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131,312 species and infraspecific names are in the database, 15,280 images, 48,344 bibliographic items, 213,544 distributional records.

Vaucheria Candolle, 1801: 20

Lectotype species: Vaucheria disperma Candolle Original publication:Candolle, A.P. de (1801). Extrait d'un rapport sur les conferves. Bulletin des Sciences par la Socit Philomathique de Paris 3: 17-21, pl. I. Download PDF Type designated inSilva, P.C. (1952). A review of nomenclatural conservation in the algae from the point of view of the type method. University of California Publications in Botany 25: 241-323. Taxonomic status: currently recognized as a distinct genus. Gender: This genus name is currently treated as feminine. Description: The only genus of its family, consisting of decumbent or cushion-like mats of interwoven, grass- to dark-green, sparingly-branched siphons 10-200 &m in diam., with indeterminate apical growth and lateral branching, sometimes with colorless rhizoidal siphons. Parietal cytoplasm contains many discoid chloroplasts ( pyrenoid) and small nuclei, surrounding a central large vacuole. Nuclear envelope remains intact during mitosis, surrounding spindle apparatus. Freshwater species often infected by galls, producing large outgrowths from siphon. Asexual reproduction by terminal, clavate aplanosporangia; multinucleate zoosporangia with numerous pairs of only slightly unequal flagella; or thick-walled akinetes formed by septa in siphon. Sexual reproduction oogamous, the oogonia bearing single eggs and male gametangia producing several heterokontan sperm. Gametangia, also isolated by septa, are arranged in either regular bisexual groups or loose arrangements of one or more oogonia and/or male gametangia on monoecious or dioecious plants. Male gametangia usually tubular, 10-700 &m long, curved or straight, usually releasing sperm through one or more pores. Oogonium 30-400 &m in diam., initially multinucleate; uninucleate before fertilization (usually) through pore in oogonial wall. Germination of oospore (zygote) by means of dehiscence at predetermined location, presumably after meiosis. Vaucheria is widespread in fresh to saline water, every continent (including Antarctica); submergent, amphibious, semi-emergent or terrestrial; intertidal to sublittoral, on mudflats, mangroves, saltmarsh, estuaries, streams, channels, farmland, lake and pond fringes, and almost any wetland. Acts as stabilizer of exposed mud; able to tolerate aerial desiccation due to buried siphons which grow through deposited silt. Sometimes encrusted in calcium carbonate. Periodicity and distribution of saltmarsh species depends on salinity and soil-moisture. Physiological studies include role of light on branch formation, movement of chloroplasts, winding of mitochondrial filaments, response of vegetative growth and reproduction to salinity, and phototrophic control of vegetative growth and zoosporogenesis. Culture requirements have been extensively studied. Peroxisomes in marine and freshwater species with similar enzymic equipment to those of other Tribophyceae but distinct form all other algae. Sections distinguished mainly on disposition and morphology of male gametangia; species delineated using morphology of antheridia, oogonia and oospores, and arrangement of gametangia. Observed variation of these features in culture has led to some reduction in number of species. Pseudovaucheria spongeliae Lami is an endozoic, marine, siphonous alga whose taxonomic placement is uncertain, but is probably synonymous with Vaucheria. Common names (as Vaucheria) Swedish: Slangalger (Tolstoy & sterlund 2003). NCBI Nucleotide Sequences As of 2 June 2009, nucleotide sequence data are available at for 211 samples identified as Vaucheria . Numbers of names and species: There are 266 species (and infraspecific) names in the database at present, of which 72 have been flagged as currently accepted taxonomically. Names: ('C ' indicates a name that is currently accepted taxonomically; 'S' a homotypic or heterotypic synonym; 'U' indicates a name of uncertain taxonomic status, but which has been subjected to some verification nomenclaturally; 'P' indicates a preliminary AlgaeBase entry that has not been subjected to any kind of verification. For more information on a species click on it to activate a link to the Species database): Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria acrandra Ott & Hommersand C adela Ott & Hommersand C adunca C.-C.Jao C alaskana Blum C amphibia Randhawa C 1/6
Classification: Empire Eukaryota Kingdom Chromista Subkingdom Harosa Infrakingdom Heterokonta Phylum Ochrophyta Subphylum Phaeista Infraphylum Marista Superclass Fucistia Class Xanthophyceae Order Vaucheriales Family Vaucheriaceae

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Vaucheria antarctica Renisch C Vaucheria aponina (Pollini) Sprengel P Vaucheria appendiculata (Vaucher) De Candolle P Vaucheria aquatica (Mller) Lyngbye P Vaucheria arcassonensis P.J.L.Dangeard C Vaucheria arechavaletae Magnus & Wille C Vaucheria arrhyncha Heidinger C Vaucheria australis C.Agardh P Vaucheria aversa Hassall C Vaucheria bermudensis W.R.Taylor & Bernatowicz C Vaucheria bicornigera T.J.Entwisle C Vaucheria bilateralis C.C.Jao P Vaucheria birostris T.Simons P Vaucheria bombycina Bory de Saint-Vincent P Vaucheria borealis Hirn C Vaucheria borealis f. minor Woronichin P Vaucheria borealis var. minor Woronichin P Vaucheria boryana C.Agardh P Vaucheria brevicaulis Blum P Vaucheria bursata (O.F.Mller) C.Agardh C Vaucheria bursata var. marina Ktzing P Vaucheria caloundrensis A.B.Cribb C Vaucheria canalicularis (Linnaeus) T.A.Christensen C Vaucheria cespitosa var. theobaldii Ktzing P Vaucheria cespitosa (Vaucher) De Candolle P Vaucheria circinata Ktzing P Vaucheria clavata (Vaucher) Candolle S Vaucheria compacta var. dulcis Simons C Vaucheria compacta (F.S.Collins) F.S.Collins ex W.R.Taylor C Vaucheria compacta var. koksoakensis Blum & Wilce P Vaucheria conifera Christensen C Vaucheria constricta Yamada S Vaucheria coronata Nordstedt C Vaucheria crenulata Prescott P Vaucheria cruciata (Vaucher) De Candolle P Vaucheria cruciata f. pendula (Gtz) Cedergren P Vaucheria dalmatica Zanardini P Vaucheria debaryana var. minor T.A.Sarma & R.S.Rattan P Vaucheria debaryana var. microspora T.A.Sarma & R.S.Rattan P Vaucheria debaryana Woronin C Vaucheria debaryana f. minor Teodorescu P Vaucheria debaryana f. polyandra Rieth P Vaucheria debaryana var. schmidlei Gutwinski P Vaucheria decumbens Visloukh P Vaucheria dichotoma var. pyriformis Meneghini P Vaucheria dichotoma var. submarina Lyngbye S Vaucheria dichotoma (Linnaeus) C.Agardh S Vaucheria dichotoma f. arternensis Rieth S Vaucheria dichotoma f. marina Hauck C Vaucheria dichotoma (Linnaeus) Martius C Vaucheria dillwynii (F.Weber & Mohr) C.Agardh P Vaucheria dillwynii var. glaucescens (Martius) C.Agardh P Vaucheria discoidea C.E.Taft P Vaucheria disperma Candolle C - type Vaucheria elongata C.Agardh C Vaucheria erythrospora T.A.Christensen C Vaucheria fastigiata C.Agardh S Vaucheria flexuosa Rafinesque P Vaucheria fluitans Klebs P Vaucheria fontinalis (Linnaeus) T.A.Christensen C Vaucheria frigida (Roth) C.Agardh C Vaucheria fusca (Roth) C.Agardh P Vaucheria fuscescens Ktzing S Vaucheria gardneri Collins C Vaucheria gardneri f. tenuis F.S.Collins P Vaucheria geminata var. longistipata F.B.Chapman C Vaucheria geminata var. verticillata (Meneghini) Rabenhorst P Vaucheria geminata f. terrestris Rabenhorst P Vaucheria geminata f. racemosa Gauthier-Livre P Vaucheria geminata var. multicornis (Vaucher) Ktzing P Vaucheria geminata var. racemosa (Walz) Heering P 2/6

Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria

geminata f. caespitosa Gauthier-Livre P geminata f. pedunculata (Archev.) Heering P geminata (Vaucher) De Candolle C geminata var. racemosa Walz S geminata var. pendula Gtz P geminata f. genuina Heering P geminata var. depressa Transeau P geminata var. cruciata (Vaucher) Ktzing P geminata var. calvadosii P.Dangeard P geminata var. caespitosa (Vaucher) Stockmayer P geminata f. genuina P.Dangeard P glaucescens Martius P globulifera West & G.S.West P glomerata Blum & Womersley C granulata (Linnaeus) Lyngbye P gyrogyna T.J.Entwisle C hamata f. minor Rayss C hamata (Vaucher) De Candolle C hamata f. salina Rieth S hamata Walz S hamulata Ktzing P hercyniana Rieth C hookeri Ktzing P humicola Lagerheim P incurva T.A.Christensen C infusionum (Schrank) De Candolle P intermedia Nordstedt C islandica (Brg.) Cedergren P jaoi S.H.Ley C jaoi f. minor C.-C-Jao & S.H.Ley C japonica Yamagishi P javanica Ktzing C jonesii G.W.Prescott P karachiensis Saifullah, Nizamuddin & Gul C karnaphulii Islam P lii Rieth C litorea C.Agardh C longata Blum C longicaulis var. macounii Blum C longicaulis var. bengalensis Islam S longicaulis var. orientalis Islam C longicaulis Hoppaugh C longipes F.S.Collins C macrorhiza Schousboe P mammiformis De Candolle C marina Lyngbye S maritima P.L.Crouan & H.M.Crouan C maritima Ktzing C mauritanica Schousboe P mayyanadensis var. sundarbanensis Islam C mediterrranea Derbs & Solier C medusa T.A.Christensen C megaspora Ivanov P megaspora Iwanoff P melanocarpa Schousboe P melanosperma Schousboe P micranthera P.Gonzlez C microscopica Schrank P minuta Blum & Conover C mulleola subsp. calida T.A.Christensen S mulleola Skuja C multicapsularis (Dillwyn) Lyngbye P multicornis (Vaucher) De Candolle P nanandra T.J.Entwisle C nasuta W.R.Taylor & Bernatowicz C nicholsii H.J.Brown P orientalis West & G.S.West P ornithocephala f. polysperma Heering P ornithocephala var. major B.Tracanna P ornithocephala f. genuina Heering P ornithocephala var. indica (Randhawa) Venkataraman P 3/6

Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria

ornithocephala f. minuta T.A.Sarma & R.S.Rattan P ornithocephala var. sinensis (Li) Venkataraman P ornithocephala var. obversa Montagne P ornithocephala var. aversa (Hassall) Ktzing S ornithocephala C.Agardh S ornithocephala f. variabilis (Teodorescu) Heering P orthocarpa var. major B.H.Smith P orthocarpa Reinsch C ovata (Vaucher) De Candolle P ovoidea Hassall P pachyderma var. chittagonensis Islam P pachyderma var. cerebrina P.Gonzlez C pachyderma f. genuina Heering P pachyderma Walz C pachyderma var. islandica Brgesen P patagonica Hylm C pendula P.Reinsch P piloboloides Thuret C piloboloides var. compacta F.S.Collins S pilus Martens ex Ktzing P polymorpha Meyen P polymorpha Wood P polysperma var. sinensis Li. P polysperma Hassall S polysperma f. variabilis Teodoresco P polysperma var. indica Randhawa P prescottii Islam C prolifera P.A.Dangeard C prolifera var. reticulospora Rieth P prolifera f. corniculata Rieth P prona T.A.Christensen C pronosperma Islam C pseudogeminata P.A.Dangeard C pseudohamata Prescott P pseudohamata var. elaminata D.O.Harris C pseudomonoica F.E.Fritsch & Rich P pseudosessilis V.J.Chapman C pusilla Lyngbye S pyrifera Ktzing S racemosa var. martialis Teodoresco P racemosa (Vaucher) De Candolle P radicata (Retz.) C.Agardh P randhawae T.A.Sarma & R.S.Rattan P rasa (Vaucher) De Candolle P repens f. nasuta Schmidle P repens Hassall S rostellata Ktzing P sacculifera Ktzing P salina Ktzing P schleicheri De Wildeman C scrobiculata Magn.& Wille P sericea Lyngbye P sericea f. marina Rabenhorst P sescuplicaria T.A.Christensen C sessilis var. sylhetensis Islam P sessilis var. subarticulata Zeller C sessilis f. hookeri (Ktzing) Nordstedt C sessilis var. caespitosa (Vaucher) Agardh P sessilis var. orthocarpa (Reinsch) Gauthier-Livre S sessilis f. orthocarpa (Reinsch) Heering P sessilis var. monogyna West & G.S.West P sessilis var. major (Smith) Ventkataraman P sessilis f. clavata (De Candolle) Heering P sessilis var. iowense Prescott P sessilis f. genuina (Hansgirg) Margalef P sessilis f. sporangifera Rabenhorst P sessilis (Vaucher) De Candolle C sessilis f. repens (Hassal) Hansgirg C simplex P.L.Crouan & H.M.Crouan C sphaerocarpa Ktzing P sphaerospora f. dioica (Rosenvinge) Hauck P 4/6

Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria Vaucheria

sphaerospora var. dioica Rosenvinge S sphaerospora var. synoica Nordstedt C sphaerospora Nordstedt S starmachii Kadlubowska S stricta Rafinesque P subarechavaletae Borge C submarina (Lyngbye) Berkeley C subschleicheri C.C.Jao P subsimplex P.L.Crouan & H.M.Crouan C synandra var. halophila Liebetanz P synandra Woronin C taylorii Blum C terrestris var. multicornis Rabenhorst P terrestris var. nuoljae Skuja P terrestris var. major Rieth C terrestris var. scrobiculata (Magn.& Wille) Brown P terrestris var. diandra Virieux P terrestris var. crenulata (Prescott) Habeeb P terrestris var. circinnata (Ktzing) Martel P terrestris var. circinata (Ktzing) Rabenhorst P terrestris (Vaucher) De Candolle C thuretii Woronin S tingitana Schousboe P trifurcata Ktzing P trigemina Ktzing P tuberosa var. intermedia Wolle P tuberosa var. minor Wolle P tuberosa A.Braun ex Ktzing S uncinata Ktzing S undulata C.-C.Jao C undulata var. ornata J.Cambra C ungeri Thuret P velutina var. Agardh T.Christensen P velutina var. Agardh Christensen P velutina C.Agardh C velutina var. separata T.Christensen C venkataramanii T.A.Sarma & R.S.Rattan P verticillata Meneghini C vesicata (Mueller) Leiblein P vesiculosa Ktzing P vipera Blum C walzii f. rostrata Rieth P walzii Rothert C woroniniana f. erecta A.Rieth C woroniniana f. quadripora Rieth C woroniniana f. pendula (Gtz) Heering P woroniniana Heering C woroniniana f. genuina Heering P

Contributors Some of the descriptions included in AlgaeBase were originally from the unpublished Encyclopedia of Algal Genera, organised in the 1990s by Dr Bruce Parker on behalf of the Phycological Society of America (PSA) and intended to be published in CD format. These AlgaeBase descriptions are now being continually updated, and each current contributor is identified above. The PSA and AlgaeBase warmly acknowledge the generosity of all past and present contributors and particularly the work of Dr Parker. Descriptions of chrysophyte genera were subsequently published in J. Kristiansen & H.R. Preisig (eds.). 2001. Encyclopedia of Chrysophyte Genera. Bibliotheca Phycologica 110: 1-260. Linking to this page: Citing AlgaeBase Cite this record as: M.D. Guiry in Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. 2012. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway.; searched on 31 October 2012. Algaebase taxon LSID:

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