Explain The Difference in Melting and Boiling Points Caused by The Strength of Chained Alkanoic Acid and Straight Chained Primary Alkanol Structures

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Explain the difference in melting and boiling points caused by the strength of chained alkanoic acid and straight

chained primary alkanol structures Hydrogen bonding is both an intermolecular and intramoecular bonding type between hydrogen and either fluorine, Nitrogen, and oxygen. This is due to the structural difference between alkanols and alkanoic acids

As shown in the diagram left intermolecular bonds occur between alkanols which increases there boiling and melting points as more energy is needed to overcome the intermolecular bonds, the major difference is that alkanols only bond once with other alkanol molecules and therefore there boiling and melting point is less than that of alkanoic acids as will be shown.

As shown in the diagram left on an intermolecular scale hydrogen bonds occurs between alkanoic acid functional groups C O and C=OH groups means that 2 h-bonds occur between individual molecules of alkanoic acids This affects the physical properties of alkanoic acids giving then a higher melting and boiling point. As well as this increases this boiling and melting points verses alkanols because there is more energy needed to break the hydrogen bonds between molecules 2 vs. 1.

Nick Keyes addition SHORT-chained esters have low boiling points compared to alkanols" This is because esters rely on dispersion forces to bond inter-molecularly (their active parts are hard to access when they're in the middle of a massive molecule). Hence, (because the larger the molecule the stronger the dispersion forces) smaller esters have relatively low BPs.

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