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I) Mark do or does into the gaps. 1) Do / Does Peter live with his father? 2) Do /Does you learn Spanish? 3) Do/ Does Andrew and Martin ride their bikes to school? 4) Do /Does they play in the garden? 5) Do /Does Sandy's hamster live in a cage? 6) Do /Does the cats sit on the wall? 7) Do /Does we work in front of the computer? 8) Do /Does you play the drums? 9) Do /Does Steve wear pullovers? 10) Do/ Does I clean the bathroom? II) Write down the missing sentences. I I you he she it we you they it rains. Do we dream? you do not read. Do they work? Affirmative I play. you help. Negative he does not answer. Does she sing? Question

works works Jo is so smart that she ________ every exam without even trying. pass passies passes My best friend ________ to me every week. write writies writes She ________ in Florida. live lives livees We ________ to Spain every summer. fly flys flies My mother ________ eggs for breakfast every morning. fry frys fries


1) play can the trumpet she ? 2) e-mails can write they ? 3) can TV watch I ? 4) the cat the tree climb can? 5) draw can brother pictures your ? 6) the talk parrot can? 7) come can you when? 8) can do what we?

III) What's the best word to complete the sentence? The bank ________ at four o'clock. close closies closes I ________ in a bank. work

9) our friends can lunch have where? 10) sing can sister your how? II) Answer the questions. 1) Can she fly a kite? - Yes, . 2) Can they write these words? - Yes, . 3) Can he sing? - No, .. 4) Can I open the window, please? - Yes, 5) Can Doris speak French? - Yes, . 6) Can we meet our friends? - Yes, .. 7) Can he ride a snowboard? - No, . 8) Can the girls swim? - Yes, . 9) Can you help me? - Yes, 10) Can the frog sing? - No, . III) Look at the pictures and choose the best answer: 1) Can he swim? ----------------------------------------------------------5) Can he drive a bus? -----------------------------------------------------4) Can he walk?

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2) Can he play soccer? 6) Can he see?

-------------------------------------------------3) Can she draw? ----------------------------------------------

7) Can she sing?

-------------------------------------------------8) Can they cook?

IV) Mark the answer correct 1. Yes, We (can cant) clean the house. 2. No, she (can can't) watch TV, it is too late. 3. No, I'm sorry you (can can't) have this knife. It's too dangerous. 4. Yes, I (can can't) see a bird in the tree. 5. She can't write but she (can can't) read ! 6. He (can can't) watch that cartoon on TV. It's only available on DVD's. 7. Yes, of course you (can can't) have a glass of water . 8. No, I (can can't) hear you . Speak up, please.

PRESENT SIMPLE Complete with the Form Negative 1) Tom.. stamps. (not/to collect) 2) You.. songs in the bathroom. (not/to sing) 3) Julie the garden. (not/to work) 4) I.. at home. (not/to sit) 5) Tina and Kate.. the windows. (not/to open) 6) Adam.. French. (not/to speak) 7) His sister.. lemonade. (not/to like) 8) We music. (not/to listen) 9) My father.. the car every Saturday. (not/to clean) 10) Johnny and Danny in the lake. (not/to swim) 1) We handball at school. (not/to play) 2) Laura her room. (not/to clean) 3) Mark ..his homework. (not/to do) 4) Susan and Jerry.. TV. (not/to watch) 5) They at 6.30. (not/to wake up) 6) You shopping. (not/to go) 7) Mrs Smith a big box. (not/to carry) 8) My brother.. English. (not/to teach) 9) The teachers.. stories. (not/to tell) 10) I in a plane. (not/to fly) Change the Form Affirmative to Form Negative 1) They play volleyball every week. They. volleyball every week. 2) John is nice. John .. nice.

3) This car makes a lot of noise. - This car a lot of noise. 4) I like computer games. - I games. 5) We are from Greece. We.. from Greece. 6) You wear pullovers. - You pullovers. 7) They speak English. They. English. 8) He watches TV. - He ..TV. 9) I am from Spain. - I ..from Spain. 10) Steve draws nice pictures. - Steve nice pictures. 11) She feeds the animals. She . the animals. 12) We take photos. - We photos. 13) Sandy does the housework every Thursday. - Sandy ..the housework every Thursday. 14) The boys have two rabbits. - The boys . two rabbits. 15) Simon reads English books. Simon English books. 16) He listens to the radio every evening. - He the radio every evening. 17) Anne is the best singer of our school. - Anne the best singer of our school. 18) The children are at home. - The children.. at home. 19) The dog runs after the cat. - The dog the cat. 20) Lessons always finish at 3 o'clock. Lessons.. at 3 o'clock.

Present Progressive In the book. 1) Alexander a film. (to watch) 2) We a computer game. (to play) 3) The dog at the cat. (to bark) 4) Peter his rabbits. (to feed) 5) Philipp and Johnny a song. (to sing) 6) Mary her hair. (to wash) 7) I to Doris. (to talk) 8) Peggy a picture. (to draw) 9) Henry and his sister their mother. (to help) 10) You the poem by heart. (to learn) 11) He her name. (not/to shout) 12) We nice photos. (to take) 13) Phil the exercise? (to explain) 14) What you here? (to do) 15) I on the sofa. (not/to sit) 16) The cat on the carpet. (not/to lie) 17) they to radio now? (to listen) 18) The eagle the mouse. (to catch) 19) Why Ruth for money? (to ask) 20) The boys into the pool. (not/to dive)

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