTRIFUGE CENTRIFUGE


Sett Tk

Serv Tk

Fine Filter

Homogenizer Heater



Filter Centrifuge


Figure 6-7 Outline of Shore Experimental Apparatus

3. Fine Filter
Filter performance of the three common fine filters are compared. The fine filters have the following characteristics: 1) The indication of filter opening varies from manufacturer to manufacturer. opening can be indicated in terms of mesh size or in microns(). 2) The actual effective opening and the minimum size of removable particles are different even when the same values are specified as the nominal opening. 3) The following are the test results of dust removal when the test dust was used. The nominal opening and the removable minimum size of particles are almost the same on JET FILTER and SELECT. On the K8 strainer (10 ) the nominal opening is specified at 10 , while the minimum size of removable particles is 25 . There is a large difference in the value (more than double). The


Table 6-4 Structure and Performance of Fine Filters

Name of Unit

JET FILTER FUJI Filter Stainless Sintered Metal Filter Laminated (four fold) 10 30 30 12

SELECT IRIS Marine Nickel Perforated Filter 1520 1520 7

K8 Strainer 10m Kanagawa kiki

K8 Strainer 30m Kanagawa kiki


Notch Wire

Notch Wire

Nominal Openings Absolute Openings Openings Measured Under microscope Removal Minimum Size of Particles

10 30 1.9mm 25

30 50 1.2mm 30


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