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__ Armstrong Economics * Martin 4. Armstr former Chairms PLEASE REGISTER YOUR EMATL ADDRESS FOR ANY UPDATE NEWS ArmstrongEconomice@GMail .COM Copright Martin A. Arnotrong, all rights reserved ‘This Report may be forwarded as you like without charge. It is provided as a Public Service at this time without cost. The contents and designs of systems are in fact copyrighted. At a future date, a book will be released The Geometry of Time. The charte are often reproductions of an earlier publication from 1986 also to be soon republished The Greatest Bull Market In History covering from 1900 up to the 1950s. ‘dditional updating is underway to conplete the Century and into the current time, providing a month to month history of the Financial development of Western Society. Chiwa Ahe SaviouR oF Capitaltsey & the Next Reseeue Cueremey ? No matter what the politicians may say ebout the otherside, the plein and simple truth is that the Free always plling. No matter what those who would like to control the economy have to sey, they are dead wrong. a not if we ere talking or Capitalism or the vain be just a little~bit-pregnanz socialism, Communism fell not jonald Reagan and the threat of + It fell because central planning iticians behind the Iron urtain could no more control the economy Republicans, Democrats, Tori ry or whi is attac! Star Wai The Premier Jiabao, is inke: in capitalism even though ne s not China's fob Lo save capitalism from itself 1 job than any p yed fer more than st. He has isp numan face portray a child trapped in the eart the last great hope fo: There is the bizarre comments of forner US Treasurer Hank Paulson that blamed the deb crisis on Caina. He told the press that the huge volume of Savi nations like China 3 hao in fa a the risk preniuas azound Wen Jiabao, Premier e world. I have never heard such a bullshit story like this ever before. Indeed, Mr. Wen has made it known that he too also finds ple woo lend the money are blamed for the carelessness of the "Try that ox: banker! At bizarre that the borrower who ee on yor Wen has spoken clearly stating that lal crisis was caused by the rn economies have persistently =nj g double fiscal and e maintaining high consumption on leveraged borrowing. 3, like Paulson, constantly demanded higher leverage so they could increase ge of returns relative to their copitel. What Hank Paulson did on his insane blame-game is saying more-or-less, yes I am a drunk, but only because they nake whiskey. It is like the gun arguments. Guns do not kill, people hill. 11] cut your head-off with a svord. Keeping al cannot tolerate an ex: Likewise, Hank Paulson's fact that the Wes: runn: count deficits, wh: vere no gums, they would from such crazy people is a good idea, but 90k piace hecause somehody else made the weapon. attempt to excuse Investment Eankers beceus2 China lends cepitel that kept the Snterest-rates-lover: disguising: the risky-is"noteredibie- end-=-diser 1

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