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Abkhaz Personal names / : / - /


V.A. Chirikba
1. Abkhaz features. personal


Abkhaz Personal names

names: general

17 1959 . . , . , . - . . 19821986 - , , . 19771982 - , . .. , . . . .. . . . , , . 20072008 - . 20052006 - ,

Abkhazians are a small indigenous Caucasian people living in the Republic of Abkhazia, which is situated on the West Caucasian Black Sea coast between Russia and Georgia. The closest linguistic kin of Abkhaz are Abaza (both are often regarded as dialects of one language), Kabardians, Adygheys (the latter called together Circassians and also speaking close dialects) and Ubykhs. These languages form the small West Caucasian family, which is related to the East Caucasian (or Nakh-Daghestanian) linguistic family; the West and East Caucasian branches form the North Caucasian linguistic family, which is not related genetically to the other indigenous Caucasian family, Kartvelian. The number of Abkhazians in the Caucasus is estimated at somewhat more than 100 thousand. Many more Abkhazians live in the Diaspora (mostly in Turkey, but also in some Middle Eastern countries, like Syria and Jordan), where their ancestors had to flee the Russian-Caucasian war in the middle of the 19th century. The Caucasian Abkhazians are Orthodox Christian (some 60 %) or Sunni Muslim (some 40 %); in the Diaspora they are all Sunni Muslim. The repertory of Abkhaz personal names is extremely rich. The largest collections of Abkhaz first names were published in Inal-ipa (1963) and especially in Inal-ipa (2002). Other, smaller lists, are to be found in the publications by Dirr (1915), Gulia (1925: 305-310), Bgaba (1964), Anba

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, , . 20002004 , , . 19961997 - "", , . : . 19911996 - , . 1996 . " . ." : . . . , . . . 19861991 - . (SCE). (ASLIP). . . " ". 2005 -

(1995: 393-401), Amiba (2000), and some others. The first names were analyzed by Marr (1914), Bgaba (1964; 1988), Culaja (1971), Ketsba (1996), Inal-ipa (2002) and Pilija (2003). The historical Abkhaz names as recorded in mediaeval Georgian chronicles are discussed in Amiba (1999, 2003); the Abkhaz surnames are discussed in Inal-ipa (2002), Dasanija (2003), Kuprava (2003) and Maan (2003). Traditionally, a two-name system was used, consisting, as a rule, of the surname (-la) plus the postposed first name (-x()), e.g. Ga Rat, A-saba Smel,X Darafey, Dbar Fka. Certain surnames can also have patronyms (see below). Besides, a person often has an unofficial pet-name, given to him by the family when a child. Some people, beside their official first name, have several other given names; thus, as cited by Inal-ipa (2002: 23), a villager of Gup by surname aparia had the following names: akra, Lamac,o,Markaz. Typically, different names are used by different circles of peoples surrounding a person: family, friends, work, etc. A new three-name system was introduced by the Russians in the middle of the 19th century, structured on the Russian model: first name + patronymic (= fathers name) + surname, e.g. Garg Aleksej-j.pa iarijaGeorgij Aleksej-his-son Dzidzarija. The Russian patronymic suffixes -ovi(masc., e.g. Ivan-ovi, son of Ivan) and -ovna(fem., e.g. Ivan-ovnadaughter of Ivan) have as their equivalents in Abkhaz -j.pahis son (e.g. Ivan-jpa, Ivans son) or -j.pha his daughter (e.g. Ivan-jpha, Ivans daughter). This system is used now, in accordance with the Russian practice, in official situations: all three names are used when referring to a person, and two names, i.e. first name plus patronymic, when addressing a person. The inheritance of surnames is patrilineal, from fathers to children. The

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(/UNPO) (, ). 19982001 " " (, ). 19941995 - " " (Caucasian Review, , ). 19891990 - "" (). 19931998 . 19931994 . : . : , 1991, 143 c. Common West Caucasian. The Reconstruction of its Phonological System and Parts of its Lexicon and Morphology ( . , ). Leiden: CNWS Publications, 1996, 452 pp. A Dictionary of Common Abkhaz ( ). Leiden, 1996, 126 pp. Abkhaz ( ). Languages of the World/Materials 119. Muenchen: Lincom Europa, 2003, 92 pp. : . , 2009, 53 . (: http://www.chirikba.com.)

giving of a name to a child was regarded as an honor and was often committed by the childs grandfather or his/her maternal uncle. There are in general more masculine names than feminine ones. Some first names can be used both as masculine and femin, e.g. Almasxan,Caka,Gaga,Gg,Kama, Saq,aka, Kaka,Mina, X mwr,X kr,kr,etc. Certain first names can be used as masculine in one dialect, and as feminine in the other; e.g., Ka,Katwanare used as masculine in the Bzyp dialect and as feminine in the Abzhywa dialect (Bgaba 1988: 198). The interest in original roots and native tradition observed in recent decades stimulate parents to give their children traditional names (e.g. Astan, Astanda(fem.), Batal, Gnda (fem.), Kaja(fem.), Kan, Sasrqa) or newly coined names, some of which became popular, e.g. Axrarock, Amra(fem.) sun, Amza(fem.) moon, Mra-laa(fem.) sun-light, Mra-mza(fem.) sun-moon, Rica(fem.) name of the famous mountain lake, etc. Some of new names stem from the Nart epics, such as X aarps,Sataney-Gaa, etc. Traditionally, even young people can address the elder people by their first names. Only lately, under the Russian influence, in official situations name+patronymic name are used. In vocative forms a special suffix -acan be used with names ending in a consonant to express endearment (mostly when addressing a child), e.g. Zurab-a(dear) Zurab!.

2. Historically attested names. The early Abkhaz first names recorded in Roman and Greek (Byzantine) sources belonged to the local highest aristocracy

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and were of Iranian (Savlak, Resmag, Spadag) or Roman origin (Julian). The Georgian mediaeval and later chronicles provide us with important evidence on personal names used in Abkhazia. Again, belonging to the highest nobility, they are all of foreign origin: Iranian (Anos, from Pahlavi anoimmortal, Gozar/Yaozar, cf. Persian azarfire, Bagrat< BagadataGiven by God, Guranduxtdaughter of Guran), Greek (Theodoregiven by god, Dimitriearth-mother, Theodosidedicated to God, LeonLion, Georgifarmer), Roman (Istvine/Justinianrighteous, Konstantinconstant). These names reflect the influence of Roman, Byzantine and Iranian civilizations. On the other hand, some of the recorded names (in Byzantine sources) are undoubtedly of local origin, e.g. Tuana(cf. Abx family name tan), Khados(presumably reflecting Old Abx qadaleader).

3. Presently used names. All given names can be divided into two groups according to their origin: native and borrowed. An additional third group combines native and borrowed elements. Native first names can be structurally simple, compound or derived, used with or without the definite-generic article. Among simple names there are also historically complex or derived ones, but now unanalyzable. Names can be based on the designations of animals, birds, plants (see the examples below), names of the cities (e.g. Adesa Odessa,Adler), on epithets (Azacthe only, M.a-g fearless heart, Macslightning), etc.

3.1. Native names used without definitegeneric article.

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Masculine Feminine Name Meaning Name Hnap mouse Cbra Kbr mosquito Kaka Macs lightning Qarasa arax rkj


savory (bot.)

young and green (of grass)

turtle-dove wild animal (< *deer) firefly

3.2. Native names used with definitegeneric article a-.

Masculine Feminine Name Meaning Name A.bga wolf/fox moon A.tata soft A.mra A.xra rock A.pa A.zax Circassian A.phzba

Meaning A.mza




3.3. Compound names.

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The following names can be grouped together according to the choice of the typical element of the compound.

3.3.1.With the postposed-g() heart:Abza-g< *Abaza-g Abaza-heart, Adga-g< *Adga-g Adyghe/Circassianheart, La-g eyes heart, M.a-g fearless heart, etc.

3.3.2. With la-eye:A.la-p.a La-c. eye-grey, La-g.r.a eye-joy.

the preposed ART-eye-beautiful, La-cs eye-bird,

3.3.3. With the postposednq awalk/walker:Aaa-nqalazywalker, Mja-nqaroad-walker, amxnqa(strong-)knee-walker, xa-nqamountain-walker.

3.3.4. With the preposed x -gold: X -rpsgolden-lad, X -mra(fem.) golden-sun, X -r.qbagoldsmartened, X -cs(fem.) golden-bird, X -bla(fem.) golden-eye, X -c(fem.) golden-tooth, X -ma(fem.) golden-hand, X -mca(fem. and masc.) golden-fire, X -(fem.) gold-old.

3.3.5. Some other compounds:G.baheart-decide, Mra-laa(fem.) sun-light, Mra-mza(fem.) sun-moon, -kt(fem.) water-hen.

3.4. Derived names. The following names can be grouped together according to the choice of the typical derivational formants, some of which bear diminutive meaning.

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3.4.1. With the postposedc (a-c tooth?):Adga-c (< Adga), *AdgaAdyghe),Adga-c(cf. a-c(aahare), Kbrc(a-kbrmosquito).

3.4.2.With the postposed -g g:D-gg, Ma-gg, Ta-gg, La-gg, Ha-gg, -gg, Tad-gg (fem.), T-gg (fem.), X -r-gg (fem.), Cam-gg (fem.), m-gg (fem.).

3.4.3. With the postposed -gr: Ad-gr, Beslan-gr, B/a-gr.

3.4.4. With the postposed -kr(a):Dada-kr (dadafather), a-kr(a) (aahare), a-kr (a-aawl).

3.4.5. With the postposed -la:Baba-la (cf. babafather), Bada-la, Baza-la (cf. Abaza, ethnic term), Bat-la (cf. Bata), Baa-la (cf. Ad baefox), Baga-la (cf. Baga), Gada-la (cf. Gada).

3.4.6. With the postposed diminutive -na: Apa-na(fem.) (Apaholy), Bana(Bamasc. name), Cg-na(fem. and masc.) (a-cgcat), Crkna(a-crklame), Cs-na(fem.) (a-csbird), Gada-na(Gadamasc. name), Kt-na(a-kt hen), K-na(fem.) (K fem. name, cf. a-k.chicken), Tak()-na(fem.) (Takfem. name, cf. a-tak-aold woman), X -na(fem.) (xgold), X -na(fem. and masc.) (a-x()child).

3.5. Complex names:G-m-afearless (gheart, -m-negative infix, ato fear), La-g.z.to.w eyes-heart-where is.
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3.6. Borrowed names. The borrowed first names belong to the following major groups according to their origin: 1. Oriental (Turkish, Arabic, Jewish, Persian); 2. Kartvelian (Megrelian, Georgian); 3. Circassian (Adyghey, Kabardian); 4. Russian; 5. Greek; 6. Ossetic; 7. Other. The majority of oriental first names, which can also be generallylabelledas Muslim or Islamic names, irrespective of their Turkic, Arabic, Persian or Jewish origin, came to Abkhazia, starting from the 16th century, from Ottoman Turkey and often reflect the Ottoman Turkish pronunciation. Smaller parts of these names came via neighbouring Kartvelians (Georgians or Megrelians) or Circassians. Some of the etymologically Turkic names are not Anatolian (Oghuz) by origin, but northern (Kipchak) Turkic (i.e. Crimean Tatar, Noghay or Karachay-Balkar), coming from the North Caucasus. The Greek names came either via Georgian/Megrelian, or via Russian.

3.6.1. Turkish//Turkic:Adamr < Ay-demir(aymoon,demiriron, iron moon), Alp < Alpbrave, Aslan < Arslanlion (> hero), Gzel//Gzel (fem.) < gzelbeautiful, Hanm (fem.) < hanmlady, woman, mistress (of a household), Kk < kk small, little; young; child, Ozbak < zbekUzbek, Qan < qanblood, Qara < qarablack, dark, Te(j)mr < temiriron, Tengz < tengizsea, etc.

3.6.2. Arabic:Abdala< Abdallahservant of God, Aaja(fem.) < y vivacious, Amina(t)(fem.) < Amnbeing safe, confident (the Prophets mothers name), A(a)ziz< Azamat< Azamatgreatness, Azzdear, precious, Farida(fem.) <

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Fardaunique, precious, K(e)rm< Karmnoble, generous, Kadr< Qdirpowerful, Mamsr<Mansrvictorious, Mat<Midglorious, Murat<Murad desired,Sejd//Sajd <Sayyed master, amal<mlbeauty, uma < JumaFriday, etc.

3.6.3. Jewish:Aajsa(via Arab Aysa) <yehaJesus (god will save), Ajub(via Arabayyb) <iyybhpersecuted, Ebrham< Ab-rhmfather of many (peoples), Dawt< Dwdbeloved, Jasf//sf//sp< Ysfhe (god) will multiply, Musa//Msa(via Arab Musa) < MoehMoses, Saluman//Salmon//lejman //liman(via Arab Sulaymn) < elomohpeaceful, etc.

3.6.4. Persian:Arda< Arda(< Arta) truth; righteous, Ardal/n< Ardair holder of good power, Bagrat(via Geo) < Bagadatagiven by God, Fardaws< Firdous(via Arab) paradise, Nawrz< NavruzNew Year, Rat< Raidone who has attained salvation, Ratam/n< Rustamstrong and well built, Glnara (fem.) < Gulnar pomegranate flower, Temraz (via Geo) < Tahmurasstrong body, X rt < Xurid, Xwaredsun, Zurab/rab(via Geo) < Sohrabillustrious, etc.

3.6.5. Kartvelian names: Anzor < Geoazna.ur-i born free (of Persian origin with the Geo suffix -ur-i), Bar bairisparrow, na < Megr inawren (a kind of bird), Da<a-da chain avichain (mail), Gar(i)//Geri< Megr geri wolf, Ggl(fem.) < Geogugul-icuckoo, Kac kac-iman, Lamkac Lomikacilion-man, Mzja (fem.) Mzia <mzesun, Natela (fem.) Natela light (of colour), aba (fem.) aba, diminutive from abigirl, etc.

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3.6.6. Circassian (Adyghey and Kabardian) names:Adaga< Circ Dagedeaf, Adamej//> Damej< Ad Adamejname of an Ad tribe, Gaamafa(fem.) < Ad Ga-maffortunate lady, Gaansa(fem.) < Ad Gae-nse lady-bride, Ha(a)maf< Ad Hamaffortunate guest, Mafa< Ad Mafefortunate, Sasrqa< Sawser-qe name of a Nart epics hero, maf< Ad prince, ana< Ad P-maffortunate anename of an Ad tribe, r< Kab rsteel, etc.

3.6.7. Greek names:Akaki< Gr (via Geo) akakosnot bad, Aksent< Gr (via Geo) Auxentios < auxanto grow,Alksandr < Gr (via Russ) Alexandros, Anatol < Gr (via Russ) Anatolios, Antipa < Gr (via Russ) Antipas, Daratija< Gr (via Geo) Drotheosgiven by god, Estat< Gr (via Geo) Eustathiosfromeustathswell-built, healthy, Garg< Gr Gergosfarmer, Markoz/Markaz< Gr Markos(from Latin; via Geo Markozi), Petra< Gr (via Geo) Petros stone, rock, etc.

3.6.8. Russian namesstarted being used since the introduction in Abkhazia of Russian rule in the middle of the 19th century and became especially popular during the Soviet period. Curiously, the Abkhazians regarded the short or diminutive forms of Russian names as independent names, so that in a family one son could be given the name Volodja, and the other Vova(both are short forms of Russ Vladimir); cf. in the same vein such pairs as Ruslan(full form) and Rusik, Vanjaand Vanka(from Ivan), etc. Cf. also such feminine names as Anka(Russ dimin.Aneka <Anna),Manka(Russ dimin.Maneka <Marija), Verka(from Russ dimin.Veroka <Vera), masculine:

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Andruka(Russ dimin.Andrjuka <Andrej), Aljoa(Russ dimin.Aloa<Aleksej), Wanka (Russ dimin.Vanka<Ivan), etc. Besides, the Abkhazians used the Russian diminutive suffix -k(a)to add to non-Russian names, cf. um.ka(from uma < Arab Friday), Brfn.ka(fem., from Brfn< Tu silk), .ka(fem. and masc., from native (a)), etc. All earlier borrowed Russian names reflect their oral adaptation as perceived by Abkhazians. The contemporary Russian names usage is in more conformity with their Russian source, with short forms being used in unofficial discourse and official forms used in official discourse and in documentation. In general, modern Russian names used by contemporary Abkhazians do not deviate much from their usage by the Russians themselves.

3.6.9. Names of Ossetic origin:Altar< Osset ldar*arm-holder, Astan(a)< Osset Astanwe are eight, Avdenia, probably < Osset Avdanwe are seven, Soslan//Sosran < Osset Soslanname of a Nart epics hero, Zalina(fem.), cf. Osset (Digor) zarijnagold(en), etc.

3.6.10. Borrowed formantscan be attached mostly to foreign and more rarely to native names:-gar//ger//-grej//-keri //-kari< Crimean Tatar girej(of Mongol or Greek origin), postposed to the names belonging to the dynasty of the Crimean rulers: Al-gari//Al-grej, Aqlan-geri, Ahan-geri, A-geri//A-gari, Batr-grej, K-geri; -bej//-be< Tur bej master, chieftan, ruler, prince: Almas-bej, Arzaa-bej, Ahmt-bej, Bakr-bej, Dawt-bej, Edr-bej, Mstaa-bej, Qano(w)-bej, etc.; -bak< Turkic bek master, leader: Al-bak, Ql-bak, Salm-bak, Marza-bak, Talum-bak, am-bak, etc.; -qan < Kabqanfoster child, boy from aristocratic family raised by a lower status family <

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Turkic qanblood: Arza-qan, Atlas-qan, Bar-qan, Damr-qan, P-qan, Tatar-qan, Zawr-qan, etc.; -qa < Adlag-qa, Aslan-qa, Kabqeson: Badr-qa, Bazr-qa, Dah-qa, Mda-qa, Msr-qa, Sasr-qa, Tasra-qa, etc.; -x(a) Qana-qa, (Ab)//-x(a)(Bz) < Adqeson: Akat-xa, Daan-x(a), Jat-xa, Qan-xa, Kat-xa, Rat-xa, alat-x, arat-xa, etc.; -aw//-ow(Bz)//-saw//-sow(Ab) < Circaweyouth; son: Ja-sow, Ka-sow, Mard(a)-sow, Nart-sow, Qan-sow, Taq-sow, Tatr-sow, etc.; -xan < Tur hanruler, khan: masc.: Almas-xan, Arw-xan, Astr-xan, Bagir-xan, Kma-xan, Zelim-xan, arm-xan; fem.: Ald-xan, rba-xan, abr-xan, Gaa-xan, Kaaba-xan, Qajmt-xan, am()s-xan, Xari-xan, aaba-xan, etc; feminine names ending in -hanm < Tur hanmlady: Edl-hanm, Ejza-hanm, Ena-hanm, Ea-hanm, Esma-hanm, Maria-hanm, Rabia-hanm, Safra-hanm, etc.

3.7. Childish or pet names. Children are often given pet names, based on traditional pet-names, as well as on occasional or onomatopoeic words, which are used by the close family circle and friends, in some cases throughout the whole life of a person. The examples of masculine child-names: Akaa, a, Cca, Ka, Kka, Maa, Pta, Tuki; feminine: ana, k, Gama, Kna, Tej, Tutka, Tka, X sisa. Diminutive forms of names can be formed by adding of the adjective a-xsmall, little, e.g. rab-xlittle Zurab.

3.8. Taboos. Traditionally, the daughter-in-law was strictly forbidden to call her husband and his closest older relatives by their first

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names; instead, she had to choose special words in order to address them. That is why the children are given first names not coinciding with names of the older members of the family, or of the ancestors, in order to avoid using them by the childrens mother. The husband too was forbidden to call his wife by her first name in public, neither was he allowed to call by their first names the elder relatives of his wife. The married couple used as substitutes for their names, while addressing each other, such words as atata(soft), alapa ((with) beautiful eye(s)),xaara (sweetness),laara (light) (cf. Amiba 2000: 20), s-xazna(my treasure), etc. The father-in-law was often called by his son- or daughter-in-law dad(a) father, and the mother-in-law nan(a) mother, dj. A woman, when married, was traditionally given by her husbands family a new name, which was henceforth used by all members of the new family, including all their friends and relatives.

3.9. The social status of first names. In the past the social relations within the feudal Abkhaz society were reflected also in the choice of names: some were usually given to the nobility and others to the commoners. The names traditionally given to the nobles were such as Adamr, Albej, Alow, Almaxsit, Ardal, Arzaqan, Bazrqa, Bab, Batal(bej), Dada, Darqa, Edl-hanm (fem.), Esma-hanm (fem.), Esow, Msaust, Naharbej, Sad, Safra-hanm (fem.), Sasrqa, etc. The peasant names were such as Abga, Ar, Bazala, Kadac, K, Patx, Xakc, xanqa, etc. (cf. Inal-ipa 2002: 27). Nowadays, these distinctions are not any more rememberd.

4. Surnames. Among oldest surnames attested in

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mediaeval Georgian chronicles are abaand Maran, belonging to highest Abkhazian aristocracy. Etymologically, surnames can be based on personal (patronymical) names, ethnic terms, native or borrowed words. The majority of native surnames have as their most typical formant the suffix -ba, apparently derived from the patronymical formant j-pahis son, e.g. Agr-ba, Adlej-ba,Cej-ba, an-ba, Ha-ba,Zx-ba,etc. In some cases the patronymical suffix is preserved in its original form in the official form of the name: Inal-jpa, Pate-jpa, at-jpa, ap-jpa. The feminine forms of surnames have as their formant -phadaughter, e.g. Agr-pha, Adlej-pha,an-pha, Ha-pha. In the Abkhazian diaspora in Turkey, this formant is more often rendered in the phonetically simplified form -ha, e.g. Agr-ha, Akrt-ha, Sa-ha. Other typical surnames formants are -wa(Agxa-wa, Andarb-wa, An-wa, ap-wa), -aa(Aba-aa, Akrt-aa, Agm-aa, Arjt-aa,Arst-aa,Atm-aa), -ja(Bargan-ja, Garam-ja, Kakal-ja, Pl-ja), etc. As to the last type of names, both the formant -jaand often the surname itself, are of Megrelian origin, except for the cases when this formant was attached in the official Russian-language registers to the genuine Abkhaz names by Megrelian and Imeretian priests who served in Abkhazia at the end of the 19th the beginning of the 20th centuries, in order to make them appear Georgian; whence such hybrid surnames as Lakerbaja(cf. the genuine Abkhaz form Lakrba), Zvanbaja(for anba), xvacabaja(forAxacaa), etc. There are also surnames which are void of suffixed formants and which etymology is uncertain, such as Barcc, Baalow,Baras,aabal(rxa), Dbar, Hag, Kap, Kwt, Maan, Maran, Pkn, Sm-sm, Smr, aqrl, Trap, etc.

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The plural forms of surnames are usually marked by the human collective plural suffix -aa, added to the the suffix-less form, e.g. Agr-aa, Adlej-aa, an-aa. Alternatively, plural forms can be formed by adding plural suffixes -caor -kato the suffixed form of the surname, e.g. Agr.ba-ca, A-kalc.ba-ka.

4.1. The social status of surnames. Like first names, surnames were also marked for their social status. The name of the old princely ruling house of Abkhazia was aba (which had its Georgian variant ervaie), who occupied the highest place in the social hierarchy and bore the title of ahprince. The Chachbas were followed by such high aristocratic family clans, called aam()sta-dwbig aristocrat (in Russian usage prince), as Aba, Ajmxaa, aabalrxa,xotua,Gaba, Inal-jpa, Maran, ap-jpa. To the nobility, called aam()sta(Russ noble), belonged such family clans as Akrtaa, Axacaa, Cba, Jaba, Lak()rba, Maan, anba, etc. The peasants, called a-nxaj, were represented by such surnames as Agrba, Adlejba,Amba, Axba, Bganba, Cgba, anba, Kabaxja, Lakaba, Papba, etc. The lowest place in the social ladder used to be occupied by people mostly consisting of lowest categories of peasants, slaves, foreign captives, people bought or kidnapped, bastards or gutter-children, who did not possess a surname (la z.ma.m, lit. who do not have surname). They were called only by their first names or nick-names. Some of such people or their descendants could receive in the course of time a new surname on the model X-his-son, but the lower origin of such clan was long remembered (cf. Inal-ipa 2002: 189-190). People who committed shameful crimes, like incest or the like, were subjected to the deprivation of their first name (a-x.x.x.rathe lifting of the name) or of

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their surname (a-la.x.x.rathe lifting of the surname), and were usually expelled from the community.

5. Patronyms (Abx abjpara). Certain surnames can have patronyms (called ab.j.pa.rafather-his-son-abstract suffix) modelled on the type first name of a common ancestor + -j.p(a).cahis-sons , or first name of an ancestor + plural suffix -aa (-aais used to mark collective human referents). The patronyms are not registered in official papers and are transferred through generations orally. Especially big family clans have patronymic branching; e.g. the clan Adlejba has such patronymic divisions as Tt-j.p(a).ca, aba-j.p(a).ca, Pa-j.p(a).ca, X at-j.p(a).ca, Crkt-j.p(a).ca, Cx-j.p(a).ca, Dahqa-j.p(a).ca, arkaz-j.p(a).ca, arwal-j.p(a).ca, all having as their common ancestor a certain AdleybaX rps, son of Akn(cf. nkba 1990: 447).In unofficial discourse surnames and patronymics can be used synonymically, e.g., in sg.: X arckja//gdar-j.pa/j.phaXvartskiya //Son/daughter-of-Dygudar, or in pl. X arckj[*a-]aa//gdar-j.pa.ca //gdar-aathe Xvartskiyas//Sonsof-Dygudar//The Dygudars.

Abbreviations. Abx Ab Ad Arab bot. Bz Abkhazian Abywa dialect Adyghey Arabic botanic Bzyp dialect

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dimin. diminutive fem. Geo Gr HUM Kab feminine Georgian Greek Human Kabardian

masc. masculine Megr Megrelian Osset Ossetic PL Russ Tur Plural Russian Turkish

Literature. Amiba, Georgij Aleksandrovi. 1999 Rannesrednevekovaja antroponimija abxazov i ee etnokulturnye aspekty. In:G.A Amiba. Kultura i ideologija rannesrednevekovoj Abxazii. Suxum, p. 74-115. 2003 Antroponimieskij repertuar Divana abxazskix carej. In: Abxazovedenie. Istorija. Arxeologija. tnologija. VypuskII. Suxum: Alaara, p.54-61. Amiba, ValentinaAleksandrovna. 2000 Nekotorye voprosy abxazskoj antroponimii. In: L. Hagba (ed.).Sovremennye problemy kavkazskogo jazykoznanija i folkloristiki. Suxum, p. 13-21. Anba, Artur Artiom-ipa. 1995 Apsuaa rfolklor. Artur Anba jancamtaka. Aqa. Bgaba, Xuxut Solomonovi.

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1964 Bzybskij dialekt abxazskogo jazyka (issledovanie i teksty). Tbilisi: AN Gruz. SSR. 1988 Ob abxazskix linyx imenax. In: X.S. Bgaba. Trudy. Kniga vtoraja: Issledovanija i oerki. Suxumi: Alaara, p. 195-215. Culaja, Givi. 1971 Ob abxazskoj antroponimii. In: V.A. Nikonov, G.G. Stratanovi (eds.), tnografija imen. Moskva: Nauka, p. 70-76. Dasanija, David Mkanovi. 2003 Iz istorii izu enija abxazskix familij (do 1961 g. vkliu itelno). In: Abxazovedenie. Istorija. Arxeologija. tnologija. Vypusk II. Suxum: Alaara, p. 199-209. Dirr, Adolf. 1915 Materialy k izueniju jazyka i byta abxazcev. In: Sbornik materialov dlia opisanija mestnostej i plemen Kavkaza. Tiflis. Vypusk 44, otdel 4, p. 5-23. Gulia, Dmitrij Iosifovi. 1925 Istorija Abxazii. Suxum.

Inal-ipa, alva Denisovi. 1963 Apsua xka. (Axati xka reizga, zg atarak acn ). In: Alaara, No. 5, p. 69-90. 2002 Antroponimika abxazov. Majkop: GURIPP Adygeja. Ketsba, B.K. 1996 K izueniju abxazskoj antroponimii. In: Darylgasinova, R. ., inkarev, V.N. (eds). Imja i etnos. Sbornik. Moskva: Institut etnologii i antropologii RAN, p. 95-98. Kuprava, Arvelod Erastovi. 2003 Iz istorii abxazskoj antroponimii. K voprosu preobrazovanij familnyx imen. Soi. Maan, Omar Vladimirovi.

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2003 Iz istorii familnyx imen abxazov. In: Abxazovedenie. Istorija. Arxeologija. tnologija. Vypusk II. Suxum: Alaara, p. 189-198. Marr, Nikolaj Jakovlevi. 1914 Iz abxazskix linyx imen. In: Xristianskij Vostok, tom II, p. 400-402. Pilija, Vanda Tarielovna. 2003 Lihnye imena po cerkovnym knigam metrieskix sel Abxazii (1890-1917 gg.). In: Trudy Abxazkogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta, ast II, p. 108-112. nkba, Bagrat Vasil-ipa. 1990 Axrcaca. Aqa: Alaara.

[1]I mark the morphemic divisions by a dot. [2]Cf. the etymological analysis of these names in Amichba (2003: 55, 58). -----------------------------------------------( : http://www.chirikba.com. .)

E-mail: apsnyteka@yandex.ru

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