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The cell bodies for the sensory fibres of

Name three bones that contribute to the

all cranial nerves are located in

nasal cavity.





The highest sympathetic chain ganglia,


which contains synapses for all the major


sympathetic fibers for the head and neck

If a nasogastric tube is passed into the nose,


should it be directed upwards or directly





Post-ganglionic sympathetics run along


the ... to supply the salivary glands and

What do we mean by CSF rhinorrhoea?

lower face

Which bone may be fractured to allow this


to occur?



Larger portion of sympathetics run along


the ... , forming the internal carotid plexus





What is the distribution in the nose of the

Nerve given off of the internal carotid

olfactory nerves?

plexus within the cavernous sinus. From


there it goes to pterygopalatine fossa and


onto nose, palate, and lacrimal glands





What is/are the posterior limits of the nasal

The internal carotid plexus also sends a


sympathetic branch to the ciliary


ganglion, where it then goes on to form


the..., which will innervate the dilator


pupillae muscle of the eye



The bony contributions to the nasal septum


are the perpendicular plate of the .

What and where is Little's area? Is its

bone and the Is the latter a separate

blood supply from

bone or part of another bone?

the internal carotid, external carotid or









Name three functions of the very vascular

Name the two nasopharyngeal

nasal mucosa.

contributions to Waldeyer's ring.


A 73-year-old woman visited her physician

Concerning the ciliary ganglion

because she had noticed that the right side of

a) Carries sympathetics from Oculomotor Nerve (III)

her face was sagging downward. She first

b) Located in the anterior of the orbit.

noticed the condition on waking up two

c) GVE (Parasympathetic) innervation is to ciliary

mornings ago. Otherwise she felt very well. On

muscles and sphincter of the pupil

examination the patient had a complete right-

d) It hangs off of the Ophthalmic Branch of the

sided facial paralysis, the right lower eyelid was

Trigeminal Nerve (V1)

drooping, and the right angle of the mouth was

sagging. A diagnosis of Bells palsy was made.

Concerning the pterygopalatine ganglion

a) Carries parasympathetics from Facial Nerve (VII)

Further examination of this patient

b) Located in the pterygopalatine fossa, in the

demonstrated the

posterior part of ethmoid bone.

following signs and symptoms except which?

c) GVE (Parasympathetic) innervation is to nose,

A. Tears tended to flow easily over the right

palate, salivary glands

lower eyelid.

d) It hangs off of the Maxillary Branch of the

B. Saliva dribbled from the right corner of her

Trigeminal Nerve (V2).

C. The patient was unable to close her right eye

Concerning submandibular ganglion


a) Carries sympathetics from Facial Nerve (VII)

D. The patient was unable to expose the teeth

b) Located below and lateral to the tongue.

fully on the right side of her mouth.

c) GVE (Parasympathetic) innervation is to Lacrimal

E. The muscles on the right side of her forehead


worked perfectly normally when she was asked

d) It hangs off of the Mandibular Branch of the

to raise her right eyebrow.

Trigeminal Nerve (V3).

A 17-year-old boy was seen in the emergency

Determine which is true or false

department after

1) The otic ganglion

receiving a stab wound at the front of the neck.

a) Carries parasympathetics from glossopharyngeal

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