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Solar Energy Vol. 56, No. 3, pp. 239-244.1996 Copyright 0 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved 003&092X/96 $15.00+0.00

Jochim-Wells-Weg 17, D-22339 Hamburg, Germany Abstract-Spectral data on extraterrestrial solar radiation, Rayleigh scattering, ozone absorption and absorption by the uniformly mixed gases are critically evaluated and used for computing the integral Rayleigh optical thickness of the clean and dry atmosphere for a given relative optical air mass or solar elevation angle. The results are compared to the corresponding values calculated with the help of the three parameterization formulae. Based on the comparison, the formula of Louche et al., slightly adjusted to the new values, may be recommended for general use. Equations are given for converting the earlier into the new values of the integral Rayleigh optical thickness and of the Linke turbidity factors based thereom. Both the earlier and the new algorithms yield identical values of the direct solar irradiance.


For estimating the efficiency of solar energy converters, particularly focussing systems, the total extinction of the incident solar radiation, especially its direct normal component, by all constituents of the atmosphere is to be known. For this purpose, the Linke turbidity factor TL which takes account of scattering and absorption by both the atmospheric aerosol and the atmospheric gases may be considered to be the appropriate measure. Climatological values of TL have been used as input to computations of direct, diffuse and global radiation under cloudless sky conditions (Page et al., 1984). The following analysis was stimulated by an interim note entitled The estimation of the Rayleigh optical thickness which has been prepared by Page (1994). The integral Rayleigh optical thickness & is the spectrally integrated optical thickness of the clean and dry, so-called Rayleigh atmosphere under standard conditions. & is the basic parameter in determining the Linke turbidity factor TL which expresses the integral optical thickness of a turbid and wet atmosphere, 6, in units of 6,. The integral optical thicknesses depend on the spectral distribution of the incident direct solar radiation which changes with varying solar elevation angle y or relative optical air mass m(y). Consequently, the integral optical thicknesses 6 and 6,, and the Linke turbidity factor TL as well, are necessarily functions of the relative optical air mass m; one has to write s(m), 6,(m) and T,(m). However, the variation with m of T,(m) is appreciably smaller than that of 6(m) because there is a partial compensation of the wavelength-dependencies of the numerator and

denominator of the fraction 6(m)/6,(m) defining T,(m); for further details, see Foitzik and Hinzpeter (19.58), for instance. In order to facilitate the determination of T,(m) from pyrheliometric measurements, Kasten (1980) presented a simple analytic formula for 6,(m), based on numerical values published by Feussner and Dubois (1930) and internationally recommended by CSAGI (1958). Louche et al. (1986) used more recent data of the spectral extraterrestrial solar radiation and of the spectral absorption coefficients of the atmospheric gases, as compiled by Iqbal(1976), for computing improved numerical values of the integral Rayleigh optical thickness 6,(m) according to the integration procedure outlined by Kasten (1980); in fact, eqns (6), (7) and (12) by Louche et al. correspond to eqns (6)-( 8) by Kasten (1980). Based on their new values of 6,(m), Louche et al. proposed a new analytic formula for the function 6,(m) and demonstrated that the new 6,(m) values are definitely higher than the old CSAGI values used by Kasten, particularly at small relative optical air masses m, i.e. at large solar elevation angles y. Since the measured integral optical thickness of the turbid and wet atmosphere, 6(m), expressed as the product of Linke turbidity factor T,(m) and integral Rayleigh optical thickness 6,(m), has to be independent of the numerical value chosen for the quantity 6,(m), new turbidity factors T,(m) determined with the help of the new 6,(m) values come out smaller than those turbidity factors T,(m) derived from the old 6,(m) values. Louche et al. proposed an approximative equation for converting old turbidity factors T,(m) into new ones. Grenier et al. (1994) repeated the calculation


F. Kasten

of new 6,(m) values and proposed a fourth order polynomial for the function 6,(m) similar Louche et al. but with slightly different coefficients, because they confined the range of validity to m I 6 in order to achieve a better fit in this range. Further, Grenier et al. separated the influence of the Angstrom turbidity coefficient PA and of the columnar water vapor content w of the atmosphere on the Linke turbidity factor T,(m) and displayed the variation of T,(m) with relative optical air mass m for various values of PA and w as parameters. From these diagrams, Grenier et al. derived algorithms for converting T,(m) into a standardized Linke turbidity factor TLAM2 at relative optical air mass m = 2 with the help of polynomials of the third order in T,(m) whose coefficients are polynomials of the fourth order in m. Finally, Grenier et al. presented three linear equations valid for three ranges of columnar water vapor content w for calculating the Angstrom turbidity coefficient
PA from CAM?

of validity, 0 I m I 6, the new computation is restricted to the three 6,(m) values at m = 1,2,3. 2.2. Extraterrestrial
solar spectrum

Data of the spectral extraterrestrial solar radiation at mean Earth-Sun distance are taken from a table of Dehne and Kasten (1983) reproduced by Kasten (1983); the table presents extraterrestrial solar irradiances AZ,(A) within intervals AA centered at wavelengths 1, calculated from the basic data recommended by WMO (1982). The wavelength resolution is:
AL Al A,I AA = = = = 2 nm from 250 to 800 nm

5 nm from 800 to 2000 nm 20 nm from 2000 to 4000 nm 4000-25000 nm.

The sum of all AZ,(l) listed in the table amounts to 1367.13 W/m and represents the solar constant IO. 2.3. Spectral Rayleigh scattering The spectral Rayleigh optical thickness s,(n) at vertical incidence (m = 1) is computed with the help of s,(n) = %(A). HR

2. METHOD 2.1. Outline The computation of new values of the integral Rayleigh optical thickness 6,(m) by Louche et al: (1986) and later on by Grenier et al. (1994) was stimulated by the recent availability of improved data on the extraterrestrial solar spectrum and on the spectral absorption coefficients of the atmospheric gases; concerning the latter, absorption by the uniformly mixed, permanent gases like O2 had not been considered in the older investigations. The computations of 6,(m) by Louche et al. on the one hand and by Grenier et al. on the other hand were independent of each other, although based on partly identical input data. In order to compare and judge the two parameterization formulae for 6,(m) proposed by Louche et al. and by Grenier et al., respectively, we present a third independent computation of 6,(m) according to the integration procedure outlined by Kasten (1980) and repeated by Louche et al. This new computation avoids several simplifications and assumptions made by Louche et al. and by Grenier et al., takes account of additional parameters, and makes use of some recently improved input data. Since the differences in the d,(m) values calculated by Louche et al. and by Grenier et al., respectively, are noticeable only at small relative optical air masses m within the common range

where a&) is the spectral Rayleigh scattering coefficient and HR is the scale height of the Rayleigh atmosphere, both near the earth surface. A table of a&), in cm- , has been presented by Penndorf (1957) for the air pressure p0 = 1013.25 hPa and the air temperature To = 0C = 273.15 K. Standard In the Atmosphere (DIN, 1979), however, the air temperature near the earth surface is T = 15C = 288.15 K. Since a,(1) is proportional to the air density and therefore inversely proportional to the air temperature T:Penndorf s ~~(2) values have to be reduced by the factor 273.15/288.15. Moreover, HR = 8434.5 m in the Standard Atmosphere. The formula for o,(1) contains the molecular anisotropy factor J Penndorf used the value fp = 1.061. Based on later analyses by Kasten (1968) and by others, Young (1981) recommends f = 1.048 as the best value. Thus, Penndorf s aR(n) values have to be further corrected by the factor flfp = 1.048/1.061. For completeness, the calculation of spectral Rayleigh scattering cross sections by Bates (1984) is mentioned. This author has taken account of the slight dispersion that is the wavelength-dependency of the molecular anisotropy factor J: However, the resulting spectral

The Linke turbidity factor


scattering cross sections differ from Penndorf s values corrected with flfp by less than l%, for wavelengths 2 > 400 nm even by 0.2% or less. In view of these small differences, the widely used, detailed table published by Penndorf is preferred for our computations. Summing up, the final s,(n) values are calculated from Penndorf s values of the spectral Rayleigh scattering coefficient, hap@), with the help of:

is considered instead of the spectral optical thickness &&A) because it is r&m) for which a parameterization in terms of o,(n). m is available from Leckner (1978); the spectral absorption coefficients a&) are also given by Leckner. 2.6. Relative optical ozone mass The relative optical air mass m takes account of the extension and curvature of the optical path through the atmophere in case of slant incidence. Revised values of m(y) where y is the solar elevation angle have been computed and parameterized by Kasten and Young (1989). The relative optical air mass m(y) is applicable to the uniformly mixed, permanent gases in the atmosphere as well. In case of ozone, most of which is concentrated in the stratospheric ozone layer, the relative optical ozone mass m,(r) differs from m(y), particularly at low solar elevation angle y, as evidenced by VDI (1994). m,(y) may be parameterized by the equation given by Foitzik and Hinzpeter (1958) and reproduced by Robinson (1966):
m,(r) = 1.00346/(sin2y + 0.00692) /2.

= a,,(A). 7.8975. lo5 cm.


2.4. Spectral ozone absorption The spectral ozone optical thickness s,(n) at vertical incidence (m = 1) is computed with the help of: s,(n) = a,@). z (3)

where a,(n) is the spectral ozone absorption coefficient at STP (Standard Temperature and Pressure), and z is the columnar ozone content of the atmosphere in cm STP. By convention, a,(n) and z always refer to STP, with To = 0C = 273.15 K and p0 = 1013.25 hPa. The spectral ozone absorption coefficient a,(n) is related to the spectral ozone absorption cross section &) by a,(A) =
%TP 4,(4


At vertical incidence, y = 90 and m(r) = m,(y) = 1. For m(y) = 2 and 3, the table of Kasten and Young (1989) gives y = 29.9 and 19.3, respectively. The corresponding relative optical ozone masses according to eqn (6) are mJ29.9) = 1.9856 and m,( 19.3) = 2.9442 which are used in our present computations. 3. RESULTS
3.1. Validation of the parameterization formulae


where nsTP = 2.687. 1Or9cmp3 is the number density of the molecules at STP, the so-called Loschmidt constant. New spectral absorption cross sections q=(A) have been recommended as obligatory, effective 1 January 1992, by WMO (1992) and are reproduced in Landolt-Bbrnstein (1988). These data are used in the present investigation for calculating a,(n) according to eqn (4) and then 6,(A) according to eqn (3), taking the columnar ozone content z = 0.35 cm STP. This z value seems to be more representative for mean geographical latitudes than 0.30 cm STP, as evidenced by the mean global ozone distribution given by London and Angel1 (1982). 2.5. Spectral absorption by the uniformly mixed gases To account for the spectral absorption by the uniformly mixed, permanent gases in the atmosphere, their spectral transmittance
T&m) = exp[ - 6,(l). m] (5)

Strictly speaking, it is not the integral Rayleigh optical thickness 6,(m) itself which has been parameterized by Kasten (1980), by Louche et al. (1986) and by Grenier et al. (1994), but the inverse of 6,(m): l/&,(m) = 9.4 + 0.9m, l/&_(m)=6.5567+ 1.7513m-0.1202m2 (8) (7)

+ 0.0065m3 -0.00013m4, l/S,,(m) = 5.4729 + 3.03 12m - 0.6329m2 +0.0910m3 -0.00512m4


where the second subscripts refer to the authors Kasten (K), Louche et al. (L) and Grenier et al. (G), respectively. The values of the integral Rayleigh optical thickness as calculated by


F. Kasten Table 1. Integral Rayleigh optical thickness computed by the formula of Kasten, 6,,(m), of Louche et al., 6,,(m), of Grenier et al., 6,,(m), respectively, and by the new spectral integration, &,(m). The percent deviations from 6,,(m) are given in brackets. m = relative optical air mass, y = solar elevation angle corresponding to m
m Y

( 1

0.0971 (- 20.93) 0.0893 (- 12.02) 0.0826 (- 8.22)

0.1220 (- 0.65) 0.1039 (+ 2.36) 0.0918 (+ 2.00)

0.1257 (+ 2.36) 0.1036 (+ 2.07) 0.0916 (+ 1.78)

0.1228 (0) 0.1015 (0) 0.0900 (0)

1 2 3

90 29.9 19.3

eqns (7)-( 9) and the corresponding values obtained by the new spectral integration, marked by the subscript n (for new), are presented in Table 1; the percent deviations of 6,,(m), 6,,(m) and 6,,(m), respectively, from 6,,(m) are also given. From Table 1, it is evident that the old values 6,,(m) are appreciably smaller than any of the corresponding recent values. Further, for m = 1, the values derived from our new integration are closest approximated by the formula of Louche et al.; in the cases of m = 2 and m = 3, the two formulae by Louche et al. and by Grenier et al., respectively, deliver almost identical but slightly too large values. The formula of Louche et al. has two important advantages: First, eqn (8) fits the 6,(m) values in the large range 1 I m s 20 whereas the formula of Grenier et al., eqn (9), is fitted to the data in the limited range 1 I m I 6. Grenier et al. claimed this limitation to have the advantage of a better fit than that of Louche et al. in the most important range of small m, but Table 1 demonstrates that this is not the case for m = 1. Second, it is the merit of Page (1994) to have shown that the 6,,(m) function of Grenier et al., when extended beyond m = 6, steeply increases to an instability at about m = 12 whereas the function of Louche et al. is continuous over the whole range 1 I m I 20. 3.2. Adjusted parameterization

Table 2. Integral Rayleigh optical thickness computed by the slightly adjusted formula of Louche et al., 6,,(m). The percent deviations from 6,,(m) obtained by the new spectral integration are given in brackets. m = relative optical air mass, y = solar elevation angle corresponding to m

( 1

0.1210 (- 1.47) 0.1031 (+ 1.58) 0.0912 (+ 1.33)

1 2 3

90 29.9 19.3

then: l/&,(m)=6.6296+ 1.7513m-0.1202m


+ 0.0065m3 - 0.0001 3m4

where the subscript a stands for adjusted. Table 2 presents 6,,(m) values computed with the help of eqn (10) and the corresponding percent deviations from the values 6,,(m) obtained by the new spectral integration described in section 2. These deviations should be compared to those of 6,,(m) from 6,,(m) listed in Table 1: the deviations are now more evenly distributed over the range of relative optical air mass m and remain below 1.6% throughout, with descending trend for increasing m. Equation (10) may therefore be recommended for general use. 3.3. Conversion of Linke turbidity factors from
the old to the new system

The preceding discussion has shown that the formula of Louche et al. is a most suitable instrument for parameterizing the integral Rayleigh optical thicknes 6,(m). However, in order to diminish the overestimation of 6,(m) by eqn (8) for m > 1, we slightly adjust the formula to the results of the new spectral integration values by increasing the constant term 6.5567 in eqn (8) to the value 6.6296. The adjusted parameterization formula reads

The old values 6,,(m) according to Kasten (1980) may directly be converted into the adjusted values 6,,(m) according to Louche et al. (1986) by the difference of eqns (7) and (10): 1/6,,(m)l/&,(m)=2.7704-0.8513m + 0.1202m - 0.0065m3 +0.00013m4. (11)

As mentioned in the Introduction and stressed by Page (1994), the integral optical thickness of the turbid and wet atmosphere, 6(m), expressed as the product Z ,(m). 6,(m), has to be indepen-

The Linke turbidity



dent of the numerical value chosen for the quantity 6,(m). Consequently, a(m) = T,&) . bdm) = T_,(m) ~bdm)
( 12)

this rule is followed, both algorithms will yield identical values of the direct solar irradiance. NOMENCLATURE
molecular anisotropy factor; fp is the value off used by Penndorf (1957) HR scale height of the Rayleigh atmosphere near the earth surface 10 solar constant, here 1367.13 W/m m(v) relative optical air mass m,(r) relative optical ozone mass %TP Loschmidt constant. 2.687. 1Or9 cme3 Standard Pressure, fO13.25 hPa ,A% spectral ozone absorption cross section and Pressure, T = To and STP Standard Temperature P = PO T temperature of the Standard Atmosphere near the earth surface Standard Temperature, 273.15 K Linke turbidity factor; T,,(m), T,,(m), T,,(m) and T,(Z T,,(m) refer to the algorithms of Grenier et a[. (1994), of Kasten (1980), of Louche et al. (1986) and to the adjusted algorithm of Louche et al., respectively standardized Linke turbidity factor according to Grenier et al. (1994) columnar water vapor content of the atmosphere columnar ozone content of the atmosphere Angstrom turbidity coefficient solar elevation angle integral optical thickness of the turbid and wet atmosphere spectral optical thickness of the uniformly mixed gases in the atmosphere integral optical thickness of the Rayleigh atmosphere; 6,,(m), 6,,(m), 6,,(m) and 6,(m) refer to the algorithms of Grenier et al. (1994), of Kasten (1980), of Louche et al. (1986) and to the adjusted algorithm of Louche er al., respectively optical thickness of the Rayleigh &(~) spectral atmosphere spectral optical thickness of ozone in the W) atmosphere extraterrestrial irradiance at solar mean Al,(l) Earth-Sun distance within Al centered at 1 A/, wavelength interval I, wavelength coefficient of the uniformly a,(A) spectral absorption mixed gases in the atmosphere %(n) spectral Rayleigh scattering coefficient; u&I) is the value of a.(1) given by Penndorf (1957) .. _ spectral ozone absorption coefficient . u,(d spectral transmittance of the uniformly mixed r&m) gases in the atmosphere

where the second subscripts again refer to the algorithm of Kasten (K) and to the adjusted algorithm of Louche et al. (a), respectively. Equation (12) is a convenient vehicle for con,,(m) verting old T,,(m) values into new T values: X,(m) = G(m).

C1/bdWC ~/hdm)l

where the reciprocals are to be taken from Equation (7) and (10). (13) may replace the approximative eqn (14) in the paper by Louche et al.



The validation of three formulae for parameterizing the integral Rayleigh optical thickness 6,(m) in terms of the relative optical air mass m with the results of a new, independent spectral integration has demonstrated that the formula presented by Louche et al. (1986) is a most suitable instrument for that parameterization, particularly in the most important range 1 I m < 2 corresponding to solar elevation angles y in the interval 90 2 y > 29.9. In order to improve the fit to the values obtained by the new spectral integration for m 2 2, the formula of Louche et al. has been slightly adjusted. The adjusted parameterization formula, eqn (lo), yields deviations of less than 1.6% and may therefore be recommended for general use. Values of the integral Rayleigh optical thickness 6,,(m) and of the Linke turbidity factor T ,(m) determined by Kasten s algorithm (1980) can be converted into the corresponding values 6,,(m) and T,,(m) determined by the adjusted algorithm of Louche et al. with the help of eqns ( 11) and ( 13) respectively. Finally, it should be stressed that direct solar irradiances computed with the help of given old Linke turbidity factors here called T,,(m) are still correct if one simultaneously uses the old integral Rayleigh optical thicknesses 6,,(m) parameterized by Kastens s formula, eqn (7). Likewise, new Linke turbidity factors TL,(m) should only be used in connection with the new integral Rayleigh optical thicknesses 6,,(m) parameterized by formula (10). If

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