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Software Testing Chapter-1 1. List eight traits (properties) of good software tester. 2. What is goal of a Software Tester? 3.

What is Bugs? List four software failure terms. 4. 4.What can be effect of Malfunction of single data bit. Describe. 5. 5.Explain Spiral Model in SDLC. 6. 6.Explain Waterfall Model. 7. 7.Write short note on Software Project Staff Chapter-2 1. Explain State Testing with state transition diagram. 2. What action should be perform on software when attempting to race condition bugs? 3. Give eight low-level specification techniques? 4. Explain the Dynamic Testing method with example. 5. State goals of equivalence testing. 6. Explain Regression testing. 7. List the factors to be considered for black box testing of website. 8. Explain Gray Box testing. 9. Explain the Unit Testing method with example. 10. What is beta testing? What are the advantages of beta testing? 11. Explain Boundary condition data testing. Chapter-3 1. Explain the Unit Testing method with example. 2. Explain four essential elements to a Formal Review? 3. List four subroutine parameter errors. 4. What does static white box testing mean. 5. Explain the Integration Testing method with example. 6. Explain coding standard & guidelines. 7. What are standards and guideline to be considered for software testing? 8. Compare dynamic white box testing and Debugging. 9. Describe challenges in white box testing? 10. Describe code coverage testing. 11. Describe top down approach of unit testing 12. Describe structural testing and list different type of structural testing. 13. What is difference between dynamic white box testing and debugging? 14. Explain four essential elements of a Formal Review. Chapter-4 1. What is backward & forward compatibility testing? 2. Illustrate the impact of testing multiple versions of application software. 3. How to identify the hardware standard? 4. What is Configuration and describe configuration testing? 5. Describe DDE , COM and OLE 6. Describe decision making 7. State criteria to select program for testing? 8. Describe feature and function of clipboard? 9. Explain Forward and Backward compatibility. 10. Explain data sharing compatibility.

Chapter-5 1. Describe ASCII , DBS , Unicode and Code page 2. How the issue of reading from Left and Right is solved 3. Explain ASCII, DBCS and Unicode translation issues. Chapter-6 1. Explain the Gray Box testing. 2. Illustrate accessibility Testing. 3. What does website testing mean. 4. What is EULA explain. 5. 1.Explain types of Software Documentation. 6. 2.What makes a Good User Interface ? Chapter-7 1. What is difference between translation & localization 2. Describe Beta Testing 3. Describe the analysis Tools. 4. Write short note on views and monitors. 5. Describe the stress Tools for software testing. 6. Explain Macro Recording and play back. Chapter-8 1. Describe four steps for carefully & methodically planning test cases. 2. Describe the role of Inter Group Responsibilities in test documentation. 3. State high level expectation of planning process. 4. Describe what do you mean by severity and priority 5. What is the purpose test planning process? 6. What are the goals of Test planning? 7. Draw and explain a bugs life cycle. 8. Describe the goals of test planning. Chapter-9 1. Explain the capability Maturity Model (CMM) 2. Describe the test management and organization for small project. 3. Explain Capability Maturity Model (CMM). 4. Give comparison of Quality Assurance and Quality Control.

Advanced Java 1. What is proxy server? Give the purpose of proxy server. 2. Explain the use of button control in AWT with example. 3. What is scroll pane ,Tree , Tasbbed Pane?ive the sequential steps to use JScroll , Jtabbed Pane and Jtree Control of Swing 4. List the three interfaces in Javax.Servlt package. Also give the use of All Interface 5. Explain the use of following methods of Servlet request interface with their syntax 6. (i) getConteutType ( ) (ii) getParameterNames ( ) (iii) getReader ( ) 7. (iv) getParameter( ) 8. Describe the use of JDBC-ODBC bridge. 9. What is Frame , Dialog , Panel ? Explain the use of frame ,Dialog,Panel in AWT with example. 10. Write a program to create a menubar in Frame where menubar contains menu items such as File, Edit, View and Sub menu items included under File menu item such as New, Open using AWT 11. What is Layout Manager?List All the Diffrerent Layouts? Describe the use of Grid Layout Manager with example 12. Write a program to retrieve a display host name and port using Inet Address Class 13. Write the sequential steps for establishing a connection between client socket and server socket using TCP/IP protocol. 14. Write a program to display a button with a image on it using swing. The image on the on the button will change when the button is clicked. 15. State Four difference between TCP and UDP 16. Give the use URL class along with syntax of constructor of URL class 17. Write a program to create an applet that will accept a number text field and display factorial of that number in another textfield when a button with caption Factorial is clicked. 18. Describe the life cp of Servlet and explain difference between doGet() and doPost () methods of HTTP servlet -class. 19. Describe the two - tier and three tier database design of JDBC_API with neat diagram. 20. Write a program to make connectivity v the database using JDBC and display records in table of database. Assume suitable data. 21. Give the sequential steps to use JTree control of swing. ALso give syntax of four constructors of JTree class 22. Explain the use of cookies with examples. 23. Write a servlt which shows how many times user has visited the page in a session 24. Write a program to d JTabhedPane -in apples using swing. 25. Describe the syntax a use at three methods used for navigation through database records using object of the result set interface. 26. Explain the use of prepared statement interface with example 27. List any four interfaces in Javax.servlet package and also give use of each.

28. What is Dialog box give , use of Dialog box 29. Give the use of following swing controls. (i) JScroll Panes (ii) JTree (iii) JTabbed Pane 30. Explain the life cycle oft servlet 31. Classify JDBC Driver types according to their architecture. 32. Explain the Java servlet development kit. 33. Explain any four methods of checkbox , Textbox , Button , class with syntax. 34. Give the meaning of follow, r g terms in windows components. (i) Frame (ii) Panel (iii) Canvas 35. Describe the use of flow layout manager ,Border Layout. 36. Write a program to retrieve and display port number and host name of an URL? 37. What is Internet Addressing? Give the purpose of Inet Address class 38. Explain how to create and use the Table with an example? 39. Describe the use of following i) Reserved sockets (ii) DNS (Domain Naming Service) 40. What is DataGram packet Class ? list and Describe the methods of datagram Packet Class 41. Write .a program to create an applet that Will accepts values of three numbers ie. Num1, num2 and num3. The user will enter the values in three separate text fields. The applet will have two, buttons lbelled Find Lrgestiand Find Smallest. when the user Will click on the button Find Largest, the largest value among the three numbers will be displayed in the fourth text field and when the user will click on the button Find Smallest the smallest - value will be displayed in the fourth text field (labelled as Result) 42. Write a code segment to demonstrate Reading initialization parameters to a server 43. Write an applet program to make connectivity with database using JDBC API. Assume suitable data. 44. Give the use of following methods o connection and statement interfaces. (i) create statement (ii) execute Query (iii) get Result Set 45. Give sequential steps to use jTabbed Pane control? Also give syntax of three constructors of JTabbed Pane class? 46. Write a program to - create a servlet that handles HTTP Post request 47. Write a program to use session state using a servlet 48. Write a program to display a jComboBox on the Combo Box will have following items Cycle , bus , truck , Autoricskaw , bike 49. Describe the syntax and use of 4 methods use for navigation through database using a recordset object. 50. Describe the use of committ and roll back methods of connection Interface? 51. Define, Protocol. List difference between TCP& UDP. 52. Differentiate between swing and AWT. 53. Explain the following (1) SetContentType() (2) getWriter() (3) getParameter() (4) getCoockies() 54. Explain the life cycle of Servlet 55. List various types of JDBC Drivers. Explain JDBC-ODBC bridge driver. 56. What are font & font metrics classes ? Explain with the help of example?how to setfont to a text 57. What is frame ? Write procedure to close frame with the help of example. 58. What are different AWT control? Explain any one in details 59. Write a program to retrieve and display port number and host name of an URL

60. What is client server model ? Explain use of socket and server socket class. 61. Write a program to display a JcomboBox on an Applet which have following items: HardDisk, Mouse , PenDrive , KeyBoard, Monitor, CPU , Power Supply 62. Define following terms: (1) Web (2) Protocol (3) HTTP (4) ProxyServer 63. Write the use of Inet address Class with suitable example 64. Write a program to demonstrate the use of Border Layout which shows 4 buttons at 4 sides of an applet with caption as east, west, north and south 65. Write a Servlet to display data stored in cookie Data will be user name given by clients 66. Explain two-tier and three tier architecture of database design -with- neat diagram 67. Write a program to display all records from emp table from a database. 68. Give the use of following: (1) Jtabbedpane (2) Jtree (3) JScroll Pane 69. Write a program of Servlet to demonstrate the HTTP Servlet class using Doget() method. 70. Write a Serviet to display Welcome to Servlet in a browser using generic Servlet class. 71. Write a program to demonstrate the use of Jscrollpanes in swing. 72. ExpLain necessity of JDBC-ODBC bridge driver; 73. Describe the use of prepared statement and callable statement interface. 74. Give the use of URL class and also give the syntax of constructor of URL class. 75. Explain the use of following methods of List class along with their syntax 76. (a) getItem() add() getItemCount() select() 77. Give the sequential steps to use JTree in an applet. 78. List four interfaces in javax.servlet package and also give use of each. 79. Write a code segment to demonstrate the use of getParameter() method of GenericServlet class. 80. Classify JDBC Driver types according to their architecture. 81. What is Layout manager? Describe the use of GridLayout manager. 82. What are dialog boxes? Give the types of dialog boxes. 83. Write a program to create an applet that will display the name, family, size and style of currently selected font. 84. Write a program to retrieve and display port number and host name of an URL. 85. Give the meaning and purpose of proxy server. 86. Write a program to display a button with an image on it using swing. The image on the button will change when the button is clicked. 87. What is Internet addressing? Give the purpose of InetAddress class. 88. What is a network socket? Also give use of server socket and client socket. 89. Write a program to create an applet that will accept values of three test marks i.e. test1, test2, test3, each out of 25. The user will enter the marks in three separate text fields. The applet will have a button labled Find average. When the user will click on the button the average of test marks will be displayed in the fourth text field. 90. Write a program to demonstrate passing and retrieving values of parameter to a servlet. 91. Write a code segment to create connection to an access database through a java application and display list of tables in the database. Assume suitable data. 92. Give the use of following methods of Statement interface-

93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98.

(a) executeQuery executeUpdate (b)execute Give sequential steps to use JScrollPane control. Also give syntax of three constructors of JscrollPane class Write a program to create a servlet that handles HTTPGET request. Write a program to add cookies using a servlet Write a program to display a JcomboBox on an applet. The combo box will have following items Pen, Pensil, Sharpener, Eraser, Notebook Describe the use of Prepared Statement and Callable Statement interface. Describe the syntax and use of methods used for navigation through database records using a ResultSet object.

Prepared By : Prof. Manoj S. KAvedia Institute of technology Ulhasnagar 9423088039 / 9860174297 / 9773552051

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