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Definition of HRM: Human resources or manpower management describes the planning and directing of application development utilization of labour in human resources employment - date yoder. 2. Distinguish between HRM &Personnel management HRM PM 1.Contemporary 1.This is a conventional management experts use name this name 2.The amount spent on 2.The amount spent on the employee is viewed the employee is only as an investment seen as expenditure incurred 3.It has relevances not 3.It is relevant mainly only for a business for a business organization but for establishment govt. as well 4.The employee is seen 4.Employee is seen as a as a resource of the commodity that can be enterprise like anyother purchased for a price resource 5.Measures are taken for 5.Measures are taken to the overall progress of satisfy the economic the employee needs of the employee mainly

6.The term has wider scope

6. The term has limited scope

3. Function of human resources management 1. Managerial function 2. Operative function 1. Managerial Function Organization Planning Development Controlling 2. Operative Function 1. Procurement Job analysis Recruitment Placement Selection Placement Transfer 2. Development Performance appraised Executive development Training Career planning & development

3. Compension Job evaluation Wages & salary administration Incentives Bonus Fringe benefit Social security scheme 4. Integration M Motivating employee to work better M Handling disciplinary cases M Managing conflicts M Redressing grievances M Boosting the moral of the staff 5. Maintained Promoting job satisfaction among employee Tackling the problem of labour turnover Human resource accounting, audit, and research. 4. Nature of HRM 1. It is a universally relevant 2. It is good oriented 3. It is systematic approach handling the man power resource 4. It is pervasive of nature 5. It is on going activity 6. It is dynamic field of activity

7. It focus on the development of human resources 8. It is science as well as art 9. It is interdisciplinary 10. It is relatively new. 5. Importance of HRM 1. Significant of an enter price 2. Professional significant 3. Social significant 4. National significant 6. Characteristics of HRM Compension function Pervasive function Continuous function Challenging function Staff function People oriented Action oriented Individual oriented Development oriented Future oriented 7. Objectives of HRM 1. To help the organization to attain its goal 2. To utilize human resource effectively To enhance job satisfaction

8. Definition of selection According to Daler yoder selection is a process of choosing a most suitable person out Of all the candidates. Selection is a process of matching the qualification of the employee. 9. Stages involved in selection of candidates: { Receiving application forms { Scrunting { Preliminary interview { Test { Final interview { Checking reference { Medical examination { Appointment { Probation { Confirmation of service 10. Types of interview Structure interview Unstructure interview Depth interview Board interview Stress interview Group interview 11. Needs of training 1. To enable the new recruits to understand the work

2. To enable an existing employees to update the skill and knowledge 3. To enable an employee who has been promoted to understand his responsibilities 4. To enable an employee to become versatile 12. Source of recruitment Basically they are two types of recruitment : 1. Internal sources recruitment 2. External source recruitment 1.Internal sources of recruitment Transfer Promotion Recommendation of employee 2. External sources of recruitment Advertisement Private employment consultancies Employment exchange Campus interview Revel firms Consolicted applicant etc. 13. Factors determining recruitment $ Reputation of a concern $ Salary and other monetary benefit offer $ Terms and condition of services


$ Nature of the vacancy $ Government reservation norms 14. Important of training 1. Improvement in skill and knowledge 2. High production & productivity 3. Job satisfaction 4. Better use of resource 5. Reduction in accident 6. Reduction of supervision 7. Adaptability 8. Reduction of complaints 9. Scope for management by exception 10. Stability 15. Method of training The method of training may be classified into two categories 1. on the job training 2. off the job training 1. on the job training * Induction training * Apprenticeship training * Job rotation * Placement is assistants * Vestible training 2. off the job training Lectures and conferences Role playing

Case study Management game Brain storming Sensitivity training

16. Meaning &progress of performance appraisal 1. Knowledge of work 2. Extent co-operative with colleguages and superior 3. Initiative 4. Quality of work 5. Aptitude 6. Target attainment 7. Discipline 8. Punctuality 9. Honesty 10. Ambition 11. Crisis management etc. 12. Degrees of skill 17. Method and techniques of performance appraised Traditional method Modern method 1. Ranking method 1.Assestment center 2. Graphic scale rating 2.Human resources method accreting 3. Forced choice method 3. Behaviors encharged rate scale appraised

4.Essay appraised method 5. paired comparision Method 6. Field review 7. Critical incident method

4. Appraisal through MBO 5. 360 degree of appraisal

18. Factor influencing wage policies $ Availability of fund $ Demand & supply force $ Trade union pressure $ Inflationary pressure $ Relative job work $ Quantum of work done $ Government regulation 19. Different concept of wages ~ Basic wages ~ Statutory minimum wages ~ Minimum wages ~ Living wages ~ Fair wages 20. Executive compension * Salary * Bonus * Stock option

* Prequisties 21. Perquisities of executives S Free welt- furnished accommodation S Medical free S Servant S Telephone free S Magazines and periodical S Car driven S Free education given for the children S Holiday home 22. Factor influencing executive compansion m Professional qualification m Paucity professional m Complex nature m Financial soundness m Globalization m Provision of company act 1956. 23. Characteristics of collective barganing 1. Various process 2. Group active 3. Mutual benefitical 4. Flexible 5. Dynamic 6. Continous process 7. Complementary in nature 8. Democratic process

24. Problem of trade union movement in India * Lack of balanced group * Low membership * Poor financial position * Multiplicity of union * Lack of recognition * Opposition of employer * Lack of able leader * Indifferent altitude of member 25. Function of trade union 1. Safeguarding the interest of employees 2. Ensuring better work and living condition 3. Securing promotion and training opportunity 4. Redressing grievances 5. Collective bargaining 6. Education 7. Participation in management decision 8. Recreation 9. Financial assistances 10. Convening meeting 11. Distribution pamphlets, booklets ect. 12. Social service 13. Political affiliation 14. Organising demonstration 15. Giving strike calls 26. Factors influencing human resource plan 1. Internal factor

Recruitment Availability of fund Job seekers Scale of operation Trade union influence 2. External factor * Reservation in policies in govt * Availability of manpower * Willingness of job seekers * Trend in the industry * Level of technology 27. Process of HR planning Analyzing the organization plan Forecasting the demand for resource Forecasting the supply The action plan Analyzing the organization plan o Production o Purchase a raw material o Installation of machines o Finance and accounting 28. Characteristics of human resource planning 1. It is goal oriented

2. It is follows focus on present and future needs of an organization 3. It enable follows the full filament of manpower 4. It is continous process 5. It enable a flexible 6.It promote efficiency. --------------------------------------------------------------

HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT According to Flippo. HRM is the planning, organizing, directing, and controlling of the procurement , development , compensation, integration , maintenance and re-production of human resources to the end that individual organizational and societal objectives are accomplished. Characteristics or features of HRM 1. Comprehensive function 2. People oriented 3. Action oriented 4. Individual oriented 5. Development oriented 6. Pervasive function 7. Continuous function

8. Future oriented 9. Challenging function 10. Challenging function 11. Science as well as art 12. Youth discipline 13. Interdisciplinary 14. Nervous system Objectives of HRM 3. To help the organization to attain its goal 4. To utilize human resource effectively 5. To enhance job satisfaction 6. To establish and maintain productive and self respecting work relationship 7. To bring out maximum individual development 8. To secure the integration of individuals and groups with in an organization 9. To develop and maintain quality work 10. To maintain high morale 11. To help maintain ethical policies and behaviour 10.To manage change for individual , organization and societal benefits 11.To recognize and satisfy monetary and not monetary incentive Challenges of personnel , management in 21st century 1. Changing mix of the work force

2. Changing personnel value of the work force 3. Changing expectations of citizen employees 4. Changing levels of productivity 5. Changing demand of government 6. Responding to globalization 7. Empowering people 8. Stimulating innovation & change 9. Coping with temporariness 10. Declining employee loyality 11. Improving ethical behaviour H.R.M. function 1. Managerial function 2. Operative function 1. Managerial function Planning Organizing Directing Controlling 2. Operative function $ Procurement $ Development $ Compensation $ Integration $ Maintenance

Competencies or qualities of human resources manager 1. Educational Qualification 2. Personal attributes 3. Training and experience 4. Professional attributes Personal attributes 1. Intelligence 2. Communicative ability 3. Decisiveness 4. Human skills 5. Teaching skills 6. Executive skills 7. Leadership skills Role of HRM manager 1. As a specialist 2. As an information source 3. As a change agent 4. As a controller 5. As a liaison man Human Resource Planning Human Resource Planning is a process of determining and assuring that the organization will have an adequate number of qualified person, available at the proper times, performance jobs which meet the needs of the enterprises and which provides satisfaction for the individuals involved.

Human Resource Planning process 1. Organizational plan and policies 2. Human Resource demand forecasting 3. Human Resource supply forecasting 4. Estimating man power gap 5. Actianal plan 6. Monitring and control Job Analysis Job Analysis is the process of determining by observation and study the tasks ,which comprise the job, the methods and equipment used and the skills and attitudes requited for successful performance of the job Uses and significance of job analysis 1. Organizational design 2. Human resources planning 3. recruitment and selection 4. Placement and orientation 5. Training and development 6. Performance Appraisal 7. Career path planning 8. Job design 9. Job evaluation 10. Labor relation 11. Employee Counseling 12. Health and safety

Techniques of job analysis 1. Job- performance 2. Personal observation 3. Interview 4. Questionnaire 5. Critical incident 6. Log records 1. Job- description 2. Job- specification 3. Job- evaluation 4. Role- analysis 5. Job design 6. Job rotation 7. Job enlargement 8. job enrichment Recruitment Recruitment is a process of searching for prospective employees for prospective job and stimulating them to apply for job in the organization. Sources of recruitment 1. Internal 2. External 1. Internal 1. Transfer 2. Promotion

2. External 1. Advertising 2. Employment agencies 3. Recommendations 4. Educational institutions 5. Labour unions 6. Unsolicited 7. Applications Selection process 1. Initial or preliminary interview 2. Application blank 3. Psychological test 4. Employment interview 5. Reference checking 6. Medical examination 7. Approval by selection authority 8. Induction or orientation Job evaluation Job evaluation is an orderly and systematic techniques of determing the relative worth of various in relation of other job with in the organization so as to develop an equitable wage and salary structure. Method of job evaluation 1. Non quantitative method 2. Quantitative method

1. Non quantitative method 1. Ranking or job comparison method 2. Grading or job classification method 2.Quantitative method 1. Point rating 2. Factor comparison Performance Appraisal According to Flippo performance appraisal is the systematic, periodic and an inpartial rating of an employees excellance in matters pertaining to his present job and his potential for future job. Process of performance appraisal Setting performance standard communicating standards Measuring performance comparing with standards discussing result- taking corrective action Methods or techniques of performance appraisal 1. Traditional method 2. Modern method 1. Traditional method 1. Confidential report 2. Essay method 3. Straight ranking

4. Paired comparison 5. Forced distribution 6. Graphic rating scale 7. Check list method 8. Critical incident 9. Group appraisal 10. Field review 2. Modern method 1. Assessment centre 2. Human resource accounting 3. Behaviorally anchored rating scale 4. Appraisal through MBO 5. 360 degree appraisal Q.W.L Q.W.L refers to the favourableness or unfavourableness of a job environment for people. It refer to quality of relationship between employees and total working environment. Harrison defines Q.W.L is the degree to which work in an organization contributes to materials and psychological well being of its member. Technique or core dimension of job enrichment 1. Task variety 2. Task identity 3. Task significance 4. Autonomy

5. Feed back and control Principle of Q.W.L 1. Principle of security 2. Principle of equity 3. Principle of individualism 4. Principle of democracy Factors which improve Q.W.L 1. Fair and equitable remuneration 2. Reasonable and stability of employment 3. Employee health and safely programme 4. Alternative work schedule 5. Participative management or self managed team 6. Recognition of employees of human beings 7. Congenial worker supervision relations 8. Grievance procedures and effective leadership 9. Sound promotion policy and career development 10. Management of employees stress 11. Job redesign and enrichment A conceptual model of Q.W.L Job characteristics Job variety, identity significance. Autonomy challenge etc. Personality traits Need patterns, growth need, work ethic. Etc, Job involvement

Sense of competence Job satisfaction low absentism low turnover Productivity Employee grievance A grievance is any discontent or dissatisfaction , whether expressed or not, whether valid or not arising out of any thing connected with the company that an employee thinks believes or evenfeels, is unfair un just or in equitable. Causes of grievance 1. Grievance arising out of poor working condition 2. Grievance arising from wrong management policies 3. Grievance arising out of alleged violated of basic rules and regulation 4. Grievance arising and of personal mal adjustment. Understand employee grievance Exit interview Opinion survey Gripe boxes Open door policy Grievance redrasal procedure


Top management

Top union leader

Middle Management

Middle level Union leader

Front linesupervisor

Union representative

Aggrieved employee

Essentials of a sound grievance procedure Legal sanctity Acceptability Promptness Simplicity Training Follow up Management of stress Stress is a mental emotional or physical reaction result from an individuals response to environment pressure and similar stimuli. It refers to pressure people feel in life. Burn out Burn out is a syndrome where is a person breaks down physically and emotionally due to continues over a long period of time . work addicts or work halics are susceptible to burn out.

Training and development Training is the process of increasing the knowledge and skills for doing a particular job. It is an organized procedure by which people learn knowledge and skills for a definite. The basic purpose of training to bridge the gap between job requirement and present competence of an employee. Development is a long term education process utilizing a systematic and organized procedure by which managerial personnel learn conceptual and theoretical knowledge for general purpose. It involves philosophical and theoretical educational concepts and it is designed for managers. Systematic approach to training
Identifying training needs Job gap Present Performance Setting training objectives and policy Designing training program and training plan Desired performance

Conducting the training

Follow up and evaluation

Types of training

1. Orientation training 2. Job training 3. Safety training 4. Promotional training 5. Refresher training 6. Remedial training Need for training o Job requirement o Technological change o Organizational viability o Internal mobility Importance of training 1. High productivity 2. Better quality of work 3. Less learning period 4. Cost reduction 5. Reduced supervision 6. Low accident rate 7. High morale 8. personal growth 9. Organizational growth 10. Behavioral change Benefits of training to employee 1. Self confidence 2. Increased earning 3. Safety

4. Adoptability 5. Promotion 6. New skills Objectives of training 1. It is more helpful to the new entrance to enhance their skill. 2. It help for effective functioning of press of job and to learn latest concepts, techniques and information . 3. To build competency to occupy new and more responsible positions. 4. To broden the minds of senior managers through interchange of experience. 5. To improve overall personality of employee. Method and techniques of training 1. Operative training 2. Executive training 1. Operative training 1. on the job training 2. vestibule training 3. apprenticeship training 4. class room training 5. internship training 2. Executive training 1. on the job training 2. off the job training

1. on the job training 1. Coaching 2. under study 3. Position rotation 4. Project assignment 5. Committees 6. Multiple management 7. Selection reading 2. off the job training 1. Lectures 2. Case studies 3. Group discussion 4. Conferences 5. Role playing 6. Management game 7. in basket exercise 8. Sensitivity training 9. Programmed instruction Organisational change: Any change or modification relating to, organizational people, structure, technology and external environment is called is as organizational change. Type of organization and change:

1. Reactive charge 2. Pro-active change 3. Planned change or O.D Process of change Identifying need for change elements to be changed planning for change assessing change forces actions for change unfreezing changing re- freezing. Resistance to change / factors over coming resistance change 1. Education and communication 2. Participation and facilitation 3. Implicit and explicit co- ercian 4. Involvement and commitment 5. Leadership 6. Change agents : internal and external change agent Reward and compensation system Employee compensation may be of two types: 1. Base or primary compensation 2. Supplementary or incentive compensation Objectives of rewards and compensation 1. To establish fair and equitable remuneration 2. To attract competent personnel

3. To retain the present employees 4. To improve productivity 5. To control cost 6. To formulate promotion policy 7. To improve union management relations 8. To improve public image of the organization Essentials of sound compensation Internal equity External competitiveness Built in incentive and motivation Link with productivity Maintain real wages Increments Factors affecting wage policy Demand for and supply of labour Ability to pay Labour union Cost of living Prevailing wage rate Job requirement Productivity State regulation -------------------------------------------------------------HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT Introduction

Human resources include personnel , people at work manpower , staff and employees. Human resources may be defined the knowledge skills , creative a hitities , talents and aptitudes obtained in the population. It is also inter- related , inter depended and interacting physiological , psychological, sociological, ethical. Personnel vs Human Resource Management Personnel 1. People employed economic man as his service are exchange for wage /salary 2. Created as commodity or tools or equipment, equipment . 3. Employees are treated as cost center and therefore mgt controls ;employees are used mostly for organization benefit short term 4. Personnel function is treated as only auxiliary, perspective HRM 1. Mgt of employees skills knowledge , ahilities, aptitudes 2. Economic man also as social & psychological man . 3. Employees is treated as a resource 4. Profit center ,invest capital for human resource & future 5. Multiple mutual benefit of the organization

6. HRM is strategic management function & long term perspective Nature of Human Resource Management 1. Inherent part of management 2. Pervasive function or personnel management 3. Basic to all function areas 4. People centred 5. Personnel activities 6. Continuous product 7. Based on human resource Importance of Human Factor 1. Human resource in the nations well being 2. Man vis a vis machine 3. Personnel management and general management ms-men , money, materials , machines and method 4. Human resource accounting to utilize human resource most economically & efficiently 5. Significance of knowledge according to P.F.Drueker knowledge is the only meaningful resource today. Objectives of HRM 1. To create and utilize an able and motivated work force to accomplish the basic organization goals 2. To establish and maintain sound organization structure

3. To secure the integration of individuals and groups 4. To create facilities and opportunities for individuals or groups development 5. To attain an effective utilization of human resource in the achievement 6. To identify , satisfy individual & group needs provide adequate and equitable wages, incentive , employees benefit social security 7. To maintain high employees moral 8. To provide facilities & condition of work and creative of favorable atmosphere & maintaining stability employment Qualities of Human Resource Manager 1. Physical health , address 2. Mental ability ,understand and learn 3. Moral willingness to accept responsibility 4. Educational general acquaintance 5. Technical Peculiar to the function 6. Experience arising from the work proper Challenges and Task of HR Management 1. Changing technology leading to obsolescence 2. Economic and individuals policy changes leading to touch 3. changing international environment industing on free flow of goods and services 4. Changing profit on workers 5. Changing needs nd expectation of customers

Emerging Issues in HRM 1. Increasing size of work force , education level, technological 2. Changes in political environment , changing psycho- social system computer used information system , mobility of professional personnel, change in legal environment management of human relation Evolution and Growth of HRM Stages on the evolution and growth of HRM 1. Individuals relations scientific management palernalutic inductive psychological- human relation- behavioral science- personnel specialistWelfare UNIT -3 Characteristic of Policy 1. Policy is an expression of intention of top management 2. Policy is stated in broad terms in future 3. Policy is long tasting 4. Policy is developed with the active participation of all human 5. Policy is in writing 6. Policy is linking with objective Types of Policies

1. Functional policies 2. Internal policies basic policy , general policy, department 3. External policies requests of force outside the enterprise 4. Appeared policies formulated on the basic of the suggestion 5. State or explicit policies- in writing and forms of part 6. Unstated or implied policies- orally but are inferred

Formulation of Human Resource 1. Preliminary investigation 2. Environment scanning 3. Identification of policy areas 4. Analysis of alternative policies 5. Participation of lower levels 6. Approval of top management 7. Implementation of policy 8. policy appraised Policies in Various H. R. Areas 1. Employment policies 2. Training & development 3. Transfer and promotion 4. Compensation policies

5. Integration and human relation 1. discipline 2. labor union 6. Working condition and welfare 1. kinds & standards of working condition 2. safety programmed 3. Types of welfare semi 4. financing of employees Human Resource Planning Forecasting future manpower requirements, other in terms of mathematical projection of trends in the economy and development in the industry. Objective of Human Resource 1. To ensure optimum use of human resource currently employed 2. Forecasting future skills requirement 3. To determine optimum training levels 4. To provide a basis for management development programmed 5. To cost of manpower in new projects Levels of Human Resource Planning 1. National : planning by government covers population projects programme of economic development, education facilities occupational distribution growth individual 2. Sector - wise : agriculture , industrial , service

3. Industrial wise : forecast for specific industrial such as textiles chemicals, engineering & plantation 4. Individuals unit based : manpower needs of a particular enterprises Types of Planning 1. Formal and informal planning It takes place without special planning serious or planning division formal they are documentary & records. 2. Replacement planning Concerned with recruitment transfer, promotion, a. Time span short term from long term plans describe three types b. Adaptive planning careful considered & evaluation 2. Contingency planning Advanced strategies 3. Real time planning planners co- operation in handing Human Resource Planning Approach Organization goals manpower objective consider Manpower projection manpower gaps Alternative pair- anticipated consequences over all programmed result Process of Human Resource Planning 1. Estimating future organizational & manpower requirement

2. Manpower audit 3. Job analysis 4. Developing a human resource Long Range objective and Plans 1. Overall requirements for human resource 2. Inventory of present resource 3. Net new human resource requirement 4. Action programmes for recruitment selecting needed personnel 5. Procedure for evaluating effective of human resource planning

Recruitment Recruitment, selection and placement identify the potential candidate. There are interdependent and independent of one and other Factors Affecting Recruitment 1. Internal factor 1. Company pays package 2. Quality of work life 3. Organizational culture 4. Career planning and growth 5. Companys size 6. Company product / service 7. Company growth rate role of trade union cost of recruit company name and frame

2. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

External factor Socio- economic factor Supply and demand factor Employment rate Labour market condition Political legal , government factor Information system take employment exchange / internet

Recruitment Policy 1. Government policy 2. Personnel policies of the complaint 3. Orgnisation personal policies 4. Recruitment success 5. Recruit needs 6. Recruitment cost 7. Selection criteria performance Source of Recruitment The source of recruitment are broadly divided into internal resources and external resources . 1. Internal resource are the sources with an organization 2. External resources are the sources outside organization Internal Source of Recruitment 1. Transfer 2. Promotion

External Source of Recruitment 1. Direct recruitment 2. Casual callers 3. Media adverist 4. Employment agencies 5. Management consultant 6. Educational consultant 7. Educational institution or camps recruitment 8. Recommendation 9. Labor consider 10. Telecasting External Source 1. Qualified personnel 2. Wider choice 3. Fresh talent 4. Competitive spirit Demerits of external source 1. Dissatisfaction among existing staff 2. Length process 3. Costly process 4. Uncertain response Modern Techniques of Recruitment 1. Walk in 2. Consult in 3. Head hunting 4. Body shopping

5. Business attain 6. Tele- recruitment Selection Job description Indentification of predictor variable performance measurement of predictor correction between predictor criteria Indentification of criteria variable performance measurement of criteria 7. Significant relationship tenlatively accept the predictor 8. Insignificant relationship review the predictor & criteria variable 9. Try different predictor and criteria variables 10. Periodic review & in case of insignificant relationship Job description 1. Identification of predictor selection tools 2. Identification of criteria indicators of performance 3. Performance measurement on predictor and criteria 4. Correction between poredicator and criteria 5. Decision to accept or reject a predictor

Selection process and method 1. Application blanks 2. Checks of references 3. Psychological 4. Employment interview 5. Physical examination 6. Induction or placement 1. Applicant blanks 1. Biographic data 2. Education and past experience 2.Check of references main difficult is ascertaining & accession 3. Selection test- kinds of test .they are followed 1. Achievement test 2. Aptitude test 3. Interest test 4. Personality test 5. Intelligence test Reliability and validity of selection tests 4.Employment interview principle of interview 1. Preparation 2. Setting 3. Conduct of the interview 4. Close 5. Evaluation Kinds of interview

1. 2. 3. 4.

Preliminary interview Stree interview Depth interview Patterned interview

Function of HRM Flippos classification 1. Management function 2. Operative function 1.Management function 1. planning 2. Organization 3. Directing 4. Controlling 2.Operative function 1. procurement 2. development 3. compensation 4. integration 5. maintenance 6. separation Date Yodiers classification function 1. Staffing 2. Personnel maintained 3. Labour relation 4. Training / development 5. Compensation 6. Employment

7. Organisation 8. Administration 9. Personnel policy and planning 10. Review , audit , research Bunkers Classification A. Employee welfare 1. Condition of work environment 1. Temperature 2. Ventilation 3. lighting 4. duet, smoke, fumes & gars 5. noise 6. humidity 7. hazard & safety complex devices. 2. Factory sanitation and cleanliness 1. provision of urinals in factories 2. provision of spittoons 3. provision of disposal of wake &rubbish 4. provision of water disposal 5. provision of proper bathing& washing facilities 6. cleanliness white washing & repair of build worker 7. care& maintain of open spress ,garden ,roads welfare amenities 1. provision &care of 2. canteen service 3. lunch

4. rest room 5. crches 6. clock room, other amenities 2. Employees health service 1. Factory health service 1. Medical examination of employees 2. Factory dispensary and clinic treatment 3. First aid ambulance room 4. Treatment of accident 5. Health education & research Recreation 1. Play grounds for physical recreation 2. Social & culture recreation 3. Workers education 1. Education to improve skills & earning capacity 2. Literacy 3. Library, pictorial education lecture programmers 4. Workers education scheme & its working 4. Economic service 1. Employees co operative 2. Grain shop & fair price shop 3. Housing co- operative 4. Study of working of welfare 5. Social work in industrial selling B. Personnel Administration

1. Recruitment 1.Recruitment of personnel 2. Knowledge of sources of employees supply 3. Receive approach 4. Interview 5. Inventory of reference 6. Physical 7. Trade test 8. Aptitude 2. Job analysis Job descriptive & job specification 2.Manpower planning 1. Placement 1. Job assignment 2. Job enlargement 3. Personnel development 3. Introduction 1. Introduction to supervisor 2. job & work place 3. colleague 4. welfare activities & other facilities 5. procedure 6. service condition Wage and salary administration 1. Wage scales 2. Increment and F.D

3. Salary & wage standard 4. Incentive 5. Payments and allowance 6. Working ours & overtime 7. Profit sharing 8. Holiday 9. Leave 10. Executive compensation plan 11. Fringe benefits Discipline 1. Instances of indiscipline and misconduct 2. Cause of indiscipline 3. Domestic enquiry 4. Handicaps of management in the main lenan of discipline and enforcement of certain rules 5. Shop floor supervision & its responsibility 5.Transport and promotion 1. The procedure to be adopted 2. Cause of transfer and promotion 3. personnel for transfer & promotion 4. Records of training 6. Prevention of louse 1.Material lou 2. work lou 3. Time Administration in real

Retirement 1.Provident fund & penuion plans 2. gratuity process 3. exist interview 4. long service awards 5. retirement plans Indian institution of personnel management 1. Improving of individual relation 2. promotion of joint consultant 3. improving communication between management & employees 4. improving factory amentias 5. Education of employment Northcolt classification 1. Employment 2. Selection & training 3. Employees service 4. Wages 5. Individual relation 6. Health & safely 7. Education Induction Objectives of induction 1. putting the new employee at his case 2. creating interest in the job 3. providing basic information 4. training facility

Induction process 1. Identified at the stages of induction process 2. New employees 3. Introduction to the organization 4. Departmental head introduces to all the employees Socialing the new employee- process 1. Strongly influences employee performance 2. New member suffer 3. People adjust in similarly Wage and salary administration Wage delimitation process Job analysis Job description job evaluation wage survey analysis- wage legication wage structure Factor influencing wage and salary 1. Organise ability to pay 2. supply and demand for labour 3. prevailing market rate 4. cost of living wage 5. productivity trade union bargaining power 6. job requirement manpower attain Method of wage payment 1. Time or day wage system 2. The piece wage 3. premium bonus method


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