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Teresita Somera-Cucueco, MD, MOH, CESO III Executive Director, OSHC

ILO Convention 187

National Policy National OSH System National OSH Program

Labor Employment Plan OSH Accomplishments Future Actions

Promotional framework for occupational safety and health Objective:

promote continuous improvement of

occupational safety and health by the developmentof a national policy, national system and national programme.

Right of workers to a safe and healthy working environment

Book IV, Title I Medical, Dental and Occupational Safety

Occupational Safety and Health Standards, (OSHS)1978

The national system for occupational safety and health shall include among others:
(a) laws and regulations, collective agreements where

appropriate, and any other relevant instruments on occupational safety and health; (b) an authority or body, or authorities or bodies, responsible for occupational safety and health, designated in accordance with national law and practice; (c) mechanisms for ensuring compliance with national laws and regulations, including systems of inspection; and (d) arrangements to promote, at the level of the undertaking, cooperation between management, workers and their representatives as an essential element of workplace-related prevention measures.

EO 307 (OSHC)

Bureau of Working Conditions DOLE Regional Offices

OSH System In DOLE


Tripartite Consultations
National TIPC Regional TIPC Establishments: CBA/LMCs


a national tripartite advisory body, or bodies, addressing occupational safety and health issues

information and advisory services on occupational safety and health; the provision of occupational safety and health training; occupational health services in accordance with national law and practice; research on occupational safety and health

a mechanism for the collection and analysis of data on occupational injuries and diseases support mechanisms for of occupational safety and health in microenterprises, in small and mediumsized enterprises and in the informal economy

provisions for collaboration with relevant insurance or social security schemes covering occupational injuries and diseases

promote the development of a national preventative safety and health culture; contribute to the protection of workers by eliminating or minimizing, so far as is reasonably practicable, work-related hazards and risks and promote safety and health in the workplace; be formulated and reviewed on the basis of analysis of the national situation regarding occupational safety and health, including analysis of the national system for occupational safety and health; include objectives, targets and indicators of progress; and be supported, where possible, by other complementary national programmes and

LEP Strategy: Sustain dialogues between labor and

management on compliance to OSH standards and promotion of OSH programs at the enterprise level, particularly in industries identifies as Key Employment Generators/industry winners LEP Strategy: Intensify IEC campaign on OSH standards in hazardous and highly hazardous industries; Ensure implementation of gender-responsive OSH programs LEP Strategy: Intensify campaign on the integration of OSH in local development plans for workers in the informal economy

LEP Strategy: Advocate for the integration of OSH in the

secondary and tertiary educational curriculum LEP Strategy: Ensure implementation of enhanced workplace emergency plans and disaster risk reduction program under the OSH program LEP Strategy: Intensify workplace health and safety education program towards increasing health consciousness among public and private sector workers and employers LEP Strategy: Intensify advocacy on Family Welfare Program and DO 102-10 on HIV and AIDS

By 2016, all major stakeholders have the capacity and capability to carry-out OSH preventive programs reaching out to the majority of workers in the formal and informal sector in all regions of the country.

To achieve harmonized policies, systems, structure and programs on OSH. Outcome: Strengthened OSH system, structure and programs encompassing prevention and compensation of workrelated injuries and illnesses.

Regular updating of OSH Standards through DOLE issuances Policies developed through tripartite and multisectoral consultations to address:
emerging hazards and risks, vulnerable populations (e.g informal sector, young and older

workers, women workers, productive workers with chronic yet manageable illness) OSH and climate change issues OSH in economically challenging situations (e.g., global financial crisis - extended work hours with less working days) Conflicting OSH policies from government agencies

To raise the level of resources from public and private sectors. Outcome: Sustained funding for expanded preventive OSH programs available from the SIF, GAA and other sources.

Policy issuances on the allocation of improved resources for OSH programs at national and local levels, with emphasis on prevention Establishments committed to allocate resources for OSH reflected in surveys and reports For external donors resources mobilized for the vulnerable population.

A wider coverage of workers with preventive programs and quality services on occupational safety and health would have been attained. Outcome 3: Institutional capacities and delivery mechanisms at national, regional and establishment levels have been strengthened

Government and Partners

Continuous capacity building for clients and stakeholders

At national and regional levels:

Regional OSHNetworks providing OSH services
Capacity Building OSH Audits OSH examinations Work Environment Measurement

At establishment levels:
A significant number of establishments have made work

improvements thru ZAP, WISE, OSH-WIND, TAV, POSITIVE, Social Accountability programs, others WEM and other OSH services done by safety and health practitioners

To increase compliance with OSH policies and Standards Outcome: A sustained improvement in compliance to OSH Standards and related policies and laws

Increased number of establishments reporting under the LSEF with annual increment Updated administrative tools such as WAIR, AMR Results of recording, reporting and notification of workrelated illnesses and accidents regularly available for all stakeholders

BITS regular results for non-farming sectors Database of specific programs on prevention A sustained and updated database of programs on employees compensation

Carry out studies and researches as basis for policy formulation and the design of programs and provision of services Outcome: Knowledge-based policies to support the OSH system and its programs

Multisectoral consultations to develop a national research agenda on OSH for 20112016 Case studies on workrelated injuries and illnesses, risk assessment, hazard evaluation and control etc.

Updated list of occupational illnesses Behavioral studies on OSH knowledge, attitudes and practices of workers and employers Studies on OSH workplace improvement Evaluation research

Monitoring System
Reporting, Recording and Notification of work-

related accidents and illness Enhanced by the Bureau of Working Conditions and Regional Offices

Development of OSH Programs

Construction Safety JAO-MOA DOLE DO 118-2012: Employment and Working

Conditions of BUS Drivers and Conductors Support for OSH training for informal sector workers Working Conditions in the Maritime Sector

Development of OSH Policies and Issuances

Specific Occupational Diseases: Prevention and

Control of HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis B in the Workplace Voluntary Code of Good Practice- hospitality, transport, health care, BPOs (Visayas and Mindanao) agriculture etc Tripartite Compliance Certificate on Labor Standards Incentivizing Compliance Program Seal of Excellence

Partnerships and Networks

OSHNet in all Regions Regional TIPC and Coordinating Councils Linkages with Professional Organizations Inter-Agency Committees International Linkages- ASEAN-OSHNET, KOSHA,


Coverage of other sectors

Government, BPOs/Call Centers, Other transport

groups, agriculture and fisherfolks

Engaging Dep Ed and CHED Local Government Response in prioritizing OSH Increasing cases of Occupational Diseases Efficient and effective reporting system of injuries and illness

Zero Accident Program

Flagship program on work safety & health

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