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1. Map of the USA 2. Come to the football game 3. Geography of the USA 4. History : The crossing of the Mayflower => The American dream => KT Hello, New York ! 5. US Quiz : How well do you know the States ? 6. Entertainment A. Film and TV - Viewing : Hollywood => KT This is Hollywood => Listening : Movies - Viewing : Film trailers
Harry Potter and the philosophers stone

- Reading : Movie and television awards - Test : Are you a telly addict ? B. Theme Parks - Viewing : Florida => KT At the theme Park => Project : Designing your own theme park 7. Famous Americans (a) American presidents (b) Reading : Other great Americans (c) Internet search : Famous Americans 8. The story of the flag and the pledge of allegiance 9. Reading : Happy birthday USA 10. Independence day quiz 11. British and American English 12. Food : The history of MC Donalds 13. Famous places

1. Map of the USA 2. Come to the football game

New Years Day is a holiday and lots of people watch football games on TV. Look at the map of the US. Then look at the famous US football teams. Look at an atlas (or the map on the previous page) to find the state where each team plays. Then write the letter you can see in that state in the box next to the name of the team.

The letters spell the name of the place where, on New Years Eve, thousands of people gather in the center of New York to watch a giant ball drop slowly down from the top of a big building at midnight. People wait for midnight on New Years Eve in .

3. Geography of the USA

1. What is the capital city of the USA ? .......................................................................................................... 2. What country borders the USA on the north ? ........................................................................................ 3. What country borders the USA on the south ? ........................................................................................ 4. What ocean borders the USA on the west ? .............................................................................................. 5. What ocean borders the USA on the east ? .............................................................................................. 6. What large body of water borders the USA on the southeast ? .......................................................... 7. What are the huge lakes in the northeastern USA called ? ................................................................... 8. What is the name of the large mountain range in the western USA that runs from Canada to Texas ? ................................................................................................................................................................. 9. What is the name of the large mountain range in the eastern USA ? ................................................. 10. What is the name of the large river that flows north-south through the USA ? ................................................................................................................................................................................

4. History : The crossing of the Mayflower

1. From which city and country did the Pilgrims leave for the New World ? ................................................................................................................................................................................. 2. From which continent did they leave ? ......................................................................................................... 3. When did the Pilgrims set sail ? ..................................................................................................................... 4. Which is the name of the ship in which they sailed ? .............................................................................. 5. In which direction did the Pilgrims sail ? .................................................................................................... 6. Which ocean did they cross ? ......................................................................................................................... 7. To which continent did they sail ? ................................................................................................................. 8. When did the Pilgrims land on this continent ? .......................................................................................... 9. How long did their voyage take ? 5 days - 30 days - 66 days - 94 days 10. The Pilgrims landed on Cape Cod (now Massachusetts) and then sailed to a nearby area. What is the name of the stoney landmark where they eventually landed ? ..............................................................................................................................................................................

Name : .......................................... Date : ........................ 7BSO . V. Demarrez /

KT Hello, New York !

Read the diary and answer the questions
1. How many immigrants came through Ellis Island into the USA ? . 2. How long did the immigrants stay on Ellis Island ? . 3. Where was Helen Meinwald from ? . 4. Who did she travel to America with ? .. . 5. Did she have a good journey ? Explain. . . 6. How long did she stay on Ellis Island for ? . 7. Was she happy to be in America ? 8. Did she miss Poland ? . .

5. US Quiz : How well do you know the states ?

6. Entertainment

Name : .......................................... Date : ....................... 7 BSO V. Demarrez

Tick the correct boxes. 1 Hollywood was founded (werd gesticht) in a 1878. b 1887. c 1913.

(DVD All Aboard 2, Unit 2)

Before the film studios came to Hollywood, most films were made in a Las Vegas. b New York. c San Francisco. a b c 70 % of all people working in the American film industry are employed in Hollywood. 80 % 90 %

In Hollywood you can visit a Griffith Park. b Malibu Park. c Universal Park. Most famous actors and actresses get a star on a Hollywood Boulevard. b The Strip. c The Walk of Fame. The Universal Studios amusement parks general theme is a animation. b movies. c science fiction. a b c Paramountain Pictures is not the name of a Hollywood film studio. Sony Pictures Warner Bros.

To shoot on location means a to film from a certain distance. b to film in the film studio. c to film outside the film studio. In the extract you can see people rolling out the red carpet for an award ceremony. The replicas in front of the building are a Golden Globe Awards. b Oscars. c Razzies.

10 Stand-up comedians like to perform in Hollywood bars because a they can win an award. b they get paid more than in other cities.

they hope to be discovered.

Name : .......................................... Date : ........................ 7BSO . V. Demarrez /

Listening Movies
A. Listen and check
Youre going to hear extracts from 3 movies.

(All Aboard II, unit 2, ex 28, track 13 )

Write the number of the extract next to the correct genre.

Adventure movie Comedy Documentary Horror movie

.. .. .. ..

Police story Love story War film Western

.. .. .. ..

B. Are the statements true or false ?

Extract 1
1. Nancy and John meet for the first time. 2. Nancy arrived by plane. 3. John doesnt want Nancy to stay.

Extract 2
4. Ruth warns Pete for an animal. 5. Pete is more worried than Ruth. 6. Ruth thinks there is something behind the trees.

Extract 3
7. A walk from 5th Avenue to High Street takes less than 30min. 8. It is a cold night. 9. The policeman is going to ask the same questions again.

Name : .......................................... Date : ...................... 7 BSO V. Demarrez /


(All Aboard 2, unit 2)

Watch the film trailers and decide which genre(s) the film belongs to. Tick the boxes. You can tick maximum 2 genres per trailer.

Science fiction film

Trailer Action/Adventure Documentary Horror movie Family film Love story Animation


1 2 3 4 5 6



Name : .......................................... Date : ........................ 7BSO . V. Demarrez /


(All Aboard 2, Unit 2)

Extract 1: Buying a magic wand 1 The shopkeeper a b c 2 knows Harry and his parents. knows Harry, but doesnt know Harrys parents. knows Harrys parents, but doesnt know Harry.

The shopkeeper gives Harry his first wand and says: Give it a wave! Here it means: a b c Tover er iets mee! Wuif eens! Zwaai er eens mee!

When the shopkeeper takes the third wand, he says: I wonder. Here it means: a b c Ik ben benieuwd. Ik ben verwonderd Ik vind het wonderlijk.

After the shopkeeper has given the wand to Harry, he says: Curious! Here it means: a b c Benieuwd! Leergierig! Vreemd! 2 magic wands. 3 4

Harry has tried a b c

Extract 2: At the railway station 6 Harrys train a b c 7 Harry has a b c 8 is late. will leave soon. wont leave from this station.

a group ticket. a one way ticket. a return ticket. Fred and George. George and Percy. Percy and Fred. 9 3/4. 5972. 9527.

The twins names are a b c

The number on the Hogwarts Express is a b c

Extract 3: The mirror of Erised 10 When Harry looks in the mirror, he thinks it shows a b c 11 When Ron looks in the mirror, he thinks it shows a b c 12 Professor Dumbledore explains that the mirror shows you a b c anything you want to see. what you know to be true. what you really want most, deep in your heart. the past. the present. the future.

the past. the present. the future.

13 The happiest man on earth would look in the mirror and see only himself exactly as he is means: a b c Alleen wie echt gelukkig is, ziet zichzelf in deze spiegel zoals hij is. Gelukkig ziet wie in deze spiegel kijkt zichzelf precies zoals hij is. Wie zichzelf in deze spiegel ziet, heeft geluk.

14 It does not do to dwell on dreams (and forget to live). a b c Blijf niet dromen! Dan vergeet je te leven. Geloof in dromen, anders vergeet je te leven! Wie vergeet te leven, heeft nog altijd zijn dromen. a b c destroy the mirror. hide the mirror. leave the mirror where it is, but Harry must never look in it again.

15 Professor Dumbledore will

Name : .......................................... Date : ........................ 7 BSO V. Demarrez /

Test: Are you a telly addict?

1 How many TVs do you have at home? a None. b One. c More than one. How many hours of TV do you watch per day on average? a Less than one hour. b One to two hours. c More than two hours. Do you think about television shows during the day, when not watching TV? a All the time. b Sometimes. c Never. Would you turn off the TV in the middle of your favourite programme? a No way! b Yes, but only for something really important. c Sure, no problem. Do you eat dinner while watching TV? a Never. b Occasionally, when there is something really important on. c Regularly, more than once a week. Do you need TV to relax or fall asleep? a No. b Sometimes, after a hard day. c Yes, I fall asleep watching TV in my bedroom. Do you ever mindlessly surf through channels, looking for something to watch? a Yes, all the time. b Sometimes, when Im bored. c No, I only turn the TV on when there is something on that I really want to see. Would you have trouble finding things to do if, for some reason, you could not watch any TV? a Not at all. I have a million other things to do. b Id find something to do, but only because I had to. c No, I cant think of anything I would do instead. Could you leave the TV off for three days, e.g. for a bet? a Sure, no problem. b Yes, but only if the bet was for a lot of money. c Never!

10 If you had to give up one of these three things, which would you miss the most? a Computer.

b c

Mobile phone. TV.

Scores: questions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 answers b 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1

a 1 1 3 3 1 1 3 1 1 2

c 3 3 1 1 3 3 1 3 3 3

Your score: Conclusions: +22 Telly addict You really wouldnt last a day without TV. You probably spend more time in front of the telly than with your friends and family. High time to do something about it, dont you think? TV lover You like TV a lot, but you know when enough is enough. You dont waste time surfing channels and only watch what you like. The only problem is: theres very little you dont like. It might be a good idea to be a bit more selective. Smart viewer Youre a selective viewer. You pick the programmes that really interest you. TV is just one of your many interests. Occasional viewer TV is clearly not important to you. In fact, you hardly ever watch. You probably have a lot of other things to do that you find more interesting. Good for you!




B. Theme Parks
Name : .......................................... Date : ...................... 7 BSO V. Demarrez /

1 2 3 What is Florida also called? The Whats the average temperature in Florida? Whats the heart of the entertainment district in Miami? a b c 4 5 Ocean Boulevard Ocean Drive South Beach Drive

(DVD All Aboard 2, Unit 1)

State. C

How far is Fort Lauderdale from Miami?


What are the measurements of the space shuttle replica at the John F. Kennedy Space Center? length: m height: m width: m

Why is Florida also called the Fun State?

7 8 9

How many different parks are there in the Disney World complex? Name one of them. Which are the parks you can visit at Universal? a b c d Universal Islands Universal Studios Studios of Adventure Islands of Adventure

10 What are the attractions at Universal Studios based on?

1. Test for listening (unit 1, test for listening 4, CD 2, track 17) You are going to hear 5 conversations we picked up at different places in a theme park. Listen carefully and decide where these conversations took place. Write the numbers next to the right signs.

2. Grammar : Simple past : Rollercoaster Summer is the time to go to the fun fair. Marcus is talking about the first time he went to a fair. Choose the words to fill the spaces in the story. Write the missing words in the rollercoaster grid. The last letter of each word is the first letter of the next word.

3. Game : Instructions : In the summer lots of people go to theme parks. Look at the symbols. Follow the directions and go to five rides.

Name : .......................................... Date : ........................ 7BSO . V. Demarrez /

Project Designing your own theme park

Name : .......................................... Date : ........................ 7BSO . V. Demarrez /

Fancy designing your own amazing theme park?

Ready by (date) Concept Think about what kind of theme park you want to create: big or small, purely entertaining or educational too, with or without restaurants, bars or playgrounds? Decide what kind of people you would like to attract: children, teenagers, adults. Then think of the theme your park will be based on: space, science, animals, countries, films, games Preparation Collect different examples. You could start by looking on websites of famous theme parks, read descriptions of attractions and other things you can see and do there, look at photos, maps, listen to or watch commercials, etc. Then choose the elements you want to use: for an original name; for your slogan; for your poster or brochure; for your attraction; for your TV commercial or your show.



Ready by (date) Execution As soon as you have made your selection you can start working! Be as creative as possible! Try to come up with a really original name for your park! Make your slogan stand out. It should make people want to visit your park! On your poster or in your brochure visitors should be able to find all the necessary information about your park, e.g. opening hours, prices Make sure there are no spelling or grammatical mistakes in your brochure. You can use your word processors English spell checker. (But do so wisely!) Use your imagination to design your attraction and describe it in as much detail as possible. Last but not least your presentation! You can choose between a (filmed) TV commercial and a show (a performance). The aim is clear: it should convince the audience to visit your theme park.



Review Are you happy with the way you dealt with this assignment?

Did you spend enough time on the preparation of the project?

What have you learned from this? How can this help you in the future?

7. Famous Americans
(a) Famous American presidents Here are five famous presidents. Read the clues and complete the grid with ticks and crosses. A tick () is for yes and a cross (x) is for no. Find out when each president was in power, who they married and what they were famous for.

(b) Other great Americans

(c) Famous Americans

First name : ... Last name : ... Date of birth : In what field is he/she famous ? : music film science sport other : . Married : yes / no If yes married to

Children ? . Explain in a few sentences what makes him / her famous. .. .. .. .. .. .. First name : ... Last name : ... Date of birth : In what field is he/she famous ? : music film science sport other : . Married : yes / no If yes married to

Children ? . Explain in a few sentences what makes him / her famous. .. .. .. .. .. ..

(d) Martin Luther King

Choose the correct verbs from this page to complete the story of the life of Martin Luther King, Jr. Take the words under the verbs and put them into the speech box on the next page.

8. The story of the flag

How much do you know about the American flag ? Do the quiz with a friend. Take turns asking the questions. Start at number 1.

The Pledge of Allegiance Americans honour and respect their flag. Here are some groups of facts about the flag and the Pledge of Allegiance. There is an incorrect fact in each group. Take the letter from each incorrect fact and find the name of one of Americas favourite TV shows.

9. Happy birthday USA !

10. Independence Day quiz

Answer the quiz questions. You will find clues on the page. Circle the answer next to the correct answer.

The Independence Day Parade

Carly plays the trombone in the school band. The band is marching in the Independence Day Parade. What songs are they playing ?

11. British and American English

(= revision 6 BSO)

A. How many differences between British and American English can you find ? Highlight them in the texts.

Mark (Hampshire, England) Im going to rake up the leaves in the garden, then get a DVD for tonight from the shop on the High Street, unless youd rather go to the cinema. Theres no point cleaning the house now because Simons got his mates coming round to watch the football, and the last time they came they left crisps all over the carpet ! Mark (New Hampshire, United States) My buddy Jim must be one of the most accident-prone people in the world. Last year he went to hospital four times first he broke his toe playing soccer, then he tripped over and broke his wrist when he was walking out of the store on Main Street, then he burnt himself at a barbecue here in our yard, then he somehow got a potato chip stuck in his throat at the movie theater

B. Fill in the gaps to complete the table of British English words and their American equivalents

C. Look at the sentences below and decide whether they are written in British English (BE) or

American English (AE) or if they would be the same in both types of English (AB)

Name : .......................................... Date : ........................ 7BSO . V. Demarrez /

The American Dream

Ready by (date) Concept Make a mind map of what you already know about the American Dream. Share your ideas with the others in your group and together decide on a definition. Think of where you can find the information you need and discuss how you are going to organise the work. Preparation Gather information about Ellis Island, the Statue of Liberty and migration to the USA. Decide which immigrant groups you will focus on and divide them among the group members. When writing about different immigrant groups, think of questions like: What countries did these people come from? What were their motives for leaving their countries and immigrating to the USA? How did they travel to the USA? How long did the journey take? Where did they end up in the USA? What jobs did they find in their new country? Did some of them succeed in achieving the American Dream? Agree upon the look and feel of the texts (e.g. length, number of photographs, layout, fonts and letter size etc.), so that it will be easy to turn them into an attractive booklet. Also discuss what your role play will be about. Evaluation Advice

Ready by (date) Execution Now its time to start writing. Make sure there are no spelling or grammatical mistakes in your text. Use your word processors spell checker. (But do so wisely!) When all the team members have handed in their texts and pictures, put your booklet together. Based on the information you have gathered, decide which story is the most interesting to use as a role play. Together, write a script, rehearse it and perform it.



Review Is the work you are about to hand in what the teacher expected?

Is this really the best you can do?

Is there anything you can improve? Is there time to do it?

Are you happy with the way your group dealt with this assignment? Was it easy to work together?

What have you learned from this? How can this help you in the future?


Copy master 1

Presentation: Name:

REVIEW A Reflecting on the preparation 1 How did you organise the work? If you did the assignment on your own, how did you go about preparing your presentation?

If you worked in pairs, what arrangements did you make to divide the work? Did you stick to these arrangements?

When did you work on the project? How much time did you spend on it?

Which resources did you use?

B Reflecting on your performance Tick what you think of your presentation yourself.

excellent my speech (loud and clear?) my pronunciation and intonation my presentation (fluent and with enthusiasm?) my timing my pose my connection with the audience the content of my talk my choice of words (not too difficult for my listeners?)


not good enough

C Reflecting on the project as a whole 1 What did you aim to achieve in this assignment?

Did you succeed? If not, do you know why?

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