T5 B57 T Eldrige Primary Docs 20th Hijackers 2 of 4 FDR - Muahammad Qahtani Withdrawal of Application For Admission - InS DOJ

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U.S. Department of Justice

Immigration and Naturalization Service Withdrawal of Application for Admission/Consular Notification

Basis for Action (check all that apply): File No: A 77929941
Date: 08/04/2001
Application for Admission Withdrawn
Visa/BCC Canceled
VWPP Refusal
Ordered removed (inadmissible) by immigration judge -Section 235(b)(2)(order attached)
| | Ordered removed (inadmissible) by INS-Section 235(b)(l)(order attached)^ r
Waiver revoked (2 1 2 (d)(3))(order attached)
Departure required (8 CFR 240.25)(Form 1-213 attached)
Notice to: American Consul, RIYADH SAUDI ARABIA From: USINS, ORL-IAP
(Location) (Location)

Name (FAMILY, Given, Middle)

AL KAHTANI, Mohammad M A
Citizenship Country of Birth Date of Birth
Complete foreign address (Mailing address)
Complete U.S. address
Airline/vessel of arrival Port of arrival Date of Arrival
VS15 ORL 08/04/2001
Visa number, type Date, place of visa issuance Social security number
44209655, B1/B2 07/14/2001 RIYADH SAUDI AR
Reasons (Include all pertinent facts concerning denial of application for admission, including use of altered, counterfeit or fraudulent document
Passenger MOHAMMAD AL KAHTANI arrived at the Orlando International Airport on August 4,2001 via Virgin Atlantic
Arline flight 15 from London, Gatwick. Subject presented a valid Saudi Arabia passport # C642017 with a valid B I/ B2 visa
#44209655 issued at Riyadh on July 14, 2001. Subject presented himself to the primary inspector n Rempel as a visitor for
pleasure for a six day visit. Subject was referred to secondary inspection because he claimed that he did not speak any English and
for that reason he did not complete die Custom declaration form or the 1-94 Immigration form. Also, he did not have a return
ticket. Dr. Shafik- Fouad, employed by the Department of Justice and certified interpreter for the Arab language, was contacted to
serve as an interpreter on this case. When asked why he did not have a return ticket, the subject stated that he did not know where
he was going after he departed the United States and a person that was coming from overseas was going to make all die
arrangements for his transportation and only he knew where he was going. When asked about his relationship with this person, he
said that he was a friend. Subject did not have any hotel reservation and when asked where he was going to be staying, he said. " A
hotel". I stated to him that if did not speak any English and did not know his way around Orlando or didn't know where he was
going to be staying, that he was going to encounter alot of problems. At this time, he stated that someone was waiting for him
upstair. When I asked him for the name of the person so that I could verify his story, he stated that no one was waiting for him. At
diis time, he stated that he was supposed to call someone at home and that person was supposed to contact another person in the
United States to inform that person that he was already in the See continuation page.

7 (Continue on reverse ff attach ^separate sheet, as needed)

Name and Title of Officer (Print)
Form 1-275 (Rev. 4/1/97)
U.S. Department of Justice
Immigration and Naturalization Service Co uation Page for Form 1-275

Alien's Name File Number Date

ALKAHTANI, Mohammad M A A 77929941 8/4/01

United States and that person would pick him up and take him around. He said that he was going to stay in the
United States for six days; however, the person that was suppose to be coming to meet him here was arrriving in three
to four days. In reality, it didn't make any sense that he was going to spend six days in the United States, travel
around the county when he was going to wait for this person for three or four days leaving him only two of three days
to travel hi the United States. At this time, I asked the subject again why he did not have a return ticket and he
replied, "I cannot purchase a return ticket because this person knows where I'm going and is going to make all the
arrangement". I asked for this person's phone number and he refused to provide it and stated that that was none of my
business because that was a personal matter and he did not see any reason for me to contact this person. Subject
contradicted himself and lied and changed his original story on various occasions. Subject was very hostile
throughout the whole interview. Subject was in possession of $2,800 USD and no credit cards. Taking into
consideration that he has to pay for his hotel bill, return ticket, and living expenses, $2,800 are not sufficient funds.
As an example, a one way return ticket to Dubai where he originated his trip, was $2,200 USD. When encountered
with this situation, he stated that his friend was going to bring him some money. Why is this person bringing you
some money? Just because he is a friend. How long do you know this person? Not too long. After carefully
analyzing this statement provided by the subject, his intention for visiting the United States was not clear. Taking
into consideration that he contradicted himself and lied throughout the interview, I decided to place him under oath
and take a sworn statement. I explained my intentions and the purpose of placing him under oath to take the sworn
statement and he agreed with it. At this time, the subject refused to answer any questions. At this time, it is not clear
why this person lied and contradicted himself throughout the inteview. We cannot determine his true intentions for
visiting the United States because he refused to answer any questions under oath. It is believed that this person is
hiding something. I explained that because we could not complete the inspection we were going to refuse entry and
he was allowed the opportunity to withdraw his application.Subject appeared inadmissable under Section 212
(a)(7)(A)(i)(I) of the INA. Subject withdrew his application and departed foreign via VS16 to London/Dubai.

of pages

Form 1-831 Continuation Page (Rev. 6/12/92)

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