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Opportunity trough Enterprise

Topic : (2) I knew this was my moment.

My name is Anthony
Well, what can I say, I am just an everyday American, working at a firm, attending to phone calls, tending to clients, just an everyday task for an office clerk like me. As a child, well, just like any other child, I had a dream, to create my own success story, to live the American Dream on this land, to inspire and educate the youth to carry on with the dream of our forefathers who built this land on blood and sweat, however, life took a turn on me, my teen years was literally a living hell, the devils games of drugs, prostitution took hold of my family, which was eventually ruined by divorce. Living in a nation where divorce and separation is no more an anomaly, there was absolutely no aid in any form whatsoever given to me. Well, you can probably guess the fact that I dropped school at the tender age of 17, only to enter the cold world full of pain, deception, lust and misery. Outside there, with no qualifications whatsoever, except for my utmost faith in God almighty and my exceptionally rebellious and inspiring nature, of which I take pride in. My old man once told me, live your life son, never ever compromise. Instead of being enslaved by a pay check any longer, instead of just having a secure job, I have decided to finally start off my career. Know this, there is a rather clear difference between living and just staying alive, I have for once and all decided to get out of that comfort zone and do what I do best, build my own life, to make my career once and for all, I knew this was my moment!, I knew just what to do, when there is a will, the is a way, I had the willpower, now all I needed is a way to kick start my career. Then it hit me, the perfect chance! If only I had realised this earlier, of course! Opportunity through enterprise! Best yet! I knew just what. All this while, working for someone else, and being a slave to a pay check, but now, I am an entrepreneur, its about time I think outside the box.

My Name is Khan

Present day Pakistan, where poverty, famine, greed and corruption is no more seen as a reason to feel piety nor guilty about. This supposedly religious land, which is an inheritance from our forefathers has been torn apart by war, greed for power, corruption by our oppressive leaders and the ignorance of the present day youths who do not have the want nor desire to fight for whats right, to create a better place for our youths, who, as in every case decide the faith of this land, engulfed in the tears and misery of the oppressed. Before I go any further, my name, Muhammad Khan, one of the few educated locals, full of untapped potential. Of course, with my qualifications, I can be working in the capital city of Islamabad, but then again, I have a vision, rather than working for someone else, I am intent on carrying

on this enterprising career that fuels both my drive and passion. My goal is to revolutionise the mindset of the youths through education. Well, in rulal Pakistan, schools are very rare, plus, the conservative mindset of the adults only adds salt to wound for these poverty stricken youths. However, I will stand my ground, no one has the right to deprive anyone of education, but then again, how does that sound enterprising, the solution is, rather than demanding payment before or during these youths schooling period, these youths will have to contribute by making payments whilst holding a job in the future, or by working for this enterprise, of which Ive proudly named, Khan Institute of Education. Surely, opportunity through enterprise has given me a chance to not only help and contribute to those around me, but also given me a career that Im really passionate about.

My Name is Ali

My name is Ali, Ali bin Mohsin, an average everyday Malaysian who dreams about making it from rag to riches, working as a call attendant, having limited salary, and being enslaved by a pay check. However, life did not seem significant to me anymore. Upon leave my rulal village for the capital city, Kuala Lumpur, I had dreams to make it big, to be of someone of utmost significance, however, life can be so challenging and full of calamities. The reason why I chose enterprise as my career to escape from the clutches of having just a stable job without actually having a life is because I simply dream big. Now hear this, there is even a quote that goes, if you dont build your dreams, someone will hire you to build theirs. Though facing multiple adversities, challenges and calamities at the beginning, finally, my enterprise grew into a multinational company, worth billions. Everybody claims they want success, but very few people actually pursue it. As time goes by, we become more preoccupied with surviving as opposed to living. Many people are content with having a stable routine job (which doesn't pose any risks to their way of living), rather than pursing their own creative ambitions. They frequently complain about detesting their job, but continuously put themselves in this unsatisfactory position, accepting this is all they're worth. Opportunity through enterprise has rescued me from the clutches of modern day work slavery and given me a chance to not only make me realise my career, but to inspire and aid those who have the potential and drive to make it in this ever globalising world. Rather than allowing our dream to be stifled upon by others, it is our responsibility to chase and make our dream a reality, and enterprise has given me the chance and opportunity to do so.

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