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Saraswati Commerce Academy (Bhayandar)

Students Helpline: 9833196022 / 9221331708

106, ostwal Shopping Centre (Opp. to Stn), Jesal Park corner, Bhayandar-E
1. Patter n Paper of Economics

Here it comes 1) Attempt any five questions in all, with a minimum of two questions from each section. (3 question from Section - I and 2 question from section II or vice versa) (2) Figures to the right indicate full marks. (3) Answers to the both the sections should be written in the same answer -book. (This are the notes given on the starting of the question paper) SECTION - I Q1 LONG ANSWERS 20MRKS Module a 10mrks b 10mr ks Q2 LONG ANSWERS 20MRKS Module a 10mrks b 10mr ks Q3 LONG ANSWERS 20MRKS Module a 10mrks b 10mr ks Q4 LONG ANSWERS 20MRKS Module a 10mrks b Q5 Short Notes (Any two) 20mr ks a b c d SECTION II Q6 LONG ANSWERS 20MRKS Module a 10mrks b 10mr ks Q7 LONG ANSWERS 20MRKS Module a 10mrks b 10mr ks Q8 LONG ANSWERS 20MRKS Module a 10mrks b 10mr ks Q9 LONG ANSWERS 20MRKS Module a 10mrks b 10mr ks Q10 Shor t Notes (Any two) 20mr ks a b c d Reply Reply With Quote - I - II

- III - IV

-V - VI - VII


Saraswati Commerce Academy (Bhayandar)

Students Helpline: 9833196022 / 9221331708
106, ostwal Shopping Centre (Opp. to Stn), Jesal Park corner, Bhayandar-E
2. 10-04-06, 04:29 PM #3

rvvoraa MODREATOR Respected Member

Join Date Apr 2006 Posts 42 Contents involved in Modules SECTION I Q1 will come from Module I CONT ENTS : Development exper ience since independence Growth & Structural changes since planning, Problem of poverty, population gr owth, income inequalities & 9th Five Year Plan Q2 will come from Module II CONT ENTS : Labour Mar ket Labour Force Growth & par ticipation, trends & structure of employment in the 90s, Promoting human development through investment in education, health & family welfare. Q3 will come from Module III CONT ENTS : Development in Agriculture Agriculture production & productivity since planning, Constraint in Agriculture: Institutional, Financial, Marketing, Pricing, Research & trade corrective measures, National agricultural policy 2000, Food security in India Q4 will come from Module IV CONT ENTS : Structural Transfor mat ion in Industry Industrial grow th & diversification, New Industrial Policy 1991, Small Scale Industries: Problems, Prospects & Policies, Disinvestment Policies & Issues Q5 is short note Four question comes from first four module like a) (from module I) b) (from module II) c) (from module III) d) (from module IV) ( i must tell you guys they even dont change the sequence of the question )

Saraswati Commerce Academy (Bhayandar)

Students Helpline: 9833196022 / 9221331708
106, ostwal Shopping Centre (Opp. to Stn), Jesal Park corner, Bhayandar-E
SECTION II Q6 will come from Module V CONT ENTS : Financial Mar ket Indian Money Market : Features & Reforms, Commercial Banking in India & reforms since 1991, RBIs Monetary Management, Capital Mar kets Grow th & Development - SEBI Q7 will come from Module VI CONT ENTS : Fiscal System Evaluation of Indias Tax Structure, Tax reform during 90s, Public Expenditure composition & management Public Debt Management Fiscal responsibility of Gover nment. Q8 will come from Module VII CONT ENTS : External Sector Emerging issues Structural changes in Indias foreign trade since 90s, Balance Of Payment problem since 90s, Trade Policy in the reform period, Foreign Direct Investment, External Debt Bur den. Q9 will come from Module VIII CONT ENTS : Challenges before the Indian Economy Mobilizing Resources, Developing Infrastr ucture, Facing the WTO challenges, Changing role of s tate. Q10 is short note Four question comes from last four module like a) (from module V) b) (from module VI) c) (from module VII) d) (from module VIII) So this is how paper is divided in Eight Modules. You just have to do any four modules out of this e ight and you will be able to attempt all 100 mar ks paper easily.It means you can omit 50% of the Economics portion. Now isn't it easy. I will fur ther make this easy by giving you questions for the each module which will come in next exam of 2007 ( sure shot ). So tell me hows that?? Reply Reply With Quote

Saraswati Commerce Academy (Bhayandar)

Students Helpline: 9833196022 / 9221331708
106, ostwal Shopping Centre (Opp. to Stn), Jesal Park corner, Bhayandar-E
3. 10-04-06, 05:02 PM #4

rvvoraa MODREATOR Respected Member

Join Date Apr 2006 Posts 42 Questions for Section I ( Module I - IV ) & Section II ( Module V - VIII ) *** Note : The question may be asked in different ways but the answer will remain same. SECTION - I

Module I Q1. Bring out str uctural changes in Indian Economy since Planning. Q2. Explain Structural changes in Sectoral Distribution of National Income / by nature of Industr y of origin during the planning period. Q3. What are the measures taken by the government to reduce/eradicate/alleviate poverty in India? Q4. Explain population policy of the Government critically. Q5. Write a shor t note on National Populatio n Policy 2000. Q6. Explain Government measures to reduce inequality in India. Q7. Critically evaluate 9th Five Year Plan. Q8. Explain Development strategy & Financing pattern of 9th Five Year Plan. Module II Q1. Explain the labour force grow th & participation in India. Q2. Elaborate trends & str ucture of employment during the 90s in India. Q3. What is human development? Explain its importance. Q4. How can Human development being promoted through investment in education, health & family welfare. Module III - Agriculture Q1. Explain the causes of low agricultural productivity in India. What are the measures taken by government to increase the productivity? Q2. Critically evaluate land reforms with reference to removal of Institutional constraint in agriculture. Q3. What are the different sources of agricultural finance? Q4. Write a shor t note on agricultural marketing. Q5. Explain agricultural price policy of government in India. Q6. Write a shor t note on agricultural research. Q7. Briefly explain National Agriculture Policy 2000. Q8. Explain Food security measures & role of Food Corporation of India

Saraswati Commerce Academy (Bhayandar)

Students Helpline: 9833196022 / 9221331708
106, ostwal Shopping Centre (Opp. to Stn), Jesal Park corner, Bhayandar-E
in Population distribution system in India. Module IV - Industry Q1. Bring out changes in Industrial Growth & diversification in India since the planning period. Q2. Critically evaluate new industrial policy of 1991. Q3. What are the pr oblems of small scale industries in India? Explain its role. Q4. Explain the measures taken by the government for small scale industries. Q5. Write a shor t note on Policy Package for small scale industr y, 2000. Q6. Is disinvestment a solution to the problems of public sector units in India? SECTION - II

Module V - Financial Mar ket Q1. State the drawbacks / features of Indian money mar ket. Q2. Explain the recent reforms introduced by the government in the money market in India. Q3. Write a shor t note on Nrshiman Committee Report on Banking Sector refor ms. Q4. How far has Nationalization of Commercial banks in India achieved its objectives? Q5. Discuss the major changes in monetar y management in India in the post reform period. Q6. Outline the important reforms that have taken place in the capital mar ket in India. Q7. Write a shor t note on functions of SEBI Module VI - Fiscal System Q1. Discuss the important features / drawbacks of the Indian Tax Str ucture. Q2. Enumerate the various tax reforms adopted since 1991 in India. Q3. Write a shor t note on the recommendation of the Rajchelliah Committee on Tax Reforms. Q4. Describe the composition & growth of public expenditure of the Central Gover nment in India. Q5. Enumerate the sources of Indias public debt & analyze its growth in the 90s. Q6. Critically evaluate the Fiscal Responsibility & Budget Management Bill 2000. Module VII Q1. Examine the str uctural changes in the composition & direction of Indias foreign trade since 1991. Q2. Write a shor t note on the Trade Policy in the post reform period. Q3. Examine the changes in the current account & capital account balance of Indias Balance Of Payments since 90s. Q4. Critically examine the Trade Policy, 1997 to 2002. Q5. Write a shor t note on the role of Foreign Direct Investment. Q6. Briefly explain Indias external debt burden. Module VIII Q1. Discuss the pattern of resource mobilization in Indian 5 years plan. Q2. What is meant by the term Infrastr ucture? Describe the need for the development of Infrastructure. Q3. Discuss the recent measures introduced in the development of Transport & Telecommunication sectors in India. Q4. Bring out the problems of the power sector & measures taken by government to solve it. Q5. Write a shor t note on WTO & the Indian Economy. Q6. Explain the changing role of state. (Just perpare the questions of any two modules of each section. Modules what i prefer is I & II in section I & V & VI in section II)

Saraswati Commerce Academy (Bhayandar)

Students Helpline: 9833196022 / 9221331708
106, ostwal Shopping Centre (Opp. to Stn), Jesal Park corner, Bhayandar-E

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