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IBS DIGEST @ malbex

Organised By : Co-Organised By :

19 - 22 SEPTEMBER 2007


What is IBS
Industrialised Building Systems (IBS) is a construction process that utilises components or building systems which involve prefabricated components and on-site installation. From the structural classication, there are ve main IBS groups identied as being used popularly in Malaysia. Pre-cast Concrete Framing, Panel and Box Systems pre-cast columns, beams, slabs, 3-D components (balconies, staircases, toilets, etc), etc; Formwork Systems tunnel forms, EPS-based forms, beams and columns moulding forms, permanent steel formworks, etc; Steel Framing Systems steel beams and columns, portal frames, roof trusses, etc; Prefabricated Timber Framing Systems timber frames, roof trusses, etc; Block Work Systems interlocking concrete masonry units (CMU), lightweight concrete blocks, etc. With the advancement of technology and innovation, various pre-fabricated materials have entered the market. It includes gypsum, wood wool, polymer, berglass, glass and aluminium-based IBS components. Currently a total of 128 IBS companies have registered with CIDB Malaysia. As mentioned, the use of IBS assures valuable advantages such as the reduction of unskilled workers, less wastage, less volume of site materials, increased environmental and construction site cleanliness and better quality control. These advantages also promote a safer and more organised construction site; and reduce the completion time of construction.




Modular Coordination Open Building


The term IBS goes far beyond than being just a modern method of prefabricated or offsite construction. IBS also includes the Open Building Concept that was rst promoted during the rebuilding years of post-war Netherlands. The rules for dimensions, positions and interfaces of components are important elements of Open Building. As such, the principles of Modular Coordination (MC) are also applied. In the Malaysian context, it is the rules set by the Malaysian Standard MS 1064 that was based on Nederlands Normalisatie Institut (NNI)s NEN 6000; the standards for MC in design of buildings.

Towards less labour dependency and better quality, productivity and safety, the construction industry needs to have an increased effort in the development and usage of new and relevant technology and innovation in the area. The Government strongly supports construction industrialisation through the use of Industrialised Building Systems (IBS) and Modular Coordination (MC). It is crucial for the industry players to be technologically savvy, innovative and equipped with the relevant experience to offer their products and services for the global market. Failing to do so, the parties are risking their survival in the competitive borderless business world. CIDB Malaysia strives to offer the industry with various industrialisation programs that include establishment of the IBS Centre, training sessions and seminars, researches and publications; among many others. IBS Digest is the only non-commercial Malaysian quarterly publication that is solely dedicated to the construction industrialisation agenda. It has been published by CIDB Malaysia since 2005 and functions as an important promotion tool to disseminate information on Governments IBS initiative. In conjuction with the 24th. Malaysian International Building Exposition (Malbex 2007) that is being held during the 9th. International Construction Week (ICW 2007), I am very honoured and proud to present you the IBS Digests Malbex 2007 Special Issue. To be distributed free of charge to the anticipated 15,000 visitors of Malbex 2007, it is hoped that the promotion of the industrialisation agenda through IBS Roadmap 2003-2010 will reach a substantial share of the construction fraternity. I take this opportunity to congratulate the Construction Technology Development Division, particularly the IBS Centre, for creating yet another innovative product to be shared with the industry; as well as the Reed Exhibitions Sdn. Bhd. for having successfully assembled a segment of the building community with common interest for this auspicious event. Welcome to Industrialisation of Construction

IBS Roadmap 2003-2010

Based on the IBS Roadmap 20032010, positive impacts from the fundamental proposal and new Government incentives are: The industry will choose IBS which guarantees better quality, productivity and safety. In the globalisation era, these are critical factors for the survival of Malaysian construction players ; The enforcement of using Modular Coordination (MC) through Uniform Building By Laws (UBBL) will encourage standardisation and subsequently increase the usage of IBS components. It also encourages participation from manufacturers and assemblers to enter the market, thus reducing the price of IBS components. This will create and sustain new sub-sectors in the manufacturing industry. In essence, MC will facilitate open industrialisation. A screening and selection programme based on IBS standard components will ensure that low quality products are not marketed in the country. This aspect is important to avoid failures in IBS projects; and By reducing wet-trades through IBS, the dependency on foreign workers will also diminish. Collaborative effort by Government & Industry partners Roadmap endorsed by the Cabinet Ministers : End of October 2003 Provides milestones & targets to facilitate industry readiness towards Industrialisation IBS re-strategised through 5-M Strategies : Manpower, Material, Management, Monetary & Marketing

IBS Malaysia
Prefabricated construction in Malaysia started way back almost fourty years ago with the completion of the Tunku Abdul Rahman Public Housing Estate; or commonly known as the Pekeliling Flats. For the last four decades, the construction industry has been experimenting with various prefabricated construction; being lead by various precast concrete solution providers that come and go. In most of the cases, it was for one-off and isolated project usage. No proper plan was formulated by the government for the industrialisation of construction until the inception of the IBS Roadmap 2003-2010. A masterplan to facilitate the transformation of the Malaysian construction sector was formulated with inputs from industry and endorsed by the Cabinet back in October 2003. Known as the Industrialised Building Systems (IBS) Roadmap 2003-2010, the masterplan is based on the 5-M Strategy (Manpower, Materials-ComponentsMachines, ManagementProcesses-Methods, Monetary and Marketing) with the target of having an industrialised construction industry as well as achieving Open Building by the year 2010. The transformation of the construction sector is crucial in ensuring the successful achievement of Vision 2020.


Y.Bhg. Datuk Ir. Hamzah Hasan Chief Executive CIDB Malaysia


Through the 2005 Budget announcement back in September 2004, it was declared that all new government building projects are required to have at least 50% IBS content; which is calculated through the IBS Score Manual that was developed by CIDB Malaysia. The decision to make it compulsory for government buildings was to create sufcient momentum for the demand of IBS components. In order to attract private clients, the second announcement was on the levy exemption for housing projects that have a minimum IBS Score of 50%. The IBS Agenda was further boosted with the 2006 Budget announcement. Tax incentive was offered through Accelerated Capital Allowance (ACA). IBS manufacturers would be given ACA for expenses occurred in the purchase of moulds used for production of precast concrete components. Also stated in the 2006 Budget was that the government would ensure that all IBS components used in public projects are to be MS 1064-compliance. This would facilitate standardisation of components and increase productivity of construction. The commitment of the government is further strengthened with the announcement of the Ninth Malaysia Plan. Again emphasis was given to IBS in public and affordable housing projects. In addition to that, it was also declared that the government would be offering more incentives for the users of standardised drawings based on the usage of IBS and MC.

P u b l i c a t i o n

C o m m i t t e e

Advisors Datuk Ir. Hamzah Hasan, Ir. Elias Ismail Editorial Board Ir. Noraini Bahri, Rozaiman Hassan, Rozlan Ahmad Publisher Pusat IBS, Tingkat 1, Blok E, Lot 8, Jln Chan Sow Lin, 55200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Tel : +603-9281 6909, Fax : +603-9281 5870, Email :, Website : Content & Design Consultant Innovacia Sdn Bhd. IBS DIGEST@malbex2007 CIDB Malaysias IBS Digest is a bi-lingual publication for the promotion of the Industrialised Building Systems (IBS). In its third year of publication, IBS Digest is distributed free of charge to public and private organizations. IBS DIGEST@malbex is a Special Issue of the IBS Digest; published exclusively for the 24th. Malaysian International Building Exposition (Malbex 2007). No part of this publication may be reproduced without prior written permission of the publisher. Kindly contact ibs@cidb. for more information.



Overview 3

IBS Mapping Methodologies


As the Construction Industry matures and adopts ever more sophisticated product and processes to improve competitiveness in the era of globalization, the need for new and better project delivery systems is now becoming a necessity for sustainability. Industrialisation of Construction or IBS involves the migration of the construction industry towards a Blue Ocean market. This new ground for the industry requires development not only on the hard, but also the soft aspects of the industry.As such, IBS is both projects and development based program. The soft aspects of IBS involves strategic planning and knowledge management. It forms the basic fundamentals or infrastrucutre in realising the industrialisation agenda. The hard apects function as tool as to realise this mission. It involves the management of the industry supply chain and implmentation of benchmark projects.

The Methodologies in addressing IBS issues is also crucial in capitalising and exploiting the IBS potential. Two methodologies are being promoted to the industry namely the Mind Map initiated by the Buzan Organization and the Blue Ocean Strategy developed by Prof W Chan Kim Chan and Renee Mauborgne. These approaches have been adopted by organiations in addressing their positioning in todays global business environment and have proven to be effective and provided impactful contribution to these companies increasing competitiveness. The industry is therefore encouraged to apply these methodologies in their journey towards persevering this new Blue Ocean frontier through IBS.

* Mind Mapping is the registered trademark of the Buzan Organization

IBS in Blue Ocean Strategy Canvas









Policies & Directives on IBS

Kerajaan bertekad untuk memastikan setiap rakyat mempunyai peluang menduduki rumah mampu milik (affordable homes). Bagi tempoh 1971-2003 Kerajaan telah membina 490 ribu unit rumah kos rendah. Sementara itu, sektor swasta membina 509 ribu unit untuk keluarga berpendapatan rendah. Kerajaan berhasrat menyediakan 100 ribu unit lagi rumah mampu milik dan akan dilaksanakan dengan kaedah Industrialised Building System (IBS). Kaedah ini akan memastikan pembinaan yang berkualiti, menjimatkan kos, mewujudkan persekitaran kerja yang lebih selamat dan bersih serta mengurangkan pergantungan kepada pekerja asing. Sebagai langkah untuk menggalakkan lagi penggunaan IBS, peratus projek pembinaan bangunan oleh Kerajaan yang menggunakan kaedah IBS akan dipertingkatkan daripada 30 peratus pada masa ini kepada 50 peratus mulai tahun 2005. Selain itu, syarikat pemaju perumahan yang menggunakan komponen IBS melebihi 50 peratus akan diberipengecualian sepenuhnya daripada levi yang dikenakan oleh CIDB. BUDGET SPEECH 2005 By YAB DATO SERI ABDULLAH BIN HJ. AHMAD BADAWI PRIME MINISTER AND FINANCE MINISTER

Budget Speech 2005 Budget Speech 2006


Legend : CIDB Malaysia / IBS Pavillion Other IBS Manufacturers
(registered with CIDB Malaysia)

Usaha menggalakkan penggunaan Industrialised Building System (IBS) akan diteruskan supaya objektif mengurangkan pergantungan kepada tenaga kerja kurang mahir serta pekerja asing dapat dicapai. Dalam Bajet ini, saya mencadangkan perbelanjaan modal ke atas pembelian acuan untuk pengeluar komponen IBS diberi elaun modal dipercepatkan untuk dituntut dalam tempoh 3 tahun. Langkah ini akan dapat mengurangkan kos komponen binaan seperti tiang, rasuk, dinding dan lantai. Kerajaan akan memastikan komponen IBS yang digunakan mematuhi Piawaian Malaysia MS 1064. Penggunaan piawaian ini akan memastikan kualiti dan mengawal kos pembinaan. BUDGET SPEECH 2006 By YAB DATO SERI ABDULLAH BIN HJ. AHMAD BADAWI

19 -22 SEPT 2007

Treasury Directive


...penggunaan kaedah IBS dalam pembinaan rumah mampu milik termsuk pembinaan bangunan Kerajaan akan dipertingkatkan daripada 30% kepada 50% mulai tahun 2005. sehubungan dengan itu, semua agensi Kerajaan adalah dikehendaki menggunakan Manual for Industrialised Building System (IBS) Content Scoring System. Directive letter from Ministry of Finance dated 6th July 2005 to all Secretary Generals of Ministries, Heads of Federal Departments, State Secretaries, Head of Federal Statutory Bodies, Heads of Local Authorithies and CEOs of GLCs.

Sudoku Solution :

...efforts will be enhanced to encourage the use of alternative construction material and technology under the Industrialised Building System (IBS) and designs based on the Modular Coordination... ...the implementation of IBS will be guided by a roadmap of implementation strategies. Amongst others, the strategies will include the use of IBS components in the construction of affordable homes and in Government building projects and enforcement on the use of Modular Coordination concept through Uniformed Building By-Laws by the Local authorities. Paragraph 21.36 and 21.37 of the 9th Malaysia Plan (2006-2010)

9th Malaysia Plan

IBS in Nation Building

Persada Johor International Convention Centre, Johor Bahru. Pekeliling Flats, Kuala Lumpur Function of Building Location Construction Period Owner Contractor Manufacturer IBS System : Residential : Kuala Lumpur : 1966-1969 : Ministry of Local Government and Housing, Malaysia : Joint venture of Gammon-Larsen and Nielsen : Joint venture of Gammon-Larsen and Nielsen : Precast concrete walls and plank slabs Standardised precast structural components comprising precast columns, precast beams and hollow core slabs were widely utilised. Most of the beam-to-column connections involved the use of cast in-situ concrete to produce rigid construction. For the base, each precast column with built-in sleeves at the column bottom end was inserted into the starter bars of the base. The sleeves were then grouted with a special grouting mix to produce continuous column-to-base connections. The oor system consisted of hollow core slabs with structural concrete topping. Function of Building Location Construction Period Owner Project Manager Architect Consulting Engineer Manufacturer IBS System : Convention Centre : Johor Bahru, Johor : 2005-2006 : Johor Corporation : TPM Technopark Sdn Bhd : Design P.A.C. Sdn Bhd : JNA Iktisas Sdn Bhd : Eastern Pretech (M) Sdn Bhd : Precast concrete beams, columns and hollow core slabs.



The construction was launched in 1968. The scheme at Jalan Pekeliling comprises 4 blocks of 4-storey ats and shops, 7 blocks of 17-storey ats, totaling 3009 units and was completed within 27 month, including the time taken in the construction of the RM 2.5 million casting yard for the prefabricated elements at 10 miles Jalan Damansara.

The oors at tower levels utilised the IBS steel composite oor system in which concrete was cast in-situ on steel corrugated decking. The slab thickness varied from 110mm in ofces to 200mm on mechanical oors. With the aid of the reinforced concrete core, outer perimeter beams and columns, the 88-storey building could be constructed economically with the use of the steel composite oor system. In this case, the oor system consisted of wide ange steel beams up to 12.8m long to support metal decks and in-situ concrete. Most of the beams were W18 or shallower and one end of each beam was supported by a concrete core and the other end by a perimeter beam. Connection between steel beams and concrete elements were designed based on simple connections to allow fast erection. Vertical loads were transmitted to the supporting members through the transfer of shear force only, while lateral loads were transferred to the inner tubes through the oor diagram. The PETRONAS Twin Towers, which combined modern technology and cultural identity, introduced a new concept in design, construction and technology.

KL Sentral Station, Kuala Lumpur Function of Building : Railway Station, Commuter Station, LRT Station, KL Sentral-KLIA Airport Rail Station, Shopping Complex and Monorail. : Brickelds, Kuala Lumpur : 4 April 1997 April 2001 : Kuala Lumpur Sentral Sdn Bhd : Kisho Kurokawa Architects & Associates : Liang Peddle Thorp (for design of station and depot) Perunding Alam Bina Sdn Bhd : RSPA : Bovis Lend Lease : Steel roof structure and precast hollow core slabs

Persada Johor International Convention Centre (JICC) is located adjacent to Puteri Pan Pacic hotel, Menara Ansar and Kompleks Kotaraya in Johor Bahru. The centre comprises 247000 square feet of oor area which can accommodate 2600 people for a sit down dinner or 3600 theater-style seats. Apart from that, JICC also offers an area of 20000 square feet for retailers, food and beverage operators.

Teachers Quarters Function of Building Location Rie Range, Air Itam, Penang Function of Building Location Owner Contractor Manufacturer IBS System : Residential : Jalan Padang Tembak, Air Itam, Pulau Pinang : State Government of Penang : Hochtief-Chee Seng : Hochtief-Chee Seng : Precast concrete walls and plank slabs : Residential / Teachers Quarters : 109 locations throughout Malaysia. Among the locations are SMK Ibrahim Sungai Petani, SK Kepala Batas, SK Batu Lapan, SM Tengku Kudin, SM Kajang Utama, SM Seksyen 17, SM Kalumpang, SM Pontian, SM Sri Bentong, SM Taman Tun (TTDI), SM (LKPT) Chem omoi, SMK Sertik, SM Lurah Birut, etc. : 1998-2002 : Ministry of Education : NRY Architects Sdn Bhd : KTA Tenaga Sdn Bhd : Encorp Systembilt Sdn Bhd : Sunway Precast Industries Sdn Bhd and Leighton Construction Sdn Bhd : Precast wall and precast planks

Location Construction Period Owner Architectural Concept Architect Consulting Engineer Project Manager IBS System

Rie Range was the second IBS pilot project carried out by the Ministry of Local Government and Housing, after the Pekeliling ats in Kuala Lumpur. This project was launched here in 1968 as Penang was the nations major port and its second-largest town at that time. The project consisting of 4000 units was built by the joint-venture rm of Hochtief-Chee Seng. The system used was Larsen and Nielsens pre-fabricated system. Taman Tun Sardon, Gelugor, Penang Function of Building Location Year of completion Owner IBS System : Residential : Gelugor, Penang : 1978 : State Government of Penang : Precast concrete walls and plank slabs

Construction Period Owner Architect Consulting Engineer Contractor Manufacturer IBS System

Kuala Lumpur Sentral Station is an integrated hub with various modes of rail transports, namely KTMB intercity and commuter services, The Putra LRT services and the Express Rail Link services. In terms of construction, the deck above the railway tracks was constructed using prefabricated, pre-stressed hollow core slabs. Similarly in the concourse area, precast concrete hollow core slabs were adopted. For the roof, tubular sections were needed. Although the roof was kept exposed with the pre-fabricated tubular sectios, the aesthetics of the design were still obvious.

The buildings were constructed in 1978 by the State Government of Penang. A total of 1005 units of low-cost, ve-storey walk up ats were constructed using the BRECAST system as recommended by the Public Works Department of Penang. The BRECAST system was developed by the Building Research Establishment (BRE) in the United Kingdom.

This project was known as a Privatisation Project for the Development and Construction of Teachers Quarters for the Ministry of Education, Malaysia (Projek Penswastaan Pembangunan dan Pembinaan Rumah Guru.) This project was launched in 1998 and consists of 10000 units of apartments on 107 sites used as teachers quarters throughout Malaysia. A total of 4700 units of teachers quarters were completed by Sunway Precast, with the remaining units completed by Leighton. This project comprises low-rise (four and ve storey high) apartment complexes,with only four to six units per oor, and a oor area of 1000 square feet. Each apartment unit has three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a living room, a dining room, a balcony and a courtyard. Cyberjaya Townhouse, Cyberjaya Function of Building Location Year of Completion Architect Consulting Engineer Contractor Manufacturer IBS System : Residential : Cyberjaya : 2000 : Veritas Architect : TSSC Lim Sdn Bhd : Jeks Engineering Sdn Bhd : Eastern Pretech (M) Sdn Bhd : Precast concrete wall, planks and hollow core slabs

Serdang Hospital, Serdang Function of Building Location Construction Period Owner Architect Consulting Engineer Steel Manufacturer Precaster IBS System : Administration Building and Hospital : Serdang : 4 months (for the erection of steel structures and slabs : Ministry of Health, Malaysia : Gabungan Arkitek Sdn Bhd : Ranhill Consulting Sdn Bhd : Perwaja Steel Sdn Bhd : ACPI Bhd : Steel beams and columns, precast concrete half slab

Dayabumi Complex, Kuala Lumpur Function of Building Location Year of completion Architect : Ofce and Shopping Centre : Jalan Hishamuddin, Kuala Lumpur : 1984 : BEP Arkitek Private Limited Malaysian National Bureau of Urban Development Arkitek MAA Sdn Bhd : Takenaka Corporation : Steel Beams and columns

These buildings are located near Multimedia University, Cyberjaya and were built using the wall system. A combination of precast planks and hollow core slabs were used to build a total of 2600m2 in oor area. Planks with the normal span of 5m were used in wet areas such as bathrooms or toilets. Using these planks, thicker cast in-situ concrete could be provided. Hollow core slabs were used in dry and more spacious areas such as lounges or bedrooms. Hence, the quantity used was generally larger than precast planks. The walls provided stability for the overall building.

Contractor IBS System

The main block of the hospital is an eight-storey building and was built using steel frame components. The open steel section of beams and columns were then encased with case in-situ concrete. A total of 6100 tonnes of steel were used for the main frame. The ooring system was constructed using precast concrete half slabs. The gross oor area of the building is 129000m2. This combination of steel beams and columns for the main frame with precast concrete half slabs for the oor is another practical example of IBS.

The building is 157m high with 36 storeys, of which two storeys of the building are below ground. It is located at Jalan Hishamuddin, Kuala Lumpur. The total oor space is 150632 m2. The building houses a shopping arcade and ofces. The building was constructed using steel beams and columns, a common type of IBS system. At the same time, there were no steel mills producing steel sections, hence the steel components for this project were imported from overseas. The construction period, as a result of utilizing the IBS system, was shortened to 26 months as compared to 44 months if conventional reinforced concrete were adopted.

Kuching Airport, Kuching Function of Building Location Year of Completion Owner Project Manager Architect Consulting Engineer Contractor IBS System : Airport Terminal Building : Kuching, Sarawak : 2006 : Ministry of Transport Malaysia : KLIA Consultancy Services Sdn Bhd : Arkitek Vesireka Sdn Bhd : Jurutera Minsar Consult Sdn Bhd : Global Upline Sdn Bhd : Steel beams and columns and steel roof trusses.

Akademi Binaan Malaysia, Sintok Function of Building Location Owner Architect Consulting Engineer Contractor Manufacturer IBS System : Ofce and Training Centre : Sintok, Kedah : Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) : Azza Associates Architects : Jurutera Konsult Maju Sdn Bhd : Yiked Industri Bina Sdn Bhd : ACPI Bhd : Precast concrete beams and columns PETRONAS Twin Towers, Kuala Lumpur Architect Consulting Engineer Contractors: : Cesar Pelli & Association Inc., USA : Thornton-Tomasetti Engineers and Ranhill Bersekutu Sdn Bhd Tower 1 : Mayjus Joint Venture: MMC Engineering & Construction Co. Ltd, Malaysia, Ho Hup Construction Sdn Bhd, Malaysia Hazama Corporation, Malaysia, J.A. Jones Construction Co. Ltd, USA, Mitsubishi Corporation, Japan Tower 2 : SKJ Joint Venture: Samsung Engineering & Construction Co.Ltd North Korea, Kuk Dong Engineering Construction Co. Ltd, Malaysia, Syarikat Jasatera Sdn Bhd, Malaysia, Dragages and Bachy-Soletanche, Singapore, First Nationwide Engineering Sdn Bhd, Malaysia. : Steel beams and steel decking for the oor system.

Akademi Binaan Malaysia for the Northern region is located in Sintok, Kedah. The academy comprises administration buildings and workshops for the training centre. The workshops were built using total pre-fabricated precast concrete components of beams and columns. The frame was a single-storey structure and hence the columns were fabricated in single length. In order to obtain rigid column-to-base connection, grouted sleeve connections were employed. The columns were further restrained at mid-height with precast beams to reduce column slenderness and also to provide supporting structure for the walls.

This upgrade of the airport is due to the increasing number of passengers. The upgraded airport will have nine bays with the capability of handling 14 aircrafts and four airbuses. In order to speed up the construction period, an IBS system consisting of steel components was utilized, particularly in the construction of the terminal building. Due to the IBS system employed, the project was completed one year ahead of schedule.

IBS System

( Source : Industrialised Building System in Malaysia, CIDB Malaysia, 2006)



IBS Training



TRAINING DAYS MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 2 2 1 2 2 3 20 3-4 5-6 24 11-12 16-17 18-19 22-23 12-13 14-15 17 18-19 28-29 3-4 14-15 16-17 6 10-11 4-5

Be Ahead through IBS !



23-24 25-26


4-5 6-7

Mini Theater, ABM Lecture Room, ABM Mini Theater, ABM Mini Theater, ABM

20 21-22 12-13

Mini Theater, ABM

21-23 18-20 16-18 20-22 18-20 28-30 10-12 29-31 21-23 12-14 ICT1 Room, CIDB Headquarters, KL ICT1 Room, CIDB Headquarters, KL


ICT1 Room, CIDB Headquarters, KL

Module IBS01 : Introduction to IBS and MC The Malaysian Construction Industry : Opportunities and Challenges in 9th Malaysia Plan. Industrialisation of Construction Industry : IBS Roadmap 2003-2010, The Overseas Experience, MC/MS 1064 & Proposed Amendments to UBBL, IBS Research Highlights, Site Tour : IBS showcase, IBS Manufacturer Case Study and IBS Project Case Study. Speakers : En Asri Adnan (Researcher, Parliament Malaysia), Ir. Elias Ismail (General Manager, CIDB), Dr Rahinah Ibrahim (Deputy Dean, UPM), Ar. Zulkii Ismail (Lecturer, UIAM) and En Rozaiman Hassan (Manager, CIDB).

Module IBS02 : IBS Score Calculation and Submission Regulation on IBS Score, IBS Score Calculation Methods, IBS Score Calculation & Submission Case Studies and Workshop. Speakers : En Rozlan Ahmad (Manager, CIDB).

Module IBS03 : Precast Concrete Planning and Execution Precast Concrete Products in Malaysia, Planning Considerations and Implementation Issues. Speakers: Mr Poul Bannow Mork (Partner, Skaarup & Jespersen Design, Singapore)

Module IBS04 : Analysis & Design - Precast Concrete Structures Structural PC Components & Applications, Analysis & Design Methods and Workshop. Speakers : Assoc. Prof. Ir. Dr. Wahid Omar (Deputy Dean, UTM) and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Baharuddin Abdul Rahman (Lecturer, UTM).

Module IBS05 : Analysis & Design - Steel Framed Structures Steel Component & Applications, Analysis & Design Methods and Workshop. Speakers: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Baharuddin Abdul Rahman (Lecturer, UTM).




Module IBS06 : Modular Coordination Design Part One : Modular Design Rules (2 days), Development of Measurement, Joints and Tolerances for Building Construction, Modular Design Rules and Workshop. Part Two : MC Checker (MC2) Software (1 day), Opening Existing Drawing & Computing Score, Editing & Recomputing Score, Working in Different Layer Standards, etc. Speakers : Assoc. Prof. Ar. Dr. Asiah Abdul Rahim (Lecturer, UIAM), Assoc. Prof. Ir. Dr. Abdul Khalim Abdul Rashid (Lecturer, UKM), Pn. Sumarni Ismail (Lecturer, UPM) and En Zuraini Jamari (Associate, Innovacia Sdn Bhd).

Module SUP01 : Basic CAD Drafting Drawing Tools & Display Commands, Hatch Patterns & Editing Tools, Layers, Linetype & Colours, Text, Dimensioning & Blocks and Plotting. Speakers : En Zuraini Jamari (Associate, Innovacia Sdn Bhd).

IBS Training Alumni

Cawangan Arkitek, Jabatan Kerja Raya; Cawangan Pengkalan Udara & Maritim, Jabatan Kerja Raya; Jabatan Perumahan Negara, Bahagian Senibina; Jabatan Perumahan Negara, Wilayah Utara; Cawangan Kejuruteraan Awam Struktur dan Jambatan, Jabatan Kerja Raya; Putrajaya Holdings; H & I Niaga Sdn Bhd; Tech Art Sdn Bhd; UEM Builders Berhad; HUME Industries Sdn Bhd; Strutech Engineering Sdn Bhd; Modular Construction Technology Sdn Bhd; Cawangan Kerja Kesihatan, Jabatan Kerja Raya; Jabatan Kerja Raya Negeri Pahang; Jabatan Kerja Raya Daerah Bera Pahang; Cawangan Ukur Bahan, Jabatan Kerja Raya; Cawangan Kejuruteraan Jalan dan Geoteknik, Jabatan Kerja Raya; Babena Corporation Sdn Bhd; Cawangan Kerja Keselamatan, Jabatan Kerja Raya; C&S Engineering Management Sdn Bhd.

IBS Training Registration Form

To :
IBS TRAINING SECRETARIAT, IBS Centre, 1st Floor, Block E, Lot 8, Jalan Chan Sow Lin, 55200 Kuala Lumpur Tel & Fax: +60392815939 H/P: 012-2232472 (Cik Naasa) & 017-2955363 (En Razif)

Personal Details :

Postcode : Contractors Manufactures Consultants IT Financial

Full Name : Job Title : Green Card No (if any) : Address : Tel : Fax : Government Agency Academics Organisation :

Kindly fill-in the form in block letters, tick appropiate columns and complete one form per participant. Upon completion of the form, kindly fax it to 03-92815939 or email the scanned form to : Discount of RM50.00 per pax per module is offered to Green Card Holders. Kindly ensure that your Green Card is still valid and please present it during registration. Fee is inclusive of lecture notes, refreshments, linch and coffee breaks. For Module IBS06, MC2 software is inclusive of the fee.

Email : Nature of Business : Developers

Others : please specify : Area of Interest in IBS : Industry Strategic Planning

Knowledge Management

Product Development

Supply Chain Management

Projects Optimisation

I wish to Participate in :

Payment Details :

Specify month & tick module :

Module IBS01 : Introduction to IBS and MC (2 days) Module IBS02 : IBS Score Callculation and Submission (2 days) Module IBS03 : Precast Concrete Planning and Execution (1 days) Module IBS04 : Analysis & Design - Precast Concrete Structures (2 days) Module IBS05 : Analysis & Design - Steel-Framed Structures (2 days) Module IBS06 : Modular Coordination design & MC2 Software (Total: 3 days) Module SUP01 : Basic CAD Drafting (2 days)

For Government Officers, kindly privide LO / Letter of Undertaking to confirm registration. For others, regeistration will only be confirmed upon receipt of full payment. No cancellation or refund is accepted. However, training dates can be re-scheduled.

I wish to pay by :

Bank Draft

Cash ( to be banked-in)

Postal Order No : for Amount of RM

Bankers Cheque

Issued in favour CIDB MALAYSIA. Append herewith the payment slip (copy to be faxed in advance to 03-92815939) to CIMB Bank Account No : "1420-0004588-053" for the confirmation on attendance. Kindly present the originals during registration.

Special Rates for Government Officers (limited period only) IBS02/03/04/05 & SUP01 : 50% Discount IBS01/06 : RM50.00

IBS Centre
IBS Strategic Planning Knowledge & IBS Training S IBS Technology IBS Status Certication

IBS DIGEST@malbex2007

Industrial coordination program, Roadmap monitoring, Bumiputera dev., IBS consultancy, and G to G venture developments

Resource centre, showcase, publications, knowledge sharing, trainings, seminars, roadshows and promotional activities

System and product development program, design systemisation MS/CIS development, incubators and technology transfer

Evaluation, certication and registration of IBS consultants, manufacturers and installers


Construction industry is known to be the only industry that is still fragmented and all the aspects of construction knowledge is not standardised. Initially, this situation does not help with the realisation of IBS Roadmap 2003-2010 goals. Therefore, CIDB Malaysia has taken a big step and initiative to use the same methodology and launch the IBS Centre. IBS Centre started their operation in the rst quarter of 2007 at Block E, Lot 8, Jalan Chan Sow Lin, Kuala Lumpur. In order to ensure the success of IBS Roadmap 20032010, it is crucial that the IBS Centre become the onestop reference centre and guidance for all government agencies and industry players. This will enable knowledge sharing between government agencies and industry players, and also information that relates to policy issues, products, standards and others. Not only that, the centre will develop collaboration and reduce the communication gap between government agencies and the industry players. Among the key objectives of IBS Centre are: 1) Reference Centre for the implementation of IBS development program; 2) Act as a neutral reference party for the govern ment and industry regarding IBS issues; 3) One-stop centre for IBS knowledge develop ment, coordinate IBS technologyresearch, standardisation, supply-chain management, and project optimisation; 4) To develop and update the latest IBS information; 5) As a gateway to market IBS products domesti cally and internationally.

In order to mobilize the IBS Centre, several follow up programs have to be implemented. These programs have been structured based on development program that is divided into two crucial components. The rst component is the Capability Building that is based on knowledge development (Soft Aspects) and also, Capacity Building which is based on physical project development (Hard Aspects). One of the earlier efforts done by IBS Centre is to expedite their operations. Therefore, Akademi Binaan Malaysia Wilayah Tengah infrastructure, at Jalan Chan Sow Lin, has been chosen to implement the programs. Infrastructure facilities that are offered by IBS Centre are training rooms and auditorium, library, showcase, laboratory, exhibition hall, and incubators. These programs and infrastructure will be developed in stages. Not only that, training programs will be developed according to systematic modules, and in this early stage, the series of modules will be focused on introduction to IBS and IBS Score for professionals in the construction industry.

Auditorium & Exhibition Hall

IBS Labs IBS Showcase



Jalan Ch

STAR LRT Chan Sow Lin Station

an Sow

Operation Ofce/Gallery/ Reference Centre/ Training Room/IBS Incubator



Apartment Bungalow Terrace


Lembaga Pembangunan Industri Pembinaan Malaysia


IBS Centre, Level 1, Block E, Lot 8, Jalan Chan Sow Lin, 55200 Kuala Lumpur. T: 603-9281 6909 F: 603-9281 5870 E: W: www.cidb.


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