Movie Poster Slab Box Rubric - Mitty

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Artist's Name_______________________________________________________________ Period ________

___/35 x 2 = 70

Slab Box
Work was on time or took the 1 week extension.

One week late.

Two weeks late.

Three weeks late.

More than three weeks late.

Work was on time or took the 1 week extension.

One week late.

Two weeks late.

Three weeks late.

More than three weeks late.

Piece is: - Well formed on all sides. - Smooth w/o cracks or lumps in all walls. - All sides fit correctly and are joined inside and out. - Front and back are level - Sculpture relief on inside of box and intaglio on outside - Base walls are thick (2 slats).

Piece is: - Well formed on all sides. - Smooth with ONE crack or lump in the walls. - All sides fit correctly and are joined inside and out. - Front or back have slight bow to them - Sculpture relief on inside with intaglio on of the outside - Base walls are thick (2 slats).

Piece is: - Well formed on all sides. - 2 3 cracks or lumps in all walls. - All sides fit correctly but NOT joined inside and out. - Front and Back are bowed - relief sculpture on the inside with intaglio on of the outside - Base walls are thick (2 slats).

Piece is: - Sides are sloppy. - 4 5 cracks or lumps in all walls. - Sides DO NOT fit correctly and ARE NOT joined inside and out. - Front has caved in - Relief sculpture on the inside with intaglio on of the outside - Base walls NOT thick (2 slats).

Piece is: - Sides are sloppy and uneven. - MULTIPLE cracks or lumps in all walls. - Sides DO NOT fit correctly and ARE NOT joined inside and out. - NO front made. - Relief sculpture on inside with intaglio missin on the outside.. - Base walls NOT thick (2 slats).

Piece is: - Entirely created using the hard slab method.
- Lid hides of your relief elements

Piece is: - Mostly created using the hard slab method.
- Lid hides of your relief elements

Piece is: - Somewhat created using the hard slab method - Lid does not emphasize relief elements, shows too much blank space. - Top of vessel is uneven and not level - Few clay pieces are attached correctly (1/2 of the pieces have fallen off). - Glaze is sloppy

Piece is: - DID NOT use the coil method. - Top of vessel is lumpy, cracked, or broken -There is no lid to showcase relief. - Glaze is sloppy or missing. - Bottom is NOT waxed!

B bjom n
Piece is: - Entirely created using the hard slab method. - Lid is cut and attached to showcase your relief - Relief does not extend past the front of the box. - All sculptural elements properly attached. - Glaze is properly applied. - Bottom has been covered in wax before glazing! - Wax is neatly applied to

- 1 sculptural element extends past the front. - Most sculptural elements are attached correctly (1 piece fell off) - Glaze is properly applied. - Bottom has been covered in wax before glazing! - Wax is neatly applied to

- 2 sculptural elemetns extend past the front - Some clay pieces are attached correctly (2-3 pieces fell off) - Bottom has been covered in wax before glazing, but NOT wiped. - Wax is messy and has 1

ONLY the bottom!

ONLY the bottom!

2 spots on the sides!

- Bottom is NOT waxed.

Piece shows: - Use of 3D form to create an interesting vessel. - Embellishments have been added to demonstrate shape. - Color chosen makes sense and an interesting to the eye. - Texture is used to enhance piece.

Piece shows: - Use of 3D form to create an interesting vessel. - SOME embellishments have been added to demonstrate shape. - Color chosen makes sense and an interesting to the eye. - SOME texture is used to enhance piece.

Piece shows: - SOME use of 3D form to create an interesting vessel. - LITTLE embellishments have been used to demonstrate shape. - Color chosen makes SOME sense and a interesting to the eye. - LITTLE texture is used to enhance piece.

Piece shows: - LITTLE use of 3D form to create an interesting object. - NO embellishments have been used to demonstrate shape. - Color chosen makes LITTLE sense and a interesting to the eye. - Texture is NOT applied.

Piece shows: - NO use of 3D form to create an interesting object. - NO embellishments have been used to demonstrate shape. - Color is NOT included. - Texture is NOT applied.

Piece shows: - Emphasis in one area of your piece (focal point) - Balance is created in your piece to show stability. - Harmony is created: all pieces go together - There is a movement in your piece that keeps the viewers eye moving around the piece.

Piece shows: - Emphasis in one area of your piece (focal point) - SOME balance is created in your piece to show stability. - Harmony is created: all pieces go together - There is SOME movement in your piece that keeps the viewers eye moving around the piece.

Piece shows: - SOME emphasis in one area of your piece (focal point) - SOME balance is created in your piece to show stability. - SOME harmony is created: all pieces go together - There is SOME movement in your piece that keeps the viewers eye moving around the piece.

Piece shows: - LITTLE emphasis in one area of your piece (focal point) - LITTLE balance is created in your piece to show stability. - LITTLE harmony is created: all pieces go together - There is LITTLE movement in your piece that keeps the viewers eye moving around the piece.

Piece shows: - NO emphasis in one area of your piece (focal point) - NO balance is created in your piece to show stability. - NO harmony is created: all pieces go together - There is NO movement in your piece that keeps the viewers eye moving around the piece.

Final piece shows : - Excellent creativity in taking a 2-D idea and creating it into 3-D piece. - Concept of what you want to show the viewer is well thought out and evident. -You created a completely different take on a movie poster

Final piece shows : - Good creativity in taking a 2-D idea and creating it into 3-D piece. - Concept of what you want to show the viewer is well thought out and evident. - Is original but not unique.

Final piece shows: - Little creativity in taking a 2-D idea and creating it into 3-D piece. - Concept of what you want to show the viewer is NOT thought out and evident. - Is NOT original or unique.

Final piece shows: - NO creativity in taking a 2-D idea and creating it into 3-D piece. - Concept of what you want to show the viewer IS NOT evident. - Is ordinary and plain.

Final piece is: - NOT 3-D. - Concept of what you want to show the viewer IS NOT evident. - You copied a premade movie poster idea

- Prepared for class every day. - Using all class time to work with clay.

- Prepared for class most days. - Using all class time to work with clay.

- Rarely prepared for class. - Using most of class time to work with clay.

- Not prepared for class. - Rarely using class time to work with clay.

- Never prepared for class. - Using class time for things other than working with clay.

- Thoroughly thought out the successes and areas needing work in your piece. - Complete self assessment and reflection.

- Thoroughly thought out the successes and areas needing work in your piece. - Could be more introspective on self assessment and reflection.

- Has somewhat thought out the successes and areas needing work in your piece. - Did NOT complete reflection or self assessment.

- Little thought about successes and areas needing work in your piece. - Did NOT complete both reflection and assessment.

-No thought about successes and areas needing work in your piece. - Did NOT complete any reflection.

1. What area of your slab box are you most proud of and why?

2. If you could redo this project what would you change and why?

Hard Slab Box Construction

1. Make a template of the form. 2. Roll slabs with slab roller or with sticks and rolling pins. 3. After rolling your slab and you can roll with a pattern/texture. 4. Leave the slab to become firm, approx 1 hr.


5. Place the templates on the slab and cut around them with a sharp knife and a ruler as a guide. Each side that is to be joined must be beveled to a 45degree angle.....this is achieved by placing a ruler approx .5 of a cm in from the edge and cutting at that angle to the table surface. 6. Score all edges to be joined have to be crosshatched with a fork, so they are rough, apply slip or water with a toothbrush and firmly press the sides together. 7. Roll a thin coil and gently apply it over the join then smooth. 8. Continue in this way until all sides are joined and you have a hollow cube; leave it to become leather hard when you are satisfied with the form.

YOUR THEME: To create a slab box 3D movie poster based off of an original concept referencing a premade movie poster idea
Must include shallow relief or high relief: May be done in one or many of the following techniques: stamping, impressed texture, incising, sculpture Interpreted in any you want but must be done with realism and intention. Must have a window lid to showcase your relief sculpture. 4

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