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President John I?

Kennedy: 'Well, Admiral,

it looks as though this is up to the Navy."
Chief of Naval Operations Admiral
George W. Anderson: CCMr, President, the
Navy will not let you down."
President John I? Kennedy: 'Well, Admiral,
it looks as though this is up to the Navy."
Chief of Naval Operations Admiral
George W. Anderson: CCMr, President, the
Navy will not let you down."
Cordon of Steel
The U S . Navy and the Cuban Missile Crisis

by Curtis A. Utz

No. 1

The U.S. Navy in the Modern World Series

Series Editor
Edward J. Marolda
Head, Coiltemporary History Branch

Naval Historical Center

Department of the Navy
Secretary of the Navy's
Advisory Committee on Naval History

William D. Wilkinson, Chairman

CAPT Edward L. Beach, USN (Retired)
David R. Bender
John C. Dann
RADM Russell W. Gorman, USNR (Retired)
Richard L. Joutras
VADM William P. Lawrence, USN (Retired)
Vera D. Mann
Ambassador J . William Middendorf I1
VADM Gerald E. Miller, USN (Retired)
Clark G. Reynolds
Daniel F. Stella
Betty M. Unterberger

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Utz, Curtis A., 1962-

Cordon of steel : the U.S. Navy and the Cuban missile crisis 1 by
Curtis A. Utz.
p. cm. -- (The U.S. Navy in the modern world series : no. 1)
ISBN 0-945274-23-8
1. Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962. 2. United States.
Navy--History--20th century. I. Title. 11. Series.
E841.U89 1993
973.922--dc20 93-35708

For sale hy the U.S. Government Printing Office

Superintendent of Documents, Mail Stop: SSOP, Warhington, DC 20'102.9328
ISBN 0-945274-23-8
This study launches the Naval Historical The 1958 Taiwan Strait crisis, Atlantic Fleet
Center's new series entitled The U.S. Navy in diplomatic ship visits to European ports, the
the Modern World. The purpose of the series is 1991 disaster relief operations i n Bangladesh,
to inform today's naval personnel and other the maritime embargo of Iraq i n Desert
readers of the contributions made by the naval Storm, the Inchon amphibious landing in Ko-
service to the nation, in war and peace, since rea, and the evolution of naval cruise missiles
1945. During this period, the Navy contained are only a few examples of topics that may be
Soviet and Communist expansion, deterred nu- covered.
clear and conventional attack on the United It is entirely appropriate that Cordon of
States, protected American trade a t sea and Steel: The U.S. Navy and the Cuban Missile
ashore, strengthened regional alliances, and Crisis, by Curtis A. Utz of our Contemporary
fostered the growth of democratic and free History Branch, lead off our new series. His
market institutions worldwide. The strength study is a dramatic example of how the U.S.
and overseas presence of the U.S. fleet often re- Navy's multipurpose ships and aircraft, flex-
solved crises without the use of force, but ible task organization, and great mobility en-
when force was necessary the Navy fought abled President Kennedy to protect national
hard and well. interests in one of the most serious confronta-
Broad in scope, The U.S. Navy in the Mod- tions of the Cold War.
ern World series will include studies on the The views expressed are those of Mr. Utz
Navy's deterrence of war, support for U.S. for- alone, and not those of the Department of the
eign policy, refugee evacuations and other hu- Navy or any other agency of the U.S. Govern-
manitarian activities,joint and multinational ment.
operations, ship and aircraft development, the Dean C. Allard
projection of power ashore, ship, aircraft, and Director of Naval History
weapons development, and similar subjects.
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I n the fall of 1962, the

United States and the
Soviet Union came as
close as they ever would to
military power in such a way
that the president did not
have to resort to war to
protect vital Western inter-
Dennison was responsible for
readying Army, Air Force,
Marine, and Navy assault
forces for a possible invasion
global nuclear war. Hoping to ests. Khrushchev realized of Cuba. He also served as the
correct what he saw as a that his missile and bomber Commander in Chief, U.S. At-
strategic imbalance with the forces were no match for the lantic Fleet. The aircraft car-
United States, Soviet Premier Navy's powerful Polaris ballis- riers, cruisers, destroyers,
Nikita S. Khrushchev began tic missile-firing submarines and Marine forces of the sub-
secretly deploying medium and the Air Force's land-based ordinate Second Fleet, under
range ballistic missiles nuclear delivery systems once Vice Admiral Alfred G. Ward,
(MRBM) and intermediate these American arms became were poised to launch air,
range ballistic missiles fully operational. Naval forces naval gunfire, and am-
(IRBM) to Fidel Castro's under the U.S. Atlantic Com- phibious strikes from the sea
Cuba. Once operational, these mand, headed by Admiral against Soviet and Cuban
nuclear-armed weapons could Robert L. Dennison forces ashore. With speed and
have been fired against cities (CINCLANT),steamed out to efficiency, other fleet units re-
and military targets in most sea, intercepting not only mer- inforced the Marine garrison
of the continental United chant shipping en route to a t Guantanamo on Cuba's
States. Before this happened, Cuba, but Soviet submarines southeastern tip and evacu-
however, U.S. intelligence dis- operating in the area as well. ated American civilians.
covered Khrushchev's brash U.S. destroyers and frigates, Dennison also coordinated the
maneuver. In what became kept on station through under- maritime support operations
known as the Cuban Missile way replenishment by oilers carried out by Canadian,
Crisis, President John F. and stores ships, maintained British, Argentine, and
Kennedy and an alerted and a month-long naval "quaran- Venezuelan forces.
aroused American govern- tine" of the island of Cuba. Khrushchev, faced with the
ment, armed forces, and Radar picket ships supported armed might of the United
public compelled the Soviets by Navy fighters and airborne States and its allies, had little
to remove from Cuba not only early warning planes assisted choice but to find some way
their missiles but all of their the U.S. Air Force's Air out of the difficult situation in
offensive weapons. Defense Command in prepar- which he had placed himself
The U.S. Navy played a ing to defend American and his country. President
pivotal role in this crisis, airspace from Soviet and Kennedy did not press the ad-
demonstrating the critical im- Cuban forces. Navy aerial vantage that the strength of
portance of naval forces to na- photographic and patrol U.S. and allied naval and
tional defense. The Navy's aircraft played a vital part military forces gave him.
operations were in keeping not only in observing the Thus, the Soviet leader was
with its strategic doctrine, deployment of Soviet offensive able to peacefully disengage
which is as valid today as it weapons into Cuba but his nation from this most
was in late 1962. The Navy, in monitoring their withdrawal serious of Cold War confronta-
cooperation with the other by sea. tions.
U.S. armed forces and with As the unified commander
America's allies, employed for the Caribbean, Admiral
U.S.-Soviet Conflict in the

Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev em-

phasizes a point by striking a table dur-
ing a Paris press conference in May
1960. An impetuous and volatile man,
Khrushchev deployed Soviet offensive
missiles into Cuba without carefully con-

T he Cuban Missile Crisis

was one in a long series
of incidents in the
global confrontation between
in World War 11, were general-
ly hostile during the late
1940s and 1950s. The Soviet
Union of dictator Joseph
Stalin and his successors
sidering the likeihood that the United
States would discover the ploy and re-
spond by threatening war. Seated next
to Khrushchev is Marshal Rodion Mali-
novsky, the Soviet Defense Minister.
Communists and anti-Com-
munists in what came to be forced the nations of eastern and in Asia.
known as the Cold War. Rela- Europe to establish Com- The United States, a power
tions between the Soviet munist governments and sup- with global responsibilities
Union and the United States, ported insurgency movements after the war, responded to
allies against the Axis powers in the eastern Mediterranean these Soviet actions by
Cold War
strengthening threatened na- Command (SAC) fielded an range, surface-launched ballis-
tions with economic assis- array of medium and long- tic and cruise missiles. In
tance, like that embodied in range bombers capable of addition, the ability of a
the Marshall Plan for western devastating the major Soviet missile to lift the Sput-
Europe. In addition, military and urbadindustrial nik satellite into orbit around
Washington sponsored centers in the Soviet Union. the globe in October 1957
military assistance to and al- In addition, the Navy demonstrated Moscow's grow-
liances with anti-Communist equipped several dozen Navy ing technological prowess.
governments as part of a carrier squadrons with Lacking adequate intelligence
global "Containment aircraft that could drop of Soviet strength in these
Strategy" intended to prevent nuclear bombs. The Navy also strategic systems, some in the
the spread of Soviet power commissioned several sub- American national security es-
and communist ideology. marines that carried the sur- tablishment worried that the
Serious clashes of interest face-launched, nuclear-armed United States no longer held
between the United States Regulus cruise missile. At the the edge in the nuclear realm.
and the Soviet Union oc- end of the decade, the United The issue took on national
curred over Berlin in 1948, States brought on line prominence during the
China in 1949, Korea in the nuclear-armed intercontinen- presidential election of 1960
early 1950s, Laos in the late tal ballistic missiles (ICBM) when many Americans be-
1950s, and Berlin again at the based in the United States came convinced of a "missile
end of the decade. The Soviets and submarine launched bal- gap" between the United
supported Chinese, Korean, listic missiles (SLBM)taken States and the USSR.
and Vietnamese Communist to sea in the Navy's new Even though this issue
guerrillas and conventional George Washington-class helped Senator John F.
military forces fighting ships. In addition, with the Kennedy defeat Vice-President
against the U.S. and other concurrence of the North At- Richard M. Nixon, soon after
non-Communist governments. lantic Treaty Organization his inauguration in January
The Soviets killed few (NATO) allies, the United 1961, the new president
Americans themselves, but be- States deployed IRBMs to learned from intelligence sour-
cause Moscow was the power Great Britain, Italy, and ces that the United States
behind international com- Turkey. The power of the U.S. had far more nuclear weapon
munism and the patron of nuclear arsenal was tremen- delivery systems and war-
anti-American action around dous. An American nuclear at- heads than the Soviets. This
the globe, U.S. leaders tack, to quote a Navy officer conclusion was based on the
regarded the USSR as their recounting a SAC briefing on earlier surveillance missions
prime antagonist. Moscow, the nuclear strike plan, would of high-flying U-2 reconnais-
however, refrained from have left "virtually all of Rus- sance aircraft and the continu-
posing a direct military chal- sia . . . a smoking, radiating ing orbits of American
lenge to Washington and ruin at the end of two hours." intelligence-collection satel-
worked to prevent the out- Throughout the late 1950s, lites over the Soviet Union.
break of large-scale warfare Khrushchev's government Furthermore, the Soviets
between Soviet client states devoted enormous Soviet based their ICBMs and long-
and the West. resources to the development range bombers only in the
A major reason for this of a nuclear arsenal and by USSR, far from most key tar-
Soviet restraint was the over- 1960 operated a fleet of long gets in the continental United
whelming superiority of the and medium-range bombers, States.
United States in nuclear and a few ICBMs. The Soviet On 21 October 1961, Assis-
weaponry. In the 1950s, the Navy also developed several tant Secretary of Defense
U.S. Air Force's Strategic Air submarines to carry short- Roswell L. Gilpatric made a
Thomas Edison (SSBN 610 ) underway in
the Atlantic in 1962. This submarine and
speech proclaiming that the in a threatening public state- her sisters of the Ethan Allemclass each
only "missile gap" which ex- ment was, he felt, a personal carried 16 Polaris ballistic missiles and
isted was in favor of the and political afront. were a key component of the U.S. strate-
gic deterrent force.
United States. Gilpatric in- Hoping to recover from this
formed the world that the setback, and change the
U.S. nuclear arsenal was so power equation in favor of the
destructive that any nation USSR, Khrushchev began ex-
bringing "it into play" would tensive discussions with Fidel had succeeded in establishing
be committing "an act of self- Castro, the leader of another close relations with Castro.
destruction." Khrushchev country a t odds with the These improved ties eventual-
knew the true balance of United States. By the spring ly resulted in the Cuban Mis-
power, but to have it revealed of 1962, the Soviet premier sile Crisis.
Cuba and the United States
"26 July Movement." Two

ith only ninety miles dependence, the United
of water separating States ousted Spain from the years later this group landed
them, Cuba and the Caribbean and took posses- near Santiago, Cuba, hoping
United States shared much sion of Cuba and Puerto Rico. to inspire a rebellion against
history. Cuba, the largest is- The United States sponsored the government. Batista's sol-
land in the Caribbean, was the creation of a new govern- diers killed most of the rebels,
colonized by Spain soon after ment in Havana, the Republic however, and forced Castro
Christopher Columbus of Cuba. and a dozen fellow insurgents
opened the Western Hemi- During the next half-cen- to flee into the Sierra Maestra
sphere to Europe in 1492. By tury, the United States came Mountains.
the late nineteenth century, to dominate Cuban foreign From his mountain redoubt,
Cuba had become the world's and domestic policy. An act of Castro sparked the revolution
largest sugar producer and a Congress, the Platt Amend- that many Cubans then
key economic asset of Spain. ment, until repealed in 1934, longed for. He dispatched
That European kingdom, then provided for U.S. military in- small guerrilla units that am-
in economic and political tervention into Cuba to bushed and harassed
decline, needed the income protect American interests. In Batista's forces. Simultaneous-
from its Cuban possession. At addition, U.S. companies ly, revolutionaries in the cities
the same time, the United largely controlled the Cuban distributed propaganda,
States had developed impor- economy, especially the sugar recruited more rebels, and
tant economic interests in industry. Cubans increasingly blew up government build-
Central America and the resented this strong American ings. On New Year's Day
Caribbean, and staked its presence in their country. 1959, with his domain
claim as the preeminent The government of the reduced to a few pockets of
power in the Western Hemi- Republic of Cuba was a resistance, Batista fled into
sphere. A dynamic United failure. Corrupt politicians exile in the Dominican
States and a decrepit Spain and military strongmen Republic.
headed for a clash. stifled democracy and under- On 8 January, Castro and
In 1895, long-simmering cut repeated attempts at his supporters entered
Cuban opposition to the rule reform. General Fulgencio Havana to the cheers of the
of the Spanish monarchy Batista, who seized power in capital's jubilant populace. Ini-
burst into rebellion. Many 1952, proved to be one of the tially, the new leader did not
Americans were sympathetic most ruthless of Cuban publicly embrace any social or
to the Cuban insurrectionists. leaders. He held onto power political ideology, but stressed
When the battleship Maine, through graft and the suppres- his credentials as a Cuban
on a port visit to Havana in sion of dissent. nationalist. He promised the
1898, exploded and sank, the One of Batista's early op- Cuban people prosperity,
U.S. Congress blamed the ponents was Fidel Castro. On equality, justice, and personal
Spanish authorities and 26 July 1953, the former liberty through the efforts of
declared war. Years later, ex- lawyer and political extremist his revolutionary movement.
amination of the wreck sug- led a small band of supporters Castro and his
gested that the American in an attack on the Moncada revolutionaries improved
warship had suffered an inter- army barracks. It was a fias- some aspects of Cuban life,
nal explosion and was not co. Castro and most of his fol- but at great cost. Castro estab-
sunk by a Spanish torpedo or lowers were captured and lished an increasingly
mine, as first suspected. thrown into prison. Freed in a authoritarian regime,
As a result of the Spanish- general amnesty in 1955, suspended many civil liber-
American War, known in Castro went into exile in ties, refused to hold elections,
Cuba as the Second War of In- Mexico, where he formed the and suppressed not only op-
LC Geography and Map Dims~on'- ' l?+#

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A detailed map of Cuba, 1961. Photo Interpreters first discovered mlssile sites west of Havana, near the towns of San Cristobal
and Guanajay. Lnter, U-2 photography also revealed MRBM and IRBM sites on the northern coast of central Cuba, close to the
towns of Sagua La Grande and Remedios.
ponents but even former sup-
porters. Many Cubans were
shot, imprisoned, or driven
into exile. Moreover, Castro
began a n agrarian reform pro-
gram that involved the ex-
propriation of over $1 billion
worth of American holdings.
The trend of events in Cuba
appalled U.S. President
Dwight D. Eisenhower and
the leaders of his administra-
tion. The American govern-
ment first pressed Castro to
moderate his behavior and Cuban leader Fidel Castro meets with
when this brought no genuine Soviet Premier Khrushchev at the United
response strongly criticized throw of Castro's government. Nations in New York in September 1960.
The animosity of these leaders toward
him. Mindful of U.S. support The president directed the the United States prompted increased
for the deposed Batista Central Intelligence Agency Soviet and Cuban cooperation in the po-
regime and America's long (CIA) to plan, support, and litical, economic, and military spheres.
domination of the Cuban oversee an invasion of Cuba
economy, Castro did not take by anti-Castro guerrillas.
kindly to Washington's in- With the endorsement of the desperately needed reinforce-
volvement. He publicly and incoming Kennedy ad- ments and ammunition.
vehemently railed against the ministration, the U.S. nation- Castro's ground forces sealed
United States government for al security establishment off the beachhead and then
interfering in Cuban affairs. bent to the task. On 17 April overwhelmed the defenders.
Washington responded by 1961, with ships of the U.S. The survivors were herded off
placing an embargo on nearly Second Fleet steaming just to prison.
all of Cuba's goods. over the horizon, the 1,300- Not only did the Bay of Pigs
Of greater significance for man Brigade 2506 stormed fiasco strengthen U.S. hos-
US.-Cuban relations, Castro ashore a t Playa Larga and tility toward Castro and his
approached the Soviet Union Playa Giron, the Bay of Pigs. movement but it prompted
for economic, political, and For the next two days, the the Cuban dictator to openly
military support. In Septem- anti-Castro Cubans fought to and wholeheartedly embrace
ber 1959, he signed a treaty break out of the beachhead. the Soviet Union and Marxist-
with Moscow for the Soviet They were hampered by the Leninist ideology. In his May
importation of Cuban sugar, lack of adequate training, Day 1961 address, Castro an-
formerly a valued U.S. im- weapons, and equipment. In nounced to hundreds of
port. The next year, he re- addition, President Kennedy thousands of his compatriots
quested and received Soviet refused to provide them with assembled in Havana that the
military equipment. On 3 air support for fear of making Cuban revolution was a
January 1961, President U.S. involvement in the "socialist" revolution.
Eisenhower finally severed enterprise apparent. Free
U.S. diplomatic relations with from opposition, Castro's tiny
Cuba. air force sank two of the in-
Even before that event, the vading force's ships, and
Eisenhower administration drove the rest out to sea,
began to consider the over- thereby denying the brigade
Rising Tensions in the Caribbean
T he Soviet military build-
up in Cuba soon fol-
lowed. As with other
third world nations like Egypt
provided a stable platform for
specially designed cameras.
The Soviet downing of Fran-
cis Gary Powers' U-2 over the
planes photographed Soviet
and bloc ships as they neared
Cuba. Photographic inter-
preters often could tell the
and Indonesia, Soviet arms Ural Mountains in 1960 with type and amount of military
shipments to Cuba came in SA-2 surface-to-air missiles material being transported by
stages, starting with small (SAM) restricted the planes' noting if the merchantman
arms and ending with aircraft operational flexibility, but the was high or low in the water
and warships. By the end of U-2s continued to fly over and by analyzing the cargo on
1961, the Soviets had Cuba and other areas that deck, whether stowed openly
provided the Cuban military lacked missile defenses. or crated.
with rifles, machine guns, American intelligence American intelligence
tanks, artillery, over thirty learned of Soviet anns ship- agents, friendly foreign na-
early-model MiG jet fighters, ments not only by U-2 flights tionals, and journalists also
and a few helicopters, over Cuba but through Navy, provided information about
transport planes, and small Coast Guard, and Marine Soviet activities in Cuba.
naval vessels. Corps observation of Soviet Throughout the spring and
The CIA obtained much of merchant vessels. Turkey- summer of 1962, these
its information on this build- based Navy detachments and sources reported the arrival in
up from the monthly flights of Sixth Fleet air patrol units Cuba of large numbers of
U-2 aircraft over Cuba. photographed Soviet and East- Soviet "technicians," who
Developed in the mid-1950s to ern Bloc vessels in the traveled under common Rus-
I gather intelligence on the Bosporus Strait and in the sian names to deceive U.S. in-
Soviet Union and the Com- Mediterranean, while Navy telligence. For instance,
f munist countries of eastern patrol squadrons based a t Marshal Sergi Biryuzov ap-
Europe, the U-2 flew a t Naval Station (NS), Bermuda, peared on one passenger list
I 70,000 feet, where Soviet and Naval Air Station (NAS), as "the engineer Petrov."
fighters could not operate ef- Jacksonville, Florida, over- These men were sent to
fectively. The aircraft also had flew ships in the Atlantic. remote parts of the island,
tremendous range and Coast Guard and Marine where they selected and
I NHC 5-446-B(1)

A Navy patrol plane photographed the Soviet freighter Krasnogradas she steamed for Cuba in September 1962, probably carry-
ing S S 4 missiles. U.S. and allied aircraft and ships closely monitored the passage of Soviet merchantmen through the Atlantic
and Caribbean.
p%a~nerB missile sites and year5U,S. intelligence iden-
other military installations tified htsr Soviet r e ~ m e n t z a l
meant $0 accommodate incorn- combat groaps in @&a,
ing Soviet arms and '"tech- The increase in Soviet ac-
nicians." Press sewice photos tivity? including $he possible
revealed t h a t many of t h e lat- arrival of missiles in Cutsa,
t e r were young, fit men with wonpied CIA Director J O ~A.H P
short htiir-learly soldiers &f~Cone; c o n s e ~ e n t l yhe~
out of uniform. Later that doubled t h e number of 0-2

1 U-2s, Crusaders, and Voodoos

T h e intelligence provided by U,S, reconnais- at the height of the c~isia,
sance aircraft was vital to President Kennedy's Bavy and Marine aviators Byina the Vought
s u ~ e s s f umanagement
l of the Cuban Misails FSU-IP Cmsader camied out many of the vital.
Cfisis, These planes, flown with skill and low-level p h o t o ~ a p h i crecr_annaissaneemissions
courage by Ame~icanpilots, and equippd with during the crisis" IPgtel%igencespecialists con-
~tate-of-the-a& cameras, captured phetomaghs sidered the Navy*sEight Phobpagkic Squadron
sf ~ u c hquality that tkey coPgvinced U.S., United {WPB62 the best low-level reconnaissance unit
Nations, and Organization of American States of- in the armed forces, bmause the unit'^ pereonne1
ficials of Soviet duplicit~pregarding Cubar were weH bained and the Cmsader was an espe-
The Lockheed U-2 reconnaissance plane was cially stable aerial photogaphy platform
desimed during the 1950%to monitor the status equipped with cameras of advanced design.
of the Boa-let Union's Xong-ran& bomber, inter- Several Cmsadere of Marine Composite Recon-
continental balEistic missile, and nuclear naissance Squadron 2 were attached to WP-62
\veapons proeams. Flying at 70,000 feet, the U- at Key West, Florida. The cameras carried by
2s could p h o d o ~ a p ha 100-mile-wideswath of the Navy and Marine Cmsaders were smaJH-
$erritow equal tas the distance from Washin@on, forrwat, six-inch focal len@h cameras-the KA-4S
D.G., to Phoenix, Arizong, The U-2's 36-inch and U - 4 6 , Both cameras carried 260 feet of five-
focal len@h camera, known a s the 'W' camera, inch-wide film.
carried two film canisters. Each c ~ n i s t e was
r The mainstay of the &r Force tactical recon-
loaded with 5,000 feet of"$$-inchby $-inch film. naissance @?for% was the NcDonnell WF- 101C
The camera took pictures from smen different Yosdoe. The aircrafk was a good plakforrn for
positions onto each role af f lm, producing a medium s r high-altitude aerial photogaphie
stereo image 18by $85 inches. The resolutrtion of w o ~ kbstrt
, its carn~$~ras groved less thsn satiafw-
the p h o t o ~ a p h produced
s was ~emarkabl- tory for low-levellwork. Consequently, Admiral
items less than three feet square 023. the gound George h d e r s o n , Chief of MavaS Operations,
c o ~ l dba easily distinmish~d. agreed to a request by General Ckarti~LeMay,
Wrile the Central Intelligence Agency flew the Air Fapee Chief of Staff?for a number of the new
F9-2 missions over and wound Cuba before mid- K4-45 eamaras due the N a y f ~ o mthe snacsnufac-
October 1962, &c &? Force carried oaxt the %carer.Balf of the production ma wag divePt~dxo
msmentsus f 4 October flight and mbsequent the Air Force so the RF-101s could be equipped
missile crisis Bights, g5-2 pilot Major Rudolf with some of the best cameras then a~ailable,
Anderson, USAF, paid the dkimate price for his Air Farce tactical remnnaissance squadrons
brawry and dedication t s d ~ t over y Cuba. A with the U - 4 5 s soosa became quite proEcienL at
Communist 524-2surface-to-air missile downed low-level photra~aphy.
hie airera& and killed Alderson on 294 %8ctober,
An Air Force Lockheed U-2 reconnaissance plane. This aircraft, while ungainly in ap-
pearance, was able to fly long distances at great speed and altitude. This was pos-
sible because the U-2 was built of lightweight materials. Indeed, the wings were so
delicate that they needed wheeled supports, called "pogos," when the aircraft was
on the ground.

missions to two per month. Naval intelligence also formation, the Pentagon or-
These flights, however, did reported on the sighting of a dered Navy Fighter Squadron
not confirm the presence of Soviet-built Komar-class (VF) 41 to NAS Key West,
any missiles. guided missile boat off the Florida. Manned by some of
While photographic recon- Cuban port of Mariel. Using the best Navy pilots and
naissance discovered nothing the U-2 photography taken 29 equipped with state-of-the-art
untoward, Cuban agents and August, the Americans con- F4H-1 Phantom IIs, VF-41
refugees began reporting that firmed the presence of 13 was one of the best intercep-
Soviet SA-2 antiaircraft mis- Soviet-built patrol vessels tor squadrons in the U.S.
siles might be in Cuba. there, including seven Navy.
Despite the lack of clear proof, Komars. These vessels sub- Developments in other
McCone concluded that SA-2s stantially improved the coas- trouble spots of the world
would soon be deployed on the tal defense capabilities of the heightened Soviet-U.S. ten-
island, and on 22 August so small Cuban Navy, which pre- sions. In late August, a U-2
informed the president. viously put to sea only a few aircraft unintentionally
Kennedy ordered another U-2 old World War I1 frigates and entered Soviet airspace over
mission, which the CIA exe- subchasers. Sakhalin Island on the
cuted on 29 August. When the Even these older vessels, USSR's Pacific coast.
information from this flight however, were not toothless. Khrushchev's government
was evaluated, in the words of On 30 August, two Cuban protested the "gross violation"
one analyst, "the sirens were frigates fired on an S2F Track- of the Soviet frontier and sug-
on and the red lights were er antisubmarine warfare gested that U-2 bases in
flashing." plane manned by a U.S. Great Britain, West Germany,
The photo intelligence con- Naval Reserve crew and Turkey, and Japan might be
firmed the presence of eight flying a training mission over at risk.
sites on the northern coast of international waters, 15 nauti- U.S. domestic politics also
Cuba east and west of cal miles from Cuba. The Ken- added to the growing interna-
Havana that would soon ac- nedy administration lodged a tional anxiety. In the midst of
commodate SAMs. Analysts diplomatic protest with Cuba, a midterm Congressional elec-
decided that these sites were stating that in the future, tion, Senator Kenneth Keating
the beginnings of an overall, U.S. armed forces would (R-NY),although having no of-
integrated air defense net- "employ all means necessary ficial access to intelligence,
work for Cuba, not just for their own protection." publicly stated his belief that
defenses for specific locations. Castro personally denied there were Soviet SAMs and
McCone concluded that the Cuban involvement in the troops in Cuba. Keating
principal target for the SAMs episode but also used the oc- accused the Kennedy admini-
would be his U-2s. The 29 casion to remind the world stration of covering up this
August images also revealed a that Cuba's airspace had been information. Other members
missile site that overlooked violated numerous times by of Congress called for a U.S.
several possible amphibious foreign military aircraft; this blockade of Cuba to compel
landing areas near the city of was an obvious reference to Soviet withdrawal from the
Banes in eastern Cuba. A U-2 the CIA'S U-2s.The 5 Septem- island. Some Democratic lead-
mission flown on 5 September ber mission, flown over east- ers demanded even more
located additional sites near ern and central Cuba, also aggressive action by Kennedy.
likely landing areas. Intel- revealed the presence of first- Faced with challenges in
ligence analysts eventually line, Soviet-made MiG-21 the domestic and internation-
deduced that these installa- fighters. These planes had the al political arenas, and in pos-
tions contained SS-2-C coas- potential to shoot down a U-2. session of the most recent
tal defense missiles. In response to this new in- aerial intelligence, Kennedy
A newspaper map of military and naval lnstallatlonsIn Cuba, October 1962. U.S. intelligence identified Soviet-made Komar-class
missile boats at the port of Marie1 and 11-28 Beagle bombers at airfields near Holguin and San Julian (called Guane on this map).

LC Geography and Map Divisim

responded to the Cuban prob- ground missiles. Kennedy Dean Rusk and National
lem. In statements to the reminded Dobrynin that the Security Advisor McGeorge
press on 4 and 13 September, United States monitored Bundy argued that the infor-
the president revealed that Soviet activity in Cuba close- mation obtained from the mis-
the United States knew ly, and that the deployment of sions was not worth the
Soviet-supplied SAMs and offensive missiles on the is- military and political risks.
other defensive weapons had land would cause severe reper- Even though the CIA Deputy
been deployed to Cuba. He im- cussions. In a meeting with Director, Army Major General
plied that the United States Adlai Stevenson, the U.S. Am- Marshall "Pat" Carter and
could tolerate their presence. bassador to the United Na- Robert Kennedy disagreed
He also stated that there was tions (UN), Dobrynin again strongly, the president
no substantive evidence of of- affirmed that no offensive directed that the missions
fensive weapons in Cuba. The weapons would be placed in over Cuba be stopped and
president added sternly, Cuba. that henceforth the U-2s fly
"were it to be otherwise, the Dobrynin's communications out of harm's way over the sea
gravest issues would arise." were part of a program of and parallel to the Cuban
During the first week of deception orchestrated from coastline. These flights along
September, Soviet Ambas- Moscow to reduce U.S. the periphery brought back lit-
sador Anatoly Dobrynin met suspicions. Khrushchev kept tle useful information and
with several members of the Dobrynin in the dark about revealed nothing about opera-
Kennedy administration. Ac- the action long after approv- tions in the interior of the is-
ting on directions from ing deployment of the offen- land.
Khrushchev, Dobrynin told sive missiles to Cuba. Navy reconnaissance of
Attorney General Robert F. Despite Robert Kennedy's Soviet merchantmen, how-
Kennedy, the president's statement regarding the con- ever, continued to pay
younger brother, that the tinued close surveillance of dividends. An aerial
Soviet buildup in Cuba was of Cuba, the presence there of photograph of the Soviet
no significance. He assured SAMs and fighters increased freighter Kasimov showed ten
Kennedy that no offensive the danger to the U-2s. At a long, thin boxes on deck.
weapons would be placed in White House meeting on 10 Photo interpreters, practicing
Cuba, specifically ground-to- September, Secretary of State the mysterious art of "crateol-
ogy," quickly identified the planes would eventually ar- tions for these planes to other
boxes as containers for the rive in Cuba. The 11-28s had countries. Thus, although
fuselages of 11-28 Beagle light an operating radius of 750 President Kennedy was un-
jet bombers, long i n the Soviet miles and the capacity to comfortable with this news,
inventory. The arrival of these
carry 6,500 pounds of nuclear McCone and other advisors
aircraft was not unexpected or conventional bombs. The downplayed the threat.
for the CIA had believed for CIA reported that the Soviets
some months that these never provided nuclear muni-
v ,cca a;?:
T mt
- .-4,d

U.S. ~ i l i t a Preparations

he president was not Cuba but never exam-
The Joint Chiefs of Staff in the fall of
1962, IeR to rlght: Gen. Earle G. Wheeler,
Army Chief of Staff; Gen. Cuds E. Le-
ready to sound the ined his military's various May, Air Force Chief of Staff; Army Gen.
alarm over Soviet ac- planning documents or asked Maxwell D. Taylor, Chairman of the Joint
Chiefs Of -ft; GeorgeW- Ander-
tions i n the Caribbean. Cer- probing questions about how Adma

son, Chief of Naval Operations; and

tainly, he was not planning to combat operations would un- en. David M. shoup, Commandant of
invade Cuba a s some critics fold. Indeed, during the crisis the Marine Corps.
would later charge. Kennedy he was surprised to learn that - -&.A ..-
followed developments in if he ordered a n invasion, I? to?f r 5 'i
U.S. forces could carry it out warning picket line estab- To reduce reaction time in
swiftly. Given Soviet activity lished in the Atlantic and a case the president activated
there, however, prudence dic- single ship stood watch in the any of the CINCLANT contin-
tated that adequate prepara- Straits of Florida. gency plans, the Joint Chiefs
tions be made. Anti-Submarine Warfare of Staff instructed Admiral
In 1961, after the Bay of Forces, Atlantic, led by Vice Dennison to deploy naval
Pigs disaster, the Joint Chiefs Admiral Edmund B. Taylor, forces off eastern Florida. The
of Staff had directed Admiral conducted regular antisubma- aircraft carrier Independence
Dennison's Atlantic Command rine hunter-killer (HUK) op- (CVA 62), with Carrier Air
to develop several Cuban con- erations. Each HUK group Group 7 embarked, departed
tingency plans. The deteriora- was composed of several de-
tion of the Cuban situation stroyers, submarines, and a n
brought about the refinement antisubmarine warfare (ASW)
of several relevant operation carrier equipped with S2F
plans (OPLANs). OPLAN 312- tracking planes and helicop-
62 (the latter two digits refer ters. Essex (CVS 9), only sev-
to the year the plan was is- eral days out of a refit at the
sued) provided for three forms New York Navy Yard, steamed
of air attack on Cuba: one for toward Guantanarno Bay for
a strike against a single site six weeks of training. In sup-
of a specific type (e.g., a SAM port of the HUK groups were
site); one for attacks on all long-range P2V, P3V, and
sites of one type (e.g., all SAM P5M patrol aircraft based a t
sites); and one for a broad, naval stations and facilities
large-scale air assault. Navy, situated t o cover the Atlantic
Marine, and Air Force units and the Caribbean. They in-
would be involved in these op- cluded Argentia, Newfound-
erations, as appropriate. If land, in Canada; Lajes,
necessary, the air strikes Azores, off Portugal; Ber-
would be followed by a n am- muda; Roosevelt Roads,
phibious and airborne inva- Puerto Rico; Guantanamo,
sion, embodied in OPLANs Cuba; and several bases in
314-62 and 316-62, i n which the continental United States.
all the services would take In early October, the Am-
part. phibious Forces, Atlantic
Throughout early October Fleet, command prepared to
1962, U.S. military, naval, carry out a n annual amphibi-
and air forces carried out rou- ous landing exercise involving
tine peacetime operations, but eighteen ships from Amphibi-
their center of gravity shifted ous Squadrons 8 and 12,
south to America's Caribbean three Marine battalion land-
and nearby Atlantic frontiers. ing teams (BLT), and several
The nuclear-powered aircraft Marine aircraft squadrons.
carrier Enterprise (CVAN 65) The objective in the 1962 exer-
and her escorts returned to cise was to land Marine forces
Norfolk, Virginia, from a de- on Vieques Island off Puerto
ployment to the Sixth Fleet in Rico to oust from the island
the Mediterranean. Several the fictional dictator "Ortsac"
destroyers patrolled the early (Castro spelled backwards).
Norfolk on the 11th accompa- Admiral Dennison's Army s u m a b l e ~to bases in Florida
nied by destroyers English and Air Force components and its Tactical Air Command
(DD 696), Hank (DD 702), also enhanced their readiness (TAC) trained intensively.
O'Hare (DDR 889), and Corry for Cuban operations. A num-
(DDR 817). In addition, Ma- ber of Army units heightened
rine Aircraft Wing 2 deployed their alert status and preposi-
elements of Marine Aircraft tioned supplies i n the south- An A3D-2 Skywarrior of Heavy Attack
Groups 1 4 and 32 to NAS Key ern United States. The Air Squadron 11, Det. 8, lands on board
West and NS Roosevelt Roads Force moved selected squad- Independence,20 October 1962. CVA 62
was one of the two fleet carriers in-
on 13 October. rons, equipment, and war con- volved in the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Essex(CVS 9), whose crew is unaware of the crisis brewing in Washington,
heads for Guantanamo, Cuba, and a training evolution in mid-October 1962.
This ship was a key component of the fleet's antisubmarine warfare force,
as shown by the presence on the flight deck of the Grumman S2F Tracker,
Grumman WF-2 Tracer airborne early warning aircraft, and Sikorsky HSSP
Sea King hellcopters of CVSG-60.

Essex: A Gallant Old Lady

T h e antisubmarine warfare (ASW) support car- embarked CVSG-60 off Quonset Point, Rhode Is-
rier Essex (CVS 9) was the oldest carrier in the land, and headed for Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
Navy a t the time of the Cuban Missile Crisis. Or- The ship, with many new crewmen and new
dered in 1940, she was the lead ship of a carrier equipment aboard, was scheduled for six weeks
class of 24 vessels. During World War 11, she of refresher training off the Cuban base. She
saw extensive action in the Pacific, suffering a steamed into Guantanamo on Friday, 19 Oc-
kamikaze attack off the Philippines. She was tober. Unaware of the crisis that was then break-
decommissioned in 1947 but brought back into ing, Captain Gerard S. Bogart set aside Sunday
service during the Korean War and received four the 21st as a liberty day for part of the crew.
battle stars for her contributions. Modernized in At 0330 on the 21st, the order "reveille,
1955 with an angled flight deck and other im- reveille, all hands" echoed throughout the car-
provements, she served as an attack carrier rier. The ship got underway immediately, but no
until 1960. That year, the Navy converted the one seemed to know why. Radiomen strained a t
ship to an ASW support carrier. their receivers to pick up any news, official or
In mid-1962, Essex was overhauled in the New otherwise. The crew soon heard that the presi-
York Navy Yard in Brooklyn. New electrical and dent would make an important address the next
sonar equipment made her one of the most night. When a radio broadcast of that speech an-
modern ASW support carriers in the Navy. nounced the quarantine of Cuba, cheers rose
These improvements included the installation of from all decks.
a bow-mounted SQS-23 sonar, an Iconorama tac- For the next 26 days, until 15 November,
tical display, and new electronic counter- Essex operated a t sea. Her air department and
measures equipment. CVSG-60 searched the waters off Cuba and the
Essex employed Carrier Anti-Submarine Air Bahamas for 624 consecutive hours. The
Group (CVSG) 60 as her combat component. Led carrier's aircraft and sonar and her escorting
by Commander Robert L. Severns, the air group destroyers tracked a submarine contact-Soviet
included two antisubmarine (VS) squadrons, an Foxtrot-class submarine F945--finally forcing it
antisubmarine helicopter (HS) squadron, and a to the surface.
detachment of a n airborne early warning (VAW) Even though manned by a new crew using
squadron. VS-34 and VS-39 flew Grumman S2F complex new equipment, the ship operated with
Trackers, while HS-9 operated Sikorsky HSS-2 great effectiveness. This demonstrated how well-
Sea Kings. Detachment 9 of VAW-12 flew Grum- trained officers and bluejackets of the U.S. Navy
man WF-2 Tracers, planes which could now be can adapt to changing situations. For their out-
operated from Essex because of new data link standing performance during the Cuban Missile
gear installed during the 1962 refit. Crisis, sailors and aircrewmen of the carrier
Essex sailed from New York on 25 September, received the Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal.
The "Milk Run" U-2 Mission of
E vents in the Caribbean Ground crews removed the and the people in them. Art
took a dramatic turn film from his aerial camera Lundahl, NPIC's director,
on 14 October, when and put it on a plane bound passed the information to his
American aircraft resumed for Washington. Navy special- superiors a t CIA headquar-
flights over Cuba rather than ists processed the film and ters, who i n turn alerted Na-
around the island's periphery the following day took i t to tional Security Advisor
For the first time, U.S. Air the CIA's National Photo- McGeorge Bundy. He immedi-
Force U-2s were involved. Ma- graphic Interpretation Center ately arranged a meeting
jor Richard S. Heyser, one of (NPIC) for analysis. with the president at the
only two Air Force pilots In the afternoon, following White House for the next
checked out on the CIA-modi- many hours of close scrutiny, morning, 16 October.
fied U-2, took off from members of the joint-service Beginning just before noon,
Edwards Air Force Base, and CIA team made a discov- Lundahl briefed the president
California, flew over western ery that immediately turned and his chief national security
Cuba, and landed a t McCoy the routine "milk run" mis- advisors. He used the photos
Air Force Base, Florida. Hav- sion into an intelligence coup. to identify and describe the
ing encountered no MiGs or The photo interpreters discov- MRBM site located on the
SAM activity over the Com- ered a new missile site meant 14th. Based on additional
munist island, when the ma- for Soviet SS-4 MRBMs-of- analysis completed by the
jor landed he described the fensive weapons capable of in- photo interpreters the night
mission as "a milk run." cinerating American cities before, Lundahl also pointed

NHC 5-446-B(2)

This aerial photo was one of several captured by an Air Force U-2 plane from an altitude of 14 miles on 14 October 1962. When
Arthur Lundahl of the CIA showed it to President Kennedy two days later, it started the Cuban Missile Crisis. The CIA's skilled
photo interpreters, using special light tables and stereoscopes, verified that the Soviets had this MRBM site under construction.
14 October
out another MRBM site and Sandals and Skeans
another installation whose
weapons could not yet be de- O n 14 October 1962, U.S. photoreconnaissance aircraft
termined. Kennedy listened to discovered that Soviet military personnel were hard at work
the presentation calmly. But, on the island of Cuba constructing a launch site to accommo-
according to Army General date nuclear-armed, medium range ballistic missiles
Maxwell D. Taylor, only re- (MRBM). This information sounded the alarm in Washington
cently appointed Chairman of and touched off .the Cuban Missile Crisis, the most serious
the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Soviet-American confrontation of the Cold War.
president displayed a "rather The USSR had already set up intercontinental ballistic mis-
deep but controlled anger at siles on its own soil by 1962, but these weapons and their nu-
the duplicity of the Soviet offi- clear warheads could only reach certain areas of the
cials who had tried to deceive continental United States. MRBMs positioned in Cuba, a t one
him." The Cuban Missile point only 90 miles from Florida, were a different matter. Dur-
Crisis had begun in earnest. ing the summer of 1962, the Soviets carried out Khrushchev's
To gather more information plan to secretly transport SS-4 Sandal missiles to Cuba.
on Soviet activities in Cuba, Forty-two arrived by October, and intelligence officers esti-
Secretary of Defense Robert mated that each Sandal carried a two or three-megaton nu-
S. McNamara ordered the exe- clear warhead, devices sixty times more powerful than the
cution not only of additional bombs dropped on Japan in 1945. The SS-4s could strike
high-level U-2 flights but low- within two miles of a target from 1,020 nautical miles away.
level reconnaissance. Chief of This put a t risk the entire southeastern United States, includ-
Naval Operations (CNO),Ad- ing the cities of Dallas, Texas; St. Louis, Missouri; and Wash-
miral George W. Anderson, ington, D.C.-the nation's capital. In addition, the Sandal
concurred with Art Lundahl's could hit the Panama Canal, all of Central America, and part
obsel-vation that the Navy's of northern South America.
Light Photographic Squadron Even more threatening to the United States and her neigh-
(VFP) 62 was best suited for bors in the Western Hemisphere were the Soviet SS-5 Skean
the latter mission. VFP-62, intermediate range ballistic missiles for which four launching
based at NAS Cecil Field out- sites (four launchers and eight missiles per site) were being
side Jacksonville, Florida, built in Cuba when the crisis unfolded. The Central Intelli-
was then perhaps the finest gence Agency estimated that these weapons each carried a
low-level photoreconnaissance three to five-megaton warhead that was several hundred
organization in the U.S. mili- times more powerful than the Hiroshima bomb. The Skean
tary. The men of the Navy could reach out to 2,200 nautical miles and impact within two
squadron were especially miles of its intended target. Hence, from Cuba, the Soviets
skilled in navigation, instru- could devastate any city or military site as far north as
ment flying, and intelligence- Hudson Bay, Canada, and as far south as Lima, Peru. Fortu-
collection techniques, and nately, none of these weapons reached Cuba. However, even
their aircraft, F8U-1P Crusad- as Kennedy announced establishment of the quarantine, the
ers, were equipped with spe- Soviet freighter Poltava, with launch rings for the SS-5
cial cameras. Admiral stowed on her deck, and perhaps missiles in her holds, was en
Anderson alerted the squad- route to the island. Khrushchev might have been less willing
ron to ready a detachment for to compromise if his deception was discovered after these le-
operations over Cuba. By the thal weapons had become operational.
l % h , the squadron had de-
ployed six F8U-1P Crusaders
along with ground support
personnel to NAS Key West.
Several days later, a detach-
ment from Marine Composite
Reconnaissance Squadron 2
joined VF'P-62 at Jackson-
Meanwhile, the president
assembled in Washington a
group of defense, intelligence,
and diplomatic officials, and
other trusted advisors to as-
sist him in handling the cri-
sis. The Executive Committee
of the National Security Coun-
cil, or EXCOM, included
Rusk, McNamara, McCone,
Bundy, General Taylor, Robert
Kennedy, former Secretary of
State Dean Acheson, and Vice
President Lyndon B. Johnson,
as well as other specialists.
This high-powered group dis-
cussed the various options
and recommended certain
courses of action, but Presi-
dent Kennedy made the key
Based in Cuba, Soviet SS-4 Sandal MRBMs could hit targets in the southern and east-
decisions. ern regions of the U.S., while the even more fearsome SS-5 Skean IRBMs could strike
The president weighed sites in most of North America and northern South America.
three options regarding the
U.S. response to Krush- change for U.S. concessions. sole military officer present.
cheds opening gambit. The After some debate, all mem- This former Army Chief of
first option was military: bers of the EXCOM agreed on Staff and Special Military
launch air actions against one point: the Soviet Union Representative of the Presi-
Cuba, as embodied in OPLAN must withdraw its offensive dent was highly regarded by
3 12. There was a great likeli- missiles from Cuba. Kennedy. Taylor did not press
hood that these operations Feeling Khrushchev had for the military option, as
would be followed by the am- willfully deceived them over some of the chiefs of staff
phibious and airborne land- the missiles, the president might have had they been pre-
ings laid out in OPLAN 3 16. and most of his advisors im- sent. In any case, the major-
The second option suggested mediately rejected the third ity of the EXCOM members
the combined use of military option. The military action were cautious about launch-
pressure and diplomatic nego- had several adherents, par- ing combat operations. No one
tiation, compelling the Sovi- ticularly McCone, Acheson, could predict how the Soviets
ets to remove their offensive and Taylor. But, Rusk, Bundy, or the Cubans would react. At
missiles from the island. The and several others feared that this stage, however, the group
third choice was a different the air strikes would cause a did not rule out a military re-
combination of force and nego- large number of civilian and sponse. There was consensus
tiation, with more emphasis Soviet casualties. As Chair- that the second option held
on inducing the Soviets to man of the Joint Chiefs of the most promise - that the
withdraw their weapons in ex- Staff, General Taylor was the United States use military
pressure, short of outright
hostilities, to force Khrush-
chev to back down.
As the EXCOM analyzed
the pros and cons of various
actions, new intelligence
reached them that raised the
anxiety level. The U-2mis-
sions flown on 17 October re-
vealed construction activity in
a n area, just west of Havana,
that ~ h o t intemreters
o soon
ideniified as a launching site LC LC-U9-8639 On 18 October, the president met with
for Soviet SS-5 Skean IRBMs. Soviet Ambassador Anatoli Dobrynin
and Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei
These weapons were more ac- Gromyko (center) at the White House.
curate and powerfd than the In the diplomatic arena, on Kennedy was in possession of photos
SS-4 and had twice the range. 18 October, the president met revealing the construction of Soviet bal-
The following day, NPIC con- with Ambassador Dobrynin listic missile sites in Cuba, but he was
not yet ready to confront Gromyko with
firmed that the Soviets had and Soviet Foreign Minister this evidence. Gromyko, however, as-
two IRBM and six MRBM Andrei Gromyko. Kennedy re- sured Kennedy that no offensive weap-
sites under construction. peated the warnings he made ons had been or would be placed in
Cuba, prompting the president to later
refer to the Soviet minister as "that lying
NAH. Cuba Ow.1962

i n September. Gromyko as-

sured the president that the
Soviet Union had not and
would not introduce offensive
weapons into Cuba. Both
men, however, knew the
truth. Kennedy did not con-
front the foreign minister, but
after the meeting referred to
Gromyko a s "that lying bas-

Lts. Gerald L. Coffee and Arthur R. Day,

two VFP-62 naval aviators, discuss aer-
ial photographic operations as RAdm.
Joseph M. Carson, Commander Fleet
Air, Jacksonville, Florida, listens. Be-
cause of its skilled personnel, excellent
planes, and advanced cameras, military
leaders considered the squadron first-
U.S. Forces Converge as the
hether the president task groups, a n underway United States moved toward
ordered air, am- replenishment group, shore- their staging areas and
~hibious.or airborne based Fleet Air Wing 11, and prepared to fulfill the roles as-
attacks against duba, global Marine Aircraft Group 32 sta- signed them in contingency
measures against the Soviet tioned a t NS Roosevelt Roads. plans. Several aircraft wings
Union, nonhostile activities, That same day Dennison or- of the Air Force's TAC flew to
or a combination of actions, dered the A3J heavy attack Tyndall, McCoy, and Homes-
U.S. naval forces would be aircraft of Carrier Air Group 6 tead Air Force Bases in
vital. Consequently, the Navy to remain ashore. To replace Florida. The Air Defense Com-
reorganized its command them, twenty Marine A4D mand also moved F-104 inter-
team. On 17 October, CNO Skyhawks from Marine At- ceptors to Key West. The
directed Admiral Dennison to tack Squadron 225 flew out to Army placed in readiness for
put Vice Admiral Alfred G. the Task Force 135 carriers. immediate deployment the
"Corky" Ward in charge of the The latter aircraft, light at- 82nd and 10lst Airborne
Second Fleet. Dennison also tack jets, were better suited to Divisions. The 1st and 2nd In-
ordered Vice Admiral Horacio close air support strikes than fantry Divisions prepared for
Rivero, Jr., to fill Ward's the A3Js. Commander Second action, and the 1st Armored
former billet a s Commander Fleet also deployed alerted Division's Task Force Charlie
Amphibious Forces, Atlantic squadrons from two carrier started moving to its embarka-
Fleet. Dennison, who not only air groups in the Jacksonville tion point, Savannah, Geor-
commanded the unified Atlan- area. gia. The Army also ordered
tic Command but its naval To help deter Khrushchev Hawk missile battalions and
component, the U.S. Atlantic from launching a surprise at- antiaircraft automatic weap-
Fleet, also continued to tack on the United States, or ons battalions to southern
deploy ship and aircraft units if that failed, to unleash Florida to defend air bases
into the Atlantic and the nuclear devastation on the there.
Caribbean. Soviet Union, the Joint Chiefs Marine Corps units also
Enterprise, with Carrier Air of Staff alerted American
Group 6 embarked, sortied strategic forces. These in- "USS Proteus," watercolor by George
from Norfolk on 19 October. cluded SAC bombers and Gray. A submarine tender provides
Navy spokesmen stated that ICBMs of the Air Force and alongside support to a Polaris fleet bal-
she sailed to escape the ef- the ballistic missile sub- listic missile submarine at Holv Loch.
fects of approaching Hur- marines (SSBN) of the Navy. Navy Art Collection #470
ricane Ella, but the press was By mid-October, six of the
skeptical because no other Navy's new Polaris sub-
ships left port a t the same marines, based a t Holy Loch,
time. Enterprise stood out for Scotland, had deployed to
the waters north of the their battle stations deep
Bahamas. Over the next three under the sea. Abraham Lin-
days, radar picket destroyers coln (SSBN 6021, in upkeep
William R. Rush (DDR 7141, a t Holy Loch, and two other
Hawkins (DDR 873), and submarines that had just com-
Fiske (DDR 842) left Mayport, pleted shakedown cruises
Florida, to join the carrier a s were also prepared on short
escorts. notice to add their firepower
On 20 October, the Navy to the nuclear equation.
formed Task Force 135, which Other units of the Air Force
was composed of the and the Army based
Enterprise and Independence throughout the continental
Crisis Unfolds

As they steam toward the Caribbean hot

spot, the destroyer English (DD 696)
prepared to implement the Group 26. On the West Coast, takes on fuel from the aircraft carrier In-
Cuba contingency plans. On the Marine Corps ordered the dependence (CVA 62). By this method of
resupply, called underway replenish-
the East Coast, I1 Marine Ex- activation of the Fifth Marine ment, smaller ships of the fleet were
peditionary Force, under com- Expeditionary Brigade. Com- able to remain on station throughout the
mand of Major General posed of four battalions from crisis. Tankers also fueled ships at sea.
Frederick L. Weiseman, got the 1st Marine Division, this
ready to embark in the ships brigade would embark in the
of Amphibious Group 4. This ships of Amphibious Group 3 readied themselves for Cuban
force included four BLTs and which would then transit the operations.
armored and antitank sup- Panama Canal into the Carib- To prepare for an invasion
port units of the 2nd Marine bean Sea. Additional Marine of Cuba, if that became neces-
Division and Marine Aircraft aviation and support units sary, the services held a num-
ber of landing exercises in America's closest allies of the the quarantine force. As the
Florida. In conjunction with recent events. In addition, he meeting closed, the president
Army and Marine units, the stated his intention to ad- gave CNO his charge: 'Well,
Navy practiced putting forces dress the American people Admiral it looks as though
ashore in Cuba. In one in- two days hence about the blos- this is up to the Navy." Ander-
stance, Marines and Army in- soming international crisis. son responded, "Mr. Presi-
fantrymen came ashore at The Joint Chiefs of Staff dent, the Navy will not let
Hollywood Beach near Fort also met that day and estab- you down."
Lauderdale. The men had lished several guidelines for That evening, Admiral
trouble moving inland be- the quarantine. The chiefs Dennison issued Operation
cause surprised beachgoers directed Admiral Dennison to Order 45-62 establishing the
thronged the area. position his ships in an arc Quarantine Force as Task
On 20 October, the presi- 500 nautical miles north and Force 136, under the direct
dent and the EXCOM faced a east of Cape Maisi, the control of Admiral Ward. This
complex problem. The group eastern-most point of land in
wanted to prevent further Cuba. This deployment would
shipment of offensive keep naval vessels beyond the
weapons into Cuba, isolate range of the MiG fighters and
Castro from Soviet military 11-28bombers in Cuba. Ad-
and economic support, and miral Ward codenamed this
persuade Khrushchev to line "Walnut."
reverse his earlier decision to As these decisions were
base missiles on the island. made, Destroyer Squadron
As so often in modern interna- 16, based at Mayport, can-
tional crises, sea power celed all leave and alerted
provided a solution-a naval sailors to return to their
blockade. The Navy's sub- ships. Over the next three
marines, surface warships, days, Bigelow (DD 942), Wil-
and patrol aircraft could ex- liam. C. Lawe (DD 763), Mc-
ecute that mission without Caffery (DD 860), and Forrest
firing a shot. Moreover, no Royal (DD 872) left port for
government's permission was their stations on the "Walnut"
required to deploy a powerful line. Cruisers, other
U.S. fleet into the Atlantic or destroyers, and support ships
the Caribbean to establish a sailed from the naval bases at
naval cordon around the is- Norfolk; Charleston, South
land of Cuba. Carolina; and Newport,
That same day, the presi- Rhode Island.
dent ordered the Navy to stop On the 2 lst, Admiral
and search any ship Anderson briefed the EXCOM
suspected of transporting of- on his operational concept for
fensive weapons into Cuba. the quarantine. He explained
On the recommendation of his in great detail how U.S. war-
advisors, however, he labeled ships would locate, signal,
the operation a "quarantine," and if necessary use force RAdm. Edward J. O'Donnell, com-
against suspect ships refusing mander of the naval base at Guan-
because a blockade is an act tanamo, briefs Chief of Naval Operations
of war in international law. inspection. To improve com- Adm. George W. Anderson on the defen-
Kennedy directed the State munication, he had dis- sive strengths and weaknesses of his
Department to inform patched Russian linguists to Navy-Marine garrison.
Marlne PFC Wilbur Martln sets up a TPS
21 air searah radar atop "Suicide Ridge"
on the perimeter at Guantanamo Bay,

force included many of the

destroyers and cruisers that
had put to sea during the pre-
vious days, as well as the
Essa ASW group, and a logis-
tic force of two oilers, an am-
munition ship, and two
As war clouds gathered, Ad-
miral Dennison took action to
strengthen Naval Base, Guan-
tanamo, perched on a vul-
LC Gwgrapny and Map Division

A map of the Caribbean Basin in the early 1960s. The quarantine lines were both located east of the Bahamas and north of Puerto
Rico, in the upper center of the map. The carrier task force (Task Force 135) operated in the waters around Jamaica.
nerable few acres of land near
the southeastern tip of Cuba.
The U.S. Navy had operated
from "GITMO" since acquir-
ing the former coaling station
from Spain in 1898. The gar-
rison consisted of a relatively
small force of three Marine
rifle companies, backed by
limited artillery and air sup-
port. Navy bluejackets
ashore, organized into addi-
tional rifle companies after
the Bay of Pigs, supported the
main line of resistance.
LC PRP LC-U9-8762 # l o
Seabees from Naval Mobile
Construction Battalions 4 and Top: Marine infantry from one of the two
battalion landing teams airlifted by Air
7 manned perimeter positions Force C-135 transports to Leeward Point
and served 8 1 mm mortars, air facility prepare to reinforce other Ma-
and a t least forty Cubans rines and sailors manning the perimeter
from the base work force at Guantanamo. Middle: Navy nurses, on
the staff of Guantanamo Naval Hospital,
volunteered to serve as shared the dangers of service at this
"second man" on police American outpost on the southern end
patrols of the facility. Still, of Cuba. Bottom: On 22 October, U.S. na-
val patrol planes operating over the
the defenders of Guantanamo, broad Atlantic from their air facility in
commanded by Rear Admiral the Azores discovered the rendezvous
Edward J. O'Donnell, would of a Soviet Zulu-class submarine and
the tanker Terek.
be hard pressed to hold the
base if Castro sent strong
ground forces against it.
Brigadier General William
R. Collins, USMC, had ar-
rived on 20 October to take USN 1068403
A Navy bluejacket helps Guantanamo de-
pendents disembark from USNS Upshur
at Norfolk, Virginia. In one day, 22 Octo-
ber, four Navy ships evacuated the 2,400
dependents from the threatened base in

who soon were the only

American women on the base.
As the Marine and Navy
combatants came ashore,
civilian dependents headed in
the other direction. Male
hospital patients, women, and
children moved to the base air
facility and the piers for
transportation to Norfolk.
Seaplane tender Duxbury Bay
(AVP 38), tank landing ship
Desoto County (LST 1171),
stores ship Hyades (AF28),
and transport USNS Upshur
embarked the majority of
evacuees from Guantanamo.
By 1630 on the evening of 22
October, all four ships had
cleared the harbor.
Meanwhile, Admiral Den-
nison ordered all attack sub-
marines in the Atlantic Fleet
to load for wartime operations
and to disperse to waters
north of Charleston. In Wash-
NHC S-OD-A Collection ington, Admiral Anderson
asked the Canadian, British,
charge, under O'Donnell, of would bring in another BLT and several Latin American
the ground forces at Guan- and Battery C of the 3rd navies for help locating Soviet
tanamo. The next day, Air Marine Light Anti-Aircraft ships and submarines in the
Force Military Air Transport Missile Battalion equipped Atlantic.
Service planes reinforced the with Hawk missiles. Tragical- Also on that momentous
base with Marine BLT 211. On ly, a n Air Force (2-135 day, the Navy forwarded to
the 22nd, Amphibious transport delivering ammuni- Washington worrisome infor-
Squadron 8 put another tion to the base crashed, kill- mation. Navy patrol planes
Marine contingent, BLT 212, ing the crew. The airlift also flying from Lajes in the
ashore. The amphibious ships brought in Navy medical Azores spotted the Soviet
immediately left for teams to augment the base tanker Terek refueling a Zulu-
Morehead City, North hospital staff. That staff in- class submarine in nearby
Carolina, to embark another cluded ten members of the waters.
Marine infantry battalion. Navy Nurse Corps-led by At an EXCOM meeting that
Subsequent reinforcement Commander Dorothy Eaton- day, the CIA informed the
president of the submarine ICBMs. All these weapons ment insisted the missiles be
contact and brought to the were designated to strike tar- withdrawn or eliminated. He
meeting the most recent gets in the Soviet Union and added that the U.S. Navy was
aerial photos of Cuba. Art Eastern Europe. Finally, as a placing a "strict quarantine"
Lundahl informed the group precaution against "rash ac- on all offensive weapons ship-
that four of the MRBM sites tions by the Cubans," the At- ments to Cuba.
appeared to be fully operation- lantic Command scrambled Kennedy implied that
al and that missiles could be twenty-two U.S. fighters over severe additional actions
fired on six to eight hours7 bases in Florida. would be taken if the Soviets
notice. Work also continued at As U.S. forces went on high "continued offensive military
a rapid pace at the other mis- alert, an unsmiling Kennedy preparations." Significantly,
sile sites. This intelligence looked into television cameras he warned the Soviets that
only strengthened Kennedy's in the Oval Office of the Cuban-based nuclear missiles
determination to bring mat- White House and told the fired a t any country in the
ters to a head. American public that he pos- Americas would be considered
At 1900 on 22 October, the sessed "unmistakable an attack on the United
Joint Chiefs set Defense Con- evidence" of Soviet offensive States and would cause "a full
dition 3 for all U.S. forces missiles in Cuba and that he retaliatory" strike against the
worldwide. Polaris sub- considered these weapons a Soviet Union. The president
marines moved to their threat to the security of the concluded that this "difficult
launch points. SAC B-52s and entire Western Hemishpere. and dangerous" stand would
other bombers, fully armed The president condemned require the support, sacrifice,
with nuclear bombs, went on Soviet denials about the and patience of the American
alert at dispersal fields in the presence of offensive weapons people.
United States and overseas. in Cuba as false statements.
SAC also fueled and readied Of great portent, he an-
for launching over 100 nounced that the U.S. govern-

As other U.S. sea, air, and

ground forces increased their
readiness for war, the nuclear-
powered carrier Enterprise
(CVAN 65) and the fully armed
AD-6 Skyraiders of her Attack
Squadron 65 prepared to
launch strikes against targets
in Cuba.
The Crisis Approaches a Climax

forces. On the 23rd, a t

Khrushchev's direction. So-
viet Defense Minister ~ o d i o n
Malinovsky put all Soviet
forces in a higher state of
alert and postponed the re-
lease from service of Strategic
Rocket Force personnel and
submarine crewmen. Castro
placed his regular military
and naval forces on the high-
est level of alert and called
out the militia, which con-
verged on Guantanamo. Calm-
ing one U.S. concern, Soviet
forces in East Germany, the
Mediterranean, and the Far
East made no visible prepara- A Royal Canadian Air Force Argus patrol plane and a U.S. Navy P2v ~eptuneovemy
tions for operations against the vast Atlantic Ocean in search of Soviet warships and merchantmen. The invohfe-
the NATO nations and Amer- ment of Canadian air and surface units in the ~tlanticpatrol effort was instrumen
ica's Asian allies. to the successful resolution of the CubanI Missile Crisis.
The president's address also
raised the alarm in Latin tion, with the Uruguayans ab- fered to provide naval forces
American capitals. On the staining due only to a lack of for the quarantine, and an-
23rd, representatives of the instructions from their govern- other six nations volunte
Organization of American ment. The seat for Cuba's rep- use of their airfields and
States (OAS), composed of the resentative was empty ports.
United States and twenty This vote of the OAS, rarely Canadian armed force
Latin American countries, unified on any issue, reflected with some British units
gathered in Washington to the seriousness with which tached, also joined in t h
chart a course of action. Secre- the member nations viewed fense of the hemisphere.
tary Rusk personally led the the external threat to the Royal Canadian Air Force
U.S. delegation. He asked the Western Hemisphere. The (RCAF) elements of the North
organization to support a Kennedy administration was American Air Defense Com-
quarantine of Cuba and to surprised but pleased by the mand went to the Canadian
join the United States in de- organization's vote. Khrush- equivalent of Defense Con
manding the removal of So- chev was dismayed. He tion 3 on 24 October.
viet strategic missiles from thought that long-standing Additionally, this alert level
the island. In a series of anti-American feeling in some mandated the establishment
short, pointed statements, the
other representatives strongly
endorsed the proposed U.S. ac-
Latin American countries
would prevent concerted OAS
action. In fact, Argentina, the
of an antisubmarine patrol
barrier in the Atlantic.
mally, that line would have ex-
tions. The final vote was 19 to Dominican Republic, Guate- tended from Greenland to
0 in favor of the U.S. proposi- mala, and Venezuela even of- Iceland and then to the
United Kingdom-the so- west of the Azores. A force of hours long, from takeoff to
called "GIUK Gap." The con- ten U.S. and two British sub- landing.
centration of U.S. naval forces marines, HMS Alderney and Later i n the crisis, Cana-
in southern waters during Oc- HMS Astute, the latter boats dian Rear Admiral Kenneth
tober 1962, however, left too under Canadian control, Dyer agreed to Admiral Tay-
few units available to set up a helped form that barrier. lor's request that Argus patrol
GIUK barrier. As a result, Ad- Overhead were U.S. Navy planes take over the Quonset
miral Taylor, Commander P2V Neptunes and RCAF' Ar- Point Patrol east of Rhode Is-
Anti-Submarine Forces, Atlan- gus patrol aircraft. Because of land so American planes
tic Fleet, established a patrol their greater range, the Cana-
line further south in the At- dian aircraft overflew the far Willard Keith (DD 775) cuts through the
waters of the Atlantic during 1962. This
lantic. This line covered the end of the line. At any one sleek combatant, commissioned during
600 miles of ocean between time, three of the Canadian World War II, was typical of the Allen M.
Cape Race on Newfoundland planes were on station con- Sumner-class destroyers that did yeo-
to a n area 300 miles north- man service on the quarantine line off
ducting missions, twenty Cuba.
could deploy to the ASW bar- established how "unidentified Information contained i n situ-
rier or to Key West. I n addi- submerged submarines" were ation summaries kept the
tion, Royal Canadian Navy to operate i n the "general vi- Pentagon and the task force
escort ships released Ameri- cinity of Cuba." 'Ib be re- commanders apprised of the
can forces from their surveil- garded a s nonthreatening, location of various suspect
lance of the George's Bank once U.S. warships dropped vessels.
area. harmless sound signals, un- To carry out t h e quarantine
On the evening of 23 Octo- dersea vessels were to surface t h e Navy assembled east of
ber, President Kennedy an- and head due east. Cuba under Task Force 136, a
nounced t h a t the quarantine 'I%monitor submarine move- formidable armada of a n ASW
of Cuba would begin at 1000 ments and the flow of mer- carrier, two cruisers, 22 de-
EDT on 24 October. Interna- chant shipping to and from stroyers, a n d two guided mis-
tional shipping was advised to Cuba, Admiral Dennison es- sile frigates. This included
avoid t h e waters around tablished a Quarantine Plot the Newport-based Destroyer
Cuba. Later communications i n his Norfolk headquarters. Squadron 24, one of the

Willard Keith: Destroyer on the Quarantine Line

D u r i n g the Cuban Missile Crisis, 20 or more ges remains of her earlier antisubmarine
U.S. Navy destroyers served on the two quaran- weapons suite, but two new fmed Hedgehog
tine lines, 'Walnut" and "Chestnut," as part of projectors have been installed on both sides of
Task Group 136.1. Of these ships, 14 were either gun mount 52. The ship also carries a pair of
Allen M. Sumner (DD 692) or Gearing (DD 710)- Mark 32 lightweight, triple-tube antisubmarine
class destroyers. weapons placed between the stacks (hidden in
Both classes were built as part of the 2,200- this photo by the support for the starboard 3-
ton destroyer program of 1942. The ships were inch gun) which replaced the old quintuple bank
capable of 32 knots. They originally carried six of 21-inch tubes.
dual-purpose, 5-inch guns, 10 21-inch torpedo The destroyer's fire controls include a Mark 37
tubes, two stern racks and six side launchers for gun director with a Mark 25 antenna dish for
depth charges, and 12 40mm and 1120mm an- the 5-inch guns, Mark 56 and 63 directors for
tiaircraft guns. The only substantial difference the 3-inch guns, and a Mark 105 antisubmarine
between the two destroyer types was the greater warfare director. Willard Keith operates an SPS-
length of the Gearing class, which allowed them 6 air search radar and an SPS-10 surface search
increased fuel storage and, therefore, greater radar. Her sonar is an improved SQS-4 of the
range. SQS-29/32 series.
Ships of these two classes formed the core of During the Cuban Missile Crisis, Willard
the Navy's destroyer force during the decade Keith steamed in Destroyer Squadron 22. She
after World War 11. The Navy continued to im- deployed on quarantine line 'Walnut" on 24 Oc-
prove these vessels throughout their service life. tober as an escort to the fleet flagship, heavy
Willard Keith (DD 7751, pictured here in early cruiser Newport News (CA 148). Under the com-
1962, displays the changes made during the mand of Commander Claude L. Tyler, Willard
1950s. She retains all of her 5-inch guns, but six Keith served on quarantine duty until 15 Novem-
more-modern, 3-inch, rapid-fire guns have ber 1962. Tyler and his crew received the Armed
replaced her 20mm and 40mm antiaircraft guns. Forces Expeditionary Medal for their service
Only one stern rack of fast-sinking depth char- during the crisis.
Navy's most modern ASW the SS-5 IRBM. to Cuba.
units and composed of Blandy Admiral Anderson ordered Of a more serious nature,
(DD 943),Barry (DD 933), the heavy cruiser Newport on the afternoon of the 24th,
Keppler (DD 765), and News (CA 148) and two de- fleet antisubmarine units de-
Charles S. Sperry (DD 697). stroyers to intercept the mer- tected a Soviet submarine,
In late October, there were chantman and to prepare to which they labeled contact C-
at least five Soviet subma- stop and board her precisely 18,400 miles north of Puerto
rines of the Foxtrot class oper- at 1000 on the 24th, if so di- Rico and inside the quaran-
ating in the Atlantic. rected. CNO signaled the tine line.
Supporting these warships same instructions to the The day witnessed another
were the tanker Terek, a re- guided missile cruiser Can- dramatic development. Air
frigerator ship, and the intelli- berra (CAG 2), then steaming Force General Thomas S.
gence trawler Shkval. to intercept Kimovsk, another Power, commander of SAC,
Because Soviet submarines suspected weapons carrier. put his forces on Defense Con-
constituted the greatest By the afternoon of 24 Octo- dition 2, one step short of gen-
threat to the U.S. Atlantic ber, information obtained eral, global war. One out of
Fleet, Admiral Anderson or- from Navy patrol ships and every eight B-52s went on air-
dered that their activities be aircraft, and other intelli- borne alert, and all ICBMs
closely monitored. Further- gence sources, made it clear were put on-line. Because
more, U.S. naval units would that 16 of the Soviet ships in SAC headquarters sent out
be prepared to sink the Soviet the Atlantic were dead in the the alert messages in the
ships on command from water or had come about and clear, Soviet officials knew im-
higher authority. were steaming for home. Al- mediately of the U.S. action.
The day after the presi- though the operation was less Since Power did not clear the
dent's speech, in the Atlantic than eight hours old, Ander- order with the Department of
and bound for Cuba were 26 son could report that most of Defense, however, Washing-
Soviet and Eastern Bloc mer- the Soviet ships would not ton did not know he had
chant and passenger ships, in- cross the Navy's quarantine taken this step. 7henty years
cluding 18 Soviet freighters. line. after the crisis, Secretary of
The freighter Leninsky Komso- Not all Soviet ships had Defense McNamara and Na-
mol was already well inside turned back, however. The tional Security Advisor Bundy
the quarantine line. The ship tanker Bucharest, obviously claimed that they were un-
carried as many as thirteen 11- carrying no weapons, pressed aware of the heightened SAC
28 Beagle bombers crated and on toward Cuba. As directed alert.
on deck. American intelli- by the Pentagon, Admiral International tension
gence determined that an- Ward positioned destroyers to mounted on 25 October as
other seven ships probably intercept her. President U.S. and Soviet repre-
carried military cargo. The Kennedy, concluding that sentatives came to grips in
large hatch and spacious hold Khrushchev wanted to avoid the United Nations. Soviet
of one of these vessels, Pol- a confrontation on the line, Ambassador Valerian Zorin
tava, made her ideally suited however, directed the Navy to challenged U.S. Ambassador
to transporting missiles below shadow the ship but not stop Adlai Stevenson to present
decks. Photographs taken by her. Eventually, Bucharest evidence of Soviet offensive
patrol aircraft also discovered identified herself to the de- missiles in Cuba. The usually
that the ship carried as deck stroyer Gearing and slowed restrained Stevenson re-
cargo strange rings mounted down so the Americans could sponded, "Do you, Ambassa-
on trucks. Intelligence special- visually inspect and photo- dor Zorin, deny that the
ists soon decided that these graph her. The Soviet vessel USSR has placed and is plac-
objects were support rings for was then allowed to proceed ing medium and intermediate-
range missiles and sites in merged, was heading east. At 0650 the following morn-
Cuba? Yes or no-don't w a i t Ships and aircraft from the ing, 26 October, Kennedy
for the translation-yes or task group maintained con- asked Marucla to heave to,
no!" When Zorin promised an tact with the submarine to which she did. A boarding
answer sometime later, make sure she kept on a n out- party of four U.S. naval offi-
Stevenson shot back that he bound course. cers and one signalman from
was prepared t o "wait for my That evening, the EXCOM the crews of the two destroy-
answer until hell freezes decided to stop and search ers was welcomed aboard by
over." The U.S. representative one of the merchantmen mak- the merchantman's captain.
then displayed to a hushed ing for Cuba t o demonstrate The American sailors re-
Security Council enlarged pho- American resolve. They se- viewed the ship's manifests
tos of the Soviet installations lected the Lebanese-flagged and inspected the cargo. Find-
in Cuba. The evidence of freighter Marucla, contracted ing no contraband onboard,
Soviet activity, and,deception, t o carry Soviet goods to Cuba. the U.S. command allowed
was clear to the assembled Because U.S. intelligence spe- Marucla to continue her pas-
diplomats. cialists knew that the Soviet sage to Cuba. More impor-
Meanwhile, on the quaran- government did not move tantly, the point was made
tine line, HUK Task Group weapons in Western or neu- that the United States
83.2 (Task Group Alfa), tral ships, the EXCOM felt intended to enforce the
formed around ASW carrier this boarding was unlikely to quarantine.
Randolph (CVS 15) and seven be resisted. Planes from Essex Also that day, American
destroyers, had located an- located the ship, while de- ships and patrol planes
other Soviet submarine. This stroyers John R. Pierce (DD picked up two Soviet subma-
one, designated C-19, was 150 753) and Joseph I? Kennedy, rines on their radars. ASW
miles outside the exclusionary J r , (DD 850) closed her posi- Task Group Alfa located one,
zone and although sub- tion. labeled (2-20, well inside the
USN 711187

A boat bearing a boarding party makes its way from the destroyer Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr. (DD 850), named for the president's
older brother killed in World War II, to the Lebanese freighter Marucla. The Kennedy administration chose to board and search
this merchantman on 26 October as a demonstration to Moscow that any ship en route to Cuba was subject to inspection by the
quarantine force.
Navy Photoreconnaissance Mission
S o o n after U-2 high-flying aircraft brought officer, Commander Bob Koch, also known as
back the startling information that Khrushchev "Daddy Photo," supervised the development and
intended to install offensive missiles in Cuba, initial interpretation of the pictures and later
the president's chief advisors called for more dispatched them to Washington.
detailed intelligence of Soviet and Cuban forces Still in his plane, Ecker was ordered to
and activities on the island. At Washington's proceed immediately to the nation's capital.
direction, Admiral Robert L. Dennison, Com- Flying at Mach .8, the F8U-1P soon arrived at
mander in Chief, U.S. Atlantic Command, or- Andrews Air Force Base outside Washington. A
dered the deployment to Naval Air Station, Key helicopter then whisked him to the Pentagon
West, Florida, of six planes from the Navy's where, still in his flight suit but relieved of his
Light Photographic Squadron W P ) 62, nick- side arm, he was taken in secret to a high
named "Fightin' Photo." Commander William B. security area. To the surprise of the Navy com-
Ecker, a combat veteran of World War 11, led the mander, General Maxwell D. Taylor, Chairman
unit, which consisted of over 500 officers and of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), and Admiral
men and 26 F8U-1P Crusader photoreconnais- George W. Anderson, Chief of Naval Operations,
sance planes. Two-plane sections of the appeared and ushered him into the JCS meeting
squadron normally served on each of the Atlan- room, the "tank."
tic Command's five attack aircraft carriers. Ecker apologized for being sweaty and smelly,
Shortly after the squadron's 19 October ar- which prompted General Curtis LeMay, the
rival at Key West, situated less than 100 miles gruff Air Force Chief of Staff, to interject, "God
from Cuba, Ecker received orders to initiate low- damn it, you've been flying an airplane now
level photoreconnaissance missions over the is- haven't you? You ought to sweat and smell. Sit
land. Crusaders piloted by Ecker and five other down."
naval aviators took off from the naval facililty on Thereafter, Ecker described to the assembled
the 23rd for the first mission. Flying in three, chiefs his firsthand impressions of the site he
two-plane "loose deuce" sections, the detachment and Wilhemy had overflown. He observed that
traversed the treacherous Florida Strait in ten the Cubans apparently had not fired at his
minutes and entered Cuban airspace. Ecker and planes and that there was a mass of equipment,
his wingman, Lieutenant Bruce Wilhemy, quick- much of it camouflaged, at the site. Ecker recom-
ly checked to make sure their navigation was ac- mended that they wait for the film to get more
curate and headed for the targets assigned them. information.
Approaching the site at 350 knots and 400 feet The intelligence return from this and sub-
off the ground, the pilots switched on their sequent VFP-62 missions over Cuba proved vital
cameras. In less than 30 seconds, the jets to U.S. decision makers. The president and his
streaked over the target area, their onboard advisors received timely information on the loca-
equipment recorded the scene below, and they tion, installation status, and later the removal of
banked for home. missiles and bombers from the island. In recogni-
The aerial photographic mission, however, tion of the squadron's stellar performance during
was far from over. Instead of landing at Key the crisis, President John F. Kennedy personally
West, the six aircraft set down further north at presented Ecker with the Navy Unit Commenda-
the squadron's permanent base, Naval Air Sta- tion. I n addition, Ecker, along with 11other
tion, Cecil Field, Florida, near Jacksonville. The VFP-62 pilots and four attached Marine Corps
pilots surrendered their film to waiting aviators, received the Distinguished Flying
photographer's mates who rushed it to nearby Cross for their flights over Cuba.
facilities for processing. The squadron executive
NAH, Cuba Ops. 1962

Navy photographer's mates of VFP-62 re-

move film from the cameras of an FEU-
1P Crusader aerial reconnaissance
plane that has just returned from a mis-
sion over Cuba. In a matter of hours, the
film will be processed, evaluated by
skilled photo interpreters, and whisked
to Washington, D.C., for the use of mili-
tary and civilian analysts.
quarantine line just southeast ence in Cuba of Soviet FROG such low-level missions and
of the Bahamas, but headed (Free Rocket Over Ground) instruction in use of the
to the northeast. The other, tactical rockets. Although Navy's state-of-the-art
designated C-21, was picked only short-range weapons, the cameras.
up east of Jamaica by a car- FROGs would pose a threat to The atmosphere was even
rier i n Task Force 135. Admi- any American amphibious in- more charged in Washington
ral Ward deployed the carrier vasion force. Even though the that day. John Scali, the State
force to the shallow waters FROGs could carry a nuclear Department correspondent for
south of Jamaica where it was warhead, their existence on ABC News, met with Alex-
especially difficult for the So- the island did not raise undue andr Fomin, the chief officer
viet sub to break contact with concern a t the time in of Soviet intelligence (KGB)
her pursuers. The fleet com- Washington. i n the United States. Fomin
mander also reinforced this The Navy also helped pre- asked Scali to relay a mes-
force with another five de- pare Air Force units for low- sage to the latter's "contact"
stroyers. level aerial photographic (understood to be Secretary
As the units of Task Forces missions. The Air Force had Rusk) at the department. The
135 and 136 tightened their tactical reconnaissance units message was a Soviet pro-
surface and air patrols at sea, in TAC, but their personnel posal to withdraw the offen-
other naval units carried out needed specialized training in sive missiles from Cuba in
the hazardous low-level recon- NAH. VFPBP
naissance flights over Cuba.
VFP-62 flew its first missions
over the island the day after
the president's address to the
nation. Flying a t tree-top
level a t 350 knots, the Cru-
sader jets and their pilots cap-
tured on film detailed
information on the Soviet mis-
sile installations. Ground
crewmen at NAS Cecil Field
used stencils depicting a fat
Castro and a dead chicken to
paint a photo mission "vic-
tory" on every returning
plane. (The chicken was in-
spired by accounts of Castro's
slaughtering and cooking the
birds i n his New York hotel
room during an earlier visit to
the United Nations.) The first
words out of the mouths of re-
turning naval aviators often
were, "Chalk up another
chicken!" Cdr. William B. Ecker, Commanding Officer of VFP-62, congratulates Capt. John I.
An especially successful Hudson, USMCR, for "chalking up another chicken" after a successful photo flight.
VFP-62 mission occurred on Hudson was one of four Marine pilots of Marine Composite Reconnaissance Squad-
ron 2 assigned to the Navy squadron. Behind the pilots is an FEU-1P stenciled with a
25 October, when squadron likeness of Castro and a number of chickens, each of which depicts a successful aer-
aircraft confirmed the pres- ial reconnaissance mission over Cuba.
exchange for President Ken- line. Washington feared that Plot command center in the
nedy's promise not to invade Moscow intended to test the Pentagon. Dennison radioed
Cuba. As expected, Scali quarantine with this ship, for additional instructions af-
passed on the information. which Navy patrol planes had ter ordering his destroyers to
Other developments that picked up the previous day load their weapons. Before
day were not so positive and but then lost track of. Re- the CNO responded,
indeed seemed ominous. sponding to a Navy request McNamara asked him, 'What
Counterintelligence agents of for assistance, SAC assigned happens if Groznyy does not
the Federal Bureau of Investi- Air Force RB-47 aircraft to stop?" Anderson replied that
gation warned the White the seaborne search effort and the quarantine instructions
House that the Soviets were deployed them to the naval plainly stated that if a ship
burning documents at their station on Bermuda. On the continued to proceed after the
embassy in Washington and morning of the 27th) one of proper warnings, the U.S.
their UN enclave on Long Is- the RB-47s crashed on take- warships would stop her by
land. The burning of diplo- off, killing the four-man crew, shooting away the vessel's
matic and other secret papers but one of the other planes rudder. McNamara heatedly
often, in the past, meant war spotted Groznyy north of the informed Anderson that the
was imminent. Virgin Islands and heading Navy would take no such ac-
Around 1800 EDT, for Cuba. After radioing the lo- tion against Soviet ships with-
President Kennedy received a cation of the tanker, the RB- out his and the president's
message from Premier 47 made simulated bombing authorization. After almost a
Khrushchev. The Soviet runs on the ship to stop her- week of high tension, nerves
leader proposed in a lengthy to no avail. Groznyy also were taut all around.
statement that his govern- failed to respond when a A climax to the crisis ap-
ment would withdraw the of- Navy destroyer, vectored to proached on the morning of
fensive missiles and destroy the tanker, signaled her to Saturday, 27 October, when
their launch sites in Cuba if stop. the EXCOM met to consider
the United States would lift The tension rose when Ad- the president's response to
the blockade and agree not to miral Dennison ordered U.S. Khrushchev's communication.
invade the island. This mes- ships on the scene to load McCone and Lundahl opened
sage, of course, was similar to their five-inch guns with live the meeting with a sobering
the one Scali received. ammunition. CINCLANT report that all of the MRBM
The EXCOM was unsure soon ordered the destroyers to sites were now operational,
how to interpret these two clear their guns by firing that work continued at a furi-
communications. Even them into the sea away from ous pace at the IRBM sites,
though Khrushchev appeared the tanker. This fire, along and that the 11-28s were being
willing to negotiate, the Sovi- with a few star shell illumina- assembled. Still, there was
ets continued working on the tion rounds close aboard the consensus that a positive re-
missile sites in Cuba. Was the tanker, persuaded the Soviet ply to Krushchev's letter was
message another deception? captain to stop. Soon after he the best course of action.
The president and his chief radioed Moscow for instruc- Then, a second message
advisors kept the message to tions, his ship put about and from Khrushchev arrived that
themselves and awaited fur- left the quarantine zone. cast a shadow over the EX-
ther developments. Not only was tension high COM. This time, the mercu-
The US.-Soviet confronta- at sea during this episode but rial Soviet leader demanded
tion at sea came to a head on in Washington. Both Admiral that U.S. missiles be with-
27 October when the tanker Anderson and Secretary drawn from Turkey in ex-
Groznyy, carrying ammonia, McNamara monitored the in- change for similar Soviet
approached the quarantine cident from the Navy's Flag action with regard to Cuba.
Some EXCOM members felt with Soviet Ambassador Do- Capping the day's events
that Khrushchev might be los- brynin late that evening. The and indicating the gravity of
ing control of the Kremlin, or attorney general informed Do- the situation, the ships of
that the hard-liners wanted brynin that the United States Task Group Alfa closed in on
more concessions from government would accept a Soviet submarine (contact C-
Kennedy. Khrushchev's offer to remove 19) first located on the 26th.
Soon after receipt of the sec- the missiles from Cuba and in To signal the undersea vessel
ond troubling message, more return would make a public that American naval forces
bad news arrived at the pledge not to invade Cuba. were aware of her presence,
White House. The Air Force Robert Kennedy emphasized sailors on the destroyer Cony
informed the president that a that if the Soviet government dropped five hand grenades
U-2 on a routine air sampling agreed to the American pro- over the side. The sound from
mission accidently flew over posal, it must do so quickly, these exploding grenades
northeastern Siberia. The So- otherwise the United States could be easily picked up by
viets immediately scrambled would be compelled to remove the submarine's sonar. Three
fighter aircraft to intercept the missiles by force. He also hours later, the Foxtrot-class
the reconnaissance plane. The mentioned that for some time boat surfaced and identified
American pilot and his plane the president had been consid- herself as the Soviet naval
escaped, but the incident fur- ering the withdrawal of the vessel Korablx (ShipX). Es-
ther heightened tensions in U.S. IRBMs from Turkey and corted by several U.S. war-
Moscow and Washington. that this would occur i n the ships, the submarine
The morning continued to near future. The attorney gen- proceeded at slow speed on a n
go badly. Over eastern Cuba, eral made it clear, however, easterly heading into the open
a SAM battery shot down a n that the removal of the mis- Atlantic.
Air Force U-2, killing the pi- siles in Turkey was not public As the sun rose on Sunday,
lot, Major Rudolf Anderson. information, and if the Sovi- 28 October, the armed might
This seemed to signal another ets violated this "secret" of the United States was pre-
change i n Soviet policy. An- agreement, the entire deal pared for all likely contingen-
other report stated that was off. In short, President cies. Polaris submarines and
Cubans had fired on the Kennedy was suggesting that SAC bombers and ICBMs
low-level photo missions that the United States was mak- stood ready to incinerate the
day. ing its final offer to settle the Soviet Union if its leaders
With these developments a s crisis. launched a direct attack on
a backdrop, that afternoon That same day, correspon- the United States. U.S. Atlan-
the Joint Chiefs proposed that dent John Scali had his sec- tic Fleet carrier, surface, and
not later than Monday, 29 Oc- ond meeting with KGB offlcer attack submarine forces, with
tober, the United States initi- Fomin. Scali accused Fomin Canadian naval units in sup-
ate air strikes against Cuba. of a "stinking double cross," port, were deployed in
Then, seven days later, the stalling for time, and playing strength in the Atlantic and
U.S. armed forces would in- him for a fool. The Soviet in- Caribbean. Air Force, Navy,
vade the island by air and sisted that the offer he had and Marine Corps tactical
sea. transmitted was legitimate fighter and attack squadrons
With the prospect of conflict and that he would contact remained on alert a t bases in
increasing dramatically, Ken- Moscow directly. According to the southern United States.
nedy decided to respond to one historian of the crisis, Army airborne, infantry, and
Khrushchev's first communi- Scali's outburst helped con- armored divisions, as well as
cation, the more reasonable of vince Khrushchev that the Marine Corps landing forces,
the two. At the president's re- Americans would not brook awaited a n order to start the
quest, his brother Robert met further delay or posturing. invasion of Cuba. Although
the president temporarily sus- tactical rockets. Unknown to the communication arrived in
pended U-2flights over the is- U.S. intelligence, tactical nu- several parts, the opening
land after Anderson's loss, clear warheads for the Lunas paragraphs made it clear that
Navy and Air Force reconnais- had been stockpiled i n Cuba. Khrushchev had accepted the
sance aircraft, with heavily The Soviet military com- president's proposal. The Sovi-
armed fighters flying in sup- mander i n Cuba was author- ets would withdraw their
port off the Cuban coast, con- ized to use the short-range missiles from Cuba. The like-
tinued to execute low-level weapons to defeat an arnphibi- lihood of war, either a global
photo missions. ous invasion by American nuclear conflagration or a dev-
Also at full alert were So- forces. I n addition to the So- astating Caribbean conflict,
viet and Cuban forces on the viet units, the Cubans fielded was greatly diminished.
island. In addition to the a regular force of 75,000, a re-
MRBM, IRBM, and SAM bat- serve force of 100,000, and a Photographed by an American P2V Nep-
teries, the Soviets had ready militia of 100,000. tune, probably from VP-5, Soviet Foxtrot-
for battle in Cuba four regi- As official Washington anx- class submarine 911 heads due east into
the Atlantic. For 35 hours, the sub-
mental combat groups iously waited, shortly after merged F 911 tried to evade detection by
equipped with tanks, armored 0900 EDT on 28 October, a U.S. forces. Destroyer Charles I? Cecil
personnel carriers, antitank message started coming in (DDR 835) and patrol planes never lost
missiles, and Luna (FROG) from Moscow. Even though contact with the submarine, however, fi-
nally forcing the Soviet boat to surface
for a battery recharge.
Enforcing the Settlement

This photo of an MRBM site at San Cristobal taken on 27 October by a Navy Crusader, from an altitude of about 500 feet, clearly
shows that the missile battery is operational. The Cuban Missile Crisis reached a climax that day.

T he crisis had passed The situation remained naval intelligence still was
and the world soon tense at sea. On 29 October, able to identify the unit as
breathed easier, but the Charles E! Cecil (DDR 835) lo- F 945. Because the submarine
international confrontation cated and stayed on top of a did not submerge again once
would not end until both sides submerged Soviet submarine free of the quarantine area,
carried out their ends of the (contact C-20), despite the the normal practice, the
agreement. And, until the end best efforts of the boat to Americans concluded that the
of October, Washington was evade her pursuer. Finally, vessel had suffered a serious
not certain that the Soviets after enduring thirty-five mechanical failure. Thus, as
would do so. Low-level recon- hours of constant surveillance the boat shaped a north-
naissance revealed that while with active sonar, the Foxtrot- easterly course on the surface,
some missile erectors were class boat surfaced and U.S. naval vessels and
taken from the launch pads, proceeded due east. Patrol aircraft had ample oppor-
the construction and aircraft shadowed and tunity to photograph and ob-
camouflaging of support photographed the vessel, iden- serve their maritime
facilities and equipment tified as Soviet submarine opponent.
proceeded. In addition, Soviet F 911. Another problem that
technicians continued to un- Another boat (contact C-18), developed was Castro's dis-
crate and assemble more of trailed by Keppler, surfaced pleasure over the Soviet
the 11-28bombers, which on 30 October. The sub- retrenchment and opposition
Washington considered offen- marine's crew had painted out to the terms of the U.S.-Soviet
sive weapons. the numbers on her sail, but understanding. Castro stated
that agreements between the Aerial photographs resulting Washington considered it es-
U.S. and the Soviet Union did from that day's low-level sential, given Khrushchev's
not apply to Cuba. He reconnaissance missions over earlier duplicity, to verlfy the
threatened to shoot down any the island revealed an removal of Soviet offensive
U.S. reconnaissance aircraft astonishing number of chan- weapons from Cuba. In fact, it
spotted over the island. ges. Overnight, the Soviets was vital that the United
Moreover, in contrast to the had removed many of the mis- States be confident that all
Soviets, the Cubans would not siles and erectors, crated their missiles, Beagle bombers,
allow on-site inspection of the launching stands, and even and other systems were
missile sites in their country begun the destruction of the withdrawn. Moreover, poten-
by a neutral party. The most launch pads. Clearly, the tially dangerous Soviet sub-
Castro would agree to was a Soviets were complying with marines still prowled the
30 October visit to Havana by the Kennedy-Khrushchev waters near the quarantine
U Thant, Secretary General of agreement. Furthermore, line and in the Atlantic and
the United Nations. despite Castro's hostile had to be closely watched. In
As Washington analyzed rhetoric, his forces did not fire this effort, which lasted
the Soviet and Cuban reac- on the Navy, Marine, and Air through the end of November,
tions to the Kennedy-Khrush- Force photoreconnaissance the U.S. Navy was a prominent
chev understanding, naval planes. player.
forces maintained their vigil While these developments Khrushchev's repre-
in the Atlantic and the Carib- were encouraging, sentatives at the United
bean. U.S. and Canadian
units continued to monitor
the broad expanse of the At-
lantic. On 31 October, the
destroyer escort Calcaterra
(DER 390) took over from
Mills (DER 383) the shadowing
of Soviet tanker Terek. In addi-
tion, to lower the number of
ships needed at sea, Admhal
Dennison ordered the fleet to
move the quarantine line
closer to Cuba. During 30-31
October, Task Force 136 took
up positions on the new line,
codenamed "Chestnut," that
ran northwest from Puerto
Rico along the Atlantic side of
the Bahamas. An antisub-
marine HUK group operated
about 150 miles northeast of
the center of this new line.
Finally, on 1 November,
Navy, Marine, and Air Force avlators discuss their low-level reconnaissancemi*
American intelligence gained sions over Cuba, reflecting the multiservice nature of operations during the missile
indications that the Soviets crisis. Pictured left to right: Lt. Col. Joseph O'Grady, commander of the Air Force's
and the Cubans would adhere 29th Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron; Cdr. William B. Ecker, who led the Navy's
VFP-62; and Capt. John I. Hudson of Marine Reconnaissance Composite Squadron 2.
to the terms of the Kennedy- Behind them is the nose of an Air Force RF-101 Voodoo and the forward section of a
Khrushchev understanding. Navy FBU-1P Crusader.
Nations reported that the ber, Navy, Marine, and Air through the quarantine area
Soviets had deployed 42 Force low-level reconnais- but in the Mediterranean and
MRBMs to the island but that sance planes flew numerous even the Black Sea. Admiral
establishment of the U.S. missions over the Cuban Anderson wanted to make
quarantine had stopped the launch sites, roads to the sure he could tell the
delivery of any IRBMs. With coast, and major ports. These president that all the missiles
regard to verifying the dis- flights clearly recorded the were "back in Russia."
mantling of the weapon sys- movement of the MRBMs and Most Soviet merchant ship
tems and their withdrawal by related equipment to the captains cooperated with the
sea, the diplomats stated that ports and the loading of surveillance and inspection
Soviet authorities would as- Soviet merchantmen. regime, but some tested the
sist the U.S. surveillance ef- On 5 November, the first system. For example, the
fort. In short order, the Soviet ships sailed from master of freighter Bratsk
Soviets supplied a list of ships Mariel, and during the tried unsuccessfully to avoid
carrying the missiles from remainder of the week, the alongside inspection area.
Cuba and their departure another seven Soviet ships In another instance, the
dates. Furthermore, the carrying missiles did the master of the freighter Vol-
Soviets promised to carry the same. While several vessels goles refused several requests
missiles as deck cargo and did not depart when U.S. offi- to remove tarpaulins covering
allow U.S. Navy ships and cials were told they would, missiles stowed on his deck
aircraft to move in close for ac- there was no way for the when U.S. destroyer Vesole
curate observation. The U.S. Soviets to evade the (DDR 878) came alongside.
State Department then in- "alongside" inspection force. Vesole's commanding officer,
formed the Soviets of selected U.S. naval surface and air
"alongside" points where U.S. units observed each of the Soviet freighter Bratsk, photographed
Navy ships would inspect the missile-carrying ships closely. near the Bahamas by Lt. Kelsey Good-
man from his HSS-2 helicopter of
outgoing Soviet freighters. The Navy monitored the ships Wasp's Helicopter Anti-Submarine
Beginning in early Novem- not only on their passage Squadron 3, carries military vehicles
and covered missiles aft of the lifeboats.
NAH. Cuba Om. 1962
An Air Force RF-101 Voodoo, whose
shadow can be seen at the bottom of
this aerial photo, overflies a Soviet
freighter, probably Fin'k Kurchatovk, in
Casilda Port, Cuba, on 6 November
1962. Seen on her deck are six tarpaulin-
covered missiles. By such means, U.S.
intelligence verified the removal of So-
viet offensive weapons from the island.

USN 711204

As a Navy P2V Neptune armed with general purpose bombs overflies the scene, U.S.
destroyer Vesole steams alongside the Soviet freighter Volgolesto get a close look at
her deck cargo. Only after U.S. authorities contacted Soviet representatives at the
UN did the master of this freighter have his crewmen remove the tarpaulins to reveal
dismantled mi?-iln-

el, ' . ,'&Pi

A P2V Neptune of Patrol Squadron 18 and another U.S. plane fly past the starboard
quarter of Soviet freighter Okhotsk in December 1962. Visible on deck are crates
containing the fuselages of 11-28 Beagle bombers being returned to the Soviet Union
from Cuba.

Soviet captain sounded a

warning horn. Biddle main-
tained her position to finish
the task. The Soviet captain
protested by loudspeaker. The
destroyer's captain, Com-
mander Paul Roth, responded
, %X f 4 C ' .
. .
' .
..4e,"~ through a Russian-speaking
officer by inviting the Soviet
to lunch. The latter replied
that unfortunately he had
other plans.
Not every interception was
a tense affair, however. Later
in the operation, a helicopter
from Wasp (CVS 18)inter-
cepted the Soviet ship

Captain Richard S. White 111,

immediately dispatched a
message reporting this
development through the
naval command structure. It
soon reached the United Na-
tions, where Soviet repre-
sentatives suggested that
after a short period of time
the destroyer captain again
contact Volgoles. When Vesole
next signaled the Soviet ship,
her crewmen promptly un-
covered the missiles.
In another incident, guided
missile destroyer Biddle
(DDG 5) steamed so close to
Leninsky Komsomol to
photograph the ship that the

Destroyers of the multinational quaran-

tine force (Task Force 137) sortie from
Trinidad, West Indies, on 12 November.
Pictured left to right: Venezuelan ARV T-
Zulia (D 21), USS Mulllnix (DD 944), Ar-
gentine ARA Rosales (D 22) and ARA
Espora (D 21), and Venezuelan ARV
Nueva Esparta (D 11).

44 USN 1063366
Alapayevsk. Although listed
by the Soviets as a missile car-
rier, Alapayevsk carried only
support vehicles on deck. Non-
sailors, probably missile tech-
nicians, were on the deck
sunning themselves. Crew-
men of the American aircraft
exchanged pleasantries with
the Soviets and one officer
even lowered a line to which if"- #
was fastened his Navy tie
clasp. In return, the Soviets
sent up a bottle of vodka.
The arrival of additional
naval forces in the quarantine
area made it even less likely

Capt. Rodderick 0. Middleton, Chief of

Staff to Commander Carrier Division 4,
holds the bottle of vodka he received
from the crew of Soviet freighter A/&
payevsk. Standing with him (left to right)
are Lt. John H. Slough, a Russian lan-
guage interpreter; LCdr. Thermon L.
Ray, copilot of the HSS-2, to their rear;
and Cdr. John M. Wondergem, pilot of
the helo and Commanding Officer of
Helicopter Anti-Submarine Squadron 3.

that Soviet merchantmen

could avoid close inspection.
Beginning on 12 November, a
multinational destroyer force,
designated Task Force 137,
operated out of the U.S. Navy
base a t Trinidad. As an ex-
pression of solidarity among
the nations of the Western
Hemisphere, the Argentine
destroyers ARA Rosales and
ARA Espora and the
Venezuelan ships ARV Zulia
and ARV Nueva Esparta
steamed in company with
U.S. destroyer Mullinix (DD
944). Completing one mission
before the end of the quaran-
tine, the task force patrolled
the eastern Caribbean looking
A Soviet Foxtrot-class submarine, with
"Red Star" ensign flying, proceeds on

-* the surface near the quarantine line on 9

November 1962. Soviet sailors in the
conning tower watch as the U.S. patrol
plane photographing their submarine's
passage flies by.

5 I to home ports or normal

operating areas. U.S. and
for Cuba-bound shipping. UN, Vasily Kuznetsov, Canadian ships ceased
Meanwhile in the Atlantic, warned that Castro might shadowing Soviet warships,
U.S. and Canadian forces con- react irrationally if these even though some surface and
tinued to monitor Soviet sur- aircraft were withdrawn from air patrol units continued to
face ship and submarine Cuba. John J. McCloy, observe and photograph the
movements. Canadian planes Kuznetzov's American three Soviet merchantmen
located the Soviet intelligence counterpart, then observed hauling the bombers from
trawler Shkval about 500 that failure to remove the Cuba. The photographic
miles southwest of Argentia, bombers or any hostile Cuban evidence of this surveillance
Newfoundland, just to the actions would be viewed by effort confirmed the removal
east of the sub-air barrier. Washington as a n unfriendly of the last Soviet offensive
The Royal Canadian Navy act. Kuznetsov understood weapons from Castro's island.
frigate HMCS Inch Arran the meaning of this com- At least for the U.S. Navy, the
soon shadowed the trawler. munication: get the bombers Cuban Missile Crisis was now
Lajes-based U.S. Navy out of Cuba and control over.
patrol planes tracked the Castro, or risk reheating the Holding up his end of the
Soviet tug Pamir as she ren- confrontation. The Soviets agreement with Khrushchev,
dezvoused with the disabled soon agreed to remove the Kennedy disavowed any inten-
sub F 945, the latter already bombers a s well a s the tion to invade Cuba and drew
under watch by U.S. missiles. down U.S. forces deployed to
destroyer Keppler. Pamir For several weeks after 15 the southern United States in
crowded Keppler, trying to November, when President readiness to attack the island.
keep the American ship away Kennedy ended regular low- The president also relaxed the
from the submarine. After level reconnaissance missions alert posture of the Polaris
several evasive maneuvers by over Cuba, U.S. photographic and SAC strategic deterrence
Keppler, Pamir's captain gave planes periodically overflew forces. In April 1963, Ken-
up his fruitless effort. Keppler the embarkation ports. In this nedy completed the "secret"
stayed within 2,500 yards of way, U.S. leaders ensured part of the agreement and
the crippled Soviet sub. that the Soviets lived up to withdrew American IRBMs
Not only such occurrences their agreement and removed from both Turkey and Italy.
a t sea but differing interpreta- the bombers. By then, the missiles were not
tions of the Soviet-American Following the agreement to needed because the Navy had
understanding had the poten- withdraw the 11-28s, the crisis committed several Polaris sub-
tial to destabilize the situa- wound down quickly. On 20 marines to support NATO
tion. For instance, the Soviets November, President partners. The Navy could pro-
initially balked a t categoriz- Kennedy announced an imme- vide a local nuclear shield for
ing their 11-28 bombers as of- diate end to the quanrantine. America's allies from political-
fensive weapons and their Admiral Dennison ordered his ly neutral international
special representative to the Atlantic Fleet ships to return waters.
T he Cuban Missile Crisis
of 1962 was a classic
demonstration of the
importance of naval forces in
under Admiral Dennison, the
unified Commander in Chief,
U.S. Atlantic Command, were
clearly superior to Soviet and
Cuban conventional forces in
areas in the American South,
Army airborne, infantry, and
armor divisions and Air Force
air defense and tactical com-
bat wings were poised.
the modern international
security environment. The the Caribbean, and this fact The president found U.S.
Navy's ballistic missile sub- undoubtedly influenced naval forces valuable not only
marine fleet, and the Air decision making in Moscow for deterring nuclear or con-
Force's land-based ballistic and Havana. Navy carriers ventional conflict, but for ena-
missile and bomber units, pos- loaded with fighter and attack bling him to manage a crisis
sessed overwhelming power aircraft, cruisers and without resorting to aggres-
for destruction. Not only were destroyers bristling with 8- sion. The fleet's presence on
the Polaris submarines vir- inch and 5-inch guns, and am- the seaward approaches to
tually invisible and invul- phibious ships crowded with Cuba allowed him to place the
nerable as they awaited Marines and their weapons onus of any military escala-
launch orders under many stood ready to bring war to tion on Khrushchev. Kennedy
fathoms of ocean water, but the Cuban littoral. Reinforced did not need the permission of
they could maneuver close to by Navy ships and Air Force any multinational organiza-
the enemy homeland before transport aircraft, Marine tion or single nation to deploy
unleashing their terrible units already ashore at Guan- these forces. The strength and
weapons. The existence and tanamo were prepared to sup- effectiveness of the U.S. naval
readiness of this strategic ar- port any invasion. And, no quarantine, however, made it
senal clearly helped President more than a few hundred militarily and politically ac-
Kennedy dissuade the Soviets miles away in southern ceptable for member states of
from brandishing their much Florida and other staging the OAS to join the effort.
weaker nuclear sword. NA 428-N-10652218
The strength and versatility
of Admiral Dennison's Atlan-
tic Fleet also lessened the
chance that Khrushchev
would mount a conventional
challenge at sea. U.S. aircraft
carriers, attack submarines,
cruisers, destroyers, frigates,
and shore-based patrol
squadrons so dominated the
waters of the Atlantic and the
Caribbean that Soviet surface
warships remained in their
home waters. Furthermore,
American and Canadian ASW
forces kept Soviet sub-
marines, the only real *
seaborne threat in 1962, :
under such close surveillance

that hostile action on their Adm. Robert L. Dennison awards Lt. (jg) William L. Taylor, a VFP-62 pilot, the Distin-
part would have been guished Flying Cross for his execution of low-level reconnaissance flights over
suicidal. Cuba. Taylor and his comrades in the Navy's aviation squadrons demonstrated great
bravery and professional skill in their missions, which were critical to the successful
In addition, the U.S. forces resolution of the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962.
Freedom of the sea also al- assure Kennedy that the patrol squadrons and surface
lowed Canadian and British United States had a decided ships enabled Washington to
naval units to take part in the edge over the Soviet Union in verify Soviet compliance with
surveillance effort without terms of nuclear weapons. the terms of the Kennedy-
negotiating a political agree- CIA and Air Force U-2s un- Khrushchev understanding
ment. Moreover, the fleet was masked Khrushchev's ploy to that resolved this most terrify-
able to remain on station-ln- establish Cuba as a launching ing crisis of the Cold War.
dependence operated for 54 pad for medium and inter- The president and the na-
days at sea-because of con- mediate-range missiles and tion were grateful for the
tinuous replenishment by bombers. Low-level reconnais- Navy's contribution to the
naval logistic ships. This sance planes, especially the peaceful resolution of the
capability made it possible for Navy's first-rate mits, sup- Cuban Missile Crisis. The
the president to mount and plied the EXCOM with sailors and aircrewmen of
maintain the de facto block- critical intelligence on Soviet over 250 warships, aviation
ade of Cuba. and Cuban combat forces and squadrons, and support units
Intelligence collection, in- defenses on the island. They earned the Armed Forces Ex-
cluding that done by the also monitored the disman- peditionary Medal. As Ad-
Navy, proved to be another tling, transportation to ports, miral Anderson promised, the
vital resource for the president and loading onto merchant- Navy did not let the president
in his management of the men of the worrisome down.
Cuban Missile Crisis. Satel- MRBMs and Il-28 bombers.
lites and U-2 aircraft helped Finally, Navy long-range

The author would like to acknowledge the as- ties, including Sandra K. Russell, editor,
sistance of several groups and individuals who Charles C. Cooney, art director, and Joan A.
aided in the preparation of this work. The Frasher, typesetter, Naval Aviation News
staffs of the Prints and Photographs Division Branch; Chuck Haberlein and Ed Finney,
and the Map and Geography Division, both of Photo Section; Gina Akers, John L. Hodges,
the Library of Congress, and the National Ar- Kathleen M. Lloyd and Mike Walker, Opera-
chives Still Picture Branch provided critical tional Archives; John C. Reilly, Jr., and Doreen
materials for the project. I am especially grate- T. German, Ships' History Branch; Ella Nar-
ful to Dr. Dean C. Allard, Director of Naval gele, Information Security Specialist; Glenn E.
History; Captain Clete Wise, USN, Deputy Di- Helm, Navy Department Library; John
rector; and Dr. William S. Dudley, Senior His- Barnett, Navy Art Collection Branch; and
torian, for their continued support of this Steven D. Hill, Naval Aviation History
project. The series editor, Dr. Edward J. Branch.
Marolda, provided immeasurable assistance The advice, information, and comments of-
and support in preparing this first volume of a fered by my colleagues in the Contemporary
new series. My thanks also go t o Professor History Branch-Jeffrey G. Barlow, Robert J.
Betty Miller Unterberger of the Secretary of Cressman, Richard A. Russell, Robert J.
the Navy's Advisory Committee; Commander Schneller, and Gary E. Weir-were of inestima-
Joseph F. Bouchard, USN; Captain William B. ble value. Most importantly, I want to thank
Ecker, USN (Ret.); Sean Maloney; Dino A. my wife, Ruth, herself a historian. Despite the
Brugioni; and Beatriz Betancourt Hardy for proximity of our wedding date, she generously
their comments and advice. My coworkers in reviewed and commented on the early drafts,
the Naval Historical Center also provided tre- substantially improving and clarifying the
mendous assistance in their various special- author's sometimes arcane account.
About the Author
Curtis A. Utz is currently a historian in the
Naval Historical Center's Contemporary His-
tory Branch. He graduated from the Univer-
sity of Maryland where he earned a Bachelor
of Arts degree in history in 1984. He served as
a historical interpretation technician with the
National Park Service and a n intern at the
Srnithsonian's National Air and Space
Museum. In 1989, he completed a Master of
Arts degree in history at the University of
Maryland. Mr. Utz has worked as a free-lance
military historian and researcher. The
Maryland Historian has published his works.
Behind Mr. Utz is the destroyer Barry (DD
933), a ship on permanent display a t the
Washington Navy Yard and a veteran of
Cuban Missile Crisis operations.

Suggested Readings
Abel, Elie. The Missile Crisis. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1966.
Brugioni, Dino A. Eyeball to Eyeball: The Inside Story of the Cuban Missile Crisis. New York: Random House,

Garthoff, Raymond L. Reflections on the Cuban Missile Crisis. Washington: Brookings Institute, 1987.
'The Cuban Missile Crisis: Oral History." Naval History, Winter 1992.
Young, Maj. John M. When the Russians Blinked: The U.S.Maritime Response to the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Washington: History and Museum Division, U.S. Marine Corps, 1991.

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