Motor: Concerning Cranial Nerve VII

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Concerning cranial nerve IV

Concerning cranial nerve VII

a. Motor fibers of facial expression (SVE) innervate a. It is the only cranial nerve that originates from the same side of the brain. the of parotid gland b. It is the only cranial nerve that exits from the dorsal side the cranium, b. doesn't Paralysis of the Facial Nerve for no obvious c. It is the only cranial nerve associated with the eye, that enter the orbit through a tendinous ring. someone to tilt their head slightly in compensation Concerning cranial nerve V nucleus within the pons reason results in Bells palsy Stylomastoid Foramen and then pass through the parotid gland d. Name the branch of the nerve that innervates 2)Buccinator, orbicularis oris, a. The motor cell bodies of the trigeminal ganglion are in Masticator 1) the Platysma........................................... b. The ophthalmic nerve runs through the medial wall ofzygomaticus........................................... the cavernous sinus c. The ophthalmic nerve exits through superior orbital fissure to enteroculi........................................... the 3)Orbicularis orbit 4)Orbicularis orisn Depressor Labii inferiores d. The maxillary nerve runs through the lateral wall of the........................................... cavernous sinus e. The maxillary nerve exits through Foramen rotundum, in the lesser wing 5)Frontal muscles........................................... of the sphenoid Concerning cranial nerve VIII Concerning cranial nerve V of the Sphenoid. a. Innervates the semicircular canals, utricle, and b. A neuroma from a schwann cell in the via the cochlear nerve a. The mandibular nerve exits through Foramen ovale, insaccule the greater wing Vestibulocochlear b. The mandibular nerve innervates the muscles of mastication; Anterior may impinge on the Facial nerve c. It arises from the brainstem belly of digastric and mylohyoid; Tensor tympani and tensor veli palati d. Two cochlear c. Spinal accessory nerve (CN XI) pass through foramen magnum with it nuclei are located at the junction of and medulla d. A severe split second pain in the cutaneous region of the the pons Trigeminal nerve i.e. region around mouth is called TIC douloureux of the brain Concerning cranial nerve VI a. It runs lateral to the cavernous sinus to the unopposed action of the lateral rectus muscle e. Four vestibular nuclei are in the medulla middle ear (e.g., otitis media, inflammation in the middle ear). g. Conductive deafness results from disease in the cochlea or in the pathway from the cochlea to the f. Sensorineural deafness, involves the external or e. All branches of Trigeminal send some meningeal branches to the meninges c. will Motor fibers of facial expression all head out the d. Injury to the trochlear nerve or inferior oblique muscle cause

brain(adducts) due b. When injured, the eye on the affected side rotates inward Concerning cranial nerve IX c. Strabismus is the inability to direct both eyes toward the same object a. Innervates Stylopharyngeus Muscle. d. The abducent nucleus is in the medulla near the median plane b. Sympathetic secretomotor to Parotid Gland d. The tympanic nerve is given off at the Jugular a. Supply special sense of taste to anterior 2/3 of tongue, via Chorda foramen from the glossopharyngeal Tympani Nerve e. Concerning the course of the tympanic nerve: b. Innervate all facial glands c. The geniculate ganglion houses the cell bodies for all fibers of the Facial 1) Carry parasympathetic innervation to the Parotid Gland 2) It exits the cranium at the Lesser Petrosal Hiatus of the Temporal bone. Concerning cranial nerve VII c. Carries visceral sensation from the Baroreceptors

arrange in order

nerve d. All fibers of the facial nerve exit the cranium at the internal acoustic meatus. e. Pathway of chorda tympani ; arrange in order 1) through Middle Ear 2) Submandibular ganglion, where it synapses 3) Out the Petrotympanic fissure 4) Sublingual andSubmandibular glands 5) Joins up with the lingual Nerve ............................................................... f. Pathway of greater petrosal nerve; arrange in order 1) Out the greater petrosal hiatus 2) Middle Ear 3 ) Pterygopalatine ganglion, where it synapses 4) Nasal mucosa and lacrimal glands 5) back in through the foramen lacerum 6) Join with sympathetics from deep petrosal nerve to form the nerve of pterygoid canal...........................................................................

Concerning cranial nerve XI a. Innervates the Sternocleidomastoid and Trapezius muscles b. It can be used to replace innervation lost by other muscles c. Its motor cell bodies lie in the spinal cord (C1C5). d. Fibers run up the spinal cord and into the cranium through the foramen magnum e. CN XI descends along the external carotid artery f. It crosses the posterior cervical region and passes superficial to the inferior border of the trapezius Concerning cranial nerve XII a. Innervates all intrinsic and extrinsic musculature of the tongue except the styloglossus which is innervated by the Vagus nerve b. It exits the anterior cranial fossa through the Hypoglossal Canal c. It may pass through the Carotid Sheath or on either side of it. d. It passes towards the tongue lateral to the posterior belly of the Digastric muscle. e. Upper portions of the Ansa Cervicales will hang

A 35-year-old woman had a partial thyroidectomy for the treatment of thyrotoxicosis. During the operation a ligature slipped off the right superior thyroid artery. To stop the hemorrhage, the surgeon blindly grabbed for the artery with artery forceps. The operation was completed without further incident. The following morning the patient spoke with a husky voice. The following statements about this patient would explain the husky voice except which? A. Laryngoscopic examination revealed that the right vocal cord was slack, causing the huskiness of the voice. B. The vocal cord is tensed by the contraction of the cricothyroid muscle. C. The cricothyroid muscle tilts back the cricoid cartilage and pulls forward the thyroid cartilage. D. The cricothyroid muscle is innervated by the recurrent laryngeal nerve. E. The superior thyroid artery is closely related to the external laryngeal nerve. A 10-year-old boy was playing darts with his friends. He bent down to pick up a fallen dart when another

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