Dravhandling Moradi

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University of Oslo

Department of Informatics

Ultra Low Power
Digital Circuit Design
for Wireless Sensor
Network Applications

PhD Thesis

Farshad Moradi

October 2011

Farshad Moradi, 2011

Series of dissertations submitted to the
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Oslo
No. 1121

ISSN 1501-7710

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be
reproduced or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without permission.

Cover: Inger Sandved Anfinsen.
Printed in Norway: AIT Oslo AS.

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The thesis is produced by Unipub merely in connection with the
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holder or the unit which grants the doctorate.

Ultra Low Power Digital Circuit
Design for Wireless Sensor
Network Applications

Farshad Moradi

Institute of Informatics


October 2011

To my family


Farshad Moradi, PhD, University of Oslo, July 2011, Ultra Low Power Digital Circuit
Design for Wireless Sensor Network Applications, Major advisor: Prof. Dag T. Wisland,
Co-advisors: Prof. Snorre Aunet and Prof. Yngvar Berg
As the CMOS technology continues to scale down into the nano-scale regime, robustness
of the circuit with respect to process variation and soft error are becoming major obstacles
for circuit designers. Storage elements (SRAM, flip-flops) are particularly vulnerable to
process variation and soft errors. Thus, in this work, we have focused on storage elements
to improve the yield loss in SRAM due to process variations and to design a soft error
tolerant flip-flop. SRAMs are particularly vulnerable to failures due to process variation
resulting in reduced yield. The main problem with SRAM is the conflicting requirements
for read stability and writeability. In this work, we propose designs to overcome conflicting
trade-off between read and write stability. Furthermore, new SRAM cells, namely 11T-
SRAM, PMOS access transistor SRAM, are proposed with capability of working at near-
threshold voltages, properly. The effect of body-biasing on SRAM cell is explored to show
improvements from body-biasing in sub-threshold regions. Results show at least 30%
improvement in read noise margin for proposed SRAM cells while write margin is
improved. Furthermore, to overcome short channel effect, different candidate transistor
structures have been investigated to replace the bulk MOSFETs. Among them, FinFET is
considered to be a promising candidate for scaled CMOS devices in sub-22-nm technology
nodes. In this work, by introducing a new device, the read and write stability for SRAM is
improved by 20% and 9% respectively, while performance is improved by 56%compared
to conventional designs. we study the double-gate FinFET SRAM technology-circuit
design space to understand the interplay of device short-channel-effect (SCE), SRAM area,
access time, soft error immunity, stability under process variations and leakage. Several
Flip-Flop designs are designed to reduce power in DSP applications. Simulation results
show 40% improvement in total power saving for some DSP applications such as FIR
filters and other DSP applications. Design challenges in submicron CMOS technology are
investigated in details for sub-threshold designs for wireless sensor network applications.
In this work different CMOS model such as ST Microelectronic, TSMC and IBM models
are used for different application.

Ultra Low power Digital Circuit Design for Wireless Sensor
Network Applications
Farshad Moradi, PhD, University of Oslo, July 2011
Hovedveileder: Frsteamanuensis Dag T. Wisland
Medveiledere: Professor Snorre Aunet og Professor Yngvar Berg

Ny forskning innenfor feltet trdlse sensornettverk pner for nye og innovative produkter og
lsninger. Biomedisinske anvendelser er blant omrdene med strst potensial og det investeres i dag
betydelige belp for bruke denne teknologien for gjre medisinsk diagnostikk mer effektiv
samtidig som man pner for fjerndiagnostikk basert p trdlse sensornoder integrert i et
helsenett. Mlet er forbedre tjenestekvalitet og redusere kostnader samtidig som brukerne skal
oppleve forbedret livskvalitet som flge av kt trygghet og mulighet for tilbringe mest mulig tid i
eget hjem og unng undvendige sykehusbesk og innleggelser.
For gjre dette til en realitet er man avhengige av sensorelektronikk som bruker minst mulig energi
slik at man oppnr tilstrekkelig batterilevetid selv med veldig sm batterier. I sin avhandling Ultra
Low power Digital Circuit Design for Wireless Sensor Network Applications har PhD-kandidat
Farshad Moradi fokusert p nye lsninger innenfor konstruksjon av energigjerrig digital
kretselektronikk. Avhandlingen presenterer nye lsninger bde innenfor aritmetiske og
kombinatoriske kretser, samtidig som den studerer nye statiske minneelementer (SRAM) og
alternative minnearkitekturer. Den ser ogs p utfordringene som oppstr nr silisiumteknologien
nedskaleres i takt med mikroprosessorutviklingen og foreslr lsninger som bidrar til gjre
kretslsninger mer robuste og skalerbare i forhold til denne utviklingen. De viktigste konklusjonene
av arbeidet er at man ved introdusere nye konstruksjonsteknikker bde er i stand til redusere
energiforbruket samtidig som robusthet og teknologiskalerbarhet ker. Forskningen har vrt utfrt i
samarbeid med Purdue University og vrt finansiert av Norges Forskningsrd gjennom FRINAT-
prosjektet Micropower Sensor Interface in Nanometer CMOS Technology.


I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the people without whom this dissertation
could not have been possible.
I sincerely like to thank my thesis advisor Prof. Dag Wisland, for mentoring me in this
research work. Observing his critical thinking, sound vision and great communication
skills has really helped me to improve professionally as well as personally.
I would also thank my advisor, at Purdue University, Prof. Kaushik Roy, for giving me
this opportunity to work in his Lab. His research visions and sharp insights were
instrumental in the completion of this work. He taught me how to transform a new idea
into a research accomplishment. My sincere thanks to him for giving advice and help.
I would like to thank my Co-advisors, Prof. Snorre Aunet and Prof. Yngvar Berg for
their guidance and suggestions during the research work.
I would like to thank Prof. Hamid Mahmoodi for his contiguous help and advice during
my research. My sincere thanks to him for providing me to work and learn from him. His
continuous encouragement and motivation during this research has enabled me to
study/explore various research areas. My sincere thanks to him for providing me the
opportunity to learn and work with him.
I would like to thank Nanoelectronic group at University of Oslo.
I would like to thank Nanoelectronic Research Lab (NRL) members at Purdue University.
I would like to thank research council for their support during the project.
Specially, I would like to thank Charles Augustine(Intel), Georgios Karakonstantis(EPFL),
Georgios Panagopoulos(Purdue), Sang Phill Park(Intel), Ashish Goel (Broadcom), Sumeet
Kumar Gupta(Purdue), Niladri Mojumder(Global Foundries), Sabal Mukhapadhyay
(Georgia Tech. University).
Last but not the least, my sincere thanks to my wife, Negin, my parents, and my family
members whose support and love made this work possible.

Abstract .................................................................................................................................. i
Acknowledgment .................................................................................................................. iii
Capter 1: Digital Circuit Design Challenges in Nano-Scale CMOS ........................................ 1
1.1. Thesis Organization .................................................................................................. 2
Chapter 2 Ultra Low Power Digital Circuit Block .................................................................. 7
2.1. Full adder topologies ................................................................................................ 8
2.2. Proposed Full Adders ............................................................................................. 16
2.3. Leakage-tolerant Logic circuit design ..................................................................... 20
2.4. Conclusion ............................................................................................................. 29
Chapter 3: . Flip-Flop Design for low power applications ..................................................... 31
3.1. Flip-Flop design ..................................................................................................... 32
3.1.1. Sense-Amplifier Flip-Flop .............................................................................. 33
3.1.2. Hybrid Latch Flip-Flop (HLFF) ...................................................................... 34
3.1.3. Transmission-Gate Flip-Flop .......................................................................... 35
3.2. Data-Dependant Sense-Amplifier Flip-Flop ............................................................ 36
3.2.1. Simulation Results .......................................................................................... 36
3.3. Pulsed-Flip-Flop ..................................................................................................... 39
3.4. Flip-Flops in DSP Applications .............................................................................. 45
3.4.1. DD-Counter design ........................................................................................ 46
3.4.2. FIR Filter Design ........................................................................................... 46
3.4.3. DCT design.................................................................................................... 47
3.5. Conclusion ............................................................................................................. 49
Chapter 4: Ultra Low power SRAM design ......................................................................... 51
4.1. Conventional SRAM Design .................................................................................. 54
4.2. Proposed Ultra low power SRAM cells................................................................... 56
4.2.1. Subthreshold 11T-SRAM............................................................................... 56
4.2.2. Subthreshold PMOS-Access transistor SRAM (PAT-SRAM) ........................ 60
4.3. SRAM Design, Architecture Level ......................................................................... 67
4.3.1. Wordline Drives for SRAM arrays ................................................................. 68
4.3.2. Proposed wordline driver ............................................................................... 70
4.3.3. Simulation Results ......................................................................................... 71
4.3.4. Dynamic Noise Margin Comparison .............................................................. 76
4.3.5. MLWD in other SRAM topologies ................................................................ 79
4.3.6. Implementation area ...................................................................................... 82
4.4. Conclusions ............................................................................................................ 82
Chapter 5: Nano-Scale CMOS Circuit Design Challenges for Ultra Low Power
Applications ......................................................................................................................... 84
5.1. DC Analysis for CMOS 65nm Technology ............................................................. 85
5.2. Stacking effect in 65nm Technology ....................................................................... 86
5.3. Body Biasing Technique ......................................................................................... 87
5.3.1. Body-Biasing in Scaled Technologies ............................................................ 89
5.3.2. Body-Biasing Simulation Results ................................................................... 91
5.3.3. Channel Length effect on Body-Biasing Technique........................................ 91
5.3.4. Efficacy of Body-Biasing Technique.............................................................. 93
5.4. Design Examples .................................................................................................... 94
5.4.1. Flip-Flops In Subthreshold ............................................................................. 94
5.4.2 Write Cycle Improved SRAM Design using body-biasing............................. 101
5.5. Conclusions .......................................................................................................... 102
Chapter 6: Asymmetrically-Doped Source/Drain FinFET (AD-FinFET) For SRAMs with
Improved Read/Write Noise Margin .................................................................................. 103
6.1.Asymmetric FinFET .............................................................................................. 106
6.2. FinFET SRAM Cell .............................................................................................. 111
6.3. Asymmetric-Doping FinFET SRAM .................................................................... 112
6.4.Conclusions ........................................................................................................... 115
Chapter 7: Future Research Trajectory .............................................................................. 117
7.1. Contribution of this work ...................................................................................... 117
7.2. Future Work ......................................................................................................... 119
References .............................................................................................................................. i

List of Figures:

Fig.1.1. Increasing power over technology generations
Fig.1.2 leakage power is becoming the dominant component of overall power consumption in
scaled technologies
Fig.1.3. Increasing power density with technology scaling
Fig.1.4. Basic sensor node block
Fig.2.1. CMOS standard 28T full adder
Fig.2.2. Different topologies for SERF full adder
Fig.2.3. Equivalent circuit in input vector ABC
Fig.2.4. Equivalent circuit for related inputs (SUM)
Fig.2.5. SERF behavior
Fig.2.6. SERF behavior Analysis
Fig.2.7. MUX-based SERF adder
Fig.2.8 (a) GDI technique (b) XOR gate using GDI
Fig.2.9. GDI XOR-based (a,b), and XNOR-based Full adder (c,d)
Fig.2.10. Failure in GDI full adder
Fig.2.11. Proposed SERF full adder circuit
Fig.2.12. Modified SERF full adder (based on Fig.2.2 (d))
Fig.2.13. Proposed SERF full adder
Fig.2.14. Modified GDI full adder (GDI#1)
Fig.2.15. Output waveforms of GDI#1 and test bench
Fig.2.16. GDI #2 full adder circuit
Fig.2.17. The main sources of noise in domino logic circuit
Fig.2.18 Proposed domino logic circuit-1
Fig.2.19. Waveforms of proposed circuit-1
Fig.2.20. High speed proposed domino logic circuit-2
Fig.2.21. Proposed MUX-1
Fig.2.22. Proposed Comparator-1
Fig.2.23. Proposed Comparator-2
Fig.2.24. UNG vs. Delay for proposed MUXs
Fig.2.25. UNG versus Delay for proposed comparators
Fig.2.26. Proposed domino logic circuit
Fig.2.27. Waveforms of ASV circuit
Fig.2.28. 3-inputs OR-Gate topology
Fig.3.1. Sense-Amplifier Flip-Flop
Fig.3.2. Hybrid-Latch Flip-Flop
Fig.3.3. Modified Transmission-Gate Flip-Flop (MTGFF)
Fig.3.4. Data-Dependant FF (DD-SAFF) and Test-Bench
Fig.3.5. Power consumption improvement for DD-SAFF
Fig.3.6. Power consumption for different supply voltages
Fig.3.7. T
delay for SAFF and DD-SAFF
Fig.3.8. Setup and hold time for SAFF and DD-SAFF
Fig.3.9. Monte-Carlo simulation for delay comparison
Fig.3.10. Layout of (a) SAFF (b) DDSAFF
Fig.3.11. Pulse generation technique
Fig.3.12. Output waveforms for CPG and TGPG designs
Fig.3.13. Transmission-Gate Pulse Generator (TGPG) output waves and scheme
Fig.3.14. PHLFF design
Fig.3.15. Delay and Energy comparison for HLFF and PHLFF
Fig.3.16. T
versus T

Fig.3.17. Pulsed-SAFF
Fig.3.18. Shift register block
Fig.3.19. Energy and delay comparisons for SAFF and PSAFF

Fig.3.20. PTGFF topology
Fig.3.21. Output waveforms of PTGFF
Fig.3.22. 8-bit counter
Fig.3.23. CSHM based Fir Filter of size M
Fig.3.24. 2D-DCT operation, areas of high energy-high switching activity outputs and low energy
Fig.3.25. Power consumption result of DCT for different FFs
Fig.4.1. IDS versus VDS for single NMOS transistor in 65nm
Fig.4.2. I
ratio for different supply voltages
Fig.4.3. 6T SRAM cell
Fig.4.4. Output waveforms for 6T-SRAM cell
Fig.4.5. Write mode circuitry in 6T-SRAM cell
Fig.4.6. SNM for HOLD and READ in 6T-SRAM (V
Fig.4.7. SNM vs. WM1/WM5 for different temperatures
Fig.4.8. Proposed 11T-SRAM cell
Fig.4.9. output waveforms during read a. 6T-SRAM b. 11T-SRAM
Fig.4.10. Modified 11T-SRAM (14T-SRAM)
Fig.4.11. Butterfly plot for 11T-SRAM
Fig.4.12. Butterfly plot for 11T-SRAM in different temperatures
Fig.4.13. read noise margin for 11T-SRAM
Fig.4.14. Configuration of modified write path in 6T-SRAM cell
Fig.4.15. Proposed SRAM circuit
Fig.4.16. Curves of proposed SRAM cell
Fig.4.17. Waveforms of proposed circuit (Write cycle)
Fig.4.18. Butterfly curves for 6T-SRAM cell
Fig.4.19. Write Margin calculation
Fig.4.20. Write SNM for different temperature (at different corners)
Fig.4.21. Circuit for sweeping WL
to get WSNM
Fig.4.22. Write SNM for proposed circuit
Fig.4.23. SNM versus V

Fig.4.24. Monte Carlo simulation for read SNM for 6T-SRAM standard cell
Fig.4.25. SNM in read and HOLD mode for proposed SRAM cell
Fig.4.26. SNM in read and HOLD mode for proposed SRAM cell
Fig.4.27. read assist circuitry
Fig.4:28. RAT scheme
Fig.4.29. LPWD-SS
Fig.4.30. MLWD circuit topology
Fig.4.31. Output of MLVD during the write
Fig.4.32. MLWL outputs during READ
Fig.4.33. Simulation results for MLWD and CWD
Fig.4.34. Voltage Sense-Amplifier used in SRAM array design
Fig.4.36. Lowering the WL voltage effect on SNM and Read access time
Fig.4.35. Read-SNM for 6T-SRAM at different operating voltages
Fig.4.37. Current saving of MLWD during Read.
Fig.4.38. Current saving during Write and Read
Fig.4.39. Write delay for MLWD compared to CWD and LPWD
Fig.4.40. Level of MLWD at different operation voltage
Fig.4.41. Write Margin comparison
Fig.4.42. Process variations effect on WL voltage during the READ Fig.4.43. Effect of process
variations on WL voltage level during write
Fig.4.44. Simulation results for CWD and MLWD design
Fig.4.45. Simulations results for CWD and MLWD
Fig.4.46. Simulation results for MLWD at different levels of V
Fig.4.47. Schematics of 8T-SRAM and ST-SRAM cells

Fig.4.48. TGPT-SRAM cell
Fig.4.49. TGPT-SRAM cell wit separate BLs
Fig.4.50. Separate bitlines TGPT-SRAM cell
Fig.4.51. Thin-cell 6T-SRAM cell layout
Fig.4.52. Layout of (a) MLWD (b) CWD designs
Fig.4.53. Layout of 128KB SRAM array including MLWD and CWD layouts
Fig.5.1. (a) 2PMOS (b) 3PMOS (c) 2NMOS circuits
Fig.5.2. V
vs. V
(b) IDS current vs. gate voltage
Fig.5.3. (a) circuit1 (b) circuit2 schematics
Fig.5.4. transient analysis for (a) circuit2 (b) circuit1 (with minimum size for all transistors in 27
TT model)
Fig.5.5. the effect of body biasing technique
Fig.5.6. ID vs. Body voltage for NMOS transistor
Fig.5.7. I
and I
vs. V
Fig.5.8. PMOS Drain current versus Body voltage
Fig.5.9. Optimal body bias vs. channel length for maximum ON current
Fig.5.10. ID (ON current) vs. channel length
Fig.5.11. The effect of FBB on long and short channel devices
Fig.5.12. HLFF waveforms in V
=0.3V, T=27
C (TT)
Fig.5.13. Failure in HLFF circuit
Fig.5.14. Proposed Complementary Hybrid Latch Flip Flop (CHLFF)
Fig.5.15. Output of CHLFF (TT model, T=27,V
Fig.5.16. Failure in SAFF
Fig.5.17. Schematic of CSAFF circuit
Fig.5.18. Proposed SRAM design
Fig.5.19. Supply voltage waveform
Fig.5.20. Comparison of the proposed technique with conventional 6T-SRAM cell during write
Fig.6.1. Asymmetric-Doping FinFET device
Fig.6.2. I
for AD-FinFET and Symmetric FinFET
Fig.6.3. AD-FinFET versus Symmetric FinFET Device
Fig.6.4. Igate vs. drain voltage
Fig.6.5. ID-VGS for AD-FinFET and symmetric FinFET
Fig.6.6. Effect of asymmetric FinFET on I
characteristics by tuning the doping concentration
in the drain contact
Fig.6.7. Effect of asymmetric FinFET on I
characteristics by tuning the doping concentration
in the source contact.
Fig.6.8. Conduction and valence bands for AD- and AS-FinFET: (a) V
=0, V
=0.9V and
=0.5V, V
Fig.6.9. (a) Capacitance components and (b) total capacitance for the different device
configurations when gate contact is set to zero V
=0V and the drain contact is swept.
Fig.6.10. (a) Capacitance components and (b) total capacitance for different device configurations
when gate contact is set to a constant voltage V
=0 V and the gate contact is swept.
Fig.6.11. (a) Capacitance components and (b) total capacitance for different device configurations
when gate contact is set to a constant voltage V
=0.9V and the drain contact is swept
Fig.6.12. (a) Total capacitance (b) Capacitance components for different device configurations
when drain contact is set to a constant voltage V
=0.9V and the gate contact is swept
Fig.6.13. 6T-FinFET SRAM cell, layout and schematic
Fig.6.14. AD-SRAM FinFET Design
Fig.6.15. Read SNM results for AD-FinFET and SD-FinFET SRAM cells
Fig.6.16. Variation in VREAD with DIBL
Fig.6.17. CV/I delay versus VG
Fig.6.18. Comparison of T
delay for AD- and SD- FinFETs
Fig.7.1. Research vision and directions
Fig.7.2. Research plan in device level


Challenges in
Chapter 1
Cahpter1: Design Challenges In Nano-Scale Technology


Chapter 1

Design challenges in Nano-Scale
CMOS devices have been scaled down aggressively in the last few decades resulting in
higher integration density and improved performance. However, due to short channel
effects, threshold voltage (V
) scaling, oxide thickness scaling and increased doping
density, the off current in the devices has increased drastically with technology scaling.
Hence, as we are approaching the end of the silicon roadmap, controlling leakage current is
becoming a major problem. Moreover, statistical variations in process parameters, such as
device structure (channel length, oxide thickness, width etc), location and number of
dopants in channel (random dopant fluctuation), is increasing with technology scaling. The
variation in process parameters results in large distribution in delay and leakage and
significantly reduces robustness of a circuit. Hence, large leakage current and increasing
process variations have emerged as two major obstacles for designing CMOS circuits
(logic and memory) at the end of silicon roadmap.
Smaller transistors are inherently faster and consume less dynamic power. However, when
millions of transistors are integrated together to create a complex VLSI system, we observe
several new challenges threatening the reliability of computation. Some of them are as
Leakage Power: With ever-increasing operating frequency and more transistors on a
single die, switching power has increased significantly (Fig.1.1). By scaling the devices to
sub-50nm regimes, controlling over the channel and second order effects such as short
channel effects, DIBL, narrow width effect etc., has become less. Furthermore, by
technology scaling, leakage components increase significantly. Fig.1.2 shows the leakage
power components and the percentage of leakage power for different technology nodes.
Both dynamic and leakage power consumption affect the reliability of the underlying
devices and reduce the battery lifetime of handheld devices. In another word, I
decreases with scaling technology. Especially, for ultra low voltage applications such as
Cahpter1: Design Challenges In Nano-Scale Technology


wireless sensor nodes, using techniques to reduce the leakage current is crucial due to a
very low I
ratio in near threshold or sub-threshold regions.

Fig.1.1. Increasing power over technology generations[Intel]

Fig.1.2 leakage power is becoming the dominant component of overall power consumption in
scaled technologies

Process Variation: Sub-wavelength lithography has led to large variation in transistor
geometries (L;W; TOX) and the flat-band voltage (VFB). Process variation effects are more
stringent in small size devices. Variations in channel length, channel width, oxide
thickness, threshold voltage, line-edge roughness, and random dopant fluctuations are the
sources of the inter-die and the intra-die variations in process parameters [the random
variations in the number and location of dopant atoms in the channel region of the device
resulting in the random variations in transistor threshold voltage (RDF)]. One of this inter
die effects is threshold voltage variations due to the changes of a single transistor (e.g.
threshold voltage increases if temperature is reduced). However, intra-die variations may
be different from one transistor to another (i.e. increase in V
for one device on the other
hand decrease in threshold voltage for another). An example of the systematic intra-die
variation can be the change in the channel length of different transistors of a die that are
spatially correlated. The RDF induced V
variation is a classic example of the random
intra-die variation. Such variations along with higher levels of integration can lead to large
spread in circuit delay, power, and robustness across different dies (Fig.1.2). Therefore, a
circuit designed to meet a target delay using nominal VTH transistors may not meet the
delay target, leading to parametric delay failures. Parameter variations have severe impact
(both in terms of errors as well as leakage) on minimum geometry circuits such as SRAM
cells. Inter-die parameter variations, coupled with the intrinsic on-die VTH variation can
result in stability failures in SRAM cells, degrading the memory yield. A cell failure can

Cahpter1: Design Challenges In Nano-Scale Technology


Fig.1.3. Increasing power density with technology scaling [Intel]

occur due to:(a) an increase in the cell access time (access failure), (b) unstable read/write
operations (read/write failure),or (c) failure in the data holding capability of the cell at a
lower supply voltage. Body-biasing has been used for mitigating the impact of inter-die
process variation and reducing the parametric failures [1]. However, it has been observed
that the effectiveness of body-biasing reduces with technology scaling [2]. Different
challenges in ultra low supply voltage, especially for storage circuits, are investigated in
this dissertation. Unfortunately, for lower supply voltages the effect of process variations
increases significantly. Therefore looking at process variations in different designs,
especially for very low voltages is interesting.
Power Density and Die-Temperature: Increasing power density due to faster clock,
power consumption (due to dynamic power and leakage) and high device integration is
becoming another issue. The increased power density translates into excessive heat while
the cooling capability of the package remains limited. Hence, it gives rise to elevation of
overall die temperature as well as localized heating at highly active regions of a chip
(called hot-spots", Fig.1.3). Traditionally, a circuit is designed to operate at worst-case
temperature which is inefficient given the fact that the circuit may experience the worst-
case condition only for short duration. Dynamic thermal management techniques like logic
shutdown, clock gating, frequency scaling, voltage-frequency throttling etc. have been
proposed in past [3] [4] [5]. Although these techniques are capable of bringing down power
density and temperature, they also degrade the performance considerably. Dynamic voltage
scaling can be an effective way to reduce temperature in the event of overheating because
it reduces both the switching as well as leakage power. However, if the clock frequency is
not scaled simultaneously, then increased path delays (due to lower voltage) may result
into wrong computation. Combined V-f control technique reduces leads to cubic benefit in
terms of power saving at the cost of complex control circuitry and pipeline stalls [5].
Nano-scale reliability: As dimensions of MOS devices have been scaled down, new
reliability problems are coming into effect. One of these emerging reliability issues is aging
effects that result in device performance degradation over time. NBTI (Negative biased
temperature instability) is a well-known aging phenomenon, which is a limiting factor for
future scaling of devices. NBTI results the generation of trapped charges, which cause
threshold voltage degradation of PMOS. Another reliability issues are PBTI, Hot carrier
injection (HCI), and TDDB that should be considered for ultra-scaled nano-scale devices.
Cahpter1: Design Challenges In Nano-Scale Technology


Due to higher electric field in ultra-thin body (UTB) devices, HCI is increased significantly
that should be considered for future technologies.
1.1. Thesis Organization:
In this thesis, we consider different challenges in ultra low power circuit design for
wireless sensor network applications, portable devices etc. We present several leakage-
tolerant, noise-immune, low power and high performance designs for different DSP
application. The main contribution of this thesis is to design ultra low power digital circuit
design for wireless sensor nodes at very low supply voltages (Near/Sub-threshold).
However, in this thesis we tried to consider other potentials for future low power and
reliable design by considering new devices such as double-gate MOSFETs. Therefore, the
main contributions of this work are as follows:
- High-Speed and leakage-tolerant design: In this part of our work, we propose several
low leakage logic circuits and basic blocks such as wide OR-gates, Full adder (FA)
design, XOR, Multiplexer (MUX), comparators etc. Chapter 2, covers designing basic
logic circuit blocks for high performance and low power targets.
- Flip-Flop design: Among the logic elements, latches and flip-flops (FF) are critical for
the performance of a digital system. Flip-flops, the characteristic building block of any
clocking or pipeline system, are the most important components in synchronous VLSI
designs. Unless they are carefully designed and characterized, the performance of FFs
has a critical effect on the system. Interestingly, the FFs often consumes the largest
share of the total system power (20%-50%) [6]. We propose several new flip-flops to
reduce the total power of DSP applications such as filters, and DCT. Results show at
least 27% total saving compared to using conventional FFs.
- SRAM Design: SRAM bit-cells utilizing minimum sized transistors are susceptible to
various random process variations. Hence reducing the memory operating supply
voltage (V
), while maintaining the yield is becoming extremely challenging in nano-
scale technologies. Chapter 4 focuses on developing novel circuit techniques for robust
memory operation with lower V
. In this chapter we propose different SRAM design

Fig.1.4. Basic sensor node block
Cahpter1: Design Challenges In Nano-Scale Technology


at bit-cell level and SRAM architecture level. Simulation results show significant
improvement in read and write robustness (2X) while lower leakage is achieved.
- Challenges in Sub-Threshold Design: challenges observed in 65nm technology for
circuits utilizing sub-threshold region operation are presented. Different circuits are
analyzed and simulated for ultra low supply voltages to find the best topology
for sub-threshold operation. The effect of body-biasing technique is investigated in
detail to find the optimal point to get the minimum power and maximum performance.
SRAM and Flip-Flop designs are re-designed using body-biasing technique and
stacking effect in chapter 5.
- Double-Gate Design: To overcome short channel effects (SCE), different
candidate transistor structures have been investigated to replace the bulk
MOSFETs. Among them, FinFETs is considered to be a promising candidate for
scaled CMOS devices in sub-22-nm technology nodes. This device shows increased
immunity to SCE due to improved channel control by the gate voltage.
Furthermore, threshold voltage (V
) can be easily controlled by engineering the
gate contact work function. Moreover, V
variations due to random dopant in the
channel region (RDF) are reduced due to almost intrinsic channel doping. In this
chapter, new FinFET device is introduced to improve the device characteristics.
Furthermore, a robust SRAM design is introduced to resolve the conflict between
read and write margins. Results show 10 times less leakage while DIBL and
subthreshold-slope are improved by three times and 20%, respectively.
Furthermore, the conflict between read and write is resolved.
In general, the main goal of the thesis is to consider low power design for wireless sensor
nodes. Fig.1.4 shows a typical wireless sensor node block that includes: Energy sources,
wireless communication interface, sensor interface, including analog/digital converter and
I/O parts, computational unit, that processes sensor reading and networking algorithms and
is able to store small amount of intermediate data, Memory that stores program code,
intermediate data, and queries and networking data, and finally debugging interface.
Therefore, we focused on designing the storage blocks such as memory and flip-flops, and
low power digital design for processing unit. At the same time, we explore the behavior of
nano-scale transistors at ultra low supply voltages.

Ultra Low Power
Digital Circuit
Blocks for
Wireless Sensor
Chapter 2
Chapter 2: Ultra Low Power Digital Circuit Blocks


Chapter 2

Ultra Low Power Digital Circuit Blocks
for Wireless Sensor Nodes

With the rapid development of portable digital applications, the demand for increasing
speed, compact implementation, and low power dissipation triggers numerous research
efforts [7]-[10]. The role of power dissipation in VLSI systems is pervasive. For high
performance design, power dissipation can be the limiting factor to clock speed and circuit
density because of the inability to get power to circuits or to remove the heat that they
generate. For portable information systems, power dissipation has a direct bearing on size,
weight, cost, and battery life. Consequently, power dissipation is becoming widely
recognized as a top-priority issue for VLSI circuit design. The challenge facing the VLSI
designer is to find and effectively apply circuit techniques that can balance the needs for
performance with those of power dissipation [11]. Therefore ultra low power circuits
design becomes the major candidate for portable applications such as wireless sensor
nodes. One common technique for reducing power is power supply scaling. For CMOS
circuits the cost of lower supply voltage is lower performance. Scaling the threshold
voltage can limit this performance loss somewhat but results in increased leakages [12].
Other techniques used in low power design include clock gating and dynamic
voltage/frequency scaling [13], [14].
Subthreshold circuit design involves scaling the supply voltage below the threshold
voltage, where load capacitances are charged/discharged by subthreshold leakage currents.
Leakage currents are orders of magnitude lower than drain currents in the strong inversion
regime, therefore there is a significant limit on the maximum performance of subthreshold
circuits. Therefore, traditionally, subthreshold circuits have been used for applications
which require ultra-low power dissipation, with low-to-moderate circuit performance [15].
In the first part of this chapter, different topologies for full-adders are presented along with
some circuit modifications to reduce the power consumption. Due to the importance of
leakage power consumption in digital CMOS circuits, new technique is proposed to reduce
2.1. Full Adder Topologies


the sub-threshold leakage current in high fan-in gates (e.g. OR gate) and basic blocks such
as comparators and multiplexers for high-performance applications. Two circuit techniques
are proposed to reduce the leakage current in nano-scale circuits as follows:
1. Leakage-tolerant circuit for domino logic
2. Adaptive supply voltage technique
Let us first look at different topologies for full-adders.

Fig.2.1. CMOS standard 28T full adder

2.1. Full Adder Topologies
One-Bit Full adder design is one of the most critical components of a processor that
determines its throughput, as it is used in ALU, the floating point unit, and address
generation in case of cache or memory accesses [15]. A variety of full adders have been
reported in [16]-[24]. However, in this chapter, we focus on the full adder topologies
specified for subthreshold design and wireless sensor networks. One of the most well
known full adders is the standard CMOS full adder that uses 28 transistors as shown in
Fig.2.1. In [16] the sense energy recovery full adder (SERF) is presented. The topology of
this circuit is shown in Fig.2.2 which requires only 10 transistors to implement a full adder.

Table.2.1 Truth table of SERF full adder design

Chapter 2: Ultra Low Power Digital Circuit Blocks


Several full adder topologies have been presented in [18] with a low number of transistors
(i.e. small area). However, in this chapter, we focus on two topologies including GDI and
SERF full adders.
Let us, first, explore several full adder topologies based on the GDI technique. Then,
different circuit topologies based on the SERF full adder are presented for ultra low supply
voltage applications. The multi threshold technique is used to improve the operation of the
SERF full adder design.
The SERF design uses only 10 transistors to implement a full adder. Although his circuit
operates properly at higher supply voltages, if the supply voltage is scaled further to
voltages lower than 0.3V, this circuit fails to work. Table.2.1 describes the behavior of this
circuit for different inputs. As it can be seen, the SERF adder (Fig.2.2 (a)) is confronted
with serious problems especially at lower supply voltages. Assume that one of the two

Fig.2.2. Different topologies for SERF full adder [17]
(a) (b)

Fig.2.3. Equivalent circuit in input vector ABC
2.1. Full Adder Topologies


input vectors ABC
=110 and 111 are applied. As seen from Fig.2.2 (a), when A=1 and
B=1, the voltage at node F is at V
. Now if C
=0 then C
will be equal to V

and the Sum signal is discharged to zero driven by a MOS transistor with its gate
connected to V
. When C
=1, C
is connected to V
(or lower) and the signal
SUM raises to V
. Another problem with this design is the time in which the floating
node is connected to 0 (A=0, B=1 or A=1, B=0).When C
is 1, C
is charged to V
but when C
=0, C
must be discharged to ground using a PMOS pass transistor that
cannot fully discharge the output. In this case, C
is discharged to V
which is higher than
(Where V
and V
are the threshold voltages of PMOS and NMOS transistors,
respectively). This problem is intensified, when the circuit operates at subthreshold
voltage. Let say A is at logic 1, current leaks to the C
node which makes C
increase even more than V
in some cases depending on the sizing of the pass transistors.
In this case the Sum voltage depends on the C
state. For instance, if C
is 1, the Sum
output is charged to V
which is a problem in subthreshold region by assuming
=0.3V while V
=0.25V. In this situation, output is charged to 0.05V that is assumed as
The most important problem with the SERF full adder is in the case when A=1, B=1 and
=0. For this input vector, as mentioned before the output signal reaches V
Simulation results show that at V
=0.3V, the output signal reaches 0.1V which is not high
enough to change the state of the next stage. To eliminate these problems a new topology is
introduced. This limitation also causes a constraint for lowering the supply voltage. For
instance, to have a correct output for SUM it seems that the supply voltage cannot be
lowered less than V
/2+2Vtn indicating that the supply voltage must be higher than
/2+0.28V in a 65nm CMOS technology. However this limit depends on the circuit
design topology and also the sizing and the device types that are employed. To mitigate
this problem, the gates of pass-transistor (PT) for C
signal must be connected to V

during the challenging state (A=B=1, C
=0). Then the supply voltage may be reduced to as
low as V
which is estimated to be V
/2+0.14. For example when V
=0.3, in
worst case C
will be V
=0.16V, which can be used as a high logic. In addition the
NMOS pass transistor may be upsized to further lower the supply voltage. It seems to be
possible to lower the supply voltage to 0.25V.

Fig.2.4. Equivalent circuit for related inputs (SUM)

Fig.2.5. SERF behavior

Chapter 2: Ultra Low Power Digital Circuit Blocks


Fig.2.6. SERF behavior Analysis
For input signals A=1, B=1, and C
=0, the equivalent circuit for SUM signal is shown in
Fig.2.3. As it can be seen the state of the output cannot be determined precisely, since two
PMOS devices and also the NMOS transistor are ON, then the output state is roughly
dependant on the transistor sizing. Consequently, the circuit fails to evaluate correctly in
some cases. Let us consider other SERF full adders in Fig.2.4 for input vector
=11X. As it can be seen in Fig.2.4, this topology consumes much power with the
input vector ABC
=110. At ultra low supply voltage the probability of failure is higher
than when operating at higher supply voltages. Fig.2.5 shows the behavior of the topology
in Fig.2.2 (c) during these two input vectors (ABC
=110 and ABC
In this topology the behavior of the circuit is improved compared with Fig.2.2 (b), so we
can reduce the supply voltage as much as V
compared to the circuit shown in Fig.2.2 (b).
In the topology of Fig.2.2 (d), there is the same problem for the SUM output signal. Fig.2.6
describes the behavior of this circuit. In Fig.2.6, if we add a circuitry, to connect the gates
of the pass transistors to V
instead of V
leads to removing the power dissipating
path due to the completely turned-off PMOS transistors, results the output connects to
instead of V
There are two possible solutions to improve the operation of the SERF circuit. The first
one is connecting the output of the XNOR gate (first stage) to V
instead of V

(when the output of XNOR gate is high) and also modifying C
to be connected to V

instead of V
or V
. The multiplexer-based SERF adder circuit is presented in
[17]. In this circuit which is shown in Fig.2.7, all parts are implemented using a
multiplexer. Although this circuit consumes less power than previous SERF topologies, it

Fig.2.7. MUX-based SERF adder [17]
2.1. Full Adder Topologies


has some serious problems at lower supply voltages. Table.2.2 shows the truth table of this
For the input vector ABC
=111, the output signals are limited to V
limits the supply voltage scaling for this circuit. The supply voltage for this circuit must be
higher than 2V
. Therefore, in 65nm technology, the supply voltage must be higher
than 0.48 which is not sufficiently low for ultra low power applications. Therefore this
circuit does not work properly in subthreshold region. Furthermore for input vector 101,
is limited to V
In this section we analyze the Gate-Diffusion Input (GDI) full adder design that is
proposed in [20]. The GDI technique is proposed by Morgenshtein et al. in [10]. This
technique reduces the power dissipation and also makes the circuit smaller. The advantage
of GDI technique two-transistor implementation of complex logic functions, and in-cell
swing restoration under certain operating conditions, are unique within existing low-power
design techniques [10]. Fig.2.8 shows the operation of GDI technique and also
implementation of a XOR gate using this technique. As it can be seen most logic functions
required can be implemented using a small number of devices. To implement a XNOR gate
using GDI, the places for applying B and B_bar can be changed. The problem with GDI-
based adder is the same as for the SERF adder. Fig.2.9 shows four topologies of GDI-based
full adder. We analyze these full adders with different inputs. Table.2.3 shows the results
for these full adders.
Table.2.2. Truth table of MUX-based SERF

Fig.2.8 (a) GDI technique (b) XOR gate using GDI
Chapter 2: Ultra Low Power Digital Circuit Blocks


These GDI-based full adders work better than SERF in most cases. However, there are
some limitations. For instance, for the input vector ABC
=001, suppose that the circuit
is working with V
=0.3V and the threshold voltage for PMOS and NMOS circuit are -
0.15 and 0.14 respectively. In this case, Fig.2.10 illustrates the problem which is even more
degradation at lower supply voltages for the circuit from Fig.2.9(c). The SUM signal value
is not stable, because of insistent power dissipation and contention between NMOS and
PMOS to determine the X node state. Also in Fig.2.9(a), there are problems with
discharging the SUM node to zero. The SUM output is discharged only to 2V
which is
high enough to be assumed as 1. However, this circuit dissipates less power than SERF
full adders. We can modify the SERF full adder to work at lower supply voltages and
alleviate the problem with these special input vectors for the GDI-based adder design. For
the GDI full adder, we can reduce the supply voltage lower than supply voltage for the
SERF circuit.

Fig.2.9. GDI XOR-based (a,b), and XNOR-based Full adder (c,d)

Fig.2.10. Failure in GDI full adder
2.1. Full Adder Topologies


Table.2.3. GDI Full-adder truth table

Fig.2.11. Proposed SERF full adder circuit

Fig.2.12. Modified SERF full adder (based on Fig.2.2 (d))
Chapter 2: Ultra Low Power Digital Circuit Blocks


Table.2.4. Truth table for full adder circuit Fig.2.11

Fig.2.13. Proposed SERF full adder

Fig.2.14. Modified GDI full adder (GDI#1)
2.2. Proposed Full Adders


2.2. Proposed Full Adders (FA)
In this section some new full adders are proposed based on the SERF and GDI
techniques. At first to modify the SERF full adder for different inputs, we add an extra
circuit to the SERF adder as shown in Fig.2.11. By adding this circuit to the SERF, the F
node voltage for input vectors ABC
=(110, 111), is connected to V
, which increases
the output by V
, so we can scale the supply voltage to V
that is estimated to be
lower than 0.3V instead of 0.45V for the SERF full adder.
Another proposed idea is as follows: We use a different configuration for the C
and a MUX to produce the SUM signal of the output of XNOR gate. This topology is
shown in Fig.2.12. For this circuit Table.2.4 shows that that the logic levels of Cout are
improved and the consuming path in SERF is mitigated. However this circuit uses one
transistor more than the SERF full adder.
Another idea that significantly improves the operation of the SERF design is using a
compound of the techniques proposed in Fig.2.11 and Fig.2.12. This proposed circuit is
shown in Fig.2.13. This circuit enables even more scaling of the supply voltage lower than
which is estimated to be 0.3V. Furthermore, we may use the precise sizing to
enable the circuit to work at lower supply voltages. This circuit shows much better
functionality compared with other SERF adder topologies. In this circuit, when A=1, B=1,

Fig.2.15. Output waveforms of GDI#1 and test bench
Chapter 2: Ultra Low Power Digital Circuit Blocks


=0, there are no problems; because the F node is connected to 1, which eliminates the
power consuming path in Fig.2.14. Because the gates of the pass transistors are connected
to V
, the PMOS transistor is off. Moreover, in the state when ABC
=111, the F node
is connected to V
, and as a result, Sum is charged to V
and results C
to V
Another circuit is a new modified GDI based full adder design. The technique is used to
improve the functionality of circuit shown in Fig.2.11 for lower supply voltages. The main
drawback with the GDI full adder is when both x and y inputs are at logic low (AB=00).
As it can be seen the main problem is with the output of first stage XNOR gate in the GDI
full adder. If we add a circuit to lower the output of first stage to logic zero instead of V
the problem is resolved. Furthermore, the original circuit dissipates more power during this
state which is now reduced using proposed circuit. The proposed GDI full adder is shown
in Fig.2.14. The added circuit is shown in bold lines in Fig.2.14.
When y and x signals are 0, this turns on the added NMOS transistor and helps to
discharge F node voltage to zero. Therefore this alleviates the problem with this circuit
described in Fig2.10. Fig.2.15 shows the waveforms for proposed FA compared to
conventional FA in Fig.2.10. We can add another transistor to the GDI full adder that is

Fig.2.16. GDI #2 full adder circuit
Table.2.5. Power consumption of full adders

2.2. Proposed Full Adders


shown in Fig.2.16. In this topology, NMOS transistor M2 is added to connect the SUM
output signal to ground when G node voltage is high. This added NMOS transistor M2
enables this circuit to work at lower supply voltages.
The proposed full-adders modify the operation of GDI and SERF full adders at very low
supply voltages. Therefore, we consider new GDI full-adders as GDI#1 and GDI#2 and for
SERF full adders by referring to the corresponding figures.

2.2.1. Simulations and results
We simulated FA circuits for different ranges of frequencies from 100 KHz to 10 MHz to
find out which circuit performs well. We use the 65nm CMOS standard models from ST
microelectronic. Also we simulated these circuits to find the lowest supply voltages that
these circuits are able to work without failure. The results for all full adders are tabulated in
Table.2.5 to show which full adder is best suited for operation in ultra low supply voltage
For SERF full adder, the most important drawback is its limitation on supply voltage
scaling that which cannot be reduced below 2V
. This problem is more challenging in
corners especially in SS corner (Slow NMOS, Slow PMOS).
The supply voltage at which SERF outputs are satisfactory is higher than 0.5V with
upsized transistors. The simulation results for different full adder circuits are shown in
As it can be seen in Table.2.5, the power consumption for SERF (Fig.2.13) full adder is
lower than other circuits. The supply voltage for this design is limited to voltages higher
than 0.3V. For these designs we can use the lower supply voltages in some cases, but we
have to use larger devices that increase the area significantly. To find the minimum supply
voltages for full adder designs, different inputs were applied at different frequency. We
considered the functionality of these circuits in different operating conditions. For instance,
as it is shown in Fig.2.15, the dotted region shows the failure in SUM signal for GDI full
adder at 0.3V supply voltage. In this case, for input vector ABC
=000, SUM should be
at zero logic. But it is discharged just to 0.16V, which can be assumed as high voltage
causing a failure in circuit. As Table.2.5 shows, for proposed full adder topologies, power
consumption is decreased significantly compared to conventional SERF and GDI full adder
counterparts. The mail reason of lower power consumption is using the lower supply
voltages that cause reduction in dynamic power (quadratic) and also subthreshold
Table.2.6 Simulation results (Delay and PDP)

Chapter 2: Ultra Low Power Digital Circuit Blocks


power consumption (exponential). Table.2.6 shows the results for delay comparison for
proposed circuits compared to other topologies in literature. As it is shown, the proposed
full adders improve the PDP in some cases by 2X times. For new GDI full adder designs,
in proposed circuits, the PDP is improved compared to conventional GDI full adder circuit
According to transistor level simulations, the power consumption is decreased with at least
62% for the SERF design and 86% for the GDI full adder design. The cost is a small area
overhead; the proposed circuits have a small area overhead up to 11% compared with
SERF and GDI full adders. Also the GDI technique showed that this logic can be suitable
for ultra low power applications.
In next section, due to the importance of leakage current mechanisms in ultra deep sub-
micron technologies, a new leakage tolerant logic circuit is proposed. Therefore, let us first
look at different sources of noises causing lower robustness in logic circuit design. As we
mentioned in chapter one, for ultra low voltage applications, I
ratio decreases
significantly. Therefore, by applying some techniques to reduce leakage current, let say by
10 times, I
increases by 10 times, results in improved performance, power, and robust

Fig.2.18. Proposed domino logic circuit-1 [30]

Fig.2.17. Te main sources of noise in domino logic circuit [26]
2.3. Leakage-Tolerant Domino Logic Circuit Design


2.3. Leakage-Tolerant Logic Circuit Design
High fan-in compact dynamic gates are often used in high performance critical units of
microprocessors. However, the use of wide dynamic gates is strongly affected by
subthreshold leakage and noise sources [25]. This is mainly due to decreased threshold
voltage that results in exponentially increased leakage currents in scaled technologies. To
reduce power consumption, supply voltage scaling is used across technology scaling.
However, threshold voltage needs to be scaled down as well to maintain transistor
overdrive for large ON currents. Less threshold voltage means smaller gate switching trip
point in domino circuits. Smaller trip points make the domino circuit more prone to input
noise. Moreover, excessive leakage can discharge the precharge (dynamic) node of a
domino circuit resulting in a logic failure (wrong evaluation). In addition to reduced trip
pint and increased leakage, other noise sources such as supply noise and crosstalk noise
also increase by technology scaling, further degrading the robustness of domino logic.
Fig.2.17 shows different noise sources and how they impact the robustness of the domino
logic [26]. Conventional approach for improving the robustness of domino circuits is
keeper transistor upsizing. However, as the keeper transistor is upsized, the contention
between keeper transistor and NMOS evaluation network increases in the evaluation phase.
Such current contention increases evaluation delay of the circuit and increases power
dissipation. Thus, keeper upsizing trades off delay and power to improve noise and leakage
immunity. Such trade-off is not acceptable because it may make the circuit too slow or too
power hungry.
There are techniques proposed in the literature to address this issue. High-speed domino
logic [27] and conditional keeper [28] are among the most effective solutions for
improving the robustness of domino logic. Fig.2.17. the main sources of noise in domino
logic circuit [26]. In this section, we propose new domino circuits for high fan-in and
high-speed applications in ultra deep submicron technologies. The proposed circuits
employ a footer transistor that is initially OFF in the evaluation phase to reduce leakage
and then turned ON to complete the evaluation. In order to avoid the delay penalty due to
an initially OFF footer transistor, an extra path for evaluation is provided that is controlled
by the output. According to simulations in a predictive 70nm process [29], the proposed
circuits increase noise immunity by more than 26X for wide OR gates and shows
performance improvement of up to 20% compared to conventional domino logic circuits.
The proposed circuits reduce the contention between keeper transistor and NMOS
evaluation transistors at the beginning of evaluation phase.
2.3.1. Proposed Domino Logic Circuit Design Using Feedback from Output
There are many proposed circuits that reduce leakage current and total power
consumption. One of the existing leakage tolerant domino circuits is high-speed domino
logic (HS). The description of this circuit has been explained in [27]. Another existing
leakage tolerant domino circuit is conditional keeper domino logic (CKL) [28]. In our
design, a conditional keeper that is turned on during the hold time is employed to dominate
the leakage through parallel NMOS network. The schematic of our proposed circuit is
shown in Fig.2.18 (referred as proposed circuit-1). The proposed circuit-1 employs
stacking effect (by adding the footer transistor MN1) for noise immunity improvement and
uses the steady state voltage of N_FOOT node at the beginning of evaluation phase to
reduce leakage of the evaluation network. Below the operation of the circuit is analyzed for
the different operational modes.

Chapter 2: Ultra Low Power Digital Circuit Blocks


a) Precharge mode:
When clock is low, the circuit is in the precharge phase. MP1 is turned on and the
dynamic node starts charging to V
. In addition, PMOS keeper transistor (MP2) is turned
on helping the precharge. At the beginning of the precharge phase, MN1 is on. Thus, it
pulls the N_FOOT node to ground. Meanwhile, node GMN2 is low and MN2 is in the off
state. After the delay of the inverters (delay element), MN1 is turned off. In this case, the
voltage of N_FOOT rises to an intermediate voltage level. The evaluation transistors are
sized such that the DC voltage of GMN2 node does not exceed the threshold voltage of
MN2 to avoid any possibility of short circuit current in the precharge phase. We have
selected MN2 to be larger than other NMOS transistors.
b) All inputs at zero in evaluation
At the beginning of the evaluation phase, NMOS footer transistor MN1 is off. Thus, N-
FOOT node is floating. Therefore, in this case, its voltage reaches a DC voltage. If this
voltage exceeds |V
, MP3 is turned on. In the other words:
if V V V MP ON

> +

In that case, the GMN2 node is charged to V
and therefore:

ON MN V V if
: 2
2 2


If condition (2) is satisfied, (MN2 is turned on), a wrong evolution occurs. However,
in our design we have sized MN1, MN2, MP3, and MP4 considering the voltage of GMN2.
The sidings are done in such a way that condition (1) and (2) do not happen. Therefore, the
DC voltage of N_FOOT acts as a source biasing for the evaluation network without
affecting the functionality of the circuit. This DC voltage reduces leakage of the evaluation
network substantially, resulting in significant leakage tolerance. Our proposed circuit has
significant immunity to input noise because due to the DC voltage of NMOS transistors
source terminals in the evaluation network, their threshold voltage increases. Thus, their
trip point increases and their subthreshold leakage current reduce significantly, due to

Fig.2.19. Waveforms for proposed Circuit-1
2.3. Leakage-Tolerant Domino Logic Circuit Design


stacking effect. In our proposed circuit, performance improvement is achieved by upsizing
MN2 transistor. This is further described in the following subsection.
c) An input switching high in evaluation phase:
The waveforms of the circuit in this mode are shown in Fig.2.19. As observed, the
increased voltage of N_FOOT node at the beginning of the evaluation phase causes MP3 to
be turned on. Therefore, the GMN2 node is charged to the voltage of N_FOOT node which
rises above the threshold voltage of MN2. Therefore, the NMOS transistor MN2 is turned
on at the onset of evaluation phase (when the footer transistor MN1 is off), connecting the
dynamic node to ground. After delay of the delay element, N_FOOT node is strongly at
zero voltage. Thus, the transistor MP3 switches to the off state. Since the output nod is at
high now, it turns on the MN3, and connects GMN2 node to ground turning MN2 off.

Fig.2.21. Proposed MUX-1

Fig.2.20. High speed proposed domino logic circuit-2
Chapter 2: Ultra Low Power Digital Circuit Blocks


However, the rest of evaluation phase (discharging of the dynamic node) completes
through the evaluation network and the footer transistor that is fully on. Here we have more
degree of freedom for increasing speed or enhancing noise immunity. For example, for
improving speed, upsizing of MP3, MN2, MN1, evaluation transistors, and MN1 are all
To improve the operation of the proposed circuit-1 we use an extra circuit to improve the
evaluation speed. This circuit is shown in Fig.2.20 (referred as proposed circuit-2). After
the primary time of evaluation, the dynamic node starts to be discharged (when at least one
of inputs is at high). The input of small keeper transistor MP2 starts to go high. So, both
inputs of the NAND gate are at high logic, so the output of the NAND gate goes to low and
the gate of NMOS MD transistor start to going high that helps to discharging dynamic
node. Then the speed of our proposed circuit is improved significantly. In other times at
least one of the inputs of the NAND gate is 0, so the voltage of the MD transistor is low.
Therefore the MD transistor is switched off.
To show the efficacy of proposed domino logic circuit, a multiplexer and a comparator
designs based on the proposed domino logic design are presented.

Fig.2.22. Proposed comparator-1

Fig.2.23. Proposed Comparator-2
2.3. Leakage-Tolerant Domino Logic Circuit Design

24 Proposed Multiplexer
High fan-in dynamic MUXs are commonly used in register files for implementation of
bit-lines [31]. In register files, because of the fairly small size of the memory, the bit-lines
are implemented using wide domino MUX gates [32]. Multiplexers with a high fan in are
widely used in many applications, such as the column decoders of memories. In footless
domino logic MUX, the excessive leakage of the evaluation network can cause logic
failure during the read operation.
A method is proposed in [31] to improve the leakage-immunity of register file bit-lines
is pseudo static bit-line. In this technique, the subthreshold leakage is reduced
considerably. However, the technique either exhibits considerable increase in transistor
count and delay penalty due to the use of many static OR gates. The proposed technique
can be applied to the register file bit-line MUX as shown in the Fig.2.21. The worst case
scenario for noise at the inputs is when all the inputs from the memory cells are high, and
all the RS signals are low and receive same noise in the evaluation phase. In the FLDL
MUX, the keeper transistor is upsized from a Keeper ratio of 1 to 2 in order to achieve
different data points for delay and noise immunity. The FLDL MUX fails to operate for
smaller keeper sizes because of high subthreshold leakage in the 70-nm technology. In the
pseudo static MUX, the keeper transistor is upsized from a keeper ratio of 0.1 to 1 in order
to achieve different data points for delay and noise immunity. In the proposed MUX, the
keeper transistor is sized for a keeper ratio of 0.1 to 0.3 to achieve different data points for
delay and noise immunity. Proposed MUX-2 is designed based on the configuration in
Fig.2.18. To get the different data points, we increase the keeper ratio from 0.1 to 0.3. To
improve the noise immunity of this circuit, we can use the minimum size devices for the
NAND gate in proposed circui-2. Proposed High Fan-in Comparators
The worst case for delay is when inputs A and B are different in only a single-bit
position. In this case, only one of the evaluation paths conducts and discharges the
precharge node. The worst case scenario for noise at the inputs is the case where all the
inputs are low and receive the same noise in the evaluation phase. In the standard domino
comparator, the keeper transistor is upsized from a keeper ratio of 1 to 2 in order to
achieve different data points for delay and noise immunity. The standard domino
comparator fails to operate for smaller keeper sizes because of high leakage in scaled
technologies (70 nm). In the proposed circuit that is shown in Fig.2.22, the keeper size
variations are very small. We changed the keeper size from minimum size to 0.15 to
achieve data points. In fact, in proposed circuit the speed is almost independent of keeper
size but it is due to Mn2 sizing. We can achieve even more speed by increasing the size of
NMOS transistor Mn2. UNG is defined as the amplitude of input noise V
that causes an
equal amplitude noise pulse at V
Our simulation results are obtained in the worst case corner of the 70-nm predictive
technology at 0.9 V and 110C. Meanwhile the proposed circuit has a better performance
and also UNG compared with Diode-Footed domino logic [32]. To configure the proposed
comparator-2, a configuration based on Fig.2.20 is designed (referred as proposed
comparator-2) that is shown in Fig.2.23.
Chapter 2: Ultra Low Power Digital Circuit Blocks


In this section, we study the behavior of our proposed circuits based on simulation
results. The results are obtained using predictive technology model of 70nm technology at
the temperature of 110C. The noise immunity metric used in our work is unity noise gain
(UNG) [32]. UNG is the amount of DC noise at all inputs that result in the same amount of
noise at the output noise [32-34]. Therefore, larger UNG indicate more noise (leakage)
immunity. UNG of our proposed circuits is obtained by varying keeper transistor size from
to 1W
(WEVAL being the width of evaluation transistors) for both circuits.
The keeper ratio is defined as the size of keeper transistor to the size of evaluation
transistors. The proposed circuit-1 shows very high UNG compared to other proposed
circuits and higher speed than some existing designs [33-42]. Therefore, the proposed
circuit-1 has a higher performance and very high UNG over conventional domino circuits.
Results show that the improvement of UNG for our proposed circuits compared to

Fig.2.24. UNG vs. Delay for proposed MUXs

Fig.2.25. UNG versus Delay for proposed comparators
2.3. Leakage-Tolerant Domino Logic Circuit Design


conventional circuits is as large as 26X. In addition, speed of our proposed circuit is
acceptable and it shows 20% improvement for some cases. In proposed circuit-2 the
performance is increased significantly due the added configuration that improves
discharging the dynamic node during the evaluation phase (when at least one of the input
signals is high). But the UNG of this circuit is lower than proposed circuit-1. In the
evaluation mode with all inputs zero, we observed that the subthreshold leakage current has
reduced significantly in our circuits. In our proposed circuits, by sizing transistors
precisely, we can get less power dissipation compared to conventional circuits.
Simulation results show that the power dissipation of our proposed circuits is lower
compared to other domino logic circuits. The proposed circuits have employed small
devices for the evaluation network, and therefore, the areas of our proposed circuits are less
comparing with conventional circuits [30].
In summary, according to the simulation results, the propose circuits show 3.58X to 26X
UNG improvement, 10% to 41% performance enhancement, and 6% to 22% power
reduction compared to existing leakage tolerant domino techniques. New proposed domino
circuit-2 has a lower UNG compared with proposed circuit in [30], but it improves speed of
circuit with 10%-15%. We employ our two proposed circuits to design new comparators
and MUXs.
Fig.2.24 shows the results of this experiment for 16-in MUX in the worst case I
of the 70-nm predictive technology at 0.9 V and 110C. As observed from Fig.2.24, the
UNGs of the proposed circuits are larger than that of the FLDL design, and the proposed
circuits design show the best delay among all the designs. Of course, the pseudo-static
implementation has the highest UNG, but its delay is larger than our proposed circuit.
Also, proposed circuit-2 shows a higher speed than FLDL MUX with a higher UNG. For
the comparator circuit-1, as observed from Fig.2.25, the UNG of the proposed circuit is
considerably larger than that of the Footless Domino Logic Comparator (FLDLC), and the
Fig.2.26. Proposed domino logic circuit

Supply Voltage
Supply voltage
0 0 0 VDD
0 0 1 VDDD
0 1 0 VDD
0 1 1 VDD
1 0 0 >2vdd/3
1 0 1 <VDD/2
1 1 0 >VDD/2
1 1 1 VDD/4
For Clk=0,
supply voltage equals VDD
For Clk=1,
supply voltage is less than VDD
Chapter 2: Ultra Low Power Digital Circuit Blocks


delay of the proposed design is comparable to the best delay of the standard domino
design, but for proposed comparator-2, the speed is improved compared to FLDL
comparator in some cases. However the second domino design (e.g. circuit-2) has an area
overhead more than 10% compared to other circuits.
2.3.2. New Domino Logic Style Using Adaptive Supply Voltage
The application of aggressive circuit design techniques which only focus on enhancing
circuit speed without considering power is no longer an acceptable approach in most high
complexity digital systems. The power consumed in high performance integrated circuits
has increased to levels that impose a limiting factor on the system performance and
functionality [43]-[46]. Compared to a typical static gate, a domino logic gate operates at a
higher speed and occupies less area while implementing the same function [45]. However,
deep sub micrometer (DSM) domino logic circuits utilizing low power supply and
threshold voltages have decreased noise margins [43]. Fig.2.26 shows the proposed domino
logic circuit using the adaptive supply voltage (ASV) circuitry.
This circuit was designed to work at very low supply voltages (lower than V
=0.4V), so
the drive current of NMOS transistors decreases significantly which in turn degrades the
performance of the circuit. For footed domino logic circuit (Fig.2.26. with constant supply
voltage), NMOS devices are upsized to overcome the performance degradation that in turn
increases the area overhead and also dissipates more power. To illustrate how this adaptive
supply voltage circuit works, Fig.2.27 is constructive. As it can be seen when Clk is low
(Clk_bar=1, Precharge phase), the supply voltage node is connected to V
. In
evaluation mode (Clk_bar=0), When all inputs are zero (idle mode), the supply voltage
decreases to mitigate the power dissipation, but lowered supply voltage deteriorates the
reliability and sensitivity to input noise because of reduced on-current through the PMOS
keeper transistor to hold the dynamic node state. To overcome this problem in our design,

Fig.2.27. Waveforms of ASV circuit

2.3. Leakage-Tolerant Domino Logic Circuit Design


the NMOS devices in the evaluation network are downsized. In ultra low supply voltages
the current through NMOS transistor is lower than PMOS transistor in the same conditions.

Furthermore, because of lowered supply voltage the DIBL is reduced significantly so the
leakage current of NMOS transistor in idle mode is decreased significantly, but when at
least one of the input signals is high, the supply voltage decreases to a level lower than
/2 increasing the speed of evaluation. Furthermore, lowering the supply voltage in this
phase mitigates the contention between PMOS keeper transistor and NMOS evaluation
network to hold the state of the dynamic node. This circuit is appropriate for OR-gates with
less than four inputs. To use it for higher fan-in OR gates, three signals of all inputs to the
adaptive supply voltage circuit might be used.
Efficiency of this technique is strongly dependant of the input signals. When at least one
of the selected input signals (applied signals to ASV) is at high level, the effect of ASV
technique on reducing power consumption and improved speed is distinct. However, when
all randomly selected signals applied to ASV circuit are zero, this circuit increases the area
overhead and also the power consumption, but this degradation in power consumption is
not significant. High fan-in gates are prone to failure due to very low I
ratio. For two-
input domino AND gate, due to three stacked NMOS transistors the probability of failure is
very high. To avoid the failure NMOS transistors must be upsized significantly, that
increases the area, but by applying this technique to the AND gate, when all inputs are high
(A=1, B=1, Clk_bar=0), the supply voltage node is at the lowest rate which lets the
evaluation network to discharge the dynamic node without any significant contention
between the evaluation network and the PMOS keeper transistor. For higher fan-in (4-

Fig.2.28. 3-inputs OR-Gate topology
Supply voltage
For Clk=0, supply voltage equals VDD
For Clk=1, supply voltage is less than VDD
C Keeper
Table.2.7. power consumption comparison (nW)

Chapter 2: Ultra Low Power Digital Circuit Blocks


inputs OR-gate), two input signals are applied to the ASV circuit randomly. The
probability that A or B is high, is 0.5. Then due to the significant effect of the ASV circuit
to mitigate the power dissipation and also increasing the speed, this circuit is useful. This
probability is lowered for higher fan-in. For wireless network applications, using low fan-
in gates (Fan-in=2) is usual. Therefore, in this case our proposed circuit has a higher speed
and lower power dissipation.
Table.2.7. shows the results for power consumption of a 2-input OR gate for footed
domino logic circuit employing the new logic circuit using adaptive supply voltage
technique. As the results show, the power consumption decreases significantly while the
new logic uses more transistors. Also, this technique enables domino logic circuit to work
at ultra low supply voltages (subthreshold region), due to decreased contention between
PMOS and NMOS transistors at the primary time of the evaluation phase. The delay of the
proposed circuit does not increase in the same supply voltage (with the same size). In some
cases the speed of domino logic using this technique increases. For higher fan-in gates, we
can add NMOS transistor in parallel with input B in ASV circuit. The topology of 3-inputs
domino OR-gate is illustrated in Fig.2.28.

2.4. Conclusions
In this chapter, several low power full-adder topologies were explained in details. We
modified full-adder circuits to work in sub-threshold region properly. One of the most
important issues in circuit design is leakage current through high fan-in gates for todays
data path designs. In this chapter, some domino logic circuits were proposed for ultra low
power data-path design along with utilizing domino style logic in some topologies such as
high fan-in multiplexers and comparators. An adaptive supply voltage technique was
proposed to reduce the failure in different logic design. In this chapter an application of
proposed adaptive supply voltage technique was presented for domino logic style that
showed significant improvement in power and performance of domino logic circuits.

Design for
Low Power
Chapter 3
Chapter 3: Flip-Flop Design for Low Power Applications


Chapter 3

Flip-Flop Design for Low Power

With the rapid growth of multimedia services in wireless applications, the demand for
signal processing systems that deliver high-quality/high-performance levels under ever-
diminishing power budgets has increased tremendously [46]. Therefore, power reduction
techniques at various levels of design abstraction [48] have been proposed. Such techniques
either try to reduce the complexity of computations or attempt to apply voltage and frequency
scaling adaptively depending on the load of operations. Apart from such techniques, power
can be reduced by reducing the power of basic elements of todays circuits. Interestingly,
ubiquitous elements of todays complex systems are flip-flops (FF) which make up a major
portion of the synchronous circuits. As a result, the structure of FF used in circuits has a large
impact on the system power consumption. Moreover, the type of FF used determines the
amount of clock load, which directly affects dynamic power consumption P
of a circuit.
Thus, it is prudent to come up with techniques to reduce the power consumption of FFs to
reduce the overall system power.
Techniques to lower unnecessary internal node switching can be used to reduce the total
power consumption, particularly for applications with lesser-input activities. It can be noted
that the signal activity can be low in certain input bits (most significant bits, MSBs) of signal
processing applications such as in image processing and video processing [49,50].
Unfortunately, conventional FFs do not take advantage of such low input activity and the
power consumption due to such FFs can be large. Conditional-capturing flip-flop, presented
in [51, 52], achieves improvement in power consumption for lower activities of inputs.
However, the technique uses skewed inverters and extra circuitry causing significant area
overhead. We propose a new Sense Amplifier FF (SAFF) in which the switching of the
internal nodes is dependent on switching activity of the input data (Data-Dependent SAFF
(DD-SAFF)). Hence, unnecessary transitions are eliminated during clock transitions when
input data is unchanged. We show that the proposed FF has much lower power consumption
(40%) compared to SAFF. However, the power savings with the proposed design comes at a
cost of minor degradation (5%) in setup time and Clk-Q delay. Another technique that is used
3.1. Flip-Flop Design


to lower the power consumption along with the total delay is known as pulsed flip-flop
technique. Such implementation results in reduction of negative setup time (T
) and thus the
total delay T
(where T
is the delay from the input clock to the output Q of the FF).
Note that, T
is the Figure of Merit for a FF, since T
, T
delays together with T
(propagation delay of a combinational logic), determine the operating frequency of a pipeline
system [53]. Hence, the desire for reduced delay introduced by the FFs (that is T
and/or T
motivates for the development of a new and low-power pulse-based flip-flop. Recently the
proposed pulsed FFs utilize a pulse generation technique to produce the desired clock. These
FFs are often modifications of the master-slave latch-pair [54, 55] or pulse-triggered latch
[56-58]. Note that, pulsed latches allow smaller data-to-output delay than the master-slave
latches. This is attributed to the fact that their critical path consists of a single latch (assuming
that the input data arrives when the latch is fully transparent). In addition, the pulse generating
circuitry may be implemented (a) internally (i.e. as a part of a single flip-flop) or (b)
externally (i.e. externally produced and then applied to adjacent flip-flops). The latter
technique reduces the total power consumption significantly due to clock ring between
neighboring FFs. We apply a clock-gating technique to produce a specific shaped pulse
showing fewer penalties in area and delay compared to existing techniques. A narrow clock
pulse is generated and applied to an array of FFs to reduce the total power of the clocking
In this chapter we propose a design approach that utilizes the advantages of the new data
dependent and pulsed flip-flops described above. Specifically, we propose a preferential usage
of flip-flops in various architectures depending on the type of computation that they are
sampling. Initially, we identify the FFs that can be replaced with the proposed data dependent
flip-flops in various DSP applications. We show that the use of data dependent flip-flop for
nodes that exhibit low switching activity in the various DSP applications leads to a significant
power reduction. Interestingly, when the data dependent flip-flops are combined with pulsed
approach, power is further reduced due to lower switching. To prove the efficacy of the
proposed approach we apply it to various popular DSP applications such as discrete cosine
transform (DCT) and FIR sub-systems. The contributions of our designs can be summarized
as follows:
1) Proposes a data dependent flip-flop able to reduce power by up to 42% when used to
sample bits with low switching activity.
2) Proposes a new low overhead pulse generation circuit that allows further power
reduction and delay penalty, thereby increasing the efficiency of pulsed flip-flops.
3) Combines the data dependent flip-flops with the pulsed approach and uses them in
locations of architectures that showcase low switching activity.
4) Apply the combined approach to various popular applications such as counter, DCT and
FIR filtering. We first implement a counter where the most significant bits (MSBs) are
implemented using DD-SAFF, since they have lower switching activity compared to the
least significant bits (LSBs). In addition, we applied the proposed FF to widely
used DSP applications, FIR filter and DCT in which FFs play a major role in total power
consumption of the circuit. Results show large improvement (25.7%-42%) compared to
using conventional sense-amplifier based flip-flops.
5) Compare the proposed flip-flops with various existing ones.

3.1. Flip-Flop Design
Several low-power flip-flop architectures have been proposed in literature to decrease the
power consumption of a system [59]. The SAFF design can be applied to digital signal
processing (DSP) applications that consist of systems such as Discrete Cosine Transform
(DCT), FFT, Viterbi. By utilizing SAFF in these applications, lower power consumption is
achieved [60]. Thus, it is obvious that the desire for delay improvement of the SAFF can be
Chapter 3: Flip-Flop Design for Low Power Applications


achieved by decreasing the number of NMOS stack transistors. Note that the upsizing of the
stacked NMOS transistors is another way to achieve higher performance. Furthermore, in case
evaluation is done for a shorter time (after rising-edge of the clock), the flip-flop robustness is
improved due to disconnected storage nodes (S and R) from ground.
In this section we explain different conventional flip-flops that show better performance in
terms of speed and power compared to other counterparts. We focus on sense-amplifier flip-
flop (SAFF) that has lower power consumption compared to other conventional flip-flops.
Moreover, it is suitable for dual-rail data-paths [61]. Easier integration of logic circuitry with
flip-flops and reduced swing of the clock pulses are other advantages of this circuit [62].
SAFF incorporates a precharged sense amplifier in the first stage to generate a negative pulse,
and a Set-Reset (SR) latch in the second stage to capture the pulse and hold the results [63,
64]. Since the proposed design is based on SAFF, let us first consider the operation of sense-
amplifier flip-flop in more detail.

3.1.1. Sense-Amplifier Flip-Flop
The schematic of sense-amplifier flip-flop is shown in Fig.3.1. The circuit works as
follows: when the clock is in precharge mode, the master stage nodes (S and R) are both
charged to V
using two PMOS transistors (MP1 and MP2). When the rising edge of the
clock arrives, S or R is discharged to ground depending on the value of input (D). In the case
when D is high, three stacked NMOS transistors discharge node S to ground that causes
output (Q) to charge to 1. Due to the cross-coupled inverters, R remains high. Note that
SAFF comes with a delay penalty. This is due to two reasons: the use of three stacked NMOS
transistors and the low speed of the static output latch. In terms of power, SAFF outperforms
its counterparts due to stacking effect and minimum sized design. However, it consumes
unnecessary power even when the inputs do not change. The major internal nodes are
precharged continuously even when the clock is low. For instance let us consider a scenario in
which D remains constant (e.g. at 1) for long period of time. In this case, S and R hold 0
and 1, respectively. When clock is low, internal nodes are precharged to V
. Thereafter,
on rising edge of clock, S is discharged to ground. Consequently, internal nodes of the SAFF
charge/discharge, regardless of the input condition. Hence, the total power consumption of the
SAFF can be significantly reduced by avoiding such redundant internal switching.

Fig.3.1. Sense-Amplifier Flip-Flop
3.1. Flip-Flop Design


Other flip-flops that are explained are as follows: a) Hybrid latch flip-flop (HLFF). b)
Modified transmission gate flip-flop (TGFF).

3.1.2. Hybrid Latch Flip-Flop (HLFF)
Fig.3.2 shows the Hybrid-Latch Flip-Flop (HLFF) circuitry [65]. Main advantages of this
topology are the small delay and the low power consumption. To better explain its
functionality let us consider two cases: i) at the rising edge of the clock, if input data is 1,
the stacked NMOS network has 3
time to discharge node
to 0, (
is the delay of a
single inverter). When
is discharged to ground, the second stacked NMOS transistor
network is OFF and the far right PMOS helps to charge Q to V
. ii) When input is low, the
first stage stacked NMOS network stage is OFF and the second is ON.
is charged to V

and bottom NMOS transistor in second stage turns on for a delay of 3
after the rising of the
clock. At sufficiently high supply voltages, 3
is enough time to evaluate the state of
output. However, at low supply voltages (e.g. V
=0.8V), the delay increases significantly
due to the decreased drive current of the stacked transistors. Consequently, the flip-flop fails
to operate properly for such low voltages. Note that on the falling edge of the clock
(precharge mode),
is 1 and both stacked NMOS branches are OFF (retention mode).
3.1.3. Transmission-Gate Flip-Flop
The transmission-gate flip-flop (TGFF) with input gate isolation is shown in Fig.3.3 and
Fig.3.2. Hybrid-Latch Flip-Flop

Fig.3.3. Modified Transmission-Gate Flip-Flop (MTGFF)
Chapter 3: Flip-Flop Design for Low Power Applications


was used first time in PowerPC603 latch-pair [54]. This FF works as a latch pair, where one
is transparent high and the other is transparent low. Inverted data is applied to the input for
better noise immunity. Furthermore, the output is inverted to provide non- inverting operation.
This FF shows low power consumption along with high speed.

Fig.3.4. Data-Dependant FF (DD-SAFF) and Test-Bench

Fig.3.5. Power consumption improvement for DD-SAFF
0 0.2 0.4 0.6
TT model



Switching activity (

Fig.3.6. Power consumption for different supply voltages
0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2







Supply voltage (V)
Proposed FF
Conventional SAFF
3.2. Data-Dependent Flip-Flop


3.2. Data-Dependent Sense-Amplifier Flip-Flop
Fig.3.4 shows how the proposed circuit utilizes data-dependency to lower power
consumption. We have added two AND gates (N1 and N2) whose inputs are D and Q_bar
(D_bar and Q for N2). The purpose of the AND gate is to avoid MN1 and MN2 from
discharging the nodes whenever the new data and previous data are the same. The flip-flop
works as follows: When clock is low, the internal nodes (S and R) are precharged to V

through precharge transistors. During the evaluation phase (rising edge of the clock), MN5 is
turned ON. Based on the values of Q and Q_bar, the status of MN1 and MN2 are determined.
Let us consider a scenario by assuming that the previous value for Q is 0. As a result, output
value of gate N2 will be 0. MN2 is turned OFF and MN1 status is dependent on D. If D is
1, MN1 is turned ON. Therefore, the evaluation is done through MN3, MN1, and MN5.
Accordingly, S is discharged to ground and Q is changed to 1. Though, if D is 0 (i.e.
same as previous state of Q), both MN1 and MN2 are turned OFF and the S and the R values
are unchanged. Consideration of data-dependence significantly reduces the power
consumption of the DD-SAFF.
Conversely, when the prior value for Q is 1, MN1 is OFF and MN2 status is determined
by input D. In the case that D is 1 (i.e. same as the previous state of Q), both MN1 and
MN2 are turned OFF and the internal nodes (S and R) of the FF do not discharge. In case D
is low, discharging of node R to ground is through MN4, MN2, and MN5. Consequently, for
lower activity inputs, assuming D remains at 1 for a long period of time, nodes S and R
remain unchanged at 1. Avoiding continuous charge/discharge during the evaluation phase,
leads to significant reduction in power dissipation for applications where input data remains
unchanged for long periods of time

3.2.1. Simulation Results for DD-SAFF
To assess the performance of the proposed FF, we compared DD-SAFF with conventional
SAFF in terms of power and delay. The power savings in DD-SAFF compared to
conventional SAFF is strongly dependant on the input data activity. For different values of
(defined as Tclk/T
), it is observed that lower values of leads to larger power savings
(=0.2 results in 2 times less power compared to SAFF). The worst case in terms of power
consumption for DD-SAFF operation is when the clock and data frequency have the same
activity (=1). In this case, the power consumption for DD-SAFF deteriorates by 36%
compared to a conventional SAFF (f=1GHZ, V
=0.8V). This is due to the extra AND gates
used in the DD-SAFF. Thus, the DD-SAFF should be used judiciously in applications where
the input data activity is low. Fig.3.5 illustrates the power savings (iso-delay) obtained by the
proposed FF compared to conventional the SAFF for different switching activities at
=0.8V. As it` can be observed for lower , power savings are significant (e.g. for =0.1,
around 70% improvement in power consumption). Fig.3.6 illustrates the results for total
power consumption of the data-dependant sense amplifier flip-flop (DD-SAFF) compared to
conventional SAFF. To compare power consumption, circuits are simulated at different
supply voltages. As shown, the power consumption of a DD-SAFF at V
=1V is
approximately equal to that for a SAFF at V
=0.8V. The DD-SAFF is associated with some
delay penalty as mentioned earlier. The DD-SAFF shows 5% delay degradation compared to
a conventional SAFF. However, by upsizing the evaluation NMOS transistors in the DD-
SAFF, delay degradation can be compensated, albeit at the cost of higher power consumption.
Fig.3.7, illustrates the simulation results for the delay of DD-SAFF compared to a SAFF from
=0.5V to V
Chapter 3: Flip-Flop Design for Low Power Applications


We have also compared the performance of the proposed DD-SAFF with other energy
Table.3.1. Power and delay for different topologies
=0.8V, =1/3, Fan_out=4)

Fig.3.7. T
delay for SAFF and DD-SAFF

Fig.3.8. Setup and hold time for SAFF and DD-SAFF
3.2. Data-Dependent Flip-Flop


efficient FF architectures and have chosen the power-delay product as the comparison metric.
For low power applications, the transmission-gate flip-flop (TGFF) has been proposed in [56],
[66]. On the other hand, C
MOS flip-flop is a good choice for high-speed applications. All the
three architectures have been simulated under iso-voltage (V
=0.8V) and iso-frequency
(f=1GHz) conditions. Table3.1 summarizes the performance results of our comparison study.
As shown, the PDP of the DD-SAFF is 38% and 44.6% better compared to the conventional
SAFF and C
MOS FFs, respectively. Compared to the TGFF, the PDP results are
comparable. However, the TGFF suffers from poor data-to-output latency due to positive
setup time. Moreover, it also requires two clock phases.
Another metric that can be used to benchmark FFs is the setup/hold timing values. As shown
in Fig.3.8, 5% increase in T
delay is chosen as the reference point to measure the setup
and hold time [69], [67] in our calculations. Although, setup time increases from 32ps to
35ps for the DD-SAFF, hold time improves considerably from 60ps to 10ps. In scaled CMOS
technologies, the impact of process variations on the circuit performance can be substantial.
Hence, we performed Monte-Carlo analysis (2000 trials) for both DD-SAFF and SAFF. It can
be observed from Fig.3.9 that for the DD-SAFF, standard deviation and mean of delay
variation are 6.3ps and 52.9ps, respectively while for the SAFF are 6ps and 50.9ps. Thus,
DD-SAFF has similar / compared to SAFF. In terms of area, the proposed DD-SAFF
design shows 25% area overhead compared to conventional SAFF. Fig.3.10 shows the layout
of DD-SAFF and SAFF design.

Fig.3.9. Monte-Carlo simulation for delay comparison

(a) (b)
Fig.3.10. Layout of (a) SAFF (b) DDSAFF
Chapter 3: Flip-Flop Design for Low Power Applications


Simulation results for the DD-SAFF compared to its counterparts in terms of delay, power,
PDP, and setup/hold timing values have been produced and the design showed significant
improvement in power (as high as 70% for =0.125). Furthermore, it gives more than 38%
and 45% improvement in PDP compared to the conventional SAFF and C

3.3. Pulsed-Flip-Flop Design
A pulse generator circuit and array of latches are shown in Fig.3.11. The shaped pulse is
generated after the rising edge of the main clock. This enables data to arrive even later than
the clock edge, and hence setup time becomes negative. This property is exploited to reduce
the total delay given by Tsu+Tcq. The pulse generator circuit can be shared across several flip
flops, as shown in Fig.3.11, mutually amortizing its area and power cost. Several design
techniques have been proposed to generate the specified pulse [68-70]. The delayed clock
ANDed with the clock is one of the most common methods. Note that, the corresponding
output will be a pulse that is high for a time equal to 3
starting from the rising edge of the

is the delay of a single inverter) and after that time it resets to 0. Fig.3.12
shows the schematic of conventional pulse generation (CPG) incorporating the proposed
transmission-gate pulse generator (TGPG) and the corresponding output waveforms. CPG
poses penalty in area and delay due to an extra AND gate. To decrease the delay of the CPG,
the TGPG technique is proposed to generate the desired pulse. The TGPG scheme is

Fig.3.12. Output waveforms for CPG and TGPG designs

Fig.3.11. Pulse generation technique
3.3. Pulsed Flip-Flop


illustrated in Fig.3.12 (b). At the rising clock edge, CLK_D is at 0, and CLK_inv_D is at
1. Therefore, the transmission gate is ON and the corresponding data is transferred to node
Pulsed_Clock. Since PMOS devices are slower, the PMOS transistor has
more time to
transfer the data to node Pulsed_Clock. After 4
delay (delay between main CLOCK and
CLK_D in Fig.3.13), the NMOS MD transistor turns on and discharges the node
Pulsed_Clock to ground. At the falling clock edge, for the primary time (4
) after the rising
clock-edge, node Pulsed_Clock is connected to ground via NMOS MD. Afterwards, the
transmission gate turns on and keeps the node Pulsed_Clock connected to 0.
At iso-size for the two pulse generator techniques, the TGPG (transmission gate pulse
generator) shows better results in terms of speed and power. Fig.3.13 shows the output
waveforms of node Pulsed_Clock of TGPG circuit. The delay of this circuit is 2.5ps
compared to 15ps of the CPG topology. Furthermore, the proposed circuit uses one less
transistor compared to the CPG topology (i.e. AND gate is implemented using a NAND gate
and an inverter). The pulse-generator circuit is shared among neighboring FFs in a system.

Fig.3.13. Transmission-Gate Pulse Generator (TGPG) output waves and

Fig.3.14. PHLFF design
Chapter 3: Flip-Flop Design for Low Power Applications


Consequently, it does not impose significant penalty on both area and power consumption of a

By applying the TGPG technique to conventional FFs, several pulsed-FFs are presented to
show the efficacy of the proposed pulse-generation on power and delay. In this section,
different FF topologies are explained along with the proposed topologies.

A. Proposed Pulsed-HLFF (PHLFF)
Fig.3.14 shows the circuit topology of the PHLFF flip-flop. It works as follows: at the
rising clock edge, the transmissiongate transistor turns on and the corresponding input data is
transferred to the drain of MD NMOS or the gate of M3. Then node X discharges to ground.
In this case, M1 and M4 are turned off and the discharged node X causes M5 to turn on
charging node Q to V
. When D is 0, M3 and M4 turn off and on, respectively connecting

Fig.3.15. Delay and Energy comparison for HLFF and PHLFF

Fig.3.16. T
versus T

3.3. Pulsed Flip-Flop


the node X to V
. The transistor M6 is turned on due to Pulsed_Clock signal for 3
the rising edge of the main clock. This time is enough to discharge Q to ground due to the
reduced number of stacked NMOS transistors. After time equal to 4
of the rising clock
edge, M6 turns off and disconnects the discharging path from ground. Node X goes high
through M1 for the rest of the clock period. Therefore, the PHLFF works only during a short
pulse for 4
then it goes in retention mode resulting in saving power. Since Pulsed_Clock is
off for the rest of the clock period after 4
from the rising edge of the clock, changing data
does not change the output because X is connected to 1 and M6 is OFF. The clocking
topology is shared among neighboring FFs, therefore the area overhead is negligible.
Compared to conventional HLFF, the proposed circuit has one extra inverter. Due to a smaller
number of stacks in the PHLFF, delay is reduced by 16% at V
=1V compared to the
conventional HLFF. Simulation results for energy and delay of HLFF and PHLFF are shown
in Fig.3.15. It is obvious that the EDP of the PHLFF is improved significantly. Fig.3.16
shows the comparison for T
delay for HLFF and PHLFF. Note that, the setup time is very
close to zero. Our results show that the negative setup time results in low T

Fig.3.18. Shift register block

Fig.3.17. Pulsed-SAFF

Chapter 3: Flip-Flop Design for Low Power Applications


B. Proposed Pulsed-SAFF
To reduce the number of stacked NMOS devices, we employ the TGPG technique, while we
use data as an input instead of the clock. Fig.3.17 shows the proposed circuit diagram using
TGPG technique.

By assuming clock on rising edge, depending on the D value (e.g. 1), after a delay of 3ps (
delay of one PMOS transistor), the left side stacked NMOS network is turned on and
discharges node S to ground forcing Q to go high and Qb to zero. The evaluation time should
be less than 3 since the TGPG disconnects the evaluation NMOS network from ground for
the rest of the cycle. As we explained for the TGPG circuit, after 4
the CLK_D becomes
1, connecting the gate of the bottom NMOS in the stacked network to ground. The turned
off bottom NMOS transistor cuts off the discharge path, resulting in no change in stored data
on nodes S and R. When the clock is on the falling edge, nodes S and R are connected to 1
regardless to the input data, causing Q to remain unchanged. The pulsed-SAFF gives better
results in terms of delay and power compared to the conventional SAFF due to lower internal
switching and lower number of stacks, respectively.
For the proposed PSAFF, since two PMOS transistors are added to the main SAFF cell and
the clocking circuitry is shared between adjacent FFs, the area overhead is negligible. Fig.3.18

Fig.3.20. PTGFF topology

Fig.3.19. Energy and delay comparisons for SAFF and PSAFF
3.3. Pulsed Flip-Flop


shows how the proposed PSAFF is applied to an 8-bit register. As it can be seen, there is no
area overhead due to the use of the pulsed SAFF technique. As it is illustrated in Fig.3.19,
even though the power saving is improved at low supply voltages such as V
=0.5V, the
corresponding delay is improved by 42% compared to the SAFF design.

C. Proposed Pulsed-Transmission-Gate Flip-Flop
The Pulsed-TGFF topology is depicted in Fig.3.20. The PTGFF works as follows: on the
falling clock edge, data is latched and transferred to the output when clock is on the rising
clock edge. Transmission-gates turn on for a short time equal to the width of the shaped-pulse.
The corresponding waveforms for PTGFF are demonstrated in Fig.3.21. When the clk-p
signal goes high, the input data is transferred to the node Pulsed_Clock. Simulation results
show 13% and 16% improvement in power dissipation for 8-bit and 16-bit shift-registers,
respectively. Furthermore, delay comparison shows 20% improvement compared to MTGFF

Fig.3.22. 8-bit counter
Q4 Q5
Q3 Q2 Q1 Q0

Fig.3.21. Output waveforms of PTGFF
Chapter 3: Flip-Flop Design for Low Power Applications


3.4. Flip-Flops in DSP Applications
As we discussed in chapter one, Flip-Flops are important to store the intermediate values in
wireless sensor nodes. To investigate the efficacy of the proposed flip-flops, they are used in
some DSP applications. In this section, we utilize the DD-SAFF and Pulsed-FFs in different
applications such as counters, FIR filter and discrete cosine transform (DCT).
Table.3.2. Energy saving percentage for data-dependant 8-bit
Counter compared to using conventional SAFF (V
Counter 8 16 32 64
saving %
17.6% 28.4% 37.3% 47.1%
Table.3.3. Power comparison of FIR-Filter
Flip-Flop type POWER
SAFF 1.34mW
ST-standard FF 1.0385mW

Fig.3.23. CSHM based Fir Filter of size M

+ +
+ +

Fig.3.24. 2D-DCT operation, areas of high energy-high switching activity outputs
and low energy outputs.
1D- intermediate DCT coeffici
Input Block
Final DCT coefficients

Final DCT coefficients
to Zero
1D- intermediate DCT coefficients Input Block
to Zero
3.4. Flip-Flop in DSP Applications


3.4.1. Data-Dependent Counter Design
To prove the efficacy of the DD-SAFF design, we employed DD-SAFF in the
implementation of an 8-bit synchronous counter, the topology of which is shown in
Fig.3.22. Counters are suitable choices for demonstrating the application of the DD-SAFF,
due to lower input activity in MSBs of the counter [71]. The operation of the synchronous
counter is as follows: new data values are evaluated every clock cycle and captured by
related flip-flops. The switching activity of each bit in the counter is decreased by half
compared to the preceding bit. Thus, in each clock cycle unnecessary transitions occur,
especially for MSBs. Although for =1, power consumption of DD-SAFF degrades by
36% (compared to conventional SAFF) but for lower input activity, power improves
significantly. As a result, a conventional SAFF can be used for sections of logic with
close to one (1), while for <0.5 the DD-SAFF can be used. Thus, for our
implementation, the conventional SAFF is used for LSBs and we use the DD-SAFF for
MSBs. As it is illustrated in Fig.3.22, for the 8-bit counter, four LSB bits are implemented
using a conventional SAFF while four MSB bits are implemented using the DD-SAFF.
The simulation results indicate that the improvement in power is close to 17%. For larger
counters (e.g. 16 bits, 32bits, 64 bits), the power consumption is reduced even further since
more bits have lower data activity. The performance results for different counters are
presented in Table.3.2

3.4.2. FIR filter Design
Apart from counters, the proposed DD-SAFF has the potential to reduce power
consumption of popular DSP applications, such as FIR filters. The basic operation of a FIR
filter is the multiplication of a coefficient vector C= [c
, c
,, c
] with an input signal
x(n), referred to as vector scaling operation. Various low power techniques have been
proposed for the design of FIR filters with most common among them being the removal of
redundant computations. An example of low power FIR filter architecture, known as
sharing multiplier (CSHM) is shown in Fig.3.23. CSHM is based on the principle that in
vector scaling operations, any scalar s
can be decomposed into smaller bit sequences a

(alphabets) such that s
can be rebuilt from these sequences by few shifts and adds. Using
these alphabets the coefficient vector (C) can be constructed spanning the entire set of filter
coefficients [72]. This reduces the entire multiplication operation of the filter to shift/select
and add operations using Select/Shift and Adder (SSA) units (Fig.3.23) instead of power
intensive multipliers. Note that a pre-computer, computes the product of alphabets and
input vector X in advance and stores them for re-use, thereby reducing the number of
operations and maximizing the computation sharing with the help of SSAs.
However, irrespective of the techniques used to reduce power at the
algorithm/architecture level, all resultant filter architectures have a
common component: - FFs. Interestingly, low power filter design techniques in their
attempt to increase the sharing of computations and avoid the use of multipliers, sometimes
increase the number of FFs. For instance, a (CSHM) [50] based FIR filter architecture
requires more FFs in the precomputer output and in generating the delayed versions of
input and output signals (Fig.3.23). In addition, in order to increase filters performance
(pipelining), it is customary to use flip flops between SSA units (Fig.3.23) and final adders.
Intuitively, the additional number of flip flops reduces energy savings and results in area
overhead. However, the proposed flip-flops presented in previous sections can potentially
reduce power consumption taking advantage of low switching activity of such an
Chapter 3: Flip-Flop Design for Low Power Applications


To prove the efficacy of the proposed flip flops, we replaced the conventional flip flops
used in filter architecture by the proposed ones. Specifically, we obtained a synthesized
Verilog netlist of a multiplier-less 8-bit FIR filter [69, 70] using Synopsys design compiler
[71] and a 45nm STM library [72]. Then we imported the netlist in Cadence and replaced
the conventional flip-flops with the proposed FFs. Using HSPICE we have simulated the
FIR filter and results are shown in Table.3.3. It can be observed that using our proposed
FF, power savings reach 42.4% compared to conventional SAFF based FIR. In addition,
DD-SAFF shows 25.7% power improvement compared to low power ST FF.

3.4.3. DCT Design
One of the most popular blocks used in multimedia application is discrete cosine
transform (DCT). DCT transforms an NxN image block from spatial domain to frequency
domain and in matrix notation it can be expressed as: Z=CXC
, where C is the coefficient
matrix and X is the input NxN image block. Using row-column decomposition, DCT can
be decomposed into two 1D-DCT units, which can be expressed as:

In such an implementation, the 1D-DCT is applied to each row of input data and the result
is transposed. A second 1D-DCT is applied to the rows of the transposed data to obtain
DCT (eq. 1). The 1D-DCT output of a row in 8x8 block is expressed as:

1 2 0
( ) (2 1)
= cos , ( ) (2)
1 1,...7 2 16
k i
c k i k
w x c k
= +



Setting c
=cos(k/16), a=c
, b=c
, c=c
, d=c
, e=c
, f=c
, g=c
, the 1D-DCT can be
written as [75]:

( )
0 7 0
1 6 2
4 2 5
6 3 4

- -
= 3
- -
- -
x x w d d d d
x x w b f f b
w d d d d x x
f b b f w x x
( ( (
+ ( ( (
( ( ( +
( ( (

( )
0 7 1
3 1 6
5 2 5
7 3 4
- - - -
- -
- - -
x x w a c e g
w x x c g a e
w e a g c x x
g e c a w x x
( ( (
( ( (
( ( (
( ( (

We can rearrange eqn. (3) in the following manner:
0 7 1 6 2 5 3 4

= ( + ) + ( + ) + ( + ) + ( + )

w d d d d
w b f f b
x x x x x x x x
w d d d d
f b b f w
( ( ( ( (
( ( ( ( (

( ( ( ( (
( ( ( ( (
( ( ( ( (

Eqn. (4) can be
expressed in a similar format.
Interestingly, in such an application most of the input image energy (around 85% or
more) is contained in the first 20 coefficients of the DCT matrix after the 2D-DCT
operation [77]. This means that most of the coefficients within an 8x8 block will have
small values (close to zero). The whole operation is depicted in Fig.3.24. Fig.3.24
highlights in the final DCT matrix the areas of high energy distribution and those of low
energy in the final DCT matrix. High energy translates to high values and high switching
activity as opposed to low energy and low switching outputs. It was noted for instance that
in MPEG video compression application only 7 out of 64 coefficients [67] were not zero or
close to zero for each 8x8 DCT output block. This actually, indicates that most of the
3.4. Flip-Flop in DSP Applications


output DCT coefficients (at least the most significant bits) will have low switching activity,
being most of the time close to zero. Such architecture makes for an excellent example in
order to apply our data dependent flip-flops.

Specifically, we follow a preferential use of flip-flops. For outputs with low energy and
thus low switching activity we use the data dependent flip-flops presented in section 3. On
the other hand, for high energy outputs we use conventional flip-flops. More specifically,
depending on the type of output bits we use different number of data dependent flip-flops.
For instance, in case of z
to z
most of the bits/FFs are replaced with the proposed FFs. On
the other hand, for all output bits of z
we use the conventional FFs and for z1 to z4 half of
the MSB FFs are replaced with the proposed FFs. In addition, to further reduce the power
we combine the data dependent flip-flops with pulse technique and the new pulse
generation circuitry.
To prove the efficacy of the proposed approach we obtained a synthesized Verilog netlist
of a DCT architecture using Synopsys design compiler [75] and 45nm STM libs. Then we
imported the netlist in Cadence and replaced the conventional flip-flops with the proposed
FFs in areas of low switching activity. Using HSPICE we have simulated the DCT and
results are shown in Fig.3.25. It can be observed that using our proposed DDFF, the power
saving is 7% compared to conventional SAFF based DCT. In addition, we can observe that
by utilizing DD-SAFF in low switching parts of the DCT and the pulsed FF (e.g. PTGFF)
for other parts, total power is reduced by 27%.

3.5. Conclusions
In this chapter several FFs that take advantage of data distribution in various
applications have been presented. Specifically, we presented a data dependent FF that is
able to limit significantly the charge/discharge of internal nodes of each FF and thus reduce
power consumption. In addition we presented a low overhead pulse generation circuit that
is able to reduce the clock power significantly. We followed a preferential usage of FFs in
various applications depending on the type of computation/bit; high or low switching. By

Fig.3.25. Power consumption result of DCT for different FFs
3.5. Conclusions


utilizing the data-dependant flip-flop to a FIR filter design, total power consumption is
reduced by 42% compared to using conventional flip-flop. Furthermore, by applying the
proposed data dependent FF, combined with the pulsed approach resulted in more than
27% power reduction in DCT application. We believe that the proposed FFs can
significantly reduce power in a wide range of DSP applications while effectively limiting
any area and delay penalty. Furthermore, since flip-flops are one of the most important
components in any design, such as portable designs and wireless sensor networks, lowering
the power consumption of them helps to improve the total power of wireless sensor nodes

Ultra Low
Power SRAM
Chapter 4
Chapter 4: Ultra Low Power SRAM Design


Chapter 4

Ultra Low Power SRAM Design

Continued increase in the process variability is perceived to be a major challenge to
future technology scaling. Process variability stems from systematic effects such as
variations in critical dimensions and oxide thickness, as well truly random effects, like the
dopant fluctuations. Current design methodology hardly distinguishes systematic variations
from truly random ones. Commonly the entire process variability is lumped together, and
included in process corners. Traditionally, integrated circuit designs capture the impact of
variability by satisfying the design constraints at various process corners, where the
process corners are the extreme deviations of the process parameters from their typical
values. For digital logic design, the worst-case corners typically capture 3. To satisfy the
worst-case performance requirements, often a large penalty is paid in power. Also, most of
the todays designs are power limited. In such cases, satisfying the power budget often
requires a back off in performance.
Memory design presents an extreme example of corner-based design. To satisfy the
functionality of several tens of millions of SRAM cells, the designer has to capture 5 to 6
standard deviations of parameter variations. This is becoming increasingly challenging to
satisfy, and may present a problem for continued scaling of memory density. Concurrently,
high-end microprocessors have been increasing the amount of on-die cache to improve the
Presently, to achieve highest possible densities with high parametric yields in bulk-CMOS
and SOI technologies, designers use a combination of multi-layered ad-hoc techniques and
heuristics, which include device sizing, supply and threshold voltage selection, SRAM
column height and sense-amplifier optimization, and redundancy and error correction
Chapter 4: Ultra Low Power SRAM Design

Problems arising from technology scaling have recently made power reduction an
important design issue for circuits and applications that traditionally are driven almost
solely by performance constraints. The increased importance of power is even more
notable for a new class of energy-constrained systems [76, 77]. Supply voltage scaling has
been proposed for low-voltage/low-power digital designs. The leakage is reduced due to
smaller voltage differences between the drain, source and body of a transistor [78, 79].
Scaling the supply voltage decreases the power consumption, but increases the delay of
circuit. Therefore the threshold voltage are reduces to reduce the circuit delay. In order to
satisfy the performance requirements demanded by applications, like wireless sensor
networks (WSN), the threshold voltage (V
) should also be lowered, to have both low
power operation and satisfactory performance. However, there is a cost of higher static
power dissipation due to large leakage currents [76].
Subthreshold circuit design involves scaling the supply voltage below the threshold
voltage, where load capacitances are charged / discharged by subthreshold currents. In
subthreshold region, the active current is defined by:


Where n is the subthreshold slope factor (1+C
), and V
is kT/q. So, the propagation
delays equation with output capacitance C
in subthreshold is [80]:

where K is the delay fitting parameter. As shown by Eq.3, the speed of circuits operated in
subthreshold region is proportional to the supply voltage. When V
, the propagation
delay has an inverse dependence to I
, so by changing temperature, device sizing, V
, and
the physical parameters, the propagation delay changes. Eq.1 shows that lowering V
produce a proportional reduction in subthreshold current degrading the performance. At
very low V
values, the parenthetical term produce a more pronounced roll-off in
subthreshold current [80].

Fig.4.1. IDS versus VDS for single NMOS transistor in 65nm
Chapter 4: Ultra Low Power SRAM Design


Fig.4.2. I
ratio for different supply voltages

The most important concern in subthreshold region is the low ON current (referred as Ion).
To increase the subthreshold current,

Fig.4.3. 6T SRAM cell
upsizing is one option. Upsizing the transistors will however increase the parasitic
capacitances and in some cases (like for SRAM) cause failures [79]. Fig.4.1 shows Ion
) and I
(when VGS=0) for different processes corners. As illustrated in Fig.4.2,
the ratio between I
and I
is small for such a low supply voltage. In the 65nm technology
an unusual behavior is observed for specific supply voltage ranges. For minimum length
devices, at low supply voltages, the PMOS current level is higher than NMOS current
(Process dependant, STM 65nm). Due to the significant reduction in evaluation current in
both NMOS and PMOS, subthreshold circuits are usually impractical in high speed
applications. However for some applications such as wireless sensor networks (WSN), it is
not necessary to have a high sampling frequency. In another words, the most important
concern for WSN applications is to minimize the power consumption to increase the
4.1. Conventional SRAM Design

battery lifetime. As a result, the frequency must be reduced to get correct evaluation.
Lower ON current (I
) causes some problems in SRAM design. SRAMs comprise a
significant percentage of the total area for many digital systems as well as the total power
consumption. Therefore SRAM leakage can dominate the total leakage of a chip. By
reducing SRAM leakage, total leakage power of a system decreases. Pushing SRAM in
subthreshold region reduces the leakage power significantly. However, it degrades the
SNM of SRAM in read and write cycles due to lower read current and also the effect of
BDGO (breakdown gate oxide) of NMOS transistors in SRAM circuit.

Fig.4.4. Output waveforms for 6T-SRAM cell

4.1. Conventional SRAM Design
Fig.4.3 shows the standard 6T-SRAM cell. In this circuit, storage nodes are specified by
X, Y. Suppose that node X stores 0 and node Y stores 1. Due to low supply voltage,
leakage sources are important. The leakage sources are shown in Fig.4.3. In this case, M1,
M4 are turned on. Furthermore, M2 and M3 are turned off. During the hold time, when WL
is not asserted (idle mode), M5 and M6 are off. In idle mode, M5 and M2 give a small rise
on node X because of leakage currents, therefore node X has a low voltage in range of few
mV (instead of zero) that causes an increase in leakage through M3 introducing failures
[81]. When WL is selected (Read cycle) M6 is turned off and M5 is turned on. In this case,
the read cycle is done through M5 and M1.However a rise at node X due to the stacking
effect [82] causes more leakage through M3. This causes a drop in the voltage of node Y,
therefore the read cycle speed is degraded results in flipping the data on the storage nodes.
To improve the speed of the read cycle, the best way is upsizing M1 and M5. However
there are some limitations on increasing sizes of transistors. Fig.4.4 shows the effects of
upsizing on read noise margin in 6T-SRAM cell. As it can be seen from Fig.4.4, by
increasing the ratio of WM1/WM5, discharging BL is faster, but due to the upsizing of
these devices the voltage bump at node X increases which increases the leakage current
through M3 and discharges node Y more that causes increasing leakage through PMOS
that is higher than NMOS in 65nm CMOS technology (ST 65nm) for ultra low supply
During write cycle, when WL=1, storage nodes are discharged through the write path
that include three NMOS stacked transistors including NMOS pass transistor in 6T-SRAM
cell. Fig.4.5 shows the writing path of 6T-SRAM cell. As it is shown, the write cycle speed
is dependent to these three stacked NMOS. When Data=0, Write=1, and WL=1, then node
x is being discharged through M7, M9 and NMOS access transistor (M5). In this case,
suppose that X holds 1, therefore, storage node X is discharged via stacked NMOSs.
Chapter 4: Ultra Low Power SRAM Design


this case there is a contention between NMOS transistors in stack and PMOS transistor of
cross inverter (M2) in SRAM cell. PMOS transistor (Pull-up transistor) is trying to hold the
stored data on node X. Therefore, sizing the NMOS transistors plays an important role in
write speed. For high enough supply voltages, using small NMOS transistors satisfies write
time. However, for lower supply voltage or sub-threshold design, M7-M10 should be
upsized significantly.

Fig.4.5. Write mode circuitry in 6T-SRAM cell

Fig.4.6. SNM for HOLD and READ in 6T-SRAM (V
Another concept that is used to evaluate the SRAM is read static noise margin (SNM) [83,
84]. SNM quantifies the amount of voltage noise required at the internal nodes of a bitcell
to flip the contents of the cell [80, 85]. In 65nm, due to the different behavior in sub-Vt
(PMOS is stronger than NMOS by an order of magnitude with minimum length) SNM is
more affected. To balance the devices in an inverter, the NMOS must be upsized by an
order of magnitude larger than PMOS. This problem is more challenging during the write
cycle where stronger access NMOS transistors are needed.
4.2. Proposed Ultra Low Power SRAM Cell


At the onset of a read access, the wordline is 1 and the bitlines are precharged to 1.
The internal node of the bitcell that represents a zero gets pulled upwards through the
access transistor due to the voltage dividing effect across the access transistor and drive
transistor, which degrades the read SNM. Fig.4.6 shows the butterfly curves during the
hold and read cycles for V
=0.4V illustrating the degradation in SNM during read. As
illustrated, the read noise margin is degraded at low supply voltages. Due to increased
leakage through the transistors, especially PMOS, at higher temperatures,

Fig.4.7. SNM vs. WM1/WM5 for different temperatures.
read noise margin is more decreased. Fig.4.7 shows SNM versus WM1/WM5 for different
temperatures (27
C and 110
C) for TT CMOS models. To improve the SNM in
subthreshold region, an 11T-SRAM design is proposed. In this circuit, the read bit-line is
separated from the write wordline as proposed in [86].

4.2. Proposed Ultra Low Power SRAM Cell
In this section several topologies of SRAM topologies are proposed showing ultra low
power consumption. Furthermore, the proposed SRAM cells are able to operate in ultra
scaled supply voltage less than 0.3V.
4.2.1.Subthreshold 11T-SRAM Cell
Fig.4.8 shows the schematic of the proposed 11TSRAM bitcell. Transistors M2, M4, M5,
and M6 are identical to 6T-SRAM, but two transistors M1 and M3 are downsized to the
same size as the PMOS transistors. The read bitline and wordline are separated from the
write wordline. In this case, memory can have distinct read and write ports. During the
hold time, RDWL and WL are not selected. In the 6T-SRAM part, suppose that node Y
stores 0 and node X stores 1 as was described for the 6T-SRAM part in the previous
section. For the added circuitry the following behavior is observed when transistor M12 is
turned off. Furthermore, M11 state is dependant to the voltage at node Y. If node Y stores
1, then M8 connects gate of M11 to ground then M11 turns off. However when node Y
stores 0, M9 turns off and it starts to charge the gate of transistor M11. Therefore there is
a leakage path through M11 that connects the node YN to zero. Minimum size transistors
were used for the added 5T-circuitry, except the access transistor that has a larger size. The
Chapter 4: Ultra Low Power SRAM Design


most important part of the 11T-SRAM is a boosting capacitor (CB) that connects source of
M9 to RDWL.

Fig.4.8. Proposed 11T-SRAM cell



Fig.4.9. Output waveforms during read a. 6T-SRAM b. 11T-SRAM
Assuming node Y has stored 0. During the hold and write cycles, RDWL is connected to
zero, then CB starts to be charged to V
but transistor M9 does not let CB being charged
to V
. Simulations show that it is charged to V
/2. Thus the gate of M11 is connected to
a voltage almost less than V
/2 discharging the node YN to ground slowly. When RDWL
is selected, the source of M9 rises to 1.5V
connecting the gate of M11 to a voltage
higher than V
. This increases the read current by an order of magnitude compared with
the 6T-SRAM cell. Fig.4.9 shows the output waveforms of the 11TSRAM and the 6T-
SRAM. As illustrated, the read time is decreased by more than 4X compared to 6T-SRAM
In other hand, when node Y stores 1, M8 is turned on and connects the boosted node to
ground then M11 turns off causes the read path disconnecting from ground. However
leakage through M11 causes some reduction in RDBL voltage. Furthermore during this
time, M9 is turned off, while its source is connected to high voltage, it will be leaky
transistor. Since the drain of M9 is connected to ground via M8, this leakage has no effect
on YN or RDBL,
4.2. Proposed Ultra Low Power SRAM Cell


Fig.4.10. Modified 11T-SRAM (14T-SRAM)

However there is a leaky path during the read cycle, when Y has holds 0. In this case, the
drain of M8 is at a high voltage more than 1.4V
causes more channel leakage through
M8 and also gate leakage in M11. To suppress the channel leakage path via M8, a modified
topology of SRAM cell is proposed that is shown in Fig.4.10. When Y is high the source of
M8 is connected to ground through the added inverter, but when Y stores 0, the source of
M8 is connected to V
, which suppresses the leakage path in M8 during the read cycle.
Fig.4.11 shows the simulation results for the proposed circuit for SNM in read and hold
cycles. As it can be seen, SNM of the 11T circuit in hold and read mode is the same, which
is due to higher read current of the proposed circuit. The circuit was also simulated for a
temperature of 110
C with a supply voltage V
=0.2. These results were compared to the
results with a temperature of 27
C in Fig.4.12 which shows that the SNM at higher
temperature is lower. This is because of the many leakage sources and also dependence of
current to temperature. Fig.4.13 shows read noise margin for 11T-SRAM in different
process corners.
As mentioned before, the PMOS devices have a higher current than NMOS devices. This
causes some problems in write mode. Therefore the circuit was redesigned for write mode
using larger devices. The access NMOS transistors must be larger to dominate the current
via PMOS transistors (M2, M4) to write a 0 in storage nodes. However there are some
limitations on upsizing transistors. In this case (write mode) the sizes of M2 and M4 must
be decreased while M5 and M6 must be increased to have a correct write with at high
speed. Still the speed in write mode is the same as for 6T SRAM cell, so by working at a
0.25V supply voltage results in a very low speed during write mode. However, this
problem is eliminated by increasing the supply voltage to a voltage more than 0.3V. In this
case, both circuits are running at a satisfactory speed with a proper write noise margin.
Chapter 4: Ultra Low Power SRAM Design


Fig.4.11. Butterfly plot for 11T-SRAM

Fig.4.12. Butterfly plot for 11T-SRAM in different temperatures
4.2. Proposed Ultra Low Power SRAM Cell


Fig.4.13. read noise margin for 11T-SRAM

The effective area overhead for the proposed circuit is typically between 22%-28%, but
due to employing minimum size devices and lowering the sizes of PMOS devices in 6T-
SRAM and also downsizing the NMSO transistors in 6T-SRAM cell, the area overhead
may be reduced. The SNM is significantly increased (more than 6X in some cases
compared with 6T-SRAM) and also simulations show that the speed of the proposed circuit
is 4 times higher than the 6T-SRAM cell. Table 4.1 shows a comparison of the read noise
margin between this work and the 10T-SRAM in [86]. As it can be seen the read noise
margin of the 11T-SRAM is higher than SNM for SRAM in [86]. Since both topologies
rely on the same 6T-circuit for the write cycle, the write noise margins are comparable.
An 11T-SRAM cell with higher SNM and higher speed operated at a supply voltage 0.2V
was presented. In this circuit separate lines for read and write were used. Compared to the
6T-SRAM cell higher speed, higher SNM and lower power consumption were
demonstrated through simulations at a cost of increased area. Furthermore, to further
decrease the off current compared to 6T-SRAM, an additional inverter was added to
11TSRAM. The modified circuit shows a better SNM in read mode compared to the 6T-
SRAM and the work reported in [86], maintaining the same SNM in write mode.
4.2.2. Subthreshold PMOS-Access Transistor SRAM (PAT-SRAM)
In [87] it is shown that for lower supply voltages, PMOS transistors are faster than
NMOS devices. Therefore, in this case, it is shown that by using PMOS transistors to
implement the write path, the write speed is improved. The proposed circuitry is shown in
Fig.4.14. As it can be seen in Fig.4.14, in write cycle, when write=1, DATA=1, and
WWL=0 (RDWL=0), node x is charged to V
through three stacked PMOS transistors.
When WRITE=1, then the circuit is in the write mode and depending the DATA value, the
storage nodes values are changed. If WRITE=0, then the circuit is in read mode and the BL
and BLB are changed. Suppose that the circuit has been in hold mode, so the BL and BLB
are at zero value. In Read cycle, when WWL=0, if node x stores 1, then BL is charged to
1 through M5 and the value of BLB is not changed and is fixed at zero. Therefore, in this
case, due to higher speed of evaluation for PMOS transistors in sub-threshold mode, read
and write cycle speed are improved. Since upsizing the stacked PMOS transistors is
possible, supply voltage can be lowered. In 6T-SRAM standard cell, this is not possible,
Chapter 4: Ultra Low Power SRAM Design


because the write cycle is not completed if we go in lower supply voltages. Therefore, we
have to use very huge transistors to discharge storage nodes in write cycle. There are some
ways to obviate this problem in write margin. One of these techniques is using sleep
transistor connecting supply connecting sources of transistors M3 and M4 to V
However, this technique comes with area penalty and degrades the reliability problems due
to PMOS transistor between V
rail and M3 and M4.

Table4.1. Read noise margin comparison.

Another configuration to implement an SRAM cell is using separate read_WL and
write_WL. Simulation results show that this configuration has a much higher speed in
write cycle compared to conventional SRAM cell write circuitry.

Fig.4.14. Configuration of modified write path in 6T-SRAM cell
Process Corner Temperature
Read Noise Margin
(mV) [86]
Read Noise Margin
(mV) 11T-SRAM

-40 62 85
27 57 76
110 52 62

-40 61 70
27 54 61
110 51 48

-40 50 70
27 45 63
110 38 60

-40 64 62
27 59 67
110 52 71

-40 57 81
27 55 72
110 47 54
4.2. Proposed Ultra Low Power SRAM Cell


Fig.4.15. Proposed SRAM circuit

Fig.4.16. Curves of proposed SRAM cell

Fig.4.15 shows the configuration of this circuit. In this circuit NMOS M5 and M6 are
replaced with PMOS access transistors. In this case, we use two NMOS transistors to
discharge BL and BLB to ground when WWL=1. The Proposed SRAM works as follow:
In hold mode, when WWL=1, M5 and M6 are turned off and separate the storage nodes
from bit lines. During the hold cycle, BL and BLB are discharged to ground. In read cycle,
when WWL=0 and WRITEBAR=1, depending the values on storage nodes BL and BLB
are charged to X and Y values. suppose that X=1, Y=0, then BL is charged to 1,
through M5 and this turns on M2 to discharge the Y node value. In this case, M6 turns off
and separates the Y from the BLB value. Therefore, there is no way for BLB to be charged.
There is only a leakage path via M6 helping node Y to be lowered during this mode. Then
the BL and BLB lines are sensed through a sense amplifier to read the bit stored on bit-cell.
For read mode, because PMOS devices are faster than NMOS devices in the sub-threshold
design, read speed is improved. However it depends on the sizes for M5 and M6.

M7 M8
M5 M6
Chapter 4: Ultra Low Power SRAM Design


Fig.4.17. Waveforms of proposed circuit (Write cycle)

Fig.4.18. Butterfly curves for 6T-SRAM cell

During the write mode, as it can be seen in Fig.4.16, when WWL=0, WRITEBAR=0,
the values of input data are written on storage nodes through PMOS transistors. In this case
there are three stacked PMOS transistors that have a much higher speed than three stacked
NMOS transistors. Therefore, there is no necessity not to use sleep transistor to separate
M3 and M4 from supply voltage rail during the write cycle. As an example, for the
proposed circuit, write circuit (two stacked PMOSs) are sized W
=0.8um, but for NMOS
stacked devices to get the same speed for write cycle, the NMOS transistors are sized
W=2um. So it shows it is possible to get the lower area using PMOS transistors in sub
threshold design. As you can see in Fig.4.17, the circuit operates well. Simulation Results
Static noise margin are used as a metric to show the stability of an SRAM. To find the
SNM in read and hold mode, butterfly approach is used [88]. Fig.4.18 shows the butterfly
curve for a 6T-SRAM cell at V
=0.4V. By lowering the supply voltage in submicron
technologies, SNM is degraded due to the process variations [89]. As it can be seen the
0.7 SNM
VDD=0.4, T=27
C, TT model
4.2. Proposed Ultra Low Power SRAM Cell


butterfly curve is degraded by lowering the supply voltage due to the lower drive current
and process variations in submicron technology.
To find the write static noise margin some metrics are used [90-94]. In this chapter, the
most common approach is used to calculate the SNM as a criterion [91] that is shown in
Fig.4.19. To avoid the failure, the curves should have just one cross point that indicates the
mono-stability of the cell. As an example the Write SNM for 6T-SRAM standard sell for
TT model in T=27
C is 0.15V that shows there is no

Fig.4.19. Write Margin calculation [90]

Fig.4.20. Write SNM for different temperature (at different corners)

Fig.4.21. Circuit for sweeping WL
to get WSNM

Fig.4.22. Write SNM for proposed circuit

0 0.2 0.4
Chapter 4: Ultra Low Power SRAM Design


Fig.4.23. SNM versus V

Fig.4.24. Monte Carlo simulation for read SNM for 6T-SRAM standard cell

failure. Fig.4.20, shows the results for WSNM for V
=0.5V for 6T-SRAM cell. In this
case the method in [91] has been used to see the difference between results.
The topology of benchmark to find the write SNM is the topology used in [92] as
illustrated in Fig.4.21. The results of write margin for proposed SRAM are illustrated in
Fig.4.22. As it is shown, the write margin is improved by 47% compared to the
conventional 6T-SRAM cell.

Fig.4.25. SNM in read and HOLD mode for proposed SRAM cell

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
4.2. Proposed Ultra Low Power SRAM Cell


Fig.4.26. SNM in read and HOLD mode for proposed SRAM cell

Fig.4.23 shows the SNM for both read and hold mode for a 6T-SRAM cell. As it can be
seen, at very low supply voltages the noise margin is low. To see the effect of process
variations on SNM, Monte Carlo simulation is used. Fig.4.24 shows the Monte-Carlo
simulation of SNM for a 6T-SRAM cell. As it can be seen, is around 5.6mV. The data
have been acquired using Monte-Carlo simulation based on mismatch and process
variations for a 6T-SRAM standard cell.
The effect of temperature on SNM in read and hold modes is shown in Fig.4.25. As it can
be seen, the effect of temperature is not significant. The maximum change in SNM due to
the temperature is 18mV in read cycle, and 27mV for Hold mode for a 6T-SRAM cell. As
it can be seen in Fig.4.26, using PMOS transistor as a pass transistor (W/L=0.2/0.06
compared to W/L=0.4/0.06 for 6T-SRAM standard cell), shows good enough results
compared to a standard SRAM cell. The hold SNM is improved due to the smaller PMOS
pass-transistor and lower leakage current for proposed SRAM cell.
In this section, we showed that using PMOS transistors as a pass transistor and also in
write path is much better compared to using NMOS transistors. Results showed significant
Fig.4.27. read assist circuitry [110]
Chapter 4: Ultra Low Power SRAM Design


improvement in write SNM with a lower area compared to standard 6T-SRAM cell. We
showed that using proposed circuit the WRITE static noise margin is improved by around
50% for TT CMOS model. Simulation results showed the area overhead of proposed
circuit is lower than 6T-SRAM standard cell due to using smaller pass transistors.

4.3. SRAM Design, Architecture Level
Several SRAM cell topologies were proposed that enables ultra low voltage scaling.
However all the proposed SRAMs at cell level comes with a penalty in area (2X-3X larger
area overhead). To cope with area, a new wordline driver is proposed that enables working
in scaled supply voltage along with significant improvement in robustness.
In this section, we propose a technique with the following features: (a) Boosted voltage
level to V
+ where depends on the transistors sizing in wordline driver circuit, and
boosting capacitance in wordline circuit. (b) Fixed voltage at V
for a short period of time
from the start of the read access and then lowered voltage to around V
/2 for the rest of
read mode. This improves the read noise margin. (c) Negative level of wordline voltage
during standby mode to reduce bitline leakage.

Fig.4.29. LPWD-SS [101]

Fig.4:28. RAT scheme [96]
4.3. SRAM Design, Architecture Level


4.3.1. Wordline Drives for SRAM Arrays
In literature, different topologies have been proposed to improve read and write static
noise margins (SNM) [95-111]. In this work we consider the most recently proposed
techniques that are relevant to wordline driving. In this section we briefly present some of
Fig.4.27 shows the schematic of Level-programmable Wordline Driver (LPWD)
proposed by Hirabayashi et al. in [110]. They proposed a wordline compensation technique
combined with a dual power supply scheme. As shown in Fig.4.27, there are two global
power supplies named V
and V
. The authors reported that V
is 200mV higher than
based on their measurements on a 512KB SRAM block. This technique uses an
adaptive wordline (WL) level-control generated from dual power supplies in the WL
driver. In LPWD, the WL pull-up PMOS transistors are split in a binary manner. Even
though the cell failure is reduced by 1000X, the usage of large PMOS transistors leads to
large area penalty. Besides, this technique uses dual power supplies.
A replica access transistor (RAT) is proposed in [106] that self-calibrates the WL voltage
suppression under dynamic control voltage and frequency scaling. The schematic of the
design is shown in Fig.4.28. The technique reduces the cell current by 83% compared to
conventional assist circuits [106]. Furthermore, the minimum operating voltage in the
worst case was improved by 170 mV, confirming a high immunity against process and
temperature variations with less than 10% area overhead. However, since the WL voltage
is lowered, there is a concern about degradation of the operating speed. Furthermore, this
technique uses resistances as voltage-divider (implemented by N
poly-Si) that imposes
area penalty.
In [106, 107], the write capability is enhanced by negative write biasing without any
reduction in the cell current Furthermore, read capability is enhanced by cell current
boosting. This technique uses a negative voltage booster to boost the selected columns
to a negative voltage to enhance the access current. However, in this technique the cells

Fig.4.30. MLWD circuit topology
Chapter 4: Ultra Low Power SRAM Design


are 8T-SRAM cells with separate read and write schemes. Therefore, these techniques
suffer from large area and power penalties compared to 6T-SRAM array.
In [108], capacitive coupling is used to generate a transient negative voltage at the low-
going bit-line during Write operation without using any on-chip or off-chip negative
voltage source. In this technique, bitline voltage is lowered to a negative level using a
capacitance, and then it gets back to ground after a certain time depending on the design.
This technique shows 1000X improvement in Write failures with no impact on the read
In [112], the authors proposed a Level-programmable Wordline Driver for Single Supply
(LPWD-SS) design, shown in Fig.4.29. This design uses a fixed negative voltage using
boosting capacitance that gives better writeability to the SRAM cell. The design shows
better rise time in WL compared to LPWD design. This design uses 32nm high
gate CMOS technology.
In following section, we propose a technique that improves read and write SNM, with
comparable read access time compared to standard SRAM-cell, while showing lower
power consumption compared to conventional wordline drivers. In addition, it gives lower
leakage current due to the negative WL voltage during a percentage of standby mode.

Fig.4.31. Output of MLVD during the write

Fig.4.32. MLWL outputs during READ
4.3. SRAM Design, Architecture Level


4.3.2. Proposed Wordline Driver
The schematic of the proposed wordline driver is shown in Fig.4.30. The Multi-Level
wordline Driver circuit (MLWD) consists of three parts: (1) the delay element that
determines the duration of read and the time during which WL has a negative level, (2) the
pulse generator circuitry produces a special shaped pulse. (3) boosting capacitance. The
MLWD scheme works as follows: let us consider the MLWD circuit operation in three
different modes: (a) hold or standby mode (b) read mode and (c) write mode. During hold,
the WL line is connected to a negative voltage for a short period of time (6
, where
the delay of a single inverter) and thereafter WL voltage level becomes zero where the
circuit follows the conventional wordline driver operation. The negative voltage level of
WL reduces the leakage current. The actual improvement in leakage power consumption
due to the negative level of the wordline voltage depends on different factors such as the
transistor sizing, boosting capacitance, and the inverter-chain delay. During write, the
MLWD circuit, generates a V
+ voltage with >0. This WL voltage level (a wordline
boosting technique) improves writeability. The value of depends on the boosting
capacitance while the rise time of WL depends on the transmission-gate sizing in the
MLWD circuit. Larger transmission-gate transistors (TGT) gives lower rise time of the
MLWD output during write or read modes. During write, due to the presence of higher
current through pass
transistors in SRAM cell, writeability is improved significantly depending on the value of
. Hence, there is no need for dual supply voltages or negative ground (Vss). Finally,
Table4.2. MLWD output for different capacitances
Cap (fF)
MLWD output(V)
(Write mode)
0.2 1.112
0.4 1.123
0.6 1.132
0.8 1.14
1 1.146

Fig.4.33. Simulation results for MLWD and CWD

Chapter 4: Ultra Low Power SRAM Design


during the read operation, for the primary time of read (n
), where n is the number of
inverter delays, WL is kept at a value around V
, and is then discharged to a level around
/2. Due to the lowered level of WL voltage, the static noise margin of SRAM cell
improves significantly compared to conventional WL driver with no degradation in read
access time. The wordline voltage for a short time after starting the read operation is kept
at V
. Consequently, the droop of the WL pulse width during read, does not affect the
read access time.
To show the efficacy of the proposed MLWD circuit, simulations results are shown in the
next section.

4.3.3. Simulation Results
As we have mentioned in the previous section, the proposed MLWD topology produces
three voltage levels one for each operation region. Fig.4.31 shows the MLWD output
during the write cycle. As illustrated, the wordline level is boosted to V
+ in order to

Fig.4.35. Read-SNM for 6T-SRAM at different operating voltages

Fig.4.34. Voltage Sense-Amplifier used in SRAM array design

4.3. SRAM Design, Architecture Level


improve the Write time while it becomes negative when WL is at low. The value of can
be increased by making the boosting capacitance larger. The results are shown in Table4.2.
During read for a short period of time from the beginning cell access ( 6x
(70ps-100ps)), the MLWD output voltage is raised to V
where is a very small value
(few mV), that depends on the transistor dimensions of the MLWD circuits, and the
boosting capacitance. For the remaining WL pulse period, the MLWD output is set at a
fixed voltage around V
/2. By applying such voltages, the read noise margin improves
significantly while the read access time remains unchanged. Voltage waveforms showing
the operation of a 6T-SRAM cell using MLWD are illustrated in Fig.4.32. The advantage
of this technique is attributed to the non-fixed WL voltage level during read mode.
Although some techniques lower the level of WL voltage during the read cycle [113]
resulting in improved read noise margin, the penalty of degraded read access time is
inevitably large. The proposed MLWD technique, in fact, slightly improves read access
time. In Fig.4.33, we plot the results for BLs with conventional wordline driver (CWD) and
Multi-Level Wordline Driver (MLWD). As it is shown, discharging the bitline for MLWD
is faster than the CWD. Since there is enough time to read the data during the time after
starting the read operation (70ps-100ps), the MLWD shows better results in terms of read
access time compared to using conventional wordline driver topology due to the few mV
boosted voltage during the read mode. For instance, read access time at V
=1V, f=1GHz,
at TT (Typical NMOS, Typical PMOS) process corner, and at Temp=27
C improves by
20% compared to the CWD. In this case, we use a sense-amplifier (SA) design in which
(Bitline differential) of 70mV can be sensed. For lower supply voltages, due to the
delay of MLWD design (Transmission-gate transistors), read access time degrades by few
percent compared to CWD. The sense amplifier (SA) used in our SRAM array design is
shown in Fig.4.34 that can sense V
less than 100mV.
Due to supply voltage scaling and process variations, the static noise margin in SRAM
arrays degrades significantly, especially during read. To improve read SNM, different
SRAM bit-cell topologies have been presented (8T, 10T, and Schmitt-Trigger SRAM)
[114-116]. On other hand, different techniques have been presented to improve the SNM
by lowering the level of WL voltage during read with a penalty on access time, weakening
the pass transistors in SRAM cells using multi-threshold technology [96, 97], or applying a
negative bitline voltage. We propose a technique to improve the read SNM by lowering the
WL voltage level without any penalty on read access time. To show the improvement of

Fig.4.36. Lowering the WL voltage effect on SNM and Read access time
Chapter 4: Ultra Low Power SRAM Design


MLWD technique, we perform HSPICE simulations on SRAM cell using conventional
wordline driver and MLWD scheme. Fig.4.35 shows a family of butterfly curves and the
corresponding read SNM of a conventional wordline driver for different supply voltages. It
is known that lowering the supply voltage, SNM degrades significantly. To overcome this
problem weaker access transistors are preferred. Lowering the WL voltage level is a way
to make the access transistors weaker and thus to improve read SNM. Unfortunately, this
technique degrades the read access time. Fig.4.36 explains how read SNM and access time
are affected/ degraded by lowering the WL voltage. As it can be seen by lowering the WL
voltage to 0.6V, read access time degrades by 40% while the read SNM improves by 2X.
By applying the MLWD technique, read access time does not get degrade while the read
SNM improves by more than two times. Table 4.3, shows the results for read SNM using

Fig.4.38. Current saving during Write and Read

Fig.4.37. current saving of MLWD during Read.
4.3. SRAM Design, Architecture Level


Table 4.3. SNM results at different supply voltages

Fig.4.39. Write delay for MLWD compared to CWD and LPWD

Fig.4.40. Level of MLWD at different operation voltage

Chapter 4: Ultra Low Power SRAM Design


MLWD and CWD topologies. MLWD design improves read SNM by at least
2.14Xcompared to the CWD scheme. This is attributed to the boosted WL (a few mV
above V
). When the sense amplifier senses a voltage difference (V
) between the
bitlines, the WL voltage is lowered to suppress the access current for the remaining read
cycle (90% of T
, where T
is the WL period). Fig.4.37 shows the access current
flowing through the pass-transistors of the SRAM cell during read for MLWD and CWD .
It is evident that our MLWD design provides more than 50% current savings during read
compared to CWD technique. As a result, MLWD reduces the power consumed by the
SRAM cell during read. This is attributed to decreased current flows through the access
transistor (I
). In Fig.4.38, we have plotted I
during read and write modes for MLWD
and CWD schemes. To calculate power saving, we perform HSPICE transient analysis for
read, write, and hold modes. The results show that the MLWD design reduces the total
power of an SRAM cell by 12% compared to the CWD design. Due to boosted wordline
voltage during write, the MLWD scheme shows 37% increase in the I
current compared
to CWD. Consequently, less improvement (12%) in total power saving is observed. It is
known that the number of read accesses is three times larger than the number of write
accesses based on test-benchmarks [118]. This suggests that the total savings will improve
more than 12% for common applications, where read is more prevalent. Furthermore,
writeability of the MLWD improves due to boosted WL voltage. In Fig.4.39, we compare
the write delay for different wordline driver techniques. Since, the MLWD design shows
less rise in voltage at lower supply voltages, write delay is less affected by using this
technique. At lower supply voltages, the negative BL technique (e.g. LPWD and LPWD-
SS) results in a smaller delay compared to MLWD technique. In addition, in Fig.4.40, we
show the waveforms of the MLWD output during write for different supply voltages. The
main reason of write speed degradation is due to the delay added by the MLWD circuitry.
By upsizing the transistors in the MLWD (transmission-gate transistors), this problem can
be mitigated for lower supply voltages. However, for higher supply voltages, the MLWD
exhibits lower write delay compared to the negative BL methods (LPWD and LPWD-SS).
The results of write margin for the negative bitline design compared to CWD and MLWD
schemes are depicted in Fig.4.41. These simulation results show that the LPWD design
provides better write margin compared to the MLWD technique. However, the MLWD
achieves 2.75X improvement in write margin compared to the conventional design.

Fig.4.41. Write Margin comparison
4.3. SRAM Design, Architecture Level


Furthermore, our design shows better write delay at higher supply voltages compared to the
LPWD design.
To study the effect of process variations on the MLWD design, we perform Monte-
Carlo simulations during read and write modes. The corresponding results are summarized
in Fig.4.42 and Fig.4.43, respectively. For read mode, we observe the effect of process
variations on the lowered WL voltage. As it can be seen, the and values are 0.53V and
17.4mV respectively. Furthermore, we observe that the mean value of during write is
0.11V. Therefore, our circuit demonstrates robust behavior in presence of transistor process
variations and mismatches.

4.3.4. Dynamic Noise Margin Comparison
Static noise margin (SNM) supposes that the word-line pulse width is infinite. Even
though this assumption does not represent the reality, it provides an easy, fast and
comprehensive way to measure the stability of an SRAM cell. Recently, increasing
attention has been paid to dynamic stability analysis and dynamic noise margin (DNM)

Fig.4.42. Process variations effect on WL voltage during the READ

Fig.4.43. Effect of process variations on WL voltage level during write
Chapter 4: Ultra Low Power SRAM Design


[119], [120]. The DNM incorporation for SRAM cell analysis is necessary in our case to
grasp the improvements that are achieved by employing the proposed technique. The
premise is capturing transient states that are not captured during the DC static analysis. The
main reason for paying attention to dynamic noise margin here is that we used a shaped
pulse during read cycle. Lowering the WL pulse width during read makes our design more
stable compared to other counterparts. In our design, we lowered the level of voltage (V

(WL)) after a period of time that improves the read stability.
Before we present our results, it will be more convenient to introduce some terms that
help explain our results appropriately. By running transient analysis using a numerical
simulator like SPICE we get the voltage waveforms (V
, V
and W
) with respect to time as
they are shown in Fig.4.44 (a). Their trace in the V
plane is called a trajectory and this
plane is called phase plane (or vector plane). Some points and curves on the phase plane
have some special properties and play a significant role on SRAM analysis. If a point has
the property that for a trajectory that starts from this point then it stays there forever then
this point is called equilibrium point (EP). In our case these points can be determined
graphically by the cross points of the butterfly curves. It is obvious that the points (V
) and the metastable point are equilibrium point for the hold mode.
The first two are stable but the last one is unstable. Note that these EPs move during read
and write operation. The curve that plays a significant role in our analysis is the separatrix.
Separatrix is a curve that splits the V
plane into two sub-planes. All the trajectories that
start from one of these sub-planes converge to one of the two equilibrium points. In
addition, separatrix passes through the metastable point. All these concepts are depicted in
DNM is important when we deal with cells that are statically unstable. Statically
unstable cell is one where the read mode butterflies cross in one point. That case is shown

Fig.4.44. Simulation results for CWD and MLWD design
4.3. SRAM Design, Architecture Level

in Fig.4.45. For instance, for that cell, if a trajectory starts from EP (V
,0) after some
finite time it will cross the separatrix and then it will reach the unique read mode EP. When

Fig.4.45. Simulations results for CWD and MLWD

the access transistor closes, it will converge to (0,V
) EP. It is obvious that this cell is
dynamically unstable because the stored data is not the same before and after read
operation. However if the time that the WL is high is short enough then the trajectory may
not have enough time to cross the separatrix and reach the other EP, thereby, retaining the
data. Note that the cell is dynamically stable in this case. These two scenarios are shown in

Fig.4.46. Simulation results for MLWD at different levels of V

Fig.4.47. Schematics of 8T-SRAM [115] and ST-SRAM cells [117]
Chapter 4: Ultra Low Power SRAM Design

4.3.5. MLWD in Other SRAM Topologies
Fig.4.47 shows the schematics of the 8T-SRAM and ST-SRAM cells [115], [117]. By
applying MLWD to 8T-SRAM cell, access time degrades due to the single-ended bitline
for the 8T-SRAM cell. However, due to the boosted WL in write mode, the write margin
improves similar to a 6T-SRAM cell. However, the 8T-SRAM cell does not suffering from
the dummy-read when WL voltage is boosted to a value higher than V

Table4.4. Simulations results for CWD and MLWD

Fig.4.48. TGPT-SRAM cell


Fig.4.49. TGPT-SRAM cell with separate BLs
4.3. SRAM Design, Architecture Level

The ST-SRAM cell [117] improves read SNM by 1.47X compared to the 6T-SRAM cell.
Therefore, considering effect of MLWD on this design would be interesting. By MLWD to
the ST-SRAM cell we can get at least 1.94X read SNM improvement compared to using
the CWD scheme. Table 4.4 shows the results at different supply voltages for the MLWD
compared to using a CWD design.
This technique can be applied to a transmission-gate pass-transistor SRAM (TGPT-
SRAM) cell as shown in Fig.4.48. As it can be seen, by using high-V
(HVT) devices for
the write-assist access-transistors, dummy-read can be reduced due to the reduced effect of
boosted voltage. Furthermore, by using Low-V
device, the access time degradation at
lower supply voltages can be compensated. However TGPT-SRAM cell leads to 25% area
penalty compared to 6T-SRAM cell. Another configuration that can be used is separated
RBL and WBL. The corresponding topology is shown in Fig.4.49. By using this SRAM
topology, further improvements in read SNM and access time are observed. In this case,
we use separate wordline drivers, read wordline (ML-RWL) and write wordline (ML-
WWL). Furthermore, this topology is not suffering from the dummy-read due to the
separated read and writes lines. The whole SRAM topology including WL drivers is shown
in Fig.4.50. The number of transistors compared to using the MLWD in a 6T- SRAM cell
is increased by two NMOS, one PMOS transistor, and one boosting capacitance that is less
than 10% compared to using MLWD in single BLs for read and write.
In this section, we proposed a multi-level wordline driver to enable better write margin
without any read access time degradation. Furthermore, by using the MLWD scheme, read
noise margin is improved by at least 2X compared to the conventional wordline driver

Fig.4.50. Separate bitlines TGPT-SRAM cell
WLin Multi-Level WL
Multi-Level WL
Shared between wordline drivers
Shared between wordline drivers
Chapter 4: Ultra Low Power SRAM Design

(CWD). When applying the proposed MLWD to an 8T-SRAM and a Schmitt-trigger
SRAM cell, the read-SNM was improved by at least 1.96X compared to using a
conventional wordline driver in the ST-SRAM. Total power is reduced by at least 12%
compared to the conventional SRAM due to a lowered drive current through the pass-
transistors in read mode. Furthermore, we proposed an 8T-SRAM cell (TGPT-SRAM)
using MLWD scheme to separate read and write wordlines resulting in improved read
SNM. Although the proposed MLWD scheme can be applied to any SRAM cell, it is more
useful in SRAM cells with dual bitlines. However considering area overhead is an

Fig.4.51. Thin-cell 6T-SRAM cell layout

Fig.4.52. Layout of (a) MLWD (b) CWD designs
4.4. Conclusions


important figure of merit for SRAM arrays. A 32KB SRAM array is was fabricated using
TSMC 65nm technology using two different wordline driver topologies to show the
efficacy of proposed MLWD driver. Next sub-section includes area information for
MLWD design.

4.3.6. Implementation Area
We have implemented the layout of a thin-SRAM cell as depicted in Fig.4.51. The layout
of the MLWD and CWD designs are shown in Fig.4.52.Note that the capacitor C
implemented using a MOSCAP device which shows different capacitance values at
different biases, for instance C
=17fF, 10fF and 2fF for capacitance voltage equal to 1V,
0V, and -1V respectively. Even though the area overhead for a single bit wordline driver is
46% the total area overhead due to MLWD circuitry compared to CWD is less than 2.5%
for a 128Kb memory array that is shown in Fig.4.53.

4.4. Conclusions
In this chapter, several topologies for SRAM design in circuit/architecture level were
explained. Several SRAM cell topologies were proposed for ultra low power applications
in sub/super threshold regions. 11T-SRAM and PAT-SRAM cells were proposed that
showed significant improvement in robustness for read and write, respectively. However
PAT-SRAM topology is process-dependent and 11T-SRAM comes with a penalty of a
large area overhead. A new wordline driver was proposed for high-performance and low
power applications with improved read and write margins. In multi-level wordline driver,
different levels of signals were applied to wordline. Simulations results showed significant
improvement in static and dynamic noise margin compared to conventional wordline
drivers. Furthermore, to show the efficacy of proposed design, the MLWD technique was
applied to 8T-SRAM and Schmitt-trigger SRAM cell.

Fig.4.53. Layout of 128KB SRAM array including MLWD and CWD

CMOS Circuit
Challenges for
Ultra Low Power
Chapter 5
Chapter 5: Nano-Scale CMOS Circuit Design Challenges


Chapter 5

Nano-Scale CMOS Circuit Design
Challenges for Ultra Low Power

Making energy efficient electronic systems is currently becoming more and more
important. The demands for combining high performance operation and long battery
lifetime in portable and wireless applications have strong implications on how to design
such systems. The need for cost optimized solutions targeting large volume applications
results in combining all system components on one single chip usually referred to as a
System on Chip (SoC). Such systems combine advanced RF and analog blocks in the front-
end and analog/digital interfacing circuitry with complex digital parts performing signal
processing, system control and storage. In order to make energy optimized solutions, all
aspects must be taken into account. The introduction of intelligent power control and
efficient modulation methods has reduced the energy consumption of such systems
significantly. However some parts of the system may not be put in idle mode, especially
those parts taking care of the power control and monitoring trigger events for leaving idle
mode. The fact that these parts of the system are always on leaves a great potential of
saving energy by reducing the supply voltage and introducing new and innovative
techniques at device-level.
This chapter explains body-biasing techniques in order to find the optimum operating
conditions for PMOS and NMOS devices in deep submicron technology. Body biasing
techniques have been used to alter the MOS threshold voltage in order to either increase
the speed or reduce leakage. According to theory and in more conventional devices,
forward body biasing (FBB) reduces the threshold voltage while Reverse Body Biasing has
the opposite effect. In deep submicron devices, the effect of these techniques is more
complicated due to short channel effects. This work is focusing on analyzing the effect of
these techniques using a standard 65nm CMOS process and to further determine how to
utilize FBB and reverse body biasing (RBB) to establish optimal operating conditions for
digital circuitry targeting high performance and low energy operation. In order to predict
5.1. DC Analysis


the effect of FBB and RBB both as a function of physical parameters, geometry and
temperature, an analytic approach combined with circuit simulations has been chosen to
determine the physical origin of the observed behavior and the practical consequences for
circuit design utilizing the subthreshold operating regime [121]-[124].
Sub-threshold current rises due to lowering of threshold voltage which is scaled down to
maintain transistor ON current in the face of falling power supply voltage. Voltage scaling
for standby power reduction was suggested since both subthreshold current and gate
current decrease dramatically (with V^4 for gate leakage) [124]. Lowering supply voltage
thus saves standby power by decreasing both standby current and voltage [125]. The
subthreshold region (weak inversion) is often utilized to implement power efficient circuits
for ultra low power wireless applications, but due to the much lower current in
subthreshold region compared with higher supply voltages, the evaluation speed of such
circuits operating in weak inversion is decreased. Therefore, new techniques to improve
circuit speed need to be developed.
Subthreshold design has emerged as a good potential for ultra low power applications such
as wireless sensor networks, medical instruments, and portable devices.
We have observed some specific behaviors from devices operating in subthreshold region
in the 65nm technology due to lack of well-engineered models for subthreshold region.
Short channel devices have been optimized for regular strong inversion circuits to meet
various objectives such as high mobility, reduced Drain-induced barrier lowering (DIBL),
low leakage current, and minimal V
roll-off. However, a transistor that is optimized for
operating in superthreshold logics are not necessarily optimal in low voltage, low power
dissipation applications designed for operation in the subthreshold region. Optimization
problems include the transistor sizing, the drive current for PMOS and NMOS devices, the
effects of some techniques such as FBB, RBB, and stacking effects on threshold voltage
and drive current. Although, it would be ideal to have a dedicated process technology
optimized for subthreshold circuits. In order to design optimal subthreshold circuits using
CMOS devices that are targeted for superthreshold operation, it is crucial to develop design
techniques that can utilize the side effects that appear in this new regime. However, in the
absence of such a dedicated process the development of low voltage low power
applications using the 65nm CMOS technology requires care and novelty in design.

5.1. DC Analysis for CMOS 65nm Technology
In this section three topologies for basic circuits are presented and simulated using DC
analysis. Fig.5.1 illustrates the topologies that are simulated in 65nm technology with

Fig.5.1. (a) 2PMOS (b) 3PMOS (c) 2NMOS circuits
Chapter 5: Nano-Scale CMOS Circuit Design Challenges


supply voltage equal to V
=0.9V. In all topologies minimum sizes for the transistors are
used. Fig.5.1 shows the three stacked devices (two PMOS and one NMOS referred to as
2PMOS). Fig.5.1 (b, c) are referred to as 3PMOS and 2NMOS respectively. Simulation
results based on DC analysis for these three configurations are illustrated in Fig.5.2. As it
can be observed, the short circuit current in 2NMOS is higher than for the other circuits,
which implies that the delay for 2NMOS configuration is higher than the delay of other
topologies causing increased short circuit current through this circuit.

5.2. Stacking Effect in 65nm Technology
Stacking has been proposed as a technique to decrease the leakage current in
subthreshold region [126]. This technique is based on increasing the threshold voltage of
source to bulk as a result of which the threshold voltage will increase thereby reducing
leakage current in idle mode. However, when the circuits are forced to work in ultra low
supply voltage (subthreshold region), increased subthreshold current is desired to improve

Fig.5.2. V
vs. V
(b) IDS current vs. gate voltage

Fig.5.3. (a) circuit1 (b) circuit2 schematics
5.3. Body-Basing Technique


the circuits speed. In order to find better circuit topologies which use the stacking
technique, two topologies which utilize the stacking effect are simulated.

As known, in CMOS technologies, the speed of the NMOS is higher than PMOS because
of higher mobility of electrons compared with holes, but simulations show that for 65nm
technology in ultra low supply voltages (in subthreshold), this behavior is changed. The
main reason of this phenomenon is that these models are engineered for superthreshold
circuits. For superthreshold applications, the threshold voltage of PMOS devices are
lowered to compensate the effect of lower mobility compared to NMOS devices. But in
subthreshold region, the exponential dependence of subthreshold current to V
some unexpected results [127]-[129]. Fig.5.3 shows two topologies used to illustrate the
stacking effect on speed. These two circuits were simulated for ultra low supply voltages
=0.2V) to investigate which is the faster topology. Two similar pulses are applied to
the inputs of the circuits, and the charging and discharging speeds of the output nodes are
considered and compared for Circuit1 and Circuit2, respectively. Fig.5.4 shows the
simulation results for these two configurations, which show that circuit1 has a higher speed
compared with Circuit2 in ultra low supply voltages, so employing circuit1 configuration
in circuits such as D-Flip-flops instead of circuit2 topology, gives much better results. To
attain the same speed for circuit2, the NMOS transistors must be upsized 13 times, so the
area overhead of circuit2 is higher than circuit1 in the same speed. Based on this concept
The SAFF (Sense amplifier flip-flop) and the HLFF (Hybrid latch flip flop) are simulated
using the complementary circuits of the NMOS stacked transistors configuration. Results
of simulation utilizing circuit1 topology show that higher operating speeds are achievable
at lower supply voltages as a result of which we attain significant reduction in power
dissipation. Fig.5.5 shows the effect of body biasing technique on an inverter with different
bulk voltages.

5.3. Body Biasing Technique
In this section the effect of forward body biasing (FBB) and reverse body biasing (RBB)
techniques on the current through NMOS and PMOS devices are investigated. Body
biasing is used to change the threshold voltage of transistors governed by the following

) (5.1)

Fig.5.4. transient analysis for (a) circuit2 (b) circuit1 (with minimum size for all
transistors in 27
C, TT model)
Chapter 5: Nano-Scale CMOS Circuit Design Challenges


where is the body threshold parameter, V
is the threshold voltage in V
=0, and
the strong inversion surface potential which can be neglected compared with V
for lower
supply voltages. The threshold voltage equation may then be simplified to this equation:

As observed from this equation, by increasing the body voltage (NMOS) relative to the
source voltage, the threshold voltage is decreased and then the current is increased, while
in PMOS transistors by increasing the body voltage (Reverse body bias), the threshold
voltage is increased and then the current is decreased [130]. By applying the RBB
technique to NMOS devices, the source voltage is higher than body voltage, so by
increasing the source voltage, the threshold voltage increases and then the current through
the NMOS is decreased. By utilizing reverse body biasing technique in NMOS devices, the
threshold voltage decreases and as a result, the drain current increases which in turn
improves the speed of the circuit.
Therefore, the highest speed of the NMOS is expected to be when the body is connected
to the maximum allowed forward body bias voltage. In the case of a PMOS, when the body
voltage is connected to lowest possible voltage, the threshold voltage is expected to be at

Fig.5.5. the effect of body biasing technique

Fig.5.6. ID vs. Body voltage for NMOS transistor
-2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
ID vs. Vbulk
TT model
VD=0.9,VG=0.9, VS=0V
5.3. Body-Basing Technique


its minimum, maximizing the ON current of the PMOS device. The limitation, however, is
that the forward bias amount must be small enough to prevent the junction diodes from
turning on.
This limits the forward bias range to be below the PN diode built-in potential, giving an
acceptable forward bias range of about 500mV. Forward bias has been shown not only to
improve performance, but to also reduce short channel effects [131]. Reverse body bias is
while the body to source is reversely biased. In this case, the current is expected to
decrease due to negative body to source voltage.

5.3.1. Body-Biasing in Scaled Technologies
RBB technique is typically applied to decrease the leakage currents in a system. In
general, by applying the reverse body bias technique the threshold voltage is increased. By
scaling the technology, the RBB effectiveness also diminishes with technology scaling
primarily because of worsening SCE, especially when the target V
value is low. In 65nm
CMOS technology, body biasing technique has a different effect on NMOS and PMOS
devices. Fig.5.6. shows the drain ON current at V
=0.9V versus the body (body) voltage
Fig.5.8. PMOS Drain current versus Body voltage

Fig.5.7. I
and I
vs. V
-1.6 -1.1 -0.6 -0.1 0.4 0.9
TT model
VD=0.9,VG=0.9, VS=0V
Chapter 5: Nano-Scale CMOS Circuit Design Challenges


for a NMOS transistor. As illustrated, the maximum current is not while the body is
connected to higher forward bias
voltage. In fact, the maximum ON current happens at a body in a negative voltage range
(at Vbb=-0.23V). This is in contrast to the traditional effect of the BB technique on
NMOS. Further, in this case, the maximum current occurs when the body voltage is around
Fig.5.7. shows the drain off current (I
) and body current with body voltage. As it can be
seen, the minimum leakage is when the body terminal is connected to the lowest body
voltage (maximum RBB). Therefore, to get the minimum leakage in 65nm technology, the
body can be connected to the most negative bias. In Fig.5.7, it is shown the body current is
negligible compared to the drain off current (1000X less). So the optimum point to get the
minimum leakage is while the body is connected to the most possible negative voltage.
Fig.5.8 shows the drain to source ON current versus body voltage for PMOS. it is observed
that by lowering the body voltage until the body voltage is equal to V
=50mV, the
current increases and afterwards it decreases by further lowering the body voltage. As
illustrated the maximum current is when the body voltage is V
=59mV. This is also
contrary to the traditional FBB effect which indicates that more FBB should result in more
ON current. Table.5.1 shows the body voltage level at which the current of the device is at
In this section, we focus on simulation results based on short channel equations. We
consider the channel depth, doping concentration and temperature effect on I
First, let consider the short channel effects (SCE) in 65nm technology and beyond then the
effects of body biasing techniques are shown for short channel devices. As technology is
scaled, the oxide thickness is decreased and the threshold voltage is decreased. To have
acceptable power consumption, the most efficient way is scaling the supply voltage, but by
scaling the supply voltage the performance is degraded.
Fig.5.9. Optimal body bias vs. channel length for maximum ON current
0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1 0.12 0.14







Channel length (um)
TT Model
5.3. Body-Basing Technique


5.3.2. Body-Biasing Simulation Results
The simulation results shows that there is an optimal body bias point to get the highest ON
current and lowest OFF currents for PMOS and NMOS devices in 65nm technology and
these optimal bias points are different than traditionally expected. To understand the main
reason behind these results, first let us consider the short channel effect. To have a higher
speed, using minimum channel length is an alternative, but the SCE effect is worsened for
short channel devices especially for 65nm technology and beyond. One of the processing
options to mitigate the effect of SCE is halo doping to increase the threshold voltage along
with lowering leakage current. This change in transistor characteristics, has some effect on
body biasing techniques.
The following equations describe the DIBL and V
roll-off for short channel devices:


is the flat-band potential. C

is the oxide capacitance, and N is substrate doping
concentration. In this equation


are source to body and drain to source voltage



describes the DIBL and V

roll-off effects in short channel
devices, respectively. The following equations explain these two SCE effects:



is source or drain junction depth, and L is channel


is the silicon permittivity. Regarding to these equations, using non-uniform

doping in devices, causes an increase in doping concentration which results in increased
threshold voltage due to the decreased channel depth. Therefore, by increasing the channel
depth, the threshold voltage is decreased due to worsening the SCE effect.

Fig.5.10. ID (ON current) vs. channel length
Chapter 5: Nano-Scale CMOS Circuit Design Challenges


5.3.3. Channel length effect on Body-Biasing technique
For short channel devices, there are two major effects: (a) DIBL and (b) V
whose effects are shown in equations (5.3) and (5.4). By increasing the drain voltage, the
depletion width is increased and due to reduced effective channel length, I
increases. So
by decreasing the channel length until a specific length, threshold voltage remains constant,
but afterwards it starts decreasing. For halo doping devices, we have two effects. First, due
to increased depletion width, the channel doping concentration raises causing an increase
in the threshold voltage. The second effect is caused by DIBL and SCE that increase the
current from Drain to Source. Hence, there is a contention between V
roll-off and DIBL
with doping concentration effect in channel. However at very low supply voltages DIBL
effect is negligible due to very low V
voltage, and therefore, there is a contention
between channel doping concentration and V
roll-off effect. When the effective channel
length is comparable with the depletion width, by increasing the body bias voltage, the
depletion width is decreased. Lower depletion width decreases the SCE effect and DIBL
causing a higher threshold voltage.
Simulations show that the effect of SCE is much higher than the effect of V
on threshold
voltage increase. Therefore, by increasing the body voltage, the current decreases.
Fig.5.9 shows the NMOS Optimal body bias at different channel lengths. As it can be
seen, more negative body voltage causes higher current for very short channel lengths, for
longer channel lengths the behavior changes. Another point is that by just a 0.02um
increase in length the current is decreased dramatically. This effect is due to mitigated
short channel effects in longer channels. Fig.5.10 shows the drain current for different
channel lengths. As illustrated, the dependence of drain current to body voltage is different
at different channel lengths. Also the effect of body biasing technique in this figure is
illustrated. Fig.5.11 shows the dependence of optimal body biasing on channel length. As
illustrated in this figure, for higher supply voltages and minimum channel length we have
DIBL and V
roll-off effect and by increasing the body voltage, the current decreases. For
longer channel lengths, we have the normal behavior because of lower influence of SCE
Table.5.1. Optimum body voltage to get the maximum I
5.3. Body-Basing Technique


effect. Therefore, by increasing the body voltage the current increases due to a decrease in
threshold voltage.

5.3.4. Efficacy of Body-Biasing Technique
In sub-threshold region, by increasing the body voltage, threshold voltage is decreased by
the relation between V
and V
, and I
is changed exponentially with the threshold
voltage. In this case, the effect of threshold voltage on sub-threshold current is dominant
factor. The body voltage increase has a normal effect on the sub-threshold current due to
lower SCE effects. In Halo doping devices, by increasing the channel length, the overlap
between Halo doping of the source and that of the drain is reduced. Therefore, first, the
threshold voltage is
decreased then it starts to increase again. This phenomenon is called reverse short channel
effect. For sub-threshold region, there is an optimal channel length to maximize the I
but the optimal point to get the highest I
is when bulk connected to a higher voltage.
Table.5.1 shows that for higher supply voltages the effect of RBB technique is degraded,
but for lower supply voltages due to improved DIBL and V
roll-off, the regular behavior
of RBB technique is observed. By lowering the temperature, the optimum body voltage to
get the highest performance is decreased. As it can be seen in Table 1, the worst case in
which the optimum body voltage is more negative is while FF models are used and the
temperature is lowered. The reason is that, for FF models, the channel length is much
smaller, so the effect of channel length increasing is more significant. For lower
temperatures, the body voltage is lower, because the DIBL effect is more. As we discussed
in this section, DIBL is a dominant factor to determine the optimum body voltage value.
Short channel devices have been optimized for regular superthreshold circuits to meet
various objectives such as high mobility, reduced DIBL, low leakage current, and minimal
roll-off. However, a transistor that is optimized for superthreshold logics might not be
suitable to use in weak inversion (sub-threshold).
Although, it would be ideal to have a dedicated process technology optimized for
subthreshold circuits this is currently not available. In order to design optimal subthreshold
circuits using CMOS devices that are targeted for superthreshold operation, it is crucial to
develop design techniques that can utilize the side effects that appear in this new regime.
Fig.5.11. The effect of FBB on long and short channel devices
Chapter 5: Nano-Scale CMOS Circuit Design Challenges


SCE (or V
roll-off) is an undesirable phenomenon in short channel devices where V

decreases as the channel length is reduced [131]. Variation in device critical dimensions
translates into a larger variation in the threshold voltage as SCE worsens with increasing
Traditionally, non-uniform HALO doping is used to mitigate this problem by making the
depletion widths narrow and hence reducing the DIBL effect. As a byproduct of HALO, a
short channel device shows RSCE behavior where the V
decreases as the channel length
is increased. In subthreshold circuits, the SCE mechanism is not as strong as in
superthreshold circuits. On the other hand, RSCE is still significant enough to affect the
subthreshold performance, therefore in subthreshold design PMOS devices has the same
speed as NMOS transistors or even higher. Due to changing characteristics of devices to
reduce the SCE for superthreshold design, working in subthreshold region gives somehow
different behaviors. So, variations in both PMOS and NMOS devices should be considered.
By applying FBB technique, there is a contention between some effects to increase or
decrease the threshold voltage. As known, the FBB technique is used to reduce the
threshold voltage for high speed applications, but for short channel devices for sub 100nm
design, this effect is alleviated. By applying FBB to a short channel device, depletion width
is decreased. It means that threshold voltage is increased in one side and on the other hand
threshold voltage is decreased. Because the effect of SCE is mitigated then it lowers the
current through the channel. This technique also improves DIBL due to lower depletion
width of drain and source, even though, this SCE effect improvement is dependent on the
applied substrate voltage. As it was shown through simulations, minimum channel length
devices at very low temperature and in FF corners are the worst case. In FF corner due to
mobility degradation the effect of body biasing technique is more. Also for very low
temperature, there is the maximum DIBL. Therefore, the maximum deviation from the
normal behavior of FBB technique is in this corner. For lower temperature, mobility
degradation is improved. It means that ON current has not been degraded. As a result, the
effect of FBB to increase the current is the dominant factor. Moreover, the DIBL effect in
lower supply voltages is less due to reduced V
. If we make the effective channel length
larger, the effect of SCE is decreased and then FBB has no effect on improvement in SCE
effect. As a result, in any design where minimum length devices are used, optimal points
for body biases should be found. As it was shown, this effect is the same for PMOS
devices, but these techniques (FBB and RBB) are useful to be used for lower supply
voltages and in some wireless applications.

5.4. Design Examples
To observe the effect of body-biasing in scaled technologies, some applications such as
flip-flops are examined using body-biasing technique in subthreshold region.

5.4.1. Flip-Flops in Subthreshold
A. Hybrid Latch Flip Flop
Hybrid-latch flip-flop (HLFF) presented in [132] is one of the fastest structures
presented. It also has a very small PDP [133]. The major advantage of this structure is its
soft-edge property, i.e., its robustness to clock skew. One of the major drawbacks of the
hybrid design in general is the positive hold time. Due to the single-output design, the
power-consumption range of the HLFF is comparable with that of the static circuits.
However, depending on the data pattern, the precharged structures can dissipate more than
static structures for data patterns with more ones.
5.4. Design Examples


Hybrid design appears to be very suitable for high performance systems with little or no
penalty in power when compared to classical static structures. As it can be seen in the
HLFF circuit, there are stacked NMOS transistors that must evaluate the state of the circuit
during the delay for three series inverters. As explained in the previous section, three
stacked NMOS configuration has a lower speed than three stacked PMOS transistors in
subthreshold region.

Fig.5.12. HLFF waveforms in V
C (TT)

Fig.5.13. Failure in HLFF circuit
Chapter 5: Nano-Scale CMOS Circuit Design Challenges


Simulations show that this circuit does not work for supply voltages lower than 0.4V.
Fig.5.12 shows the results of simulations for HLFF at a supply voltage of 0.3V with higher
size stacked NMOS transistors. When we reduce the supply voltage to 0.3V it causes some
failures in corners. Fig.5.13 shows failure in output with two different inputs, due to many
leakage paths and low active current. Due to the lower current in lower supply voltages,
stacked NMOS transistors cannot discharge the related node.
Fig.5.14 shows the schematic of CHLFF (complementary hybrid latch flip-flop) for ultra
low power applications. Because of employing PMOS stacked network, the speed of this
circuit is higher. Also the technique of FBB is used to increase the speed of the PMOS
network. After applying this technique the supply voltage may be reduced to 0.23V.

Fig.5.14. Proposed Complementary Hybrid Latch Flip Flop (CHLFF)

Fig.5.15. Output of CHLFF (TT model, T=27,V

5.4. Design Examples


Simulation results are shown in Fig.5.15. In this case the proposed circuit is working
properly with an area which is two times less than its counterpart for supply voltages close
to 0.27V (with two times lower total width compared with conventional HLFF).
Table 5.2 and 5.3 describe the results for HLFF and CHLFF at different supply voltages
for five different corners. These results show that the HLFF is fast enough for higher
supply voltages, but it fails for lower supply voltages. The HLFF circuit operates properly
for V
=0.4V but with high sized devices that increases the area overhead of this circuit
significantly, so it makes it impractical for ultra low supply voltages. However the CHLFF
is working as expected for supply voltage even lower than 0.3V and this ability makes this
circuit employable in ultra low power applications. Simulations show that the CHLFF
circuit has a much higher speed at higher supply voltages like 0.4V. For instance, at the SS
corner at Temp=-40, T
is as low as 930ps while HLFF has a T
larger than 4.7ps with
higher sized transistors.
FBB is the technique which may be used here to enforce the CHLFF to operate for even
lower supply voltages as low as 0.2V. As mentioned in the previous section, for the PMOS
transistors of conventional HLFF, increasing the bulk voltage from zero to V
the current through the device for supply voltages lower than 0.3V. Therefore, if this
technique is applied in the proposed circuit combined with higher size devices, the
proposed flip flop may operate at supply voltage near 0.2V. As it can be seen in Table.5.4,
the speed is increased but for the falling edge a lower speed is observed. It must be taken
into account that the simulations are in the worst case. The HLFF cannot operate properly
in some corners (like SS, T=-40), the lower supply voltage limit for the HLFF qualifying in
all corners is 370mV given that very high sized devices are used.
Table5.2. Simulation results for HLFF (V
110 TCQ= -210ps 610ps 280ps 310ps 160ps
TDQ=24.19ns 26.88ns 26.55ns 26.58ns 26.43ns
27 300ps 1.39ns 710ps 950ps 640ps
26.57ns 27.66ns 26.98ns 27.22ns 26.94ns
-40 440ps 4.73ns 1.22ns 1.44ns 1.7ns
26.71ns 31ns 27.59ns 27.71ns 27.97ns

Table.5.3. Simulation Results for CHLFF (V
110 TCQ=59ps 442ps 320ps 1.1ns 500ps
TDQ=38.81ns 39.19ns 39.07ns 40.21ns 39.75ns
27 300ps 1.28ns 712ps 400ps 1.124ns
39.20ns 40.03ns 39.46ns 39.15ns 39.87ns
-40 730ps 7.28ns 1.794ps 1.1ns 6.159ns
39.48ns 46.03ns 40.54ns 39.85ns 44.909ns

Table.5.4. Setup and Hold time for HLFF and CHLFF (V
=0.3V, TT Model)
C=>Q (Rising)
HLFF 1.3ns 750ps 1.81ns
CHLFF 450ps 950ps 1.3ns
Chapter 5: Nano-Scale CMOS Circuit Design Challenges


B. Sense Amplifier Based Flip Flop
The sense-amplifier based flip-flop (SAFF), initially proposed in [134]-[135], is one of
the most effective flip-flop available. It consists of a fast differential sense-amplifier stage,
followed by a slave latch[136]. The sense-amplifier stage can be seen as a latch whose
sampling window closes as soon as the stage switches. This guarantees that the circuit is
able to switch independent of circuit sizing. Furthermore the SAFF gives near-zero setup
time and reduced hold-time. The main drawback of the SAFF proposed in [133]-[134] is
the slave element, composed by a SR NAND latch. While this circuit requires a minimum
number of transistors, it results in asymmetrical delays with slow high-to-low clock-to-
output propagation. A high speed slave latch for the SAFF has been proposed by Nikolic et

Fig.5.16. Failure in SAFF

Fig.5.17. Schematic of CSAFF circuit
5.4. Design Examples


al. in [135]. In their design, there is a performance gain. However, it is achieved at the cost
of having an increased number of transistors, with 16 MOS devices required by the output
stage. For these designs, the main problem is operating in very low supply voltage and as a
result the very low active current that causes failure in SAFF in some cases (medium size
devices for stacked NMOS network).
As mentioned before, at ultra low supply voltages, stacked PMOS devices show a higher
speed than stacked NMOS devices. Thus, a new complementary circuit for application in
the SAFF circuit which is optimized for ultra low power applications is proposed.
Fig.5.16 shows the simulation results for the SAFF at low supply voltages. SAFF to
operate well must have high size NMOS transistors to evaluate the discharging nodes
(S_bar and R_bar) that it in turn decreases the I
ratio. Due to this lowered ratio, data
retention in SAFF decreases significantly. For instance, when input D (CLK=low) is low,
due to the leakage through upsized NMOS evaluation network, the R
is discharged
causing the Q signal switching to in zero.

Fig.5.17 shows the schematic of CSAFF for ultra low power applications. Simulations
using 65nm standard CMOS models show that CSAFF has a much higher speed than
SAFF and also it has the capability of working in ultra low supply voltage near 0.15V.
Table 3 shows the delays (T
) for CSAFF. To compare with the SAFF circuit, the CSAFF
must be simulated for a higher supply voltage such as 0.4V. Simulations show that CSAFF
has a lower delay (4-5 times) compared to the SAFF topology even at lower supply
Table 5.5, 5.6 and 5.7 show the simulation results for CSAFF compared with SAFF at
=0.3V, including setup and hold time, are and power comparisons, for standard 65nm
CMOS models at room temperature. Although the CSAFF has a lower effective area than
Table. 5.5. Simulation results for CSAFF
Temp FF (T
110 - 230ps 1.18ns 340ps 10ps 570ps
27 620ps 4.32ns 1.87ns 1.46ns 2.3ns
-40 1.99ns 17.24ns 6ns 5ns 8.05ns

Table.5.6. Results for CSAFF and SAFF in V
=0.3v (T=27
C, TT Models)
SAFF 250ps 1.25ns 2.13
CSAFF 420ps -210ps 1.6ns

Table.5.7. Results for FFs
D-Flip Flop Power consumption
(x 10
W x L
SAFF 2.22 8.28(um
CSAFF 1.44 3.76(um
HLFF 2.07 8.52 (um
CHLFF 1.59 6.9 (um
Chapter 5: Nano-Scale CMOS Circuit Design Challenges


the SAFF circuit, the CSAFF shows better results for setup and hold times. Another
drawback for SAFF at V
=0.3 is its failure in slow corners (SS models, T=-40
C) while
the CSAFF is working properly for supply voltages even less than 0.3V with a satisfactory
The FBB technique was also applied to the CSAFF by connecting the bulks of the
stacked PMOS network (shown with dashed lines in Fig.5.17) to ground which helps to
increase the speed of the circuit by 1.2 times. This technique also works for supply
voltages near 0.25V by applying the bulk voltage. In this section we showed that due to the
higher drive current for PMOS, it is more useful to use a PMOS as evaluation network for

Fig.5.19. Supply voltage waveform

Fig.5.18. Proposed SRAM design

(W/L)min for M7,M8,and M9
5.4. Design Examples


some kind of topologies such as FFs, domino logic circuits, and even SRAM design. As an
example, due to lower drive current of NMOS than PMOS, using a PMOS network to
evaluate write cycle would be more useful. As we showed through simulations, stacks of
NMOS have a lower speed than PMOS stacks.

5.4.2. Write Cycle Improved SRAM Design using body-biasing
In this part, we propose an adaptive circuit using body biasing effect to increase the
write cycle speed of the SRAM circuit. Fig.5.18 shows the schematic of the proposed
topology used in a SRAM design. Proper write operation depends on sizing the access
NMOS to win the scaled fight with the PMOS inside the bitcell to write a 0. For a
successful write, the bitcell becomes monostable, forcing the internal voltages to the
correct values. If the cell retains bistability then the write does not occur, and the SNM is
positive on the cells butterfly plot. Thus, a negative SNM indicates a successful write
(mono-stability in the cell) [140]. For ultra low voltage operation, the PMOS transistors are
faster than NMOS (the same size) by an order of magnitude, and the write cycle speed
decreases due to faster PMOS devices than access NMOS transistors. The best way to
increase the write speed is upsizing the NMOS access transistors, but this in turn has an
area overhead giving a deteriorative effect on READ and HOLD cycle.

However if we use an adaptive supply voltage during the WRITE cycle that decreases the
supply voltage to weaken the PMOS transistors, write evaluation is improved though it has
no effect on READ and HOLD, because during the READ cycle and HOLD time the
supply voltage is connected to V
. As it can be seen in Fig.5.19, the supply voltage is
Fig.5.20. Comparison of the proposed technique with conventional 6T-
SRAM cell during write cycle

5.5. Conclusions


changed due to DATA, WRITE, and WL signals. When WL=1 and WRITE is high, then
supply voltage decreases to V
/2 that enable us to decrease the supply voltage for SRAM
design even more. This is because the most important constraint that limits designers to
work in ultra low supply voltages is write failure due to contention between PMOS
transistor and NMOS access transistors. To clarify this technique during the write cycle,
dashed square in Fig.5.20, describes the results for the proposed technique and a 6T-SRAM
cell with constant supply voltage.

5.5. Conclusions
In this chapter, body-biasing technique was investigated in details. The main result of
these analyses is that FBB and RBB techniques have a different behavior in short channel
devices compared to long channel devices. Moreover, we found that for any design that
uses small channel length devices, it is necessary to find an optimal point to get the best
performance or lowest power consumption. For higher supply voltages with short channel
length devices, it is better to use body biasing techniques in reverse direction. FBB can be
used to increase the threshold voltage and RBB will be used to decreased the threshold
voltage and for high speed applications.
Furthermore, the main reason we find that sub-V
current is higher for PMOS than
NMOS is that often PMOS are designed to have lower |V
| (which is set by designing the
threshold adjust implant of the devices). Above-V
, this helps to compensate their lower
mobility, resulting in nearly equal NMOS/PMOS drive; but, in subthreshold, it results in
over compensation due to the stronger dependence of drive current on Vth. An additional
factor might be that, typically, PMOS devices have higher channel doping concentration.
As a result, their channel depletion region in subthreshold is thinner, and therefore results
in larger depletion capacitance. As a result, the gate voltage, which affects the channel
voltage through a C
capacitive divider, has more effect on the channel voltage,
possibly resulting in greater transconductance. Based on these results, in this chapter, a few
design challenges for ultra low supply applications in 65nm CMOS technology were
presented. Also we employed body biasing and stack effect techniques for flip flop designs
for ultra low power applications. Simulation results showed that the setup time for CHLFF
is improved by 65% but the hold time is degraded by %12 compared with HLFF design.
However the speed of CHLFF is improved by 3X times more than HLFF topology. In
CSAFF the speed of circuit is improved by 2X times for high to low of output. Also the
effective area of this circuit is 3 times lower than SAFF.
Moreover, new technique based on the FBB technique is proposed. Using this
technique, working at ultra low supply voltages is possible for high speed circuits like
domino logic circuits. Also, due to the importance of SRAM in processor design, this
technique was employed in SRAM design, significantly increasing the speed of write cycle
with lower power dissipation due to lower supply voltages. In domino logic circuits, this
technique extremely reduces the contention between PMOS (precharge transistor and
keeper transistor) transistors and the evaluation network. It is thus not compulsory to
upsize NMOS evaluation network to have a successful evaluation. Furthermore, the
optimized bulk voltages were found giving a maximum speed for logic circuit designs.

Chapter 6
Chapter 6. FinFET Circuit Design


Chapter 6

FinFET Circuit Design

Until now we explained different challenges in nano-scale CMOS design especially for
low voltage design. However due to significant amount of process variations in nano-scale
CMOS technology, considering other devices for low power, high-performance and robust
design is important. Aggressive device scaling has led to statistical variability and
increased short channel effects (SCE) [141], [142]. Thinner gate oxide helps to improve the
short channel effect. However, thinner gate oxide to improve SCE is not a viable option in
nanometer scale nodes as it increases the gate leakage exponentially.
Thus, to overcome SCE, different candidate transistor structures have been investigated
to replace the bulk MOSFETs [143-150]. Among them, FinFETs is considered to be a
promising candidate for scaled CMOS devices in sub-22-nm technology nodes. This device
shows increased immunity to SCE due to improved channel control by the gate voltage
[151]. Furthermore, threshold voltage (V
) can be easily controlled by engineering the gate

Fig.6.1. Asymmetric-Doping FinFET device
6.1. Asymmetric FinFET


contact work function. Moreover, V
variations due to random dopants in the channel
region (RDF) are reduced due to almost intrinsic channel doping [152], [153].
There are different approaches to improve the electrostatics of the device. Such
techniques are sizing, S/D underlap [154], high-K dielectrics [152], high-K spacers [155],
and etc [156-158]. Due to the width quantization, transistor sizing is not an efficient
approach to improve the cell robustness [159]. Hence, a well-defined device should have a
good compromise between speed and leakage power. Using high-k dielectric oxide, the
total gate capacitance of device is reduced due to the spatial redistribution of electric field.
However, using high-k dielectric at the same oxide thickness value degrades both I
compared to using SiO2 [154]. Upsizing the FinFET by increasing the fin width,
improves the ON current, while off current is degraded. For FinFET devices, to increase
the current more, increasing the number of fins is an approach. However, optimizing the
fin pitch to achieve better electrostatics is important. For instance, at iso-fin width, by
increasing the fin pitch by 4 times, total gate capacitance is increased by 50% [160].
Another technique to increase I
current with no penalty on off current is using high-k
spacer. This is achieved by some amount of inversion takes place in the underlap region
and also because of the encroachment of the fringe fields from the gate through the high -
dielectric. The coupling of the gate fringe field with the underlap region becomes stronger
with increasing dielectric constant. Also, the off current is found to decrease at higher
values of spacer . Hence, using high-k spacer seems to a promising technique to increase
the Ion/Ioff ratio [164]. However, gate leakage is degraded by using this technique. Other
techniques are source/drain extension and metal gate work function engineering. Hence,
using a well-defined device structure for low leakage and robust design is extremely
The effect of leakage current is more pronounced in SRAMs. Furthermore, V

variations due to Random dopant fluctuations (RDF) in sub-45nm standard CMOS devices
can be one of the major bottlenecks in high density SRAM design. A high threshold
voltage variability compromises SRAM cell stability. Due to the large number of
transistors in an array, process variations become more significant, thereby different
failures are introduced (such as read, write, and access. Furthermore, due to the increased
leakage power in SRAM arrays, the introduction of new devices with lower leakage current
with improved read and write margins is desired.
Table.6.1. FinFET device parameters

Chapter 6. FinFET Circuit Design


Several techniques have been proposed to improve the SRAM operation by introducing
optimized devices [161-164]. Although, these techniques improve I
characteristic of
the device, the trade-offs are not clearly addressed and improvement in conflict between
read and write SNM is marginal. One such technique is the use of asymmetric drain
underlap in FinFET [162, 163]. By applying this technique, the Drain-Induced Barrier
Lowering (DIBL), sub-threshold swing (SS) and sub-threshold leakage current are
improved, but I
degradation is more than 20%,. Furthermore, utilizing Asymmetric
spacer FinFET [164] in 6T-SRAM cell shows degradation in read SNM along with
degradation in write margin compared to using symmetric spacer FinFET.
Consequently, introducing a new device with improved electrostatics with minimum
degradation in I
is desired. Furthermore, designing an SRAM with improved read SNM
and write margin is crucial [165-168].

Fig.6.2. I
for AD-FinFET and Symmetric FinFET
Fig.6.3. AD-FinFET versus Symmetric FinFET Device
6.1. Asymmetric FinFET


In this chapter, we represent a new technique doping the drain and source terminals,
asymmetrically. Depending on the device biasing, it gives different currents. Based on that,
we design a new FinFET SRAM cell to improve read and write margin for scaled
technologies. Our proposed SRAM overcomes the trade-off between read and write
margin, and allows simultaneous improvement of both by proper transistor/circuit
configuration. Asymmetrically-doped (AD) FinFET SRAM can achieve (a) three times
improved DIBL, (b) 10X less subthreshold-leakage, (c) 16% improved SS, and (d) read
improvement by at least 20% with 9% degradation in I
current. Furthermore, the use of
asymmetric Drain/Source doping, leads to 9% improvement in write margin.
The remainder of this chapter is organized as follows: In section 6.1 we present the new
asymmetric FinFET device explaining the benefits compared to the conventional
symmetric FinFET. Conventional FinFET SRAM is briefly explained in section 6.2 in
order to compare with the proposed AD-FinFET SRAM cell in terms of read and write
SNM. The AD-FinFET based SRAM cell is proposed in section 6.3., and finally, the
conclusions are drawn in section 6.4.

6.1. Asymmetric FinFET
The 3-D structure of the conventional FinFET device is shown in Fig.6.1. The physical
size of the FinFET device is determined by the height (H
), length (L
) and silicon
thickness (t
) of the fin. The device shown in Fig.6.1 consists of three vertical fins and
each fin consists of asymmetric source-drain diffusion surrounded by the gate, and
separated from it by the gate oxide. It is obvious, that the width of a FinFET is an integer
multiple of H
. In addition, the drain and source contacts of the conventional FinFET
device have the same doping concentration while the contacts of the Asymmetric-Doping
(AD-FinFET) are doped at different concentration levels. This modification in contacts
makes the device asymmetric to V
polarity. The purpose of using asymmetric doping
will be explained in details in next section.

Fig.6.4. Igate vs. drain voltage

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 0.8 1.0
Asymmetric FinFET
Symmetric FinFET
Chapter 6. FinFET Circuit Design


The symmetric and asymmetric FinFETs are simulated using the TCAD numerical
simulator Taurus [169]. The parameters that we use to simulate both devices are shown in
Table 6.1. From these simulations we extract current-voltage and capacitance-voltage
characteristics for both AD- and SD-FinFET in order to compare their pros and cons.
The I
characteristic curves for both asymmetric and symmetric devices are plotted in
Fig.6.2 while in Fig.6.3 key figures of merit are calculated and compared with the
conventional FinFET. We observe that AD-FinFET has lower ON current (I
) while the
leakage current is reduced significantly.
Specifically, I
decreases by 7% and I
one order of magnitude compared to SD-FinFET.
We also observe that for DIBL of the proposed FinFET is improved 3 times and the sub-
threshold swing is reduced by 16%.
By introducing the AD-FinFET device, gate leakage is degraded, marginally. Fig.6.4
shows the gate leakage as a function of V
for both devices. We observe that the AD-
FinFET has slightly higher gate leakage current compared to the conventional FinFET.
The reason of degradation in gate leakage is due to lower electric field from drain side.
This lower electric field is attributed to lower doping at drain side and higher series
resistance in extension length of AD-FinFET structure at drain side. Therefore, electric
field from gate to drain is increased causing higher gate leakage. In another word, the gate
leakage current is dominated by band-to-band tunneling which is proportional to e

(where W
is the depletion width). In this case, due to higher series resistance in extension
length at drain side, voltage drop at the drain side is increased. As a result, depletion width
is increased causing lower gate leakage current for SD-FinFET device.
To show the characteristics of the AD-FinFET, we simulate our device in two different
structures, lower doping concentration at the drain side (referred to as LDD) and low
doping concentration at source side (referred to as LSD). The simulation results are shown
in Fig.6.5, where both LDD and LSD devices show much lower off current due to higher
barrier height at zero gate bias compared to SD-FinFET device.
To see the effect of doping on I
and I
we simulated the AD-FinFET transistor for
different doping components. The simulations results are shown in Fig.6.6 and Fig.6.7. By
looking at the results, we can increase the number of dopants at the drain side to improve
the I
with a penalty of higher leakage current. The improvement in I
can be ameliorated
by 5% if we increase the number of dopants by five times while the capacitance at the
drain side is increased. On the other side, we can increase the number of dopants at the
source side by ten times to get around 10% increase in I

Fig.6.5. ID-VGS for AD-FinFET and symmetric FinFET


0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 0.8 1.0
Symmetric FinFET
with Doping@Drain=10
Asymmetric FinFET
with Doping@Drain=10
Asymmetric FinFET
with Doping@Source=10
Symmetric FinFET
with Doping@Drain=10
Asymmetric FinFET
with Doping@Drain=10
Asymmetric FinFET
with Doping@Source=10
6.1. Asymmetric FinFET


Therefore, by increasing the doping concentration at the drain terminal of the AD-FinFET
transistor to 10
we can achieve 10% improvement in I
with a penalty of 22%
degradation in leakage current. However, the technique still has seven times less leakage
current compared to a SD-FinFET device. To get the maximum improvement in I
less leakage degradations, finding the optimal point is necessary.
The aforementioned improvements achieved by our device will be more comprehensive
if we study the band diagrams plotted in Fig.6.8. Hence, the SD-FinFET shows higher
leakage current because the top of the conduction band is lower compared to AD-FinFET
(note that in Fig.6.8a, V
=0). This effect is attributed to high electric fields that occur for

Fig.6.6. Effect of asymmetric FinFET on I
characteristics by
tuning the doping concentration in the drain contact

Fig.6.7. Effect of asymmetric FinFET on I
characteristics by tuning the
doping concentration in the source contact
Chapter 6. FinFET Circuit Design


higher doping concentration at the drain contact of the AD-FinFET. Consequently, Due to
lower electric field from drain side, barrier height is less affected.
The dynamic behavior of a circuit is determined also by the parasitic capacitances of the
corresponding devices. Running AC analysis at different bias points we extract the
capacitances of AD-FinFET and SD-FinFET and we show the effect of doping
concentration at the drain and source contacts. In Fig.6.9 to Fig.6.12, we demonstrate the
capacitance components of the proposed device after performing AC simulations at
different bias points. C
and C
are the capacitance components from gate to drain and
source, respectively. C
is the total gate capacitance that is, C
+ C
In Fig.6.9 the gate and source contacts are grounded and the drain voltage is swept. The
change in the electric field due to voltage change in the drain contact does not affect the
depletion width at the source side and hence the C
capacitance should be constant. This

Fig.6.8. Conduction and valence bands for AD- and AS-FinFET: (a) V
=0.9V and (b)V
=0.5V, V
6.1. Asymmetric FinFET


condition holds true for both AD- and SD-FinFET. Note that the doping concentration
determines the depletion width inside the contact and the corresponding capacitance. For
instance, the symmetric and LDD cases have same doping and hence, same capacitance.
The LSD device shows smaller capacitance because lower doping results in larger
depletion width. On the other hand, C
is affected by the V
. Increasing V
the depletion
width increases and the capacitance becomes larger. Note that when V
is equal to zero
the C
and C
symmetric and LSD configurations are equal. Fig.6.9b shows the total
gate capacitance. In Fig.6.10 the source and drain contacts are tied to ground. For the
symmetric case the capacitances C
and C
will be equal sweeping the gate voltage.
Increase of the gate voltage enhances the electric field from gate to S/D contacts and hence
the depletion region in the contact decreases. This results to larger capacitances for
increased V
. These capacitances depend also on doping concentration because the
depletion width in the contact depends on doping. This relation appears when we simulate
the asymmetric device.

(a) (b)
Fig.6.9. (a) Capacitance components and (b) total capacitance for the different device
configurations when gate contact is set to zero V
=0V and the drain contact is swept

(a) (b)
Fig.6.10. (a) Capacitance components and (b) total capacitance for different device
configurations when gate contact is set to a constant voltage V
=0 V and the gate contact
is swept.
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
x 10
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
x 10

Asymmetric-FinFET (LDD)
Asymmetric-FinFET (LSD)
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
x 10
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
x 10
=0 V
Asymmetric-FinFET (LDD)
Asymmetric-FinFET (LSD)
Chapter 6. FinFET Circuit Design


In Fig.6.11 we set the gate voltage to 0.9V and sweep the drain voltage. Note that for
high Vg the transistor is ON and increasing the drain voltage electric field from drain to
source penetrate the channel region and affect the depletion region. For the symmetric
FinFET the increase of VD decreases the electric field from gate to drain and increases the
electric field from drain to source. This electric field pattern results in smaller depletion
width at drain and larger at source contact. Hence, C
increases and C

6.2. FinFET SRAM Design
The layout and schematic diagram of a FinFET SRAM cell is shown in Fig.6.13. To
investigate the SRAM challenges, let us consider the failure mechanisms in typical FinFET
SRAM cell namely as read, write, and access time failures.
Read failure occurs during the access of the SRAMs internal storage nodes (L or R in
Fig.6.13). When voltage at that stores 0 (V
) exceeds a threshold value which is equal
to the trip point voltage of the other inverter then the stored data are flipped.
Moreover, read failure probability is increased by either stronger AXR or weaker NR.
Hence, to improve the read noise margin, lower ratio of AXR transistor to NR is desired.

(a) (b)
Fig.6.11. (a) Capacitance components and (b) total capacitance for different device
configurations when gate contact is set to a constant voltage V
=0.9V and the drain
contact is swept

Fig.6.12. (a) Total capacitance (b) Capacitance components for different device
configurations when drain contact is set to a constant voltage V
=0.9V and the gate
contact is swept
6.3. Asymmetric-Doping FinFET SRAM


On the other hand, write failures occur when the access transistors are not strong enough to
change the stored data that is written on storage nodes. To improve SRAM write-ability,
weaker PL and stronger AXL are desired. However, stronger access transistor increases the
read failure probability. Access time failure is the inability of the cell to produce V
enough to be sensed by the sense amplifier.
In next section we propose a new SRAM design in which read, and write failure
probabilities are reduced with a small penalty in ON current while the leakage current
through access transistors are reduced significantly.

6.3. Asymmetric-Doping FinFET SRAM
Fig.6.14 represents the schematic diagram of a 6T-SRAM cell using asymmetric S/D
doping for the access transistors. As it was shown, the AD-FinFET shows different current
depending on forward and reverse current flow. To achieve a better SNM during read,
is desired. By using AD-FinFET as access-transistor (access transistor), a small I

or a large ratio is achieved for the read operation. However access time is degraded due
to the smaller I
. During write operation, the PG transistor becomes stronger which
improves the writeability by lowering the I
ratio. As mentioned, the difference
between write and read current through AD-FinFET is more than 50% for V
=0.9V and

Fig.6.13. 6T-FinFET SRAM cell, layout and schematic (L=22nm)

Fig.6.14. AD-SRAM FinFET Design
H Data
L Data
Low Doping
Chapter 6. FinFET Circuit Design


VD=0.9V at Temp=27
C. Fig.6.15 shows the results for read static noise margin (SNM)
for AD-FinFET SRAM compared to the conventional FinFET SRAM cell. As it can be
seen due to the lower current through access-transistors, read SNM is improved. Due to the
voltage divider action between right access transistor and pull down transistor, the voltage
at node R increases to a positive value V
, during read. By scaling the supply voltage,
AD-FinFET shows better SNM compared to SD-FinFET SRAM cell. Improvement in
SNM for low supply voltages (e.g. V
=0.5V) is attributed to decreased current through
access transistors. However, degradation in read access time for lower supply voltages is
Furthermore, due to lower DIBL in access transistors, SNM is improved even more
[163]. Fig.6.16 shows the effect of DIBL on V
at different DIBL coefficients
Therefore, one important parameter to consider while designing devices for a robust
SRAM is DIBL. AD-FinFET SRAM benefits from utilizing very low DIBL access
transistors causing improved read SNM.

Fig.6.15. Read SNM results for AD-FinFET and SD-FinFET SRAM cells

Fig.6.16. Variation in VREAD with DIBL
6.3. Asymmetric-Doping FinFET SRAM


In spite of improved read SNM, ON current is degraded in AD-FinFET SRAM.
Therefore, let us look at CV/I delay for AD-FinFET SRAM compared to SD-FinFET
SRAM design. To calculate the CV/I delay change due to using of AD-FinFET, we
calculate the C
and C
for read and write cycles, respectively. As we have shown, C
reduced significantly that helps to have a faster read depending on the ON current. In this
case, Ion is degraded by 9% while Cgs is reduced significantly. As a result CV/I delay is
improved significantly. Compared to using SD-FinFET device, simulations show 56%
improvement in SRAM read access time by utilizing AD-FinFET device. The results for
CV/I delay are shown in Fig.6.17. As it is illustrated due to lower I
for AD-FinFET
device, delay increases but at the same time capacitance is decreased significantly. As a
result, the total delay is improved by 59% for low supply voltages to 56% for high supply

Fig.6.17. CV/I delay versus VG

Fig.6.18. Comparison of T
delay for AD- and SD- FinFETs
Chapter 6. FinFET Circuit Design


voltages. To improve the access time (lower delay), we can change the doping in
drain/source terminals. However by considering the total gate capacitance of access
transistor (C
) and calculating the T
(where T
is the delay from the wordline driver
to the SRAM cell) that is given by:
on AX
= (5.1)
where C
, ,int
2( 1)
WL C g AX wl
C N C C = + (5.2)
where Nc is the length of row (or number of columns), C
is the gate input capacitance
of the access transistors, and C
is the wordline interconnect capacitance, we can see
how we can reduce the access time. Another component of access time is the T
which is
given by:

N i
PT sub PT ON
d r BL
i I I
,..., 1
, ,
) (
) ( o
where CBL is bitline capacitance, Cd is the drain capacitance of access transistor, and Nr is
the number of rows, i.e., length of column. Since C
is constant, the optimization criterion
can be approximated as C
. Lower drain capacitance (C
) reduces the access time.
However lower access transistor on-current degrades access time. Simulation results show
56% reduction in T
for our design due to 10X lower leakage current and C
. As shown
in Fig.6.18, due to lower total gate capacitance (C
), T
of AD-FinFET SRAM cell
improved by 25% compared to the standard FinFET SRAM. This is attributed to 30%
reduced total gate capacitance of AD-FinFET during write (LDD) increasing the drivability
of wordline driver. Note that, for typical wordline driver, as T
is dominant, total access
time improvement is determined by T
. For large number of columns (e.g. 256) the total
delay is dominated by T
and leads to improved total access time.
In this chapter we designed a SRAM cell using our proposed AD-FinFET device.
Simulations results shows at least 56% improvement in access time due to significantly
reduced capacitance at the drain side while Read and Write SNM are improved by at least
20% and 10%, respectively. Our SRAM design shows 59% improvement in low supply
voltages (e.g. V
=0.5V), while SNM for read is improved by 43%.

6.4. Conclusions
In this chapter, we have proposed a design methodology for FinFET devices to achieve
improved SRAM cells. Specifically, controlling asymmetrically the doping concentration
of source and drain contacts we achieve appropriate transistor properties that are used to
improve performance of the SRAM cells. The AD-FinFET replaces the access transistors
of a conventional SRAM cell and hence it improves concurrently both read and write
SNM. Finally with this technique we have achieved at least 20% read SNM and 9% write
SNM. In addition our simulation results show 56% reduced access time compared to
conventional FinFET SRAM cell.

Chapter 7
7.1. Contribution of This work

Chapter 7

Future Research Trajectory

For the past decade, digital electronic industry has shown phenomenal growth due to
CMOS devices scaling. CMOS technology scaling of transistor dimensions, has led to
increased performance and integration. Increased density, leads to higher power density,
including dynamic and leakage power, due to higher amount of devices and more
switching in circuits.
Todays applications such as wireless sensor nodes, PDAs, cell phones, and medical
devices demands lower power consumption. [170][171]. In mobile battery-powered
devices, high performance digital circuits with support of low-latency and low-power
techniques have been adopted to meet the requirements for running a variety of multimedia
applications. On the other hand, the process variation sensitivity increases. Process
variation effects are more stringent in small size devices. Variations in channel length,
channel width, oxide thickness, threshold voltage, line-edge roughness, and random dopant
fluctuations are the sources of the inter-die and the intra-die variations. Random variations
in the number and location of dopant atoms in the channel region of the device result in the
random variations in transistor threshold voltage. Therefore, robust, low power, and high
performance digital design is the main issue in future digital design in nanoscale

7.1. Contribution of This Work
The contribution of this work is as follows:
A. Memory Design:
Memory design presents an extreme example of corner-based design. To satisfy the functionality of
several tens of millions of SRAM cells, the designer has to capture even 5_ or 6_ standard
deviations of parameter variations. This is becoming increasingly challenging to satisfy, and may
present a problem for continued scaling of memory density. Concurrently, high-end
microprocessors use large amount of on-die cache memory arrays to improve the overall
performance. Hence, to achieve the highest possible packing density with high parametric yield in
bulk-CMOS and SOI technologies, designers use a combination of multi-layered ad-hoc and
heuristic techniques that include device sizing, supply and threshold voltage selection, SRAM
column height and sense-amplifier optimization, and redundant columns and error correction
Chapter 7: Future Research Trajectory

techniques. Power reduction has also become one of the most challenging design issues in every
application domain. We have proposed several designs in SRAM cell modifications, using
techniques to improve SRAM parameters such as Static Noise Margin (SNM), leakage power, and
access time. Furthermore, we have introduced a multi-level wordline driver scheme to improve 6T
SRAM read and write stability [172-174].
B. Low power Digital Circuit/System design:
In this category, our focus has been on designing basic digital blocks such as full adders and Flip-
Flops and other logic circuits such as domino logic circuit, domino-based comparator design, and
multiplexers. Lowering the power consumption of single flip-flop helps to improve the total power
dissipation of some applications like FIR filter and DCT application. In this area, we evaluate
different power-reduction techniques in sub- to super-threshold design for portable devices [175].
Due to the dependency of power consumption to switching activity of data, we tried to employ this
feature to design new designs to lower the total power of some DSP applications [176].
C. Device Level design:
Aggressive device scaling has led to statistical variability and increased short channel effects
(SCE). Thus to overcome SCE , different candidate technologies have been investigated for the
nano-scale regime .FinFETs are considered to be a promising candidate for scaled CMOS devices
in the sub-22nm technology node. The device shows increased immunity to SCE. The transistor
threshold voltage, the Vth can be easily controlled by gate contact work function engineering.
Moreover, Vth variations due to random dopant in the channel region (RDF) are reduced due to
almost intrinsic channel doping. We introduced an asymmetric doping FinFET device that
simultaneously increases read and write margins. Specifically, our FinFET device, exhibits 9X
increase of the I
ratio and 3X improved short channel effect 177, 178].
D. Reliability in nanoscale devices
Reliability problems are coming into effect. One of these emerging reliability issues is aging effects
that result in device performance degradation over time. NBTI (Negative biased temperature
instability) is a well-known aging phenomenon, which is a limiting factor for future scaling of
devices. NBTI results the generation of trapped charges, which cause threshold voltage degradation
of PMOS. In our research work, we analyzed the combined effect of NBTI, process variation and
temperature on the reliability, in terms of SNM, of 6T SRAM cell in 65nm CMOS process. For
process variations, we considered the die to die threshold voltage variation. SNM is affected by

Fig.7.1. Research vision and directions

7.1. Contribution of This work

both the static process variations and the environmental variations such as temperature as well as
aging effects such as NBTI. We use a voltage source in series with one of the PMOS transistor in
SRAM cell to see the changes of NBTI effect. Also we considered the effect of hot carrier injection
(HCI) on ultra thin body devices such as FinFET (Double-gate devices) [179, 180].

7.2. Future Work
Fig.7.1. illustrates a research plan for future research. The research vision of this project
is to design new circuit architectures that can achieve greater performance in future CMOS
technologies, leveraging the benefits of sealings advantages. Working on new techniques
to enable circuits operating at ultra low supply voltages less than 200mV for biomedical
applications, is one of the most important goals for future research. Furthermore, due to the
aggressive transistor scaling, process variation effects are non-interestingly increased. As a
result to enable a digital design to operate in such a low voltage (e.g. 200mV) in presence
of huge process variations (Random dopant fluctuation) is an interesting challenge. In
biomedical applications, with very low frequency, lower energy is desired. To achieve
lower power consumption, we need to introduce specified circuit design for such
applications. Introducing new specified digital circuit design for ultra low voltage
applications to be utilized in wireless sensor network nodes for bio-inspired applications is
one of the main research topic for future plan. Introducing new challenges in nano-scale
technologies and corresponding reliability issues is another hot topic of research. In device
level, we have proposed some techniques to improve HCI effect in ultra thin body devices.
However, considering new techniques to overcome reliability issues have been limited
solely to single device level or circuit level. However, as CMOS scaling continues, we
believe there is a need for a new design paradigm device/circuit co-design methodology
leading to properly optimized circuits and systems considering new device innovations. As
a part of this effort, we will be seeking collaboration with researches in device physics, and
will propose an integrated design methodology to achieve adaptive fault/failure tolerant
circuit/ system. Achieving new methods to optimize memory arrays is one of the most

Fig.7.2. Research plan in device level
Chapter 7: Future Research Trajectory

important challenges in electronic design. Recently presented memory designs such as Spin
Torque Transfer RAM (STT-RAM) shows promising potential to improve the area of
memory arrays, speed, and power consumption. Working on Memory arrays is a part of the
research plan for future. Fig.7.2 shows corresponding research plan on device level. As it
can be seen it is a cumbersome to find the best replica for CMOS in terms of power,
performance, and reliability.


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[176] F. Moradi, A. Goel, G. Karakonstantis, H. Mahmoodi, Dag T. Wisland, Kaushik
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Published/Accepted Papers:
1. Moradi, F.; Wisland, D.T.; Tuan Vu Cao; Peiravi, A.; Mahmoodi, H.; , "1-bit sub
threshold full adders in 65nm CMOS technology," Microelectronics, 2008. ICM
2008. International Conference on , vol., no., pp.268-271, 14-17 Dec. 2008
2. Moradi, F.; Wisland, D.T.; Mahmoodi, H.; Berg, Y.; Tuan Vu Cao; , "New SRAM
design using body bias technique for ultra low power applications," Quality
Electronic Design (ISQED), 2010 11th International Symposium on , vol., no.,
pp.468-471, 22-24 March 2010
3. Moradi, F.; Wisland, D.T.; Mahmoodi, H.; Tuan Vu Cao; Zarre Dooghabadi, M.; ,
"Adaptive supply voltage circuit using body bias technique," Mixed Design of
Integrated Circuits & Systems, 2009. MIXDES '09. MIXDES-16th International
Conference , vol., no., pp.215-219, 25-27 June 2009
4. Moradi, F.; Wisland, D.T.; Mahmoodi, H.; Tuan Vu Cao; , "Improved write
margin 6T-SRAM for low supply voltage applications," SOC Conference, 2009.
SOCC 2009. IEEE International , vol., no., pp.223-226, 9-11 Sept. 2009
5. Moradi, F.; Wisland, D.; Berg, Y.; Aunet, S.; Tuan Vu Cao; , "Process variations
in sub-threshold SRAM cells in 65nm CMOS," Microelectronics (ICM), 2010
International Conference on , vol., no., pp.371-374, 19-22 Dec. 2010
6. Moradi, F.; Augustine, C.; Goel, A.; Karakonstantis, G.; Tuan Vu Cao; Wisland,
D.; Mahmoodi, H.; Roy, K.; , "Data-dependant sense-amplifier flip-flop for low
power applications," Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC), 2010 IEEE ,
vol., no., pp.1-4, 19-22 Sept. 2010
7. Moradi, F.; Wisland, D.T.; Aunet, S.; Mahmoodi, H.; Tuan Vu Cao; , "65NM sub-
threshold 11T-SRAM for ultra low voltage applications," SOC Conference, 2008
IEEE International , vol., no., pp.113-118, 17-20 Sept. 2008
8. Moradi, F.; Wisland, D.T.; Mahmoodi, H.; Tuan-Vu Cao; , "High speed and
leakage-tolerant domino circuits for high fan-in applications in 70nm CMOS
technology," Devices, Circuits and Systems, 2008. ICCDCS 2008. 7th International
Caribbean Conference on , vol., no., pp.1-5, 28-30 April 2008
9. Moradi, F.; Wisland, D.T.; Mahmoodi, H.; Peiravi, A.; Aunet, S.; Cao, T.V.; ,
"New subthreshold concepts in 65nm CMOS technology," Quality of Electronic
Design, 2009. ISQED 2009. Quality Electronic Design , vol., no., pp.162-166, 16-
18 March 2009
10. Moradi, F.; Wisland, D.T.; Mahmoodi, H.; Aunet, S.; Cao, T.V.; Peiravi, A.; ,
"Ultra low power full adder topologies," Circuits and Systems, 2009. ISCAS 2009.
IEEE International Symposium on , vol., no., pp.3158-3161, 24-27 May 2009
11. Ali Peiravi, F. Moradi, Dag T. Wisland "Leakage Tolerant, Noise Immune domino
logic for circuit design in the ultra deep sub-micron CMOS technology for high
fan-in gates" Journal of Applied Science, Volume 24, 2010
12. F. Moradi, G. Panagopoulos, G. Karakonstantis, H. Mahmoodi, D. Wisland, J. K.
Madsen, K. Roy, Multi-Level Wordline Driver for Low Power SRAMs in Nano-
Scale CMOS Technology, Accepted, ICCD 2011
13. F. Moradi, D. Wisland, H. Mahmoodi, K. Roy, Asymmetrically-doped FinFET
(AD) for low-power robust SRAMs , IEEE transactions on Electron Devices
(TED), 2011, to appear
14. Moradi F., Dag T. Wisland, Hamid Mahmoodi, Process Variations in Sub-
Threshold SRAM Cells " ICM 2010, Egypt
15. Moradi F., G. Panagopoulos, H. Mahmoodi, D. Wisland, and Kaushik Roy,
Multi-Level wordline driver for Robust SRAM design in Scaled CMOS
Technology, IEEE Transaction on VLSI Journal (TVLSI) 2011, Accepted
16. Moradi F., Tuan Vu Cao, Dag T. Wisland, Hamid Mahmoodi "Optimal Body
Biasing for Maximizing Circuit Performance in 65nm CMOS" accepted, MWSCAS
Under Review
17. F. Moradi, G. Panagopoulos, D. Wisland, H. Mahmoodi, Kaushik Roy Flip-
Flops for Ultra Low-Power DSP Applications, IEEE TVLSI, 2011, Final Revision
18. F.Moradi, D. Wisland, K. Roy Asymmetric FinFET 6T-SRAM cell for low
power applications, Submitted to ISQED 2012
19. F. Moradi, G. Panagopolous, Dag T. Wisland, H. Mahmoodi, Kaushik Roy,
Pulsed-Flip-Flop design for high performance applications, submitted to ISQED
20. F. Moradi, I. Vatajelu, T. V. Cao, H. Mahmoodi, D. Wisland, Domino Logic
Designs for High-Performance and Leakage-Tolerant Applications,
Microelectronics Journal, Under review
Papers co-author:
21. Tuan Vu Cao; Wisland, D.T.; Lande, T.S.; Moradi, F.; , "Low phase-noise VCO
utilizing NMOS symmetric load for Frequency-based Delta-Sigma
Modulators," Electronics, Circuits, and Systems, 2009. ICECS 2009. 16th IEEE
International Conference on , vol., no., pp.767-770, 13-16 Dec. 2009.
22. Tuan Vu Cao; Wisland, D.T.; Lande, T.S.; Moradi, F.; , "A bulk-controlled ring-
VCO with 1/f-noise reduction for frequency modulator," Mixed Design of
Integrated Circuits & Systems, 2009. MIXDES '09. MIXDES-16th International
Conference , vol., no., pp.187-192, 25-27 June 2009.
23. Tuan Vu Cao; Wisland, D.T.; Lande, T.S.; Moradi, F.; , "Low Phase-Noise and
Wide Tuning-Range CMOS Differential VCO for Frequency ?S Modulator," VLSI,
2009. ISVLSI '09. IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on , vol., no., pp.13-
18, 13-15 May 2009
24. Tuan Vu Cao; Wisland, D.T.; Lande, T.S.; Moradi, F.; , "Low-power, enhanced-
gain adaptive biasing based Operational Transconductance Amplifiers," NORCHIP,
2009 , vol., no., pp.1-4, 16-17 Nov. 2009.
25. Tuan Vu Cao; Wisland, D.T.; Lande, T.S.; Moradi, F.; , "Rail-to-rail low-power
fully differential OTA utilizing adaptive biasing and partial feedback," Circuits and
Systems (ISCAS), Proceedings of 2010 IEEE International Symposium on , vol.,
no., pp.2820-2823, May 30 2010-June 2 2010.
26. Tuan Vu Cao; Wisland, D.T.; Moradi, F.; Lande, T.S.; , "Novel low voltage
current-mirror sense amplifier based Flip-Flop with reduced delay time," Circuits
and Systems, 2009. ISCAS 2009. IEEE International Symposium on , vol., no.,
pp.3166-3169, 24-27 May 2009
27. Tuan Vu Cao; Wisland, D.T.; Lande, T.S.; Moradi, F.; Young Hee Kim; , "Novel
start-up circuit with enhanced power-up characteristic for bandgap
references," SOC Conference, 2008 IEEE International , vol., no., pp.123-126, 17-
20 Sept. 2008
28. Tuan-Vu Cao; Wisland, D.T.; Lande, T.S.; Moradi, F., "Low-Voltage, Low-
Power, and Wide-Tuning-Range Ring-VCO for Frequency
Modulator," NORCHIP, 2008. , vol., no., pp.79-84, 16-17 Nov. 2008

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