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American Fables and Storytelling Social Studies Lesson Plan

Native American Fables

Submitted By: Breanna Cape & William Hall

EDEL 453: Teaching Elementary School Social Science Nevada State College Spring 2013 Instructor: Karen Powell
EDEL 453- Spring 2013 Submitted by: Breanna Cape & William Hall

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Native American Fables and Storytelling Social Studies Lesson Plan

B. Summary of the Lesson Plan: This history lesson plan is designed for 3rd grade students to learn about the way Native Americans used storytelling to document their history. This lesson uses pages 73-87 from Tools of Native Americas: A kids guide to the History and culture of the first Americans as well as a fable packet from the internet. C. Student Population: Grade Level: 3rd grade Skill Level: students at all learning levels Grouping: Whole group reading & discussions and small group for activity and assessment. D. Materials: Tools of Native Americas: A kids guide to the History and culture of the first Americans. Journals Pencils & markers Fable packet
EDEL 453- Spring 2013 Submitted by: Breanna Cape & William Hall Page 2

Native American Fables and Storytelling Social Studies Lesson Plan

E. Objectives: NV State Social Studies Standard G6.3.3- Identify ways people express their culture Student Friendly Standard G6.3.3- I can use artifacts created a long time ago to learn how societies expressed their culture. F. Procedure: 1. Explain: First I will explain that we will be learning about how Native Americans used storytelling to document their history and culture. Call students attention to their textbooks as well as the fable packet. Identify & discuss what fables are and how they could be important to a culture. Introduce key words that will be used in the reading. 2. As a class we will read pages 73-80, stopping along the way to discuss main topics and answer questions. 3. Students should be following along while reading and taking notes in their journals. They will be required to list 5 interesting facts they learned from the reading.
EDEL 453- Spring 2013 Submitted by: Breanna Cape & William Hall Page 3

Native American Fables and Storytelling Social Studies Lesson Plan

4. Next students will break up into small groups of 5-7 students and pick one fable from the packet. Each group will read their chosen fable together. Each group will then write down a brief summary of their fable and why they think it was important to the Native Americans. Each group will then get up in front of the class and present their information to the class. 5. Closure: Discuss key concepts of what fables are and the role they play in culture. G. Assessment: To assess the students understanding I will have them journal about the lesson. They will have to write the five facts from the reading as well as 2-3 sentences about a fable they have heard in their own culture. There group project and presentation will also be part of the assessment. I will know whether the students understand the concepts taught by observing them while doing the lesson and by what I read in their journals. I will also check for participation in the group work.
EDEL 453- Spring 2013 Submitted by: Breanna Cape & William Hall Page 4

Native American Fables and Storytelling Social Studies Lesson Plan

Resources: Kavin, K. Tools of Native Americans: A kid's guide to the history & culture of the first Americans. New York: Nomad Press, 2006. 73- 87. Print

EDEL 453- Spring 2013

Submitted by: Breanna Cape & William Hall

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