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Annotated Table of Contents ReflectionThis piece is a reflection for the term and serves as a guide for the entire

portfolio. This helped me to see how much I accomplished this semester. Dear Andrew LetterThis was a letter written at the beginning of the semester in order to introduce myself to the professor. This made me think about my goals for the class and I thought it was a good way to introduce ourselves to the professor. Image CheckThis is a set of three images that were found on buzz-feed which include a mini-analysis about each. This helped me to better understand the image assignment. Peer Feedback on image choicesThese are the comments that were given to me about the original ten images that I chose. They are not the images that I ended up using for my project because after this peer review and the sticky note activity I decided I did not have a lot to say about the images I chose and changed my topic. Sticky Notes from peer review workshopThese are the sticky notes from the activity were we traded images with three other people and gave feedback about which images were strongest and which needed to go. It was helpful because I showed me I in fact did not like my images. TRACE practiceThis is a practice trace analysis that was done on an advertisement that was inspired by Rosie the Reviter. This helped my to understand what I needed to do for the image assignment. PARADIGM practiceThis is a practice paradigm analysis that was done on a image that was take following the Treyvon Martin incident. This also helped me to better understand the image assignment it was very beneficial. Image ProjectThis is a collection of images related to the power of nature. This was a fun project to do and I liked how it came in stages. Annotated Bibliography ProjectIn this project I created and annotated bibliography for research on elder abuse by finding 8 sources and writing a few paragraphs about each. I really learned a lot about my topic of elder abuse from this project.

ProposalThis was my proposal to use the topic of elder abuse for my research project written to the instructor. I thought this was a good idea because I knew I was getting off to a good start with the project. Codices taskThis was a group activity were another classmate reviewed three of my sources to see if they were up to the proper standards. It was helpful to get someone elses perspective. Solomon's taskThis was an activity we completed as a self-check to see if we were on the right track with our sources. I felt like I was on the right track with this assignment after completing this task. Intervention questions taskThis was a task were we responded to a video we viewed in class by discussing why Allison acted the way she did. This was an interesting assignment and looking back I can see its relation to power. Hoarding questions task on pre-argumentThis was a task we completed after watched and episode of hoarding, were we discussed whether hoarding or addition was more disturbing. This helped my to better understand what was expected of me for the argument project. Argument Notes with Pre-Process on TopicThese are the notes we took in preparation for our Argument project along with our initial ideas about what we wanted our topic to be. These notes were extremely helpful since I have never written an argument before. Rogerian Argument ProjectThis consisted of an outline of our argument and a short reflection on the process. I definitely liked how it was an outline as opposed to a whole paper. Allowed me to really get to the point and not get off topic. A First Wild CardThis is a rhetorical analysis of a Starbucks advertisement which I then recreated as a piece of art in the form of a collage to change the genre from an advertisement to artwork. Even though it was quite a long paper this was my favorite assignment that we completed in English 1101. A Second Wild Card- This details a volunteer project I completed this year. Volunteering my time outside of school is something very important to me in my life.

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